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Amid allegations of election rigging well find out whats at stake. And 2 dead and 25 missing after a storm hits france and italy sweeping away houses and roads. Donald trump says the next few days will be the real test for him but hes pledged to finish his president ial Election Campaign in the way it was started he made the comments in a new video posted on to it from the Walter Reed Medical Center where hes being treated for crowd a virus but it follows a mixed message from his medical team and the white house alan fischer begins our coverage from the hospital in bethesda. From inside Walter Reed Hospital a message from the president i came here wasnt feeling so well i feel much better now working hard to get me all the way back i have to be back because we still have to make America Great again weve done an awfully good job of that a new recruits from donald trump who was rushed to hospital late on friday i just didnt want to stay in the white house i was given little to stay in the white house lucky self in dont ever leave dont even go to the Oval Office Just stay upstairs and enjoy it dont see people dont talk to people and just be done with it and i cant do that i have to be out front and this is america this is the United States. But the white house message and the president s illness has been confused and incomplete on saturday morning the doctors gave a briefing but that reese questions of when the president was actually diagnosed the president tweeted out the news on friday morning just 72 hours into the diagnosis now the 1st week of it and a particular day 7 to 10 of the most critical in determining the likely course of this illness at this time the team and i are extremely happy with the progress the president has made. Another of the consulting physicians said the experimental antibody cocktail regeneration was administered 48 hours ago some are working very closely with the company to monitor him but that would mean the president was diagnosed on wednesday before 2 big Campaign Rallies and a fundraiser would suggest regeneration was given 24 hours earlier than the white house says it was. The 1st rule of Crisis Communications one story one voice the white house has failed to follow that and that has caused confusion and medical experts say it doesnt help that the briefing left a number of questions unanswered for example we were not told what type of bieber the president had how i did it go we were not told with any clear whether or not he in fact was or was not the recipient of supplemental oxygen h. Then adding to the confusion the president s chief of staff mark meadows who told reporters trumps vital signs in the past 24 hours have been disturbing and the next 48 hours of treatment are critical. All that has meant little to the hundreds of supporters whove gathered outside the hospital the sound of support for the president but the crucial period is still to come for corporate patients 5 to 10 days in is critical but know the president is in the best place for treatment even if he insists hes ready to head back to the white house alan fischer aljazeera at the Walter Reed Hospital but the middle and. He said crowley is a former White House Deputy press secretary he says this crisis will only add to an already strained White House Team and in a reElection Campaign. This white house has a tremendous you know credibility problem. And not only on this issue but on a wide range of issues and look at the timing of this is very inopportune for the white house 30 days before the election everyone is sensitive about what they say. But i think you have a white house that has rely too heavily on the president s tweets and the president s rallies of you dont have a Seasoned Team behind the president here we are when youre 4 by this stage and almost any administration is moving forward on all cylinders but youre on your 4th chief of staff your 4th press secretary you know d this is a white house staff that the president does not trust significantly all of these things are compounding a very very difficult situation i think that was a very useful bid you know by the president and i think hes beginning the process of trying to get on top of the crisis the coronavirus was going to be the dominating issue for the campaign anyway. And as long as the president is on the on the shelf and on the mend a matter of days you know this actually inhibits them talking about almost anything else the nomination of amy coney barons was meant to be a day of political triumph and now pays may have been a Coronavirus Spread a vent role brunells reports on how the white house became a coded 19 holds balls. Few people who attended the rose garden event on september 26th wore man 6 and the chairs were space close together President Trump was announcing the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court but as the guests mingled and chatted amongst themselves the corona virus was silently creeping through the air it is for all intents and purposes a super spreader event we have multiple people that are affected there now were seeing blossoming chains of transmission that probably emanate from there so this will be something that will be recognized as a super spreader when the story of 1000 at least 8 people who were there have now tested positive for covert 19 besides trump and 1st lady maloney a trump they include utah republican senator mike lee who was seen hugging and interacting with other people North Carolina republican senator tom tillis trump advisor Kellyanne Conway and an unidentified reporter covering the event the latest to announce testing positive is Republican Former new Jersey Governor Chris Christie who also helped trump prepare for tuesdays debate Notre Dame University president reverend john jenkins who also tested positive said guests were told they didnt need to wear masks because everyone in attendance had been tested sometimes that testing is not going to be ironclad the virus can find holes and thats got to be clearly people were instructed to take off their face coverings once their test came back not realizing that tests have operated characteristics and there is some rate of false negatives they can occur when you when you are testing Like Public Health experts are hopeful that the outbreak in