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A nearly answer thats infections fall in this transforming its National Stadium in warsaw into a Field Hospital belgium is shutting bars and restaurants while wales hopes a short 2 week closure will ease the burden on the Health System everyone in wales will be required to stay at home this means working from home quote a verse that is possible and the only exceptions will be critical workers and jobs where working form home is simply not possible all nonessential return to Leisure Hospitality and tourism businesses will close. The u. S. Government is expected to remove sudan from its list of state sponsors of terrorism President Donald Trump says the move will take place once khartoum compensates american victims and their families he tweeted that the Sudanese Government has agreed to pay 335000000. 00 to u. S. Families and victims of attacks on official early results in bolivia suggest that. This president ial election is the candidate from the socialist party of former president have a moralist who was forced out of office after a disputed vote last year Russian Hackers targeted the Winter Olympics the french president ial elections and cost american businesses nearly a 1000000000. 00 thats according to u. S. Investigators 6 military officers and alleged hackers have been charged by the u. S. Justice department for what it called destructive and this rough day of actions. Coming up next its the streamlet looking at the notorious Nigerian Police unit sars and ill have more news for you in half an hour journey that a. Youre watching the stream back in the studio again today a story that string of us have been asking us to talk about for some time a massive and sometimes violent protests against Police Brutality in nigeria the recent call to end song starts nigerias special anti robbery squad has taken over social media and the streets its also put the spotlight on the jurys youth calling for change. This. Is for. Change. You. Want to. Thank you have a nice i know watching reverie youre watching youve got questions and comments as well if youre new chief you can jump into the conversation via the comments section if youre on twitter tweet us at a story. The stream invited the Inspector General of nigerias police for hamad adam to join todays discussion but nigerians in particular i want you to hear why he declined he feels that the nigerian public has lost trust in the police force and he would like to all of the requests of the protesters to back their trust before speaking to us on the stream i dont know how long that will take hopefully not too long in the meantime dieted to welcome indicate oh assads protester an executive director of the din adare foundation so im an arbor chairman of the Nigerian Police trust fund and the former Inspector General of police and aljazeera correspondent interests guess its really good to have you. Guess if you could describe this past 7 days in nigeria how would you explain what is happening right now ahmed you go 1st. Its just a whole. I realize ation that the nigerian use can stand up to something it will soar chaotic especially nice as it is it could also be very violent now the frost week of this practice was really really something new something out of the blues for the nigerian use this is a country so long thats been divided by ethnic religious and other fault lines however when the call came for d protest against Police Brutality in nigeria you see people especially the young ones from the ages of 20 to 35 dominated the mass of this protest ive seen young people Young Mothers with infants babies in fact strapped to their backs my child along the streets of lagos in part how could it all these places you ask them why are you doing this there also is that for long weve been ignored for long our spirit and of course demands have not been met and to be candid for me this is pent up anger this has been going on for a very long time its not the forst time now generous support tested to call for an end of this police unit that has of course not really are believed its useless but has become the law. I remember listening to. The man midwives. Still not a police officer. So let me quote john for talking radio saying that he regretted midwife in this unit because they were unit diverted from its School Principals he said he feels ashamed to be associated with it now why has it taken so long for the general for just so well for the times that i didnt go through 13 this year and unfortunately it did not last and began in 2018 when the current Vice President promised reforms but eventually what happened as documents they returned back to their old ways and his statement. This is such great contacts i really appreciate it indeed you are out protesting you are writing some of the other protest us messages on social when i said what is going on in nigeria right now what immediately came to mind for. Well for the past week that young people have decided that luke and officer north i mean it was a generation of greed we have enjoyed in the consultancy this is just too much and it was time to have a conversation with our government we have rights with citizens of this country youre not going to infantilize us were going to organize were going to have this conversation with ad governments and youre going to do the right thing and the right thing is a showing justice is served its showing that the police on the found what accountability is for the our own system and showing that compensation goes out to big since im ensuring that there are i bequeath probably prep for these reforms and that is what we have been trying to do into this week what has been happening for young people especially today is the use of nonstate actors to carry out may have against people and its so sad and depressing for us because why dont people in one julia decide to have a conversation with their governments what should have been done this that we should have been listened to we are going to live at the level of that one she really has not been before that she would have command respect that she would have been and still should be the catalyst for a new nigeria body is what you dont people are trying to have i mean imagine the racial slur in young do you respond to both of them eyes or themselves of such a great mind that not that message is insulting to government and should listen to us im bent not the generation that we expect because the point they have been saying theyre like clear and so was and were back and we expect you should listen you shouldve kept a car out this reform secret are you sure were talking about what the problems in order to lift violence weve got compilers from the police with a balance of state actors can balance from nonstate actors and i would like to point that men do have the keystroke this the application of nonstate actors given that. One to use barrier where were going to you know i will and happiness are there in the event that we meaning can take a one on one how standard one indy what question would you want to ask the full my i g the former Inspector General of police hes here right now hes listening to you what question would you want to ask him right now at this moment mr mr silverman when your where are your police where you were where that