Libyas Largest Oil Field resumes production after nearly a year long walk aid by warlords and if i have to. Follow a fragile cease fire between armenia and azerbaijan is under threat following attacks from both sides in the conflict over nagornokarabakh new fighting has killed at least 8 people there is a search for survivors burry beneath the rubble as a re Officials Say the 2nd city of ganja was struck by missiles in the early hours of sunday morning military officials in the Gorda Karabakh have denied attacking that city saying theyre observing the cease fire meanwhile armenia is accusing as a reformer says of shelling the regions largest cities the panic hurts both sides accuse each other of violating the humanitarian ceasefire which came into force on saturday the deal follow allows them to Exchange Prisoners and recover bodies hundreds of people have been killed since fighting flared up 2 weeks ago synagogue who is a just a fear in azerbaijan she says the government is calling the ceasefire violation a crime. The top officials call that as a military a military crime and the International Community should respond this thats what they said and when i asked the other day how consulted with russia about this violation of the cease fire to the assistant of the president of mentally of. His assistants. He told me that they have already contacted and theyre waiting for to hear from the russian side as well the cease fire was mediated by russia actually it was expected to kick off properly but it didnt yesterday after the cease fire was in force just a couple of minutes later maybe 15 minutes later we heard from both sides that the cease fire was violated this side on the survey john sides along with again german dutch over was also targeted by several missiles and they told us in the area both the officials and the civilians told us that it was targeted by 9 rockets last night but on the other side we are hearing that is the pernik air it was also under fire over the night so the both sides accuse each other for violating the cease fire however they dont stop attacking each other either Bernard Smith is in greece or munir his officials are evading any questions about violating the cease fire. The accusation about the shelling of ganja was port to being a go on a car dock president in a press conference earlier today and he didnt specifically answer the question books are. He did say that if in the next one or 2 do days we do not feel as airy readiness to resolve these issues peacefully i will 1st apply to his area thora teased to International Authorities and armenian authorities to recognize the independence of the golan oconnor a box that is an extremely unlikely prospect it is recognised as a bounty azerbaijani territory also today the armenians have released an updated list of the soldiers killed now 429 soldiers killed and when they released the list they released the names on the dates of birth and you see that the dates of birth of nearly all of them are between 2000 im warm to 2002 so a very young man being killed in these last 2 weeks does not release details of the numbers of his soldiers killed but you can be assured that there are casualties on the side and ill be of a similar age when you see these lists of casualties and perhaps get a greater appreciation of the enormous pressure the leaderships of both countries are under not to be seen to making concessions that will cost them to the other side tsar im a toonies the spokesman for the International Committee of the red cross delegation in the armenian capital year of on she says the terms of the cease fire can only be accomplished if it serves the needs of both sides and can be maintained. Where are actually in regular discussions that the size of the nature of our involvement however far now the date for the operation to begin is in the hands of the size and the are International Committee of the right to cross stands ready to facilitate. And support the sides in their league ation humanitarian obligation to release that the detainees why had not all the other 2 returned the human remains that the fatherland can. Bury and often went for now however we have been hearing reports about shelling continued on both sides of the line of contact unfortunately which does not allow us. All in any kind of humanitarian matted hair and operation the nature of our interaction weve started this is actually confidential sold bilaterally were discussing both the our concerns and also the possibility is to. Move swiftly to the process actually however what we can confirm now is doubts the decisions of political decisions are in the hands of the sides not the i. C. R. C. Just stuff over a week after the us president announced his tested positive for a covert 19 donald trump has told fox news that he no longer has the coronavirus in that same interview he said he believes hes now immune to it lets bring in our chris and salumi joining us from new york so what does this mean for the Campaign Events and rallies. Well the president is very eager to get out on the campaign trail hes made that very clear so he is attempting to reassure the public that he is clear and safe to go back out his exact words were that he has passed the highest tests the highest standards hes in great shape he no longer has coded tests show hes not a transmission risk what his doctor said in a statement on saturday specifically is that he needs the c. D. C. Standards for coming out of isolation but what neither of them are saying and what people want to hear are the words specifically that he tested negative for coronavirus he seems to be avoiding that phraseology and thats making a lot of people suspicious given that recent poll suggests one that just came out from a. B. C. News in fact that 62 percent of people dont actually trust what the president says about the pandemic and 2 thirds of voters think that he failed to take appropriate measures so talking about getting back out there when hes. Older person and. Less than 2 weeks since he announced his diagnosis is raising some concerns ari kristen thank you very much both the russian president Alexander Lukashenko has held an unexpected meeting with opposition activists imprisoned state media says he discussed constitutional reform with whose political rivals on saturday they were jailed