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A super spreader of the disease in the senate to suspend its legislative work for 2 weeks. The fight for me going to care about intensifies with both as a by john and i may be accused of targeting civilians. Taking a step towards peace sudans government and great side a deal of sunshine in the agreement. And the world athletics comes to kenya with one of the 1st major sporting events in africa since the outbreak of the content. So the team of doctors treating the u. S. President for covert 900 say they are cautiously optimistic with his progress and have suggested that he began showing signs of the virus on wednesday afternoon which he did then previously disclosed double trump was admitted to the Walter Reed National military Medical Center in maryland on friday hes been. Receiving experimental treatment for the disease i well go to say hes doing very well multiple reports are quoting sources say that some of the trauma so vital signs of the last 24 hours were very concerning and that the next 24 to 48 hours will be critical and thats trump was administered supplemental oxygen at the white house on friday before going into a hospital just 72 hours into the diagnosis now the 1st week of it in a particular day 7 to 10 of the most critical in determining the likely course of this illness at this time the team and i are extremely happy with the progress the president has made there is a he had a mild cough and some nasal congestion fatigue all of which are now resolving an improving support and that the president s been fever free for over 24 hours we remain cautiously optimistic but hes doing great and the president this morning is not on oxygen not having difficulty breathing or Walking Around the white house medical unit upstairs hes an exceptionally good spirits in fact as were completing our multidisciplinary rounds this morning. He left us with was i feel like i could walk out of here today and that was a very encouraging comment from the president. Well the white house had raised new questions by saying the president is 72 hours into his diagnosis which would mean midday on wednesday which is part of what you just heard at trump disclosed that he had tested positive only on thursday night but in the policy minutes ago it has issued a statement saying he in correctly used the term 72 hours instead of day 3 all right the president has tweeted in the past praising doctors nurses and all the stuff at the walter reed Medical Center he says tremendous progress has been made over the last 6 months in fighting this plague referring to the current a virus. Well were here in the u. S. Senate will prosper in all floor activity in till oct the 19th after 3 republican senators tested positive for the virus Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell made the announcement on saturday but he says the confirmation hearing for Supremes Court nominee amy kearney berets will go ahead as scheduled in just over a weeks time the 2 of the republican senators who tested positive attended last saturdays nomination event in the white house rose garden for he became apparent at least 8 people who attended have now tested positive the latest to announce his contract a coronavirus is for my new Jersey Governor Chris Christie who also helped trump prepare for the debate against joe biden. Lets speak now to mike hanna whos at marylands been following events and mike so 1st up the president apparently doing well in this well enough to do what he loves to do and that is tweet. Indeed yes sir nic youve covered a lot of the ground there the doctors giving a somewhat rosy prognosis about the president saying that he is well saying that they are very pleased with this progress and the treatment the doctors are raising questions about the timeline saying 72 hours into prognosis saying as well 48 hours since the antic antiviral cocktail was a minister as you mentioned the doctors now the personal physician of President Trump releasing a statement walking that back saying he meant within 3 days and within 2 days but still many questions remain according to some medical experts weve consulted about the statistics that doctors have provided in particular the lack of Vital Statistics a provided they did not give any clear timeline or the question directly about where the old not oxygen was minister at some stage in the past within the past 3 days or 72 hours since diagnosis they also give no details for example about whether theres any lung damage so theres still many questions here and the medical experts that weve spoken to saying that theres a clear lack of transparency in terms of what the doctors are saying at this particular point in time michael so the Senate Majority leader is a i was just say Mitch Mcconnell pushing back the senate for activity to october the 19th given whats happened thats understandable but also saying that the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing will proceed and that is of course into the supreme Court Nominee barrett given the circumstances is that surprise you when theres just a weeks time. Well that is surprising in a way but not surprising given Mitch Mcconnells stance summers and indeed the president s stance a been absolutely adamant that these nomination hearings will go ahead they do to begin on october the. Wealth and now you mentioned those who were infected it would appear or possibly at that event nonce in the nomination to the vacant court on the Supreme Court bench among those 8 or 9 people who were infected at that rose garden event are 2 members of the Judicial Committee 2 senators who sit represent republicans on the Judicial Committee that will pass or not pass the nomination now this is very clearly since a have declared themselves positive for corona virus they would not be able to attend these nomination hearings in person as you said mcconnell has announced that the senate floor will be closed up until october the 19th this means a week of virtual hearings on the nomination this is something the democrats will resist forcefully as they have already made very clear that you cannot accept the nomination process thats important for a seat on the Supreme Court to be a virtual one of the senators need to be present in person but that this is being steamrolled over by the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell as you heard they insist that the