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Their restrictions. Closer to approving a constitutional amendment that would give the president more power. And south korea is named as lebanons Prime Minister for the 4th time hes promising to rescue the very country that rejected him. How much now have all the support. European champions by munich kicked off their Champions League title defense in emphatic fasten the german club fashion athletic 4 nil at home. So nigeria 1st stop where the president is holding an Emergency Security meeting as parts of the commercial capital lagos smoke as you see billowing this is from a prison after earlier reports of gunshots again there have been almost 2 weeks of protests now which initially began against Police Brutality and. International is saying at least 12 protesters were killed in lagos on tuesday night. Manager is of course following the story from for us anything more on that fire at the prison. Come all the for the situation according to officials has been brought under control security has been beefed up around the prison area and that theyre not allowing journalists inside theyre not allowing people close to that area so the roads leading to the prison has have all been blocked by Security Forces and elsewhere in the city overnight weve seen looting arson and other criminal activities going on across the city this morning there were incidents in motion area and a short while ago there was an attack on a warehouse where a food items meant to support the port during covered 19 times have been raided by a bank by a gang of youths who opened the warehouse and it was a free for all people have been cutting away food stuff from that area while that attack on the prison was going on and you could be in neighboring state there was another attempt or other there was another attack on another prison there the 5th prison to be attacked in the last 3 days remember 2 days ago which seen 2 prisons that typed in at the state a total of 1993 prisoners escaped although 160 of them have been recaptured now the 5th prison that was attacked close in on the state where the prison van was set on fire and reports reaching us now indicate that 58 inmates of escaped prison officials have been wounded in that attack and apart from that good back to niggers again another mall was set on fire after mooches. I can from that building is the same wall that was attacked at the height of protest following. These are the 4 week attacks in south africa so things in lagos are becoming more and more chaotic Security Services are really really struggling to deal with a situation which is totally getting out of control its people are wondering what will be the next thing. People are worried people are concerned about since neighborhoods are being attacked at random yeah remember lagos its one of the most dangerous cities to live in even before the recent crisis people will just stop you on the way its not your phones hijacked or carjacked you or radio and before you know it before you know it big gone and the police will not be anywhere nearby to help you out so its a dicey situation in the guns come out so then i had what can president 100. 00 bihari do what is he doing because it feels like from the situation you describe that if he in the Security Forces were to try to clamp down on the violence any further it would actually probably have the opposite effect and on the anger the protesters even more. Kemal actually not many people are talking about the protests anymore people are really worried about the violence that that come out of the protests a lot of nigerians identified with the ideals of the protesters for justice for all to end this is a. Police unit that people have been angry with for more than a decade theyve been committing so many atrocities and of 4 or 5 times the government promised to disband them until recently now people believe that these protests have been actually hijacked by criminal elements because when you ask protesters on the streets or the ones weve been speaking with over the past 2 weeks or so all told us that these out to criminality are not part of the script theyre not part of it its like and thats what we hear also from other officials so basically what is happening right now is that the government is trying is struggling at you know trying struggling to deal with these problems all over happening all over nigeria even a few minutes ago before we moved into the studio there was an incident where one man was reportedly attacked and killed in his show in a market that market has been shut down right now we are yet to verify that particular story and by the way that meeting security meeting by the president chaired by the president has ended about 45 minutes ago and the National Security adviser when he was pressed by journalists said the president is going to come up with something that will please all nigerias were waiting for that we nobody knows you confused explained yet on that but a lot of not just one quick action to deal with these problems for the last 10 days or so judas have been asking the president to come out and address the people and that is a demand that has yet to be met by the president already the government officials we talked to will tell you that the president or the government has dealt with some if not all the issues raised by the by the protest. One of them is the disbanding of the sauce unit which is police unit everybody was talking about but a few days later there was another unit that was formed and then that suspicion sort of crept in that you to say you are replacing a unit with another unit so its just cosmetic surgery so that set in some kind of distrust between the protesters and the government ok thank you for as updates as managers and hopefully as you say we will actually hear something from the Nigerian Government later on. Well u. S. Secretary of state has joined the global do not see action of the violence against the protesters in nigeria this was my pump a statement is that the u. S. Strongly condemns the use of Excessive Force by military forces who fired on unarmed demonstrators in lagos causing death and injury he says they welcome an