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As the u. S. Records the highest number of new cases in nearly 2 months. Turkish cypriots go to the polls to select a president amid tensions over Gas Exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean. Voting is underway in tajikistan where one of the worlds longest serving leaders is hoping to extend his 28 year rule. With the sports tennis titans in paris is about family down to face well not joke of it in the french open final. At least 8 people have been killed in the latest fighting over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh Officials Say the city of gonzo was struck by missiles overnight both azerbaijan and armenia are accusing each other of violating a cease fire which came into force on saturday the deal allows them to Exchange Prisoners and recover bodies but theres been heavy fighting in the region for the past 2 weeks now shortly were going to cross to Bernard Smith in our media but 1st lets bring in sin and cos you know whos in got for us in azerbaijan just talk us through whats been happening where you are. Well early to this morning between 3 am and 4 am again just a few was targets its again by they say no and rockets and one of them was a torch go you which hit this residential area right behind me you see the bridge so the. Rockets and the building that was hit is told to the destroyed according to officials there are 7 kills and 39 injured in this building and me and my cameraman were able to witness at these 2 bodies being found and taken out in bags in body bags and relatives all those people who have been killed they were crying because they were waiting outside this area hoping that their beloved ones may become come out alive from on their destruction this is not the 1st some drop thats going to city has been targeted the 1st the 1st one was on october 4th again 2 civilians were killed but its not its even less than 20 in 24 hours it must say again just the 2 was hit by a Ballistic Missile. Which is also another important big city of beijing was hit a couple of times and again the official say that it was a Ballistic Missile that hit me as well and we were able to hear the sound of the explosion and its even shoop our hotel we woke up all journalists woke up by that sound you see the curious citizens who are around but i have to tell that the Civil Defense units have been working hard in the area and theyre also trying to help the civilians who are waiting for who who have lost this and we are hearing that. There are 16 women and at least 6 children being hospitalized right now this is the situation then when youre speaking to the civilians rob they say we dont want. And a ceasefire because when we have a ceasefire it is our man you know that violates then it is targeting our civilians indiscriminate they they say and they claim that they are not targeting the armenian civilians but in military positions but the civilians are very angry this is what i have to say and. Assistant to the prison so it was our bridge and was just here he briefed the whole media here and he told this thing that happened here earlier this morning as a genocide and this is the situation and still some rescue works around the way and we will be hearing more about the outcome of the incident especially about the injured people rob said and thanks very much indeed the sin and cos you are talking to us from ground 0 and that was a by john lets bring in Bernard Smith who is a lawyer for his english in the armenia bernard just talk us through what the situation is like from your side. There was shelling in the evening were told in stepping back at the main city main town in the going to care about and in another town called hard drugs this is an area that they are about john is that theyve taken a couple of days ago it doesnt seem theyve taken the town they might have taken part of of the province so shelling continued in those areas its much quieter today were told in stepan and in other towns really so on this side of things it seems to be quiet and the armenians though of release the numbers of killed soldiers the latest update 429 i think armenians soldiers killed and when they release the numbers they release the names of the more and you see the birth dates and almost all of them born in 20012002 they are very young now is about young doesnt release the figures of soldiers killed on its side but you can be assured that there have been casualties on the as ery side and there will be young and when you see those figures you see the pressure the leaders on both sides are under to make sure that they are not the ones to be seen to be giving way to the other side in a break in the fighting which when the cease fire began we were given the opportunity to have a look around step in occurred and what the damage has damage has been done to that town. Step and accurate has taken a battering these last 2 weeks as a buyer john has thrown the latest high tech israeli and turkey supplied weaponry at this town and the surrounding areas of nagornokarabakh the ceasefire has allowed people to risk emerging from their shelters. A cease fire is good certainly but the problem must be solved you cant have a cease fire and several years later war again a cease fire must solve the problem that is our independence. Independence is very unlikely this is internationally recognized as azerbaijani territory but its governed by Ethnic Armenians a previous ceasefire lasted more than 26 years but the status of Nagorno Karabakh went on resolved a ceasefire allows both sides to assess the capabilities of each other and for the armenians there must be a new appreciation of the technically advanced and destructive weaponry that the adversary hands. What has surprised armenians in karabakh is turkeys open support for azerbaijan if one of the results were a direct involvement of told keep and i dont see that told hes going to pull out from the region it means that we have to somehow you know change some geopolitical approaches so far with state strength. For the string strengthen our relations with but also of countries but