trumps inner circle could change the minds of people who still dont take the virus seriously i do think that this is a turning point for many people to see the most protected man in the world be infected by this virus despite the persians at the white house had put in place the testing. So this is something that. Really should make people who doubt the virulence of this pandemic an aspirant to take a step back with covert 900 spreading at the highest levels of Washington Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell is delaying most Senate Business or 2 weeks but even though 2 republicans on the Judiciary Committee were apparently sickened in the rose garden mcconnell says he will push ahead with confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee barrett on october 12th robert oulds al jazeera. Says his force is a facing a decisive moment and will use old necessary means to protect Ethnic Armenians from as a base on this as the fighting has intensified in the disputed nego in a karabakh region was officially part of azerbaijan but is ethnically armenian and has been controlled by Armenian Forces since 1994 military leaders in the enclave say another 51. 00 of their soldiers have been killed the fighting broke out 7 days ago with both countries blaming each other for the Aggression International peace efforts have so far come to nothing but this myth has the latest from the regions largest city of stepanek. The military here says that now 198 soldiers have been killed since fighting started on sunday and 14 civilians now they wont give specific details on advances or losses on the military front they say for security reasons but the military says the fighting has been and remains very intense all the way along the line of contact that says some 182200 kilometers down the eastern side of nagornokarabakh and on the other side as a by john here in step and the main city nagornokarabakh the mood has darkened considerably over the last 24 hours and that is because this city has been hit twice now with a series of attacks of large scale weaponry into episodes and thats the 1st time that has happened here since the war ended in 1994 and weve seen more women and children trying to leave the town and more civilians sheltering in bunkers. People have been displaced by the fighting so then because youre going to report in azerbaijan less than 30 kilometers from the got a car about where families have been moved into school buildings. This classroom was supposed to open to students this week instead its full of families are many in a forces heavy shelling or the tear chair region officer big john pushed thousands of civilians out. Many have taken refuge in public buildings like this one in barter region made us learn of a flood torch are with their kids and father 4 days ago their ask and. Ever came to space once again like i was in 1904 i mean in forces occupied our land we slept in tents we finally settled in tata but we had to flee without even a mattress to sleep on why should my child suffer what i suffer at sacrifice my home and everything but our soldiers shall be safe. They say they are ready to bear the brunt as long as they can eventually return home here of the canal zone by our wish our flag flies again and i die in my own land. Around 30 kilometers to the socalled context line which separates armenian and as very forces 65 families have fled to the school in the past week each classroom accommodates 2 to 5 families caught unprepared by our men yes rockets. Children draw war pictures before learning to write below theres a camera to spend the arrow has brought his family from ted turner to bear to keep his grandchildren safe as a proud to answer and he says as there is never wanted war but are many and forces pushed it to do that it isnt one of them that when we fought armenia in the 1990 s. We were ordered not to hit soft targets like women children and civilians they aim to intimidate is if youre fighting with them hit our tongues not civilians why should these kids be here if i die defending my land r. P. People will call me a hero as im defending my land how will they answer their own people. It is not just Armed Conflict they need to worry about the International Red crescent says it is extremely worried the current turmoil in displacement may lead to a surge of color with 1000 cases due to people taking refuge in shelters for hours or being accommodated in common Old Buildings or places with inadequate sanitation history is repeating itself for some families sleeping here as they or their parents have been displaced before they have faith that what they call their occupied lands will be returned and 3 decades on home sickness will end this time i see an ample sort of aljazeera. As our vigil. Still ahead on our 0. We look at things to revitalize and preserve the philippines capital. And while some members of a hung jury might grow caravan and give up on their goal of reaching the United States others vowed to push on. However weve got some rain in the full cost of parts of the middle east over the next couple of days like a for the most part it is more hazy sunshine laws dry weather across a good part of the Arabian Peninsula further north you can see some clout there which will push its way into iran some lively showers around the caucasus we have seen some wet weather recently just around georgia as a by john armenia those showers a sliding a little further south with a nice was pushing into the Higher Ground as we go on through sunday tirana 27 celsius as we go on into monday those temperatures fording away the rain setting it could be quite heavy at times possibility of some localized flooding but to the south of that they generally fine and dry as per usual temperatures here in doha struggle she say struggle get to around 34. 00 degrees perhaps a little on the humid side for a time at least spotty showers meanwhile across central parts of africa and we could see a few more shows just not into walls the whole of africa as you go on through sunday so no the process amalia always brings with the possibility of some localized flooding and some disruption showers possible into eastern areas of kenya plenty of showers there over towards the western side of africa some of those showers very very heavy and pushing further south into angola. North korea isolated and heavily sanctioned yet earning billions around the globe here are 39 is involved in everything that makes money for north korea. To carry defray the cost for us to take on tyson. The money this year and it goes straight into the coffers of the leadership a 2. 