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This have on the president ial campaign. U. S. President donald trump says he will leave hospital within hours and despite the u. S. Death toll from the coronavirus now almost reaching 210000 people he has are just americans not to be afraid of covert 19 tweeting from hospital in the past 90 minutes trump said he would be leaving Walter Reed Medical Center at 2230 g. M. T. On monday thats in about. 2 and a half hours he encouraged people to not let the virus dominate their lives saying the country has really great drugs and knowledge and that he felt better than he did 20 years ago. Over the past 24 hours the president has continued to improve hes met or exceeded all standard hospital discharge great area to receive another dose of him does appear here today and then we plan to get him home its been more than 72 hours since his last fever oxygen Levels Clothing able to research rationed and as were breathing or all normal. Though he may not entirely be out of the woods yet the team and i agree that all are evaluations and most importantly is clinical status support the president safe return home where hell be surrounded by world class medical care 247. Meanwhile the list of white house officials testing positive for covert 1000. 00 is growing rapidly press secretary caylee mcenaney is the latest prominent west wing figure to be diagnosed with the virus at least 2 other communications aides plus other mid level staffers have also tested positive mcenaney says shes experiencing no symptoms she is among several Staff Members who say they havent been told about the dayak no diagnosis of trump 8 hope hicks who was also working out of the west wing former new Jersey Governor Chris Christie says no Staff Members one masks or social distanced during preparations for last tuesdays president ial debate christie is in hospital after also testing positive for corona virus and u. S. Attorney general william barr is self isolating despite testing negative for the virus 4 times since friday he attended a potential super spreader event at the white house last week lets go live now to our White House Correspondent Kimberly Halkett who is outside the walter reed Military Hospital in bethesda and of course we just had a picture there painted of whats going on in the white house many people testing positive presumably many more self isolating right now but that is the context into which the president will drive back to or go back to in about 2 and a half hours. Yeah and the outbreaks continuing since we had whats now known as a super spreader event more than a week ago at the white house it was the nomination for the Supreme Court of amy how many barrett by the u. S. President since then there have been senators that have tested positive the former adviser to the president Kellyanne Conway testing positive you mentioned Chris Christie there and now the latest of course in terms of high profile members of the president s inner circle including the White House Press secretary now notable is the fact that the president s children have not yet tested positive but we do know that his wife 1st lady malani a trump did in fact also test positive at the same time as the president getting the news to the public on friday now lonnie a trump has been recuperating at the white house we are told this is where the president now will join her in about 2 hours time when he leaves the because the Medical Center here to return to washington d. C. Which is about a 30 minute drive from where im standing what we know is that the president will have around the clock care he will be. Being checked on by not only nurses but physicians who are of the 1st and will be watching him closely because what we know according to the press conference given by his physician dr sean conley is in fact that the president is not out of the woods yet in fact his exact words were if he can get through monday continuing his therapies 2 then they will breathe a sigh of relief so that means the president is likely not leaving the white house for some time and this is a president we know is anxious to do so given the fact that were in the midst of a campaign that is going to put him back just a little more than 3 weeks until election day where there is precious time this is a tight race we know that his rival joe biden the democratic president ial nominee is campaigning as we speak in key battleground states including florida well the president is having to stay. Put knowing that he not only has his own health at risk but as you mentioned those potential for the outbreak to spread even further the fact there are already been increasing numbers of positive cases inside the white house the inner circle as well as the staff its not clear when the president will no longer put others at risk well we did hear from the physicians that it could be another 5 days it could be potentially 10 days the problem is is that we have been told when the president 1st tested positive and when he last tested negative that was a question repeatedly asked by reporters and yet we have not been given an answer so its very hard to pin down when we could see the president on the campaign trail again and so assuming that i mean earth the earliest they possibly could be monday according to what the doctor said even thats pretty optimistic what impact is it likely to have on the campaign i mean you know we can bet that the president will start tweeting again pretty soon but the fact that he wouldnt actually be able to go into a lot of the battlefield states what impact. Will we see very Different Campaign styles from both joe biden and donald trump tom charges held these large public rallies where theres been very little social distancing very little mouse squaring and now weve seen the result of some of that behavior a wide scale outbreak in contrasts we know that joe biden continues to test negative despite meeting up with donald trump less than a week ago for the 1st president ial debate we do know the president has watch whats called operation mega or make America Great again where he has his campaign continuing in his absence weve seen him releasing videos weve also seen him tweeting quite vigorously and he certainly has his surrogates out campaigning on his behalf but the challenge is that people want to see the president those that support him want to hear from him directly this is going to present a challenge for the president even as joe biden continues to step. Up his campaigning something