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U. S. Warns of sanctions if weapons sales go ahead with iran as United Nations arms embargo expires. Libyans are voting in a rerun after last years a chaotic election and then desperate for a free and fair vote this time around. It is 800. 00 g. M. T. And polls have now closed in guinea after months of unrest and a campaign marred by violence people in guinea have voted to elect their next president. Incumbent leader alpha conde voted in the capital cannot carry on sunday morning hes running against 11 candidates but his main rival is the fall of Prime Minister. And this is a 3rd match up between the 2 men 82 year old conde insists his bid for a 3rd term is legal the opposition says that it violates the constitution more lets go to life news following the election from dakar in neighboring senegal and it has been a very Divisive Campaign how long before we know the outcome. Well it will take several days or maybe well know in a few hours before we get the official results from this election but what we know is that the counting has begun it has been a tremendous record. Numbers of voters have come out to vote today in guinea of course there are many gideons living outside of guinea that were able to vote 3500000. 00 living in senegal alone here and also in Guinea Bissau the diaspora in france where theres a large number also were able to vote now we spoke to opposition. Jello before the campaign he said that that was an intentional move because many of those living abroad he says are his supporters but now the difficult task ahead is the counting of the vote in theres already mistrust between. Polling centers between observers from the Political Parties the ruling party and the Polling Centers themselves over the counting before it has even started and that comes from a campaign as you mentioned ensure that has been quite a divisive and where weve seen tension rise fueled by candidates who are calling on on their own ethnic groups to for their support and that has really fueled tension to a point where the un the un office for the prevention of genocide says its alarmed with the level of mistrust that this campaign has led to a look at this report. Just. One blow and down for a cuppa sorry these are lyrics to a Catchy Campaign tune for guineas president alpha conde for his opponents its a call for violence a strong lawful something were not here to fight were here to have fun were not here to go after anyone. But opposition candidates delane jello believes otherwise in an interview with al jazeera he accused conde whos running for a 3rd term of fomenting ethnic divisions this could be a few last given the ethnic undertones of that is speeches there is a real risk of post electoral violence hes trying to mobilize people against those that have the same ethnic origin as use main challenger. The president s good in people party is largely backed by the linkage ethnic group while those Opposition Party is mostly supported by the people before the polls even open on sunday gideons came out in large numbers to cast their vote seemingly undeterred by what has been a divisive and often Violent Campaign you know people looking to supposedly i have no worries everything will be fine im sure it will you have seen look we are all here in peace and it will continue. To do jello has a full on he was unable to campaign in eastern guinea home to ethnic blinky after the president s supporters blocked the road and homes and businesses owned by ethnic philosophies and can con were attacked the police failed to stop the violence anyone but a felony has been a rallying call among many of his supporters to a Campaign Something Rights Groups have condemned. You know resorting to resorting to. Its a good way to get people its not a good way to go away but its certainly a victim on the ground and thats removed. After violence during marches constitutional referendum the uns office for prevention of genocide expressed alarm and criticized the Security Forces for their use of force against protesters more than 50 people were killed or injured many of them full and with a new vote now under way by sorry a 1000000 is worried the full monty may seek revenge. I wish that even if giallo wins the elections that we can walk hand in hand unite as a people politics shouldnt terrace apart while some hope for change others for continuities many 1st time voters say they want and then to a culture of politics that is pitting gideons against each other. 2 candidates stand out in this election opposition candidates into the angelo and incumbent president alpha conde theyve been at it 3 times before and all 3 times alpha conde has won the election and during those occasions gello called play accusing the incumbent president of cheating the fear is that this will happen again in the past this had led to violence at stake here is not just the control of this country its the control of a country wealthy in minerals its the largest reserve of bauxite in the world Multinational Companies such as russell from from rush hour rio tinto from the United States are vying to control these precious asset and whoever becomes the next president will have the difficult task to try to share that wealth to a population where at least half of the population lives under the poverty line 20 percent live in extreme poverty in thats whats really at stake in this election delivering on this broken promises that guineans have heard before political stability and the Economic Prosperity that many canadians have been waiting for nic. Thanks very much indeed. Reporter in these important elections in guinea lets take it all and we can speak now to patrice for heart whos a spokeswoman for the office of the United Nations high commissioner for human rights joins us now from cannot agree which is it could be an capital welcome to the program just tell us what your main concerns are here. This prison this whole election. Closing this evening is very critical and electron violence as you probably know is is of concern in guinea especially when it comes to president ial election but this particular one we were concerned about cruz even less but also his speeches and electoral violence so those might it mean issues that. Has been concern and actually underline