00 part people in power Investigation Bureau 39. 00 cash for came. On and. Youre watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour. Donald trump is free of fever and improving but is now out of danger yes thats according to his physician it follows a video from trouble speaking from the hospital where hes being treated for quite a virus he says the next few days will be the real test. Mania says its forces are facing a decisive moment and will use all necessary means to protect Ethnic Armenians from us weighs on this as the fighting intensifies in the disputed nagornokarabakh reach. Millions of voting in kyrgyzstan parliamentary election the country is often described as the most democratic of all of the former soviet states in central asia but widespread allegations of parties trying to buy votes already throwing doubt of the elections legitimacy for reports from bishkek. Bishkek the capital of kyrgyzstan a country often described as being more democratic than its neighbors which were also part of the soviet union before it collapsed. 16 parties with more than 1500 candidates competing in these parliamentary elections but there is little trust in many of the faces that adorn Campaign Posters who michael was a of works on a farm on the outskirts of the city hes angry about mounting allegations of parties trying to buy votes in the run up to the poll. What was up when i found. People who sell their vote or selling their hope selling their country selling their memories of their ancestors and selling their future. This man who didnt want to be identified said in recent days people working for a progovernment Political Party have twice offered him money if he promises to vote for them all citizens who work for a given party are involved in vote buying he tells me your party gives a person 50. 00 to buy a vote they will buy it for 25. 00 and pocket the rest the system happens every election and its happening again he says. Kyrgyzstans post soviet political experience has been lively to say the least 2 president s overthrown in revolutions the former president currently serving in 11 year jail term for corruption but politicians and analysts say that kyrgyzstan may be more democratic than its Central Asian neighbors but in terms of free and Fair Elections the still a long way to go there are dozens of candidates with various parties who have criminal records that want to kill gets law could be wiped clean if they pay a fine. They will take the trial a get a rose was it a long time ago nothing lawless is happening now but i agree that issues with a legal document form 2 i thought we were a new democracy and we are learning a form of election monitors say people in poll rule communities are particularly vulnerable to accepting bribes for votes form 2 is illegal lupo the levels of voter to change the precincts in which he or she cast a ballot it means parties who feel they may lack support in a given area off a transport and money to voters if they agree to be moved and vote for them. Its estimated around half a 1000000 people have been moved from their precincts to vote. In likely outcome of the vote is tilting in favor of progovernment parties but then. Theres always the possibility that even those. Half a 1000000 people or many many many among them are still able to vote independently when they enter the voting booth. The reform party this huge rappers singing and government songs to rally support reform aims to attract young voters tired of what analysts say has been decades of economic mismanagement and poor Job Opportunities were not happy with what is happening and we need this is choice and for change because in this bill or youre 30 years where we end up in the country but we still are suffering people are poor i mean the corruption. And basically the thieves are stealing our future so were going to stand for that for a generation hoping that no matter the struggles against corruption and criminality debate political system the Journey Towards true democracy and Development Must go on strike that aljazeera bishkek kyrgyzstan. Storms and floods in italy and france have swept away homes and left others teetering on the edge of cliffs at least 2 people have died and more than 25 missing after almost a years worth of rainfall in the mountains around the city of nice journal reports. Record rainfall in the mountainous region the joints france and italy has threatened lives homes and if the structure. Storm alex as its known swept across southeastern france and into northern italy causing rivers to burst their banks and violent flooding on both sides of the border. This was rockville year on the outskirts of nice. Its said to be the worst flooding in the area in more than a century. Because they believe in the coming days and weeks there will be a massive mobilization in this Mountain Region which is just experienced devastation without compare and without precedent in the past 100 years. Roads and bridges were destroyed High Altitude communities isolated with rising numbers of missing and injured. All of alis collapse in one go so we dont have a boat left to take us back home. Its blocked on both sides of the road no electricity nothing further up there out of tap water there were many elderly people who needed help to be given shelter lives have been lost in italys alpine valdosta region a firefighter was killed during a rescue operation in virtually province another body was found and the toll could well ply with the equivalent of 4 months of rainfall ing in just 24 hours john holt al jazeera cigars an hour away u. N. Refugee agency is turning 21. 00 schools into Food Distribution centers for those most in need there in addition to 31. 