that has been somewhat cautious up to this point so watching very carefully to see how the president handles all of this certainly he is going to make use of social media as he has from the beginning but theres no question this is not the style of campaign that this president would like to wage in certainly it is going to be an abbreviated one for at least a week. Kimberly the coronavirus was always being was always going to be one of the key issues if not the key issue about this campaign how do you think the dynamic changes now that the president has actually contracted the virus. Well we already are starting to see some signals of how thats going to play out on the campaign trail and you heard it and you read it in Donald Trumps tweet about dont be afraid of cope with 19 dont let it dominate your life i believe is the word that the president used dominate im number one very easy to say when you have very Good Health Care and can get early treatment that is state of the art and world class not every american has that opportunity or luxury number 2 what i think were already starting to see the president characterize this as a battle that he believes he has for the so far at least beat and so what hes going to portray is himself as a strong leader who confronted de jure head on and beat it in contrast to joe biden which he has repeatedly said is afraid of covert 19 has been hiding in his basement these are the kinds of talking points we expect to hear from republicans as well as the president as he tries to show himself as a leader as a strong. Victor in a merger of a crisis one that potentially could still claim his life whether or not thats going to work with the American People is unclear so far we know that many people feel the president has been somewhat reckless we also know that many people have been criticizing his handling of covert 900 so much so that it has cost him in the polls. So it remains to be seen how this will be received by the American Public and i think thats why the president is making such a show and spectacle as he often does of his departure from the thirsty Medical Center behind me the fact that this president is a reality t. V. Show president this is a t. V. Moment that he is producing its very clear we heard this from his physicians that he was Holding Court was the term his physician used to describe his consultation with doctors its clear that he wants to not only get the information out that he has recovered but also that he can give the optics and the image and the branding that is characteristic of dumb trumps presidency absent the Kimberley Halkett with the latest from outside the walter reed Military Hospital in bethesda can really thank you more about all of this with dr eric if i go being any p. T. Mala just in senior fellow at the federation of american scientists a sort of thank you for joining us here on aljazeera now just about an hour ago we heard from the medical team as you know they told us that the president hasnt had a fever in 72 hours is all levels are normal normal hes going to get his 5th dose over and theres a fear on tuesday at home at the white house in light of all of that do you think they were right to discharge him. Well i think even if hes fully recovered that this illness has a seesaw unpredictable that its fine today shortness of breath tomorrow and destruction to the white house is not really going home like the rest of us go home white house is a full surgical suite and of course theyll be a full kataria of doctors on standby but im glad hes doing better but again theres also a long term effects such as brain can t. What brain fog and many other chronic conditions that come from this so well have to see but i dont think hes entirely out of the woods yet this is a very unpredictable the i mean if there is even a doctor is his own doctor said that he was an ad of the woods but he could go well home as they called it and you just point out its not a normal home what did you make then of what the doctors say its a do you think it has been painted to make it seem i guess perhaps a more damaging that it might have been to the president well theres a saying in d. C. If if someones awake theyre there how bright spirits are if theyre unconscious theyre resting peacefully its theres always going to be a little spend here we dont really know the details of but even the number of oxygen dips that he had its still very big how low and actually went but in terms of this drug hes using dex about the zone its its a pretty severe drug in terms of its only reserved for severe critical patients not for mild because it actually slows down actually slows our immune system increases the virus prep location so we have to really see he is definitely not out of the woods anything could still happen. When we see it how quickly the virus seems to spread not just of the president but several aides at the white house i mean its obvious that certain things like this sensing or Wearing Masks or washing hands or sanitizer obviously not being implemented as they should be in light of all of that what do you think should be put in place when campaigning starts again or do you think ultimately for a president that we still dont know when he will test negative i mean it could be a while do you think that campaigning might just not be possible but personally i think you shouldnt campaign for quite a while we know that someone and he fictious on average 10 days after they develop symptoms and for someone older it might actually be a little bit longer they are having a much more severe disease so going up to the trunk testing little wall is no its a very porous fence we know that someone can be eased into magic carriers not test positive but still be infectious i think they need they would be needed as is actually more like a multiplayer castle strategy where not just a moat and drawbridge but also our well you know wall except for a team or a mask wearing for sure ventilation its in actually its really the aerosol transmit series see just today of knowledge aerosol transmission airborne transmission is a potential he ran out not just the surface contacts and that is really hard you need masks and potentially premium masks for everyone and thats why you should probably do rallies with the gatherings any time soon but when it comes to you know normal people i guess when would they be allowed people have contracted covert 19 when would they be allowed to associate with people again would it only be after an negative test. Yes so the