judicial hearing will go ahead but why this is also important is that democrats have been adamant that the nomination process should be withheld until after the election with the possibility that a new Administration May come into power and that administration would want to make its own nomination for that vacant bench on the Supreme Court so theres a lot at stake here and theres a lot of political argument as always coming in the days ahead nic right and of course it was barretts announcement for the Supreme Court pick at the rose garden and the now is being termed as a super spreader event and the the very extensive and tricky business of Contact Tracing continues. Well this is a crucial issue here the white house protocol in recent months has mean to administer and teach and test to people coming to the white house now this is a very simply administered test the results come back in about 15 minutes the problem with this antigen test according to many medical experts is that studies indicate that it is false in 48 percent of the cases so this is a real problem given that this is what the white house has been using as its main testing protocol the other tests which the president was eventually admitted at whatever the timeline was the p. C. Artis that takes hours and sometimes days for a result to come back but which is much more accurate than the this point of all of this is that those hundreds of people who attended that function in the rose garden last saturday at best would have had an antigen test here weve got what appears to be now a super spreader event youre going to have it would appear a number of infections resulting from this but it calls into question the testing protocols being exercised by the white house 1st to predict the president then all of those around him and certainly it does appear at the very least these protocols will have to be radically reviewed which would have a massive impact on how the white house works and the degree of access that people can have to the white house such as those what the president almost makes into campaigning meetings as we saw last saturday with the nomination of the Supreme Court judge or i might think so than my kind of the. Well President Trumps cabin 1000 diagnosis has up ended the race for the white house the potential political fallout remains unclear and polling results his reactions to the diagnosis well theyre not out yet but theyre all bloody to be radical changes to the remainder of the campaign as reynolds now reports. With the president hospitalized and facing a period of treatment and quarantine all Trump Campaign events are now on hold its unclear if the next president ial debate scheduled for october 15th will go ahead. Trumps last rally before the diagnosis was in minnesota on wednesday as usual he did not wear a mask and neither did many of his supporters trump had planned rallies in florida wisconsin and arizona over the next several days from Campaign Officials say the president s absence from the campaign trail is not particularly important. In addition to. The british way and egyptians trumps infection also undercuts one of his central themes in these final days before the election which is that the pandemic is waning even though more than 207000 americans have died from it the end of the pandemic is in sight and next year will be one of the greatest years in the history of our country some voters may wonder if since the president could not keep himself or his wife safe from the pandemic he can keep the country safe from it its definitely ironic to have that im sure that is best thing that earlier this week he is making fun of joe biden for where again last week he said that kind of it hurts the impacts now line so we dont wish any ill will to the president but its not at all surprising given direction we just hope that this will cause a change in the direction of his leadership and that he will curtail some of the activities like really the Campaign Rallies where hes essentially being. Open and spreading that search around after testing negative for covert 19 democratic nominee joe biden continued his campaign and flew to michigan he expressed concern for trump and the 1st lady this is not. A matter of politics its a bracing reminder to all of us that we have to take those wires seriously bidens events are generally small and strictly adhered to virus control recommendations including mask wearing and distancing in tuesdays debate mocked biden for Wearing Masks and questioned his intelligence because you know what theres nothing smart about now caution seems to be the smarter approach robert oulds al jazeera it is not clear how the president caught the virus but one possibility is todays event in the white house rose garden as we were discussing earlier at least 8 people including 2 republican senators who attended trumps supreme Court Nominee ceremony have not tested positive and shoes de trop was in ohio for the 1st president ial debate with joe biden the president s own to watch including family members they did not wear masks and the debate moderator has said that trump didnt arrive in time to get tested before the event took place metal wednesday the president flew into an election rally in minnesota with his aide who picks and she tested positive on thursday despite that diagnosis from within his in a circle the president attended a fundraiser at his bed mints to go for club in new jersey and then former white House Counsel thats Kellyanne Conway and Trumps Campaign manager bill a stipend have also tested positive the latest test positive is trump advisor Chris Christie who was at the rose garden event and late to help prepare for the debate with joe biden. Well plenty more still ahead on the news hour including Security Forces in mozambique are accusing torturing villages fall for it see armed groups in the northeast. Roads homes and bridges a swept away after heavy rains caused severe flooding in france. Maybe its Prime Minister says his country faces a decisive moment on the 7th day of the latest fighting with azerbaijan both are accusing each other of shelling residential areas in the disputed region of nagornokarabakh dozens of people have been killed or wounded despite International Calls for a ceasefire but a smith has the latest from the regions largest city. The military here that now 198. 