Mexicos former defense minister is taken into custody at lausanne shootings at fort. Hello welcome to the program we begin this hour in thailand where police and antigovernment protest as a force in the center of the capital water cannon was used to break through a barricade set up by demonstrators in bangkok for a 3rd day in a row thousands of people defied a government ban on gatherings calling for the Prime Ministers resignation and for reforms to the monarchy scott hydra now reports. Face to face in bangkok antigovernment protesters in tahrir police got into a violent confrontation 3 months in the making. The mostly Peaceful Demonstrations started in july but for the 2nd day thousands ignored the risk of arrest under emergency decree issued the day before. As promised in an announcement just after the violence began to authorities began using everything at their disposal to stop the protests including water cannon with burning agent laced blue water the protesters are demanding a new constitution reform of the monarchy and the resignation of the cabinet including Prime Minister prayer genota something he dismissed on friday as he explained the reasons for the emergency order to be let out that lets not be left as you are all aware of the situation the government must use the emergency decree we have to proceed because the situation has become violent with some things that have never happened before. The protests started like the other 2 peaceful protests earlier in the week its location was changed at the last minute to confuse the Security Forces they continued their call for the release of the top protest organizers who were arrested on thursday morning. But about an hour into it the police made their move after several barricades were taken down and police advance on the protesters many tried to blend into the surrounding neighborhood. Even though the leadership has officially called off the protest for the night riot police are clearing out the area of the original site for that protest earlier in the evening the big question now for the leadership is how do they move forward with the protests scotter out just here bangkok. All trade negotiations between now and the European Union appear to be on the brink of collapse after the u. K. Prime minister want businesses to prepare for an exit the Prime Ministers official spokesperson then told journalists the trade talks are over but as seems to be the case with breaks it nothing is ever over paul brennan as well. This was supposed to be the summit which signed off on a trade deal instead it has provoked some of the bleakest assessments yet of the prospects for agreement. The state of our talks is not that we are stumbling over the issue of fishing which is the tactical argument made by the british but to be a stumbling over everything everything. E. U. Leaders had proposed 2 more weeks of last ditch talks but warned that the u. K. Had to make the necessary moves to make an agreement possible that went down very badly in london and given that they have refused to negotiate seriously for much of the last few months and given that this summit appears explicitly to rule out a canada style deal i concluded that we should get ready for january the 1st with the rangelands that are more like australias. An australian style deal really means no deal at all crucially johnson stopped short of calling off the talks and closing the door altogether but in an off camera briefing to journalists his official spokesman was more stark as far as were concerned he said the trade talks are over the hardball rhetoric from downing street is setting alarm bells ringing here in londons financial district the Square Mile Financial Services represent 167000000000. 00 to the u. K. Economy thats around 7 percent of g. D. P. And the 33000000000. 00 of Financial Services which are exported to the e. U. Are now in jeopardy the food and drink Federation Said the u. K. Was heading into very dangerous territory with tariffs exacting a heavy price on shoppers and the head of the c. B. I. Pleaded that this is no time to give up neither side can afford to fall at the final fence the german chancellor though held out a glimmer of hope niemand the dog was put on you not to you know when my the britain nor the e. U. Wants an agreement at any price we are ready to continue negotiations we have seen a light in the last days of negotiations but of course they are still shadow is i believe that it is much better for both sides to reach an agreement but not at any price. The e. U. Chief negotiator Michel Barnier is ready to travel to london on monday to try to find a compromise but the british chief negotiator david frost told him not to bother the 2 sides will speak instead by telephone paul brennan aljazeera london. Will the will. Well American Voters was to tune into dealing televised events on thursday with President Donald Trump and democratic candidate joe biden both vying for their attention they to shows former Vice President joe biden pulled in more than 13900000 viewers while trump attracted roughly 13000000 analysts also measured black and hispanic voters demographics which will play a key role in next months poll bidens audience was 32 percent nonwhite tromps was close behind 29 percent but speak to our White House Correspondent can we help that is of course following this in washington what do these ratings reveal about how American Voters are thinking right now. It reveals 2 things 1st of all that when it comes to a referendum on trump so far americans have a choice they will on Election Night whether they want him to continue and much like they did with the dueling town halls more chose joe biden than donald trump which is certainly how the National Polls are reflecting in other words the donald trump is behind to and it is at times by the double digits and so theres a huge gap there in terms of the effort that is needed by donald trump to try and make this up now in terms of the reaction to what they saw in these town halls again 2 very distinct and different styles of campaigning donald trump the more combative he got it seemed the more at ease he became much like his presidency and that it was a stark contrast to the more measured kind of policy focused somebody would say sleepy town hall of joe biden so this is essentially the choice that americans are