also. The United States iran and china. In the is very town of tartar these buildings were hit by armenian artillery before the cease fire we dont support the ceasefire our enemy shall face what they deserve maybe 10 times more than what they did to us before. These were homes built for some of the 10s of thousands of his areas displaced from territory next to karabakh that armenia talk in the 190124 war now theyre on the move again i would that an International Community or a Serious Group or cheers should take responsibility and transforms that current moment to a change in momentum of status quo into the durable peace is a particular focus on israel of armenian troops from so quite that it was a bit. Russia says armenia and azerbaijan have agreed to substantial peace talks for them to work both sides will have to make the sort of compromises on territorial sovereignty that theyve never been willing to make before. We live in burnet smith aljazeera stepanek kurt nagornokarabakh lets bring in vladimir certainly cough in moscow hes a political scientist at the Russian Academy of sciences its good to have you with us sir knowledge is 0 thank you very much indeed for joining us does russia have enough influence with both sides to be able to at least bring some sort of temporary cessation of the fighting. Well actually judging from the call to go shay chanson which were a lot of oil level now was on the friday on top of the might i think that russia has actually won so influenced the. Not to look to spy on but also getting to use all such them and dont recall i think that both sides need most of. All i mean theres a budge on should recognize and. I think that russia of any Important Role look like. A coach elements of their means could look what else can russia do in terms of this current temporary ceasefire in terms of the humanitarian crisis that it was those of the frame in which this was built because although it managed to get both sides at least to the same table what it has not been able to do is stop them from firing missiles at each other after the start of the cease fire. Well actually i think up yeah russian knowledge to get to all sides of the negotiation table but this is so wrong one step back because months that this is a critical staff to spy and reaching the. Agreements or. Conditions but the 2nd critical step would be the both parties with their negotiations somebody with. Russia would continue to get to the. Negotiations peaceful settlement and they thought might take a lot of time the negotiations where. Several years ago well started in 90 s. But not older since the critical sun 2nd importance that which should be done should be done we heard the foreign minister yesterday during the talks saying that the only thing that would actually make this move forward would be a from union troops left Nagorno Karabakh for their part the armenians are saying that theyre going to cost about should be regarded by the International Community as an independent region those seem like 2 completely opposing viewpoints how can russia bring those 2 sides together whats the Common Ground that would actually allow a way forward for this. Go to be good and so. Its not a concern so we go to the kind of box do is there undercover nights or problems on russia actually. Stands on the point that this is going to come up with the russian meditations. Should be that. Both parties shouldnt be getting back. Previous position and should be actually based on the actual facts which. Bending all the time be so russia. Or swayed both parties not to say all of them up and. To the ground that the both parties should continue. To abstain from provocations and from any any shelling of. Russia actually this is a toss hospital or russia and there are positive role russia who go that given the fact that turkey is quite clearly playing a significant role in this. How easy is it going to be for russia to try to be able to negotiate a deal when turkey is going to be playing such a key part in those negotiations perhaps not at the table but certainly in terms of the level of influence it has particularly with regards to azerbaijan is russia going to be able to get together a deal that suitable for everybody that also includes what turkey wants. Well as far as the. Cease fire agreement in songs it doesnt presuppose that there will be that but the situation. In this. Will set the stage i think at some point with some point in the likely scenario russia who actually. Go chapmans. Who did agree to that always chose talk playing in the region in general at the moment if you live in it so i think that when the. Well get to the actual negotiations well that was a little bit strong go shave. Russia and talk but no the signalman doesnt own the ceasefire it doesnt just. Send. One so you lost actually i think thats actually. Probably as as a as a gold problem is that since all our talk is for us then some bug on. The block at the 1st stage moves they say that the go to the cock should but its not my job this is not the good ground. Bowling talking future negotiations really interesting to get to thoughts on this we appreciate your time sir let me assortments off in moscow thank you very much indeed thank you thank you. But more ahead in the news hour including 20 years after being forcibly evicted white a zimbabwean farmers are returning to work for black landowners. And how much privacy should workers have if they operate from home well hear how some bosses are spying on staff and voluntary bosses will start from pole position for the eiffel girl friend joe is going to show you how he did it in the sports. Says the president s been cleared to return to work but wont confirm if hes tested negative for corona virus it comes after trump addressed a crowd of hundreds at the white house and claimed the pandemic is disappearing on the day the u. S. Recorded the highest number of new coronavirus cases in nearly 2 months our White House Correspondent Kelly Holcomb reports. With his recovery still in question donald trump emerged from the white house to address supporters its the u. S. President s 1st official