00 soldiers have been killed since fighting started on sunday and 14 civilians now they wont give specific details on advances or losses on the military front they say for security reasons but the military says the fighting has been and remains very intense all the way along the line of contact that says some 182200 kilometers down the eastern side of nagornokarabakh and on the other side. Here in stepping back at the main city and they go on a karabakh the mood has darkened considerably over the last 24 hours and that is because this city has been hit twice now with a series of attacks of large scale weaponry in 2 episodes and thats the 1st time that has happened here since the war ended in 1994 and weve seen more women and children trying to leave the town and more civilians sheltering in bunkers. Ever seen in. And shes been meeting with those displaced by the fighting. Many of the People Living in the villages and the town center of tarts are have moved to saturday where we are im right now in the city center town center back and just a few always think our eyes the scope if i visit a school of public building where this place people were sleeping for the last couple days they say there are no places that they can stay thats why most of the public buildings are paid for the internally displaced 2345 families sharing one room to hold one for sharing one bathroom and they are saying that they didnt have anything with them except for their close on and their slippers or shoes and they are waiting to go back when the attacks finished but i have to say that people are very emotional here because they say theyre attacking their own soil from their own soil and maybe they say they have no problem with their 1000000 people but of course it will be it will it will take some time to see how this conflict is going to shape up so we can return to our top story and President Trumps Coronavirus Diagnosis and ongoing treatment we can speak now to dr emission belgium who is a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins center for Health Security joins us now via skype from pittsburgh welcome to the program sir. So we heard that very positive press conference about the president s conditions a few questions about the timeline of his illness and whether or not hed be administered oxygen which apparently he had on friday and some say now that his vital signs had been a cause for concern over the past 24 hours and what do you make of it all. Its very hard as a physician to try to understand whats going on because we still hear conflicting information we dont know exactly when he his test was positive we want to know when his last negative test was we want to know what level of oxygen he may or may not have needed what does oxygen level look like and what were seeing is evasive answers from the president s physician and this isnt a time for giving the American Public a vase of answers this is something we want to know in great detail not because we were interested in his medical history but we need to know what to expect in the days ahead so so i do think that there is a lot of mystery to whats going on and how severe the president s illness actually has apparently been able to walk about seems that hes able to tweet as well. As are all encouraging signs but as a physician i want to know did he ever iraq surge and how many leaders of oxygen do you require what does his chest x. Rays show what treatments has he received in london those treatments star when was he diagnosed and what was his last negative test but i think you know everybody wants the president to do well with this but i think that when you have misinformation coming out war mistakes on timelines it just adds to more of the the concern over whats going on and makes it much harder and more confusing for the American Public to know what to expect in certain transparency the time like this is important even though its been administered to him it given he was given no suggestion and how important are these experimental drugs that hes receiving in aiding his instance initial recovery. Well the experiment drugs are all going to have some marginal impact so he got for example the regeneration Monoclonal Antibody we know that that may have some ability to decrease a very thats still being studied in a Clinical Trial so we dont have all the data on it ramdass of your house has some data behind it its an antiviral and its been shown to decrease the time a person needs to spend in the hospital whether or not the patient gets dexamethasone sometimes can be really important but we dont know if the president has gotten dexa medicine which is a steroids which would usually reserved for people who have a need for oxygen and again theres some ambiguity over whether or not he ever needed oxygen or currently has any oxygen needs this rose garden event last saturday or all the main crowd with their lots of significant bugs and some of them have now come down with code but do you concur with the view that this could well have been the super spreader event that everybodys talking about it certainly looks like that weve got multiple cases all attending the same event we know from pictures that that event was a place for social distancing was not observed but there wasnt very many people wearing Face Coverings and now were seeing a lot of cases blossom from that event so i do think when we look at the Contact Tracing this event maybe the nexus for how all of these cases in and around the white house got started right everyone was tested that event beforehand and then given the all clear which makes you wonder at the white house testing procedure the testing procedures of the the pinnacle of government in the world. Right you cannot yes shortly testing is going to catch every case especially when youre using an engine test on a symptomatic individuals we know that there are going to be some cases that are missed thats not how you appropriately can use the engine test so i do think you cant not do the other social distancing the Face Covering policies and rely heavily just on on a testing strategy weve seen that play out in real time that relying on tests only is always going to allow the virus to find some holes because tests are just a moment in time and theyre not ironclad. Right in a great to get your perspective and expertise in the same as adults and we appreciate that thanks very much indeed for your time thank you now human Rights Groups say that increasingly concerned that