that were not just in the field today we have been wanted to ring the situation since january and what is a kind of time scale for your main concerns is it for now when polls have closed until the result is announced or is it ongoing after the results announced as well. Well. Today there was really a simply count but. As it used to happen depending for the moment the Police Station close to the final announcement of the final result by the Constitutional Court im going to be extremely critical and this is where. Weve been assisting on the whole the participant the contest and to ensure that this election thats not open weve for all communal violence through hate speeches or any forms of Human Rights Violations so i think although today was to relax simply come it will be critical to keep a brute eyes on know what happens in the coming 70 to 72 hours or so right do you think it is likely that he the 2 main contenders that come to himself of course indiana is it likely that either of them will go quietly should they lose. Kondraty i can predict i mean when we look at there we become pin went on waves. House languages used their reason to continue insisting on the day that come. To safeguard human rights and its wrong kill each of the communities that are living together in the south in this nation all of them of pledge to ensure that no violence happens after the result but we are here today to see and i want to be maybe of the music that rightly count on them each of them to really make sure that peace and stability prevailing kenya regardless of the outcome patrice are hard we appreciate that temperatures far from the United Nations high commissioner for human rights thanks very much indeed thank you so much now the latest attempt to port the fighting between armenia and azerbaijan appears to be faltering just hours after it began both sides are accusing each other of violating a 2nd russian mediated ceasefire in the space for a week it was established a day after these areas said that 13 people were killed in a missile attack in the city of gunja more than 700 people are estimated to have died so far in the disputed region of the corner car park well the remote mountainous area is officially part of azerbaijan but its been controlled by Ethnic Armenians since the end of a 6 year war in 1994. As in gunja has by john and has the reaction from the. Isnt that was fair bit of popular anger here all fingers pointing out. Theres also very little faith in this renewed ceasefire that was announced on sunday people here obviously saying that they could not trust the armenian side to hold their part of the deal even though i feel theres a bit of confusion over what exactly that humanitarian ceasefire is about people here think that its about an end therefore still a tease when in fact its really about bringing some calm in. A calm period enough to swap bodies and did. Now the moment we dont know where that is heading we just heard from their budget and he said that they are ready to return some bodies to armenia through this prearranged kori door. As a budget and said that it has informed the International Red cross about it but this statement did not say anything about do soldiers definitely. On the battlefield specially in the areas in the occupied regions around no go no care about the Azerbaijani Army is pushing forward it has Popular Support there is a feel that as they are by gen at the moment because of the do every tory again has the upper hand and you have a lot of people here who do support that many would tell you actually that maybe a ceasefire is not what should happen now and that the army should keep on pressing i want to hear from the armenians i know a bonus myth is in the couple youre around with. The armenians say theyve been pushing for several days now to get this humanitarian ceasefire agreed on and its taken 2 weeks to get this far it was russia that got the 2 sides to agree to a humanitarian cease fire to the handover the bodies of killed soldiers i dont change prisoners of war Wounded Soldiers it was never quiet enough along the goal line of contact never peaceful enough for them to be able to for both sides to be able to agree to do this there was an attempt last week on one local attempt to do it on one part of the line of contact but even that failed after a few hours because firing started again so this decision by the air is to hand over the dead bodies of the armenians had already earlier on agreed to some sort of handover of bodies and prisoners of war is a step forward armenia needs the cease fire to carry on itself but now 675. 00 armenian Ethnic Armenian fighters have been killed in the fighting and armenia has lost control of the territory it has held since the end of the war in 1994 this territory between nagornokarabakh karabakh in azerbaijan is considered the security or buffer zone that the armenians say thats what it is to protect nagornokarabakh for the last 26 plus years theyre supposed to be discussing the status of this territory plus nagornokarabakh with. Nothings happened in that time has wires about john says it is now moving militarily with the support of turkey to take some of this territory. More still ahead on news are included in. The year after roys in metro fares its a protest Movement People in chile were all still waiting for change. And protests are taking place in france is a nation mourns the murder of a teacher in a paris suburb. That will tell you why some fans are upset after much of the city still touch the lines women thats come. It would pay transport. The thousands of protesters have gathered in the tiny capital bangkok for a 5th day theyve been rallying in defiance of a government ban dozens have been arrested and they calling for the Prime Minister to stand down for the moana key to be reformed and for a new Constitution Police when they will respond to any acts of violence to the chain has more now from bangkok on the protesters and the demands. Once again for the 5th day in a row protesters have come out onto the streets of bangkok to show their displeasure at the government and again the authorities have tried to stop them and failed earlier in the day the police had warned that anyone attending would be charged and arrested they even said that those people who turned up and posted selfies on social media could be liable for 2 years in jail or 2000. 