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But were going to make sure. The 1st lady is doing very well so were thank you very much. For your chums doctor said he was fatigued but in good spirits and was being treated with an experimental antibody cocktail its also reported that he has developed a mild fever mike hanna has more from outside Walter Reed National military medical center. Now he was brought here says the white house repeatedly in the course of the day out of an abundance of caution however there have been several reports that president trumps condition during the day was a cause for concern that he had nasal inflammation that he had a very sore throat that he was feeling lethargic and clearly the decision was taken to move him to the hospital in order for him to be monitored more closely in order for him as well to be close to the most expert medical staff and turn in case his condition continues to deteriorate another news armenia says its ready to work with mediators to reestablish a cease fire and theyre going to cut about i mean here and as a by your own forces have been fighting over the disputed region for a 6th day the u. S. Russia and france have called for the resumption of talks. People in india are defying a protest ban on the site about the protests following the recent gang rape and death of 2 women from the marginalised islets community the cases average united a National Debate on Sexual Violence and discriminatory call system involving white citizens and other testers are those the headlines the news continues here on out is there after what i want to not just the Republican Party but America Needs 4 more years of President Donald Trump in the white house then the outcome of this election will determine i believe the course of our country for generations to come live coverage of the Vice President ial debate on a just. Its a pristine wilderness like no other. These are some of the largest in last remaining evergreen forests on the indochina peninsula. But across the land the cambodian government has allowed Agricultural Developers to slash. In plants cash crops. And illegal logging has spread out to nearby protected forests leading to a team the pillaging cranes in. One of one east investigates the wholesale destruction of cambodias rainforest. Rescinds cambodias wadding east where the mekong river is pretty long forest one of the last remaining evergreen woodlands in Southeast Asia. Its also the domain of environmental warrior and lawyer lang whos made it his mission. To protect the forest. And come home when i saw logging Companies Cutting trees and transporting logs right in front of me i was committed to defend the forest. Today killing is gathering evidence of illegal logging to pass on to conservation agencies and phone governance i joined the taiwanese cambodian owned Company Called think biotech can legally clear trees here but only within a specified boundary so where we go now to. The city is until mr chen. But for now it looks like we wont be travelling further than the company roadblock. Yet. Thats what. Blaine is investigating claims the company is pressuring villages to give up the precious brazen trees they legally entitled to tap. Come on and the company says if you dont accept the money you get nothing the company cuts them down anyway. We take another road that leads to the boundary between a protected forest and the Company Concession. Here we find him tapping risen trees is his family has done for 3 generations. The trees provide a Sustainable Living for his family and a supposed to be protected but he has something devastating to show activist laying it out on top of the top down but i dont move on. About why im the one. Jim says he refused to accept any money for the trees but think by take cut them down any white 2000 of them. Playing records the carnage in takes the satellite coordinate the every fall in tree. Where. I feel very upset for the last forest from which i make my livelihood when i came here id always see many monkeys jumping and screaming all over the place now its quiet. As we film other villages scavenging for leftovers many still timber back to the companies that chop down the trees in the 1st place. To accept this is a village divided some here are trying to protect the forest others are paid by the company to tear it down. And get people village chief saying knowing hes on the side of consecration even though hes an official from cambodias ruling party. That we all really want to stop the farmers from being destroyed but we dont know how to do it but you are a Government Official and your own government is allowing this to happen what do you think of that. And then were here with the people down not see anything at all government already granted the concession. The government is like our father and we are the children. As we drive off into the darkness the forest comes alive with activity on a road directly out of the protected area we encountered a rattling convoy of timber tractors so this is a legally logged isnt completely illegal because any inside that it. Then in a clearing a roadside stop and what lengths is a ranger post to water illegal loggers doing to write your station. That can detect the money from the tractor. Accusing rangers of taking bribes is a serious crime i take langs allegation tonights picture a Senior Ministry of environment official an activist told us that. Paying bribes to the ryan juice do you believe that would be the case the money needed to work out about how early because this is an illegal act and the ministry would not tolerate this we do not support those who abuse the law and any activist who saw such activities should gather evidence and report to the ministry of environment so we can take legal action. Was handing over evidence is precisely what wing has been doing things using g. P. S. Tracking satellite imagery and drawings he forensically exposes the big illegal loggers. I gather evidence in order to make reports about forest crimes. The simple try to the syndicates and recorded reams of damning evidence the picture that emerges is one of an environmental apocalypse ocus traded on a National Scale but it seems the