The year after rising. Protest Movement People in chile still waiting to change. The latest attempt to end fighting between armenia and azerbaijan appears to be faltering just hours after it began both sides accuse each other of violating a 2nd ceasefire its been nearly 3 weeks of fighting in the. Region which lies within azerbaijan was occupied by i think armenians more than 700 people are estimated to have been killed on both sides the 2 nations had agreed to a russian mediated ceasefire a week ago but that collapsed within hours but at smith. Capital with more. Just minutes after the cease fire started. Fired at targets military targets within terror. The tree its operating in the going to karabakh says the targets were military targets military positions and it happened just after as i said just after midnight now this truce came into play after russias foreign minister contacted his azeri armenian counterparts on saturday to try and persuade them to implement this truce that theyve agreed last week it is only a humanitarian truce and that is a truce that was designed for both sides to be able to exchange bodies of killed soldiers and Exchange Prisoners of war armenia particularly needs the ceasefire to work because of the enormous domestic pressures Political Leadership is under its last 633 armenian fighters so far and its lost control of territory to azerbaijan territory that armenia has controlled since the cease fire in 1994 that came at the end of the war this territory is essentially between nagornokarabakh and as a proper it is what armenia considers a buffer or a security zone but it says it needs to ensure the security of karabakh it is over the last more than 26 years the both sides of supposed to be negotiating the status final status of this territory and karabakh it is as airy territory azerbaijan wants it back and it says these last more than 26 years of talks have got it nowhere which is why with turkeys help it is pushing this military assault to try and take this land back. To how many there is in a jar azerbaijan with what the leadership on that side. Pointing the finger at i mean youre there saying that i mean youre despite agreeing to disagree when he. Has tried to recapture. Bernard was mentioning now mainly these 2 regions of ship brain and that are sort of southeast of the enclave of the border of karabakh now those are 2 regions where there by john has made a significant territorial gains and from what we understand from the ministry of defense here. In force it would have to try to reach. Enter at least part of those regions but as we understand it there have been no casualties. Today is much less heightened that it was yesterday at this time it had been a very. Intense day really for azerbaijan this is our report. It was a city asleep when the explosions ripped through the quiet of the night and. People here were already on edge their hometown has come under fire several times since the conflict was reaganite did 3 weeks ago. This attack was the most devastating so far so theres a lot of moving weve been living in fear for days we couldnt sleep at night we hid but that was no use were suffering a lot i wish we would children would have to live without us we believe in our state and president may god give us back our. About an hour drive from the disputed region of the corner karabakh that azerbaijan and armenia are fighting over i mean at 1st denied it had the long range capability to hit as far as ganja but then in a statement it said that there were several as Syrian Military assets in and around the city that were legitimity targets here and back president ilham called the attack a crime against humanity and that revenge will come under battlefield a few hours after the attack in gander announced his forces which are backed by turkey have taken control of more villages in physically south east of nagornokarabakh one of 7 regions surrounding the un clave occupied by armenia since 1904 many here believe its time to areas return under. Our history is our future and we cant leave this problem to our kids. And we need to help them to my a relatives been living in that occupied region and i know the hardest so far there theyve been living in the as a refugee for the years here in baquba and so this is we cant leave this problem for the our future future our Generation Next generation we need to resolve it now the capital of nagornokarabakh stepan a carrot was hit on friday a few hours before the ganja attack this was also not the 1st time that civilians came under attack there at least 600 armenian soldiers have lost their lives since september 27th as it by john has been made public the number of losses among its ranks but the toll among civilians is mounting a new humanitarian ceasefire is underway this one brokered by france to u. S. And russia but has already indicated its only temporary. And it will continue its offensive to retake the occupied. Now u. N. Arms embargo on iran has expired after 13 years it was lifted as part of the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers the us withdrew from the pact him 2018 its voiced strong opposition to any easing of sanctions Iranian Foreign minister drugs are if welcomed the development calling it a win for Regional Peace and security lets go live now to those who are into iran so is around about to go on a spending spree now. Well thats very unlikely to happen anytime soon given the current Economic Situation the country finds itself in but iran does spend quite a bit of its annual g. D. P. On its defense of spending every year between 4 and 5 percent just to give you an idea between 20162018 iran spent between 18. 00 and 22000000000. 