Open they are opening someone leaving there maybe just at the end of their working day but the word is that u. S. President will leave via those doors of the Walter Reed Medical Center any time from now head to his motorcade his motorcade which will take him to marine one the helicopter the official helicopter for a i believe its about a 10 minute flight very short distance from bethesda maryland to the white house 13 kilometers as the crow flies and he will head back to the white house all of this happening 28 days before the United States goes to the polls who would have thought our attention would be on a hospital in bethesda maryland which the parish president had spent 3 days in just a month before this election mike hanna is our correspondent in washington d. C. With us this hour it is extraordinary isnt mike as we wait for this to happen to think were so close to an election the fear because thats gone on for the past few days around a man who is on will. Indeed yes well it has been a rather few days President Trump returning to the white house he wont be going to the west wing which is where the majority of workspaces are he will appear upon his residence on the 2nd floor according to doctors where he will basically set up an office i must mention to as well kemal is that the average stay off of corona virus victim in hospital is 12 to 14 days that is the average President Trump leaving now after 3 days obviously breaking the mold mold in this particular point one must of course note the fact that the white house itself has a massive medical staff its got full medical facilities so its not as though hes exchanging some kind of inferior medical care by moving back to the white house will have a huge team with him and he will be under constant monitoring the narrowminded to come all the doctors saying his personal physician that hes not out of the woods yet i wonder what sort of white house or even return to mike when you think about the fact that so many of the stuff and i think the latest today was the press secretary Kerry Mcinerney have been diagnosed themselves. Well indeed yes see a white house has become a focal point and a center of distribution of the coronavirus it would appear as you mentioned the White House Press secretary announced today that she had tested positive for covert 19 and 2 of her staff as well have also apparently tested positive this in addition to a number of journalists who regularly work at the white house so the list is growing and growing in terms of people who work at the white house being infected remembering of course the 1st lady maligne a tramp who will be waiting in the residence for her husband to return but certainly there have been a number of events which appear to have become super spreaders in particular that meeting at the rose garden last saturday at which President Trump announced his nomination for the vacancy to the Supreme Court bench now more than 9 people it would appear have tested positive after having attended that event so that is being described as a super spreader so very much a different perhaps more subdued white house to which the president will be returning but taking note to kemal as i mentioned he will not be going near the west wing which is where the workspaces are youll be kept one would assume and his doctors say will be kept to the confines of his residence for quarantine period which is as yet unspecified and heres the other issue as well kemal as we do not know exactly when he was infected that doctors either do not know or they will not tell us they will repeat the time of his diagnosis the time that he tested positive on a p. C. R. Test but we still have no idea whether he became positive days before so the timeline of his illness and the timeline of the virus still very unclear knowing that normally it would take 2 weeks for a quarantine to occur after a person has been diagnosed positive but theres no idea yet of exactly when the president did become infected. My canner in washington will be back with him later for the wider pictures weve been talking about what will happen at the white house picture on screen right now bethesda maryland the Walter Reed Medical Center where our focus has been for the past 3 days the president of the United States donald trump a patient inside that Medical Center for 3 days and any minute now. We wait for his departure kimberly how good is our White House Correspondent in bethesda maryland today hi kimberly you were saying to barbara earlier about how donald trump loves to turn a negative into a positive and by the looks of the crowd behind him behind you there hes turning it into positive its almost like a Campaign Rally campaign event. I felt like i was have been at a Campaign Rally all day the supporters have been congregating particularly whence they knew the president would be lifting off i can hear the engines of marine one revving up so that life is imminent nigh fact i suspect as you and i talk here as the president goes into the air that there will be a loud cheer this is a growing number of supporters that have been here to support the president they were rewarded with a drive by by the president on sunday one that has been controversy all but that the president felt was important even if he put others at risk he says because he felt it was important to thank his supporters this is a base of American Voters that is very loyal to this president has stood by him and his