tests are interesting or p. C. R. Tests could actually test positive for a long time even after you stop being factious because the p. C. R. Test picks 00 our name byrons fragments even after the virus has been defeated i would say in general someone is 10 days after symptoms but this is again an average just means half the people are potentially factious for longer so i would you know say at least 2 like 20 days or more some countries say as long as 2 negative consecutive tests but that actually could take a long time some people dont test double negative consecutively for you know 34 weeks so its really hard to say this is why its really important to isolate him for much longer than just attending and dr if i go again just one last quick question the president said dont be afraid of kovi had in a tweet 20 make that statement well its very convenient for him when he has all the best medical health care and unavailable treatments that the rest of the americans in the world dont have so and again its not just deaths we know theres 210000 deaths in the u. S. But theres also studies and shows how to potentially records that people have long term illnesses brain fatigue brain fog in terms of early dementia as well as cons izzys it is not just oh you feel better and thats it we can not get people infected dont try to go and get infected yourself or chase herd immunity and i think thats why his you know his statements are dont be afraid is very misleading for the rest of the world that to eric feigele being a p. D. Im all the just and senior fellow of the federation of american scientists sir thank you for sharing your reaction to those developments with us thank you. Well as the u. S. President has been hospital u. S. Democratic nominee joe biden is campaigning in Miami Florida lets go live to Andy Gallagher now and the florida as always a key state when it comes to the election whats joe biden been saying about the trump situation well joe biden the former Vice President is essentially taking the high road here is obviously getting asked questions about trumps behavior trumps medical condition and the coming president ial debate here in a few days time and hes essentially saying look let the scientists let the doctors decide i dont know enough to make any comments and i think that is a very deliberate thing on behalf of the Biden Campaign of course joe and joe biden have wished president john paul the best in his recovery but this is a deliberate strategy i think joe biden is here in miami focused on getting the haitian vote and getting the hispanic vote here both very important to his campaign in what is a very important state but when it comes to President Trump he is reiterating that science should be the Guiding Light in any decisions anyone makes that gets coded 19 i think you wont hear anything different from the former Vice President joe biden when it comes to president not even commenting on president potentially returning to the white house or president champ taking that ride in a cavalcade to wave of his supporters he is essential saying we need to listen to doctors we need to follow science well speaking of science and they weve just had confirmation that the number of dead in the United States from covert 1000 is officially past 210000 people in the u. S. A nation that perhaps was a bit more resistant than others in doing things like for example Wearing Masks or locking down you live there every you noticed a change in the past few months or weeks in the way that people perhaps try to protect themselves when it comes to both the rising numbers and perhaps also the fact that President Trump himself got made. I mean i cant say all i can tell you is that i had covert 19 back in july i was pretty much out of it for about 2 or 3 weeks but i think like Everything Else in this country the wiring of masks has become a politicized thing we still havent so weve only just begin to see president now where he wont one sees actually contract to the disease himself but here in Miami Dade County this is one of the worst hit counties in the entire state people are still being very careful but you still also really trying to embrace that balance between getting on with life running your business keeping your job and not catching covert 19 of course were seeing in many states now the cases are once again rising again so people are extremely afraid especially as were coming into the colder months people go indoors thats where the disease spreads even faster but as to the effect on particularly i think Trump Supporters now that the president has it will have to wait and see how they react of course many of them have said they think its a hoax the president himself has said that to now we are facing a completely different reality in the galley here with the latest that from miami in florida andy thank you. Stake a look at the crown of our situation around the world and the u. K. s Health Minister says a technical issue that causes nearly 16000 cases of covert 1000 to go unreported hasnt changed the governments outlook on the pandemic the glitch caused the number of daily of reported british cases to jump to nearly 23000 on sunday because they were overlooked many people who came into contact with active cases have not been informed that the reports. Britains testing system was supposed to be world beating but the latest problems of forced the government into an urgent investigation Public Health england the government body says it identified what it calls a technical error involving a spreadsheet last friday it seems columns of data had been missed off as a result almost 16000 positive test results were left out of official figures for a week the missing cases were added over the weekend so while daily reported infections had been around 7000 saturdays number was nearly 13000 and sundays was almost 23000 contacts of those positive cases are now being alerted and told herself isolate 51 percent of the cases have now been contacted a 2nd time for Contact Tracing purposes i want to reassure the house that outbreak control in care homes schools and hospitals has not been directly affected because dealing with outbreaks in these settings does not primarily rely on this particular p. H. E. System but the episode raises the possibility that many thousands of people without symptoms may have spread covered 19 in the last week one of the most crucial points in this pandemic we learned that almost 16000 positive cases went unreported for a week that means as many as 48000 contacts not traced or not isolating the latest delays will do little to improve the. Publics faith in the centralized system which involves private firms and public bodies it was launched months beyond show joel and the percentage of contacts traced has been falling. Meanwhile the weekly rate of new coronavirus cases has soared in dozens of areas mainly in Northern England after the missing data was added in manchester now has the highest rated england its doubled to almost 500. 