A military coup. And the kremlin critic alexina barney speaks out in his 1st video appearance since being discharged from a bird in hospital after being poisoned. We begin with a dramatic turn of events in the political turmoil gripping kyrgyzstan after mounting pressure from protesters the Election Commission has now know the early results of sundays parliamentary vote thats after a night of violence where that demonstrates a storm state buildings there accusing the government of rigging the election in its favor the protesters freed the former president back at them by off and other senior officials as well from jail but the president didnt back off insists hes still in control of the entire country shall stratford has more now from bishkek. Constitutionally the members of Parliament Parliament still stands because of that Central Election Committee announcement that the results have been a knowledge but it has been an incredibly fast moving day 24 hours if you like. Certainly the small winning there were scenes of chaos around that parliamentary building with various different claims being made by opposition parties and members of those parties saying that they had common did control of certain government institutions they seemed to have been the sons break up of the sense of unity that we felt the night before in the square i think its fair to say that this announcement by the central Election Commission will be welcomed by those opposition groups these these. These opposition parties that weve seen competing in the selection but were already beginning as i say to see that sense of competition and rivalry between these groups starting. To appear again which is no bad thing of course is testament to the kind of level of democracy that this country is proud of its not forget that those opposition groups were holding healthy lively debates between themselves in the run up to election that is now being seen as being deeply flawed. A car bomb explosion at a bus stop in syria has killed at least 21 people children are among at least 40 others injured in. The cities and part of the province of aleppo controlled by turkish bank tom groups no claim of responsibility has been made. Iran has registered over 4000. 00 new coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours the Record Number of infections takes the total number of cases to just under half a 1000000 or the 27000. 00 durani in sabine killed by the virus the Health Ministry says the whole country is now on red alert in tehran he says the authorities are very concerned about the continuing rise in cases. Yesterday the death toll is 235 thats the highest death toll the country has faced match the death toll back in july and that was during the 2nd wave of the virus now there is a semi lockdown in place here in the capital and officials have concerns describing the situation here as catastrophic tsunami and critical cafes gyms close rooms swimming pools universities and schools are supposed to be closed but ive been out in front today and they are still some businesses open and thats concerning for thirtys because theres almost a coronavirus fatigue taking place adherence to Health Protocols at the start of this virus when it hit the country back in february was around 80 percent and now here in the capital dropped to around 40 percent and thats concerning for the authorities but the other concern is the economy the country is under u. S. Sanctions inflation is on the increase and the currency has been losing value and to give you an idea of that back in february 1. 00 equaled around 130000. 00 reals and today its around 1. 00 to 290000. 00 real so the country is struggling and there are warnings that hospital beds are filling up and if this continues they may be forced to open field hospitals but theres also been criticism of the government officials they some of said that there needs to be a 2 week lockdown not one week lockdown and from saturday this week has said that wearing face masks in public will be compulsory. Lifted sanctions on mali after all military. Imposed sanctions after president keiter was by military leaders foreign officials have promised to lift the sanctions. Prime minister was appointed which happened last week. A prominent mali an Opposition Leader who was abducted by Al Qaeda Linked group men has now been released so mali as they say was abducted in mansions and campaigned in his home region you know one k. Mali and governments freed more than 100 slices in exchange for his release is still unknown if french aid worker sophie petroleum held by the group since 2016 has been released as well lets cross live now to a point it was joining us from so i echo was lifting lees sanctions thats kind of a step in the right direction yeah. Absolutely for many in mali and its a huge sigh of relief especially for the military coup leaders there although we already have a Transitional Government in place the announcement by the Economic Community of West African States following a meeting a summit in prague which was the communique signed by the ghanian president came on the same day the Transitional Government in mali and now most of the formation of a new cabinet a 25 member cabinet in trustingly some leaders of the military coup in august who are part of these 25 member cabinet was announced and already as you know we have a new president in a Prime Minister a little the leader of the cool awesome you go to is now Vice President what the Economic Community of West African States did in their final meeting in the last meeting yesterday was true moved that portion whereby it was stated that the Vice President can replace the transitional president in money and they also insisted that money the new money and administration should quickly resolve outstanding issues which include very the release of individuals arrested in the aftermath of the august cool and what else do we know about this prisoner swap. Well the prisoner swap is growing a lot of attention 1st of all of the tune in a circle islam will muslimeen g m j n i m which is an offshoot of a came the alqaeda in the maghreb announced but. Has been released that is of course confronted by many sources but the authorities in mali are yet to recognize the fact and we also hear that probably in the next few minutes or so softly. Will also be released we hear that her son has left paris on our on his way to bomb a current preparation for that release but that negotiation is growing a lot of criticism from many malias who say. The government is giving too much away 206. 