unconventional style of politics theyve also stood by a sort of a spectacle that the president often puts on is particularly in the face of bad news which many would argue would be the fact that he contracted coke at 19 with less than a month until the u. S. Election the president has still got a tough road ahead of him in terms of his recovery but hes tweeted in just the last few moments that the campaign will continue were not sure how thats going to happen it will certainly be in a different form and fashion in fact we already know that the upcoming president ial debate the 2nd one its take place on the 15th and miami is likely to be potentially virtual according to the commission on president ial debates but again be before we even get to the 15th the president has to make sure that he is out of danger and we know that that will not take place until at least monday according to his physicians and in terms of how the president is trying to brown this hes already launched pretty called operation maggie or make America Great again this was an effort by his supporters and Campaign Staff to continue the campaigning even when it was not clear when the president would be released but now we know it is imminent again were in one set to take place and take off its lift off from bethesda in the Medical Center here at walter reed to make that very short 10 minute flight south of here to the south lawn of the white house. Kimberly im just keeping an eye on the front door at the moment at walter reed people coming out doors opening lets just hold for a moment reminding viewers that at what is it so almost 6 40 pm 6 40 pm in bethesda maryland ace coast of the United States donald trump the u. S. President is leaving the hospital lets have a listen. So were not hearing an awful lot just yet this is obviously a bit of a long shot here. Let me jump in here and tell you what youre going to tell me not you are not going to your property thank. You thank you partner. So thumbs up from the u. S. President as he gets into his s. U. V. There which will take him to marine one i could hear a reporter it sounded like a reporter shouting theyre saying do you think youll be a super spreader mr president. Kimberly how could a correspondent there exactly where you can be i mean im trying to get an idea of where those crowds are. Going to come post them shortly in terms of. Know heres whats happening ill give you a bit of a sense of what is happening so the president i dont have a monitor but is exiting into the motorcade which will drive him to marine one to that landing pad and then from there on the grounds of walter reed he will lift off i am not near that motorcade so i will not see it nor will the supporters were on wisconsin avenue for anyone who is familiar with washington d. C. But we will be able to see marine one its at liftoff as will these supporters perhaps you can paint a picture for us a little bit of the president if you some barking on marine one you will do that you know weve just lost a picture just at the moment the motorcade yes we can see it moving from the high shot at the moment as kennedy was saying that motorcade heads to marine one and its old actually pretty and a time to area here just a short drive to the helicopter and then the helicopter i believe kennedy you said a 10 minute flight directly to the white house. Yeah thats right now if we were driving it would be about a 30 minute drive were in the u. S. State of maryland which is just north of the white house if i were to drive south which i will do after these live shots are done i will go about 30 minutes and weve hit the white house the president will land on the south lawn of the white house as he always does when he embarks or disembarks on marine one but again this was an effort to protect the president raz often as you leave the hospital here in the United States they will send you to your car in a wheelchair well the president s going to have a motorcade over to marine one and so thats what theyre doing they have the Staff Members assembling as he got into the motorcade which of course is take him to the landing pad for that very short flight back to the residence ok lets pause for a 2nd kimberly and ill talk you through our viewers through what we are seeing right now off in the distance there that helicopter marine one the president s official air transport stepping out of one of those s. U. V. S in a moment and it will be hard to see given the shot is so is the president who will be the president of the United States remember 28 days out from what is being called one of the most important u. S. Elections in history and were watching the president leaving hospital 3 days he has been in Walter Reed Medical Center being treated for cope at 19 and this is where our focus is the story of whom it was only a week ago we were talking about Donald Trumps taxes we were talking about the debate since then. It has been the fact that the president has been in hospital the helicopter you see on your screen will be taking off shortly as kimberly how could this telling us a short 10 minute flight directly 13 kilometers as the crow flies to the white house weve got some ground shots apologies for the quality on them a lot of them coming through. What i suspect will be a fortune telling so theyre not going to hold up all the time but. There is the 44th president of the United States walking walking comfortably it seems giving the thumbs up as he does