Doctors to decide whether to release him from hospital just a day after a surprise and risky short strenth by the infected u. S. President s. One of 10 people worldwide may have contract aids the coronavirus a stock estimates by the World Health Organization. And the scientists behind the discovery of the hepatitis a sci fi risk at the 2020 nobel prize for medicine and in sports the miami heat hit by king game 3 of the n. B. A. Finals heat beating the bron james in the l. A. Lakers to revive their hopes of winning the championship. But 1st for the 9th day in a row the battle between armenia and azerbaijan over nagornokarabakh is escalating. Cities and towns are coming under attack stepparent here its the disputed regions largest city has come under sustained bombardment and both sites are accusing each other of killing civilians there azerbaijan says forces have attacked the cities of ganja and ninja chevre with missiles meanwhile iran has warned the warring parties that it will not tolerate the conflict spilling across the border after several stray rockets and mortars hit its villages meanwhile in a trip to turkey nato secretary general called on un korea which is be backing us a by sharon to use its influence to come the conflict we are deeply concerned about of the situation in on their own and. We are of course watching the situation very carefully because we are concerned when we see. Gratian in the whole state it is more fighting more violence we have all seen the reports about the increased number of casualties also civilians civilian casualties and of course. Any fighting notice also poses a risk to all kinds of Critical Infrastructure are all the services of a book but everyone particularly nato should call on armenia to withdraw in order to have a solution to this problem within the framework of International Law Un Security Council resolutions and as a by johns territorial integrity there is no other solution to this problem. Well this is our team on the grounds Bernard Smith is in the armenian side of chorus but 1st lets head to sin and cos here who she joins us from new good chevre the as very city which has come under attack and seen him have seen sustained bombardments of those cities what have you been hearing there on the grounds. Well though we are still hearing those sounds of missiles and they are Defense Systems hella during the day even just 15 minutes ago while we were preparing for our live shot we dont know where the missiles hit but probably its hit on this way again very close to where we are in the cities adjacent to now go and. Have been under attack today as well again as our bridge on officials condemn those attacks and the quds army and side we know that the attack in baghdad city killed 2 civilians today and there are many wounded a hospital being hospitalized the conflict is going this way the iranian side also accusing for azhar bridge on 4 continues the shelling there is avenge the civilian areas but how the other things are going to evolve between the 2 neighbors is still unknown because because the tension this is still high and despite International Calls both sides seem to be committed to do whatever they have planned it over now go in a car about but many are many are concerned that this conflict is going to go beyond the border guard about front line to war between our mannion as our bridge and i have to say that despite the intensive fight ongoing in the frontlines of lego in a corner of our now the cities are being shelled or hit by missiles which will be probably rising more concerns as we will be hearing more civilians being killed as long as these attacks continue from both sides against each other ok see them go see who bring us the latest there from thank you very much indeed says ever there are 2 sides to this conflict lets get the latest now from our media Bernard Smith joins us know from gore is better to rehearing there about the bombardments of the city where were cinemas civilian casualties there how have things been playing out its on the armenian side of this conflict. Well its an indication i think of the pressure the no go on or care about is that our media and president nicole posh union has this evening hold on those recently demobilized a young man from the army to come back to fight these are young men whove done 2 years Obligatory Military Service and they cannot be forced to come back but the Prime Minister is asking them to come back his own son to finish military service earlier in the summer has come back to join the fight with whats happening is that all Ethnic Armenians all going to join the fight and to go on or care about this is not the Armenian Military or the country of all media fighting as if this is the enclave nagornokarabakh which is ethnically not media and media is coming to join the fight and theyre clearly under pressure that the Prime Minister is having to ask young men to come back to the party already called up when the fighting started on the 27th all man to an 80. 52 how to already done their military service many years before and were in the reserves hes asked them to come back to fight so clearly there is a lot of demand for men on the ground to fight and we know that in the main town of nicola no power box step and today that has been relentless bombardment coming from a azerbaijan inside the city the town was on sunday with that during that bombardment and it was very intensive and im told today by people on the ground that it has been more intensive still an infrastructure is being targeted securely electricity transmission stations we saw all those being targeted so yes and there are casualties people been wounded and 500 People Killed as far as we know from sundays bomb bomb. Ok ben is fast bringing us the very latest that from in our media thank you. Well the fighting in nagornokarabakh has involved some para 4 regional players turkey has openly supported its course ally azerbaijan with president richard typer the one