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In state in the u. S. Capitol donald trump looks set to nominate a female conservative to fill the Supreme Court vacancy and indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi faces iraq backlash as tens of thousands of thomas take to the streets over new agriculture recourse. Thank you for joining us we begin with egypt where they are reports that at least 3 protesters have been killed after thousands of people defied a Police Crackdown to demonstrate against the government for a 6 straight day dozens were arrested in braids ahead of the protests but that didnt stop people expressing their anger over corruption and deteriorating economy as well as for Living Conditions and also demanding the resignation of president. Jamal and child. Discouraged with threats of arrest or even death egyptians took to the streets in several areas across the country on friday. They dubbed it the friday of rage to demonstrate their opposition to the rule of opting for tough a c c and among the tea resigns. Slogans like this say its outloud dont be scared of c. C. Has to go were heard in cairos one neighborhood. In the giza governorates which has been the epicenter since protests began last sunday police and other security personnel were deployed in force thanks. This latest wave of antigovernment an anti military rule protests were triggered by ccs decision to demolish entire neighborhoods across egypt under the pretext that the homes were built illegally. These neighborhoods how some of the countrys poorest communities who have already been suffering the brunt of a faltering economy unable to cope with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic according to the world bank 70 percent of all egyptians 70 percent live under either under poverty or on the brink of poverty thats a situation thats understandable that the social and political constraints just yesterday 150. 00 appeared for the state Security Court im charges of terrorism because they were protesting in the street we know that terrorism charges in egypt are the ways in which the state clamps down on any bourses of dissent. There were calls to by former Army Contractor turned opposition figure mohamed ali now an exile for people to demonstrate with september 20th marking one year since similar demonstrations took place against c. C. S. Rule that. Sisi supporters particularly those who control egypts media will claim that these protests are marginal and largely in significance but the way in which the states is dealing with the protesters would suggest otherwise. Human Rights Groups Like Amnesty International have already denounced the mass arrests of demonstrators over the past few days. Egypt has now witness 6 consecutive days of protests the slogans have all been demanding an end to ccs rule and while the number of protests may be growing gradually ceases grip on power doesnt seem to be loosening. Earlier i spoke to cyrus zs a professor of law at Rutgers University in the u. S. She says its important to note that the protests are being led by any opposition movements well theyre not organized because the crackdown on any type of collective activity has been very severe you can organize on facebook at camp protest there are laws against that theyve been doing prevented it detentions and sometimes kidnappings and so then the signal in the message is very clear that if you attempt to mobilize or oppose the government or vocalize your opposition then the government crackdown and what we see is use of tear gas use of bullets preventative detentions with a ground rounding up people and in some cases death and then people are in jail for who knows how long and sometimes they stay in pretrial detention for multiple years in a row so this is the regime has made it very clear since it came in power and that it has a 0 tolerance rate tolerance policy for opposition and dissidents so what we should anticipate is more of the same and then the real question is will the egypt shans be willing to face death by going out and protesting and i was going to the lines are so miserable that they will face the part the real possibility of being killed or imprisoned for life in order to protest or will they continue to persevere and suffer under very dire economic conditions. In other world news the number of confirmed covert 1000 cases in the United States is now past 7000000 according to John Hopkins University thats more than 20 percent of the worlds total reported infections meanwhile a study in the u. S. Says a reopening of a University Campuses could be linked to more than 3000. 00 additional cases a day top Infectious Disease expert on tony found she says he wants to see cases fall to below 10000 a day before the flu season starts in october person trump claims the country is rounding the corner on the crisis dr tom frieden is a former director of the centers for Disease Control and prevention he says the focus needs to be on longer Term Solutions and not just a quick fix. Its clear that different parts of the United States as different parts of europe are in very different places youve got the northeast and a few other states that have relatively low rates and have kept those low for many weeks now of other states with rapid increases one thing i think we need to be clear about is that we dont know what the flu season will look like this year in the Southern Hemisphere there wasnt a bad flu season so it may be that you dont have this kind of double trouble of flu plus coded but we do expect to see more code spreading in Colder Weather that would be expected