immediate investigation into the Security Forces and calls for those involved to be held to account its its been revealed as well that an attack in northwest nigeria 2 days ago killed at least 22 villages including women and children he says just emerged from some fog a state of what actually happened on tuesday witnesses described how hundreds of what they are calling Armed Bandits raided a village we move on to coronavirus news now and the pandemic is leaving some european governments with little choice but to shut down entire cities in an attempt to get infections back under control from its 1st of all that now has over a 1000000 confirmed cases paris and 8 other large cities are subject to night time curfews Spains Health minister is warning more drastic measures will be needed to contain the outbreak there the government which is accused of mishandling the crisis survived a no confidence vote in parliament a day after the country became the 1st in western europe to go past that 1000000 mark. More just myself but on the part of them with higher fines perhaps in an exhaustive control of the positive cases or more strict follow up because what they are doing now is not very good and thats probably what is making people infect others focus on mobile men were less responsible we like to party go out and gather with family or more close people and we havent realize the only way to avoid this going worse is social distancing simple things like not gathering with many people and wearing the mask even if you meet friends. Thats a germany as well a rise in cases there with the daily infection count above 10000 for the 1st time well above the numbers seen during the 1st wave in march but testing has also increased significantly with or hes of warned strict social distancing measures may soon need to be introduced and not time curfews being imposed in the Italian Region of the to help curb and increase in corona virus cases the region was the worst hit during the 1st wave at the beginning of the year and it remained so reporting 4000. 00 new infections in one day so in short this is the much vaunted 2nd wave happening right in front of us but i want you to see in those European Countries just how much bigger these 2nd waves these graphs are from our world and days here at the university of oxford they show daily new cases this is what they call a 7 day rolling average so thats the overall trend rather than the the ups and downs of every single day this is italy 1st of all at its peak in the 1st wave if you like were looking at around 5 and a half 1000 cases there but now at this point italy is in the region of 11000 as is the rolling average as i say look at spain as well again a page of 8000 back earlier in the year at this line here which is about to cross that is the 14000. 00 per day amount germany is an interesting one that graph looks quite dramatic doesnt it and again back here we had 5 and a half 1000 cases at its peak its actually only just getting up above the 7000. 00 average here but again its that rate of increase thats gone up so quickly in a very short space of time 2 more to quickly show you the u. K. My goodness me at around 4 and a half 1000 here now heading for that line which is the 20000 line would you believe and france which i think is the worst case weve got at the moment right up here upwards of 25000. 00 cases per day and again like germany its that incredible rate of increase that were seeing the. So just a bit of an idea for you and now well talk it through with dr gloria tell yani a professor of Infectious Diseases at university of rome shes on skype for us dr thank you for your time we talked about this 2nd way for so much longer i must admit i thought perhaps naively that the 2nd wave would be smaller that it would be better controlled because things would hopefully have been brought under some sort of control in the 1st wave whats happened. Then was our whole. Fortunately it removed back at another 10 day meets in the past the wall the 17. 19. These are known have been there i mean the 2nd wave was much. Compared to the 1st one and there has been no one cared wave that was mine then the other 2 so they found them except behave and the same way. It was probably. Possible to major that the 2nd one would be lawrence than the 1st one and its happening in america that is what we really need. To hang on let me just interrupt you sorry i want to ask you to put it in the context of the testing because actually this is something donald trump kept saying he said all the reason weve got so many cases in the United States is because were testing so many more people now thats a floor document but is it a case that we are in europe particularly testing a whole lot more people now and that does result in this higher number and then this is more the exactly what it was i was going to say that. Then most to. Nicest aspect of this story is that the majority of patients that we find of disappointment are not see really see and they dont need to be. Just which is a big difference compared to the 1st wave somewhere and many more infected people much less diseased people and formed a moment we can pull with them around and we dont have any huge n c in the intensive care units and we can steam. More patients to the hospital we have 3. Space for new patients which is. A big difference comparing to the fairest way they know which we had a large number of patients severely diseased kain their pension all together have the same time and made of difficulty operation difficult to gratian to cope with them so fewer hospitalizations then this time if they are this many cases tells us does it not that its still incredibly contagious and that the disease is still out there and is not being brought under control even with lock downs or maybe thats what would happen if more lock downs come back into place. Well its not so dramatically contagious the fact is that we have for any patient to believe. That and knows that we did izzy is we have at least one or 2 patients who are not that are not used and tired perfectly well so we dont know why are we talking a weed any time we speak to someone it could be an infected person against which we dont