for challenging the relection which triggered weeks of mass protests thousands of people were detained in the violent crackdown that followed the disputed poll in august. But. The protesters are demanding dialogue i thought based on the criticism of your followers and the most radical proposals we shouldnt only focus on the constitution and i know half of you here are louise and perfectly understand that the constitution cant be written in the streets and im trying to convince both your supporters and society at large that we must have a broader view towards these problems. A day after the meeting with the Opposition Police detained dozens of antigovernment protesters. Police fired tear gas and Water Cannons batons to disperse crowds protesting for the 9th consecutive day military vehicles received entering the capital minsk ahead of the rally nearly 7000 people have been detained since august election. The head of nigerias police says that an elite anti robbery unit will be dissolved immediately this comes after several days of protests across the country and demanding the complete abolition of the special anti robbery squad of demonstrators have accused the group of murder extortion and disappearances a while most are rough son johnny is the executive director of the Civil Society legislative Advocacy Center he says the protesters want a complete overhaul of nigerias security sector. This is. A very Relief Development but i think its a fundamental a shortfall of this petition of nigerians because its an edge against ones they really want accountability on those. Who have more the poor have distorted who have brutalized nigerians because this band in the needs without. Tickin you know sanction against those who perpetrated this act it to mean that when the. Another unit they could get this atrocity so. For of course end to this brutal brutality that units of the police had been cutting out against nigerians but most of the mentally nigerians are looking for fundamental reform in the police understood it is generally because of the different duration of this quality in the country these 2 more. Insecurity in the country criminality in ben do tree and also talk of criminal activities both within and i would say the school just have to actually take in deprogrammed of this country and therefore nigeria for skill to form what we can see now is an attempt by the government to try to douse detention that is already grew in green on in the country so that it will not have. Into arab spring still ahead on aljazeera polls are now closed for Turkish Cypriots in the Divided Islands north we have more on the fragile peace deal thats at stake 20 years after being forcibly evicted white zimbabwean farmers are returning to work for black landowners. Hell a scene from space is no big surprise to find a little cloud of the middle east this time the year the given that 3 weeks ago was hot and dry hot and normal fires have broken out in places like lebanon and jordan and syria now the weathers not going to aid them or indeed hinder them itll be up to human action nothing much is changing media future but that a breeze coming down the gulf which picks up next as an attempt is generally speaking are dropping down in places like out not everywhere 36 in baghdad is still quite on the high side salad back in the sunshine the how beef has completely gone the rains are going sacked this is where youll find them anywhere from south sudan more especially just down towards the equator this is where the rain is really being pepped up at the moment and you see india congo the dark blue even occasional orange is that is where youre going to find the heaviest of the showers and they stretch off oversea into uganda this is no big surprise this is correct the time of year the rain does stretch the other sides 3 boats was zimbabwe and into south africa often in lines of weaknesses in the atmosphere so youve got blue going through harare and briefly into johannesburg the focus for johannesburg gives you a sundry monday but then on tuesday and wednesday its fine and warming up. From fossil fuels to modern day renewables as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such demands as a Global Power Development of Investment Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against these demands we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and environmentally sound Energy Solutions for future generations the breastpin pioneering future energy. The end. I want to get the top stories on all just euro. At least 8 people have been killed in the latest fighting over the disputed region a flag or no care about as a really efficient say the city of gun joe was struck by missiles overnight as a base and armenia are accusing each other of violating innocence far as you know. Just over a week after the us president tested positive for cocaine 19 donald trump was told fox news he no longer has the coronavirus in that same interview he said he believes hes now in the union to linux. The head of nigerias police as they call it that a controversial elite anti robber you know will be dissolved immediately this comes after a several days of protests demonstrators have accused the group of murder extortion and disappearances. Production and starting restarting that is that libyas Largest Oil Fields shut out a has been closed for most of this year because of a blockade imposed by the warlords 25 to libya used to produce more than a 1000000 barrels of crude a day generating an important stream of income from tripoli mannix rana tells us more about what led to reopening. Well i think this is International Pressure on her leave to have to her and his forces to demilitarize the oil ports and oil fields and ahead of the un facilitated political talks now currently there are a representatives of the High State Council from tripoli and the eastern based parliament in cairo in talks but i think that thats its theres a real gathering of the International Community on reopening the oil and for the warring sides to come to sort of a political agreement and bring about peace and stability to libya its important too to mention that these oil closures have caused a lot of lost revenue over the years since 2013 to 2020 according to the Libyan Central Bank thats theyve lost over 180000000000. 