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Long sleeve low action seeking compensation. Tello more than 40000000 people have now contract to the corona virus worldwide a quarter of those are still active cases countries across europe are imposing more restrictions to tackle the new wave of infections many have seen a spike in daily cases including poland which is turning this National Stadium into a hospital to cope with the influx of patients its Health Minister warns infections could increase by 20000 cases a day after people dont stick to social distancing guidelines slovenia isnt forcing a nighttime curfew and declared a 30 day state of emergency cases there doubled in the past week and austria is limiting public gatherings to 6 people indoors and 12 outdoors wales in the u. K. Is going into a nationwide lockdown for 2 weeks from friday more than 3000000 people will be affected and everybody apart from essential workers will have to stay home. Between. The 28th of october and the 9th of november everyone in wales will be required to stay at home. This means working from home where ever that is possible and the only exceptions will be critical workers im jobs where a working form home is simply not possible and john hall is joining us from london to tell us a little bit more about what were learning about the situation and well isnt this not in a lockdown. What it had mainly to some degree telegraphed in advance didnt come as a massive surprise and wales has been taking escalated measures for some time now on friday introducing really the quite unprecedented step of banning all travel into wales from other highly infected parts of england and scotland painting a picture really of a pretty decent United United Kingdom it in this pandemic mock drake for their announcing this lock down from friday as you heard 2 weeks long it will be its a pretty big step its going to cause economic pain of course in wales for businesses already stressed and under strain it may well escalate or exacerbate job losses that are coming now down the line as indeed is happening all over the u. K. At the moment Mark Draycott saying that hes a human doing this that was to try and get wales all the way to christmas without any further lockdown measures being required already 2300000 people in wales are under some form of localised restriction he said it was necessary to try and control the course of the 2nd wave particularly necessary though to try and give a breather to the National Health service which is coming under strain again its coming under strain pretty much everywhere its ahead of a bleak winter and crucially to provide a moment a 2 week moment for a sort of restart all reset of the ultimately failing now test trace and isolate system put in place by the government here in london of an eye watering cost of 15000000000. 00 that up to now has been pretty ineffective it isolates. Outbreaks and providing the sort of live accurate up to date data required to be able to deal with them in a localised way so thats something that hes hoping to do and in doing so taking this step that Boris Johnson here in england albeit advised by his own Scientific Advisory group had declined to do mark great food and the devolved ministration in wales going under pretty full scale lockdown now for 2 weeks starting on friday and concerns owners well in other countries across europe with the 2nd wave of infections. Yes well you laid it out pretty graphically there barely a corner of europe untouched at the moment a little bit ahead of the u. K. As was the case in the earlier part of the year perhaps numbers spiralling everywhere poland you saw there building a massive stadium in the capital warsaw belgium notably Health Minister saying the country has lost control of the 2nd wave talking about a tsunami of infections under its on its way and urging people to radically change their behavior even switzerland has seen a big up taking cases 10000 new cases over the weekend and an interesting story in switzerland one count on in switzerland doubled its infection rate rate in september alone the culprit there thought to be a yodeling concert of all things you can imagine people bellowing out the virus all through the mountain valleys. And thought to be the biggest mini cluster so far in the whole of europe so barely a quarter of europe as i said untouched yeah ok tony thank you very much for that update from london for one of those countries bringing in stricter measures as italy dr gloria is a professor for Infectious Diseases at supplements a university of rome shes confident the new measures announced there are enough to put the current Virus Outbreak on their control. First of all we have to say that the number has not increasing in its been a sure way we are searching infected people in your very deep way and of course as much as you look for them the most you look for them the most you find them but what is important to underline is that we find infected people not people with the disease the this is the the the number the fraction of people with the disease quite small and the fractional persons who are severely ill easier than smaller therefore we cannot say that we are in the same condition as we read in march i dont really believe there will be the need for a lockdown a 2nd one distance teaching and mostly for older students those of the higher classes will make a great difference in the future the spreading of the virus and indeed cures in the next 2 weeks so i think that we should be confident that this may show as we hope effectively with the. Increase of the numbers we have observed in the last weeks iran has reported its highest ever single day rise and coronavirus deaths 337 fatalities raises the total to more than 30000 and more than 4000 new infections were confirmed in the past 24 hours thats despite restrictions imposed 3 weeks ago schools germs and theatres are all closed on wearing a mask in public is compulsory in parts of the country. Thailands Prime Minister has issued a conciliatory message to protest are saying rallies which were banned are now permitted as long as there are peaceful thousands demonstrated in bangkok for a 5th day to demand prior china resignation they want a more democratic constitution as well as changes to the monarchy but it. Well the government has to do is protect the monarchy because this is the juicy of