the number of civilians in northern mozambique could be taught you to hate the Government Forces who confronted own Group Fighting to create an Islamic State in kabul decoder province for 3 years both sides are accused of targeting civilians in the battle for control now where does this. So so were calling him to protect his identity he says he was on his way to the market in northern mozambique when military Police Stopped him and beat him. And labor filmed it on a mobile phone government Security Forces are fighting armed groups in cabo delgado province mooses one of a growing number of civilians who complain of uses by police and soldiers. One of them called me hey come here he had a gun on me he asked me about my id card and at that moment i didnt have it he told me to lie on the floor and he told his colleague to hit me with a baton he hit me 14 times on the head and the buttocks before i was sent away and. Government troops have been accused of consistent abuses against civilians since the conflict began 3 years ago the fighting armed groups known locally as al shabaab who say they want to create an Islamic State in. This video which circulated on social media last month appears to show mozambican soldiers. Cues a naked woman of being a member of alshabaab as she tries to run away shes beaten. And then shot dead. Rights group Amnesty International says its analysis has verified the video and that it proves government rights violations. Government condemn the killing and other abuses against civilians but often blames them on the armed groups. The military never violated human rights in the north an area of operations killing a terrorist is not a violation of human rights videos of men in mozambique in military uniforms committing abuses such as lethal beatings and beheadings have become common on social media in recent months the government says rebels steal and where military uniforms Rights Groups say nobody is held to account. Well i saw just think that what theyre really not only fighting to do but theyre very sure that nothing is going to happen to them because the mail on demand that. All of those we love. And the actions of. The armed groups are accused of widespread abuses to including beheadings and burning homes. Theyve made significant gains this year taking control of some towns as seen here in the center of one of them the government struggling to fight back violence has caused more than 200000 people to flee their homes. Rights groups say if the people cant trust the government and its soldiers the conflict will only get worse malcolm web al jazeera sudans Transitional Government has signed a peace deal with rebel groups at a serbian south sudans capital of juba the deal was agreed in august and aims to end decades of fighting this left millions displaced and hundreds of thousands of people dead however not all groups have signed up even morgan has been watching developments from the sudanese capital of khartoum. This signing ceremony today that is happening in the south sudanese capital juba includes various armed groups and the sudanese revolution Front Coalition there are 2 major groups that are not signatories to this deal we have the sudans liberation Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement led by abbott as these 2 who have strongholds in the Southern States of South Kordofan and Blue Nile State now he has signed a declaration of principle with the Transitional Government last month this paves way for negotiations for the start of negotiations between the as he said hello and the Transitional Government but the dates for that are yet to be set to now he has made many major demands that has already been and composed in that declination of principles one of them being separating states state affairs from religious affairs saying that the country should be secular and that they should have the right to selfdetermination or referendum if you like the other group is the sudans Liberation Movement led by abdulahad who is currently in france but has strongholds in the Central Darfur region now he has described the negotiations of this deal that is currently being signed and the process as similar to the previous process as civil and similar to previous deals that have been signed between the previous government that was overthrown in 2019 april 29th team and various other armed groups he says that this does not guarantee peace in sudan and that it does not address the root causes of conflict so in light of the absence of these 2 major groups it doesnt look like this peace deal is comprehensive but the sudanese Transitional Government and those who have signed it are celebrating it saying that it blames way for economic and political Stability Police in belgium have arrested 3 men in charge them with serious human rights abuses for suspected involvement in the rwanda genocide prosecutors havent given details of their identities 2 other suspects are awaiting trial for the massacre that killed more than 800000 rwandans and 994. It is the 30th anniversary of german reunification a Church Service in potsdam was part of scaled down celebrations during the coronavirus pandemic germany split into the communist east in capitalist west as the 2nd world war ended and that symbolize the Cold War Division of europe which then ended with the collapse of the soviet union or and it is the most needed to be done we know today that we must be brave again brave to take new paths in the face of a pandemic brave to truly overcome the differences that remain between east and west but also brave to dumonds and work for the cohesion of our entire society again and again. Still ahead here on aljazeera where in bishkek a head of code stands parliamentary elections which mean dominated by debates about people forced to go abroad for work. And in sport well tell you about the technology being used at the London Marathon to ensure social distancing. From. The weather across the middle east as usual temperatures sunshine for the most probably have a little bit of cloud up towards the fall more spinning out of the black sea well see some wesa weather coming across georgia or armenia azerbaijan and sliding down into the northwest all of irans the temperatures in toronto around 27 celsius about value there for beirut im 43 slim as well still some hate in play though 41 celsius the kuwait getting up to 42 in baghdad some attempt as we go on into