going to make and in fact we should point out are already making because the numbers seem to indicate that when it comes to early voting that these are numbers weve never seen before in the United States some 21000000 americans have already cast their ballots and more are expected in advance of the november 3rd election rights of trump is behind to this extent what does he need to do now. Well what he needs to do is try and capture those socalled undecided voters. Often people say this is a play term for uninformed voters voters that essentially havent been paying much attention dont really like politics but feel obligated to cast a ballot and these are the people that could decide the election which makes many people very nervous and what also makes the campaigns nervous particularly on donald trump said is there are fewer undecided voters this time around than in 2016 roughly 7 percent of the voting public is undecided so that means that donald trump especially has to work very very hard to try and win over but it is going to be a challenge because again hes behind by most polls by double digits but the number of undecided voters is in the Single Digits so even if he captured all of them he could still potentially lose the election so hes working very hard hes campaigning in the battleground state of florida but we also know that joe biden is hitting those battleground states very hard as well and as we know as well hes going to bring out some of the big names next week the former president barack obama will be campaigning we know on wednesday on behalf of his Vice President joe biden of course running to take the oval office all right thank you very much for the latest from washington kimberly how can it or want to touch some important developments out of yemen now because hundreds of prisoners whove been on the front lines of the countrys civil war are continuing to return to the capital sun up 2 planes carrying hoofy fighters have been held by the saudi u. A. E. Coalition of arrived and now the plane carrying Coalition Fighters has arrived in the southern port city of aden often leaving sana the swap is seen as a trust Building Measure aimed at reviving the peace talks a tub is in sun an airport where the freed who sees have been arriving. This plane has just touched down on the runway outside the national. Border 100. Just returned from the prison tonight. Also just been. Known this is a moment of joy joy and also hardness. And also old for the government. In waiting for this moment. You can imagine that those are. Just really. Inside the presence of 5 years both parties have faced many setbacks in order to. The south already received over 672 president s prisoners of war while the internationally recognized government have received 400 to the presence of 4. 15 saudis and also 2 or so the knees so substitutes could tilt pave the way for the artist result their differences peacefully theyre ready. To start. Suffering. Also the. Gates for 90 or 80 percent of the countries and cause well now mexicos president has promised to clean up the armed forces after the arrest in the United States of the countrys former defense minister on drug charges salvador ferguson let the army for 6 years under the then president and Rica Pena Nieto its a blow for mexicos army a key player in the fight against the countrys struck cartels John Heilemann has more. Ill think about those the info cepeda think of it that you the anything senator knight as head of mexicos armed forces from 2012 to 18 salvador see him play goes was a key part of the fight against organized crime. But now in a shock arrest by u. S. Authorities hes accused of playing for the wrong team all along it charged with narco trafficking its the 1st time the former head of the mets knaan forces has been arrested president Lopez Obrador claims it shows the failure of past governments pointing to the fact that he not all garcia luna the former top cop from 2006 to 2012 is also on trial in the u. S. Why is that i mean this is an unequivocal signal of the decay of the government in the neoliberal period and i always said it wasnt just a crisis that it was a progressive deregulation this should serve for us to understand that the main problem in mexico is corruption. Its a political gift for the president he sees himself as an anti graft crusader this proposed referendum to run in tandem with midterm elections over whether to charge former president s have committed alleged crimes in mexico right now already one of the top topics in discussion is should former president s go on trial and these places right now if a minister of defense was involved with Drug Trafficking what about his books is going to be used by the governing party more and other part of president of the world order to bring out voters is the idea of you know going to go to people say well you know why you know youre going to go and vote and boring with some election this is historic once in a lifetime chance to clean up mexico but will it be more than just a vote getter a catalyst perhaps for real change the president s other comments made dump an expectation he claimed the rest did if we can the armed forces that theres still a strong pillar of the mets can stay. Thats going to be hard for some people to swallow after all tim point also led mexicos army for 6 years and not too long ago the president the president thought has come to depend on his generals perhaps even more than his predecessors relying on them to combat crime and also to build infrastructure. And this arrest was carried out by the u. S. Not by mexico which had no investigation opening to see him. If this is just the start of a meaningful clean up or a road bump to be quickly forgotten is an open question john homan. Its chrissake. Without it they are live from london coming up a deserted mosque and a bombed out cathedral the ancient city force have a bite the persians the ottomans on nina and azerbaijan well have that story and also 10 scenes outside a south African Court web 2 black men are accused of killing a white. Weve got some very heavy rain pushing across central and eastern parts of europe in the last a cloud showing up here some rather disturbed weather in the forecast what the weather moving across italy and the balkans and then some really heavy rain also easing over towards ukraine temp just