00 cases per 100000 people the governments already under pressure in areas under specific restrictions affecting one in 4 people in england to explain the rationale behind some of the some regional politicians are now calling for more local control of testim trace the aljazeera. Riot police have moved into a Central Square in the kurdistan capital to disperse thousands of people protesting against sundays election result tear gas and water cannon were fired at demonstrators in bishkek and gunshots and stun grenades could also be heard at least 16 people have been injured demonstrators are angry at early results which predict progovernment parties will dominate parliament western observers say the poll was marred by vote buying Charles Stratford was in the middle of that protest as police try to disperse the crowd in the south 8 earlier. Security forces of into the square. Of. The. World will be selected. For story. Received. As a crackdown english that. More than 300 people were arrested during antigovernment protests and bella roofs on sunday police used water cannon and slowed internet speeds as tens of thousands of people marched through the capital minsk and other cities sundays rally was the latest in almost 2 months of them stray shows the man doing the resignation of president Alexander Lukashenko and the release of all Political Prisoners 9 days into the conflict between armenia and azerbaijan both sides appear to be ramping up was still a tease over the disputed territory of nagornokarabakh the nato chief added his voice to calls for an immediate ceasefire as dozens more casualties were reported in the deadliest fighting there for more than 25 years the remote mountainous region is officially part of us or by john but it is ethnically armenian and has been officially run by Armenian Forces since the end of the 6 year war in 1994 got a look at a box says azeri forces have been launching sustained rocket strikes on its capital step on it but the fighting is spreading beyond the disputed region as a bridge john has reported several missile attacks on its 2nd largest city ganja and mean just severe from where i seen him who say glow now reports. Style fire gentlemen governor ridge the 4th largest city in azerbaijan 2 of them hit a nearby hydro power complex which is the largest in the caucuses region as a real fish will say critical civilian infrastructure is under imminent threat our main yet denies that we are deeply concerned about the situation in their own god but we are of course watching the situation very carefully we have all seen the reports about the increased number of casualties also civilians 1000000 casualties and of course. Any fighting notice also poses a risk to all kinds of Critical Infrastructure good despite being far from the front line of our bridge on 2nd largest city was also attacked our men yet denies involvement in the killing of 6 civilians other azari cities such as tact orenburg death which are close and are going to car bomb were also targeted yes thats it if we live in the city the armenian fascists have been bombing this town for days and spreading chaos in this place our homes were bombed and destroyed and we stayed in the middle like this everyone went. As a rage as militaries also in action had worn a car a box main city stopping carriage has been have since sunday as the most intensive bombing of the city since the war in 1904 the town of sushi 10 kilometers from stepanek and was also bombed all day monday Azerbaijan Armed forces started a target internationally syrian objects and operation as a result of which we have over the person casualties and much more wanted i mean yes Prime Minister is asking all the young men who have recently been demobilized to come back to join the battle. Is urging them to fight to the death and ensure victory in this war the 2 former soviet republics have long been in comfort. Doris or britt johns break away when they are at the core many an region of. The art the latest fighting now into its 2nd week follows cross border attacks in july when an older differential says fire was broken. Then as our bridges Defense Ministry threatened our mania with attacks on the met some more Nuclear Power plant this region serves as a corridor for pipelines carrying oil from the caspian sea to International Markets and a threat to stability heightens customers concerns about supply given the intense fighting going to nagano kauravas front line and we saw a striking densely Populated Areas many question just how far the 2 neighbors will carry the conflict the spite their domestic problems seen across all aljazeera get a reservation while a similar mentioned in her report armenias president has called for volunteers to join the fight in the gutter a car about burned his face has more now from go racin are here. Well is an indication i think of the pressure the no go on account of iraq is that our media and president nicole passion has this evening hold on those recently demobilized a young man from the army to come back to fight these are young men whove done that 2 years Obligatory Military Service and they cannot be forced to come back but the meaning the Prime Minister is asking them to come back his own son to finish military service earlier in the summer has come back to join the fight for whats happening is that Ethnic Armenians are going d to join the fight and to go on a car back this is not the Armenian Military or the country of amina fighting us or by john this is the enclave of nagornokarabakh which is ethnically now meenie and mediums coming to join the fight and theyre clearly under pressure that the Prime Minister is having to ask young men to come back to the fighting already cold up when the fighting started on the 27th old man to an 80 and 52 had already done their military service many years before and were in the reserves hes asked them to come back to fight so clearly there is a lot of demand for men on the grounds to fight and we know that in the main town of nagornokarabakh stepan aka today that has been