appearance since contracting cold with 19. Times physicians will say when trump last tested negative for covert 19 only that hes been cleared to resume campaigning and while the white house insisted saturdays event wasnt a Campaign Rally it sure seemed like one attacking his opponent former Vice President joe biden multiple times Sleepy Joe Biden has betrayed black and latino americans if you think he can run this country youre wrong track was addressing black and latino conservatives who are part of a movement known as blacks it or black accept the movement believes the Democratic Party has betrayed communities of color and is encouraging them to vote republican if the left gains power theyll launch a nationwide crusade against. Law enforcement and theyve already done that. Trump is playing on voter fears of the sometimes violent unrest that gripped several u. S. Cities for months this past summer following protests over the death of george floyd a black man killed while in police custody. Trump hopes his law and order message will help him win over white suburban voters in addition to minority communities hurt by the violence but time is running out for a president currently trailing joe biden in the polls right now American Jews are actually voting their early voting either in person or their mailing in their ballots so theres not much time for the president if hes going to turn this around to do so prior to cope with 19 trump had built on historically low unemployment for minorities but since covert 19 those jobs have been wiped out and once again communities of color are suffering economically in greater numbers than white americans but with little clarity about his own covert recovery there are questions about whether trump should even be on the campaign trail i think its a forgotten where it all. I think that the focus. On the president trouble began holding large public rallies beginning on monday and again on tuesday and wednesday as he targets 3 battleground states can really help get out 0 wash. Democratic president ial candidate joe biden has accused the chump of ministration of neglect over his handling of the pandemic bidens been campaigning in pennsylvania laying out his plans for the economy he says hell create millions of jobs and fund an economic recovery through new taxes on the rich the covert 1000 outbreak has left hundreds of thousands of americans unemployed and more than 214000 people have died america deserves a president who understands what people are going through your face and real challenges right now the last thing you get is a president who exacerbates more than 210000 are dead as was pointed out we lose anywhere from 700 to a 1000 people a day dead the president was told a little while ago when he was told 100000 people a day were dying you know what he said d he says it is what it is it is what it is because he is who he is my heart goes out to everyone struggling in this economic crisis simple neglect on the part of this administration. Productions we starting at libyas Largest Oil Field set up has been closed for most of this year because of a blockade imposed by the ball of clay for half ton being used to produce more than a 1000000 barrels of crude a day generating an important stream of income a lot of trainers that live for us in tripoli nic just talk us through whats behind this announcement. Well theres been a lot of International Pressure for her leave the house during his forces to reopen the oil comes along side the political talks that the u. N. Support mission is facilitating yesterday the u. N. Support mission announced that the into libya dialogue will begin. With in tunis theyll have a session in tunis in late october but the 5 by 5 military track delegations are are scheduled to meet in switzerland on october 19th so i think this comes as the International Community is trying to bridge the gap between the warring sides in libya and this is a step in the in the right direction of course becomes a little bit late last month in september the u. S. Embassy posted that gave a personal commitment of opening of reopening the Energy Sector by september 12th that deadline passed and the oil fields werent open but this is one of the fields one of the most important fields in terms of revenue coming into libya oil is the main main source of revenue thats how they pay for salaries thats how they pay for Government Services to the residents here lets talk about that money because theres always a query isnt there about how much oil money in any Oil Producing country actually filters down to the lives of people. In the daily lives of people on the streets how important is this oil to the libyan people. Well its how theyre paid approximately 20 percent of the population here work in the Public Sector so they work for you know the government institutions so their salaries are paid through the through selling this oil also this is how the according to the National Oil Corporation the diesel and gas that feed the power stations were were cut where were didnt have enough fuel to feed the power stations so we saw lots of power cuts there were protests across libya against the lack of Government Services here in tripoli for instance during the closures there were long power cuts 18 hours 20 hours a day and during the summer its very hot and add to that cove it you know people have a lockdown of curfew theyre not able to leave their homes the weathers really hot theres a lack of liquidity in the banks so you know people residents would have to wait in long lines at banks and thered be a ceiling so they could only pull out a few 100 dinars per month so the the the the oil closures cause a really a really bad situation in terms of the Living Conditions here according to the Libyan Central Bank on tuesday oil closures since 2013 to 2020 and between that time have caused a loss of 180000000000. 