00 fines but clearly that hasnt deterred anyone people are still here and theyre still determined that their demands be met quite a lot here. I think we need to change we need to demand an end to the unfairness that has happened the 1st thing that i want to see is that they stop ignoring our voices we should be able to gather and protest peacefully and i want to see more freedom not arrests at this stage we dont know how long these protests are going to continue to a certain extent some of the fears has gone out of this because the protest leaders have been detained that said these protests have now spread theyre taking place in different sites across bangkok and tonight even in different places across the country the protesters are shown that after the crackdown on friday night theyre still prepared to come out and still to come out prepared to come out in numbers and theyre not scared and now the ball is very much in the governments call for thousands of people in chile are marking one years since the beginning of a protest movement calling for social change demonstrators in the capital santiago demanding a new constitution and more call society to chile has been gripped by protests against high living costs inequality and political exclusion at least 31 people have died in iran 30000 have been detained in the past year lets speak to a latin america to see a new and he joins us from the Capitol Police is clearly important times in chile is there a sense that the protesters can affect lasting change. Well clearly there are absolutely thousands and thousands tens of thousands of people who are out of the street massive amount i havent seen anything like this since march when a state of emergency was declared because of the pandemic and all demonstrations and public gatherings were banned but what this it marks is so that our viewers can understand is the anniversary of the explosion of chiles social Pressure Cooker if you like and so people are back out here to say that they have not forgotten that they had not gone home at least not for good the only thing that most people feel that they were able to achieve since october and remember those demonstrations lasted for months and months it wasnt just one day it was simply other greater consciousness and the the ability to do that vics the government and the political elite to hold a referendum the next sunday to ask chile and whether they agree or not to rewrite the constitution but that for them is to clearly not enough again this is a day that will mark what they say is a day that changed the history of chile but that its not over yet. 30 increase in the mid 2030 was the detonator of a social explosion last year that has rocked latin americas new stable democracy ever since. 24 year old cynic intermediates was one of the students that rushed this entangle metro station last october who was the lawn as the saying goes it was in the 30 places with the 30 years of unfilled promises clearly there was a before and after october 18th chile has never been the same the rules of the game have been totally modified in what way we think google us in the sense as citizens of empowered and took over public spaces to demand their. Rights that had never happened thats why its been a citizens revolution. The initial revolt was followed by riots and looting small but violent radical groups destroyed millions of dollars worth of property mainly Peaceful Demonstrations lasted until march when the pandemic began despite widespread human rights abuses on the part of Security Forces. But most of all the social explosion as its called here unmasked a deep rooted discontent and anger over social inequality privilege and exclusion in what was supposed to be a latin american oasis this rural as one of many that illustrates what was a major disruption until in society that is still unfolding and it has the potential to significantly alter this countrys social economic and political model. As a result of the uprising the political establishment agreed to a key demand a new constitution that will presumably guarantee basic social rights like Education Health and decent pensions my feeling is that the process opened. As a result of political elites trying to empathize and connect with the movement what we still dont know if if that connection. Will be able to channel the movement back into the institutional real. Next sunday chile will hold a referendum that is widely expected to approve the rewriting of the constitution. With the countrys Democratic Institutions so discredited for so many people theres no guarantee that the genie can be put back in the bottle. Now were still seeing the thousands of people marching towards the plaza the plaza renamed dignity plaza by the demonstrators last year what some of the Political Parties especially the opposition the center left Political Parties are warning though is that if these demonstrations continue to end in violence as they have been over the last few days that might persuade a lot more convince a lot of people to stay away from the polls next sunday which is something that they dont watch this if things for that said listen youve been reporting there from santiago thank you a great switzerland is imposing new coronavirus restrictions to try and stop a rise in new infections it will be monday treats where mosques in all public spaces for monday gatherings of 15 or more people will be banned and companies are being encouraged to let employees work from home thats whats been reported more than 3000 cases in the past day take is 22 about 74000 where its now clear the pandemics 2nd wave has taken hold across europe a number of countries witnessing record numbers of new cases and many doctors are warning of a shortage of intensive care beds within weeks and thats led to millions of people being put under renewed restrictions from london to warsaw and much of france and belgium are under a nightly curfew bot. As europe scrambles to avoid a fatal winter life is nearly back to normal in many parts of asia in woohoo and indeed where the outbreak began thousands of fans enjoyed a basketball game at a stadium once used as a covert 19 Hospital Research indicates that countries in east asia are doing relatively