as he did when he left the hospital boarding marine one and that is what he would have wanted isnt it kimberly to show that he could get out on his own 2 feet walk to his helicopter and go it is a show of strength as much as that was when he left the white house to show that he could still he was still in control he wasnt looking ill as it were even though he was going to hospital and now hes leaving hospital. Absolutely as the president departed from the white house on friday evening he walked out of his own he was wearing a mask any appeared somewhat healthy but what we know is that the president was already in some grave danger and we know that in fact the president had a fever of 103 fahrenheit which is very high as well the president at times required oxygen now you can hear what the supporters here are chanting is 4 more years and they seem to have got news that the president is on board marine one and they are now awaiting its lift off. The motorcade departing now the president on board marine one waiting for the rotors to fire up. The light starting to flush out the toilets and its just quite extraordinary to be thinking we are watching this and. You dont want to use the word kimberly spectacle but it has been that the past 2 days waiting for the doctors to give us their news conferences then the tweet storms from inside the hospital now the motorcade there was the drive past yesterday an extraordinary 3 days in u. S. Politics and thats saying something given everything thats happened in the last 4 years in particular. Theres no question that donald trump enjoys a spectacle in fact thats how i would describe the last 4 years now i am getting the signal from my photographer michael bell of that in fact we are hearing that marine one is lifting off and it is right behind me apparently so if you cant get on your shot you should see it behind my shoulder as it starts to make that very short trip south to the south lawn of the residence in washington d. C. You know weve got the picture kimberly it may just be in a slight delay but the roaches definitely turning now bethesda maryland this is near to the Walter Reed Medical Center marine one the president ial helicopter about to take off and head back to the white house and kimberly i wont come to you but im just going to listen behind you i want to hear that chanting where. You can only just hear it actually but kimberly was saying that is that you dont try to stay there and see if i can hear it ok i dont know Trump Supporters chanting 4 more years 4 more years is it old just supporters out there kimberly or is there been any sign of those opposing him. There has been no counter protesting that weve seen thus far in fact what weve seen is in fact a pretty vigorous showing of support from the president supporters should also point out its a more diverse crowd than typically we have seen at some of the Campaign Rallies that might be that they share of washington d. C. It is very multicultural very cosmopolitan and were certainly seeing that reflected here but thats to maryland now again i hear these rotors firing up i dont know what were waiting for because according to the white house the landing was supposed to have already taken place but were still waiting for the departure of those engines continue to fire up but im not seeing liftoff oh ok now we finally see expect these supporters to get very loud in the next few moments we finally have liftoff take a listen. To. The. Catalog and tell me tell me a little hi there i can really help you tell me a little bit about what you just saw and why is a lot of my heart is racing right now i just feel so full of patriotism our president now only did he overcome coded but he has led this country for the last 3 and a half years to the greatest economic phenomenon that weve had since Ronald Reagan or you were. Read about his health moving forward that not at all hes 74 years old he kicked covens rear end hes been tested hes the Arnold Schwarzenegger of president s and you think hes going to beat this you still got another 7 days of danger at this miss hes already. All right thank you so much for talking to its appreciated all right. Let me give you a sense of what just happened and it was nice to get some reaction because what we heard is that the president was going to do something spectacular we talked about spectacle come out well what we saw and why was not expecting that the president flew directly over his supporters and even though i wasnt wearing my glasses im pretty confident i saw the president waving to them through the window there was a fair skinned man with blond hair who was waving i assume it was the president so these supporters are pretty happy pretty excited right now you heard in that mans voice this is what they wanted to see thats what theyve been standing here waiting for the president delivered and this is what hes known for this is why he is so popular among so many inside the United States is that they feel that they have a champion and they also feel that they have a fighter and weve heard some of this and you heard from the gentleman there the fight despite the fact that the president is still facing a lot of danger hes behind in the polls his supporters are behind him in fact the president himself said he doesnt believe in the polls he tweeted this just in the last hour or so saying that he Still Believes hes going to win this election we should point out the polls were wrong in 2016 hard to say whats going to happen this time but theres a lot of optimism here in wisconsin avenue outside of the walter reed bethesda Medical Center kimberly how kids on the ground in bethesda maryland in the skies above heading towards washington d. C. As we start to lose the lights actually 10. 