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A cure for pain and we know that violence is never the answer. Long running protests in thailand forced parliament to delay plans to amend the constitution. Bible factions hamas and fatah say theyve reached a deal to hold the 1st Palestinian Elections since 2006. Sport one of the biggest football stars in the world you bring him a bitch test positive for coronavirus. Senior republicans and democrats are pushing back against donald trump after he refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power in november the us president has repeatedly cast doubt on the legitimacy of mail in ballots and on bidens day he was a vase when he was asked about the possibility of losing the election. Well have to see what happens you know that ive been complaining very strongly about the ballots and the ballots are disaster and the people arriving commit to making sure that theres a nice little word for all of the want to get rid of the ballots and youll have a very transfer will have a very peaceful there wont be a transfer or frankly there will be a continuation of the ballots out of control you know it and you know who knows it better than anybody else the democrats know it better than anybody else. The Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell was among republicans whove weighed in on twitter saying the winner of the november 3rd election will be inaugurated on january 20th there will be an orderly transition just as there has been every 4 years since 1792 the House Speaker nancy pelosi whos a democrat says the president should on her his duty to the constitution but that a president of the United States would place in doubt the idea of the peaceful transfer of power and well its no surprise because the president has been contemptible of science and government ok lets speak to a White House Correspondent Kimberly Hall which is live for us in washington d. C. Have we ever had a situation where a president has said anything like this i had an election. Not really and so that is the concern of so many of us president the fact that he had the opportunity to bring down the temperature but did just the opposite when asked whether or not he would accept the outcome of the u. S. Election particularly if he did not win and the fact that he said he wasnt sure that he would leave open that possibility has certainly a nerve not only his critics but also members of his own party as you pointed out with the republican in the senate Mitch Mcconnell now the press secretary kelly mcenaney was asked about this in her press briefing in just the last hour she has sensually doubled down on the president s position saying that the president will accept the results but only have a free and Fair Election in other words leaving it in doubt if the president does not interpret the election as being free and fair he may not accept the results the press secretary going on to say that this isnt just unique to the president but also to some prominent democrats as well it including Hillary Clinton who she said and pointed out recently said that she believes that joe biden the democratic president ial nominee should under no circumstances concede so this is really left Many Americans sort of scratching their heads wondering how to interpret all of this as they see some of the most prominent members of both republican democrat parties socially saying that they may not feel comfortable about the outcome of the november 3rd vote its no secret of course they dont know who is very suspicious of 1000000 dollars bucks is a point to being too tweeting promoting merely in balloting in florida. Yeah well because its a battleground state and basically there is no path to victory for either donald trump or the democratic challenger joe biden except through florida as thats how pivotal this state is weve seen it in past u. S. Elections we saw it in 2016 that is why the president is sort of backtracking on his suggestion that in person balloting is the only way to accept the integrity of a u. S. Vote what weve got going on here is a reminder that this president has been inconsistent well he has certainly question the integrity of mail in balloting hes done it himself hes even advocating for it now you have to remember those comments he made back when he was in North Carolina where he seemed to get a lot of pushback for the fact that he had suggested even voting twice something that the White House Team is since backtracked on and we should point out is illegal the president saying then mailing your vote and then go on election day and see if it has been counted if it hasnt been counted then you can cast your ballot again so the president has been very inconsistent and this just adds to the confusion and once again the concerns about the integrity of that november 3rd president ial poll now is a bang up to all of this Kimberly Donald toms been paying his respects to the lady Justice Hughes better ginsburg at the Supreme Court. Now as you can possibly hear he received a slightly less than warm welcome people are shouting vote him in the background can you just tell us more about what happened here. Yes so the president was visiting the flag draped coffin and pay his last respects to an icon in the United States Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg who of course died at the age of 87. 00 late last week of paying credit cancer she has had just thousands of people parading in the last couple of days past her casket to pay their respects the president included but you have to remember that she was a liberal justice that a champion of many liberal causes so many of the people in line are not founds of President Donald Trump and when they realized that he was standing there they began to chat to things what you heard there in that clip was vote him out but there was also another challenge on or her wish and very quickly what that wish was according to her granddaughter is that her replacement not be announced until after the u. S. Election that way the American Public has a say in the president and that president ial pick we know the u. S. President has cast doubt on that dying wish in fact he will be making his announcement on saturday of who he would like to see replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Kennedy thanks very much thats kitty hawk a lawyer in washington d. C. Ok lets go to another top story in the u. S. In a mans being charged with shooting 2 Police Officers during protests over the death of Briana Taylor the demonstrations broke out on wednesday after it was announced that 3 officers from louisville wouldnt be charged over her killing. But this isnt sparked outrage with the rallies across the u. S. From new york to washington d. C. On los angeles a black medical worker was shot dead in march when police opened far as the raiders have apartment only one of 3 officers will face any action 3 counts of endangering neighbors the mayor of louisville has called for calm but the city remaining under a curfew for 2nd night. What we saw last night with the 2 Police Officers being shot is obviously completely unacceptable violence will only be a source of pain not a cure for pain and we know that violence is never the answer our community is hurting many see brianna taylors case as both the tragic death of a young woman and the continuation of a long pattern of devaluation in violence that black women and men face in our country as they have historically the question obviously is what do we do with this pain there is no one answer no easy answer to that question but i do know this violence is not the answer and destruction is not the answer. Well john hendren is live for us in louisville so the 2nd night of curfew were talking about a city that has been very tense not just last night but over a period of weeks where do things stand on the streets of louisville no. Well its one day after those charges came down and louisville is Still Standing unlike what we saw in minneapolis after the death of george floyd unlike what we saw and no show wisconsin after the shooting and paralyzing of jacob blake both by police we have not seen widespread burning of buildings