well because they had already experience outbreaks and were prepared the populations also took the threat seriously and allowed the state to act immediately Mainland China tested all 9000000 people in in 5 days while hong kong used its police supercomputer to track and trace potential infections so lets explore this further very interesting i speak to dr julian tangs a consultant just at leicester Royal Infirmary hospital and an associate professor at the university of leicester in the u. K. Joins us now is dr tang great to have you with us so tell us more about why europe is being hit so hard relatively is it this lack of a carrot approach a less amenable public less respect for authority what is it. So there are couple things here that are relevant 1st of all the European Countries including u. K. And those markets didnt respond to the threats very early on so about a turn they reacted that already had imported cases many by skiing trips from from possibly to various places and ski trips and elsewhere disseminating bars across europe very early on before the authorities we reacted to it and if you see the person really on the spares to 3 generations was people get their act together the base of infected numbers will be much higher than if you jump on it straightaway which is what the Asian Countries did generally so Hong Kong Singapore in the early stages china taiwan. And. Thailand i think it was and their numbers are still very low because what happens is that if you have a relatively small base your trucking trace will work at test track and trace the work they can track those cases and quarantine them. Quickly so they dont create 2nd generations right so why was it asian started to jump in and why was it that Asian Countries jumped on it so quickly when you know the european nations western nations were lagging behind what the difference. Yeah so you know the virus could the trend of us both President Trump and you know the virus by others and i think its a case of you know its a distant forest not really a problem whereas the countryside experience sars 2003 as well as a can of worms outbreak sporadically h 5 n one a 79 as well as mers and south korea south korea had a massive credit on some break in 2015 that really worked everybody so they were always more hyper vigilant to these types those who were not in threats for the last 20 years so things hypervigilance paid off and also they werent afraid lockdown straight workers have seen the devastation that these infections can occur so the good ones werent has written the public work setting of this and this reduced the pace of infections very early on much has been made on you know the fact that all thora tarion nations have it have an easier go of things does it give that much credence. Yes of course if you have. A one party state and a very compliant population this is the advantage of actually bringing these interventions into place very early on with very High Compliance and worse you know is not a democracy. For handling pandemics. A fast moving pandemic like this one is a very effective. Tool to manage this. Kind just fascinates i wish we had more time to talk but thats all the time we do have great to get your perspective on this thanks very much indeed thank you. As the head here on aljazeera find out what the taliban says about the recent rising tide is not going to dominate the stories in qatar. And they celebrations inside why haitis independence has been marred by violent protests and the Tampa Bay Rays are on their way to the world series for the 1st time since 2008 thats coming up in sport with big. Hello a little tropical depression might just bring a bit of rain to armaan even sudden pakistan otherwise things are fairly quiet so at this part of the world the temperatures are little harder you might expect still in the levant take jerusalem for example its 30 degrees the average is 2231. 00 also if the next couple days in a slightly telling off after that start just israel the whole of the levant and even for example kuwait is still quite muscat down to about normal doesnt get the showers that might affect elsewhere in ma as to die hard such as restudied reason a light breeze not particularly humid now the rain proper is gone science now as im sure youre well aware but its still reaching as far as south sudan juba as you know as a place to see excessive rains this season and the still flooding on the ground whether more showers to come from ethiopia thats for south sudan the heavy rain should be for the south you uganda for example and the rift valley where it should be this time of the year but there are still showers showing up as you can see in south sudan for costa kigali shows what it should be like moderate thunderstorms every day run about lunchtime study temperature regime in the middle twentys dropping down to just below 20 at night. But. In an exclusive documentary series aljazeera reveals the full story of a war that changed the face of the middle east this is not of war to defeat israel this is a war to open the way for the promise of the final episode of a 3 part series explores the impending threats of 2 global superpowers that uncovers why the arab israeli conflict continues to this day the war in october the battle and beyond on aljazeera. Al jazeera. And. Again what does your or mine about top stories out and a give me ends on duty in a tense elation that follows months of unrest incumbent president alpha conde is bidding for controversial 3rd term which is of main rival is a new delhi and yellow so it is unconstitutional. Media knows about john are accusing each other of violating a 2nd ceasefire more than 700 people on both sides have been killed during really 3 weeks of fighting. Felons of people in chile marking a one year since the beginning of a protest movement called for social change there is anger over high living costs inequality and political exclusion at least 31. 