demanding armenia puts an end to its courts occupation that russia has ties to both sides but it is part of a military alliance of former soviet states that includes armenia and of course russia has a military base there that the minsk group has condemned the violence this group was set up during the war in the 1990 s. To help find a peaceful negotiated solution to this long running conflict that group is. And the us well lets see if we can speak now i see you carry coven oh hes a former mint script cochair hes also the former u. S. Ambassador for your asian conflicts and joins us now from lexington in the state of kentucky its great to get where this here on the news are let me just start with this ive been a lot of coals for restraints for many sites to try and get the cheap artes to stand in the go see it a way out of this why do you think none of these polls have been heeded so far with different. Positions. Why why do you think turkey is encouraging this conflict to continue then. I mean theres frustration in the region and theres certainly been prescription in both of those are going to be the piece that are more quickly is it essentially vote i think theres also it ever. Its influence in the region it is part of doing that is been seen already in libya in syria and then we see those who take him who are poor because youre heard reza buster even. In this conflict between you know he has and i was there by john said you think in a bid to get this conflict that in the should be more pressure placed on turkey then and now that the tea party it sounds like this sounds like youre saying this is turning into something of a proxy conflict. I mean and i think that spirit to be the chair of the pritchard clearly needs to be placed on the parties and your reporters on the ground describe it the fighting is taking place over this weekend in his continuing today it is no no this is the worst fighting since a cease fire was brokered ceasefire was brokered in this region in 1994 loss of life is fairly now there are news out of the figures. Bug authorities. Made it clear over 200 people have died military and civilian as are but john is listed no deaths and there are military side but thats clearly not the case so the loss of life is the danger is and i think your 1st pundits correctly describe the problem this week and it is starting to still be on the line to contact that separates the region who are encouraged with their version of it to the countrys proper heavy shelling who to punish care for the past 3 days is basically a civilian target. These missile attack on a gun as are by john 2nd largest city while the sorties and car but claimed that was directed at military targets its highlighting this is the 1000000 and infrastructure dangers that exist if this conclave goes further and if it goes through that or russia that military alliance with. It can directly become involved in the fighting in turkey is a close ally of ours or both john and i think that is the night that her for everyone not a proxy by the potential direct engagement. I dont believe that will happen. Well thats good to hear that it might not be a record i should add. On you were saying i was going to say partly the fact of president so they have been talking and that is a good sign that they will be taking steps to make sure that you know which is which is reassuring to an extent but one president has been noticeably silent at that one pirate hes been noticeably silent says that is the United States how do you think that the reticence of the u. S. To become involved in meeting ating an end to this this conflict how do you think thats impact saying what were seeing. Because it is certainly not a no tragic development theres fighting its kind of its a time when the group cochaired countries very gates you know their problems covert 19 for all of the situation and bill ruse for most of them and for the it only states a president ial election france and russia came up with a joint statement in the middle of a list we. Didnt put our broken apart because the United States wasnt included in that you know it was included a leader but i think the situation in washington is a bit slower for us to be able to engage in to the or medium Prime Minister spoke with our National Security adviser Robert Bryant lest we would be before he was able to put together telephone to get action between the nickel personally and president truman it was known as the president s robot come down with both of it so i dont see that happening with it is that when youre ok Kerry Kavanaugh were out of time but thank you so much indeed for joining us on aljazeera and sharing your analysis thank you. Theres lots more still to come here on the news hour including the u. K. Governments manages to notice 16000. 00 cases of covert 92. 00 a technical error of the latest on the phone lights dance this seaside wimbledon champion has stayed on course to win the french open title for the 1st time. Were bringing you some breaking news now i place in kurdistan have you stun grenades to disparage speech esthers in. Those protesters angry apparently results in sundays parliamentary election which predicts the pool governments parties that will take 107. 00 ice of 120. 