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Here to stans president ial palace after the opposition rejects early results of the parliamentary vote. The battle between armenia and azerbaijan intensifies for a 2nd week despite strong calls for a cease fire. And the scientists behind the discovery of the hepatitis c. Virus get the 2020 nobel prize for medicine. But we begin with the breaking news sites over the u. S. White House Press Secretary Kerry Mcinerney assess a positive for corona virus shes the latest among president Donald Trumps in inner circle to be infected well over the weekend she gave several press briefings with votes wearing a mask mcinerney was one of the many people who attended Trumps Supreme Court nomination ceremony. You have no tested positive. And as for the u. S. President S Health Care hes also infected with coronavirus dont series are set to decide in the coming hours whether trump is fit to be released from hospital his chief of staff says theyre optimistic about his prospects and sunday trump made a surprise drive by the hundreds of his supporters who gathered outside the Hospital Doctor at the hospital were trying to be treated cold it caught irresponsible and astounding lets get the latest now from our White House Correspondent kimberly hellcat shes outside walter reeds where President Trump is being treated kimberly lets start with the press secretary she is the latest high profile figure in the white house to contracts the coronavirus what sort of impact is this having not just on the top team but also on the the hundreds of people who work alongside the president the press secretary and all these senior officials. Well what this is doing is introducing risks the latest is not only a member of the White House Press team to test positive for coke at 19 but also is a relative of kelly mcenaney the latest confirmation we have is that a member of her press team chad gilmartin house has tested positive for coke at 19 she works very closely with chad in whats known as out her press he is present many of the White House Press briefings there alongside the press secretary who we also understand now has tested positive for covert 19 and he is a relative of her husband a cousin and we believe now in terms of caylees own diagnosis of testing positive for cocaine 19 she confirmed that that was the case through twitter when she released this statement if you want to pull it up we can work through it together she says after testing negative consistently every day since thursday i tested positive on monday morning while experiencing no symptoms no reporters producers or members of the press are listed as close contacts by the white house medical unit she goes on to defend the fact that she held the process briefings and says that she had no d knowledge that there was a positive test result for the president s close advisor hope and that as a result she not only held a press briefing on thursday but then held gaggles as recently as sunday now a gaggle as where she would stop in the driveway where the press corps is gathered and speak very informally often no more than a meter apart so again the prospect that there was risk introduced to extended members of the press pool is significant now she defends this in her statement she goes on with my recent positive test i will begin the quarantine pot process that will continue working on behalf of the American People remotely defending the fact that she continued to work well not knowing that she had copd at 19 because. She was trying to get the latest information she says about the president s Health Condition to the American Public but in doing so she has not only put herself at risk but also others meanwhile many people who are concerned about president healthy can see a large crowd of supporters behind you there kimberly prism is clearly showing to be discharged from the whole split so but the civil war of confusion as to his Current Health stances how was the president s and is it likely going to be discharged today. Well we dont know because we havent had a briefing today monday by his better team we were told that it determination would be made today and that the president could be released as early as the few hours from now the press pool was called to Walter Reed Medical Center north of washington d. C. In the u. S. State of maryland behind me. And since then theyve been in a Holding Pattern not only waiting for updates but waiting potentially for the president to return to the white house where he would have the opportunity to be cared for in a medical suite inside the white house but again we dont have any clarification on that because there has been no briefing what i can tell you is the president is itching to get back on the campaign trail he really is just spate of tweets this morning outlining his platform 29 days and counting until november 3rd president ial election and we know that hes watching carefully his rival democratic president ial nominee joe biden who is hitting that coveted battleground state of florida today and also senator Bernie Sanders hitting the battleground state of michigan 2 states that are badly needed by this president he hopes to win the white house and yet he is not able to campaign he is still in the hospital so certainly this is probably agitating the president who it says quarter to his chief of staff that hes feeling much better he is positive and hes eager to get back to the work of serving their. People but at the same time given his that age given some of his underlying Health Conditions we know that he is still at risk for having another downturn is health as a result of coverage night care we await that briefing from the medical team but for now it can be harkat outside ball to beat thank you. Bring you some developing news out of kurdistan were police are using tear gas and stun grenades to Disperse Protesters in the capital bishkek several people have been injured sprit testers are angry at the early results of a sundays parliamentary election which protects