00 people died around 30000 detained in the past. Facing is under way in bolivias president ial election last year plunged the country into political turmoil the president evo morales won that election but resigned and went into exile shortly after allegations of electoral fraud regional leaders across latin america have been calling on the government to ensure a free and fair hope. As it was in argentina from a polling station for believe you. So your their borders are as with the former president. Is in exile what we expect today. Year find a polling station a 150000 people are expected to vote here in the in argentina it is on in other parts of the country and the vote here could be to find it because then 2 percent of the electoral roll what we know so far is that voting has been ongoing it started at 7 oclock in the morning its been peaceful. Mean the Main Objective of this election its a big task for bolivias democracy mostly because of what happened last year during the election an electoral process that was filled with irregularities with accusations of fraud. With the resignation of former president over what i was here in venezuela and what in bolivia sorry and when we lose yourself in the past in the past month in bolivia an interim administration in a way that has appeared inside the president ial palace carrying a bible is something that is very very offensive for indigenous communities in the country and it has also persecuted. Conant this is sunday morning the capital appeared with several members of the military the people of the big fear is that there could be violence because of the clarification that exists in the country today one sector believes that even model is party comes back to power it will be back 2 or 3 terry anyway they say that he tried to remain in power for far too long on the other hand there are those who see him never what are the only chance they had of empowering themselves of improving their livelihoods and thats why the countrys colorize the latest thing you know is that there we found im going to take a while the last minute trivial electoral tribunal announced that they were suspending a criminal limon ery commenting on. The vote this is something that generated chaos in the last elections and they want to prevent this from happening again and thats why theyre saying that they will announce the results once there are certain the process is going to be slower but its going to be more thorough tell us about the. Well the candidates are one of them we thought of so hes the former finance minister of abel morales hes a very respected man mostly because of what happened in bolivia while he was minister of finance its called no makes it something that refers to the growth understood below that believe you saw in the economy he also is benefiting from whats been happening in the country did he feel lucian mad with the interior administration of john manya that you know well so many indigenous bolivians who are disenchanted with everyone well they were afraid of what could come in the country if someone a conservative like on yours makes it to power on the other hand is a former president got a lot means that he was a Vice President during the government up going solo son just looks out he was in power back in 2003 there was a gulf war in libya back then over 6560 people lost their lives in the clashes that happened there hes a writer and a journalist what do we do know is that these 2 candidates who never makes it to power is going to have to be dealing with an enormous crisis in the country not only economic but also world to corona virus can damage that are an enormous impact in the country and of course the political strife that her husband happening in bolivia in the past year or turns it into the. The winner of a president ial runoff in the self declared republican Northern Cyprus has been declared. Back by turkey as won by a narrow margin taken just over 51 percent of the vote results will likely have implications over the heightened tensions in the east mediterranean. It was a tight race offering 2 different views over the self declared republics future and the results could have hardly been closer in one corner the outgoing president most of. A political moderate who supported a framework for a peace deal with Greek Cypriots to reunify the ethnically Divided Island he also wanted less control from turkey. There are a lot of one day in the future when we look back at the date the 18th of october 2020 i hope you will remember it as an oral day with Turkish Cypriot democracy and will. Challenging him as in tata a nationalist closely aligned with turkish president trichet thai of odo and he favors a close union with ankara and maintaining separate ministrations on the island of vision backed by turkey. From the message will be given to the world by reflecting the will of Turkish Cypriots at the ballot box that message is that once a unifying peacemaking person who everybody president sits in the president ial chair attentions will be left behind. But for months now the Eastern Mediterranean has seen tensions escalate contested Maritime Claims has pitted turkey against greece cyprus and the European Union of optional rights as it was used Gas Exploration in the surrounding waters a move condemned as a provocation by brussels earlier in october turkish troops opened Public Access to the closed off seaside town. Is the 1st time its done so since Turkish Forces invaded the northern part of the island in 1970 full Turkish Cypriots want the reopening of the resort town to be a potential incentive for the islands future but Greek Cypriots want for russia to be returned to their control before any talk of reconciliation begins. After the election we need a period of normalization where we take stock of things on the ground. And real stop me a sense of. Participation and inclusiveness. May pull Northern Cyprus further into turkey albeit but just on the hearts of those who voted want a different future for the territory one with more control over its own affairs and that will play into any forthcoming peace talks if result in the cyprus problem is to become a reality sunny day i go out as there are. Rallies have taken place across france in support of some group 80 he was a School Teacher murdered after showing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad during a lesson about freedom of speech the suspects were shot dead but 9 people are in custody barca houses. This is where power is comes to defend what some see is french values thousands gathered at the past of the republican solidarity with samuel party a history teacher brutally killed in a quiet paris suburb