and with people coming back to schools and colleges with not having consensus around mass wearing with not having good programs to test and trace people the u. S. Does not have the upper hand on the virus right now we hope there will be a vaccine rolled out to 2021 but thats not assured and even if theres a vaccine its not a fairytale ending to this pandemic with the vaccine were still going to need to be careful about interspaces be careful about hand washing and shaking hands and Wearing Masks do a good job of finding cases and contacts and outbreaks so that there isnt spread i think we need to get past the concept that we just need one thing and then this will go away we need to chip away at the risk of kogan and recognize that were all connected within countries and among countries and its an all of our best interest to Work Together to stop this pandemic and also be much better prepared for the next one. U. S. Media is reporting that President Donald Trump intends to nominate 48 year old Amy Connie Barrett a favorite with social conservatives to replace Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg on the Supreme Court members of congress have been paying their respects to the 1st woman to lie in state in the u. S. Capitol. Hill has more on the 89 year old who died last friday and the controversy surrounding the appointment of our success. A military guard escorted Ruth Bader Ginsburgs casket up the steps of the u. S. Capitol honoring a woman who helped transform life for millions of americans it is with profound sorrow and deep sympathy to the ginsburg family that i have the high honor to welcome Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg to lie in state the late Supreme Court justice was a champion for equal rights for men and women born to a world vastly different from the America Today in the 1950 s. Despite her brilliant mind and dog good work ethic she was demoted because of her gender and questioned for taking a mans spot in law school her tenacity and painstakingly thorough legal record eventually caught the eye of president bill clinton who nominated her to the Supreme Court ginsburg sat on the high bench for 27 years her diminutive size be lying her juggernaut status as a feminist icon for the left and voice for social justice through her scathing dissents. Line a topic had a bill for president Abraham Lincoln ginsburg broke yet a final barrier becoming the 1st woman and 1st jewish person to be afforded the honor of lying in state at the u. S. Capitol. As a lawyer she won equality for women and men not in one swift victory but brick by brick case by case through meticulous careful lawyer. She changed the course of american law. Democratic president ial candidate and former Vice President joe biden was among those who pay their respects at the end of a long struggle with cancer ginsburg dying wish was to have a new president named her replacement to the Supreme Court polls show a majority of americans feel the same but President Donald Trump plans to announce his nominee to fill ginsburgs vacancy saturday. Trump will nominate a conservative judge and Senate Republicans have the numbers to push through confirmation possibly before the november 3rd election that would give trump a significant victory to tout to his base the creation of an ironclad conservative majority in the Supreme Court whoever replaces ginsburg could wield key votes for upcoming cases on health care and abortion rights and as the president has acknowledged could even help resolve any recall challenge to the Election Results those powder keg circumstances fewer than 40 days before voters choose their president all but guaranteed contentious congressional hearings a head but for now a last quiet moment beneath the u. S. Flag at half mast in honor of a woman who leaves the country more equal for individuals and more divided in politics. Castro aljazeera washington or less now speak to jeff houser who joins us on skype from washington d. C. Hes annoying and executive director of the valving dollar project at the center for economic and policy research thank you very much for being with us so Amy Connie Barrett expected to be nominated by President Trump on saturday according to u. S. Media before we talk about who she is and what direction she likely take the court if she is confirmed lets talk about the process democrats have of course been attempting to block this nomination just how better do you expect the battle in the senate to be to confirm if she is indeed nominated by john. I think the battle is going to be extremely bitter i think the biggest question is just how bitter it will be the more active this wing of the Democratic Party wants to make this perhaps the most contentious situation in the senate since the days of the before the civil war. Believing that americas democracy is in question right now more establishment wing of the Democratic Party thinks things are basically. Bad but can get better on their own and they dont want to rock the boat so i think its going to be contentious just that intention is remains oddly enough a subject of contention Amy Connie Barrett is a favorite of social conservatives and shell hole from the right if shes nominated and confirmed what will that mean for the direction of the Supreme Court on issues like roe v wade abortion rights is is she the vul to overturn roe we think absolutely there is no question and kone barrett and are her mentor or her mentor as Antonin Scalia the leader of the right wing Legal Movement in the United States for the past 50 years they have dreamed of the day in which they can