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Criticism for groups most reliant on the cash. Tens of thousands of people have been displaced up to days of heavy fighting between Government Troops and Taliban Forces in southern afghanistan its been happening in the province of helmand particularly around the regional capital lashkar gah it began on saturday when the taliban launched coordinated attacks on several areas fighting has flared up since with the u. S. Carrying out air strikes to defend Afghan Security forces dozens of taliban fighters are reported to been killed hospitals are overwhelmed its the 1st Major Taliban offensive since peace talks with the Afghan Government resumed last month remember too that president Donald Trumps promise to bring home u. S. Forces by christmas lets go live now to kabul. Culture for you is for us for you whats the latest on the price of. Ledger and like you mentioned the fighting began this weekend when the taliban launched an attack on how months provincial capital of scar got it has been intensifying and it has been selling tat instead weve seen one of those for a moments where the u. S. Forces here had to step in and support the Afghan Security forces with targeted air weights now last night to Afghan Military helicopters crashed and the minister of defense confirmed that all 9 aboard to die now so were hearing that the Afghan Defense minister is in the area to try and assess the situation on the ground but it seems like the most pressing issue right now down there is aside from the fighting. A humanitarian crisis that seems to be a folding there and the toll that the fighting has been taking of the civilians that have been living there just a few minutes ago was able to speak with stuff with someone from up the United Nations office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs here in afghanistan and they told me that the biggest problem right now to extremely difficult to us this is the exact situation down there on the ground just because communications have been disrupted electricity has been disrupted so its very hard to get a clear picture of whats going on they have sent assessment teams right there on the ground they told me according to local sources tens of thousands have been displaced people just fled their homes with nothing but their clothes trying to find a safe place to spend the night so far they have been able to identify i believe 500 displaced people many of whom require immediate access to food water and shelter and like you mentioned the hospitals are overwhelmed some of them have even shut down or theyre working on limited capacity because all they can do is treating the people who have been in. And i keep keep being injured injured in the fighting and i will this is happening edge and just as the peace talks between the afghan delegation and the taliban continue to take place back to you today many thanks indeed a lot of zeros a sum of in joburg says that the taliban is trying to demonstrate its power. The taliban as they would like to protect themselves is not a monolith structured army yes they have been structured in the way that they have been following the Central Command but the fighters in the south as weve been monitoring the last few weeks have been agitated to say the least saying that they see this as a capitulation theyve given hundreds of thousands of fighters to this their cause and theyre the ones who have been able to push out the u. S. Forces so they dont see any reason to why should be talking to the Afghan Government and this is why you see the. Delegation not the taliban talking in terms which are palatable to their fighters theyre not saying that theyre talking to the Afghan Government they have not recognized the Afghan Government as the legitimate government in power but see them as a party to the conflict so the timing is when the talks have been stalled there has been very little if no progress and theres been a lot of pressure on the taliban from various sides including interlocutors in libya to try and come back to the negotiating table but you have to realize that the team and is stuck between trying to find ways to make amends but also to keep make sure that its fighters on the ground do not feel abandoned because it is not the only group in town which is recruiting fighters remember that there are i still and other organizations with there is fear that if taliban tells its fighters that they should put down their weapons it will be seen as something close to or a surrender and the taliban clearly want not just their body language but their statements they see themselves as the winners coming out of this nearly 2 decades long conflict and the u. S. Talking to them directly. In what may prove to be a potential breakthrough in a decades long dispute between israel and lebanon the 2 sides are meeting to discuss the maritime on occasions are in southern lebanon for what is being called in direct talks being hosted by the United Nations mediated by the u. S. Both sides claim to the mediterranean coastline if resolved the 2 countries could move forward with oil and Gas Exploration lets go live. In southern lebanon. For us what are they talking about today how significant is this. Away from the media israeli negotiators are sitting together in one room a meeting which is being hosted by the United Nations for the 1st time u. S. Mediation to try to resolve one of the many disputes between israel and lebanon on the maritime border. Of this border its a long running dispute and like you mentioned if an agreement is reached both sides will be able to explore and exploit treated the possibility of reserves in the Mediterranean Sea over the past decade significant discoveries really have been made and its more important because lebanon has not started drilling or exploiting its Natural Resources theyve already begun exporting so commercial interests really are at stake but both sides making it clear time and time again. That this is not about reconciliation between hostile neighbors this is not about. Purely a technical matter and that is why they have agreed to sit down and talk. Reporting from. So many thanks to. The world bank has approved 12000000000. 00 in new funding for developing countries to buy covert 19 vaccines. The financial help would also be used to test and treat people for covert 19 its part of a 160000000000. 