have the right condition of protection we dont. Have the distance who which is necessary to protect ourselves we dont wear masks we dont wash our hands afterwards therefore attention is the most read of 12 or do we have to speak every moment we must be very careful very careful and very cold issues any time we have contacts with other persons even if they arent bad weather because they could be symptomatic carriers of the right areas and thats the reason why we contact and we trace the contents of the persons who get the infection because for any person we find with the disease there are lists that want to in their environment and who are infected with now be aware of their infection back to the basics isnt it washing hands where a mosque and socially distance to gloria joining us from rome thank you we really appreciate it thank you some warning signs in south africa as well one of its largest cities cape town reported a 52 percent rise in infections over the last 2 weeks funding available from johannesburg. Well south africa until this point has adopted what its called a risk adjusted strategy and at the height of the pandemic around june july and august so there fricker was between level 5 level 4 and 3 in the strategy and now has moved down to level one which is the the the easiest or the the most lenient level in the strategy now most social events are allowed that increase the number of people that can visit restaurants bars that can attend the funerals and this is the concern from the government that because of the pandemic has now been around for so long people are increasingly complacent theyre not wearing mosque properly theyre not at hearing to social distancing and the major concern i think for the government at this point are these social events specifically in nightclubs and bars youve mentioned that in cape town there was a 42 percent increase in the last couple of weeks and one of the concerns they is any of bar in cape town that is considered a so a super spread away at least 80 people were infected there we saw something similar in the eastern cape where students went back to university and so the Health Ministers really in kizzy is saying that complacency the easing of restrictions is leading to what could in ever to be a 2nd surge and this is what the leading expert in south africa is saying around the pandemic and what south africa potentially could face going forward. And south koreas government says a flu Immunization Program will continue despite the deaths of at least 13 people who received the jabs government Scientists Say they found no direct link with the vaccine around 8000000 koreans have so far received their winter inoculation with around 350. 00 reporting an adverse reaction 18 minutes past the hour heres whats coming up for you living out of a car and struggling to survive were looking at the plight of people displaced by the fighting in the going to cut about. Well so the United Nations appealing for a 1000000000. 00 to help the range of refugees only half has been pledged so far and in support Manchester United feeling the financial pinch santa will have that story a little later. Well the u. S. Federal bureau of investigation the f. B. I. Says iran and russia have obtained information on registered voters its alleging have attempted to influence Public Opinion by causing confusion and chaos in the upcoming u. S. President ial election other news from washington a vote on the confirmation of the u. S. Supreme Court Nominee amy honey barrett will be held on monday after the Senate Judiciary Committee Approved the move in a process boycotted by the democrats so it now goes to a full senate vote. And of course republicans hold the majority of the assad berets confirmation looks certain they will democratic president ial nominee joe biden has told the c. B. S. 60 Minutes Program that he would look into alternatives before expanding the Supreme Court. If elected what i will do is put together a National Commission a Bipartisan Commission of scholars constitutional scholars democrats republicans liberal conservative and i will ask them do over a 180. 00 days come back to me with recommendations as to how to reform the court system because its getting out of whack. Is an official at the white house hi alan. First of all everything according the or moving according to plan i should say take us through the timeline as it goes now. What is interesting is that the democrats decided to boycott the judiciary hearing their places in the Committee Room were taken by pictures of people they see could possibly lose their Health Coverage if equally bad it is elected to the Supreme Court and decides to side with conservative justices in reducing the coverage that is permitted under the Affordable Care act Chuck Schumer said the reason they decided to boycott it is they didnt want to be part of what was an awful sham hearing with republicans pushing things through just before the election what is interesting as well is that there were no democrats in the room so strictly speaking thats against the rules youve really got to have 2 members of the minority but the senate rules on that enforceable Lindsey Graham decided to push ahead with it anyway got 12 members who are republican to vote pushed it through to the full senate what is likely to happen is that will be raised in the senate on friday that will pave the way forward for a vote on monday we already know that Susan Collins is a republican senator is unlikely to vote higher approval all saw. Who is. The senator from alaska who is also a republican might not vote with the republicans as well doesnt really matter republicans still have a big enough majority to make sure that inequality but it is like we are none day to be confirmed as the next justice of the United States Supreme Court allan those comments that we heard from joe biden just a moment ago about any plans for the Supreme Court should he when are they particularly controversial as once. Heres an old political phrase kicking the can down the road when youre given a question that is difficult to answer and joe biden has an answer the question about whether or not he would pack the Supreme Court over the