the progovernment parties are said state 107 out of 120 seats well to serious Charles Stratford is in kyrgyzstan and he was in the middle of those confrontations between protesters and the police he found the something. Security forces a body into the square before whats the sense of all those. People it was a blow to the citizens of. The world will be solicitous of. The governments scenes of the bus station. To see. You receive. It pretty soon. As a crackdown on this but this is. What we can join a chance for now on the phone to get the latest on the situation there charles we understand at least 16 people have been injured in those confrontations are things starting to come zones somewhat there are no. That is what we understand were about a kilometer away from the square still hearing gunfire still hearing the grenades being used the air is thick still with us were getting reports that there seems to be many of those protesters that fled the square. Or in the streets surrounding the square have it seems to be some standoff full. Time protection may continues with the security forces. Were also hearing interesting that the same Video Evidence is protected in other cities in the country as well campbell clerical about 5 hours away from. Prettier footage showing protesters that gathering to try and make their way to push through certain reports that the police try to block certain roads entering the capital city and weve seen Video Evidence of large convoys of. People coming in from rural areas into the city to take call in these protests protests that have been described as being the biggest since those that were responsible for the overthrow of the revolution of president became in 2010 the protests started off easily this morning and as the crowds gathered the chants got louder. For the government indeed the president to step down. Bowl of levels throughout the day a great sense of the beginnings of a great sense of unity if you like between the opposition groups and opposition parties in the run up to these elections because the. Widespread allegations of Election Fraud they made. There was a differentiation between the groups the opposition groups they they debated among each other. Hopefully within whats being described as one of the healthiest political systems in the region in relation to some of the more water corrected. The countries as neighbors but today what we noticed was there was a great sense of unity between the opposition leaders put down your various flags your opposition allegiances we are one of one group. One group demanding that these elections are held rerum and saved as if the government has acted very swiftly and violently to crush this protest movement but as i say they have. And i can still hear the continuous whats not to be some grenades as flashes in the distance and the every still speak with the. Child stay safe and well check back in with you if the situation develops us shall start for that joining us from. 90 days 9 days rather and so the conflicts between armenia and azerbaijan both sides stepping up are still sees over the disputed territory of the gore no. Citizen ties are coming under attack staff and carrots the disputed regions biggest city has come under sustained bombardment both sites are accusing each other killing civilians now azerbaijan says forces have attacked a number of their cities with missiles meanwhile in a trip to turkey nato secretary general is called an anchor has been backing asad by john to use its influence to come the conflict seen of course the other has more from here in azerbaijan. The cities adjacent to nagornokarabakh have been under attack today as well again as our original fisher was condemned those attacks and accused armenians saw it and we know that but in the attack in baghdad a city kills 2 civilians today and there are many wounded. Hospital being hospitalized the conflict is going this way the iranian side also accusing for us our rage on for continues the shelling there is a bench as a civilian areas but how they have the things are going to evolve between the 2 neighbors is still unknown because and because the tension is still high and despite International Calls both sides seem to be committed to do whatever they have planned over now go in a car about but many are merely are concerned that this conflict is going to go beyond the gornergrat of our front line to war between armenian azhar bijan and i have to say that despite the intensified ongoing in the frontlines of lego in a corner of our now the cities are being shelled or hits by missiles which will be probably rising more concerns as we will be hearing more civilians being killed as long as these attacks continue from both sides against each other. Bernard smith is following the latest developments from gori in armenia. Well is an indication i think of the pressure the no go no kind of back is that armenian president nicol pasha nion has this evening hold on those recently demobilized a young man from the army to come back to fight these are young men whove done the 2 years Obligatory Military Service and they cannot be forced to come back but the meaning the Prime Minister is asking them to come back his own son to finish military service earlier in the summer has come back to join the fight but whats happening is that Ethnic Armenians are going to join the fight and to go in a car bomb this is not the Armenian Military or the country of amina fighting azerbaijan this is the enclave of nagornokarabakh which is ethnically now meenie and medians coming to join the fight and theyre clearly under pressure that the Prime Minister is having to ask young men to come back to the fight to already called up when the fighting started on the 27th old man to an 80 and 52 had already done their military service many years before and were in the reserves hes asked them to come back to fight so clearly there is a lot of demand for men on the ground to fight and we know that in the main town of nagornokarabakh stepan aka today that has been relentless bombardment coming from the azerbaijan side the city the town was hit on sunday with that during that bombardment and it was very intensive and im told today by people on the ground that it has been more intensive still i dont feel structure is being targeted particularly electricity transmission stations we saw all those being targeted so yes and there are casualties people been wounded and 500 People Killed as far as we know from some days from a bomb. Still to come on aljazeera. The u. K. Governments managed to miss 16000. 