all types people we request just these few things and we request the protesters to demonstrate peacefully. Theres no plan to expand the area of the state of emergency the governments trying to compromise as much as possible i want to ask the protesters for a few things dont destroy government and private property dont do anything wrong and most importantly dont let there be fighting scott adler has more from bangkok. This protest is in the custody district of bangkok and this is one of 3 there were announced very late in the afternoon on monday and within 90 minutes we were hear of that announcement there are people showing up already in their hundreds it is swollen to more than a couple of 1000 now again there are 2 other locations within bangkok again announce at the same time there are 6 across the northern part of thailand also being held on monday evening now its interesting how the organizers of the protest are doing this now theyre announcing the protest location time late in the afternoon and the people come out very quickly now whats interesting is that theyve said the protest leaders to protest organizers that everybody is a leader so everybody is participating and you can see that here also something thats interesting is that theres a very light if no Police Presence thats something thats kind of transitioned over what we saw obviously last friday evening but one thing that the protesters are saying here theyre going to maintain this level of protesting to put pressure on the government from the only thing that we can do is to keep coming out to show that we are not happy with the government that have the monarchy reform is another important change perhaps the most important one in the past the monarchy played an Important Role behind many coups earlier in the day type police have said that theyve ordered a regulatory body to investigate for Media Outlets for possible infractions of spreading false information and also spreading information that could incite violence now this is tied to that emergency decree that came out early thursday morning also part of that decree is a ban on gatherings obviously thats something the protesters are ignoring and saying theyre going to continue to ignore vote counting is underway in bolivia in a president ial election many hope will restore stability unofficial early results from a bolivian t. V. Channel suggest luis are say has won hes the candidate is from the party of former president ever morale as he was forced to resign last year terrorism reports. Its an election that has pulled bolivias democracy to the test and thats why millions of well. Ariens are headed to the polls on sunday meal somebody and says he hopes the new president will help solve the enormous problems were livia faces today. Of premortal sort of says what we believe asking is the best person to win the elections and that person who wins would be peacefully able to go in this country and provide Better Solutions and democracy before everything thats what bolivians are hoping for unfortunately there were many disturbances last election and proven frauds we hope that in these elections everything is transparent. The elections are meant to point an end to an ongoing political crisis since able more dallas was forced to resign last year after accusations of fraud prompted people to take to the streets. We want to come transparent election for what happened in the last election in october and november 29th not to be repeated there was fraud and there was a lot of convulsions that was stirred up i hope everything turns out peacefully in that the next government can also provide the solutions that all believe humans are hoping for. One of us will have to choose between we start to say even what alice former finance minister. We want to go to the elections because were going to win them were going to defeat them at the polls and they know its brothers and sisters. And former press and got a lot mysa said journalist and the writer serious if they win evil murali as well return we all know what that would mean more corruption and more overspending. Opium poll suggest there will be a 2nd round the only thing thats happening in argentina is extremely important in this elections because over 160000 bolivians are expected to vote in polling stations like this one im going to side of and in another part of the country they represent around through percent of the total electoral roll and in the title actually like this one the vote happening here could be decisive. On saturday the electoral tribunal announced there wont be a preliminary results system as in last years election to avoid confusion so the counting process will take time to guarantee transparency all the while bolivia is fighting the pandemic and is caught in political limbo the question is whether the elections will be enough to guarantee the stability the country needs. And when a site is still ahead on aljazeera not what the doctor ordered a shortage of medicine is the latest crisis to hit the long suffering living ins and fears that repaired attacks in afghanistan could the real talks to end the war. Hello squats in moments this rain as you see on the frances through japans gone away you go to day of nice weather i suspect on tuesday thats true throughout the Korean Peninsula and most of china theres rain in the west and where the ground is higher in the eastern part of the himalayas there is snow forming now in the other significance that is going through mongolia thats where winter is waiting and it will tuck in in just catch carbon later on wednesday i think itll be a much code day come thursday but the system itself snaking down through this dorothy eastern part of china on the Korean Peninsula will be significantly wetter much just catch the western side of japan as well otherwise the scene of significant rain is to the south and that has been for weeks now in the South China Sea in vietnam across last cambodia and thailand its still raining there but look at the stick is circulation another one for me in the Philippine Sea a tropical depression might become a Tropical Storm it crosses luzon so there will be flooding entirely in the philippines and then as it quite possibly spins up into a storm proper you have to guess where its going to go next to follows its former brothers and sisters it will be going in this general direction later in the