govern. Lent is not listening. I used to submitted to the government on several occasions but my reports were deemed dissenting negative and baseless against the government. This is the destruction of pristine wilderness in the ecosystems. The companies have another woodward reforestation. Bay planting cash crops like rubber and acacia. We follow the trial of resin trees cut down from for a long forest ended up this primed. With chairman think by is luci chang he says he can do what he wants his government crosseyed concession in my area i must create a whole even my competition because leases. Must be created then we primed of tree. Causes area we cannot part do you clear timber outside of the concessions. No we spoke to a villager said he was told that if. The company couldnt buy the trees that would take them anyway just that happened. And they have moved. The village by jazz a text from my concession. Lewdly its protected timber might end up when he saw him and the glowing zany by lation on unscrupulous contractors he cant explain why big coordinated logging convoys traveling at night why do they travel at night time. They travel in 1000 yes. You surely i know when they chirp that they. The Company Chairman claims hes supporting poor local communities offering jobs to clear the forest so that Something Else can be planted i will create the new path. For the local people. Who state. School who set up everything in this commune dr hes a marine corps. In cambodia southwest lies a natural treasure. The cardamom ranges contain the 2nd largest village in rainforest on mainland Southeast Asian. Illegal logging is rampant with the criminals who are up against a determined fools intent on stopping them so you conducted effective surveyor yes Good Good Good good and we discover that the illegal logging starts again. American conservationists so want to go to it is being briefed on the latest spike in illegal logging can you show me the exact quote where you want she leads the nongovernment organisation Wildlife Alliance they supported by the government to work with police and local ranges to uphold the law so its out of hand these kingpins have their own kingdom and the they have their informants in place they have their local people they have their tractors their Buffalo Carts they have everything in place. So when his Team Includes former soldiers from Eastern Europe some who served in the French Foreign legion today on a road leading from a National Park they stop a procession of vehicles are going loaded with timber. The biggest role of our foreign Law Enforcement officers is to be watchdogs because Good Governance is the weakest point the Government Agencies in this country at. A very important that each case may follow it up. Large swathes of the condoms are being handed over by the government to Big Agricultural Companies and developers. Those areas have been stripped of valuable timber now the bordering protected forest is being ravaged. On patrol the Wildlife Alliance offices intercept a slow moving target with a prized and valuable tool but. If they can do that culpable. But theres lots of timber. Now the Wildlife Alliance ranger from logan in marks tells us this man could face up to 5 years in prison for his load of luxury hardwood timber it might have been sold for many thousands of dollars it had reached its final destination its a fairly expensive anybody having to feed people to the water is going to be on the water and if the South Pacific smell. Ranges copus going to timber and sees the love used to try as well. And very must have permission to put down some of the big tech namable but itll have to big that better way and you know right the cop says. Look at this. Jihad against us thats. It only 2 years left here so what does this represent good for us hes on weapons of mass destruction each change well this. One. That this clear. Im heading into the wilderness with while my phone lines in forces police in dry and use. They have intelligence of an illegal logging camp deep in a protected area. After walking 7 kilometers its the camp dog that gives away the location. Its a rough life for the logan in these evidence theyve been here for weeks you cannot live. Cannot leave a National Park. And to send a message this forest camp has destroyed. The camp well it tells us he only arrived here the day before and had been looking for dead trees to cut fence posts but he and the other occupants will be looking for somewhere else to sleep tonight. By the team discovers another illegal activity. The locals have constructed cumin to make charcoal. So when did i last year do you think. They just run away. And they have traffic for sure because. Maybe charcoal without judgment. Despite all weve seen an official with cambodias ministry of environment downplays the situation. We accept that cutting the remaining forest does happen however large scale logging no longer exists. Medium size and small scale operations the evidence suggest otherwise. Blame film this large scale illegal logging on lend lease by an advisor. Cambodian prime minister. Long time conservationists. Cambodian forests are being systematically. Lawyers are moving in and theyre headed. There. If you. Use this piece of paper to go outside inside the National Park. Under it on the mark. Least. Before destruction. In the middle of this country. Ive often. Thought about this and i think the feeling. Across the country. Is taking us to. These border its a sanctuary in name only here to the government has allowed select companies to log in assigned areas. Of the sanctuary some of the forest most precious timber. This is the really special forest is it. To see how. Its. Going to be worth it for the caring valuable painting that killed the apple a lot of the problem a couple. Of little patent. Claims they kept the team inside a Company Concession between lang says theres no such valuable timber there live to count i think the lie to us its not true so what hes saying is not the truth he actually stole it from the protected area. Each piece of timber can be so to try to use for as much as 250. 00 of this is probably a 10000. 