00 seats Aljazeera Charles Stratford is in carrick a stand he joins us now by phone at charles weve been hearing some that the protesters were trying to storm the parliaments has there been any progress there whats been happening. It seems about the chaos here in the last hour or so. Weve seen the protest is that its gathered through out the. Estimates of numbers of around up to sort 510000 people crammed into the main square testing over these Election Results is about an hour ago i suppose when reports started coming through there was a live picture being streamed on social media of. Men trying to. Stones will stones and climb the walls of the crime the gates to was described as the white house which is a Parliament Building and the presidency. Earlier in the day weve seen a build up of Security Forces on the outskirts of the square and sure enough. It seemed literally only a matter of minutes those were posted pictures all people throwing rocks at the presidency building the Parliament Building that the police moved in using to gas and stun grenades the sound bombs. And a lot of very terrified people running for cover speaking roundabout i suppose a kilometer away now we all had to move back i can still hear one sound like stun grenades being used there still a lot of tear gas. No reports on any injuries as yet although there has been some video already dropped on social media of one of the Opposition Leaders. Seem to be being pulled away from a scene he looks as if he had read egypt. Certainly seems as if there has been a very swift. And and and hard response by the government against these protesters you know considering all basically that the elections were held yesterday. So whats interesting though i think is the fact that there was developing in much square a great sense of unity amongst the opposition parties are they right in the day carrying various flags of their respective parties they were asked to put them down and the key is you stand flak there with a chance for the president to step down the National Anthem was being cool. And you know Opposition Leader is one of his actually did describing it to the election yesterday. As being the. Mystery. In terms of estimates of the crowds that were there as well. Universally. The circuits universally stated by the everyone we spoke to that these crowds were havent been seen all these demonstrations have been seen on disco since those since the revolution that overthrew president because in 2010 so other say some very very dramatic scenes in bishkek receiving a very harsh and Swift Response in cracking down on these protests by the government k h l strive for that bring us the very latest from karega stand for i thank you. I dont see this in the u. S. Are set to decide whether President Donald Trump is fit to be released from hospital where hes being treated for covert 19 f. The past few years trump has been both a series of tweets after an unusual low over the past few days most of it has been about the elections which are of course just 29. 00 days away that one sunday at trump decided a surprise dr fine for hundreds of his supporters who gathered outside the Walter Reed Military Medical Center a hospital has called it quote irresponsible and a standing well minutes prior to that trip outside people say its a new video on twitter saying he now understands more about it covert 19 maybe anybody so its been a very interesting journey i learned a lot of our coverage i learned by really going to school this is the real school this is in the lets read the book school and i get it and i understand it and its a very interesting thing going to be letting you know about it. Well gauging the president s condition has proved difficult with conflicting statements coming from stuff thats often been confusion over high well hes doing whether or not hes been given oxygen and even when he was 1st diagnosed. Yet hes now out on oxygen but did you have to say i didnt receive any on thursday and hes with us today. No no theres a no theres an upright etc thats right so that was my work thursday no oxygen not at this moment yeah and yesterday with the team well we were all here he was not on oxygen i recommended the president we try some supplemental oxygen see how hed respond he was fairly adamant that he didnt need it he was not short of breath he was tired had the fever and that was about it and after about a minute on only 2 leaders he said ration levels are back over 40 over 95 percent i was trying to reflect the upbeat attitude that the team the president of course of illness has had. And didnt want to give any any information that might steer the course of illness in another direction and in doing so you know came off that were trying to hide something that was initially true. Well White House Correspondent kimberly home monitoring developments for us. Kimberly we are waiting for an update on the president s condition or are you any closer to finding out just how is president from. Know and thats been the constant challenge since the president was admitted on friday evening is that the information about his medical condition has been limited and at times as you pointed out its been contradictory now what we can tell you is that has left many people now questioning the truthfulness of the information thats being provided what i can tell you at this point is that the white house travel pool was set up here to walter reed Medical Center here in the state of maryland which is just north of washington d. C. And the white house but since then theyve been kind of a Holding Pattern kind of a hurry up and wait they are in front of a lectern which is where typically the medical team would be briefing but so far theres been no time given for when there might be an update on the president s medical condition that we do know from his chief of staff mark meadows that in fact there is the possibility the president could be leaving walter reed and returning to the White House Monday afternoon in the coming hours it was to be determined after a meeting with his doctors and then there would be some sort of movement potentially we know the president has been pushing for it as recently as sunday we are told that he was actively trying to get back to the medical suite inside the white house were told that he continues his president ial duties and as you mentioned hes also been tweeting extensively the president is eager to get back on the campaign trail if you can see the noise behind me right now there certainly is a bit of a a festive almost Campaign Like feeling a lot of the supporters of congregated as they have for many days it appears the president may be bothered or troubled by the fact that his chief rival joe