take bets around 11 celsius in kiev cold enough in moscow but that would rain that will actually make its way through remain the and even gray say somewhat weather along with western parts of the west where its somewhat dry but particularly warm having said that 13 celsius in london and paris theyve madrid will start to pick up navigating up to around 19 celsius with the temperatures here getting up to around 21 celsius in madrid come sunday still largely dry to the west but sort of that rain just coming in and telling a little wet suiko warms through the last part of the weekend that isnt what the weather continuing just around that eastern side of europe but washy dry into central parts lousy drs here across Northern Areas of africa little bit of cloud there to northern parts of libya maybe into tunisia and in a shallow is there across Central Africa of course a seasonal rains have showers there still causing some very heavy downpours into southern parts of nigeria got a saying heavy rain where the pushing all the way across into sierra leone i said stay off in. The. Oppression of an ethnic minority in man mind goes back many decades the intention was to make sure that rangers were no longer entitled to either basic rights or citizenship rights. Aljazeera explores the history and motives behind the systematic persecution of the ranger and man on. Exile on not just their. Welcome back a look at the Headlines Police in thailand used a water cannon to break through a barricade set up by demonstrators in bangkok thousands of people continue to defy a ban on gatherings calling for the Prime Ministers resignation and one precedented reforms to the countrys mauna kea. Will trade negotiations between britain and the European Union appear to be on the brink of collapse after the u. K. Prime minister want businesses to prepare for a no deal brecks it leaders say they are willing to continue negotiating but will not seek a deal if any costs and then are all the headline a salad mexicos president has promised to clean up the armed forces after the rest of the United States of the countrys former defense minister and drug charges salvador where goss left the army for 6 years under the former president and he come in yet. Or now Prime Minister Boris Johnson has also been speaking about the prospect of another knock down he opposes another National Lock down to cut the spread of the coronavirus but he hasnt ruled it out london and several other areas will move into level 2 restrictions part of the new 3 tier alert system in place in england. So for more on this lets speak to winnie barca and sony tell us what these new restrictions could mean for the city. Well means that exactly will minute past midnight london the county of essex and several other towns and cities in england including york in the northeast move from the moderate risk level to the high risk level that means that there is a pound on the mingling of households inside so thats inside bars and restaurants and also 5 homes but the rule of 6 still applies so up to 6 people will still be able to meet from different households outside so it seems like this behind me in Covent Garden will. Still be happening but the question is this we move towards the colder months as we head towards winter whether people will simply want to do that theres a huge amount of uncertainty from the hospitality sector thats been hit hard after many many months of restrictions and very tight lockdown they were hoping to bounce back but are deeply worried about the impact of these latest restrictions currently the only part of the country in the very high category is liverpool in the northwest where theres a complete ban of all households mingling inside and out you have to seek guidance and on to it as to whether or not you can enter or leave part of the country and all bars restaurants and cafes have to close unless they serve substantial amounts of food theres a heated argument underway at the moment between Central Government in london and other Northern Leaders including the mayor of manchester as to whether or not to shift the level there from high to very high huge pushback from the mayor of manchester largely over concerns about the impact on the local economy or peoples lives and livelihoods and an argument over the level of Financial Support that may be available to keep people of float through this challenging time but at the moment the u. K. Is that the Prime Minister recep rather resisting the idea of a nationwide lockdown insisting that the big this is the best way of avoiding any kind of long term misery. Well now the stories are following new clashes have broken out between amini and as ari forces on friday in the disputed mccarney car back weekend a humanitarian ceasefire brokered by russia has been repeatedly violated by both sides but its mr points now from the city of shishi. In centuries past azeris and armenians live together in chu she wants the capital of nagornokarabakh to be a zara is this is that cultural heartland and this is one of 3 mosques in the town. But until the 1920 s. This was once part of armenia then soviet leader Joseph Stalin redrew maps and made it an autonomous region within soffit azerbaijan when karabakh voted in 1909 for independence the years there is 10 kilometers away instead panicker it came and the armenians left. Followed as the soviet union collapsed 30000 people were killed before a cease fire in 1994 after the war ended shoe shes main mosque was restored but as a museum as there was no one left to use it as a place of worship. It is unimaginable now no shoes she is armenian there are wars and massacres but 2 nations lived together persians lived here as are beige and hes lived here armenians too. Occupied and fought over by persians and autumn and this fortress town was strategically placed at the center of the south caucasus shushi has an uninterrupted view of the panic of it and its from here during the 91 to 94 war that he has areas bombed the town until the armenians managed to capture this town. The holy savior cathedral has been hit twice during this conflict its the most important place of christian worship in a region as culturally significant to Ethnic Armenians as it is to his aries. I dont think after so many victims in a land stained by the blood of our salaries i dont think any i mean by trial