monday night is that rain just becoming a little live a little heavier as we go through monday could see some flooding in and around more than possible iran as a result of that here in doha positively chilly temperatures no higher than around 34 celsius the only human side i suspect i should feel cold as that might suggest showers there doubts was the western side of yemen pushing across the southern end of the red say ive got showers across central parts of africa little more cloud showing up across Southern Africa just down towards botswana zimbabwe where the west of weather remains around the eastern types of the type still seeing a few showers and notice it does Tony Priestley went for the nice inside madagascar. Corruption it is the invisible behind a wall of side. Adams. Against corruption corruption is not something to be told and it. Is not going to go country his. Lets destroy this wall. In 2020 the 1st face i want to encourage is the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. Shine a light on your Anti Corruption hero. Nominate now. The wilderness of cambodia is under threat. To profit by illegal timber trade. Investigates the plunder of cambodias forests. 0. Youre watching aljazeera the mind of our top stories this hour and the team of doctors treating the u. S. President say they are pleased with his progress but cant give a timetable on when hell be released from hospital in the past hour donald trump tweeted to thank the staff at the walter reed Medical Center where hes being treated for karuna for. The u. S. Senate will postpone all 4 its a pretty until oct 19th after 3 republican senators tested positive for the virus the Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell says the confirmation hearings for the president s supreme Court Nominee amy kearney parents will go ahead as scheduled on oct 12th Top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer has condemned the plan saying it is too dangerous to have the senate in session too dangerous for Committee Hearings to continue. I dont trump advisor and former new Jersey Governor Chris Christies relates republican to announce hes contrite to coronavirus hes attended the socalled super secret event last saturday in the white house rose garden where 7 others who also tested positive. All right from our top story lets speak to Bill Schneider whos a Public Policy professor at George Mason University joins us live from washington d. C. Mr snyder welcome to the program. First was just wondering about this the big issue here of how you continue with a functioning government when cave it is almost rampaging through the top level of government there and youve got Mitch Mcconnell the u. S. Senate majority leader saying that Senate Activity will be a rescheduled for after all from october the 19th what do you make of it all. I make of it that its a big vests and its a threat relate to the president s reelection and to the confirmation of the Supreme Court justice it would take a lot of irregular behavior for the senate to confirm this nominee and for there to be no disruptions at all in the preparations for the election were at the peak of the campaign right now the things that hes saying that mcconnell is saying that the senate floor activity will be rescheduled from october the 19th but then pretty much in the same breath saying that the Senate Judiciary committee which will look at the supreme Court Nominee as you know will proceed on october the 12th virtually i imagine. And then well get him and also we. Were not sure i dont know if it is going to proceed virtually or not depends on whether the infection has spread its a big problem the republican majority in the senate is very narrow its only 3 votes 3 senators so they cant afford to lose any brooch when it comes to the senate floor they may have enough votes to get it through the committee but theyre rushing this thing through with probably only a modicum of hearings because they want to make sure that this supreme Court Nominee is confirmed to before the election if the election happens and President Trump loses reelection and its going to be very difficult for her to be confirmed because the argument will be how can the lame duck president whos been rejected by the voters be in charge of the next Supreme Court justice be the person who nominates the next Supreme Court justice that isnt fair i was just to stick with this for a bit because 2 republicans have tested positive for cave in 19 and they sit on the Judiciary Committee dont they does that how much difference does that make. Well the committee has to vote to recommend the nominee he looks like they might still i dont know what majority of the committee has it is just to im not sure. The committee can make a recommendation it can even make a recommendation if its tied in the vote i dont think theyd be much more than 2 going to majority i dont know the exact answer to that but the committee can meet nick you have hearings and then you can wait to vote until all the senators are available all of that can be done very quickly when the Committee Votes on the nominee with say oh even a slight majority in favor of confirmation you can go directly to the senate floor Mitch Mcconnell is a master at getting things done quickly you can go directly to the senate floor you can call a vote and the vote can be done very very quickly while democrats claim everything is railroaded and unfair outside of all that outside of the functioning of government the nomination of the Supreme Court. For the Supreme Court im interested to get your take on all of this and what impact its going to have on the campaign we go to election in just a months time. Donald trump is behind hes been behind for the entire campaign he has been about 7 points behind. Former Vice President joe biden for about the last month and the polls that have been taken after the 1st debate indicate he still mine President Trump claims he won the debate it was easy Everybody Knows that thats not true the polls of debate watchers show that they did not were not impressed by prison terms. Great here at the debate hes still running about 7 or 8 points behind and hes likely to lose the election unless he can do something dramatic to turn it around and he needs the opportunity to campaign if the president cant campaign if you really cant continue to rally his base is very good likelihood that hes not going to win the