overturn roe v wade for many decades and 20 there were not when should the opportunity to do so she will not be as forthright as im suggesting in her answers to the senate but her answers should not be taken seriously do you think this pick could have an impact on the election itself and the outcome of the election and d. C. Her recusing herself if theres an election question is present trump has been suggesting in the past few days saying that he you know he wouldnt probably recognize the election as being free of fam. I am. I dont believe that many votes will be moved by the county barrett nomination i think this entire process is unpopular and that might be a slight drag on from the trunk obviously believe that when a thoughtful conservative out shore up the base and shore a relatively high floor for his vote total that is inadequate to win the election but is close enough maybe to kind of the old election and that is where tony barack decision about whether or not to both on cases before the court thats a decision that potentially momentous i suspect she will agree to hear cases and thats why this is to my mind such a worrisome development in repair ginsburgs tragic death and rapid ascension of 20 barrett in the likelihood that you will be able to take that the so quickly which is why i think the archives should buy extremely hard but yes i think he there is a pop a distinct possibility that cases will go before the Supreme Court and im skeptical that 20 barrett would recuse herself in fact im sure trump has made a. Complete confidence that she would not recuse herself after the Jeff Sessions attorney general situation we know the trumpets very aware of the possibility of recuse told by people who are supposed to be more oil to him in his eyes and im sure hell never get old again like that i mean to see how this all unfolds thank you very much for talking to us jeff house anytime. Still ahead on ology. What we also want is for you to quit the question Brianna Taina Sammy continue to demand justice stops a grand jurys decision not to charge Police Officers involved and had that venezuelas president Nicolas Maduro hits back at the u. N. Following a growing tide of accusations against him. However weve got more heavy rain in the forecast for japan said they cross the northern half of japan still plenty of cloud sharing of paper seen some big downpours in recent days small big downpours and in the next few days as well sliding their way up across northern parts of honshu into the qaida winds come around some more of a northerly direction that cooler direction dragging that moisture in from the sea of japan that western side of honshu will see some heavy showers shot by the mountains i dont think sun to be too bad the tokyo with the top times of around 26 degrees celsius fine enjoy some of the temperature there into the Korean Peninsula northern china will see some showers down towards the south where the showers are more widespread more extensive and somewhat havea joining of the shows that we have across the philippines same thing a lot of the showers coming in here some western weather crash pushing across into central parts of the philippines southern areas as well quite a rash of showers there across malaysia and we still seeing those heat today shows of course now sliding the way a little further south as they should to into indonesia may walk across western parts of interest not as wet as it has been recently but still plenty of rain coming right up the west and central areas still seeing some heavy rain bangladesh nepal and the fall of eastern india very wet. But. Water an essential resource for all humankind across europe pressure to recognize water as a human right and put its management back into public hands is increasing i think that the European Commission would be very very glad to pose was proud as asian on anybody if they really killed. Those people who see everything as something to invest the profit of they want all up to the last drop on aljazeera. Recap crop top stories on aljazeera at least 3 protesters are reported to have been killed in egypt as of people defied a Police Crackdown to protest against the government for a 6th straight day theyre demanding the resignation of president abdullah. Anger is rising over the worsening economy and rampant corruption the number of confirmed over 1000. 00 cases in the United States has now passed 7000000. 00 thats more than 20 percent of the worlds total infections the us study found the reopening of University Campuses could be linked to more than 3000. 00 additional cases a day and u. S. Media is reporting that President Donald Trump intends to nominate conservative judge Amy Connie Barrett to the Supreme Court she would succeed that may Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg has become the 1st woman to lie in state at the u. S. Capitol ginsberg died last friday at the age of 87. Protesters in the u. S. City of louisville have returned to the streets for a 3rd night following a grand jurys decision not to charge Police Officers for the death of a black woman Brianna Taylor tennis sammy have condemned the ruling and are calling on the Kentucky Attorney general to release transcripts from the grand jury says want the arrest and prosecution of all 3 officers involved in taylors shooting in which. What i had hope is that he knew he had the power to do the right thing that he had the power the healing of this city that he had the power to help him in over formative years of oppression will he help me realize is that it will always be. There we are never say when it comes. Hundreds