biden. The democratic president ial nominee is headed to the state of florida today a key battleground state and perhaps the president feeling somewhat anxious given the fact there all the 29 days until voters go to the polls for that november 3rd president ial election time is certainly ticking at kimberly well leave it for now i will of course come back to you as soon as we hear anything else but for now kimberly whole kits outside walter reed thank you now there is kimberly was a no clear timeline about when and how trump got infected because at 19 but this is what we do know doctors say hes been given supplemental oxygen twice and 2 experimental treatments one is a single infusion of a mixture of. Truck was also given a 5 day course of desa via an antiviral drug thats intended to shorten the Recovery Time record with 1000 patients its approved for use as an emergency treatments and all saturday the president was given methicillin after his oxygen levels so thats a steroids typically only given to patients who are severely ill and needs supplemental oxygen speak tonight to dr eric fine gael hes an epidemiologist and senior fellow at the federation of american scientists and joins us now from washington d. C. Could have you were the only news or many people are very concerned about the president s health im not going to ask you to diagnose him but given some of the treatments that we understand he has taken. Treatments which normally would only be given in an emergency what does that suggest to you about the president s condition. Well you know the president has received several treatments to which are include experimental ramdass the beer which shortens onus but also longingly he was also given brigette irans antibody cocktail which has no completely randomized trial whatsoever its not even emergency use proved it was only given their very rare. You know Compassionate Care compassionate use exemption and you get no one was very few people have ever received this cocktail by region or on and further he also got excellent as which is very alarming yesterday because just as i was only 4 serious critically ill patients according to the beach or do you actually says dont even give it to someone who with mild cold it because this drug and powerful antiinflammatory will actually increase the speed of viral replication inhibit your immune system if it given too early its only for people on really serious conditions and yet donald trump got it so either. You know doctors are a little bit inflating his Health Status or dont shop is actually much sicker and we saw he was in the the other argument that you could make is that he is the president of the United States he is the one patient in the world that these doctors would not want to get als so theyre going to throw the kitchen sink catch it is it possible to throw the its said to treat it with absolutely everything even if his case is mild the twitter feeds and the White House Press briefings would suggest. You know so you know some of these experimental treatments i reject are on i think in certain ways its justified but the dexamethasone is very unusual because not only do they say you should only use are critical so we should also warns do not and they emphasize do not give it to someone who is not critical because he actually suppresses the immune system and allows the virus to replicate faster in your body if its used in a mild patient this is an extreme screw to cause status drug and again it has dangerous if used too early only benefits and for critical so you cant just kitchen sink this drug so again hes either got much sicker or hes diagnosed way earlier than we thought and been sick longer or the doctors are just giving him whatever he wants which is also date ok well speaking of which that doesnt really recommend taking the the anti malaria drugs but trump said he would like us im not going to ask you to diagnose president s health no i havent seen him but given what we do know do you think President Trump believe hospital today can he leave hospital today. Well thats really for his doctor aside i dont know his vital status whatsoever very few people know he did have several oxygen saturation drops as we know and its the nature of the virus concourses its very topsy turvy its as a saucy so you can be fine and today very short of breath tomorrow and death if you went home to white house which has its own surgical units it is a its not like our home it is still possible you can get treatment but if you had to be airlifted back that would be a really bad sign so personally i think you should stay longer but we should know that someone whos receiving oxygen which is a very serious status on average in previous studies have about one in 4 chance of dying and is very old and has rest after such as obesity so he is definitely not out of the woods i would personally think he should stay longer ok dr eric fi go thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us here on aljazeera will be like many waiting with bated breath to see what the update on the president s health is for i thank you yes. Now the World Health Organization says around a 10th of the worlds population may have been infected with covert 19 and that means the majority of people remain at risk infections world why surpass 35000000 a more than a 1000000 people have died as the general of the w. H. O. Is urging global unity in a bid to deal with the outbreak i will never be tired of calling for solidarity finger pointing will not prevent a single infection at pushing blame will not save a single life. What saves lives is National Unity and Global Solidarity everyone must play their part from the individual decisions we make to protect ourselves and others to the discussions we will have this week on behalf of the people we serve. Now in paris the french capital bars cafes gyms and swimming pools will be closed for 2 weeks the french government has raised its coronavirus let in the capital city the highest level hence these new Restrictions Mean more malaysias Prime Minister more here de india seen as going into a 14 day self quarantine after a minister tested positive for corporate 19 of the country had its biggest daily jump in and factions on monday with 400 new cases European Commission president serzh love on the lions says shes also going into self isolation as after meeting with a person who later tested positive for coverts she says she isnt feeling any symptoms but her entire team will stay quarantines until we gets their test results and the u. K. Government is facing pressure over a technical issue that meant it missed nearly 16000. 