00 armed men who took up arms against the state in exchange for 2 individuals only one of them is money and they feel that that was a bad deal and theyre not toppy about it but a lot of people understand also that the pressure to exchange these individuals or this number of fighters with 2 individuals may have. May be as a result of a lot of external pressure especially from from those who was president was asked by. Miss prettyman in for help to get her released from the hands of the helicopters she was arrested or she was kidnapped in 2016 in the town of go away she was working as an aid worker. Thank you very much reporting from a butcher in area. Turkeys foreign minister is criticizing International Efforts to end the conflict between azerbaijan and armenia. Of his full support to azerbaijan during a visit to the capital city baku he says diplomacy has failed to resolve the conflict and go on a cuppa over the last 30 years dozens of been killed in the past 10 days. Is a lecturer in security and development at the department of war studies Kings College london she explained to me earlier how turkeys alliance with as a person could affect the prospects of any ceasefire. The turkish position has so far been very much in support of us and by johns military operations so im im not sure that this is going to actually be the result but i keep hoping that turkey is going to exert pressure on us and by john but who are president so that there is some kind of negotiation on a cease fire and that the doors are open for some sort of meaningful meaning for talks on the future of the region because i think the situation is extremely dangerous extremely volatile and this could result in the long term war that goes on and on i hope it is not the last chance but it is the beginning of an effort by turkey to really rein in its ally by john but i mean we are not certain because so far turkey has been supporting or some military lead to a certain extent as i term but maybe they came to the understanding that there is a need to calm the situation down so im not relies on turkey i dont on how this encounter will result from this encounter so it is very important that we follow these events and understand exactly what the message is from turkey. The afghan president ashraf ghani is in doha with his delegation and with the ongoing taliban afghan peace talks our correspondent osama bin jawad spoke to the Afghan Foreign minister Mohammad Maher who said that those who insist on violence will be marginalized now that its been nearly 3 weeks since this dialogue began talks seem to have stalled and the only Sticking Point seems to be the 2 think in ways that you mentioned. Its not moving forward and there is no reduction in violence hundreds of people have been killed in afghanistan what makes you sure that this time around with your help of your partners youd be able to tell the taliban to reduce violence but were quite hopeful. Those who would insist on file. Would be extremely. Marginalized and they will not have a deal to church machine any of their causes to pursue thank you so much mr. They had that was the foreign minister acting foreign minister of afghanistan after meeting 3 as well as american officials telling us that he still hopeful that dialogue is the way forward and both sides are going to come to some sort of an agreement to reduce violence. Still to come on this program the uproar as the u. S. President downplays coronavirus when he leaves hospital and then returns to the white house. This years nobel prize for physics is awarded to 3 scientists for their discoveries about one of the most mysterious objects in the universe the black hole. Holloway half a Tropical Storm making its way towards japan last system this one slow moving at moment we are looking at it becoming a typhoon probably within the next 36 to 48 hours or so and then itll garage notch up towards the northwest and just when up towards q she was to go on into the latter part of the week been ahead of that some very heavy rain coming into that eastern side of honshu temperatures in telecast quite a bit higher than around 18 celsius as the clouds and the rain say same there with my twin sister for so fun and dry have fun and dry across a good part of asia and china will see some wet weather coming into more than 3 inches as we go through thursday funny draw downs was a south as well hong kong at around 29 degrees celsius in the sunshine plenty of sunshine across northern parts of india right through a good part of by the possession of the pradesh seeing some clear skies now starting to filter their way in still a little list there process eastern side of in the air thats been in place for the best part of a week now its been feeding plenty of showers in across eastern india through west bengal edition pushing against more than possible on to protest sort of by being open as she was there into myanmar and bangladesh and she was too for the west again. To he not Global Community we are our biggest conversation over. The whole crisis the response that looks like the part of the debate issue in egypt you can jump into the conversation right away when no topic is off the table youre not afraid of anyone taking just 1. 3 a reason to listen to what you says the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer its not to destroy the system its just to look at the system and. This tree on out is the. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera from. Your headlining stories kyrgyzstans Election Commission has a result of sundays election after overnight demonstrations opposition protesters stormed the Parliament Building and freed former officials including the former president. Iran has registered more than 4000 new coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours the Record Number of infections takes the total number of cases to just under half a 1027000 iranians have been killed by the virus so far. Lifted sanctions on mali after the military coup in august following a new civilian Prime Minister being appointed last week. Imposed sanctions after the president. Was ousted by local military leaders. Well after just 3 nights in hospital the us President Donald Trump is now back in the white house and despite being hospitalized for cope with 19 hes called on americans not to fear the virus but his recovery isnt over with a strong stocks are saying the president