00 cases of covert 19 g. s a technical error of a racist only for light class storm alec springs the worst floods in decades to parts of france and italy. Hello the weather reset fair across the Arabian Peninsula lots of sunshine as per usual you see this long on a cloud coming out of the coaxes running down across sea iranian mountains and we are going to see some wetter weather coming through here over the next day or so just to the south of the caspian will see some west or whether theyre coming into toronto 24 celsius the top temperature getting into the high twentys once again maybe touching 30 celsius there across the eastern side of the mideast right in and was still hovering around the 40 degree mark in iraq and also in kuwait tampa just fall back to around 34 celsius here in doha but plenty of sunshine as i said sunshine there a little bit of a fair weather cloud over towards america but the western parts of yemen again you might just catch a special to all of rain in just a sin right sue into somalia right over the next day or so but some places of cloud just offshore drifting in you might just see the odd shot creeping into that eastern side of kenya. As per usual across the heart of africa look further south weve got plenty of showers coming in now across the eastern side of south africa pushing a fair way inland could be heavy as well could cause some flooding problems botswana seeing some showers along with zimbabwe. Alex goen that the love of chess. After years behind bars he has to be strategic to stay out of prison with his friend and chess master is planning his next move to give back to society and share the gate that saved his life discovering new filmmaking talent from around the globe if you find latin american jazz private lessons are now easy. This is al jazeera a reminder of the top stories this hour what has press secretary Kelly Mcinerney is the latest member of president on drums inner circle to test positive for corona virus over the weekend she gave several press briefings with aides amounts. Right police in kyrgyzstans capital had to spare us protesters angers at the early results sundays election protests are stops for the storm in the parliament in bishkek at least 16 people have been injured. In the biggest city in the corner kind of iraqis under renewed from the bartman its a surprise john says a 1000000 forces are intensifying attacks on major cities both sides accusing each other of targeting civilians. And the World Health Organization says around a 10th of the worlds population may have been infected with corona virus and that means the majority of people worldwide remain at risk and factions have surpassed 35000000 globally and more than a 1000000 people have died in iran almost the entire country has been put on a coronavirus regularities after a rise in cases some 235 people have died in the past day equaling the previous staley records some restrictions have been reimposed in the capital to her on including clothes and mosques in paris bars cafes gyms and swimming pools will be called for 2 weeks the french government has raised its coronavirus alert in the capital to its highest level. A new yorks governor has ordered schools Daycare Centers and restaurants sickles in some neighborhoods as the city tries to get a heads of a worrisome spread of cool the 19 this includes brooklyn and queens and the u. K. Government is facing pressure over a technical issue that meant mystery and 16000 cases of covert 19 that led to a jump of 23000 cases on sunday because of those individuals were overlooked many people who came into contact with them have not been informed of their potential risk leading barber has the subject now from london this was all affecting cases in england and the Government Agency known as Public Health england has admitted responsibility for what theyre calling a Technical Glitch now 50 of what nearly 16000 cases were unpublished in the daily reports that the government puts out for over a week. The problem was we believe that for some files containing positive results the files were too large for the software which is used to transfer data to the central n. H. S. Test and trace system which then goes on to tell people to self isolate and to try to trace their close contacts and let them know so this saw over the weekend figures like on saturday cases daily cases being reported of nearly 13000 and then on sunday 23000 a huge search but this was a result of those missing cases starting to be added to the daily figures because they hadnt got in when they should have done last week so now they have gone into the count if you like the problem is we dont we dont know exactly how many people out there there are who still need to be contacted the Prime Minister Boris Johnson says all the people who tested positive were contacted on toy within the normal timeframe the u. N. Secretary general says the continuing violations of the Security Council arms embargo on libya are a scandal and only a good tara she was speaking at a Virtual Meeting followup to summit held in germany at the beginning of the year he said the commitments made at the berlin conference in january must be up held and implemented Turkey Russia egypt france the u. A. E. And others had agreed to come the conflict and support the embargo. After the afghan president is in qatar for a bilateral meeting with leaders but will not meet with taliban officials afghanis visit comes as peace talks aimed at reaching a cease fire in the country are underway