the level before were here to defend the republic the values of the republic Liberty Equality Fraternity and secularism we can feel that the fatherland is threatened that those values are under threat. The murder suspect named as a was shot dead by police on friday close to samuel party school. He was an 18 year old born in moscow of chechen origin and had no apparent connection with the teacher or the School Investigators say he stalked the area before following the teacher whom he stabbed and then decapitated with a knife and 11 persons been arrested as part of the investigation. Earlier this month he had shown his students cartoons of the prophet mohammed in a lesson on freedom of expression the caricaturist were 1st published by the satirical magazine charlie abdo which led to a wave of attacks in paris and 2015 is believed the lesson angered a number of muslim parents activists say the authorities had been warned about the killer but it failed to act the person who committed this horrendous unspeakable unfathomable crime was hard being reported worktable times on social media because he was already displaying sign that he was about to commit something and many of the people who reported him were muslims and 2 groups so warning the french media already muslims can report someone who produced to be one of their is a. God a moment of unity in the face of a brutal crime the french governments promised a 0 tolerance approach with tighter financial controls on religious cultural and sporting associations but the killings a reminder of fault lines in French Society weeks after president emmanuel microloan controversially described islam as a religion in crisis while defending the country secular values gnostic islamist. The murder has shocked the nation focusing the spotlight once again on tension successive french governments have struggled to resolve the barca aljazeera. A Senior Member of the u. K. Government says theres still hope for a trade deal with the European Union but michael gove also warned its up to the e. U. To make a compromise this past week the Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that britain was prepared to leave without a deal e. U. Leaders say they will keep trying. We. Changed their position were certainly not saying that if we do change their position that we call them but i think its only fair that we communicate one thing which is that. We all are ready if required to leave what is being called straight terms thats going to pick. You in the arms embargo on iran has expired after 13 years he was lifted as part of the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers the u. S. Withdrew from the pact and 2018 his voice strong opposition to any easing of sanctions or a new foreign minister job is very welcome the development calling it a win for Regional Peace and security iran has a large domestic arms industry as it can rely on itself with a firm. Has morphed into. The iranians have said even though theyve reduced their commitments gradually over the past year since the u. S. Left the agreement they are still very much committed to it and the europeans have said they are in the same position given the restrictions imposed on them by the United States the u. S. Has imposed a series of sanctions on irans oil and Banking Sector making it very difficult for the european signatories of this deal to do business with iran as they would have under this agreement this is one of the main obstacles that is in place at the moment but they remain ians and the europeans have said this spite all these obstacles they are still committed to this deal and even though it looked like this agreement was very much dead over the past few months this embargo being lifted is going to be seen as a move that this there are still some like in this agreement and there is hope that this will last. 8 people have been found dead of to being kid no plane on the ingroup in iraq on saturday funerals were held for the victims on sunday morning the kidnappings happen north of baghdad in district 4 others are still missing some locals are blaming a faction of the shia led Popular Mobilization forces but i still is also active in the area the Prime Minister himself and he visited the scene hes promised to investigate in pledge to protect local residents. U. S. Forces in afghanistan are denying allegations they are violating their agreements with the taliban by carrying out airstrikes in Helmand Province a taliban Spokesman Says the u. S. Is engaging in provocative actions and bombing known combat zones this is categorically rejecting claims its violating the agreement a Spokesman Says the strikes are solely in defense of the afghan Security Forces who are being attacked by the time when on saturday aljazeera spoke to mohammed name the spokesman for the Talibans Political Office in qatar and he told us that the taliban has not been attacking us forces with whom. We have not been carrying out any attacks against the Coalition Forces because we have had an agreement with them we dont attack them and they dont attack us for 14 months now they have been withdrawing from the country this is why we dont attack them but in regards to mr ration kabul we dont have that agreement with them they attack us their attacks are quite numerous they carry attacks against us and against the people they shelled the villages they shelled the positions of the mujahideen and they even built pushed into areas that were conquered by us their stomach state and they keep crossing their tanks and vehicles in areas that are under our control when it comes to all of this we are in a position of selfdefense this is why i say when they carry such acts there will be a reaction thats the only way it is self defense. Well in the latest incident of violence a car bomb was killed at least 12 people in central afghanistan dozens of others were injured in the city of photos co in the capital of gold province no one has yet claimed responsibility and 8 Afghan Security officials were killed in the Taliban Attack and province afghanistans government has described the talibans attacks is despicable in our continuation of the war against Afghan People theres been violence in haiti is people commemorate the death of a revolutionary leader more than 200 years ago and government