past 2 weeks he decided that he would have a commission so thats what you do because then you dont have to answer anything thats a definite you can just say will be up to the commission what it seems is that he is definitely paving the way for some sort of change now whether he says hes going to increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court he thinks that may be a vote loser he doesnt want to get involved in giving donald trump that political when even if its raised the debate in the next few hours and so its really just that its a political maneuver so it answers the question whether answering the question joe bidens been around in politics enough to know that thats exactly what will happen there what is interesting is that there are certainly many Many Democrats who think that this is the way ahead that they should pack the Supreme Court should increase the number of justices joe biden has spoken against that in the past maybe not be entirely convinced but the fact that the Senate Democrats decided to boycott the judiciary hearing in the last couple of hours that was also political signaling that is essentially saying to their base look we tried everything we possibly could we fought to the last possible moment but there was nothing we could do the republicans have the votes and they still have the votes and theyll have the votes on the full senate and monday when he called me but its nomination comes up in front of the 100 senators becomingly make up this u. S. Senate thank you alan fischer at the white house for us. Now what else is happening theres a president ial debates coming up our White House Correspondent kimberly how could has more now on that final showdown between donald trump and joe biden who she wasnt raised in the 1st president ial debate between donald trump and joe biden according to Many Political analysts was a low point in the 2020 us elections because i wonder why does he do it over as you are president screwing things up the u. S. President worked heatedly interrupted his democratic rival and also the moderator chris are there waiting there is an army and just 3 days later trump was in the hospital after testing positive for cope with 19 raising questions about whether or not he knew he was affected with the virus when he took to the debate stage trumps refusal to do a virtual debate led to the cancellation of the 2nd president ial match up instead both nominees participated in their own separate town halls at the same time and on the same night but now with the final debate set to take place in nashville there are questions about trumps tactics and whether hell take an aggressive stance as he did in the 1st debate. What. All all. Well i dont. Want one notable change this time the campaigns agreed to an uninterrupted rule which means the microphone of the candidate who doesnt have the floor will be muted trump is unhappy about the change and has repeatedly attacked the Debate Commission and the next moderator as biased against him. Earlier this week the Trump Campaign sent out a letter to the Debate Commission complaining it changed the focus of the debate. From Foreign Policy adding more domestic issues like covert night team and Racial Injustice meanwhile biden has spent the week at home without any Public Events analysts believe he has the most to lose by a poor showing in the final president ial debate will be. On. What you do or say. All along. Its the undecided voter habit thats often try to win over in a president ial debate but there are fewer undecided voters this year than in 2016 with early voting surging most have already made up their mind about who they want to win on election day can really help at aljazeera the white house and that final u. S. President ial debate will be here live on aljazeera over 100 hours g. M. T. On friday which is about 99 and a half hours from now. Lets look at sri lankan politics and pays there are set to approve a constitutional amendment that would give the president more power the amendment gives president got the biologics of the power to dissolve parliament and to have full immunity from prosecution the opposition has urged the government to withdraw the legislation which critics say threatens to impose also across that rule in elfin and as following this one from colombia im and ill take us through this potential change and just how much power it could give the president. The new constitution. Is almost a done deal as we speak the 225 members of parliament are sitting in the chamber sort of going through the final approval of the clauses in the amendment to the constitution now the problem or the concerns that have been expressed about the 20th amendment is the fact that it concentrates back a huge amount of powers in the one person the executive president of this country go to the rajapaksa holding that role at the moment the issue is that it gives him the power essential really to appoint to dismiss the Prime Minister any minister it gives him the power to take on any ministerial portfolio it also gives him sweeping powers to meek key appointments to all manner of institutions the heads of institutions obviously the previous government which displaced the rajapaksa regime in 2014 had brought in the 19th amendment to curtail the powers of the executive presidency to give parliament a certain amount of oversight all of this is getting swept away by essentially what is the tidal wave of the rajapakse as it was always going to be a done deal in terms of the showing that got Harvey Rajapaksa had at the president ial elections where he asked for a mandate to change the constitution to bring in a new constitution big continued that line at the parliamentary elections and essentially got a sweeping majority in parliament and this is what theyre doing right now big did submit the draft report those to the Supreme Court to ensure that it was in keeping with the constitution the Supreme Court found 4 different areas which needed to be amended or which needed to be put to the people in a referendum because they said it wasnt considered con in keeping with the constitution some of those. Essentially legal immunity for the president the president s ability