election could then what were likely to see is a long period of litigation and challenges because the president is perfectly able to take a lot of states to court because he disputes that politically a lot of the mail and votes yeah the weeks ahead is certainly going to be eventful to say the least that Bill Schneider appreciate your perspective thanks very much for. Now thousands of people in israel are protesting against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the 15th we despite a law banning protester again reimpose not that you know his government is under fire for its handling of the economy and the covert 19 crisis protests as wanting to step down while hes on trial for corruption on charges of bribery and fraud or force of his life was in western somehow tell us more about whats happening. Well this is the 1st real big test of what happened earlier this week in the restricting of protests under these new restrictions youre not allowed to protest more than a kilometer from your front door and with norm no more than 20 people 19 other people and so what is happening is that in some places we are seeing those restrictions certainly bent if not broken and tested very severely with larger groups than that assembling for instance in i b m a square in tel aviv although that there is reason about of distance between many of the protesters and in other places people are coming down in those small groups close to their homes and weve seen as well here in west jerusalem where the main focus of these protests has been every weekend every saturday night for many many weeks now these large and you know protests close to his official residence that the Prime Ministers official residence there is a few small groups there as well but the question really is is how this proceeds because at the moment we have thousands of people hundreds of protests across the country and when you think of how much effort it takes to especially for people in tel aviv to come to jerusalem to protest here every week compared to just going down and finding a small protest outside your front door it may well be that netanyahu finds these protests continuing and the other thing on that front is not just are they easier and more decentralized the grievance could well start to build even more as well i mean there are grievances on a couple of fronts one that protests shouldnt be banned on these Health Grounds because actually that the key issue at the moment is that among ultraorthodox israelis where there are 4 in 10 of the current caseload coming from there are restrictions which have been ignored and large numbers of people praying together in synagogues and religious schools and the like and so the protests. To say that this is a real problem and youre tackling us unfairly and the other thing is that simply the lockdown the longer it continues the more the economic heard of it all really starts to seep in and already were seeing placards up in tel aviv especially of people protesting on that but then that grievance will only worsen as well so it doesnt you know thought that by restricting the large protests the protests would simply dissipate and melt away the evidence at least from squarest weekers about not happening or a thanks for that harry for reporting from western. Now the number of people in india who died of coronaviruses past 100000 september has been indias worst month with daily cases in fatal it is outstripping those in any other country that has the highest number of cases after the United States and the 3rd highest number of deaths or thought of john is a Public Health expert in consultant to the World Health Organization he says the death toll in india is likely to be under reported but despite that the mortality rate is relatively low. It is quite clear that the kind of infection that is operating in india is not quite simply because of our Demographic Dividend we have a pretty large young population in the country so that the number of super who are infected quite severely limited unlike in many other countries and that is also the one of the reasons why we need goal or what data do they do in india compared to many others to leave it to the population with the low median age compared to many other countries. This is a clear reason why the number of death itself is quite low compared to most of the countries elsewhere one of the things that the government should have done right from the beginning is to really ramp up the testing of all the people but the testing has been lagging quite a bit from the beginning and i think its clear from many surveys that the top and recently one of the surveys by the countrys top medical board i. C. M. Are that of a study across the country its just that the number of cases were 20 times higher than the number which clearly means there are a lot of cases of that with im the director and that both cases were clearly missed because of a lack of sufficient testing. In europe spain is limiting you can get in and out of the capitalist part of when you go down that route of small from a trade. These new restrictions will affect nearly 5000000 People Living in madrid that will see how did daily lives will be limited in the following days they wont be able to leave their homes unless this is strictly necessary which means going to work going to school visiting doctor or going to buy to the groceries also show gathering has been limited for all these areas and groups of people will be up to 6 people in private and public spaces bars and restaurants have to reduce their capacity 50 percent and will be closing doors at 11 pm the confrontation between the Regional Government that has accepted but has filed this order from the Spanish Health ministry hasnt helped the citizens to understand whats going on and has caused a big huge couse and confusion among spaniards and ministers. People are really desperate because of the confrontation between our authorities the protocol and logistics to implement the order is failing and in the end the one being blamed is the citizen this you measures of a partial lockdown will be reviewed on a weekly basis and once the number of covered 1000. 