relentless bombardment coming from the azerbaijan side the city the town was hit on sunday with that during that bombardment and it was very intensive and im told today by people on the ground that it has been more intensive still i dont feel structure is being targeted particularly electricity transmission stations we saw all those being targeted so yes and there are casualties of people been wounded and 5 key People Killed as far as we know from some days from a bomb. And im reminded of the top stories on aljazeera u. S. President donald trump says he will leave hospital within hours the spite the u. S. Death toll from the coronavirus now passing 210000 people hes urged americans not to let the virus dominate their lives he tweeted the country has really great drugs and knowledge and that he feels better than he did 20 years ago doctors treating President Trump have explained why they think he can continue recovering at the white house over the past 24 hours the president has continued to improve hes met or exceeded all standard hospital discharge criteria to receive another dose of rendez of you here today and then we plan to get him home its been more than 72 hours since his last fever. Oxygen Levels Clothing or saturations and his work of breathing are all normal. Though he may not entirely be out of the woods yet the team and i agree that all are evaluations and most importantly hes clinical status support the president safe return home where hell be surrounded by world class medical care 247 well meanwhile the list of white house officials testing positive for covert 19 is growing rapidly press secretary caylee mcenaney is the latest prominent west wing figure to be diagnosed with the virus at least 2 other communications aides plus other midlevel staffers have also test that positive mcenaney says shes experiencing no symptoms she is among several Staff Members who say they havent been told about the diagnosis of trump aide hope hicks who was also working out of the west wing. And the number of confirmed corona virus cases worldwide has now passed 35000000 but the World Health Organization says about a 10th of the worlds population may have been infected and that most people are still at risk. The riot police have moved into a Central Square in care in the kurdistan capital to the spurs thousands of people protesting against sundays election result tear gas and water cannon were fired at them straight as and gunshots and stun grenades could also be heard at least 16 people have been injured western observers say the poll was marred by vote by the stream is that axed asking why ethnic minorities in the u. S. Are being left out of corona virus vaccine trials and ill have the news hour for you in half an hour join me that. I am to be ok today we will turn to something that was touched on several times on the strain and thats one noise in the rest being involved in that scene miles earlier we spoke to public historian mabel reston hack who told us why its so critical that minorities take part in these vaccine trials have a listen we advocate for diversity and inclusion in Clinical Trials including johns trials other social determinants of Health Environmental conditions housing food availability that disproportionately impact nonwhite people and can impact reactions to vaccines and other medications so any Clinical Trial must incorporate a diverse range of participants nonwhite people. From a range of geographic and other kinds of backgrounds our work or advocacy work also involves starting a conversation around racism Equity Inclusion in medical Ethics Health and Public Health and vaccination far more broadly our company 919 is on the beginning of a longer project to resist work in medicine. So this potentially could be an uncomfortable conversation about race medicine kogut 19 vaccine trials i know youre ready for it jump into the you tube comments and you too can be part of today show. Hi larry linda hello gharana good miss you going to be town team integrate this today they have so much knowledge youre about to see blood join you linda reintroduce yourself to stream audience. Hello femi thank you for having me im going to go about president and c. E. O. Of the black Womens Health imperative the only National Organization focused on black Womens Health Emotional Physical Health and Mental Health so happy to be here welcome back hello there glenn tell everybody who you are like ike their meal melinda good to see you both i am arkell and allison based in philadelphia im a currently a visiting scholar at the National Bioethics center and at Tuskegee University and im also a fellow at Harvard Medical School and both Research Bioethics and and the narrative ethics i am going to jump straight into the you cheap comments when i would its knew we were doing this show this this comment here are you kidding are you not aware of the deep mistrust afro americans have about the medical system review your history of medical apartheid and genocide in the u. S. We aint having none of it its linda pack that you know. Yeah there is a lot to unpack there and this is you know as the writer said this is deeply rooted in history this is deeply rooted in 400 years of oppression in this country and then of course colonialism outside of this country going even further back i mean the fact is you know the reason we have trial is this tends to ensure that vaccines are therapeutics are safe and effective but they need to be safe and effective for everybody and if we dont include everybody then theyre less reliable and so in this country where weve got a history that that i know glenn was going to speak to so well of medical abuse of her griffith abuses you go back to jamie area and in the way he brutalized slave women and and you know obviously Henrietta Lacks and having naming herself after her without her permission but come you can come to today i happened to be in georgia and just a month ago we saw where institutionalized let pinas were being sterilized without their permission so this mistrust this reluctance to participate in what comes across as a experimentation is well founded historically but its well founded in whats happening today. Glenn im just going to jump back into you tube again and look to your green warner the tony thank you for joining us she says look the Tuskegee Syphilis experiment. Anyway linda just ruled off a number of i would just see an ethical experiments own black people in United States take one of them take the tuskegee experiment because within