is not out of the woods yet still he was keen to appear in good spirits by posting this video shortly after he returned to the official residence. Dont let it dominate dont let it take over your lives dont let that happen we have the greatest country in the world were going back back to work were going to be out front and now and better and maybe im you know i dont know but dont let it dominate your lives get out there be careful we have the best medicines in the world and theyre all happened very shortly and theyre all getting approved and the vaccines are coming momentarily thank you very much and want to read what a group of people. On the campaign trail his democratic challenger joe biden condemned mr trumps floating of ma square and telling n. B. C. News he wants the president to send the right message i would hope that the president having gone through what he went through and im glad he seems to be coming along pretty well would. Communicate the right lesson the American People mass matter these mass they matter it matters it saves lives it prevents the spread of the disease lets talk to can really help in washington kimberly when he said in a video clip there we have the best medicine in the world we dont because thats the whole point he was getting a cocktail that nobody else in america has access to. Yeah the United States has the some of the best medicine in the world if you could afford it and thats the big defining difference compared to so many countries around the world is that there are many people who are kind of left out of the American Medical System and some that dont have any form of health care or qualify for any sort of Health Insurance at all so its a bit of tone deafness by the u. S. President the other one that his critics are really seizing on is this sort of notion that dont let it dominate your life well if covered 19 has robbed you of your job has robbed you of your ability to make a living has robbed you of one of your loved ones its hard to imagine it wouldnt dominate your life so again the president getting a lot of criticism for the sort of ivory tower approach to his own infection due to chronic virus now hes tweeted that he believes this is far less lethal than the flu this is something that were just going to have to live with and the president is clearly making a decision here in terms of campaigning he cant campaign on the trail right now so what hes doing is campaigning from the white house hes trying to draw a distinction between himself and joe biden that he confronted this head on and that is showing strength and leadership but his opponent joe biden is seizing on the fact that the president removed his mask and so the subject of one of the ads one of 2 that hes releasing in battleground states is a picture of joe biden putting his mask on well the president removes his and so this is the stark contrast now defining what is going to be a clear choice for American Voters as they hit the polls in 28 days difficult to know sometimes you know when he goes on twitter before he was kind of juiced up on steroids but before he goes when he really goes on twitter you have to kind of interpret what he says or what he means or what that hall of truth nudges you towards below. Even but at a time in america where statistically everyone in america knows someone whos either got it or died from it when he says things like oh its not as bad as the flu or its maybe as bad as the flu isnt he just alienating more and more people all the time. Just to clarify a couple of the things in your question there peter i dont think its fair to say that everyone in the United States know someone whos died or who has it because when you think about the population of the United States some 330000000 people there are large numbers of people that have not been touched by cope at 19 having said that there is also a very large percentage who have and thats the one thing thats hard to perhaps see from a distance the other thing in all of this is when it comes to the president weve known from the beginning that he is a president for not all americans for less than 50 percent of americans he didnt win the popular vote he won an electoral victory and thats what hes trying to do in terms of the Electoral College again next month and were seeing some polling that is not good for the president what were seeing in the battleground state of florida that he is tied with joe biden the rest of those battleground states do not look good because the message that youre talking about is not resonating with americans in fact just the opposite theyre looking for compassion theyre not looking for strength right now on the issue of covert 19 and the cabinet at the seems to be offering that compassion is joe biden so far and that is reflected in the polls when you see in michigan he is leading in that state and some of the other states around the United States by double digits so the president doesnt have much time to turn this around hes made the decision that he was to campaign from his from his desk in the white house albeit not the Oval Office Desk the resolute desk but again thats causing controversy given the fact that the infections at the white house continue to flourish in fact thats why im sitting in the studio right now instead of on the north lawn of the white house because each day we find any number of media or the press office the press secretary yesterday Kelly Mcinerney and even the resident staff all of the folks that are at the white house working right now already normas risk and many are frustrated that they believed. The president as a potential super spreader has made it even worse does that mean that it simply cannot be business as normal in this election cycle of this point of the election cycle when it comes to those people who are surrounding him and would being told working with them but they were in full p. P. Yet youre absolutely right it cant be business as usual things back to normal and this is what the president has been trying to do very quickly he has been looking to win reelection on a strong u. S. Economy that was obliterated with coke at 1000 and he has been urgently trying to bring it back because he knows thats the one thing that even those that dont like him or willing to vote for him for were willing to support him give him that vote on the ballot even if they couldnt stand donald trump because they want jobs they wanted a paycheck but all of that is gone and the president is so