00 so thats money that the government uses to to supply Government Services and salaries to the people so oil is extremely important to the libyan economy nightrain alive for us in tripoli mike thank you very much. Turkish cypriot leader most of our king she has cast his vote in the president ial election in the islands breakaway north who is running for reelection and was joined by his wife at a polling station in the divided capital nicosia also known as the the self declared republic of Northern Cyprus is only recognized by turkey the internationally recognized Greek Cypriot government is based in the south of the island lets take a closer look at some of the issues at play in this election the island of cyprus has been divided since 1974 into the turkish speaking north and the Greek Cypriot so incumbent president most of archaeology is standing for a 2nd term he supports the federal accord with the south that contrasts with his rival Prime Minister. Who is closely aligned with turkey and president s are shipped to one on thursdays how opened a beach in the town of which has been off limits since the 1974 conflict Greek Cypriots condemned the move the European Union the said it violates a u. N. Cease fire agreement. On it so isnt is the chairman of the Eastern Mediterranean Universitys Department of Political Science and International Relations hes joining us in skype from the city of hama ghoster good to have you with us on aljazeera lets talk about the opening of this beach 1st of all why is that so significant. Well it is i think just a prelude to a bigger plan i think the next step will be basically to open the rest of the fenced area what osha where the. Private property mostly i thing turkey it will be facing some cases. Related to these issues in the European Court of human rights so thats why its not a surprise to me. Turkey has to make a move in order to bring down those cases from the European Court of human rights and transfer them to the local remedy in the i dont which is the mobile top or at the border where the previous owners will be able to reclaim their property as far as the elections themselves are concerned one of the key issues for the voters. Well i think that. This election is particularly important because there is already a poll out is a show. Between those who support a federal based solution which as being going on since the 1970 s. And on the other side of the tent. Pole that is asian are those people who believe that that al solution is no longer viable we should look for alternative. Methods or alternative solutions so thats why its important but as you know the u. N. Secretary general already declared that after the election process he will call for a 5 part. Which includes the 2 cypriot sides as well as the 3 got on their powers Turkey Greece and united kingdom. In order to see whether they can jumpstart the cyprus negotiations where they collapsed in crown montana 3 years ago i think thats important because solving the cyprus problem in my opinion can be an important he can be an important treaty or insulting the other pending issues in the Eastern Mediterranean region which has been a d bottle or tension in recent times given your experience and analysis of the the Politics Around this region and given the fact what youve just said that those negotiations are going to be key who do you think amongst those candidates that we know about is going to be the best one suited to be able to make a positive change in that. Well it seems like there are 2 candidates who wore a federal based solution thats the 1st one is the incumbent president. And the other one is the Position Party leader and. The other candidates sound different nuances they usually talk about alternative solutions since they dont believe that. At all based solutions are viable anymore but at the end of the day whoever is elected that person needs to coordinate with turkey since. The upcoming negotiations will be basically 5 party. Negotiations not just between the 2 sides but also including the 3 got on to our problems so whoever is elected needs to work with turkey in order to formulate the best policies in the negotiations its good to get your thoughts on this ahmed so and we appreciate your time so thank you very much indeed for the pleasure its time for them either. Time we looked at Southeast Asia specifically vietnam where linford tropical depression is on its way now it may not be relevant theres already flooding in vietnam this is in the province to the north of donna but this is course going to add to it now there is flooding throughout this area and denying represents the reason why in the last 5 days nearly 900 millimeters of rain have been recorded on this coastal city now this is the wettest month admittedly but the average for october 6th or fiftys of exceeded that by about 50 percent already said the flooding is extensive all the way from vietnam through southern laos into cambodia has been there for a while and this is just going to make it worse for the next 3 days and a half meter of rain could still full and add to that circulation size china sea that could end up being a proper circulation so you then got to think about the strength of wind as well if that comes on shore this is not good this is typical there off the retreating monsoon and thats doing the same thing in india with the same consequence to the 6 tent the circulation the bay of bengal increase the likelihood of flooding rain in Andhra Pradesh and on the other side is happening in goa all because of this retreating monsoon. Still ahead on aljazeera target names a new Prime Minister who only days ago was serving a prison sentence for kidnappers and brazils president downplays the coronavirus once again as the death toll there passes 150000 at an all black star makes a costly at it and a match against australia just going to explain in sports. The e. U. Who suggested that it is willing to go to extreme and im reasonable if its simply to exert leverage against the u. K. In on the goetia issues for Free Trade Agreement with a new deal on the cards is it game over for britain and the e. U. Finally breaks it announces iraq. The remote kingdom of butan has become known for its pursuit of happiness. 