to dissolve parliament 8 essentially ahead of its. Another sort of contentious issue is the fact that dual citizens are going to be allowed to hold office to contest in parliament and as well as hold office its been a huge issue with some of the he rajapaksa loyalists you know standing up and talking about it being critical of it but most of them seem to have keeled over and voted for these changes so its just literally literally minutes away from seeing the 20th amendment being adopted in the house and going in for this new amended constitution which many observers human rights activists and the like have sounded a note of caution because it concentrates such a lot of power in one individual that is the executive president and as as one opposition member yesterday during the debate said we dont want to be examples of hitler or mugabes but what we need to follow is the example of Nelson Mandela so essentially there is concern hopefully. Not for good reason but that is to be seen ok thank you miss Mel Fernandez with the update from colombo just want to give you a quick bit of background to the rajapaksa as political dynasty before we speak to our guests go to the parks are elected president last year was the defense minister in the final days of the civil war leading the crackdown on the tamil tigers separatists he has appointed family members to important positions in the new administration he picked his brother to be both Prime Minister and finance minister mahinda was the president for 10 years during which time his brother who was the speaker of the parliament hes now the irrigation minister in got the presidency so theres a lot of rajapaksa is there and they were going to talk to the sort of on the move to new. Political analyst executive director of the center for policy alternatives in colombo i think michelle summed it up really well when she said it is a lot of power concentrated in one position one man isnt that not a dangerous path for sri lanka to take it is a really dangerous for our history blanket and through lurches all of that is in serious that stab elizas and just as. Everything that provides for greater parliamentary democracy so its a really suggests. You know its a backward step and its a step backwards to whats and the targeted imprisons its the public opposition to it because again was explaining about the political back and forth about who would vote who might not vote whos gone over to that side i mean ultimately this should be about the people of sri lanka. Well yes recall we did all of that the ability to come out and demonstrate as probably be distressing but nevertheless they have a 39. 00 petitions against the amendment in the Supreme Court and a number of overnight ization Civil Society organizations that had press conferences and released statements of causing the amendment particularly religious talk about as ations as well run of the things that has attracted the most about him attention is with regard to the dual nationality whereby you know anyone who is a dual national is nevertheless allowed to contest the presidency in parliament and hold elected office and there is a lot of opposite to that the argument was that it was prohibited in order to prevent gotta have a rajapaksa who was then an american citizen from becoming president and now the prophet is apparently his brother bat shit interesting when the next election scheduled in sri lanka im just wondering if this goes through in a likely will then when would there again the people of sri lanka have the next say over their leadership when i mean the i mean according to the Current Situation the next election is going to be printed 25. 00 but if the schools through what the president will be allowed to dissolve parliament in mother 2 and a half years. Potentially in sri lanka i mean the rajapaksa could do a lot couldnt they in these next to an obvious and if theres anything like their intent absolutely i mean that theyre talking about a new constitution in 6 months time. And basically theyre talking about transforming the structure in architecture of governance consolidating power in the center and laying the groundwork saw domestically. Ok while we wait for some official word from that vote but in the meantime pikey its not the sort of an emotive thank you for joining us thank you in the new years ahead the hunt for the most wanted man in georgia with the latest on the bank robber whos on the run and the traumatized hostages the left behind. And in sport we will hear from one of the most dangerous men in the world ahead of his long awaited return to the octagon. How low the weather is slushy set fire across the middle east lots of pleasant sunshine coming through a little more cloud up towards turkey having said that just around the black sea the caspian sea just around the caucasus chills of want to show has been nothing too much to speak of so its pretty much blue skies a sunshine all the way hazy sunshine here in concert temperatures getting up to 33 celsius maybe a 31 there on saturday but in light winds it really will feel rather pleasant and the best time of the year was to just let me go with the dry weather right down towards say yemen well see some dry weather too on the other side of the red sea and then we got the usual showers around the rift valley pushing over towards the gulf of guinea some big downpours a line of heaviest showers coming out across much of the democratic republic of congo pushing into central parts of angola lousy dry just around that eastern side of tanzania but want to want to show showers a possibility as we go through the next couple of days then well see the heavier rain once again David Schwartz well to was cameroon towards the boma see some big downpours coming in here further south it is generally fine and dry lots of pleasant sunshine coming through warming up nicely as well cape town at 24 celsius job 29. But. He began with war and to connect with her i called shall i fall i felt like i was that a documentary filmmaker once granted unconditional assigner contrasts his experiences with those seeking refuge today and intimate you know of the consequences of the policies of detainment is really unnecessary