or it or any as any would want to live here because there is so much enmity between the 2 nations at least i cannot imagine such a day as possible but we are neighboring nations and we have to find a Common Ground the streets of empty now as that search for Common Ground begins again its something the go see it is have yet to find after more than 26 year long ceasefire Bernard Smith aljazeera nagornokarabakh. Well now French Police are investigating a fatal stabbing in a paris suburb a victim was a teacher who reportedly showed caricature is of the prophet mohammed in a classroom the attacker was shot dead by police shortly after the incident the french president emmanuel has arrived at the scene so natasha joins us live now from the paris suburb where the incident took place of you learn any more information that tasha. Well the french president emanuel mark karr has arrived at the scene he is speaking to police and investigators there and is expected to give a statement soon what we understand from a Police Spokesperson is that it was around 5 oclock in the afternoon local time here in france in coffee santa ana reno a small town in a suburb northwest of paris when police approached a young man they say in the street in a residential area not far from the school they say this young man had been acting suspiciously when they approached him he threatened them they say he had a knife in his hands he was armed and then they opened fire they shot him dead now when they then approached the attacker that have been shot dead they looked and about 200 meters away police say they saw the body of a man on the Ground Police say that body had been decapitated now what we understand is that the victim was in fact a professor of history a teacher of history i should say in a secondary School High School i think youd say in france not far from the scene where he was killed police say that it was just last week that this teacher had actually taken a bunch of students and he had been teaching them about freedom of expression freedom of speech should have been a class and what he had shown them during that class as part of it was the front of the Charlie Hebdo newspaper that had some cartoons of the prophet mohammed and what police are saying is that they believe the attack is linked to the fact that those teacher showed those cartoons now police have a little bit more information about the attack and he was born in 2002 seems only 18 years old he was actually born in moscow thank you very much in paris. Security forces in guinea of the entrance to the Capital City Center as Tensions Mount in the lead up to sundays president ial election and men attacked a military base in west think any killing the camps command the ministry of defense says the army now has the situation under control nicholas hot has moved from neighboring senegal the situation is tense just 48 hours before sundays president ial vote now this shooting that happened gunfire that happened in this military military camp in candia just 3 hours drive from the capital clinical thats a military base where many officers are trained as well as those of soldiers that will be deployed in Un Peacekeeping missions at the u. N. And we know that the attack took place hours after opposition leaders saloon jalen jello took to the stage. To rousing crowds see the military to vote out the condition out of power they are grievances within the military itself and throughout this campaign weve seen different candidates stoke nick tension among those. I mean the commander that was killed during this attack well hes from the same ethnic group as alpha cone day and so theres a sense that the divisive politics that weve been seeing in the campaign is being mirrored in the military and so this is all happening just 48 hours before this very tense election with all eyes on this on this vote and i was been a stand off outside of court in a South African town a senate call where 2 black men are accused of the murder of a white farm wakka killing 2 weeks ago has led to tension between white farmers and supporters of the Opposition Party for me to miller reports. Its the culmination of days of tension as supporters of the Economic Freedom fighters confront a white farmers and cynical in the freestate province the fighters as they call themselves say theyre here to defend state institutions and democracy some of their supporters threw rocks block the road last week white farmers stormed the cynical Magistrates Court as to black men appeared for the murder of white farm manager Brendan Warner the damaged property and said fire to a Police Vehicle theyre going to stop them to do as they wish but not to quote go confront them. Whatever they were just that. If they give defrayed we give them the 5 farmers here say the government has failed them by not dealing with violence and farms Brendan Warner was killed 2 weeks ago his body was dumped here on a local pharmacy say theyre angered not only by the killing but also the way it happened the course of the earth was stirring it was for. Them it was brewed with a fine rope we were struggling with that boat. For pollie was far from to the pope and he was left over there as the 2 men appeared again in court and friday for the murder farmers and their supporters demonstrated outside the boarding Civil Rights Organization africa forum theyve been more than 290 farm attacks and 37 murders this year enough is enough we cant afford the killing of our families in this country meanwhile they carry our economy they make our food to feed us it is important that we take a stand today the leader of the Economic Freedom fighters Julius Malema has been accused of inciting violence in stoking racial tensions farmers we spoke to who refused to appear on camera said they do not prepared to fight if necessary but. I want. This is but. The bail application for the 2 men accused of killing i want to has been perspectives until next week president s will run up was a says racial tensions in south africa need to be addressed although continual social cohesion the protesters on both sides of the divide appear on willing to back down raising concerns things will only get worse and in a country where people may not have truly reconciled for me to malign aljazeera cynical in a free state. My

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