your own nigerian 9 jury and because we cannot remember primary id when we were bad best happening i did not know where and why not been very clear with indy engine into their lives if indeed he let let let him respond because it was a very good and very powerful question good police. Are trying every d little bit because of the you because you couldnt because of the little because i left the office of this because of all this criticism. According to the records from our course you lived through until this is this is this is most of the unwarranted most of the just all the. Axles of saw us. Through just 6 if not almost a year that the human world always comes up with this is really was i have seen you know some of the. Other subtotal activities of us but the most important thing is this well that this group really really really grew up 26 but you look up to of course what is the to get this is we are highly concerned the fact that i love this are these devoted lives that have no interest in this i was and i have an interest in what they were d we could have used up some us how bad was the loss of life a court was the good life. Is but was of course well and president it was that is all is that is. What it is though it looks. To throw on the possible when it was established look when we started so but all that good up all this stuff the hard sort of possibility look with the heart to it will go as far as cocoas got out of police is to advise that i would support the savages because you know. Right somehow i just love being respected journalist or there is a. Lot of that but i was told that there is out there along with this that a lot we are also of course have done a lot and least and its absolutely i spoke to our ive spoken to our lady during the early days of this protestant i think last friday we spoke is low on aljazeera this is a lady for 12 years the horn family was looking for a brother and up to now she was never granted access to that brother in fact they believe they presumed that the young man is dead and he was last seen in the cost in your sons she said to me that her petition the family petition did not even reach the or hold just to shes written but she believes that that particular number which this particular police so its like the last time we spoke with was on friday and she said to me what you will convince that is when we expect to develop all this resigned i said line should even he said look the Inspector General of police doesnt even know the power that lisa asked unit analysts they are beyond reproach the abuse they have become law unto themselves so its a big big major major debate to quote you actor who controls this people what resources at their disposal why are they being above the law and that is why. The government is committed no one will win this competition it will be nigeria on the street the anger you see in their faces is just frightening. And that is because her local government has refused to do the right things and its can i can i cant be like can i just can i just add something because the you tube is having this conversation as well echoing what youre saying David Jonathan the problem isnt just silence the problem is the government constantly failing everyone we are tired of the impunity corruption an obvious abused tallahassee in the public without regard which is what you are saying there is like the anger is is powerful if i may i think its really important to have police voices in this conversation i told you that the head of the police force in nigeria so he said hes not doing any media right now which is why there are so many retired offices. In nigeria because he is asking the retired offices to do the job for him dr Emmanuel Chukwu who. Of us went to government. Dealt a man your age you could. Tell me this earlier because i asked him what kind of police would be so brutal to their own citizens and this is how he framed it lets have a listen to what we were. Actually more what our bloggers jews were our group its our good use it is our or plant or bazaars have. Aggression in burma. Under god nor you nor will by somebody come. To baltimore on. Your of this. Which was we are members of the public who would argue from under and present bihari of nigeria cause of a few bad eggs indeed a few bad eggs. We cannot afford if you are in the 9th room would you force the left person listening to the former commissioner with chrome on the road to cool. Now were looking at you 3 percent of that Problem Congress of tribal people in managerial have done and i believe in good and organized gertrud not one of a couple there with the. Word of recall referral and i read the political will to go lets also remember that intrinsic difficulty monthly if you will read a number of the ballot if you can remember people what do you feel required to correct the allegedly problem. In the number. Where my question was so india im going to come back to my laptop broken up a little bit anybody whos watching in nigeria will empathize with that because sometimes the connectivity is a little bit challenging on my laptop this is what the police put out last week they were getting rid of this special anti robbery squad they promised that the officers from that unit they would be retrained they would have some psychological testing has all sorts of things promised you quote the protest to state they have their own 5 demands and said this is what we want released the protest is justice for all the deceased victims of Police Brutality and a question for you indy from you tube and that question is from the jeeves is it time for protest is to institutionalize and get their demands codify into law because the protest is snowballing and violence is rising from all fronts indy is basically what next what are going to be next. Lets look again at their usual car now again on the again you have been well documented but dont pull this program there were plans not young people did not step up to have balance the thing about it with what you are telling not in terms of meeting with the government is within this before you prime nigeria why dont people saying that big deal i want leadership is that. Going to think that the facial we who im looking for Property Rights leadership mean that the government will cause. People to come by your public and pick up and this is why you know what were looking at is that the federal conversation has broken your people have to look at what we can do that we have borne by my uncle but then ill just show i actually do not but again this accountability crap and station employees before we have an effective crime and crime again our very being but when we have looked. At the police its not supposed to be a record for something that may be a good. Job if you need. A good night good night we might do better in the government but it could. Have been one of the great moments of your not what you have done. Where youve been gone not been not everyone. Can you not you shouldnt be going back to life you have that weve. Got a good book if you could pick that one of the people where we have. A shot of the nigerian because i think that if you dont want to take one of the i think you should rob your life by now youve got me thinking the benefit. Ive got that we met differently like you would be in the let me let