What washington describes as to Irans Nuclear ambitions and terror activities the measures blacklist almost all of irans Financial Sector roselyn jordan has more from washington d. C. This is hurting the iranian people certainly we have seen that criticism coming not just from nations but also from a wide range of humanitarian organizations around the world now the Treasury Department went in announced this latest round of sanctions against these 18 iranian banks said that these banks would still have exemptions so that they could bring in funds to facilitate the purchase of emergency food and medicine a fire has engulfed a 33. 00 story Apartment Building in south korea hundreds of residents in the city of old son were forced to flee their homes the blaze is now in courthouse with only minor injuries and light smoke inhalation reported in investigations on the way. The World Health Organization has reported a record daily rise in global coronavirus cases with more than 338000 infections in 5000. And there are warnings about rising cases across europe france reported 18000. 00 in 24 hours while u. K. Infections surged to 17 and a half 1000 russia has invited the Foreign Ministers of a meanie and azerbaijan to moscow for talks in an effort to end the increasingly violent conflict mediators from the us russia and france have met in geneva to find a resolution at least 30 more soldiers were reported to have been killed on. Those are the headlines the news continues on after people in power. Pakistans k. S. C. 100. 00 assads more than 36 percent we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in the water is indispensable to Economic Activity but industrial news is worsening access to fresh water counting the cost on aljazeera. When ethiopia is Prime Minister i. B. M. It came to power in 22 he promised a new era of democratic reforms and today i asked to use the toughest Political Prisoners were free opposition parties were allowed to operate and happy ahmed even won the nobel prize for securing peace with neighboring eritrea but since claimed the future of this complex country has become more uncertain earlier this year we went to find out more. 2 years ago ethiopia seemed on the cusp over a mockable paradigm shift. And widespread antigovernment protests which many once feared could develop into old out civil war had instead forced an entrenched authoritarian regime from power. Amid the euphoria a new young and charismatic Prime Minister ahmed came to power. He promised to unify a nation divided on ethnic lines and spits by factional battles between powerful individuals. But since his election its become clear thats a formidable challenge. In march this year just as the coronavirus was taking hold we arrived in ethiopia to find out why. The 2018 appointment of i. B. M. At galvanized ethiopia. Almost immediately the new Prime Minister began a Reform Program to end 27 years of increasingly autocratic rule under the previous e. P. Large e f breaking. Being released tens of thousands of Political Prisoners make peace with neighboring eritrea after 20 years of an easy arms to winning the Nobel Peace Prize in the process and promised free and Fair Elections in 2020 though these have not been bespoke due to corona fires and damp abbes government holds the idea of ethiopia as one in divisible sovereign nation forged over centuries of proud history but some ethnic leaders and politicians disagree they say ethiopia is actually a Diverse Group of subjugated ethnicities and nationalities 1st forged into uneasy union 130 years ago by ethiopias then the ruling royal family although since 1995 the country has officially been a federal republic based on one ethnic regions many of the underlying historical tensions between the states remain to bridge these divisions abyei created his new dawn as nick Prosperity Party open to all the ethnic groups we wanted to ask the Prime Minister about these issues but our 5 requests for an interview were deployed so instead we turned to his ministers and Party Officials dr tackling to lena is a state minister of finance this is the kind of on that record silence the question of nations in nationalities you know the eyes of the left is the question of strong unified. The most high missions that and if you talk to an average person in egypt and thats exactly what they want they want a unified strong country but where. Everybodys tricep on a spec that where everybody felt they are part of it so this is this has been falling you have all the opposition groups that are never to you know step their foot in this country for 40 years which is the times they are only in town so what they expect all that is that in turn all the media that will close that open so you would feel some sort of. Fervor. For our idea of lets Work Together were much better off today that one should feel the pain of the other would transform this nation to create a strong. Multinational state. Unified and crates of pushing for all eternity and i well know im to feels much the same at the time i spoke to him he was the Public Relations chief of our base Prosperity Party and he was equally dismissive of its opponents both of the parties focus on the local agenda not a national agenda. So while we are focusing on our local agenda including about the our