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A major Hacking Campaign and the known and difficult journey to a better life the venezuelan migrants back on the road again and facing new challenges because of course it 90. Its a decision that could remove saddam status as an International Pariah President Donald Trump says he plans to take it off the u. S. List of state sponsors of terrorism that would pave the way for khartoum to access urgently needed debt relief and for knowns trump agreed to remove the designation in return 4833335 1000000 dollars payment to american terror victims and their families the money would compensate those affected by the alqaeda attacks on u. S. Embassies in kenya and tanzania he morgan has more from khartoum. Something that means a lot to Sudanese Government because the country has been cut off from Foreign Investment largely because of being on the list of states sponsoring terrorism and this has resulted in a shortage of hard currency which makes it very hard for the country to import basic commodities such as fuel and we and that has resulted in shortages in at petrol stations and bakeries its also lead to inflation of more than 200 percent making many from families many of them who live below the poverty line struggle to get 3 meals a day now sudan says that this also means that the u. S. Administration has. D. Link the issue of being delisted to normalizing ties with israel that is something that the u. S. Has been pushing sudan to do since u. S. Secretary of state my point was that if the country in august in the previous august now sudan says that it is not in the position to actually normalize ties with israel because it is not a mandated government or an elected government lets not forget that this government is a Coalition Government from made up of various Political Parties with various leanings and different leanings and the Prime Minister has repeatedly seated that he is concerned about the stability of the transition should he make the step of normalizing and that until a mandated or elected government is in place seeking such a move will be hard but aljazeera has also spoken to senior officials who say that that does not mean normalizing is of the tables thats because normalizing comes with an economic package economic assistance that the country is in dire need of so while there are steps they could to move sudan off the list of state sponsored terrorism so dense economy is still dire and this means that the country has to look for ways to revive its economy and tell the impact of being delisted takes place. So what led to saddam being branded a state sponsor of terror for 27 years the u. S. Blacklisted in 1993 when omar bashir was president at the time he was accused of supporting armed groups including offering sanctuary to assam a bin lad now qaeda leader the group was behind attacks on u. S. Embassies in kenya and tanzania in 1998 the 335000000. 00 from khartoum would compensate victims and families of those bombings so don is one of 4 countries still considered sponsors of terror the others are iran north korea and syria the designation has cripple their economy so sedans removal is a major win for the people and a Transitional Government cameron has sent previously served as a chief of staff to the u. S. Special envoy to sudan he says a deal could be peril for khartoum status little additional goal it isnt that a lot of political pressure because of the difficulties in the supply of decision according to the population its a reflection of the economic crisis that the government of chile heritage from president bashir is also a suit donor siddons financial situation and mostly just could be eased by. The. Details from the cold and rehabilitated to student. It used to be under the real issues between the a member of the club of the nations excess International Financial institutions. Rescheduling and unforgiveness from International Financial institutions and including Foreign Investments its very promising economy Natural Resources so for all these reasons this is a merry orten really. Want to see happen today. Apologies that was a sedan expert and not cameron has been talking to us about what the lifting of sudan says that nation as a state sponsor of terror could mean for the country he was speaking to us earlier has moved on to the coronavirus pandemic now and countries across europe are taking imagine sea action in a desperate effort to stop the rapid spread of corona virus a number of new infections is surging globally there are now 14000000 cases and the World Health Organization is warning that Colder Weather will make the next few months especially difficult in the Northern Hemisphere and by reports. In oil and dissolves where covered 19 is causing real fears for the winter months the countrys just recorded more than a 1000 new cases in 24 hours now the governments approved the highest level of restrictions for a limited duration people will be asked not to leave their home except for exercise nonessential shops will be shut with restaurants only operating takeaway and delivery services. Wales has taken a big step down its own path the devolved government is starting what it calls a 2 week fire break from friday the type of restrictions last seen back in the spring between friday the 28th of october and the 9th of november everyone in wales will be required to stay at home this means working from home where ever that is possible and the only exceptions will be critical workers and jobs where working form home is simply not possible the Welsh Government says the measures need to be short and sharp to fight an exponential rise in covered 19 cases its offering almost 400000000. 