00 on its defense of programs and now the president has 100 he has said that this is a very much a momentous occasion for the rainy people and also the International Community this is one of the main benefits of the way thats the Nuclear Agreement of 2015 that he fought for during that time and he said that this is one of the reasons that iran has stayed in this agreement so far since the United States withdrew from it in 2013 and imposed a series of sanctions on iran given the fact that the u. S. Is no longer a signatory to this deal they did try to prevent this from happening over the past few months at the United Nations Security Council they tried to prevent this arms embargo from being lifted but the remaining signatories thats the europeans of this agreement said that this will go ahead they did not support the United States and for on this it is being seen as a huge victory where does this leave the Iran Nuclear Deal this was an important component of that. Certainly the iranians have said even though theyve reduced their commitments gradually over the past year since the us left the agreement they are still very much committed to it and the europeans have said they are in the same position given the restrictions imposed on them by the United States the u. S. Has imposed a series of sanctions on irans oil and Banking Sector making it very difficult for the european signatories of this deal to do business with iran as they would have under this agreement this is one of the main obstacles that is in place at the moment but they remain ians and the europeans have said this spite all these obstacles they are still committed to this deal and even though it looks like this agreement was very much dead over the past few months this embargo being lifted is going to be seen as a move that this there are still some like we in this agreement and there is hope that this will last all right thanks so much. Guinea and heading to the polls in a tense election that follows months of unrest nearly 5000000 eligible voters are choosing between 12 candidates including incumbent president conde and his longtime rival so. This is the 3rd match up between the pair the 82 year old conde insists his attempt for a 3rd term is legal your position says it violates the constitution. Well the campaign is being mobbed by violence and the opposition is accusing the president of stirring up ethnic divisions the u. N. Is warning against hate speech saying streamline dangerous reports now to the. Down. These are lyrics to a Catchy Campaign for good hes president. For his opponents its a call for violence. Not here to fight we are there to have fun were not here to go off to anyone. But opposition candidates. Otherwise in an interview with. The divisions. Given under terms of speeches there is a real risk of post electoral violence hes trying to mobilize people against those that have the same ethnic origin as use main challenger. Jello is full of the who make up the ethnic majority of getting population she was unable to campaign in eastern giving hope to the after the president supporters barred the road this supporter shouts they can go back home we are we back till the end i will die for his party shortly after this interview holmes in business is owned by ethnic full on these in concow where attacked the police not only failed to stop the violence but stood by anyone but if a law has been a rallying call among alpha called his supporters during what human Rights Groups describe as a divisive campaign. You know resorting to ethnicity resorting to violence and. Its a good way to get people mobilized its not a good way to go away but its certainly effective on the ground and thats removed. After 30 people died in violence during februarys constitutional referendum the uns office for prevention of genocide expressed alarm and condemned Security Forces for their use of deadly force on protesters over 50 people were killed and scores were tortured many of them full on these with a new vote underway come by sorry im a dinky is now worried full lonnies may seek revenge just. So i wish that even if jello wins this elections that we can walk hand in hand unite as people politics shouldnt tear us apart. While some hope for change others for continue 80 many 1st time voters want to call out a culture of politics that is pitting getting ends against each other because hawke aljazeera. Still ahead and ill just say or. We win wisconsin we win the whole ballgame is a. Dog from goes out swinging in the battleground states to revive his u. S. President ial campaign. And protests are expected in france as the nation mourns the murder of us think youre in a paris suburb. Hello theres been so much rain in Eastern Europe recently that is currently a Flood Warning in western slovakia theres plenty of placid aramic from the systems are moving east and taking the rain with this although the rivers are high theres no more significant rain to come in fact theres a cooling trend we didnt see some stuff not down here mostly but certainly in scandinavia and western russia moscows cool whereas conversed early on the west side of the rather than increasing southerly breeze is a low churns as you can see in the eastern atlantic brings plenty of rain to portugal jury monday but the consequences of course a big contrast in temperatures london whose average should be 30 this time you get up to 17 in the windy southerly during tuesday and without any right know either. Now in north africa just dragging through this part of libya theres a frontal system but it rains possible otherwise shut the tropics Terri Seymour the right is rather less in west africa there was its more like to be in than nigeria for example so its not completely gone from nigeria and asked for south sudan which is still seeing flooding weve not seen the end of the seasonal rains yet its still the wettest months but not by much but the showers are still showing up in the forecast. Is the government not taking the necessary action to really address some of the structural issues that we listen i still think that travel is the safest mode of travel and the spending we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on aljazeera the u. S. Is always of in fact the people already in the world people Pay Attention to what get on here and our desire is very good at bringing the news to the world from here. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera time to recap the headlines now armenia and azerbaijan are accusing each other of violating a 2nd cease fire which began just a few hours ago more than 700. 