00 to 7 in the evening a helly call a very special helicopter marine one which carries the u. S. President. And right now is carrying the u. S. President donald trump who walked out of Walter Reed Medical Center about 1015 minutes ago i would say by now didnt stop to speak to reporters gave the thumbs up said he was feeling good got in his motorcade a short drive to the heavy padded show white on the heavy pad and now he heads back to the white house to continue his recovery from covert 19 after spending 3 days in hospital but as my camera correspondent pointed out earlier the average stay in hospital for someone with covert 19 is more like 12 days of course at the white house he will have full medical attention there they would be obviously concerned if he would have to come back to walter reed and how that would look the upticks very important to this president and his kimberly was saying to us away for the crowds there from the helicopter as it flew directly over Walter Reed Medical Center and the crowds of donald Trump Supporters outside the hospital have been there for a few days he drove past yesterday a controversial drive past in his s. U. V. Today its an s. U. V. And a helicopter remember he used to be a reality t. V. Star there is a lot of production value going into everything we have seen today if youre just joining us on aljazeera 2250 g. M. T. 6 50 pm on the east coast of the United States on Kimmel Santamaria continuing coverage of President Donald Trump departure from Walter Reed Medical Center in bethesda maryland. Kimberly how could his correspondent who has been there throughout all the hectic few days kimberly you would have had a hectic few days anyway i suspect on the campaign trail but an extraordinary 3 days to reflect upon the. Absolutely and the challenge for the president he may have left the hospital but there is still much work to be done we just have to talk in sheer numbers and that is in terms of the 1st number the president still has 7 days or a week that he will need to continue to recover now you said the average day for number of days for a person to be in the hospital is about 12 the president spent 3 days here in hospital hes going to spend the next week so another 7 days making that 10 in total at least where hell be in the president ial medical suite being cared for by the white house medical unit this is a team of doctors and nurses who will be ministering and monitoring him around the clock in a didnt know that the 1st lady madea trump is also recovering from covert 1000. 00 of course shes about 2425 years younger than the president so shes handling it a little better than the president who of course has Underlying Health conditions and is of course of advanced age so that is why its a challenge for the president the other numbers we need to talk about 29 days for me 28 days where you are in doha in kansas now to stay where you are monday still for me but in terms of the number of days left until the november 3rd 2 president ial election the president doesnt have much time to turn around the numbers of polling which are not in his favor democratic challenger joe biden the Vice President under barack obama of course still leading in the polls some would say about 89 Percentage Points so this could be a tough battle for donald trump but again he has been tweeting even campaigning from his hospital bed as recently as just in the last hour or so saying that he doesnt believe in these polls we should point out in 2016 they were wrong. Yes well but donald trump is using this and you can already hear as we talk to one of his supporters that they believe that this is an opportunity for donald trump to project strike that he contract it cold it hit it head on and invaded it but again he has not done so just yet he is on the road to recovery but still a ways to go the challenges are still great with not a lot of time to overcome them will pause for a moment as we watch the live pictures weve been getting an aerial view of washington d. C. Over the Lincoln Memorial past the Washington Monument and now what a shot that is actually as marine one heads to the south lawn i believe it is if my memory serves me correctly the south lawn is where marine one lands kimberlys noting thank you very much kimberly. This is where the president ial helicopter takes off and lands from regularly when the president flies by helicopter just that short trip 10 minutes and he was in it if even that from the Walter Reed Medical Center in bethesda maryland to the white house in washington d. C. Donald trump has left little walks out of hospital. To his s. U. V. Not taking questions from the media who were asking things we had one reporter asking questions such as. Do you feel like you arent a chick here how many of your staff a sick do you think you might be a super spreader mr president extraordinary i think that those are the questions asked of the president as he leaves hospital less about his own health more about the health of the people around him and who may have been infected and with that could keep happening and were going to talk then its a little bit later on the fact that donald