of pakistani hindus are protesting in capital islamabad demanding an investigation into the events that led to the deaths of 11 members of the same family the hindu family were from pakistan but were living in northern india when they were found dead in august local police say they were poisoned because of a property dispute has more from islamabad. Right now on pakistan constitution avenue that leads to parliament as you can shape several 1000 people have been travelling from a crotch target star and some of them travelling from the start unfortunately of karachi other plaited in the 10 province theyre all had 2 large protests against the Indian Government for the killing of 11 family members who day share cared because dead if you were to cooperate with indian intelligence and therefore the government ordered that day be carried by the r. F. A. I did watch these people i think their whole affair is shrouded in mystery no one knows how 11 members of one family were committed suicide rate was alleged for the warrant on from the Indian Government study. We have a set where you have killed our people at least give us a reason if we demand un to help us and force india to address the culprits. Unprecedented for the Pakistan Hindu Council to be able to bring thousands of french people to their captors 50 via. Vocht why do you want from them and by you have not she have not done the shadow of the best for them to go to the us it is not fair when you have the international need to then buy you out by lifting the. Window to do International Law we will call the Civil Society because the human eye doc do just who have the International Route so we will see and. Other demands will be fulfilled by the Indian Government otherwise india have no. Chance right now a delegation had already succeeded in travelling up to the indian i commission but youre just a. Their day when they. Get. Their demand by being family member. Should be brought well forensic examination and investigation into day. People who died while they were in india they want an explanation from the Indian Government and also the International Court of. India thousands of. Roads and rail lines to protest against new laws. Big businesses they say the changes could allow the. Market chains to control the market and drive down prices. As in india and green sounds woods across the country are protesting against new legislation they say will expose them to exploitation by private buyers of their produce and by big business. Blocking roads and Railway Lines theyre demanding that screen bills already approved by parliament not signed into little. Or was about to got their goods on the doubt that. This is a dangerous ordinance and did demand to suspend immediately thats my best option database and roads if the government doesnt behave then well be forced to even most gating actions. The Agriculture Sector contributes nearly 15 percent of indias 2. 00 trillion dollar economy and employees around the 1300000000. 00 population. Under the 1964 agriculture produce markets in Committee Act farmers have to sell their produce at government regulated markets such as this one theyre known as mandys where middlemen help farmers sell their harvest to either state run companies or private buyers. Most famous lease only less than 2 hectares of land and have suffered for decades many have been driven into debt by increasing costs of fertilizes and their inability to secure competitive prices for their produce. The main opposition a Congress Party accuses Prime Minister Narendra Modi of making farmers slaves of capitalists modis on the pressure to increase private investments in a sense that economists say has stagnated he says the new loans are historic. We need. For the 1st time farmers have got actual rights over their projects the reforms in agriculture will benefit small and marginal farmers the most there are 85. 00 out of 100. 00 farmers in the country that belong to this category. The government says mondays wont be shut down but their monopoly has to end and he says the socalled minimum support price of which the government buys farm produce wont be scrapped. Maharaj saying theres a farmer whos a pradesh state he grows rice on the hof ahead which releases from a landlord he says the governments regulated system was failing but hes worried about how much protection the new laws will offer farmers against big corporate interests. Again i see the crops are going to be sold for peanuts the middlemen and the business from the show they decide the cost of the farmers wont have any choice and theyre unable to meet therefore the lasers of basic costs sometimes these middlemen do all for you and i doubt the big corporations will do that actually we dont know if they would support the farmers its up to our government and lets see what decisions they make. Winning support for change among such a vast and important population is indias farmers is proving difficult for Prime Minister modi who won the last election promising to improve their lives chance transferred aljazeera. 