00 infections goes down the Spanish Government will be reopening. Storms and floods in italy in france have swept away homes and left others teetering on the edge of cliffs at least 2 people have died and more than 25 are missing after only 3 years worth of rainfall and mountains around the city of nice as this. Record rainfall in the mountainous region the joints france and italy has threatened lives homes and if the structure of. Storm alex as its known swept across southeastern france and into northern italy causing rivers to burst their banks and flooding on both sides of the border. This was rockville year on the outskirts of nice. Its said to be the worst flooding in the area in more than a century. To clear the bodies in the coming days and weeks there will be a massive mobilization in this Mountain Region which is just experienced devastation without compare and without precedent in the past 100 years. Roads and bridges were destroyed High Altitude communities isolated with rising numbers of missing and injured. All of alis collapsing one go so we dont have a boat left to take us back home the best of luck yeah bob its blocked on both sides of the road no electricity nothing further up there out of tap water there were many elderly people who needed help to be given shelter lives have been lost in italys alpine valdosta region a firefighter was killed during a rescue operation in virtually province another body was found. And the toll could well ply with the equivalent of 4 months of rainfall and in just 24 hours jonah aljazeera. Former Italian Deputy Prime Minister mattis hell vini has appeared in court for a hearing on whether he should stand trial for kidnapping the case stems from an incident in 2019 when he refused to allow a coast guard ship carrying 131. 00 migrants to dock in sicily the far right leader is also accused of abusing his power so that any could face 15 years in jail if found guilty and may be barred from Public Office another hearing at the end of november. The latest caravan of Central American migrants attempting to reach the United States is having difficulty leaving Guatemala Police roadblocks in northern guatemala have stopped around a 1000 mostly honduran migrants and mexicos president has deployed troops to prevent migrants crossing the border and to his men will Lopez Obrador says its strange that so many of them are trying to cross weeks before the u. S. President ial election. Now sundays parliamentary election day in coinstar campaigning is focused on fixing the economy and cutting decades of high unemployment the lack of jobs has forced thousands of kurds to seek work abroad Charles Stratford has more now from the capital. Mother of 3 meters up because over hasnt seen her husband nor burke since he went to russia to find a job 3 years ago she prepares the cart which she uses to sell fruit juices in her neighborhood and the curate gets capital bishkek her husband lost his job as a construction worker in moscow because of company cant banks as the virus spread through the russian capital she says he cant find another full time job so rarely sends money anymore. Probably american i currently got. During the lockdown we often had little to eat we had to ask for credit from our local shop so i could buy food im now in debt luckily the community is so close so we help each other out my only prayer is that my husband can come back from moscow so he can work here and we can live together its estimated that around 800000 kirghiz men and women because of the lack of Job Opportunities in kyrgyzstan are forced to work abroad and the World Bank Says that the money they send home represents around 30 percent of the countrys g. D. P. And analysts say that Economic Growth job creation is vital in this country is going to avoid the kind of political instability and violence it has experienced in the past. Its believed around a 100 people were killed in the political unrest that overthrew president could a man back but key here in 2010 many more died in Ethnic Violence a couple of months later the man who then became president almas big item by a steps down according to the constitution in 2017 was arrested in 2019 and hes serving an 11 year jail term for corruption. The presidency isnt up for grabs in sundays parliamentary elections but the issue of kyrgyzstans Migrant Workers abroad is a priority slogan for politicians once again. Economy doesnt work the normal way in a corrupt system unless you have some big metro resources we have some resources about not gas we dont have thats why. We must rely on a business process to generate some benefit for the country but in a corrupt system so if there are no Major Industries and little investment creating jobs in kyrgyzstan for Migrant Workers to return home to there is a lot of rivalry. Ongoing even during elections and between elections and that has led us to instability in terms of laws inability of the government to. Sustainably provide security of investments security of property even and even though my margins you might say its Getting Better over time the specially property security i think the instability has really been a i curse on larger scale investments and. A moral hazard to send money she aims to her husband in moscow while he looks for another job she says she will vote in the election but has little faith in politicians promising to build a better economy in kyrgyzstan so he can reach and find work closer to home child stuff but ill just bishkek. Still ahead here on aljazeera the l. A. Lakers move a step closer to the n. B. A. Championship action from game 2 of the finest public. Corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. I guess of should call up sion is not something to be told it. Is a. Country. Lets destroy this wall. In 2020 the free space encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. Shine a light on your anticorruption here. Nominate now. On counting the cost tensions in the South China Sea over shrinking fish stocks as painting sends out a naval amada take its place plus responsible capitalism the investors who got the chief executive officer training and. Counting the cost on aljazeera. To africa stage its 1st major sporting events and secret of our show the final leg of the world athletics continental tour was held in kenya Katherine Sawyer reports from the river. And athletics fan cheers on his favorite athlete in the 10000 meters man space olympic silver medalist paul tunnelling won the now stadium in nairobi can easily accommodate up to 30000 spectators but only a fraction was allowed to watch because of the corona virus pandemic a tsunami watch on t. V. And you know lympics in