in doha but the Afghan Government and the taliban have so far made little progress if he appears Northern Region has voted to stop recognizing the government from monday they do say the region will no longer comply with laws coming from and to sample earlier this month forces in to agree to 5 government orders and held elections to select a Regional Parliament where the growing tension has sparked fears of a military confrontation and the breakup of the country former commanders of far gravels in colombia have accepted responsibility for 6 assassinations and closing a former president ial candidates the admission has shots many colombians sundra the reports from the capital book that are. In a surprise announcement colombias peace court said former 5 gravels took responsibility for 6 assassinations including that of. The next president ial candidate. The special jurisdiction for peace informs that the chamber for truth responsibility and facts determination has received a letter in representation of the former secretariat of the fock e. P. In which they offered to provide coote clarify the events and as you responsibility in the following cases on the site of. November 2nd 1995. The claim has shocked colombians who have long believed that the killing of the tree Times Conservative Party president ial candidate was the responsibility of political rivals with links to the military and drug cartels the accusations pointed at former president mr some pair who allegedly received millions in contributions from drug traffickers to finance his campaign in a press release the leaders of the feyerick who are now part of a legal Political Party said that killing goma sort of the was a mistake and that they now recognize this commitment to peace in the country promising to reveal the whole truth but some including relatives of garments and president who are sowing doubts about the revelations accusing the fark of faking responsibility to protect others since they will not face prison time in the peace tribunal. Who made the call for philips task but it cant allow for an attempt to obstruct the true responsibility behind the murder because pretending to take responsibility for these crimes when theyre already guarantees that no one will go to jail generates doubts suspicions and concerns. Ive only got to say that some analysts say that however surprising these revelations. Credible and a hopeful sign for the peace accord. That whatever is revealed will inevitably become a political debate it demonstrates how little we know the court will have to investigate and will have the last word yet i think that the murders are coherent with the way operated there are many more things that the fog has to reveal and hes now time for colombias political establishment to do the same. Despite the shock the revelations show that the countrys fledgling peace tribunal is moving forward in trying to bring clarity to a still murky and violent past alison. At least 9 people have died in severe floods in france and italy around 20 more or so missing far pfizers in the french team region are still searching for at least 8 people who were carried off by floodwaters and in neighboring northwestern italy rescuers are also looking for a number of missing people heavy rain continues in the regions of. The gloria. Finally in a time when public attention is particularly focused on medical advances this years nobel prize for medicine has been awarded so for the discovery of the hepatitis c. Virus the work of americans harville to earn charles rice and puts michael hawks and was owners in stockholm they harden reports. Getting a blood transfusion used to be a gamble there was an unknown disease causing liver damage and it wasnt hepatitis a or b. In 18093 scientists were able to clone the name virus called it at the tightest see this years nobel prize in physiology or medicine awards the discovery of the hepatitis c. Virus americans harvey alter and Charles Reiss along with british born scientist Michael Hotel are considered pioneers in their field the Nobel Committee says thanks to their discovery highly sensitive blood tests for the virus are now available their discovery also allowed the Rapid Development of antiviral drugs directed at hepatitis c. For the 1st time in history the disease can now be cured. Hepatitis c. Is a chronic disease found in the blood that can cause liver cancer and psoriasis many sufferers need liver transplants the World Health Organization estimates more than 70000000 cases worldwide with 400000 people dying from the disease every year. The discovery happened so long ago that the scientist werent picking up their phones from the Nobel Committee to get the news i called them a couple of times before without any outs or but once i reached them they were extremely surprised it has taken decades to fully measure the impact of their discovery its critical to go to the to the beginning to really understand the basic regional discoveries that i really enabled theres so much. That has happened so many and advances and have a pizza to put thats made possible but this initial discovery of the action of. The disease primarily strikes stigmatised populations like illegal drug users and the poor and developing countries contaminated medical equipment or procedures in fact millions and in developed countries like the u. S. Unscreened blood transfusions and needles can spread the virus and when it comes to the latest virus pandemic covert 19 this years nobel winners offer hope for finding a cure the one like this should humble us and recognizing that doing good against viruses that are going to be associated with a lot of stigma thats what science is about science is about defending those who feel stigmatized and oftentimes dont pursue medical care because of that stigma and shame because of the pandemic the nobel announcement ceremony was virtual and with no covert vaccine the celebration of other medical discoveries continues on line to harding aljazeera

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