00 cases of covert 19 that led to a jump of 23000 year infections on sunday because these cases numbers were overlooked many people who came in contact with them have not been informed so lets get more from barbara joins us live from london. There has been 16000 cases go on reports since in the u. K. Do they still not have this testing and tracing system under control. Well the government is insisting that the problems that have now been revealed cannot happen in future but the short answer is no there was a problem in the how the communication was handled around the national whats called the n. H. S. Test and traces of which meant a valve that almost 16000 positive cases werent fed into the daily reports that the u. K. Government puts out which had seen numbers level off last week at around 7000 cases new cases reported daily up to friday and then as you were saying over the weekend the numbers surged on saturday around 13000 new cases on sunday around 23000 new cases and thats because those missing cases had been added the problem came to light on friday Public Health england the government body says that it was basically a technical issue and specialist reporters here in the u. K. Say that it was all to do with us fred sheet an excel spreadsheet which wasnt able to process the way that the files from those positive cases have been sent home over there now those positive cases have all been contacted the government say and theyre urgently trying to trace their contacts to tell them to self isolate but they cant tell us how many this is the big problem it is possible that there are thousands even tens of thousands of people whove been spreading covered 19 in the past week the government say theyre employing more call handlers to get in touch with those people theyre also saying that the i. T. Problem will not be a problem in future but its very embarrassing for them and it certainly is have people be reacting to this the. Well look Boris Johnson the Prime Minister has said that in fact nobody should be overly concerned with those rising figures over the weekend he said that they are actually in line with the way he thought transmission of the virus was around the u. K. This is what he said earlier the slightly lower numbers that weve seen you know didnt really reflect where we thought that the disease was likely to go so i think its these numbers are realistic the crucial thing is that in the next few days week we will see more clearly whether some of the restrictions that weve put in the extra enforcement of the rule of 6 the the extra enforcement of self isolation the rules on our mosques and so all the stuff that has come in well see whether that starts to work in in driving down the virus. Well mark hancock the Health Secretary is going to be making statements to the house of commons in parliament in just around well around now actually but hes already under pressure hes spoken to regional leaders particularly in Northern England where theyre seeing their weekly case numbers or rates of infection rather increase as a result of that missing data now feeding through places like liverpool and manchester now with case rates that are around 500. 00 per 100000 of population so big jumps in the infection rates and the Opposition Labor Party calling the latest revelation shambolic who will see exactly whether in fact the government gives in to demands from the opposition and from local politicians for more local control on the whole test and trade system ok need to bring us the situation from the u. K. Thank you very much in. Going to bring you breaking news update now on coronavirus in the white house stunnel trumps a press secretary Kaley Mcinerney has also know tested positive for cool the 19 lets cross life notes are White House Correspondent Kimberly Holcomb shes monitoring developments from outside the Walter Reed Hospital and kimberly it seems we have another positive thinking from the white house and a very high profile one see what kind of implications does this have. Well the implications for exposure to not just members of the president s staff the white house staff but also members of the media is very serious and very grave given the fact that we know that she held a press briefing mask lists on thursday and then on friday as well as sunday she helped whats known as a gaggle what this means is essentially reporters who are lined up in the white house driveway she would pass by and speak very same close proximity really about a metre apart from reporters so while this technically is the social distancing there is shouting that takes place back and forth as you try to project to ask questions of the answers so this means that well we already know there are 3 reporters and for members of the White House Press corps who have tested positive the question now becomes how many more just given the fact that the press secretary has put herself out and expose herself to so many people now in her official statement which she released just moments ago she says that she was not aware that she had symptoms that she had been testing negative outcome until today which is monday and she also defends her actions saying that she felt it was imperative that she get information about the president s condition to the American People something that she says she will now continue to