00 program to help nations fight the coronavirus pandemic in the world bank announced the financial package in march at the time that several countries were under strict lock down the packages staggered over a 15 month period to help low and middle income nations deal with Health Economic and social shocks due to the pandemic more than 100 developing nations home to 70 percent of the worlds population have access to this aid the world bank has warned 150000000 people could be pushed into extreme poverty by next year due to the pandemic millions of people have already lost the job stews and lockdowns over the past few months now she clements is a professor of Infectious Diseases at Curtin University in Perth Australia he says that International Organizations will have to Work Together to ensure a vaccine a widely available. Its a very positive development so its something to see now the Building Blocks think that together for the financing and distribution of that same global it will have to work with a kind thats the just the International Bank it isnt what is developing in distributing credit my respect st so one would expect that kind of access and the world bank and other multilateral organizations will work. To link all of those things together the production the distribution the financing and and the financing of oh god thats 8 so im none of these organizations can operate in isolation i dont need to Work Together you can look to other examples of multilateral funny organizations of funding mechanisms for Global Public Health Programs for example the global fund to fight aids tuberculosis and malaria and the mechanism that is there is that countries have to make up locations to a lot of fun and they get assessed not intensive they need not only in terms of epidemiological requirements but also in terms of their ability to enable large amounts of funding and the property thats required to do that so i think it will be mechanism set up to ensure an ability the United States reported more than 40000 new covert 1000 infections on monday they only case numbers have risen in 33 states as the country sees a surge in hospital admissions doctors say that a man in nevada has been reinfected with the virus he required hospital treatment after his lungs deteriorated during the 2nd infection its one of just a few known cases of free infection globally. In thailand hundreds of protesters are out on the streets of the capital demanding reform it comes before a bigger rally thats expected in the coming hours the protesters want the Prime Minister to resign a complete of the whole of the electoral system also calling for reforms to the monarchy to protect the king from public scrutiny on serious. Isnt back on. The antigovernment protesters began gathering here in democracy monument just after 8 oclock this morning it was supposed to be in the afternoon but they came early to occupy some space here on this Traffic Circle around democracy money you can see them now starting to gather around me you know why they have chosen today thats because in 1973 there was a student led uprising much like this that overthrew the then military government now what theyre asking for now theyve refined their demands down to 3 they want the cabinet to resign they want a new constitution and this is the most controversial part of it and they want reform within the monarchy something that hasnt been touched in many many many years but that is why theyre out here again this is the 4th large scale demonstration they have been able to do since july now whats interesting with this again this is a Traffic Circle here around democracy monument on this side of the monument you can see maybe some of the yellow shirts out there those are people who support the monarchy and who support the government so they have also come out in force again thats part of the reason why the antigovernment protesters came out early so they can occupy their part of the circle so be able to see how things on the fold over the afternoon one thing though the organizers of the antigovernment protest say theyre going to do it later in the day is go down this road and that is to march toward Government House now down the road even further they have put the police up put on buses across the street and have Police Cordons after that to prevent them from doing it so theyre allowing them to gather here around democracy monument but theyre definitely making a bold move a strong move to prevent them from going to the Government House later in the day were going to weather update next to 0 then saudi arabia loses its real. The Un Human Rights Council because of the murder of the saudi journalist ramona showed she. In the netherlands closes its bars and restaurants offer a record daily increase in the number of prove it 19 cases. Of. The weather squatting down nicely now across northwest and possibly a big area of High Pressure which will push its way in over the next couple of days i will slide down across the British Isles i still want to wet weather fronts and play at the moment based in places of more clouds the showers the west the weather is over towards the east some really heavy downpours surrounded this area of low pressure which is swirling away across the Baltic States pushing into poland eastern parts of germany as you go on through the next couple of days holding the temperatures down as well 3 horrible day there in temperatures now hot in around 10 celsius with lots of rain around a lot of rights a making its way towards the north and positively this is the effect and then as a general a low thats going to face some very heavy downpours in the possibility of some flooding across northern parts of italy as we go through wednesday and on into thursday and that watch the weather will slot across the age reality bring some heavy downpours into the baltics notice some snow coming back in across the alps further north generally dry but on the cool side there for london 13 celsius for the brisk north easterly wind where largely dry but the 2 across northern parts of africa the showers continue through the gulf of guinea over towards ethiopian halas wish i was extending all the way into liberia and sierra leone. Global community we are i think. Thats. Crazy is the response that looks like be part of the debate you can jump into the conversation right away when no topic is off the table youre not afraid of anyone taking we just what. The rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer its not kill destroy the system its just to look at the system and. This street on out is there. Again this is not so much of the main news this fighting between Taliban Forces and Government Troops in afghanistan has displaced tens of thousands of people began when the taliban launched coordinated attacks in Helmand Province on saturday. Israel and lebanon a meeting to discuss control of maritime border is the delegations are in southern lebanon for what are being called indirect talks. Of the world bank has approved 12000000000. 