101 east explores how this National Goal inspiring the Younger Generation on aljazeera. The oppression of an ethnic minority and me in mine goes back many decades the intention was to make sure that rangers were no longer entitled to either basic rights or citizenship rights. Aljazeera explores the history and motives behind the systematic persecution of the ranger and me and my. Exile on aljazeera. You want to go to see a reminder of our top stories this hour at least 8 people have been killed in the latest fighting over the disputed region of the border color buck as in Officials Say the city of gun show was struck by missiles overnight as a by john and armenia are accusing each other of violating a cease fire deal. The u. S. President s doctor says donald trump has been cleared to return to work but wont confirm if hes tested negative for corona virus that comes out to trump or dress to a crowd of hundreds of the white house. Production is set to resume at libyas Largest Oil Field has been closed for most of this year almost all libyan oil exports were stopped in january play for hostile us forces based in the east. Voters in choosing their next president to the incumbent expected to extend his 28 year rule in memali home on and cast his ballot in the capital to shine they on sunday is among 5 candidates running for office but european monitors say theres a lack of genuine political competition there. Emeli rahman has been in power since 1992 thats longer than belorussian president Alexander Lukashenko both of them were in charge of collective farms during the soviet era bachmans government launched several Major Projects over the past 2 decades including the construction of the worlds tallest hydroelectric dam but Rights Groups say corruption is widespread with opposition activists and journalists routinely targeted and jailed rahman describes himself as muslim but hes cracked down on conservative islam backing forced beard shavings and banning his jobs in schools and Public Places as you can stand is the poorest country in central asia but it is strategically located with afghanistan to the south and china province to the east there are reports that china has a military presence there victoria gavan bay has more. His struggling to keep his coffee shop open International Airports been placed for the last 6 months because of the coronavirus and that means ahmed has been unable to improve his regular supply of coffee he says whoever is elected president needs to help small businesses. We order a lot of stuff for our business from other countries due to cultivate air traffic is blocked it would be great if our government appreciated up problems and gave us some help it would benefit us tremendously. President ial candidates are promising to grow the economy and create jobs to take a stand is the poorest of the place save the state a lack of work opportunity at home is more than a 1000000 to kick men and women to find job. Along a shallow machine. We want to see job growth especially for those who are unemployed and there are enough jobs here men will not look for opportunities in other countries theyll stay here with their kids. 4 years ago they to induce changes to the constitution which scrapped the limits of 3 president ial terms thats allowed current president animosity ruckman to stand again hes been in charge of to take a stand since independence from the save the union in 1900 analysts a political and economic reform is vital if the country is to avoid the instability and violence its experienced in the past. Yet though will still be much we need to initiate drastic social and political transformations Economic Reforms reduce government corruption and ensure access to Mineral Resources for this it is necessary to adopt a new constitution. Many villages expect direct man to win the election the any question for them is whether the 68 year old will serve out the full 7 year term victoria. Or. Well the russian president Alexander Lukashenko has held an unexpected meeting with opposition activists in prison same media says he discussed constitutional reform with his political rivals they were jailed for challenging look at his reelection which triggered weeks of mass protests dozens of people were detained in the violent crackdown that followed the disputed poll in august. The protesters are demanding dialogue i thought based on the criticism of your followers and the most radical proposals we shouldnt only focus on the constitution and i know half of you here are lawyers and perfectly understand that the constitution cant be written in the streets and im trying to convince both your supporters and society at large that we must have a broader view towards these problems. A politician freed from prison by supporters just days ago as the new Prime Minister of Kurdistan Parliament confirms part of following nearly a week of violent protests against the now an old election result of supporters celebrated on the streets of the capital bishkek for a state of emergency is imposed he says he expects president soran biogen because of to resign within a few days. I am. First id like to bow my head to the people and especially the youth who risked their lives and came into the square to stand for justice and the idea of legitimacy after gaining a deeper understanding of the political situation everyone has taken a step towards returning to legality and deciding to stabilise the present situation in it here is to the lord many d. P. T. Is presented my candidacy to the post of Prime Minister and now i have accepted these powers of Prime Minister i am grateful for the deep trust that has been placed in supporting my candidacy for this position. 20 years after zimbabwes controversial land reform policy when thousands of white farmers were forcibly evicted some are returning to the land as tenants of black owners i thought about reports from the shoreline East Province the government hopes their return will boost production amid warnings that millions of facing food shortages. Zimbabwes government calls these collaboration partnerships or joint ventures some whites who were forced off commercial farms joining the. And Reform Program 20 years ago are coming back to work with black land owners allowing other people whove got the money and the resources to partner the land has been just the best thing that has happened to us obviously we know we Work Together well. We also with the partnership the good thing about the partnership is the skills transfer. 