the u. S. People know that outside of the u. S. If they dont theyre going to be shocked when you tell them what happened briefly thank you thank you for to me you know this is a classic example of what it means when it says. Until the lion gets his own story tell us the story of the hunt is going to always glorify the hunter and the 1st thing we have to eg knowledge there was no Tuskegee Syphilis study there was a u. S. Publics Health Service study on syphilis at tuskegee it was only the exclusion of the fact that this was the United States government conducting this study of watching the progression of the disease of syphilis in an educated poor black farmers and we have now allowed the narrative to be about. First of all ups syphilis study Tuskegee Syphilis study as though the university was actually the one that did it but more importantly we talk about this mistrust and we dont even acknowledge that myth its almost as though they think mistrust is something that were born with that theres some kind of genetic defect that blacks have mistrust against health care and stead of egg knowledge ing and being accountable for the incredible racist history that linda has just articulated that has led to anybody with commonsense mistrusting somebody who has demonstrated as linda said for over 400 years that we dont matter theres no example in this entire societies history where you can point to something that shows that africanamericans and blacks are actually a part of the overall d objectives and goals and aspirations of this country it doesnt exist so mr mistrusts is totally the wrong term to use its like common sense and what people understand they need to do and thats to only way weve survived for the last 400 years use of the reason mind is going to pieces and Uncomfortable Conversations because. It liddy seen you expect your medical professionals to take care of you weak gondolas of what really looked like where you live what your resources are why does this not happen the 90 states yes it is uncomfortable but it it reveals the the fundamental systemic racism that exists in our Health Care System let me that the number one reason and we is going talked about theres incredible historical mistrust and warranted but the number one reason black people dont participate in Clinical Trials is because they are not asked their physicians make all kinds of assumptions about what they will and will not do whether or not theyre welcome plywood or not they will well be able to travel and that they have enough money and so because of these races perceptions they simply dont ask their patients to participate and so we leave out an entire group of people who can benefit and just in case people think it doesnt matter it does when you look at for example the h. P. V. Vaccine which has been demonstrated to prevent Cervical Cancer in women the 2 strains that are most responsible for Cervical Cancer in black women are not included in the back scene where there were no black girls in those trials and so this absolutely does matter and you know you come forward to carbon 18 theres a therapeutic declan methods on which has shown to be effective in people with severe disease well doesnt work as well and africanamericans no no surprise not included in the trials so these met these things matter and if if our physicians would ask just say look you know miss smith i think this trial would be really good for you were going to work with you to make sure that you have the best possible experience in this trial it could make a huge difference but its just gnash apne. I mean why is it not happening i feel like if we now do this if we know about the inequities in the house system you ask why it took does not do yes because racism and structural and institutional racism is really designed to protect the power and privilege that white people enjoy so its in their benefit is to their advantage and to their benefit to do everything not to dismantle it because human nature says none of us like to lose power and privilege thats just a gut human nature thing so the structure is Structural Racism in our medical system i want to Say Something 2 things real quickly one i just got over my 1st ever sinus infection and i feel like i should apologize to everybody i ever blew off to complain about a sinus infection this is a horrible its a horrible experience but anyway the point is i went to an air nose and throat specialist on a referral from my doctor my primary doc i get to the office wait around wait around often as you normally do they call going into the waiting room i go in sit on the exam table look up on the wall there are 48 by 10 photographs of all white men doctors so when the doctor who was seeing me came in the room and said us and enter deuce themself and thats what i was there for us it wait a minute if you tell me what thats all about its all those are some very great doctors and they were very good mentors to the person who found it a so what doctor let me ask you a question how confortable with you be if you wear our roles were reversed right now you came in here and there were 40 pitches a black man up on the wall and the exam room he couldnt answer that. And the other point is just that how deeply steeped racism and how black just being black has made medical lies to be a condition of disease that goes back to the 70 all the way to the origins of this country then im so glad you mention that because we switched to cali we respond to clean i was going to get a pickup at the back of the oven clean about theres something wrong with black bodies is this something wrong with the i think you used to be experimented on or avoid it to be putting vaccine trials this is how killeen put it lets have a listen to. By frame in black americans as biologically at risk for this disease for coke at 19 were not only communicate the message that black bodies are inherently defective and prone to the disease we obscure the underlying structural causes for Racial Disparities in health and these are the social determinants of Health Including and especially medical races that biological race cannot be the basis for equipment recruiters must reject this harmful logic because it ultimately subjects africanamericans a disparate treatment in research sevens and they must also abstain from stigmatize and africanamericans as irrational in their skepticism and they must contend with the fact that those who are usually are recruited 1st are often denied access to the therapies built upon their bodies. Glenn i