00 condo. Assigned a claim is the syria is deserving of the highest level of protection so much notice of not of the government government sang officially a catalogue you aside your opinion big sign sign the cause im precious forest. Its still being lost and. Sometimes i cry i feel disappointed because im not able to protect the forest but i see that the destruction is so big but no one helps to protect it the government does not arrest the tree cutters but it arrest the forest activists. The companies allowed to operate in this forest the sincere about the rectitude. Of the sawmills easy to find. Them wrong. The government gave the green light to reopen the sawmills that had been closed as we can see 100000 hectares of the forests were cleared from the meat its now extinct and will never return. We find a large stockpile of song timber the men guarding it so it was confiscated and this place is a ranger post its another unlikely story. And. The further we drive the more sawmills wing finds its important for him to record every discovery. But calling out illegal activity can be perilous in cambodia. At a grave in the capital phnom penh a proud son remembers a brave father an icon of cambodians Environment Movement who daum is the son of church woody who paid the ultimate price for his activism. As are the sound of. The language and he really wanted me to love nature what he wanted was to stop the destruction of combo didnt forests. 8 years ago while investigating a logging company chewed wood he was shocked and hes remembered for confronting the most powerful illegal loggers in this country about an elephant and the kids mourn those he upset with him a businessman. Back then and today him a businessman of powerful people who work in the government. Investigation into the killing of truth when he was closed in made conflicting accounts of what happened. To dawn is now following in the footsteps of his father and then salvage there are a lot of unforgettable memories of his there always there was a brave man a good father and a respectful data. For trading a similar path to child woody lange navigates the dangerous calls it that there were no cats out of the royal government is involved in corruption and therefore the Government Armed forces and the companies hate the forest defenders. My drone was smashed several times when i received Death Threats i fled cambodia to thailand to see him. However i still continue my work. In these teams the camp down to the. Theyve been tipped off there is timber on the mood. Where its going is an international scandal. To find out more we travel to cambodias border with vietnam on a stretch of road playing is most familiar where. He will fall. Along the rugged lang recognizes sponsors for the timber smugglers they had to report anything they can upset business including the appearance of activists like him. Its more program for me he. Can. This is the official border but its not the favored route weve returned to smugglers of my theyre armed with about 20 illegal crossings here. And i can see the checkpoint today there is a rampant illegal industry smuggling timber across this border but despite the work of laying in divers exposing it the news struck a deal that would allow vietnam to certify its own timber exports to europe. Vietnam is a fictive lee laundering then exporting illegally launched timber from cambodian forests im fed up with the European Union they are good they engage in the timber trade with vietnam even though they know that vietnam is a rascal and a thief who steals the timber for. The a use is the deal will only proceed if its convinced vietnam is acting lawfully but there is no doubt about this illegal cross border trade its something even high ranking officials in the government it made it out i mean there is still timber going. Across the border because there is a black market in that area these activities are illegal thats why the ministry of environment as well as other relevant ministries and border officials cracking down on forests cripes. Back in the car with my mountain wildlife alarms foreign enforcers a new school drug and another days patrol with local rangers and police. Illegal logging encroaching go hand in hand here where the locals are going in the forest. To collect fruits or whatever they are bringing with them to homemade gun snares so they can honk and set up truck from the same times. By entitled to hunt for their own use hunting in a protected area its illegal and i was. Illegal but right fortunately sometimes the hunters get caught the good job guys who are what you did yesterday will happy you confiscate the quietens what is going to happen today were going to go up the river and release the snakes. Reorganisation has 7 right just scattered over a large area of the current. That is promised to be an issue so its natural inhabitants at a time of trying to mount on the black market so as the idea to to trap and bring these animals back alive or is it to kill both. Traditional medicine has always been the biggest drive along with restaurants for the animal parts that are trafficked to china and vietnam and they are range from the charismatic elephants in tiger isnt embarrassed all the way down to lizards and snakes and turtles and turtle ices. Apart from the released into an area where they should be so you. Would most of cambodias so cold protected areas or anything got next new Wildlife Sanctuary you the vietnam border this is a satellite image from 10 years ago. This is how the books today. Almost completely bereft of animals and forest maybe 10 year goes here is. Jungle and a lot of forests. Away and im all right. What actually happened here a few years back that i would come in to destroy the terminate their forests here. In this poor country people are living off the land is they always have. To move fast money is pushing many to ravage the irreplaceable forests. Promoted by logging companies seemingly condoned by cambodias government the largest rainforest in Southeast Asia may soon be a wilderness most. The remote kingdom of time has become known for its pursuit of happiness. When a stick schools have this National Goal inspiring the Younger Generation 0. 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