2 decades after the government sees thousands of white owned commercial farms land and who it rightfully belongs to is still an emotive and divisive topic in zimbabwe and other parts of Southern Africa followings the bobbies land reform controversy when pharmacies from whites the barbarians of war races are now cautious about land agreements thats why those in these joint partnerships insist on legal documentation stating exactly how profits will be dividers. Some zimbabwean say the late president Robert Mugabes land Reform Program was a partisan process that favorite a few elites and left the country struggling to feed itself some of the land grabs were chaotic and violent displacing the white farmers and their farm workers the Uns World Food Program warns more than 8000000 zimbabweans will not have enough food by december thats roughly 60 percent of the population. Others believe land reform was necessary to give back land to blacks the barbarians land that was taken by white settlers jew in the colonial years but. Is very simple in that it is all for what we now need is for most to get back to their land and there is a compensation. That is looking for the sources in order to compensate for the improvements only on the island. So the state state is going to pay more than 3000000000. 00 in compensation to whites who had expropriated to resettle black families its difficult for any creditor tool lend you money when you have a feeling well its going to be very difficult for government to raise unless the government probably is going to import taxes but in the bit of your daughter we already i am takes didnt economy. People keen on running these farms as the businesses again want guarantees from the government there will be no more illegal land seizures and Property Rights will be respected but the country is constantly changing economic policies still make investors nervous president keep saying is open for business the International Community and the locals are watching waiting to see if that is indeed true how do we toss out is there much on the land East Province is about. The netherlands now has one of the worst Coronavirus Infection rates in europe despite growing hospital admissions there hasnt been a tightening of restrictions because the governments anxious not to restrict peoples liberty step vasant has more from under saddam. Only people with flu like symptoms can be freely tested for cope at 19 in the netherlands if theyre lucky enough some say they had to wait up to 4 days to get an appointment at one of the Testing Centers infection rates have gone up dramatically and have reach an International High in the past week hospitals are struggling to treat patients and ive had to cancel operations the situation is very shares in the netherlands particularly in amsterdam do they got a lot of them were short of hospital beds were still have some i. C. U. Capacity there was the rapidly increasing number of corona patients were also very concerns as we will run out of i. C. U. Capacity after the 1st wave the authorities implemented a test and trace policy in an effort to contain new infections but due to recent explosive numbers Contact Tracing of infected people has become impossible not have hope month since its 1st instructions the netherlands are still struggling to class people with symptoms every day thousands can be tested. It is in the laboratory somehow for favors is one of the reasons the government over response was. Strong leadership thats the other thing lacking according to a team of experts given input to the government. Who worked on the sars epidemic in singapore and in my point of view this is absent in the netherlands and i think this has led basically to collect off an adequate and clear coordinated response but the government says this is a democratic country we cant apply the same rules as theyre applied in china and singapore this is a crisis in a crisis he will need leadership. So i think that you meant for shock in the case of an emergency she blames the government for putting the responsibility solidly on individuals about whether to wear a face mask in shops the government made a turnaround last week after months of saying mass dont protect against the virus its now advising people to wear one and i think some situations us better because now its like in some places you do have to wear them in some places you dont so confuse a lot of people and for example in a supermarket you dont think about bring your face mask i think its good that in the netherlands we have a freedom of will. To have our own choice you know we are smart people you know and. Not people with the highest cope with infections in the world i know i know despite the rapidly rising numbers the government doesnt want to impose stricter measures as of yet Prime Minister of it has called the dutch public childish and evil and i guess stick for not following social distancing guidance but if infection rates continue to go up you may just might be announced soon step fasten aljazeera to them. Brazils president has again downplayed the severity of corona virus telling brazilians not to worry about catching it. Says he didnt feel a thing when he tested positive in july scientists fear a 2nd wave is all its wave of fatalities linked to the virus exceed 850000 on a have you not have reports from rio de janeiro. Apart from this there are few signs of a lockdown in a country that has just passed the mark of 5000000 couvade 1000 cases muse samberg drum has been closed indefinitely and next years carnival parade postponed until a covert 19 vaccine is on the market. That isnt keeping people from dancing samba on the streets with no social distancing and very few masks. All as brazil reaches 150001000 related deaths the 2nd largest number in the world to be a happy family i feel that people especially here in the slums act as if nothing were