00 in support for businesses affected. Well the u. K. Has europes highest covered death toll belgium has the worlds 2nd highest toll per population or fortys there are warning of a tsunami of new cases of his images as he saw directly at malta some up infections are doubling every 8 days and hospitalizations are doubling every 7 days on tuesday october the 13th we reached 12051 new infections this figure is the highest figure ever late so far as in restaurants across belgium and ill shut for an entire month and a nighttime curfew starts on monday this Restaurant Owner says he understands the moves. The virus will keep spreading of people are not disciplined in some other countries people are behaving and they can see the end of the tunnel but here people are not disciplined. And in italy theyre also bringing in new measures including earlier closures for bars and restaurants and a push to increase working from home the aim is to avoid the need for a true lockdown across the continent rising numbers of coronavirus cases in hospital admissions a reigniting the debate over how far to close down society and for how long the teen barber aljazeera in the u. S. New infections have raised your highest level since late july its the worlds worst affected country this spike that the president claims if hed listen to the countrys top expert on Infectious Diseases the situation would be much worse she reports. The numbers are going in the wrong direction over 70000 cases reported just on friday of last week the highest since the us is peak in late july new cases are up almost 30 percent from a couple of weeks ago at least 17 states reported record covert cases last week hospitalizations increasing in some 39 states reaching equaling new peaks in 6 states. And their worrying signs in several North Eastern states which are already adding to existing concerns in the midwest and west and all of this before the almost set of Winter Weather and whats expected to be a 2nd wave that may now have to be renamed in utah one of the worst hit places in the u. S. Overflow facilities are being prepped just in case hospitals become overwhelmed and the past month the state has reported more than 500 new cases per day that number increased in the last 5 days with over 1000 cases for day on friday almost 4000 new coronavirus cases reported in wisconsin my biggest concern about wisconsin right now is that kisses are going up hospitalizations are going up deaths are going up and yet the policy changes are still not quite in place they have weeks of infections built in already if they dont act more aggressively now its not really even clear how theyre going to go to mitigate and manage all of these new cases infections and. This is there yet there was the u. S. President at a rally in wisconsin on friday with his assessment of a coronavirus was being beaten even as his own task force want officials in wisconsin to avoid large gatherings. Speaking on monday the u. S. Is leading Infectious Disease experts and confirmed what appears o. B. s us is facing a new resurgence of covert 19 we have a lot of challenges ahead of us and i cant help thinking that were really you know going through a time thats disturbingly anti science in certain segments of our society and ultra provided no evidence to back up that conclusion just before folks responded saying this in a Campaign Conference call a few hours earlier people have tired of curve and people are saying whatever just leave us alone people are tired of hearing from the tree and all these idiots we listen to him we have several 100000 or 800000 deaths adding in regards to fall tree every time he goes on television theres always a bomb but theres a bigger bomb if you fire him robert also been scathing about democratic president ial candidate joe bidens response to the pandemic over the weekend to the scientists and on monday biden responded with a one word tweet yes. The u. S. Has challenged 6 former Russian Military officers for what it calls the most destructive and Disruptive Global timer attacks the Justice Department says hackers targeted events like the Winter Olympics the french president ial elections and also cost american businesses nearly a 1000000000. 00 prosecutors say the office is a part of the same unit that had interfered in the 26. 