thought there had been cleaning but i know linda in particular you are set up with black women being targeted is this something wrong with black when i need to learn pushback all the time absolutely and black women dont view themselves as as we say broke or broke down i mean we have conducted a study years ago where we asked black women to define health and that is not our view we know we are trying we know theres nothing wrong with us but there are the systemic barriers and go and i just want to touch on something you said you talked about going to the Doctors Office and you know youre waiting around well for me to to give you a sense of how ingrained how entrenched systemic racism is it isnt literally built into technology but the appointment scheduling systems the Artificial Intelligence systems have racism built into them i brought up a coauthored a paper with some colleagues last year that show that racism is literally built into this intelligence into the algorithms of scheduling systems such that black people wait 23 times as long as white people to get an appointment so if youre on a schedule you go to your doctor youve got a 3 oclock appointment and its suddenly 5 oclock of course youre going to lead and perhaps you wont come back so this has real implications for our ability to access care and access quality care when racism is literally built into the technology into the machine language of the systems that that can all scheduling and Clinton Glenn you have just laid this out perfectly youve given Historical Context you put it up to date let me just show you here. Sub some of the child pages from pfizer im going out to families and they are looking at the trial locations the trial progresses is the cause of 19 vaccines participant diversity lets just look here that to be pretty transparent in the u. S. 5 percent asian 9 percent black hispanic or latin x. 12 percent native American Point 7 percent this rate about 25 percent of their current that scene trial for coverage 19 is looking at minorities glenn is that and not. Well 1st of all why wont we trust those numbers why why is it that if we have watched systemic exclusion of black people in Clinical Trials and i served on 5 different r. Beings over the course of 15 years so theres nothing about Clinical Research i dont understand and know and i know theres no accountability we already know systemically there is no universal system to collect racial data so why should the 1st thing is why should we trust what they say why. Not why should you not trust these 2020 we have Massive Movement everything gets turned upside down for 2020 we have 4 lines that were really seeing right now as apply as this is really why you still do a cynical as a people and you cheaper and let me just say this at the beginning of this pandemic. The guidelines of this your formal recommendations were that if you have if you think you have this virus do not go to your doctor call your doctor so they can arrange for you to be tested the data shows that a significant portion of black people dont have a primary doctor so who are they going to call so it just is another example of how deeply embedded systemic racism is so much so that we have black doctors cold at 19 consortium in philadelphia which is a group of black doctors led by dr alice sampler who have their full time doctors shes a pediatrics beach pediatric surgeon and downs she has the moonlight on Saturdays Sundays at night with the other group of our colleagues to test black people in parking lots at churches because now how could we have the entire Health Care System a Public Health system and in a crisis like on pandemic theres no inclusion of black people just to be tested so why should we trust what pfizer says about how many. Family i have to agree in the early madonna trials and madonna has in at in ajman mean to so this is government funding and the government requires 9 percent at least 9 percent black anticipation in the early modern trials there were 2 black people the great white house of how many im actually looking at their breakdown here with you know you can see that in france and if they had high standards i think you see this when you see these tiny little colors here these are people you see people of color green is asian. Oh my goodness until he read that i mean its not exactly who he is blackall africanamerican so hes like that the family you know his numbers down here these are all people of cholera so you would think by publicizing this this is like were being. Transparent were printing people who only know what its into know im sure its not happening i mean common sort of a company theres really no accountability youre not getting government funding so whos looking at you to seem to make sure that you have appropriate representation in your trials i mean are only 4 percent of black people participating in trials anyway but given the disproportionate impact of kobe 1000 on the black and brown population tony found he himself said that people of color are to be 66 percent of all trial participants and were nowhere near nowhere near that absolutely because i just quickly say this what we have to also not ignore in this conversation 2 things one its only a difficult conversation to the people who havent experienced what weve experienced before 100 years im not in the business of trying to make people feel good about facing this con this subject because ive had to watch my aunts what happened with my ancestors but more importantly why are we talking about a concept like race that is totally social based. In the context of science right so youve got to look at how weve got a call as a society if we infuse a social concept and made a fundamental fact factor in clinical in science that defines. This is how can you help describe exactly what youre saying when considering race in Data Analysis race is not a risk factor racism is the risk factor that i keep trying to pull you 2 into now what are we going to do when you keep putting me back in its terrible so here is what im thinking. Linda you call yourself im just looking here on on on your on your social hear a Karela Health advocate give us some Gorilla Health strategies because if people of color if minorities are being impacted by covert 19 more than any of their. Different groups the mute we need some guerilla tactics right now the vaccine trials would be less and so one of the things that they were doing at the black Womens Health imperative is we have a partnership with stand up to canter and friends