all this misery they cannot absorb this number that people have to suffer in this way it is unacceptable and refugees tale on aljazeera. Building a wall was the promise made in the bid for the white house 0 tolerance approach the southern border became government policy detaining children and separating families the stark reality a picture too much to bear for Many Americans in a country that was built on immigration. Follow the key issues of the us elections on aljazeera. Oh. This is the news hour from aljazeera and these are the top stories smoke has been billowing out of a prison in the nigerian city of lagos amid National Unrest the president has held an Emergency Security meeting to deal with protests against Police Brutality and subsequent violence france and spain to become the 1st 2 European Union countries to surpass a 1000000 firmed coronavirus cases Spains Health minister says drastic measures are needed to contain the outbreak. And as we were just hearing before the break campaigns in sri lanka are set to approve a constitutional amendments to give the president more power in amendment gives president by rajapaksa the power to dissolve parliament and have full immunity from prosecution. Saad hariri is the Prime Minister of lebanon for a 4th time his appointment was announced after consultations between lebanons president and various political groups you may remember he resigned from the job last year following mass Anti Government protests against the acute economic crisis in lebanon as well as corruption. What stop the collapse of our economy and our society and our security we will recall struck what has been destroyed by the explosion. You will form as quickly as possible the new government we have a chance we have a shot probably the last to do everything. Habeeb say journalist founder of the beret reporter told us hariri is returning as a sign of how little has changed in lebanon since the antigovernment protests last year i think people have been through a lot in this past year theyve been through the explosion theyve been through a devaluation of their money by 80 percent value of the currency so i think that many are are not feeling the same revolutionary spirit as they might have been a year ago when things were looking a lot better people are pretty desperate this country so i imagine there will be protests but i dont think well see d the same kind of protests that we saw a year ago the problem is its a very geo political problem in lebanon still you know theres still a battle between the u. S. And iran taking place in lebanon so i dont know if that if that will change well see any change locally in lebanon a lot on faith is very much tied to d the big power brokers that run this country whether its iran or the u. S. Or france or other countries so well have to see what if there is an agreement between iran and the u. S. We could threaten the u. S. Maybe this will have some hope but you know lebanon is really a reality of these exit warlords running a country that is really not a country at all in many ways a lot of not really a functioning state so this is kind of more perpetuating the same problem i think well have to wait for elections in this country to really see some kind of a change happening but inevitably lebanons problem is also economic this country has one of the biggest debts in the world today so how can you get out of that hole with a just some smiles and and putting the same faces back in power what we need is a desperate economic salvation for this country. The european parliaments highest honor for freedom of thought the socket of prize is going to the Opposition Movement in belarus thousands have been staging nationwide protests and strikes calling for an end to the 26 you will read the story the 26 year rule of president Alexander Lukashenko he was declared the winner of an election in august but many believe that for his wreaked we exiled opposition leaders spit on and take on the skies says the movement against the president will only carry on. You know you cant just. Eat most can see in only election itself and in the course of the geisha of the nation i dont think that anybody had responsibility so why because in these cases and youve been promised us 10 or even rights for the nation or even this measure all. Over the city asians now almost look at it after the election. Turkey says it will send troops to going to cut off if they are requested by azerbaijan but russia says any Turkish Military deployment would only make things worse once a month now fighting in the going to cut about is having a devastating impact in both armenia and azerbaijan as bill i mean reports from bata. By the side of this road they watched a war unfolding a few kilometers away. With each explosion they wonder what was hit chino mohammad has been living in his car for the past month from here he can monitor his village now trapped in the conflict zone. We stay here because we have to take care of our harvest and our land when it calms down we rush there to see what has been hit and feed the animals and then we come back we try to go there 3 times a day a short drive away people are escaping the battlefield theyve managed to bring their livestock to safety they tell us their village has also come under fire. This should have been cotton picking season but theres barely anyone left here to harvest the war has expanded with random shelling reaching well beyond the line of contact so for this year the crops are going to waste about 100000 people have fled their homes living in schools that have shut because of the conflict many had already been displaced since their land in 1900. Lived as a displaced person for most of her life her family fled the karabakh region and settled in turkey now the war has caught up with her. I remember when her mania was bombing and our house was hit my sister was 11 she was wounded and my brother was killed i remember all of this its engraved in my memory when turtill got bombed i ran away with my 3 children i had lived through all of these are always scared for them i already knew this sounds but they didnt. But these are different times for azerbaijan it now has a well equipped army so when solem i know by now the meanest son said he wanted to volunteer she gave him her blessing. Because he got injured i told its for the sake of color have to get our land back no matter the cost. If i could join the fight right now. Its been 26 years since as a brit john was defeated by armenia but now its army is making territorial gains and theres a growing hope among many here that they will soon return to their last land but at that Hamid Al Jazeera but the. United nations says it needs a 1000000000. 