calamity to be groovin isnt like the big idea of the national they talk business is forgotten so police better come together make a unified party make a National Party the sort of in the problem created by the last 3 jim. Because they want to explode they want to suppress. And so now this you know we need a strong. Where is that right is off individuals in the groves effectively its outside. But some opposition voices have been difficult to ignore a year ago supporters of joe were mohamad a controversial politician and media gathered outside his home in ethiopias capital addis ababa he had just posted a claim on facebook that his life was under threat from the new National Government a claim the authorities later rejected an influential figure from the countrys a roma people the Largest Single Group in the o. P. s kaleidoscopic ethnic mix joa rejects Prime Minister how those National Unity agenda and seeks self rule for his people. In that. Jour is the figurehead of an aroma Political Movement known as the kero. In april 28th the movement was at the forefront of protests that forced the resignation of ethiopias then Prime Minister and police and the grip on power held by a rival ethnic group the to grahams which had long dominated the countrys governing coalition. The new Prime Minister of the ahmed is also under roman general and abac were once happy to be seen together but their relationship subsequently turned sour as Ethnic Violence has flared many including me feel can government say is to blame my opponents havent missed accuse me. Of previous governments remember china did newest season in terrorism and havent explored any bomb thought i was vocally against violent means of struggle how was i going to starve and struggle still accused i was facing that this ascendancy of all those connected. The i fought for the little more people who i never made that this secret about in not the ones that had 500 or more people in this movement had been. 50 years. On going but in another part of this interview talked more revealing about the power of the care of the Political Forces in this country or in it in his care elph their evolution of course the get us there in part has begun crackdown it has that have resulted into the old days off suppressing opposition suppressing the population. Last october protests spread through the region and led to at least 86 deaths some at the hands of jour supporters the carol. Here and adama a romo protesters clashed with local police and young people from a neighboring ethnic group called the on power but once tempers cool these youth in a down the pool bar began wondering about the motives of those behind the protests. Among. Us we did that in the only way that has the added and. With that what they got was a vendor better than they. Should at the name of god and it was a. Lot of bitterness all there were a lot of openness of biocide or that when they are all when im gone and i am its on them you know im like an indian guy feeling. That they took up a southbound looked because its had. d d yet the violence hasnt just been in oral mia across the nation hundreds have been killed in clashes within them between different ethnic groups its come as a shock to a nation in which the vast majority has been yearning for quieter times. With some i romo unhappy about the direction hes taking the country may have hoped to counterbalance their own ease with support from howrah ethiopias 2nd largest ethnic group. Not only did they help put abbate into power but they supplied many of ethiopias routers over centuries of imperial rule and might have been expected to sympathize with the Prime Ministers plan ethiopian ambitions. But over the last year they too have been affected by the ethnic tension that in some minds stems from a threat of a row move again many and a breakdown in National Security incidents in 2019 made things worse. These come higher up parents want to know whats happened to their children last december 20 of them were kidnapped well stood university in or romania there were protests across some horror demanding the government do more to rescue them see me and i mean theyre not however much in the weather that im mistaken because theyre going to think that the man who are going to be the head of. That group going to get them one of the nuns commutable and you and him to this day no one knows whos holding their children a whether theyre still alive for somehow or a people still sometimes maligned for their once dominant role in ethiopian history such incidents are a painful reminder that they no longer control their own destiny the narrative that the big people oppressing other nations. Is our only matter and that is what other resulted in the killings and discrimination of thousands of americans the. Narrow local politicians are listening to peoples concerns about this rising insecurity Yousif Abraham is the vice chairman of the National Movement of arm harra a newly formed ethno nationalist party thats fighting to protect them how to run the country its a dick politics has already brought authority the only dahmer a people would love beyond in the enterprise finding the perfect establishment in this turbulent situation was necessary for our people and we came forth to stop and. There are Security Problems