do well working remotely we should point out that as a working mother she does have a very small child i dont know the actual age of her daughter but she appears to be at least under 2 years of age so certainly this is another risk factor that she has taken on the fact that not only in her job is she putting the people at risk her house put people at risk but also to her family and the again the ramifications being just how far has this gone in terms of Contact Tracing the work of the people. The white house doing that just got a lot more difficult well it doesnt seem to move were hearing from the difficulties that theyre having with Contact Tracing in the u. K. Are things going in the u. S. Because it seems like there was the super spreader events in the the Trump White House missing more and more people revealing that they have a diagnosis just many people could be affected by this and what sort of efforts are being made by the white house to get this under control. Well when you think about the super spreader event that was several 100 people many of them were out in the rose garden but there were also many who were gathered pretty of bent for the nomination of a macone Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court by the u. S. President lingering in the diplomatic room of the white house and that is where many believe that close contact took place now you have to remember that all these people have gone out into the community and had many other touches if you will that you know a dozen or more if you do the math it grows exponentially so this is the challenge of the same goes with the media as for example well i was not present at any of those gaggles many of the folks that were present at those gaggles are here in working amongst the public out in the open so the potential for there to be another kind of spread if you will from that single starting point of that rose garden of bed with the nomination for the Supreme Court certainly has enormous ramifications now with regard to Contact Tracing i can tell you that at least one member of the media says that the white house has not contacted him even though we know he has tested positive so the question becomes just how seriously is the white house taking the efforts to Contact Trace and even if its equipped to do so given the sheer number of people that may be affected ok it can be home life or. Leave it there for now but thank you so much for bringing us a belief just on this developing story. Lets bring you some other news though the rival science in libyas conflicts are meeting along with their foreign backers see discuss an end soon the crisis and its a follow up some follow up to summits that was held in germany the beginning of the year in which Turkey Russia egypt france the u. A. E. And others greets on a joint course of action to deescalate the conflict there and supports a u. N. Arms embargo though the acting u. N. Envoy says foreign sponsors are digging in their heels fortifying their assets its key libyan air bases blatantly violating u. N. Arms embargo well dominic cain has been following those events he joins us now live from berlin dominic its a story we havent really had time to talk about given the the impact of the coronavirus but the situation in libya certainly remains a live one what more have you been hearing. Well were still waiting for a News Conference or at least a statement at the very least by the German Foreign minister heikal must thats expected to come in the not too distant future certainly cameras are in place at the German Foreign office and says he will come forward and effectively say what the German Governments ambitions have been remember the German Government has presented itself almost as an honest broker in so far as the conflict in libya is concerned trying to bring the sides together the the different sides together trying to see if it is possible for them to commit to some kind of resolution one that will hold that is the key here something that will be durable something that wont be broken within days within weeks of whatever would emerge the problem though is that some of the parties involved in this are not necessarily that close to each other to be able to come up with something durable certainly and so far as the United Nations is concerned the u. N. Secretary general has put forward a statement and read some of whats the year and secretarial statement says in particular he says that the violations of the embargo are east scandal and thats the arms embargo from the u. N. Security council because the violations of the embargo are a scandal and to call into question the basic commitments to peace of all involved now if that is the case and if that is not really a basic commitment to peace that does suggest that what we might hear from heiko moss may not necessarily take us that much for the forward but as i say we are the way things something from the German Foreign minister and the German Foreign ministry has presented itself as an honest broker so we should to see what he has to say and i say as i said that should happen in the. U. K. Dominic kane live in berlin thank you. The afghan president is in qatar for a bilateral meeting with leaders but will not meet taliban officials afghanis visit comes as peace talks aimed at getting a cease fire in the country are underway in doha but the Afghan Government and the taliban have so far made little progress been vegas following those talks and joins us live in doha some of us the significance of this visit since you think it can help move those talks along. The present dr afghani has arrived with a high powered delegation including his foreign minister and that is the point that he wants to project that the Afghan Government is serious it wants this dialogue to move forward although his aides have told us that it is a bilateral visit he will not be meeting all sides who are all sides of the conflict including the taliban because theres been no reduction in