00 to meet the needs of refugees in the worlds biggest camp in bangladesh United States britain and the European Union are holding a Virtual Funding conference run 3 quarters of a 1000000 fled into bangladesh to escape the military crackdown and me and now 3 years ago the un says the pandemic has made it so already severely on the phone to underfund a task even more difficult its well india is the director of the un actually as Regional Bureau for asia pacific and says aid agencies are really feeling the impact of the pandemic. There has been a challenge for the humanitarian response globally but at this point of time we really hope that through this conference we can read knew and redouble that effort to resource the funding gap at this point of time just for bangladesh almost half a 1000000000. 00 and together with the resources i think what is most important is also recommit to questioning the solutions in myanmar recent refugees so desperately need i think one of the key elements here is that in the battle of the nation could do a lot for example we have a challenge 60000 people crammed into a very difficult terrain and the bottom of this government has extended its hospitality to these people at a time where. The Global Situation in terms of accommodating refugees and supporting refugees has been strained and i think it is really imperative that Member States step up and show. Because it is not just isis from bangladesh all the region and the regional partners are still coming and support in this response. Bangladesh and the countries in the reason who are supporting these refugees but also really work with the myanmar government creates the conditions that refugees can go back. Back in you know want to meddle in safety and dignity is ready news organizations are reporting that a delegation has made a rare visit to sudan to discuss normalizing times this trip follows the deal to remove sudan from the u. S. Least of state sponsors of terror the us of course instrumental in helping israel normalize its relations with the u. A. E. And behind ready we also are continuing to work to get every nation to recognize israel the rightful jewish homeland and to acknowledge their. Basic fundamental right to exist as a country that certainly includes sudan and we are working diligently with them to make the case for why thats in the Sudanese Government best interest to make that sovereign decision we hope that theyll do that but hope that theyll do that quickly we hope every country will do that quickly now in georgia an armed man who held dozens of people hostage at a bank has escaped with 500000000 dollars all the hostages were released after the man got the money he demanded along with a getaway car forestay walker has more c. C. T. V. From inside this bank of Georgia Branch in zouk d. D. Shows a gunman well armed and seemingly well trained terrorizing staff and customers hostages were asked to contact the media. You know the most im going to get around any i mean i mean what theyre bitching about you one of them relayed his demands to a t. V. Station 500000. 00 in cash and safe passage Armed Police Units waited officials pledged with the media to stop broadcasting live from the scene and should look on the net are quite limited yes we demand from all Media Outlets including mobile operators to cut off restrict a live signal in order to ensure the safety of hostages law enforcers and ordinary citizens in order to effectively conduct police measures. But there were to be no police measures some hostages were released then after lengthy negotiations allegedly more were freed some clearly traumatized in exchange for cash its alleged and the local chief of police he and 3 other hostages emerged as human shields with a gunman holding what appeared to be a grenade in georgia theres been relief that nobody was harmed but also disbelief that this gunman whose identity remains unknown was able to get away with such a brazen crime after the final hostages were released the gunman reportedly escaped into a forest not far from the breakaway region about highers here where local media speculated he might seek refuge a search is now on to catch georgias most wanted man. In 1st year walker aljazeera tbilisi. Little correction there i might have said 500000000. 00 in my entrance was 500000. With 500000000 from one bank that would have been quite a story right coming up the new sports news and tampa bay hits back in the world series the baseball and the rest of the sport in a moment. The in. Summer is here with a look at your world sport thank you very much by munich have made the winning start to their us Champions League title defense hes the common was the star scoring twice to help seal affordable home win over classical and of course didnt have an ideal build up to the game with our forward. Missing a from the team after testing positive for covert 19 game was a lie so this is we wanted to win the match today we have done that excellently we are very sovereign and very convincing concerning the last 24 hours at the end the corona virus has also hit other teams therefore we have to stick to hygiene rules and keep on Wearing Masks and keep distance so theres no other way we can secure ourselves. For the biggest shock on wednesday came in madrid real going down 32 against ukraine in team shuttle and to milan that were held by bruce youre watching gladbach in group b. Both english teams that were in action also won at liverpool beating i. X. While Pep Guardiola as man city downed porto we lose the fish and make the last example williams usually the greatest and cheaper. In the. Second. So we can concede control drunks who. Should be should really be as who is from we dont. Drown with losing the ball in the pollution the world is dangerous in the year we did it. And there are going to store for us good. To say not to say the club will continue to invest in the team despite posting and 20 percent drop in revenue for the last Financial Year 668000000 dollars that was the figure posted 2000 900. 