protesters blocked roads and set fire to tires in the capital Port Au Prince Police Responded with tear gas so it has more. They mark the 240th anniversary of the assassination of haitis spurs to independent rule of saline by protesting once again against a government. Who started off with a carnival like atmosphere. Turned violent. Police used rubber bullets and tear gas against demonstrators calling for president to step down. Protesters blocked roads and set fire to toys in the capital Port Au Prince they started protesting last year against corruption mismanagement of aid money and a rise in inflation majority of haitians live in poverty. The president has been criticized for his handling of the current virus pandemic and denies allegations of corruption i know that you know i mean the street to demand justice for the underprivileged masses that is my demand were from the poorer suburbs we are saying that we can no longer live like this were out on the streets to demand justice. In response to the un rest moyes called for unity as he marks the anniversary. Today or battles for peace we ask for union i tell everyone in the opposition or in the government today the future generation expects something from us they expect a change those changes can come in reform. Has been in political crisis as well weve now been in power since 2017 but because nations nativity elections not held not to be last year theres been no parliament. Announced the formation of a new provisional Electoral Council opposition refused to participate and rejected its legitimacy so with no Parliament Sitting why is has been governing by president ial decree since january giving him in homes powers. Were functioning for the respect of the law respects over constitution february 7th 2021 this is the end of the constitutional mandate of memories were removed from power before then today is the day for the National Mobilization we ask the International Community to help us in this battle for the last transition. The International Community has called for an end to the political impulse and for a parliamentary election to be held as soon as possible the governments blames violence and the pandemic for delays to the election that was meant to be held near the un is accused of failing to protect people against Human Rights Violations with gangs controlling around a 3rd of the country in june the president announced a legislative election in december but the opposition has called for a Transitional Government instead failure to hold elections before mases term officially ends could leave hate scene without a leader or parliament. Thousands of indigenous colombians a travelling to bogota to seek a meeting with the president even duca theyre angry about increasing violence affecting their communities Barbara Group says reports. Fed up and on the road these native colombians a traveling to confront the president about rising violence in their home state of calcutta fighting there is increased since the government signed a peace deal with far crabbers in 2060 armed groups and drug gangs filth in syrian power vacuum and indigenous communities a struggling to defend their land and their culture when we believe that the president s fears to 1st Indigenous People and the different social cities in the country about the civil necessities and the wave of violence experienced in our country according to the watchdog in depass 1000 Community Leaders have been killed since 2016 and this year alone there have been 65 mass killings the violence affected indigenous communities disproportionately and some want to tanami in their homelands to protect themselves. The caravan leaders say they will rally all colombians to join their course if the president refuses to meet them through the numbers if the president doesnt receive us in but go to will try to debate and address to the country and come back to our own regions to prepare more mobilization and march but this time all nationwide the buses are expected to reach bachata on monday where they have been protests of a Police Protests since september the group plans to take part in a nationwide protest on wednesday whether it meets a president or not. Aljazeera. Putting most of the head on the Program Including i would gyptian grandad becomes the oldest professional footballer in the world peter will have the details in school. We are going home to good line when modern mankind origine. Many moons ago mankind migrated from the majestic. To begin the journey of the modern human across the world and as the dust settles everyone is welcome back home to. Our pride your destination a face can tell a story without uttering a single word. And knowing god can guide us. A simple time. Inform us. The unconventionality of life witnessed through the lens of the human eye. Is more to inspire scientists. Witness documentaries on aljazeera. Again plenty going on in the world of sports is people with more. Thank you very much match the city striker Sergio Aguero will face no punishment for touching a female assistant referee in saturdays win over arsenal the argentine confronted shaun massey ellis after she signalled to throwing touching around the neck and shoulder before the official swatted him away under rules introduced into the 16 players can be cautioned all same talk for touching match officials but when i went unpunished the referees governing body in england says it was not deemed aggressive or threatening Manchester City manager has defended a greater saying come on guys surgery is the nicest person i have ever met in my life look for problems in other situations not in this one but the incident has caused a storm on social media with many criticizing the players actions tatyana hernias the director of womens football of us were safe a informally at fi firm she says it sends the wrong message to women looking to enter the game. To me its a clearly at least a 100 percent a yellow card a red card you can discuss or thats been going to be a bit i think a difficult because it was a grizzly if i had probably not it was more like a gesture of oh come on little girl you know what are you doing here wires and not giving another decision and i think that is the problem this is a message she puts across that is attitude and i think the discussion right now