00 people on both sides killed during nearly 3 weeks of fighting. A u. N. Arms embargo on iran has expired after 13 years was lifted as part of the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers the us withdrew from the pact in 2018 its voiced strong opposition to any zing of sanctions. Canadians are heading to the polls in a tense election the follows months of unrest nearly 5000000 eligible voters are choosing between 12 candidates including income the president alpha conde and his longtime rival salut area and the. Voters are heading back to the polls in the self declared republic of Northern Cyprus to for their president ial runoff people are now facing a choice between the president who favors reunification with the south and the Prime Minister backed by turkey cyprus has been divided since the 1970 s. U. S. President donald trump has tried to reality gys his campaign with rallies in 2 swing states hes trailing in Many National polls with mobile 2 weeks to go until the election john hendren reports. Donald trump play defense returning to 2 battleground states he won by a whisker in 2016 truck took his campaign to wisconsin and to michigan where he criticized the states democratic governor 13 militia members were arrested just over a week ago in an alleged plot to kidnap or youve got to get your governor to open up your state it was. And get your school also get your school since it was school rules have to be open right it was that prompted and now familiar chant it was it was as the president laid into michigans governor he was skirting the strict limits on crowd size as the she had set by calling his rally a peaceful protest with few masks and little social distancing among his supporters trumps democratic rival joe biden pursued a cautious make no mistakes approach taking a break from the campaign trail on saturday instead he tweeted viral videos like this one i lose minnesota im never coming back teasing trump for threatening in state after state never to return if he loses the election made us to leave the country in posting the video biden writes promise bidens running mate come harris spent the weekend quarantining after members of her staff tested positive for corona virus her office says she tested negative more than 26000000 americans have already cast their ballots still in washington thousands gathered on saturday for the womens march urging women to vote on the issues that affect them it is not hyperbole. To say that everything is on the line this november. We cannot afford 4 more years of this administration attacking our access to Reproductive Health care and rights with just over 2 weeks to go in the campaign trail fans at the rally in michigan taunted his critics chanting 12 more years an amount that would violate the u. S. Constitution of john hendren aljazeera washington. In bolivias president ial election is set to get under way in just a few hours Security Forces have been deployed in and tis a patient of possible unrest an election last year plunged bolivia into political turmoil president even more as one that votes but resigned and went into exile shortly after allegations of electoral fraud. Thousands in chile are set to mark one year since the beginning of a protest movement calling for social change demonstrators demanded a new constitution and the more equal society a latin america editor lucy a new reports from santiago the continuing push for progress. A small 30 percent increase in the metro fare was the detonator of a social explosion last year that has dropped latin americas most stable democracy ever since. The 24 year old was similar medius was one of the students that rushed this entangle metro station last october 18th it was the law and uncle as the saying goes it was in the 30 pesos with the 30 years of unfilled promises clearly there was a before and after october 18th chile has never been the same the rules of the game have been totally modified in what way wasnt really in the sense as citizens of empowered and took over public spaces to demand their rights that had never happened thats why its been a citizens revolution. The initial revolt was followed by riots and looting small but violent radical groups destroyed millions of dollars worth of property mainly Peaceful Demonstrations lasted until march when the pandemic began despite widespread human rights abuses on the part of Security Forces. But most of all the social explosion as its called here unmasked a deep rooted discontent and anger over social inequality privilege and exclusion and it was supposed to be a latin american oasis this girl is one of many that illustrates what was a major disruption to li and society that is still unfolding and it has the potential to significantly alter this countrys social economic and political model. As a result of the uprising the political establishment agreed to a key demand a new constitution that will presumably guarantee basic social rights like Education Health and decent pensions my feeling is that the process opened. As a result of political elites trying to empathize and connect with the movement what we still dont know if if that connection is will be able to channel their movement back into the situation we are. Next sunday chile will hold a referendum that is widely expected to approve the rewriting of the constitution. With the countrys Democratic Institutions so discredited for so many people theres no guarantee that the genie can be put back in the bottle. You see human aljazeera santiago a car bomb has killed at least 12 people in central afghanistan dozens were injured in the city of fertile score on the capital of war province no one has claimed responsibility separately 8 Afghan Security officials were killed in a Taliban Attack in can do is province the taliban says recent violence in afghanistan wont be real talks with a government servant of aid has been monitoring developments in qatar. Tens of thousands of afghans have been displaced in the last few weeks as fighting has intensified between the Afghan Government and the part of the taliban insisting that it is trying to retake areas that it hadnt vacated for the gun people and saying that it has been launching defenses offensives only against those areas where checkpoints have been established where reinforcements have been sent and where it has come under attack by the wire night creeds or airstrikes on the other hand the Afghan