00 to 2020 thats down from 823000000. 00 that they gave before like with many clubs across the world the Global Pandemic is taken its toll on uniteds finances game since march for instance the have had to be played behind closed doors no fans old trafford so match day revenue for 19 percent up to 118000000. 00 broadcasting revenues also fell by approximately 132000000 dollars thats more than a 40 percent drop which include an 18000000. 00 premier League Broadcasting rebate for last season added to that the club spent more than 250000000. 00 on players last season including shelling out around 100000000. 00 for defend Harry Maguire well weve been speaking to Daniel Plumlee of football finest left Sheffield Hallam university he believes the pandemic isnt the sole reason why Manchester Uniteds revenues have topped. I think the situation has affected all football clubs in england so more than others and its worse for close in england further down the League System so those clubs are more reliant on much the income and thats what were talking about here the biggest impact has been the lack of funds in stadiums and thats directly impacted much they revenue if you look at the premier league and Manchester United as an example they still have the broadcasting money of the majority of us the money and obviously still have. Also under stable in their revenue at the minute i imagine income will obviously hit them hard it will affect all clubs even at the top and probably what we do know in terms of football clubs is obviously the sporting performance goes hand in hand with the Financial Performance so we are absolutely seen a drop off in Manchester United supportive performance in continuing the dominance in in recent years compared to the last few years so that will affect sport informants things like you know not consistently qualifying for the Champions League not finishing as high as they used to in the premier league all has monetary value attached to that so of course sporting performances and if you win then you get caught in the cycle whereby you you need to spend more in the transfer market all the more pressure to spend more in the transfer market because once and stakeholders and their own. To Major League Baseball with the Tampa Bay Rays it be the Los Angeles Dodgers all wednesday to level the word series at one game apiece brendan finally came to life he broke out of his slump with that home runs and had 3 r. B. I. s of his own as the rays beat the dog just 6 form game 3 takes place on friday. Very found i wasnt feeling too good but you know thats. So great about his team his Coaching Staff you know since i started dragging my feet you know somebody was right there to pick me tonya you know focus up lets get going. Just pure joy im going to. Enter that dog on a train at home run everybodys happy everyones jumping up and down you know its not an individual thing out there its everyone with a team and you know whatever helps a team one you have sisterhood be but a normal going with all the steps back into the octagon on saturday for his 1st fight in over a year lightweight champion now from douglas down the rochelle will be facing justin gates hell be looking to improve on his 28. 00 and 0 wreck old the longest active unbeaten streak and say its always difficult when you fight when you cant wait when theres so much pressure on you know when youre a shoulder you know its always difficult its never been slike easy you know right now its like special time for me. Fighting here in abu dhabi with all this pandemic stuff with all this like without the crowd without phones and i think its a little bit difficult and also as well from well have more for you later on but for now ill hand you back to come up thank you for that subtle and now i know what the octagon is excellent all right coming back at 10 a couple of minutes time with the latest news on al jazeera including an update from the european new center in london on the worsening coronavirus situation across the continent so you know moments. Jump into the story and julian on Global Community bio diversity is bio security it is that essential for our species to survive be part of the debate i know you heard my d. S. And he can be part of this conversation when no topic is off the table the complaints are not neutral and all of these cases goal here is to terrorize and heres the other part of this theres no consequence for this dream on out is there. Its the u. K. s biggest hospital with eventual capacity for 4000 covert 19 patients built inside a London Conference Center it took just 9 days to construct with the help of Army Engineers dramatically expanding the Critical Care bed count and other similar sites on the way the actual london numbers could be much higher than advertised researches say that huge gaps in Testing Capacity that the government is now trying to close extrapolate that across the country and the spread of corona virus appears far wider than anyone sold. In countries like a mine people have been killed because we in the United States have privatized the ultimate Public Function for this was a deal with saudi arabia things were done differently saudis other arabs when they came to britain for being all to help of the past bombs deals you know you will rumsfeld this meeting saddam isnt that interesting their shadow on aljazeera. Facing a resurgence coded infections across europe shoot up and governments a tightening restrictions. Again on Canal Santa Maria here in doha with the world news from aljazeera smoke has risen from a prison in central lagos more on restaurants nigerias biggest city. The conservative u. S. Supreme Court Nominee amy cunny barrett is a step closer to confirmation by donald trump and joe biden will be facing off for a final time where you will

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