00 when u. S. President ial election but have not been charged for it Kimberly Hauck has more from washington. Trunk administrations Justice Department saying that these alleged hackers in their twentys and thirtys are facing some pretty serious charges not only Computer Fraud but also a conspiracy another part of a group that has been called sand worm but its also known intelligence and defense circles by other names as well tele bots voodoo bear hades some of the attacks of theyre alleged to have put together not only the attack on ukraines power grid but also behind the mock ransomware virus not catch here which is known to have caused billions of dollars in damage now whats significant about all of this is the department of justice there saying that essentially what russia has done has weaponized its Cyber Capabilities for malicious intent and that is why the United States is taking action because the feeling is is that essentially anyone who was in any way slighted or felt slighted in russia by another group was targeted by these hackers now apparently its a broad list of targets it hits the Financial Sector even athletes as well as financial political is just as official says essentially that these are the most dangerous and aggressive groups out there and whats really important to know particularly when it comes to the issue of that ransomware not pecha is that weve seen sanctions from the United States even from you with regard to that but weve never ever seen individuals charge now that has changed with these charges coming from the department of justice in the United States. Still ahead on aljazeera a victory for former bolivian president evo morales has left wing body could mean for political stability. I mean eons volunteered to help defend their towns against azerbaijan as the battle for. Rages on. Helos wells who are waiting for winter to come in with a transition between the wet skull which is just about gone there and the snow which is waiting up in mongolia which is where it will stay i think at least for a few days probably a couple weeks to be honest temperature wise as to when to the teams of beijing up into harbor and we largely draw end to this active frontal system reacts to the warmth of the yellow sea and the East China Sea so all those its northern and its got snow north of harbin and behind the sun is out this rain will be significant as it runs so the Korean Peninsula and probably touches western japan later on wednesday but most of china still dry head south its not our picture atoll weve still got very active weather but the potential spinner to print tropical depression maybe then a Tropical Storm as it develops across luzon and gets to the South China Sea by wednesday before that happens its still pummeling the coast of vietnam that rain is sort of incessant need a temporary break later on wednesday just look whats waiting in the wings to the south that widespread showers from malaysia and indonesia as you might expect with a big circulation the bay of bengal a moment the yet more rain for eastern parts of india problem in ma and bangladesh. In an exclusive documentary series aljazeera reveals the full story of a war that changed the face of the middle east this is not a war to defeat israel this is a war to open the way for the promise of the final episode of a 3 part series explores the impending threat of 2 global superpowers that uncovers why the arab israeli conflict continues to this day the war in october the battle and beyond on aljazeera. The old. Welcome back a recap of our top stories on aljazeera President Donald Trump says he plans to take to don the u. S. List of state sponsors of terrorism but only after it pays 335000000 dollars to american terror big tims and their families trumps announcement comes as he tries to encourage more our countries to establish diplomatic relations with israel. Countries across europe are taking Emergency Action in a desperate effort to stop the rapid spread of coronavirus poland is transforming its National Stadium into a Field Hospital while both island and wales are heading back into short periods of lockdown. And the u. S. Has charged 6 former Russian Military officers for global Cyber Attacks the Justice Department says hackers targeted events like the m m x in tokyo the french president ial election and they also cost american businesses nearly a 1000000000. 00. Now to bolivia where early results suggest former president has Left Wing Party has won sundays president ial election was forced out of office and the country after a disputed vote last year many hope that former finance minister luis victory will signal the end of a tumultuous year to race aboard reports. Hes an economist and for many the man behind livias economic growth. Despite enormous Political Polarization here resurfacing bolivias elected president promised he will rule for all the elite in the us we have been saying we are going to go. For all bolivians we are going to build a government of National Unity theyre going to build unity in our country. And assist likely election victory bring stability following a year of political strife since former president evo morales was forced to resign and go into exile. Though the official counting is ongoing interim president gianni 9 years has already acknowledged the unofficial results and said she hopes odyssey will rule for everyone. Former president evo morales said the election means a return to democracy. We have recovered the homeland we will recover stability and progress we will recover peace faithful to the inheritance of our ancestors we will return millions to freedom and the unity of the believe him people thank you the election doesnt end bolivias troubles the economy is expected to contract around 5 percent ask over 1000. 