violence but he will be meeting the cattery of meeting he will be meeting u. S. Officials and as well as a meeting that hes already held with the Afghan Government that delegation which is to go shooting with the taliban and use you said its been over 3 weeks and theres been little progress after this brand opening of the dialogue between these 2 sides the Afghan Government insisting that it wants an inclusive dialogue which addresses all parties to the equation so there are 2 major sticking points in this dialogue right now one which is about the religious jurisprudence which needs to be taken for 3 should should be the Guiding Light as well as the rules for conflict resolution one such issues arise and then the other point which is the more imbedded one is that the taliban incest that this process should be seen as a constant new a sion off the agreement that they signed with the United States government insists that if you take that as a continuity and then you need to bring in a line which says that this is. Also in line with what was discussed in the noir jirga in kabul so these so 2 sides are quite far apart on that matter the afghan president will not be meeting the taliban not just because there has been an escalation of violence but the taliban continues to insist that it does not see the Afghan Government as in the detriment government but as a party to the conflict and on the note of that violence as these talks have been stalled there has been an escalation of violence in the last 3 weeks so weve seen assassination attempts bombardments as well as attacks on both military and civilian positions and both sides digging their heels accusing each other of instigating the violence. In doha thank you if the o. P. s northern tiger region has voted to stop recognizing the governments from monday leaders say the region will no longer comply with laws coming from the sample earlier this month which is in turn create to fight government orders and held elections the selective Regional Parliament is going tension has fought fears of a military confrontation and the breakup of the country. 3 scientists have won the nobel prize for medicine for their discovery of the hepatitis c. Far as millions worldwide suffer from the virus which is a major kohls of Liver Disease the Nobel Committee credits the research for saving millions of lives reports. Getting a blood transfusion used to be a gamble there was an unknown disease causing liver damage and it wasnt hepatitis a or b. In 19093 scientists were able to clone the name virus in called it hepatitis c. This years nobel prize in physiology or medicine awards the discovery of the hepatitis c. Virus americans harvey alter and Charles Reiss along with british born scientist Michael Hotel are considered pioneers in their field the Nobel Committee says thinks to their discovery highly sensitive blood tests for the virus are now available their discovery also allowed the Rapid Development of antiviral drugs directed at hepatitis c. For the 1st time in history the disease can now be cured. Hepatitis c. Is a chronic disease found in the blood that can cause liver cancer and psoriasis many sufferers need liver transplants the World Health Organization estimates more than 70000000 cases worldwide with 400000 people dying from the disease every year. The discovery happened so long ago that the scientist werent picking up their phones from the Nobel Committee to get the news i called them a couple of times before without any outsider but once i reached them they were extremely surprised them it has taken decades to fully measure the impact of their discovery its critical to go to the to the beginning to really understand the basic regional discoveries that he really in the name of theres so much else that has happened so many and advances in therapy etc but thats made possible at this initial discovery of the action of. The disease primarily strikes stigmatized populations like illegal drug users in the poor and developing countries contaminated medical equipment or procedures in fact millions and in developed countries like the u. S. Unscreened blood transfusions and needles can spread the virus and when it comes to the latest virus pandemic kovac 19 this years nobel winners offer hope for finding a cure one like this should humble us and recognizing that doing good against viruses that are going to be associated with a lot of stigma thats what science is about science is about defending those who feel stigmatized and oftentimes dont pursue medical care because of that stigma and shame because of the pandemic the nobel announcement ceremony was virtual and with no covert vaccine the celebration of other medical discoveries continues on line to harding aljazeera at least 50 homes have been destroyed by a wildfire in new zealand far if i just say its a miracle no one was hurt its as the fire swept through the removed village on the site islands the blaze started in a forest and strong winds found the flames towards the village. At least 9 people have died in severe floods in france 20 others are feared missing foreign fighters in the french outmoded scene region are still searching for at least 8 people who were carried off by floodwaters almost a years worth of rain fell in just 12 virus around the city of nice cussing off and washing away boats and houses and in the neighboring northwest all rescuers are also looking for a number of missing people heavy rain continued in the regions of one birdsey and the gloria is away the ruled stoneage homes and collapse bridges. Well still ahead its on aljazeera. This is. Similar to the sports Le Bron James leaves the action early in the contest to win a n. B. A. Championship. The rule or law reform. Its time for the sport heres andy thank you so much hallowell the miami heat stall player jimmy butler how the game of his life the latest saints victory against Le Bron James and the like is they still trial in the n. B. A. Finals but the hopes of