trump is going back to the white house when he is still presumably in a contagious state and so many members of the white house staff have been infected as well. Marine one just landing on the south lawn of the white house with the president on board remember the 1st Lady Melania Trump isolating herself inside the white house she hasnt been in a hospital but she has been isolated there for the last 3 days shes infected the latest infection we heard about was today Kelly Mcinerney the White House Press secretary as well just take another shot get a slightly closer look here at marine one i suspect the president will disembark from the other side i also suspect theres a camera on that side because as weve been talking about before everything over the past 3 days has been whilst the president s been treated for an illness has been carefully managed as well his drive past his supporters outside the hospital yet his tweeting his doctors giving their news conferences outside walter reed as well kimberly ill come back to you while we wait for the camera to shift around the flags are being prepared for his arrival the doors being opened i know i keep saying this but i just think it is quite extraordinary everything that we are watching here when we were a week ago talking about Donald Trumps taxes and then that ill tempered debate with joe biden and just when you think things of reached a new level we have these past 3 days. Really is remarkable and i wanted to talk to a little bit about those questions by the reporter that the press full of the president was leaving asking the president if he was concerned about potentially being a super spreader these are valid questions given not only has killie machinating the press secretary tested positive but also another member of the White House Press team the press office and then 2 members of the resident staff these are the people that work inside the white house and support the president in the 1st lady while they are living there so what we know is already there are a number of things that are taking place in order to make sure that staff are protected we know that the map room for example is being outfitted so that the president can work in the residence not in the west wing which is west of the residence in the oval office where typically we see president s working at whats known as the resolute desk instead the president will be working inside the residence we also know that there is no Contact Tracing that is taking place now it seems it was a little late in happening but the white house has confirmed to aljazeera that in fact all of those people that were present in the rose garden for the nomination of amy kone barrett to be the next justice in the Supreme Court that has now turned into a super spreader a vent that there is extensive Contact Tracing thats going on in order to find out just how far this has traveled because its clear were seeing the next wave of infections and the fear of course is that this is going to continue to grow exponentially we know that there have been members of the media that traveled with the president and thats an important question that the doctors did not answer in their press briefing this afternoon as reporters asked about the president s infection when was his last native test when was his 1st positive test this would give us a sense of what the president did and whether he took unnecessary risks so far the doctors have been sketchy in terms of answering this evasive even odds on him believing theyre going to try every perhaps confused about whether this happened sorry camberley weve. We didnt actually get to see the president disembarking marine one the cameras are not on that side but we are seeing him heading up the steps of the white house the flags on display there just approaching the top he is wearing a mask i think he gives the thumbs up and. Actually a big im struggling to see these pictures because its getting a little bit dark almost 7 pm there now but donald trump standing there as much for anything a photo opportunity it seems we saw the camera flashes going off in fact theyre going off now as the president stands on the balcony on the south side of the white house the u. S. Flags behind him his return from 3 days in hospital its not forget with all the ceremony were seeing today helicopters motorcades camera flashes lets not forget this is a man who has been in hospital for 3 days whos oxygen levels dropped at least twice in those days as blood oxygen levels who has been treated with a cocktail of drugs and treatments including some experimental treatments as well this is a man who has been and presumably still is unwell and still is contagious to a degree but hes standing on the balcony of the white house as marine one leaves hes taken his mask off he is standing for the cameras. As weve been talking about this moment as much about his return from hospital as it is about showing that he is back on the campaign trail in fact thats what he said he tweeted just before he left the hospital saying that hell be back on the campaign trail and that the as he calls them Fake News Media dont reflect whats really happening in the polls. 7 pm on the u. S. East Coast Washington d. C. The white house marine one leaves the south lawn of the white house having just left the president back at home after 3 days in hospital. Santa maria continuing coverage here on

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