week south of that nice thunderstorms. To aljazeera. Is the government not taking the necessary action to really address some of the structural issues we listen i still think that air travel is the safest mode of travel and to spend that we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter. Understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it well bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to you. The. Problem again the top stories on aljazeera more than 40000000 people around the world of contract with 19 countries across europe are now imposing more restrictions the talk of a new wave of infections a quarter of those are still active cases. Wells is going into a nationwide lockdown for 2 weeks starting on friday affecting more than 3000000 people we also northwest england are the worst hit regions in the u. K. Thailands Prime Minister says rally is now are permitted as long as they are peaceful thousands are back out on the streets of bangkok for a 6th day defying a ban on large gatherings theyve been demanding his resignation. The chief palestinian negotiator saw about a cots is in a medically induced coma while being treated for a coronavirus implications he was taken to hospital on sunday doctors say hes in a Critical Condition after contracting coven 1000 nearly 2 weeks ago. There are reports a senior white house official travel to syria for talks on the release of at least 2 u. S. Citizens the wall street journal says kasper tell a Deputy Assistant to President Trump met syrias president in damascus earlier this year the u. S. Government suspended diplomatic relations with the Syrian Government in 2014. Lebanon is facing a shortage of medicine as the economic crisis continues to worsen people are stockpiling essential goods after the central bank warned of may and subsidies soon as it occurred that has more from beirut. The shortage of medicine is the latest casualty of lebanons deepening economic crisis a warning by the central bank that it will soon stop subsidizing essential goods led to panic buying and distributors stockpiling to sell at a higher price many commodities have already become unaffordable. You have a cigar to write home she was handicapped and she takes 9 medicines for including difficult all which i cant find i have been going for one pharmacy to another. We managed to find an alternative medicine for my mother who was suffering from a chronic Heart Disease what if that runs out as well my mum would die from a heart attack at least. The central bank has been using what is left of its foreign currency reserves to support basic imports after the local currency lost 80 percent of its value in the past year but of course ortiz insists the subsidies should not be lifted they fear social unrest but there are those who argue against the policy because it encourages the smuggling of cheap fuel and medicine to neighboring countries they say a safety net should instead have been created for the poor. The remaining reserves is made up of money of depositors who have had little access to their Bank Accounts for nearly a year many need to use their savings to make ends meet for months now banks have stopped dispersing dollars and restricted withdrawals in the local currency because of the crisis the basic things you can get that we can go to the supermarket my supermarket expenses thats 250. 00 minimum thing. To get is almost a bit higher than theyre almost giving us the central bank has been printing money to finance the government and banks it needs to print less to stop inflation but many warn that will cause even more problems. Already more than 50 percent of the population of 5000000 live in poverty lebanon Needs International assistance but that is being conditioned on the Political Class blamed for nearly bankrupt in this state through mismanagement and corruption agreeing to a reform minded government the choices ahead wont be easy so in a baby out. U. S. Politicians have called on the egyptian president of the fatah has sisi to release imprisoned activists and journalists 56 members of the u. S. Congress wrote a letter urging sisi to free prisoners who were unjustly detained for exercising their fundamental human rights egypts government has cracked down on the sentence 2013 when sisi led a military coup that overthrew the democratic democratically elected president mohamed morsy. Fighting between armenia and azerbaijan over nagornokarabakh has killed another 19 soldiers in the disputed region armenia says 729. 00 f. Its soldiers have now died since the end of september the u. N. Secretary general is urging both sides to respect a new cease fire the 2nd attempt at a truce began on saturday the region is internationally recognized as part of azerbaijan but its controlled by ethnic armenians. The coronavirus is closing borders and restricting travel worldwide particularly to the worlds 37. 00 most developed countries in the o. E. C. D. The organization for Economic Cooperation and development is predicting International Migration will fall to historic lows this year new residency permits within the organisations members olmos halved in the 1st 6 months during that time its estimated asylum requests in europe fell by 30 percent Migrant Workers are also suffering their jobs are more likely to be temporary or in the worst affected sectors such as hospitality or tourism many are in Front Line Work such as supermarkets or health care almost 25 percent of all doctors are Migrant Workers. Well migrants in venezuela are on the move again as latin americas borders and economies open up after months of coronavirus. Economic crisis a. Better life abroad. Reports. Each step harder than the last listers in fatigues slow the various family down still they soldier on including their 4 year old son who stew young. Theyve been walking for 8 Straight Days from their hometown in sinful business where theyve made it to colombia but are still 700 kilometers away from their destination but. Want to. Coffee we just want to do whatever construction mechanic anything to a cliff to be able to give food to my family i for the past 6 months could be 1000 pouring 100 slowed to fly to venezuelans to a trickle but as economies reopened paos and have hit the road again in a new phase of one of the Worlds Largest exodus the pandemic is making their journey even more treacherous is going to be with the border closed. Or stopping migrants telling them to go back. But weve been walking for days we have nothing to go back to this man says i and most shelters and soup kitchens along the way have been shut by officials trying to prevent gatherings i 2300 meters above sea level hundreds are sleeping on sidewalks braving cold temperatures there used to be 4 shelters here but none have been allowed to reopen. Colombias immigration notorious for at least 200000. 