00 continues to head this and be a nation. More or less socialist party faces staunch opposition in cities such as sunday. But on the streets of the administrative capital of past there is hope that the election will put an end to a tumultuous year odyssey. Is the one who has led the economy of the country for 14 years and he moved the country there hasnt been hunger there hasnt been poverty this being good economic stability or i trust that colleague that will lead will. Be elections in well maybe ive had a strong impact in latin america because it vindicates in what i left his socialist party and many of the reforms he carried here in argentina precedent in the sense that there was souls in bolivia i mean a lot of those who defend democracy on the continent and that its an act of justice. Bolivias electro tribunal has 7 days to announce the official results but for many it will confirm what everyone already knows and empathic return to power for the Movement Toward Socialism Party with a legitimacy granted by millions of voters. Guineas electoral body has dismissed the main opposition candidates claim a victory in the president ial election. Says he won even though official results arent expected for several days the main challenger to incumbent afrikan day the 82 year old president is bidding for a 3rd term after a change in the constitution a move that sponsors protests. Might be a countryman despite the serious anomalies that more to smooth running of a. T. P. Lection and in view to results that came out about it book says im victorious in this election in the 1st round. The International Red cross says a stable ceasefire is needed in a garden or cut a box so it can help civilians they had at the agency says so far its only been able to provide limited aid their reports shelling continues days after and as a by john and armine agree to mount airy and truce the latest fighting over the disputed region broke out 3 weeks ago now in armenia civilians are voluntary to help those on the front line any way they can for many the fighting is very different from the war in the 1990 s. Orry chalons reports from the capital yerevan. Street by street not by not hoping to save lives the women and teenagers in this Year Round School are making camouflage netting to send to the frontlines theyre volunteers part of amin is home from the war effort and there are scenes like this all across this small country respond to that will flow through a series of fatal flaws source told to go home because people want to stay here i dont want to ruin more. The further is there hundreds obvious why everyone is affected by this war in some way there is a translator teacher doest her students through that you at the front there this room like this. Brothers fathers uncles cousins friends childhood friends colleagues and every day. We come to class that i surveyed my friend i had my brother that we had one of our the brother of one of my students dave that although they insist on media wants peace and will ultimately be victorious theres a sense here that things arent going well people in armenia are aware the conflict has changed since the war of the 1990 s. Many of see those videos of drawings picking off groups of young soldiers i dont even know whether these nets can protect their troops against such things but they are hoping. Armenia and azerbaijan are supposed to be respecting a humanitarian ceasefire but azerbaijans president said on monday that is very forces had regained 13 villages near the azerbaijan iran border from armenian control and azerbaijan said armenia shelled a factory in the town of terror well beyond the new corner karabakh line of conflict hopes for peace rose late on monday when a leader and armenias Prime Minister nicol prussian un agreed in principle to meet in moscow but the fight over nagornokarabakh has deep roots narramore of the un is one of many armenian artists raising money for the disputed region by setting their work actually funded as much on the mic in the long during the 1st war my sons were small 10 to 11 years old now they are mature men and our motherland is still in the same fatal situation im an optimist but when evil wants to end even i sometimes lose my optimism as a boy john says its fighting to expel armenia from azeri land on mean years says its fighting to protect ethnically armenian nagornokarabakh either way most say theres more fighting to be done for each islands aljazeera year a ban on media. The u. S. Special envoy to afghanistan says taliban attacks are threatening to derail peace talks resume holiday zod says the violence is distressingly high and there is a need for substantial reduction this comes as a suicide bomber killed at least 16 people in the Western Province of gore on sunday and tens of thousands in Helmand Province have fled increased fighting between taliban and Government Forces the taliban blames excessive u. S. Air strikes for violating peace negotiations in thailand the government says it wants to take down hundreds of thousands of pieces of online content i made mass student protests thousands of people