winning the championship have been revived far as small reports the looks like its going to be a. Game 3 of the n. B. A. Finals could have finished with Le Bron James in the l. A. Lakers within touching distance of the championship instead of it ended in victory for the mining heat and james walking off the court early this is not a good. I just that we could be better. And i think we start again defensively and so on and then office you think youre the ball you know i guess we have. Careless turnovers i mean like i said not a responsibility that we have a lot better on tuesday. The lakers looked at his swords from the start was just so shocking while the heats jimmys butler was working his way towards a career best performance so what else is going to get thank you combine the lakers did have their moments and i want you to take it. But it was butler who own the night finishing with 40 points and 11 rebounds really was shocking injuries to key players also gave rookie tyler hero a chance to step up to. The heat winning 8152104 while they still trailed he won in the best of 7 series butler had a message for his main lakers rival in the barn and got the best of me way too many times. I was spectacle for. It is it different now different groups the rebel army. It what it can be but when i dont know what fight back and its even up to. Jimmy was phenomenal. You know he did everything they needed for him to do tonight and he came through big time in a big time game and we watched the ways we can be better going to game 4 but i thought it was great thank you for joining Le Bron James is passage to a possible for 3 year championship and a 1st with the lakers has taken on expected turn far a smile aljazeera. Now great tennis players to find a sense of passes through to the quarter finals of the french open for the 1st time in his career the 22 year old is seeded 5th this year will garrison Grigor Dimitrov in straight sets the next office its a fast im not sure what the rush is on very rude lad. Now rupert went through after winning a 4th set so i break against the church of hungary regarding replying to his 2nd straight grand slam quarter final following his run to the last state of the us open last month. After a check of it ever is hoping to take advantage of a wide open draw at the french open event of one of justice 3 top 10 season left in the tournament now the 2 time limit in champion beating chinas trade janks move into the last 8 czech player will next faced Laura Siegmund all of germany. Italian League Officials are set to decide if napoli must forfeit their game console each champions events is on sunday youve insisted the field in turin as scheduled but opponents natalie didnt travel to the fixture after local Health Bosses told the team to stay at home when 2 squad members tested positive for corona virus the league says games should go ahead if it seems has at least 13 players available you they could be handed a 3 nil win. Seems to make it onto the pitch in munich where german and european champions by and with taking on hurts a balloon rub 11 dusty scored 55 goals last season he managed in this game an injury time penalty by the polish striker giving his team a 43 when. Sergio garcia has claimed his 1st title in the United States since winning the masters back in 27. 00 seeing the spaniard winning his 11th p. J. Top title days after dropping out of the top 50 in the World Rankings for the 1st time in a decade garcia later paying an emotional tribute to the victims of coronavirus. You know my father has a lot of family in dread is one of my brother and one of mine. Unfortunately we lost. 2 of his brothers. Because ive covered a lot of families ive lost a lot more people but. You never want to lose anyone like that and. You know i wanted to to win this for for them. And a moment so forget for World Champion cyclist you know our felipe the french rider in want here celebrating a little swirly at the end of the early age to bust on race and that gave sort of friends runner up. The chance to steal victory it got worse for our affiliate he was later relegated to 5th the very against the path of a rival early on in the day. Ok that is so your sport is looking for now thank you very much indeed and the well that wraps up this very busy new segment see stay with us and back with more on the latest piece of the short break see that. Not just the Republican Party but America Needs 4 more years of President Donald Trump in the white house then the outcome of this election will determine i believe the course of our country for generations to come live coverage of the Vice President ial debate on a. Rewind return. To its own the best at aljazeera documentary i would compel you to it onion we are going down in the future spot the heart of the old city. Motown to bring. It out here in the soil learning about health by eating good and explain why and i cant imagine doing Something Else on aljazeera. For we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the wound. So no matter where you call the hand out is iraq will bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to tease. Out is there a. Crime. Or people get killed on one occasion you know as bloody a massacre as this was in the tracks a lot of reporting it was just a crude drumbeat who did it who did it who did it the hasty conviction that led to the worlds longest held to throw christmas and his sisters 47 year long battle to save him from execution witness to come out of japans death row on a. White House Press Secretary Kelly Mcinerney is the latest member of Donald Trumps team to test positive for covert 19. Truck stop this meanwhile are set to decide whether to release him from hospital a day after surprise and risk a show of strength by the infected u. S. President. Other than i am how about hes in and this is al jazeera life and also coming up. Protesters try to storm kyrgyzstans president ial power

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