00 and thats thats a Revenue Source to the government and thats how they pay the salaries for people thats how they pay for Government Services like electricity and water here in tripoli. Theres been a long power cuts up to 18 hours 20 hours a day out of covert locked the a covert lockdown and curfew people are very frustrated they cant go out they cant go outside of their houses theyre stuck inside their homes or the temperatures are really high so its its really hot theres a lack of liquidity in vents so theres long lines at banks residents have to wait in long lines and only able to pull out a certain amount of money and thats all due to these oil closures wolfgang posti is a security and policy analyst and austrias former Defense Attache in libya he says to libya excuse me he says getting the oil flowing again will be good for the economy but wont have a real impact on the ongoing conflict. Their opening of each other has no direct impact on the political process which is unfortunately stuck again. Some some positive signs after the negotiations in morocco which came to an agreement about the propositions between the h. R. N. T. S. C. But unfortunately there is no approval of the outcome of these negotiations made up by the age you are nor by the Supreme State concert agreement by opening of the oil exports was for the kind being purchased one month which means until october 17th and the spending if the recent agreement that these 3 fusion of the oil revenues for the time being all their payments end up in a bank account of the leap in foreign pank and are not wired through central bank of libya and a green meant could be terminated off the october 17th if there is no such agreement my guess is that the flow of oil be continued for 2 reasons one is you have seen if i shout out half that use probably not in the position not in a position to or the stop all over libya it could well be that in the east the people will stick to his office but its quite unlikely that the guys and i shout out to and in the other vest the noise piece will follow these so i guess their production and the exports continue also off the over 17 if least as long as the funds remain in the Libyan Foreign bank and on not transferred to the central bank of libya a number of armed groups in iraq have agreed to stop rocket attacks on u. S. Forces a spokesman for hezbollah which has close links with iran says the ceasefire is conditional on baghdad giving a timetable for the withdrawal of american troops the group is nominally incorporated into iraqs Security Apparatus but has been accused of acting outside the formal chain of command its also been blamed for a siege on camp taji in march which killed one british and 2 american soldiers. Wildfires that were burning in parts of syria in lebanon have been brought under control many families were forced to flee from the flames which were triggered by a heat wave in the middle east firefighters are still cooling down some of the burnt out areas at these 3 people in syria died and dozens were admitted to hospital with breathing problems. Polls have closed for president ial elections in the south acquired republic of Northern Cyprus the incumbent president. Supports the reunification of cyprus is going against the nationalist who is backed by turkey the island has been divided since 1974 into the turkish speaking north and Greek Cypriot south and he reports. Hes the leader of a country that nobody but turkey recognizes and now turkeys leaders have turned against him to. Most of his hoping to be reelected as president of the self declared republic of Northern Cyprus with a population of no more than half a 1000000 people i can choose supports a federal solution for the Divided Island and hes keen for stalled talks involving the government in the south of cyprus as well as greece turkey and britain to resume. But many people here in the north favor a 2 state solution including the Prime Minister s. In touch hes backed by turkey. This week alongside turkish president are due on the tower announced the partial reopening of virus. Its a Holiday Resort abandoned by its Greek Cypriot inhabitants during the turkish invasion in 1984 the move to allow visitors back on to the beach was criticized by tatas rivals who saw it as turkish interference. In unfortunately the or thora hes of the republic of turkey took a side in this election very openly they did this despite all my warnings all of you have seen this all of society has seen and experienced this successive United Nations resolutions have called for the area to be transferred to u. N. Control un peacekeepers monitor the buffer zone between the 2 parts of the island and the reopening of the beach prompted protests by Greek Cypriots living nearby. It also led to a member of the Ruling Coalition in the north to quit in effect bringing down the government the u. N. Plans to call new multilateral talks. In the future of cyprus after the election the upcoming negotiations will be basically 5 party. And they were stations not just between the 2 sides but also including the 3 got on so whoever is elected needs to work with turkey in order to formulate the best policies in the negotiations the election comes during territorial tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean cyprus and its ally greece have been pushing for International Sanctions against turkey for its exploration of undersea oil and natural gas meaning the vote in Northern Cyprus is being watched more closely than ever. And polls have closed and taxed on where the incumbent president the raman has been in power since 1902 thats longer than valorous is Alexander Lukashenko rahman has 4 rivals hes widely expected to win another 7 year term european monitors say there is a lack of genuine political competition victoria get the reports. President in a muddy rachman arrives at a polling station in the capital hes hoping to win a 5th term in office after his induced changes to the constitution 4 years ago which scrapped the limits on president ial terms but the economy is struggling and voters are worried about the future. Im not sure rove is trying hard to keep his coffee shop open International Airports being closed for the last 6 months because of covering the virus restrictions and that means ahmed hasnt been able to import his regular supply of