happening as if the pandemic were. A crowded few people when mosques everybody acts relaxed but the truth is hundreds of dying every day. The fact the president shade bosun and who has been downplaying the virus even after having contract it it does not help. The Health Professionals are worried that a 2nd wave will arrive before the 1st one is over an obvious daggy brazil is reopening is a corner me but he never implemented a complete lockdown now 6 months later be even more difficult to restrict activities the population is part of the pandemic. Research or financial borza says the best way to keep the virus under control is by increasing the testing hes part of a to. Asked force created by doctors scientists and volunteers from 9 different organisations the idea is to bring health and communication professionals to reuse most vulnerable areas like the complex of the matter and. There are big deal slums in the complex about 140000 people live here the population is bigger than that of 97 percent of brazilian cities. Tests have shown that the number of infections in poor areas can be 4 times greater than in rich neighborhoods by tracking down people who have the virus they hope to stop it from spreading. Which trying to do what should have been done in the beginning once we identify where the causes are then we can see who they have been in contact with and work with the community to help them isolate or receive treatment even online. But catching up with the virus in a country of 200000000 is not an easy task monica ill just sirrah rio de janeiro. When corona virus spread around the world earlier this year many offices shut their doors and sent stuff to work from home although this new professional landscape since many people it also brings Big Questions around worker privacy well the challenge reports. Hidden behind net curtains and frosted front doors now toil the workers of this weird new world but who knows what is really going on in these homes turned workspaces social media time wasting Online Shopping corporate espionage perhaps an increasingly employers are trying to find out lets jump into a brief overview of everything have staff can do for your business pub staff is just one of several Software Services for Remote Working that have seen sales surged and it allows bosses to keep tabs on star you can see their activity percentage which tells you how often the mouse and keyboard are used while tracking time the absolute will show you what tools theyre using and the u. R. L. View shows you what websites theyre visiting our growth rate is about double what it was. Before the pandemic the fall lock down you know what are we going to do in the midst of a pandemic was was the trigger being working from home but this trend has set alarm bells ringing for those who worry about employers encroaching on the previously of their staff and can raise need to be responsible for employees endemic itself would have taken a toll on many of us psychologically. And if you that is coupled with constant surveillance by the employer the psychological effect on employees could be greedy and significant now the work course of the home office is the laptop which is also a very effective spying toll yes you can put tape over the camera try to muffle the microphone and scan it for hidden spyware but in the large majority of cases employers will actually be doing their monitoring in plain sight. That is certainly the view of security expert ben marks but i think that now as a matter of course people taking new jobs are going to have to give away this right that if they working from home and using a work computer they are going to have to give their employer commit permission. To monitor their work product on their work computer but even with employee consent ethical questions remain like whats that consent worth if its a requisite for keeping a job and this academic has more maybe you have 2 or 3 children and a spouse kind of wandering around not to mention the big could his cats that appear in or would you but what does that mean for their privacy what does it mean for your the difference between this private space that you typically think of and your workspace. Its not clear if workers will ever fully return to City Center Offices homeworking is now established as a viable model and new battles over trust and privacy are looming rory talents aljazeera london more than 100000000 fans of the worlds biggest k. Pop boy band of watch their online concert. P. T. s fans wave their signature light sticks and chatted online instead of going to a live show which was cancelled because of the coronavirus in june the south korean band and again this world record for most viewers for a live streamed performance after its 1st paid online concert drew about 750000 people. Sports next on al jazeera poland is celebrating its 1st grand slam singles champion for proctor a teenager triumphs in paris thats coming up the joy. And the Global Pandemic family comes 1st. For every American Health care has never been more important. Because the new disease does not favor republicans over democrats bridge over pork r block over white. America decides how to care for a nation. Extensive coverage of the u. S. Elections. On aljazeera in the next episode of techno the team looks into the Environmental Impact of Waste Management trash is a big business and unfortunately smelly bills next to the complexities of recycling when these different plastics are blended together then the recycling becomes difficult to impossible and the science that Office Solutions its very easy for us to have a 100 percent recycled material techno on aljazeera. Time for sport heres joe thank you very much well lets start with a clash of 2 tennis titans happening in paris soon while number one Novak Djokovic will take on defending champion rafael nadal in the french open final sunday still has plenty at stake in a white jacket this could be an 18th major title especially important after he missed out at a u. S. Open where he got himself a check to is facing in line. With a ball at the dow he skipped the slam in new york will go for a