of Cancer Research actually train black women and Clinical Research clinical protocol protocols how to participate what to expect how to make sure that you get the best possible care and have the best experience and to challenge your providers challenge the researchers when youre participating in Clinical Trials to make sure that you bet they know youre holding them accountable but one of the think we also have to do is get the Research Community out a bit segregated bubble the you know researchers recruit from their networks that are known to them to look well 98 percent of these researchers are are not black so they dont have black and brown people in their network so weve got to make sure that they go to other scientific meetings National Medical Association Others and build a colleague your relationship with people who dont look like them however our problem is in actual segregation and we already know that if we could integrity and today we would in Health Disparities but the other thing to me is weve got to make sure that weve got leadership black and brown leadership whos making the decision who is going to suck in the research what becomes evidence depends on asking the questions who theyre asking how the data is being analyzed and we end up applying a body of evidence to people who have nothing to do with its creation in the 1st place so weve got to change fundamentally whos making those decisions and whos getting funding and its a legit into and let me just slip in here greg millets because we were talking about trust lack of trust at very valid in this scene and great kind of a couple of suggestions now now what to do is have a listen. The 1st consideration is that there is a big difference between a theoretical vaccine and a real vaccine and you lately see changes in opinion when you have a real and effective vaccine that is available the 2nd thing that i think is important as well is it depends upon who is indorsing the vaccine theres a recent poll that came out this week that showed that 2 in 10 americans would take a vaccine if it were recommended by donald trump but 6 in 10 americans would take a vaccine if it were recommended by their doctor so its very clear that if there were a safe vaccine that was highly effective that was recommended by their doctor or a member of their family that you would likely see higher levels of africanamericans who take that vaccine so good i didnt mean to youve got people so i dont know and he chief adrian king says things adrian sounds like you know what the problems are tell me about the Solutions Grant well. I was just going to 1st to piggyback off that last comment did not answer and then im ok on your bank. Yeah get your when he talked about this to study that showed that 6 out of 10 americans would take the vaccine who are those americans who dont they talk to who are who are they we dont have the accountability up comprehensively to really know how to address these solutions well the 1st step is accountability all you have to do to get a protocol approved by our beaches check off a box and say yes i plan to include blacks look at the role that lack of accountability to the f. D. A. That has systemic lee approved drugs devices and treatments knowing that the data has a voice is devoid of any inclusion of. Black people so we dont even have an accountability system in place to Start Talking about breaking down and making solutions in my opinion the 1st step is who are they and these other people who are in terms of who it depends on whos promoting it or whos saying it i mean the president of somebody some very prestigious has starkly black colleges have publicly made it clear that they they are enrolling but i just said think its a going to need a willing announcement at the shows im just going to push it ok and already yeah. A 32nd elevate to picture. Glenn would you take part in a kind of a 1000 vaccine trial yes or no i want. That is. Absolutely not and primarily for me is because i know too much about Clinical Trials for back saying to the warp speed concept and i it all of the accountability has been turned over to the private pharmacy looking it up again would you take 1000 vaccine child yes or no i mean when theres a National Scientific association made up of black researchers physicians and Clinical Trial experts who have complete visibility and transparency into the data the analysis and the protocol and they say yes we endorse this plan ill do it. Right nothing if im into an example thank you you choose really preacha if mistake you think and he dont think im going. Through the. Holiday weve got some unusually cold and wet weather into central parts of australia with my mis line of cloud here just around the right center down towards the southeast that is about what we do see some very very wet weather in talk of the temperature should about 30 degrees in dallas well be lucky to get into the low teens over the next couple of days and that wet weather that slides right down towards the southeast into victoria into a good pot so for New South Wales South Australia old so saying a bit of wet weather was we got 131 to say looking pretty miserable warms up in august by where the station was pushing all the way up towards stopping it. The east of that battle has been getting up to around 20 celsius meanwhile for days and bits and pieces of shabby rank coming in here temperatures around the 18 degree mark now we got to some places of rain pushing towards japan of the most significantly this swirl of cloud here that says now a Tropical Storm and its making its way very slowly but it is making its way further north which and over the next few days will grassy see west of weather sliding in from the northwest pacific into that eastern side of japan as a heavy burst of right she move into the 2nd half of the week to the also that the Korean Peninsula has drawn as much of china. Context the significant storytelling around the biggest issues weve done but had to do you should do it again. This is al jazeera. Hello im Barbara Starr this is the aljazeera news hour live from london thank you for joining us coming up in the next 60 minutes President Trump tells people not to be afraid of cove it is he prepares to leave hospital in the next hour and a half. Though he may not entirely be out of the woods yet the team and i agree that all are evaluations and most importantly his clinical status support the president safe return home. This says the virus for

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