00 in new funding for developing countries to buy covert 19 vaccines its part of a 160000000000. 00 program to help nations fight the pandemic. Both u. S. President ial candidates traded blows on the campaign trail donald trump attacked joe biden during a rally in the battleground states of pennsylvania. This election is a simple choice if i can win so i know when its all these other countries when we get ripped off by everybody if we win you will print something you wins in america when its very simple. For years the selfish and corrupt Political Class betrayed the people of pennsylvania you know that and the people of our country joe biden has been campaigning in the state of florida addressing older voters many of whom backed trump in 2016 thats been used to already the entire story in my view Donald Trumps presidency the fact that hes never been focused on what matters hes never been focused on you hes handling of this pandemic has been a radek just like his presidency is bad and it has prevented florida seniors and people all across the country from getting the relief that they need donald trump hasnt just been well and not do the work i think its that beyond that im not sure he cares about i mean any real hope. Many u. S. States are seeing historic levels of early voting more than 10000000 people have already mailed in or dropped off their votes due to the pandemic president trundles repeatedly criticized mail in voting saying that it leads to fraud or serious and he gallagher reports on the 1st day of early voting in Georgia People lined up for hours to cast their ballots in some counties voters reported waiting more than 10 hours but it isnt just in person voting that shattering records across the country as people make their voices heard more than 10 and a half 1000000 ballots have already been mailed in or dropped off a number that could see voter turnout the highest since 1908 despite fears over the coburg 19 pandemic long waits and technical issues in some states early voting is hitting historic numbers for me as a younger person i am really ready and willing to get out here and brave the cold and the cold that i had to make it and i got it down it was so much at stake and president trumps unfounded claims that mail in voting could lead to massive fraud there are problems the Republican Party in california installed dozens of their own ballot drop off boxes virtually indistinguishable from boxes sanctioned by the state officials call them unofficial and illegal and have insisted they be removed those official ballot drop boxes go through a number of steps that are required in law and regulations for installation for security for placement so having these unofficial ballot drop boxes that anybody can go to on main and and not meeting all those requirements is just not appropriate according to the u. S. Election Assistance Commission the popularity of 1000000 votes has been growing for years but this year it may play into the hands of democratic president ial nominee joe biden here in florida the number of early votes reveals a potentially worrying statistic for President Donald Trump the number of democratic voters who cast their ballots early tops republicans by more than 350. De 1000 this is a state the president must win Many Republican voters dont trust maryland voting so those numbers will change is election day draws nearer the biden campaigns push to get people voting early seems to be working make a plan to vote early and then get involved i know youre busy i know that i know your strike so. But there is action is still important not to do every thing we can florida is the 1st state to begin sorting its mail in ballots but like other states votes wont officially be counted until election day for now only the computers know the results of what will be a historic president ial election and gallacher aljazeera miami florida. Saudi arabia has failed to win reelection to the u. N. Human Rights Council the attempt faced criticism because of allegations of stays involvement in the murder of saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi who was killed inside the saudi consulate in istanbul 2 years ago china and russia did win seats on the body despite widespread criticism of both nations over human rights or diplomatic its a james bays is at the un and says that human Rights Groups a calling for charlie a change to the selection process. Coming forth and not getting a seat was saudi arabia and i think that shows the way that saudi arabias reputation with regard to human rights has been seriously dented in recent years since power been someone has been infected effectively in charge of the country the detention of fellow members the royal family in the Ritz Carlton Hotel in riyadh the long running war in yemen and 2 years ago the murder in a saudi consulate of Jamal Khashoggi clearly have affected how other members of the United Nations view saudi arabia and theyve decided it should be on the Human Rights Council human Rights Groups say the whole process needs looking at you shouldnt have these uncontested slates there should be plenty of countries running in each of the regional groups so that all of the countries of the United Nations have a proper choice they focus in particular on russia and china which are both going to be on the Human Rights Council they talk about the situation in hong kong we talk about the plight of the week is with regard to china with regard to russia you have the war in syria the bombing of hospitals thats taken place in syria you have the ongoing situation in ukraine and you have the recent poisoning of the russian Opposition Leader alexina valmy all black marks with regard to human rights regarding russia but they will serve on the Human Rights Council where u. S. Secretary of state might pompei or said in a statement that the election of cuba russia and china countries with a poor and human rights records validates the trumpet ministrations decision to withdraw from the council and 2018 and to use other venues and opportunities to protect and promote universal human rights which is a professor of Political Science at George Washington university he says that geopolitical considerations drive Decision Making at the u. N. This resonates with the principle that International Laws always support it to geopolitics and with china as powerful as it is and at the head for example of the asia infrastructure an Investment Bank with its economic political and military power. Its really going to stand out opposed their 5 regions within that hold slate candidate elections d and in the majority of cases at least in this cycle their only Asia Pacific Region was contested which included