Government says that it is the taliban who have been launching an offensive and it is it shown by the United States efforts to try and stop them with its strikes as been earlier we spoke to the spokesman of the Afghan Taliban who says that this will not derail the Peace Process as the violence and talks can continue side by side but for lasting peace in afghanistan both sides will have to show unflinching commitment. Refused to say there is no progress there are but there are problems and theres a disagreement some key issues as you know there are still meetings between the committees and we hope at the end they will reach a solution lets keep this in consideration this is a major step and it is expected to be a difficult process just happens all over the world when there are negotiations starting a dialogue is never easy there is some progress and then there may be some slowdown and in many cases talks come to a halt this issues are quite normal and we hope that the disagreements we have on the key issues will be sold very soon god willing talks have continued between not just the taliban and the Afghan Government but interlocutors off peace with the taliban as well as the Us Government weve seen that the us lead diplomat trying to mediate between the Afghan Government and the taliban saying that all sides are going to try and make sure that there is a reset of the violence all elements of the agreement which was reached reached with the taliban are going to be implemented and all sides should reduce the violence there has been reassurances by the taliban as well as the Afghan Government that they are going to scale down attacks to try and protect civilian lives. Well many of those displaced in afghanistan are struggling without food or adequate shelter laura explains. To mohammad cool and his children this hole filled his place provides a safe haven for now along with tens of thousands of other afghans from rural helmand he fled his home without any belongings not even food and headed to alaska city younger know what i was only able to get our children out as my house was burned down we fled from our area because of the fighting i dont want to stay here even for half an hour we cant live in this place. Shes worried for her children because they dont have anyone plates to protect them from the cold oh no not here she let out the rats are just the taliban asked us to leave our home and we did not take any belongings now we are here with nothing and its cold we dont even have a blanket at night. Attacks by the taliban in several districts of helmand and points a neighboring country a province have forced tens of thousands of people from their homes in the past few days local officials accuse the taliban of teaming up with the tide of fighters in order to strengthen its position but as a new media who are present it is clear that helmand is a strategic province the system works location for the taliban regarding the presence of al qaeda the governor of help on has told the media that al qaeda is directly and indirectly supporting the taliban fighting our forces in helmand the u. S. Has been supporting Afghan Forces with as strikes in taliban positions since tuesday on friday is announced would see strikes in order to maintain the Peace Agreement it signed with the taliban in february that would include troop withdrawal. The taliban is agreed to suspend its attacks for now he owned already control 80 percent of Helmand Province and said it was fighting to regain land the belongs to us but there are concerns the recent violence could undermine peace talks between the taliban and the Afghan Government in doha back in the market place in lashkar gah people here rely on handouts just to survive like many others they dont move for sure if they see the again durable as unmanly anxious era. Protests are expected across various cities in france after the rehabbing of a teacher near paris the scroll where he taught is believed to have received multiple threats after he showed a controversial image of the Prophet Muhammad in a lesson about freedom of expression the suspects were shot dead but 9 people are in custody so were going to go explains. They gathered outside the secondary school in contrast santa navin where 47 year old some well patty taught parents students and colleagues are in a state of shock. They paid tribute to the teacher who had been stopped and then behaved it in broad daylight and. The priority for us was to look after the children because i think it was very hard for them and it still is the school had received multiple threats to patti showed his students caricature of the Prophet Muhammad in a civics class on freedom of expression parents say the teacher suggested Muslim Students could leave the classroom if they were offended but a number of muslim parents complained Police Officers shot the suspect they tried to arrest him on friday he later died of his wounds. The neutralized perpetrator had a residence permit issued on march 4th and valid until march 2030 under the name of abdul lark. Born on march 12th 2002 in Moscow Russia he was of russian nationality he was chechen born had the Refugee Status lived in in the department and was unknown to the Intelligence Services a further 9 people are being questioned in Custody Police say one of the suspects had a half sister who was a member of. The killing comes at a time of the new tensions in france about the 2015 attack at the offices of the Charlie Hebdo magazine after it published controversial cartoons of the prophet mohammad the suspects are on trial less than a month ago 2 people were attacked outside the magazines formal offices and in this paris suburb the effect of that attack has also made its mark on this quiet community. Aljazeera. Take you through some of the headlines here now just the other now armenia and azerbaijan are accusing each other of violating a 2nd ceasefire which began just a few hours ago more than 700. 00 people on both sides have been killed during nearly 3 weeks of fighting and u. N. Arms embargo on iran has expired after 13 years it was lifted out of the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers the us withdrew from

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