record equalling 20th major title which would put him on side watch a federal. Nondollar thing that i am always to play against not like i need to play my best you know without play my best tennis situation is very difficult. I know that is a court. I have been playing well for for such a long time so that helps but at the same time he has an amazing record here doing ive played him more than i played any other player in my professional career i think our head to head this the. Biggest head to head every nice to the sport i mean the amount of matches we played hes almost 60 i think matches im not sure exactly the number but you know hes definitely my greatest rival. Meanwhile the womens game has a new grand slam champion and its the 1st ever from poland 19 year old tech has clinched the french open title the pole was up against Australian Open champion saffir kenyon is nursed an injury throughout this tournament tech who is unseated going into the slam raced into an early lead taking the 1st set 6 all. Needed a medical time out and shell take kept her cool to seal the win in the 2nd set 61 the world number 54 is also only the 2nd ever unseated player to win the title and moanin garros. Im just proud of myself and though ive done a great job 1st 2 weeks and i wasnt expecting to win this trophy so its obviously i mean supra mean its a life changing experience but she obviously played a really good match and shes like really high right now and play some really great tennis but you know im not going to use this as an excuse but my leg obviously was not the best and i was disappointing new zealand and australia played the 1st rugby test match since the start of the current virus pandemic rugby like most sports was shut down in march and is gradually tried to come back in the last few months there was no separating the all blacks in the wallabies in their 1st bledisloe cup match on sunday in wellington the team scored 2 tries each in a 16 draw but kiwi weighing rico only has been heavily criticized for showboating after dropping the ball when he was about to score a certain try hes feeling pretty frustrated themselves but you know thats. Thats one of those little listens the players have to go through and. You know and the reason we strong game apart from that. Youre so into smith as thats what theyre called to smash is going to take those big little moments. The citys drive about well terry process will start from pole position for sundays eiffel grown pray in germany process and a teammate knows how altons run of 5 straight poles as he posted the fastest time in qualifying at the nerve agreeing it was the fins 3rd hole of the year that was much to stop and the start. 4 time World Football champions germany have finally won a u. Waif a Nations League match at the 7th time of asking would you believe goals for matches get into and lay on gretzky gave them a 21. 00 win over ukraine in kiev meanwhile world champions france will be in action on sunday they play portugal in paris for the 1st time since the portuguese beat them in the euro 2016 final at the same venue to be on when to so its been a long time and we cant change what happened anyway congratulations to them for having won the euro 4 years ago but it was also an important experience for us but i think that just a few players in our current squad were involved in 26. 00 team nevertheless it will be an interesting game between 2 of the best teams in europe or even in the world i ring the m. L. S. Into miami have won back to back matches for the 1st time they were up against houston dynamo on saturday gave away a penalty in the 57th minute it was more than stepped up to school from the spot and live to miami to a one know when it hits like their chances of making the playoffs this season. South korean golfer say young came is closing in on her 1st major victory came holds a 2 shot lead at the womens p. G. A. Championship going into the final round former champions ana not quest and Brooke Henderson and the risk rivals. And former champion patrick cantle a holds a share of the lead into the final round on the p. G. A. Tour in las vegas hes alongside martin lead the pair a 2 strokes ahead of the pack. All right that is all useful for now more night joe thanks very much indeed sammys aidans going to hear in a couple of minutes wore on all these stories on what mother sometimes for being with her by. The latest news as it breaks the high stakes battle to confirm any current beric now live to the republican controlled senate. With details covering governments across europe all wrestling with a worsening Health Emergency but only going back a moment crisis and fearless generalism from around the world today student protest as i continue in the call of a pretty decisive force structural for little change. The river nile is a vital source of substance to the countries and flows through this no single owner who can lay claim it would deny hes a good given the resources we found both agreed but with this comes a destabilizing rivalry the countrys suspicious of each others intentions in the battle for control of the river and transporting food postal tissue was not open to the hunters because whats on the unknown fear struck a little bit on al jazeera. As protests rage across america more black lives are lost despite promises of Police Reform faultlines hears from those demanding justice the truth countability transparency thats what i desire from the city i desperately need to change i have no. Is it nice to be reminded not to talk moment of reckoning racism and police in america on the jazeera really understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world so much of what weve been using kind of that matter to you. A fragile ceasefire between azerbaijan and armenia is threatened by reports of attacks from both sides. Hello im sorry say that this is out just there a live from doha also coming up. On my last time back in front of supporters down from planes over 19 is disappearing even as the u. S. Reports the highest number of new cases in nearly 2 months. Turkish

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