in many locations in the country. Particularly running for me our region even threatening the government oversight and the fear. That such a situation is would disintegrate the nation cannot be ruled out at the state Parliament Building in the regions capital badar senior im her reporting from across the spectrum came together to listen to be hell be as deputy Prime Minister to Meeker Mcconnell who derived from the capital to urge them to Work Together for peace with the proverbial creek without. Them. Yes and i love. It or you. Can manage it. All the way to the office. But if you just follow what. You say if abraham from naama was one of those in attendance. The amarah groups in the 1st victims are working to get things are getting improved this culture should be. The baseline for working in the nation. Today with political elites struggling to find consensus both within their own ethnic groups and with others many worry that young ethiopians are becoming radicalized. In that concern has focused on local vigilante youth groups called the final like the kero they have also been accused of killings but their members insist theyre filling a security void left by a government that no longer patrols their neighborhoods and villages i meant. No indoor dream i am on that. Here and my going to touch other blows his window more labelling solemnity each other should be pretty chaotic but he said about the churchs drug assessor quickly acquired a cafe so lazy tarring blend in the lugger and. You know tiring of his which is. Your point i said i left and its a lazy i said elephant and im a honest as i said challenger. Association i mean you know what thats what thats not at the drugstore in nematode that. These young activists believe in a united ethiopia and see themselves as both the beneficiaries and defenders of m horas imperial traditions the biggest worry here is the divisive rhetoric they say is coming from other parts of the country. Yeah and on the. Credible mythical data thing. Yes its great what i meant to a much harder a mixed imogen but thriller with a less chips who looks beautiful lovely. For more than 30 years the im higher have been labelled as the fold rulers of ethiopia but now that title belongs to the people of the tea great region here in northern ethiopia. Having been ousted from a central role in the countrys affairs 2 years ago by the a romo protest movement and subsequently sidelined by some here are worried about what the future may hold for their Minority Ethnic Group numbering only 6000000 of ethiopias 115000000 population. Have not been for months not in lots and lots of fun for the phone i now live no. Been. Been badly i get 110 here the city will not get at that. And are you on a limited look i miss i was so it turned out of order to fit in. As a lot of the see. Mr donahoe in the north and the other one of them in a very much less honest thats not one of the of the lot of them have to go through without the nothing. Although the idea of leaving the ethiopian state is gaining some traction here its not yet a position supported by the recently i stood to grand leadership the t. P. L. F. Which led the National Coalition government to post and 28 team. They were the key architects of the current constitution here which and 995 divided the country into 9 ethnically based regions. To grans say this federal system gave marginalised ethnic groups a measure of self rule after a. Century of imperial and autocratic rule headed by the arm her. Prime minister are based reforms particularly his move to create an on ethnic party of National Unity have been met with strong opposition here to grains we spoke to said they fear that they will dismantle the federal system they created any decision that stands in the way of our selfgovernment is absolutely unacceptable his chili that cheerleaders clearly want the Federalism Good and even tries to do that hes going to create a conflict. That. I. Wouldnt want to imagine get it to read is an executive Committee Member of the tea p. L. F. And was the spokesman for the previous government he believes theyve been unfairly scapegoated for the difficulties now facing the nation so for us it was a matter of admitting to having failed as a party as a coalition to address the problems of the that have been bedeviling this country and the leadership of the Prime Minister. Is now willing to to really come to terms with the fact that the country is lending towards killed. Last month despite being told not to by the government the to gray region ran their own elections the t. P. O. Left won a landslide victory putting them on a collision course with our base government which could further threaten the stability of the federal system. But Prime Minister abbott has been pushing back against his critics in particular taking a tougher stance and his own ethnic state in western south or romania the Ethiopian Army has been engaged in a decades old conflict with the romo separatist insurgents a conflict that abyei has as yet been able to resolve. Indeed his critics accuse him of failing to prevent human rights abuses by state Security Forces against armed insurgents and civilians. In variety a time on the outskirts of the capital addis ababa we met a number of a romo men who claimed theyd been beaten by police