00 Distribution Centers already operating operating under a wall was forced to suspend all Food Distribution during the pandemic due to safety restrictions about 2000000 palestinians live in gaza more than half of them depend on you on food handouts. Israeli protesters have defied a crying of virus restrictions to rally against the Prime Minister for the 15th straight week. On wednesday israel banned outdoor gatherings of more than 20 people as part of renewed lockdown messes netanyahu government is under fire over his handling of the economy and the code lines in crisis protesters want him to step down while hes on trial for corruption on charges of bribery and for carry forth it is in west jerusalem he says small crowds of protesters have gathered outside of netanyahu house. Tens of thousands of people at hundreds at least of small protests across the country the organizers of one of the main organizers of these long running out and you know demonstrations theyre calling this a kilometer it is this weekends protests because people are being told they cant protest at a distance of more than a kilometer from their front door in groups of more than 20 and so that we have these decentralised process across the country outside netanyahu is house here in west jerusalem they are much lower number than they appear to be relatively separate there is a much larger gathering intel of the. Happiness. There is a relative of now its going on there are some minor arrests imposter. Dozens of mine in the mall but unless more out streets again and you know its a minister of israel i. Say that it is a consideration that people shouldnt be gathering during a lockdown during a very much out of control pandemic here in israel and some of the spiking numbers then he was wrong hundreds of protesters until a couple of santiago faced off with police over inequality alleged Police Brutality people threw rocks at police who were spraying water cannon and the gas many protests is running very are pretty major was injured during a protest on friday. Hundreds of honduran migrants who entered guatemala in the hopes of making that way to the u. S. Have been taken back to the countrys border quite small and Authorities Say that many of the honduran nationals have returned to that country voluntarily but some say they plan you plan to continue that northward to their final destination manual ripples was hundreds of 100 migrants on the bottom all and be awaiting their return home brought them all in Security Forces acting under orders from president and a 100 geometry have been sending back members of a Migrant Caravan that crossed into guatemala on thursday. By the weekend immigration authorities said some of the original group of about 2000 migrants had agreed to return to honduras voluntarily leave the management and we made the decision to return because the situation of crossing the border between quite amal and mexico is very complicated. This latest Migrant Caravan is the 1st of this size since the start of the corona virus pandemic the rumors of a new caravan had been circulating on 100 and social media for weeks what im always president has ordered what he calls a state of prevention in several states for a period of 15 days and called for the detention of migrants who pushed through border gates between honduras and guatemala on thursday still some migrants have vowed to push ahead saying their goal is to reach the United States. In spite of what the president said we are going to continue for. Those who are continuing on or now heading toward guatemalas border with mexico which poses even greater challenges to. The Migration Institute to promote orderly safe irregular immigration in order to guarantee humanism and human rights with any entry into the country thats the reason we have met today for an orderly and coordinated activity with the armed forces the corona Virus Outbreak has meant borders remain under tight restrictions and the Mexican Government says immigration laws will be strictly enforced warning that those who knowingly put Public Health at risk could face prosecution. Aljazeera. Years of decay and neglect have left the city of manila a shadow of what it once was but there have been efforts to revitalize the city to preserve its historic buildings. And ripples. This is one of the oldest and most densely populated cities in the world a melting pot of asian and latin cultures a place where the defined between rich and poor is conspicuous. But decades ago manila was called the pearl of the orient the manila metropolitan theater was once a testament to the citys grandeur it was a staging ground for artists from all over the world who wanted to perform in the far east but decades later the theater has become a symbol of mandelas decade now the Philippine Government is changing that what will make this a different piece people will come here not only because of the show but because of the building. The battle for mandela between the joint filipino and American Forces and the Japanese Imperial army in 1945 caused the loss of more than 100000 lives and destroyed much of the City Government buildings the universities and monasteries were just some of the many structures that were destroyed in manila during world war 2 and historians say the country lost 1 an irreplaceable historical treasure with the destruction of the city manila was the most devastated city during world war 2 after war so in poland but rebuilding a life and a city from scratch has proven difficult and some experts say manila has never truly recovered. Over the decades with the growing urbanization pollution and do reputation for violence businesses moved to other areas of the country we lost the pound. And you cannot buy back down its counter thats what we have our culture history to make money like vision that at the same time hopefully we leave with that expectation of being the capital of the country people dont remember that we all came from. It centrality was a people went to school here our economical david knew was based we have to get acquainted again with the. Respect that history but article buildings museums and historical parks remain a reminder that not all is lost in manila at least for now doug and aljazeera. This is a 0 and these other top stories donald trump is free of fever and improving but is not yet out of danger thats according to his physician it follows a video from trump speaking from the hospital where hes being treated for a coronavirus he says the next few days will be the real test. Ill be back i think ill be back soon. Finishing up the campaign the way we started in the way weve been

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