monaco. Now that they went to see you know hong kong and we know one of those thats rain outside the canyons and because. They ventured into kenya comics i wanted them to come up to if youre not and theyve. Been given. Weve been. So we had to be there the world of the form of the continental tour last year and it includes events that were dropped from the top down one sack it its a 1st set series to include a stop in africa with kenya being the continents 1st hosts the meeting is named after. The legendary Cavanagh Clete who won olympic gold. In the 1968972 games. In africa. But now. Many of. The coronavirus grounded thousands of athletes because of travel restrictions and cancellations of many competitions despite that this event attracted a good filled with 70 athletes from 30 countries participating because of the pandemic that they can remain. Only. Told by the. Police on people from here many of the fans say theyll now time the attention to the London Marathon on sunday that kenyas world record holder. Will likely be the man to beat. Aljazeera nairobi. For follow on from the London Marathon difference is going to be easier after his main rival withdrew from the race if you. Pulled out with a calf injury which he blames on overtraining the marathon is being held with just elite runners and no fans because of the pandemic but a new technology is being used to help ensure social distancing for britain has more. Last year the London Marathon involved 45000 runners and 3 quarters of a 1000000 spectators crowding the streets of london seems that the coronavirus has made unthinkable this year is just elite athletes on an enclosed course. As the runners checked into their prerace accommodation this week they found something new in their welcome pack its called bump and the run isnt staff all wearing the devices to maintain social distancing and minimise info. Action risk this is really for everybodys safety and it is it incredibly good piece of technology it is just helped us enormously over the last week to have the athletes keep them Safe Building this environment here on the mile to do that for the contract is at its heart the bunch of ice is a relatively simple proximity alarm so a safe distance away and the lights stay off but moved to within 2 meters of somebody else wearing the bump on the lights turned blue letting you know how close you are stay within one and a half meters of that person on the lights turned red and of alarm sounds warning you to move away to monitor effectively the system works best in an enclosed area like a workplace where everyone within can be given a bump device but that also makes it ideal for theaters galleries music venues and sports stadia many of which are facing financial ruin unless they can find a safe way to welcome back audiences and spectators a company which makes the devices is already expanding production these are not morgan isolations which are unable to rid minutes and having you know effective with real time and situation management provides loss and really robust track and Trace Community we can open more of these environments safely im also increased the cost in the critical final preparations are being made for a very different London Marathon this weekend the 1st and hopefully last time that spectators are absent paul brennan aljazeera london now the l. A. Lakers are closing in on their 1st n. B. A. Championship thats in a decade and thats after another convincing victory over the miami heat then stoked as this report. Family pile with his Left Shoulder will not play to my door and drug out for game 2 was well james the miami heat without 2 of their best players but the lakers were full strength and their biggest stars took full advantage of the bron james and Anthony Davis combine for 65 points in game 2 they were wearing the black mamba jersey in honor of the lakers legend bryant who died in a Helicopter Crash earlier this year but james Davis Partnership is now being compared to that of kobe and Shaquille Oneal who won 3 championships together at like his in the early ninetys status tries again yesterday davis lighting it up you know if youve been in high school watching the colby shaq. Do all was good most dominant do all that i have personally seen in my life. They were very dominant in what they did on the floor so to be in a conversation with old guys are very humble and. We can be even mentioned with those greats we must sell for 80 were not were not satisfied and you know just know when we want to be great points 10 assists on james knocks down the 3 greatness might not be far away for the current like as you as another dominant display them a 10 point victory and leads them to nothing ahead against the heat hof white to the championship to david stokes to aljazeera. And with that thats it for this news on the inside it will be back with more live from london just minutes mean the clock its. Corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. I guess im not sure what option is not something to be called it. Is a friggin. Country his. Lets destroy this wolf. In 2020 the face to face award encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. Shine a light on your Anti Corruption hero. Nominate not. Through the noise figure about what youre going to do and you are and listen journalists that are going to find ways tell this story one of the problems that there are just really arent a lot of people of color who are making the 1st print run by political of the fact that its worth the risk that a fine day we know that because they can earn or work theyre able to live through the listening post monetization in tougher its the media on aljazeera not just the Republican Party but America Needs 4 more years of President Donald Trump in the white house than the outcome of this election will determine i believe the poorest of our country for generations to come who live coverage of the Vice President ial debate on a. Smarting the president is doing very well. Doctors treating president had 19 say theyre happy with his progress but another official warns the next 48 hours will be critical. To this is out jazeera live from london also coming up the number of people confirmed dead from coburg 19 losses 100000 in india the 3rd country to pass this milestone after the u. S. And brazil. I mean is says it will use all necessary means to protect

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