desperate to bring that back that these messages are becoming again tone deaf in terms of the message to the American People really not understand or acknowledging the suffering that is going on because peter as we talked about some people havent experienced cope with 19 or had somebody they know that has died but everyone has felt an impact in the economy almost everyone has felt a shutdown things are not the way they were a year ago and the president doesnt seem to recognize that kimberly thank you so much can be held at the washington correspondent. The kremlin critic alexina valmy says his health is improving weeks after being poisoned with the russian nerve agent novacek mist in the valley collapsed on a flight to moscow from siberia at the end of august and transferred to a hospital in berlin where he was placed in a medically induced coma now the Opposition Leader says the russian president Vladimir Putin must provide on says what happened to him. At that particular its a super secret thing even possessing this substance this novel chock its army great poison and his band its forbidden to have it anywhere in any amounts and one of the problems it has is not whether he ordered me to be poisoned or not but the fact that someone got ahold of nova chuck in russia and used it which in itself is already a violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention alexandra so janowicz go for has more now from moscow. He actually said that and kept on repeating during this interview is that it was russian president Vladimir Putin who ordered gave an order for the before his poisoning and i was the interviewer trying to to ask him why would russian president do debts and why would he be so important said the russian president it would be involved in such a thing and rightly kept on claiming that this could have not been done without the order of builtin without his knowledge or at least with the knowledge of one of the had some of the intelligence agencies here in russia he bases this claim so on the fact that it was not a chalk and then what he says is also that there was a new modification of this nerve agent that was used he says this is not something you can buy in a supermarket or in the black market or that something that you can compose yourself in some underground lab but this is something that can only be obtained with the knowledge of the Intelligence Services in russia with the knowledge of the russian president Vladimir Putin this is what he kept on claiming during this interview on the questions as who who is behind this poisoning. In thier Peers Northern region has ceased to recognize the government in at a suburb or leaders told the ethiopian Prime Minister. That his mandate to govern the region would expire on october the 5th tensions were increased after shojo Regional Elections were pursued and because of the pandemic we dont recognise the Prime Minister would organize a defeated premise that we dont recognise a cabinet. Council of ministers we dont recognise the parliament we dont recognise the house of each other as other institutions have to continue to. Provide Services Conduct to be activities the National Defense forces and if you have enough military forces. Are expected to defend the country for duty well the feud between the federal government in. Regional leaders escalated last month when they went ahead with the elections to the parliament there was an act of defiance against the government which claims the coronavirus emergency for perspiring all elections the regions governing party thats the key creepy pulls liberation front accuse the Prime Minister. Of stopping the polls so he could stay in power until recently that had been part of a coalition of ethnically based parties each in control of their own region the coalition has since merged into Prime Minister our Prosperity Party but the tea p. L. F. Refused to join leaving it without influence in the federal government is following this from neighboring kenya he says the crisis in ethiopia is a cause for concern across the region. Tension has been building up for months between Prime Minister metz government and the officials who are running the north and to a region who the former ruling elite the t. P. A. Left dominated the e. P. A. To be of course lucian which would be to go over when he was elected in august 2018 and what theyre saying right now is the postponement of the election was illegal and that the Prime Ministers constitutional thomas ended and therefore theyre not going to recognize him but thats not just the only issue they have between them theyre also. Differences over how he managed to pass the disbandment of the Ruling Coalition and creating a unity party which is heading in that is about something that the p. L. F. Had already refused and said would not be taking part in and also that around and file of the leadership of the tea p. L. F. Have retired to mckillop their regional capital with some of them saved to be avoided arrest in a purge ordered by the Prime Minister himself 3 scientists working on black Hole Research of won the nobel prize for physics president Roger Penrose german ryan hard and american and in stockholm their research does focus on the discovery of black hole formations and the connection between that and einsteins theory of relativity laws brinks is a professor chomsky university of technology he was chairman of the Nobel Committee for physics he says the work of the laureates here greatly expands on albert einsteins so early appearance studied general relativity. Theory of gravity back already in the 19 sixtys and he found. There are solutions through each are robust as well. And if there is a certain amount of of matter which is imploding contracting then its inevitable that there will form what is a black hole so the strength of it is mathematical. Strength of the proof namely that it doesnt really matter exactly how it looks like because this is where to score political effect so if there is enough they will be trapped within a surface they will then form a black hole so this. Is a wonderful. Result from einsteins theory. Lets update your top stories for you so far today here on aljazeera campus stands Election Commission today a null the result of sundays election after overnight demonstrations opposition protesters stormed the Parliament Building and freed former officials including the expresident Charles Stratford houses

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