coffee he says the next president must help Small Businesses meet. The needs. We order a lot of stuff for our business from other countries due to covert air traffic is blocked it would be great if our government appreciated our problems and gave us some help it would benefit us tremendously. So president ial candidates are promising to grow the economy and create jobs to take a stand is the poorest of the place save the state a lack of work opportunity at home more than a 1000000 men and women to find jobs a brute. A longish. We want to see job growth especially for those who are unemployed and if there are enough jobs here men will not look for opportunities in other countries theyll stay here with their kids. Human Rights Groups a political reform is vital if the country is to avoid the instability and violence its experienced in the past this election as the significant because its the 1st one since the Main Opposition Party a moderate islamist on he was bombed in 2015 so actually the situation is even bleaker now in the last president ial election in 2013 many voters expect wreck man to win the election the any question for them is whether the 68 year old will serve out the full 7 year term Victoria Gate and be al jazeera. Video of a group of bangladeshi men attacking and stripping a woman has provoked more protests condemning violence against women hundreds rallied in the capital dhaka to accuse the government of failing to tackle the alarming gang grape and sexual assaults demonstrators are demanding Capital Punishment for offenders although many attacks reporting. A bus heading to a buddhist temple has collided with a train in thailands killing at least 18 people around 30 others were injured it happened about 60 kilometers in the capital bangkok dozens of passengers were on that buses across rail tracks during rain. More than a 1000 refugees have read Spains Canary islands and 48 hours the largest number since 2016 over the weekend the refugees headed to the south coast of gran canaria and 37 boats many were rescued at sea refugees are now taking a dangerous route into the Atlantic Ocean to reach europe since morocco increased security along its borders local politicians say the Canary Islands do not have enough resources for the refugees. 20 years after zimbabwes controversial land reform policy been thousands of white farmers were forcibly evicted some are returning to the land just tenants of black owners as horowitz also reports from the East Province the government hopes their return will boost production amid warnings that millions as a bubbly ends are facing food shortages. Zimbabwes government calls these collaboration partnerships or joint ventures some whites who were forced off commercial farms joining the Land Reform Programme 20 years ago coming back to work with black landowners. Are the people whove got the money and the resources to partner the land has been just the best thing that has happened to us obviously we know we Work Together well. We also with the partnership the good thing about the partnership is this skills transfer. 2 decades after the government sees thousands of white owned commercial farms land and who it rightfully belongs to is still an emotive and divisive topic in zimbabwe and other parts of Southern Africa followings the bobbies land reform controversy when pharmacies from whites the barbarians of all races are now cautious about land agreements thats why those in these joint partnerships insist on legal documentation stating exactly how profits will be dividers. Some of the barman say the late president Robert Mugabes Land Reform Program was a partisan process that favored a few elites and left the country struggling to feed itself some of the land grabs were chaotic and violent displacing the white farmers and their farm workers the Uns World Food Program warns more than 8000000 zimbabweans would not have enough food by december thats roughly 60 percent of the population others believe land reform was necessary to give back land to blacks the barbarians land that was taken by white settlers jus in the colonial years. And that it is what we now need is foremost a good bridge to the learnt and there is a compensation. That is looking for resources in order to compensate for the improvements only on the island. So the states it is going to pay more than 3000000000. 00 in compensation to whites who had their farm expropriated to resettle black families through or for any credit or tool lend you money when. You have a feeling to clear things going to be very difficult for government to reuse unless the government probably is going to impose taxes but again that a bit of your daughter or we already are in takes didnt economy. People keen on running these farms as. The businesses again want guarantees from the government there will be no more illegal land seizures and Property Rights will be respected but the country is constantly changing economic policies still make investors nervous president keeps saying zimbabwe is open for business the International Community and the locals are watching waiting to see if that is indeed true how to toss out is there much on the land East Province is a bubbly its been a history making afternoon in germany for formula one World Champion Lewis Hamilton and hes equalled Michael Schumacher as all time record of 91 race wins mercedes driver started from 2nd on the grid behind teammate Valtteri Bottas who was forced to retire with power failure by that point title to had already taken the lead and finished well ahead of his nearest rivals after the race schumacher son nick presented hamilton with one of his fathers old helmets mission off the achievement. Hello the headlines on aljazeera at least 8 people have been killed in the latest fighting over the disputed region of going on care of all 3 Officials Say the city of ganja was struck by missiles overnight as a resign and armenia are accusing each other of violating a cease fire deal just over a week after the us president announced he was tested positive for cover 19 donald trump has told fox news he no longer has the virus in that same interview is said he believes hes now immune to it this is salumi has more from new york. Akhil winning wording that was used by his physician

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