shows it you know its mostly men telling. Mostly women who feel different about that situation its exactly why women sometimes dont feel comfortable in football maybe thats why we dont have so many women in for all because a year be constantly told what to do and how this works and how disease and we have to adapt to that environment i think we need 2 things we need a definitely more women involved and again if its just one then it becomes such a big issue here you know so we need more it has to be normal that women are involved in the game its a referee at a center if you were a coach or more women in leadership positions in the sports organizations you know the fee for us the way for us to face also this with f. A. A. We dont have enough women its just not normal to see women in moved in the elite level of the game we need to change that and in this case and seemed a really strong message would be nice if it was such a nice guy as a mrs what you are said he just to say this no im sorry that was stupid i didnt mean it and i will try to make it better and i respect women in football as well and i hope there will be more women and again that would be really great message from him. Tennis number 7 alexander very has put the pain of losing the u. S. Open final behind him very of was beaten by a dominant team in the majors but returned to victory on sunday at the cologne indoors tournament the german ended he 17 month wait for a title with a 6363 win over felix yes. On to moto g. P. With quite a thought out all last the charitably after a disappointing 18th place finish at the aragon grand prix in spain it started from pole but was quickly overtaken with alex grabbing the lead and holding off a spirited challenge from rookie alex marquez to win teammate one minute finished food to go top of the Overall Standings the Tampa Bay Rays are on their way to the world series for the 1st time since 2008 after beating the Houston Astros in game 7 of their American League championship series the rays were 3 nothing up in the series but after 3 straight losses found a series tied home runs from Randy Rosa Raina to mike zunino saw tampa bay return to form in game 7 the rays winning 4 to to win the American League championship for just the 2nd time they now move on to the world series pretty special feeling only 5 had merely money better rather than get married in having 3 kids. This is right there right there below that you cant get much better than that this is a special group to be a part of you cover more than anybody you think you recognize it. Its fun to see them win games in just to be a part of it. In the world series the rays will face the Los Angeles Dodgers already lancer braves the national League Championship series will go to a deciding game also the dodgers won game 6. And Justin Turner a home runs for as they beat atlanta 31 on saturday the braves were 31 up in the series but it all comes down to a deciding game atlanta last won the world series in 90951 of the dodgers have not won the overall title since 1988. Its all its about is helping your team when doing what you can to help your team win and i mean whether its moving around or whether its an homerun whether its making a defensive play whether its been the spark in the dugout you know anything can help this team go on youre more than welcome to do in rugby new zealand have beaten australia 2770 in the 2nd bledisloe cup test match in oakland it was a 46000 sellout at eden park the city had seen a covert 19 resurgence and return to a state of lockdown but those restrictions were lifted in time for the bledisloe cup test match an egyptian grand dad has been named the oldest professional footballer in the world at the age of 74 is. Played he 2nd a full match on saturday for egyptian Food Division team 6 october. Missed a penalty kick any team lost 32 but didnt spoil his day some of the 6 grandchildren cheered him on from the touchline before he was handed hes certificates by the Guinness World record. Rock on can the. The messages to not limit your ambitions if theres something you couldnt achieve as a young man and you youth with a strong will you can achieve it any times regardless of age and the time thats passed me thats all its both means for now well see you again later for more. Yes better we will for you very much indeed for that for a girl let me just give you a nudge in the direction our website al jazeera dot com is the address all the news recovery plans of comment and analysis that but if the news hour and the laws we write up a couple minutes from now a half hour of news between the clock its good but. Talk to aljazeera. Is the government not to take the necessary action to really address some of the structural issues we listen i still think that at travel is the safest mode of travel and to spend that we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on which is 0. The health of humanity is its stake a Global Pandemic requires a global response. W. H. O. Is the guardian of Global Health delivering lifesaving to lose supplies and training to help the worlds most Vulnerable People uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and of that seed keeping you up to date with whats happening on the ground in the ward and in the land now more than ever the world needs w. H. O. Making healthy a world for you. To everyone. Global community we are our biggest opposition of both but to hold the whole crew somewhat responsible folks like be part of the debate issue in each of you can jump into the conversation right away when no topic is off the table youre not afraid of anyone taking power we just poured what. You says 3 trillion in richer and the poor getting poorer its not kill destroy the system its just to look at the system and dabbed it to our modern world this dream on out is their. Voting ends in guinea where president conde is seeking to extend his decade in power after a runoff by violence. Hello im Maryam Namazie in london youre watching aljazeera also coming up on the program carmen are going to karabakh but little hope the latest ceasefire is likely to work after armenia and azerbaijan accuse each other of breaking it within hours of the deal being done the thousands of thais take over major roads in bangkok

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