5 people have been arrested in paris after a knife attack on 2 journalists near the former offices of the satirical magazine. The pair were on a cigarette break when they were randomly attacked 3 weeks after 14 suspects went on trial over the 2015 Charlie Hebdo attack in which 12 people were killed. Its so tragic to see such. And as attack was after treated almost 6 years ago in the same street in front of the same building on for the same purpose. As the guys who are coming to south texas they want to intimidate this they want to reduce is a very mature of our freedom of expression and its absolutely crucial that we assist eightys be resisted. Venezuela has come under strong criticism at the United Nations human rights commissioner accuse Security Forces of killing young people in poor neighborhoods and repressing activists and journalists as an economic door says the report on which the findings are based is full of lies every points. The criticisms launched by michel about the latest in a growing tide against the government of president Nicolas Maduro. The peaceful protests are being repressed that indigenous and human rights activists and journalists are being persecuted and that the Supreme Court is obstructing opposition politicians the list is a long one with ruben i am concerned about the high number of deaths of young people in disadvantaged neighborhoods as a result of Security Operations based on an open source analysis my office recorded 711 deaths from june to august reaching over 2000 deaths since january 2020 her report also says returning migrants are being blamed for spreading the covert 19 virus but shes also calling for sanctions against venice waited to be eased so it can better fight the pandemic and praises the authorities for progress in some areas. I acknowledge positive steps taken recently by the government of venezuela such as the pardon of 110 people and the release of 40 and increased cooperation with my office but passionate speech only adds to a critical u. N. Report on Venice Whaler published earlier this week which accuses the Security Forces of torture and sexual assault. President maduro denies the accusations documented. The document is a mess from a technical scientific point of view in the light of universal human rights it is a mess and it is unsustainable its full of manipulations of lies the daughter added that all human rights abuses in venezuela are investigated and the perpetrators prosecuted and in his speech to the Un General Assembly on wednesday he blamed washington for instability in the region. Its necessary for peace defending nations to make the United States understand that in the midst of a Global Pandemic no one understands or can explain why theres a resurgence in criminal blockades against noble countries venice when there is already battling a dire economic and social crisis more than 5000000. 00 of its 29000000. 00 strong population have fled the country the Coronavirus Crisis has only made matters worse and now the external political pressure directed at venice weyler since before more doro took office 7 years ago only seems to be intensifying. Aljazeera. As always much more news on our web site al jazeera dot com the very latest on all our top stories on there aljazeera dot com. Hello again im fully back to go with the headlines on aljazeera at least 3 protesters are reported to have been killed in egypt a sounds of people defied a Police Crackdown to protest against the government for 6 Straight Days theyre demanding the resignation of president Abdel Fattah Elsisi anger is rising over the worsening economy and rampant corruption the number of confirmed covered 1000 cases in the u. S. Has now passed 7000000 thats more than 20 percent of the worlds total infections a u. S. Study found the reopening of University Campuses could be linked to more than 3000. 00 additional cases a day as the world approaches a 1000000 deaths from covered 19 the World Health Organization is calling for more collective action to stop that doubling its certainly unimaginable but its its its its not impossible because if we look. Losing a 1000000 people in 9 months and then we just look at the realities of getting vaccine out there in the next 9 months its a big task for everyone involved to vary and just just locally in the issues of listing theres the issue of scale up theres the issue of funding these were actually this is the issue of distribution least vaccines and then the issues of acceptance beyond that. With the work week still have to do in controlling this disease and remember we have things we can do now to drive transmission drone and drive down the number of that. U. S. Media is reporting that President Donald Trump intends to nominate conservative judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court she would succeed the late Justice Bader Ruth Bader Ginsburg whos become the 1st woman to lie in the states in state rather at the capital of the u. S. Capitol she died last friday at age 87 protesters in the city of louisville have returned to the streets for a 3rd night following a grand jurys decision not to charge Police Officers for the death of a black woman Brianna Taylor a family have condemned the ruling and are calling on the Kentucky Attorney general to release transcripts from the grand jury at least 22 people have been killed after a Ukrainian Military plane crashed while trying to land the plane was reportedly carrying students from an Aviation University run by the defense ministries not clear what caused the crash those are the headlines coming up next on aljazeera its inside story to stay with us. For. A new round of the decades long struggle for power between pakistans military and politicians the opposition says the military is helping the government in ways it shouldnt. Is this just politics as usual this is inside story. Hello welcome to the program imran khan now mostly not the box on the Prime Minister but we will be talking quite a lot about him because pakistans opposition seems to be directly challenging the powerful military establishment saying it has too much

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