me bring back salon salon at this is jane on you saw it was reprinted not scrapped so when someones playing to way last week there was now a special weapons and Tactical Team in that place and jane says we want that Police Division gone as they have done more harm than any could the police should or say. When were looking at reform. What needs to happen must assess thing that needs to happen you can hear the passion you can hear on how how mad nigerians are right now one is have a fast. One the 1st to listen happily is. I dont apply what is girl a little girl wrong with us and such as this will give us the 1st step the 2nd step is to come up with. Alternative you know what the community what members of the public would while to believe this is the hopeless and this is what is called Public Policy the people have spoken i have spoken the rule i have the looks of this what we have in place now is the ladder of police trust the transform that has many of the kids 1st. Returned the police 2nd equip the police with more than equipment let me move the work of the past level in the eyes of the police now this really octaves if you look at the records of the various commission all. Their lives this have been established be follow one group of the police d you have. To report with. Hollywood style the report you know saw the others you know like i dont know this i dont know im not sure people are a patient and have to wait for this that death yes yes let me step i shared this with us as another idea. This is a novel idea as this one comes from dr emanuel you may remember as a former Police Commissioner a spent over 30 years in the police and he retired a few years ago and hes mentioned this and it is such an important point he made im just going to make himself when i talk to him bout reform this is what he told me what he mentioned was its political interference the Inspector General of police is appointed by the president various very high level members of the police are appointed by politicians at average what he sat was get rid of all of this political influence interference so the police only are to the law because if the i g is such a general place doesnt do what the president wants to do he is out of a job so he really well i. Let. You can you go to google with with no ground include goes without very little yes yes little issues are look what melissa this can imagine sentimentally solid evidence of a hold on what we have him now in his own words i dont have to paraphrase him lets play that clip. In the form of europe will be what is called. Well but. Dont move on start. The president s. War on stance to do all the. Interference in their own about. Our blog or our g. M what. Would be sounds wrong bob woodwards. Im busy with the hans. Who. When you have that this is the one where i want to go yes this is what how i want to cover this little others. The cut of the matter is that there is no law all those things you can have where the school is cavernous is political as well as they are with the other allows you so or ourselves will have those initial be there as opposed to a lot how to go whole if youre going to keep them there was political observer was the talk of the electors as to my girl as this is going to local news political ok i hear about the guy exactly exactly in the last you know job you love skilled job that was appointed. To leave of course it does mean you say when i get i hear you you are pretty i think i think youre right it was not me or you could i hear i hear you i hear the prince music we also know the reality and. I also want to believe i want to resort to google groups talk the whole. Of the 2020. Police act right so the onus and has addressed this issue too little when i say i saw it sec dont i think on saturday so he so for it was relevant im a very quick as i read it into the shuttle had well this might make any difference in terms of reform of the police in nigeria its so much bigger than happened to this moment make any difference and had to go ahead can have to this moment make any difference here hi fredricka. Well basically says not only political interference the system of recall comment into the Nigerian Police itself. With a lot of problems you would never have proper background checks and then you bring in people with questionable character into the force give them guns and give them Training Like the but regional of police so that of print the former commissioner of police said they have put them under and then they allege that violence on ordinary civilians for nothing to do with the system so basically what these protesters are saying is that right you can threefold the police without looking at the core issues and what they want to actually basically is after the fall the police did most of all to kick out where at the end of the show you yeah where they were at the end of the show. This is so much lost yeah one more thing you had just to end up yeah basically to keep to cost to keep out stars reform the police and also target those areas that are critical to look at the news that is the way we are giving them our to our conversation for now thank you so much a conversation continues at a j stream on twitter on social and im going to leave you with some of the voices of the Nigerian Diaspora because this and soft movement has spread across the world of finance thanks for watching everybody i see you next time were here for reprehensible but thats not the 1st come with you about to represent. The former club on the pastoral. I dont think arts are different from the british. But you continue to protest and protest safely these are not of then the lies your communities. And also protests legally continue to let your voices be heard is not just enough to bounce us out and then meet us what bought it what are the formation of the security agencies and how was International Community to boobs in a decision and who Nigerian Government accountable if they refused to protect a citizen. Business leaders does vote to buy the brass pot. Business leaders has voted to buy the brass pot. In an exclusive documentary series aljazeera reveals the full story of a war that changed the face of the middle east this is not of war to defeat israel this is a war to open the way for the promise of the final episode of a 3 part series explores the impending threats of 2 global superpowers uncovers why the our busy conflict continues to this day the war in october the battle and beyond on aljazeera. We know whats happening in our region we know how to get the plate and others not the fire system going on the weaving you held the story is what can make a difference the. The. Hello of our processor in london these are the top stories on aljazeera covered 19 infections have now passed 14000000. 00 globally that total has jumped by 10000000. 00 in just the past month the u. S. Is still the worst that country with more than a quarter of the infections in latin america and in the middle east iran has experienced a Record Number of daily deaths. Meanwhile countries across europe are taking Emergency Action in a desperate bid to stop the rapid spread of the virus there poland is transforming its National Stadium in warsaw into a Field Hospital for covert 1000 patients while away

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