00 in a felony grand scheme in the country but. I say ill prepared to deal with their arrival. Center neighbor mark had converted their homes to offer hundreds for. In shelter. Now they are forbidden even to lend their mats to sleep in the street but theyre still doing what they can to help again this is you can let me mean that they need food that babies need milk or diaper the women need a place to change decently but we cant offer this because they found it helping is a crime now but if the government wont do it will continue. As night falls otoh he does make the rounds to ensure nobody is sheltering migrants. While some pay whatever day have left even food for a truck to illegally give them a lift and therefore should not be allowed to go after 12 hours on the road then his family also made it to pump only to find a shelter closed. I dont know what he was doing i guess just the year on the street because what other option do we have. These are doing all they can to keep many swale and from coming but the forces encouraging the migrants to flee poverty and hunger are much stronger alison m. P. A. Ill just get up and put on. The wall street journal is reporting that china has threatened to detain and merican citizens if its academics are prosecuted in the u. S. Several chinese academics with undisclosed ties to the military were arrested in the u. S. In recent months they were accused of lying on their visa applications in order to conduct industrial espionage china insists it will ensure the safety of Foreign Residents we may be why alleging that foreign citizens are being arbitrarily detained in china the u. S. Is calling white black and its trying to play the victim here its trying to find excuses to justify its damage of chinese citizens legitimate rights and interests chinas been ensuring the safety and interests of foreign citizens in china as long as they abide by chinese law and regulations they have nothing to worry about. The u. S. Special envoy to afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad says attacks are threatening to derail peace talks a suicide bomber killed at least 13 people in the Western Province of gore on sunday and tens of thousands in Helmand Province have fled increased fighting between taliban and Government Forces on the afghan president ial spokesperson sex addict he says the taliban should reevaluate its violent approach if it wants peace. I think its an unfortunate masters that they are trying to send and i would just violence despite the fact that the International Community the acting people are now ready to talk to this group burd the continent ration of these kind of violence and brutal attacks on the average people and really pose a serious threat to the Peace Process that millions of americans are hopeful of war so i think its time for the taliban to look at the their. Behavior in this look at we have to reassess what they are doing and they should not just revise the conduct of whats in it which is there for ending this war. Well 1st of all they are behind you that look at the office of the deliberate oftens upon a price on him and will look at these. Regular packs that the photo of these b. Goes with explosives and the targets government offices and so theres no doubt a big claimant or deny it we know about who are behind this and thats the challenge of course these attacks is against the commitments they claim that they are doing something in the Peace Process so the the violates all the terms of that agreement that they made with the u. S. In the summit so the taliban has to realize that the route to peace the former it is the indus mines we do everything not only have been government but the International Community what we all do is to pursue the taliban to end this nonsense war and violence aboriginal workers are assuming the west Australian Government for compensation for decades of unpaid wages until the 1970 s. Indigenous people working on a cattle stations across australia either were paid or had their wages legally held back some lawyers say up to 10000 workers or their descendants are eligible for compensation jesse john flay is a lecturer in Aboriginal Studies at it if Cohen University he says this is only a small victory. Justice has its place and there is a lot more work that needs to be done a lot of work has been done by incredible people in aboriginal communities already this would be a small victory and it points toward a greater victory yet to come giving greater control in regions to Aboriginal People is a better way of compensating for the damage that has been done in the pasta so you have the financial capital. Instrument but you also must have a deeper level of a better social contract of engagement with Aboriginal People in communities and its more about a shift of power to Aboriginal People and aboriginal sovereignty than a simple financial shift the problem with the control in the communities is there is a lack of consultation with elders primarily and also aboriginal stakeholders and those are political economy in those regions. The owner of statement for example has been something that has been put forward by Aboriginal People nationwide to tackle that and it proposes a constitutional change at a commonwealth level by providing an aboriginal voice to polman. They sorts of things generational changes that need to occur in order to make progress for future generations so you have people suing for money at this stage but there is a much broader political dialogue to be had about aboriginal sovereignty in australia. Her fellow they had lines on aljazeera more than 40000000 people around the world have contract and covert 19 a quarter of those are still active cases countries across europe are now imposing more restrictions to tackle the new wave of infections wells is going into a nationwide lockdown for 2 weeks starting on friday effect

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