after a local officer was gunned down in a suspected attack by a roamer separatists. I dont care what im one of the volunteers have were there more kind of course but of course he must look overseas hunter no doubt but i see how can i know but. I see more he did you get on that it is him until you get an enemy to the internal i dont know which. Of it but i would very. I told. Him i look at the road im about to buy i dont go up and see it because he about it is true of all the city imagery during the group where all of it was only. Only you know. If you did your route you go in there going to get said that the number of a minute but only had been one michael moore. We asked the Riot Police Force to answer these allegations but no one was available for interview so we put the questions to the prosperity parties oh well lou the public. And the people around you start asking the question well you cant keep peace in the security this is this or that appeared to be questioned the. Question for the government in the final it was the government. Decided to take this. Is over its taken now all the diversity and its also the case that the governments attempts of reform have find support amongst key sections of a romo society these are all more elders say they understand why some of their youth are unhappy but they also see a wider vision for peace and a unified country. Cumbia. Than i got the other. Money making. Him better but. Nevertheless even some of our base supporters worry that his efforts to bring law and order to books or media in the country at large could have been plain into the hands of his most significant opponent joel mohamad whom we met at the start of this film. If they beat us in a free leisure without restricting our Movement Without killing jailing our members will accept. We have no problem or not accept theres. A process whereby they rig the election even before the election day i had leaders by intimidating members of. The by blocking out of gaza. Right now or not accepted. That particular standoff seemed to come to a head in june this year when the murder of a hugely popular romo singer a child and set off more protests in armenia that led to over 200. 00 deaths in the mass arrests that followed jour mohamad and some of his supporters were detained allegedly and possession of a large cache of weapons hes now in prison awaiting trial on charges of terrorism charges he describes as baseless. But not all is always as it seems in these tense times its friday morning in the Kelly Capital of t. Great amid worsening relations between ethiopias ethnic groups even football takes on a political dimension today a team from high rise in time and passions are. Like. Lipstick now and. Its. Like its not even worth the money. As the match kicks off a heavy security presence keeps a watchful eye. The match ends with an ill troll but as the final whistle blows the away fans make a rush towards the home. At the was the. The. Ever. We want to hear welcome to the reaction of the fans of both sides in this coming together they saw a glimmer of hope that ethiopia can still find a peaceful route towards a Better Future but not put gotta get jobs so whats a man and a living up to the old son and they will have voted to cut it out pass them as dont forget no and yet i got an odd one out just sort of at my going to church thats. Going to get the love i know youre not going to look for you. Imagine how to research. We are funny. As im a good singer i was like its about i was no one asked me what mileage are you and of when you set about it and im sure im talking out. Loud. Here. The health of humanity is at stake a Global Pandemic requires a global response. W. H. O. Is the guardian of Global Health delivering lifesaving to School Supplies and training to help the worlds most found people uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and of that scene working with scientists and Health Workers to learn all we can about the virus keeping you up to date with whats happening on the ground in the womb and in the land advocating for everyone to have access to essential Health Services now more than ever the world needs w. H. O. And making a healthy a world. For everyone. Hi im Steve Clements suit and i have a question to ask these days its hard to filter out the newly single track of whats really important to the bottom line tackles the big issues this is shaping the United States its people its economy and the way it deals with the rest of the world the bottom line only im just hearing. Stories of struggle stories of achievement. From opposite ends of europe contrasting past and stories of arab refugees seeking a new life abroad. Aljazeera world travels to australia and sweden meeting refugees and those who welcomed them. A place of refuge. And nichols told on aljazeera. Revealing Ecofriendly Solutions to come back threats to our planet on aljazeera. Provoke. The end of a 4 year kidnap or jail a french aid workers releases parts of the Prisoner Exchange with Al Qaeda Linked groups in mali. Alone among car and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. For us imposes for us sanctions on irans buying styron accuses the Trump Administration of conspiring to starve its population. Into the

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