saudi arabia and china by the way. So what this shows is the geo political might consider ations matter and thats the case with russia as well i think russia. Which basically lost its bid. In terms of election to the Human Rights Council in 2016 because of its support for abbas a pressure on assad in syria really wants very much to attain and influence that is much more coveted because of the United States selfimposed removal by trying to pump a 0 in 2018 boss and restaurants being shot in the netherlands off to a record daily increase in the number of coded 19 cases the government has banned the sale of alcohol off to 8 pm on mosques of been made compulsory in indoor spaces nearly 7 of the half 1000 new infections were announced on tuesday europe a seen a spike in numbers the netherlands has one of the highest infection rates per capita worldwide aljazeera step boston reports from amsterdam. Stricter measures are now being announced and its still a partial lockdown despite the fact that many others also have been asking for a complete lockdown and make sure that in a couple of weeks maybe the inspections will go down so far the government didnt want to decide to have a full lockdown but they also said maybe in 2 weeks if the situation is not improving they might decide to do that so so far schools are still open but there is a still a new turn around from the side of the government to have this mandatory face masks now in all the indoor public areas and thats a complete different change in policy because so far the government has insisted that is it is held to protect you against the virus they stubbornly. Reseated that for several months despite the fact that in germany and belgium and other countries here in the west of europe these are safe not for mandatory already they kept repeating it but now they have changed this stance and say that they will look for a Legal Framework to make it mandatory in the very near future i have a feeling its not really sinking in yet what ive seen here and im so them because this is definitely a hot spot the capital of for the netherlands has the highest infection rate and life has been as usual so thats why the government has this very tough task now to convince everyone this is serious the hospital hospitals are struggling i. C. U. Capacity in the netherlands is limited a lot of operations can be performed right now because of the cope with 1000 patients coming in and they hope that people will believe this but theres also this criticism that the government hasnt been clear for the last couple of months themselves at all. Mexicos president is planning to abolish more than 100 of the countrys trust fund it is fight against corruption the decision is drawn fierce criticism from activists who say that cultural projects are. And many Vulnerable People depend on the government funding al jazeera as john holdren reports from mexico city. But he had today said had already been told her brother was too should a murdered look was left was to look for his remains but she got Death Threats even for doing that is her children had to flee 1000 state sonora she was helped by one of mexicos Public Trust Funds the victims of the violence who relocates it hurts of this apartment here in a 2nd if that. If they take me out of these refuge then i dont know if tomorrow i will be alive or not i dont know where i would sleep if not just me but thousands wind these Protection Program that. Theyre worried because president under his men will look his of the doors more in a party has just had a bill approved by congress to abolish more than 100 Public Trust Funds the president says theyre reduced by corruption and he wants the government to administer the money directly his promise no beneficiaries will lose their funding see the. Exports people depend on the trust funds theyll keep receiving support you for not visit pinson them for the grant so they wont have a problem and the only thing were going to do is revise how that moneys being spent there will be control will quickly see the funds are being well apart. But look is obrador actually indicated months back that he wants to use trust fund money for his National Economic plan hes also just said that some of the funds will be used to cope with that since many in science some Protection Programs fear theyll lose out the bill only needs to pass here at the met concern and thats why these people are government outside scientists filmmakers or journalists the victims of the violent many of them depend on the money thats emotive specially for them and protect it within these funds and they worry that if but this appears theyre going to be left in. Theres another concern to one of the funds is specifically for Natural Disaster response if that disappears it will be a big deal in a country plagued by earthquakes and hurricanes. But the president does have a point the majority of trust funds do lack transparency and accountability according to a study by funda a budget Analysis Institution that doesnt necessarily mean they should all be scrapped says sadie yetta. Unfortunately its become a question of trust funds are good or theyre bag without analyzing each one of course in some cases they have Serious Problems of transparency and in others it would be a really good idea to see how they can be made more efficient and flexible. Being reformed when necessary then instead of scratching a whole scheme that many rely on for their work and research and some light money at todays need just to keep them safe john home and out to sea to mexico city. Flooding in Central Vietnam has led to the deaths of at least 28 people torrential rain inundated villages and submerged submerged an estimated 100000 homes rescuers are trying to reach many who are stranded but more bad weather on the way a struggle still now heads in. You crew members are on their way to the International Space station out in record time to 2 russians of an american are on board a russian soyuz rocket that blasted off from kazakhstan for the 1st time they using a fast track maneuver to reach the space station in just 3 hours usually takes at least twice as long theyll be orbiting the earth for the next 6 months. It is good to have you with us hello adrian figure here in doha the headlines on aljazeera you fighting between Taliban Forces and Government Troops in afghanistan has displaced tens of thousands of people it began when the taliban launched coordinated attacks in Helmand Province on saturday u. S. Troops are helping to defend Afghan Security forces physio contraflow reports now from kabul. That weve been witnessing taking place in the south of the pope

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