were out for another day of demonstrations in bangkok demanding the Prime Minister step down theyre also calling for a more democratic constitution and changes to the monarchy the countrys Digital Ministry has requested quarters to take down 300000 pieces of content that it says breaks the law. Venezuelan migrants are on the move again as latin americas borders and economies reopen after months of lock down restrictions you took over 19 the economic crisis at home has forced many to seek a better life abroad by the pandemic is making their journey even more difficult i was on the run p. T. Reports. Each step harder than the last listers in fatigues slow the Alvarez Family down still they soldier on including their 4 year old son whos to young to walk theyve been walking for 8 Straight Days from their hometown in sinful being square people needed to colombia but are still 700 kilometers away from their destination but we want to go to work became coffee we just want to do whatever construction mechanic anything to a clue to be able to give food to my family. For the past 6 months could be 19 pouring team slowed a flight of venezuelans to a trickle but as. Commies reopened paos and have hit the road again in a new phase of one of the Worlds Largest exodus the pandemic is making their journey even more treacherous if you think. That the border closed. Or stopping migrants telling them to go back. But weve been walking for days we have nothing to go back to this man says i and most shelters and soup kitchens along the way have been shut by officials trying to prevent gatherings. 2300 meters above sea level hundreds are sleeping on sidewalks braving cold temperatures there used to be 4 shelters here but none have been allowed to reopen. Colombias immigration story to. 200011 immigrants to the country but. Here at the cape say ill prepared to deal with their arrival. Center neighbor martha had converted their homes to offer hundreds food and shelter. Now they are forbidden even to lend their mats to sleep in the street but theyre still doing what they can to help again this is. They need food that babies need milk or diaper the women need a place to change decently but we cant offer this because they found it helping is a crime now but if the government wont do it will continue i as night falls otoh he does make the rounds to ensure nobody is sheltering migrants. While some pay whatever day have left even food for a truck to illegally give them a lift was to be allowed to go after 12 hours on the road then his family also made it to pump only to find the shelter closed. I dont know what he was doing i guess just the here on the street because what other option do we have. These are doing all they can to keep many swale. Its from coming but the forces encouraging the migrants to flee poverty and hunger are much stronger or some of them keep them poor. On the cone of viruses closing borders and restricting travel worldwide including in the worlds 37. 00 most developed countries in the organization for Economic Cooperation and development the o. E. C. D. Its predicting International Migration will fall to historic lows this year new residency permits within the organization almost day in the 1st 6 months during that time asylum requests in europe are estimated to have declined by 30 percent Migrant Workers are also suffering because their jobs are more likely to be temporary or in hardest sectors such as hospital hospitality or tourism and many are in Front Line Work such as supermarkets or health care jonathan shot off a senior policy analyst at the organization for Economic Cooperation and development he says a pandemic could also lead to reduce opportunities for highest skilled migrants. The fallout of the initial restrictions on travel were clearly that migration dropped enormously to the country so this is following on almost a decade of steady increases in the number of migrants of different categories coming into o. E. C. D. Countries and as you pointed out fell 46 percent in just the 1st quarter of 2020 and fully 70 percent in the 2nd quarter so we d saw a real decline in migration especially outside of europe where you had a number of important destinations like us or australia the pound korea where visas just were being issued think is the short medium term you will see that some of the focus will be more on integration issues for migrants who are already in the o. E. C. D. Countries and perhaps less interested in. Increasing International Recruitment which was the trends in the previous years and you also might see on the other side a higher skilled people are less likely to want to move around so there might be a reduction in mobility in the medium term in the country thats reduced opportunities for people to leave. The so again im fully back to go with the headlines on aljazeera present donald trump says he plans to take food on all the u. S. List of state sponsors of terrorism but only after a pay 330 5000000. 00 so american terror victims and their families trumps announcement comes as he tries to encourage more our country so establish diplomatic relations with israel he will morgan is in khartoum she says big

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