and looting and that is largely because the police and the National Guard and f. B. I. Swat teams maintained control you can see a National Guard truck back there there were several more a little earlier but there is no big Police Presence here the strategy seems to be not to be too terribly provocative there are city trucks here blocking the streets and if you look just across the street from those trucks at that hall of justice over there which is boarded up. People tried to set that building on fire yesterday you might be able to see a little blackening where that fire started but police came out and quickly put it down as they did 2 other fires that we saw set around and what you see here is sort of the beginning of the days protests those tend to start late but right now things are peaceful and calm and we havent had the kind of violence that weve seen in other cities we have had reaction from across the country President Trump address that saying he approved of those charges and joe biden said that we need to listen to the voice of Briana Taylor and her family but interestingly the man who shot at Police Last Night the man who allegedly did this suspect hes in jail who is not in jail is Brett Hankinson whos charged with 3 counts of Reckless Endangerment he paid if if. In 1000. 00 bond and now hes out and free and that is what outrages the crowds here and well find out later on today whether there will be another violation of curfew i expect there will be there generally is these things but what we havent seen is the kind of widespread violence that weve seen elsewhere john i know that you interviewed ben crump hes the lawyer for be on the to those families today what did he have to say. Ben crump said this is not justice for Briana Taylor he said it was an insult that nobody was charged directly in relation to her shooting death at the hands of swat team at her door he said it was an injury that on top of that the only charges were related to shooting into a neighboring apartment at a family of 3 which happened to be white which seems to just increase this Racial Division he also said he wanted to turn he wants the protesters to continue this movement and he wants to turn this movement into a moment once the protesters in his words to turn their pain into power and achieve changes in laws they want to a no knock warrant ban here and elsewhere in the United States and they want officers to wear their body cameras so that after an incident like this people know exactly what happened he also said that 2 other things are important on the National Level and that is this upcoming election he said its important to get somebody who appreciates civil rights that seemed to be a criticism of President Donald Trump and also he said its important to elect someone. As if to appoint someone as a Supreme Court justice in place of Ruth Bader Ginsburg who recently died who will also continue her person of civil rights so crump says this is really just the beginning there is a federal investigation of there could be charges as a result of that but he also says that they will continue fighting across the nation to change the laws. Lets dont 100 bringing this up to date from louisville over the city remain under curfew for a 2nd right. Thailands parliament has decided to delay discussions and whether to amend the constitution protesters have been running for hours outside parliament in bangkok as politicians debate and possible changes there the latest in weeks of demonstrations calling for reform of the monarchy and an end to military involvement in government the prime ministers a former military chief who led a coup 6 years ago when he has more from the capital bangkok. These protesters once again came out in big numbers on to the streets of the thai capital bangkok this time outside parliament to try to apply pressure on the members of parliament and also the 250 senators to vote for constitutional change something that these people have been calling for for months now and a large protest that they have been holding so what we have seen inside over the course of 2 days is a process where 6 different proposals from Political Parties were presented to those m. P. s and senators for discussion those proposals looking at various changes to the constitution that process was supposed to culminate in a vote on those constitutional changes instead we have a vote but the vote was to postpone this entire process for at least another month while a committee can be formed to take a closer look at those constitutional changes all those proposed changes that vote to postpone was led and called for by a Senior Member of the ruling party so its certainly not going to go down well with the antigovernment protesters and this is likely to lead to even more larger protests in the week saying. Well done for science is a Southeast Asia expert at the London School of economics is joining me now by skype is good to have you with us thank you very much indeed what do you think 1st of all the parliament decided to delay this decision well its probably because. By the Congress Iraq policy which is the military status quo policy im a loss he may want to do. Oh im sorry about that we seem to have lost our skype line to emphasize whos professor of Environmental Development at the London School of economics and politics we might be able to try and get him back later on in the show but in the money meantime were going to move on and there is plenty more ahead on the news hour including a mozambique asking for european help to fight on groups who forced tens of thousands of people from their homes. Plus 3 of their family members were killed by indian soldiers why the military has begun Disciplinary Proceedings against their own. Kind in support action from the n. B. A. Playoffs including a polaroid performance from a player called hero. By the groups hamas and fatah say theyve reached a deal to hold the 1st Palestinian Elections in 14 years the votes are expected to be settled within 6 months the last parliamentary elections in 26. 00 so hamas win an unexpected majority and lead to a conflict with fatah well lets go live to new abraham in the ramallah and the occupied west bank needed just give us an idea of what is behind all this. Senior leaders to us talked about the consensus and agreement that has been reached between fatah and hamas to hold elections in stages 1st to start by the just that the Council Elections the president ial ones and then the Palestinian National Council Elections which are expected to be including the palestinians and that they also are of course this announcement comes hours after a series of meetings between fatah and hamas the started with a press conference between Senior Leaders in july in which they vowed to Work Together against israels plans to annex parts of your pride west bank of course events after that continued and the palestinians were surprised with the announcement of the u. A. E. And beheading signing normalization deals with israel and that has led to the hen house to intensify their meetings and say they really are so many limited options that they only hop to conciliation immunity was the only way forward but its its worth mentioning that this is not the 1st time the 2 ports is agree and talk about conciliation and wanting to pull to elections but as for a political analyst this is the 1st time weve heard that we hear the word president ial to the president Mahmoud Abbas is due to speak at the United Nations General Assembly on friday and hes expected to be talking about the president ial decree in regards to these elections and to conciliation and this is why some of these political analysts weve spoken to believe that there is a better chance this time mr conciliation than any other announcement that has been made or agreement that has been made in the past 13 years of all of this split between the palestinians and this is why also many palestinians a majority of them have to will have said in a poll that they really do believe these are conciliation efforts will be successful needed thanks very much indeed. For us in the ramallah. Ok let me take you back to thailand and those protests which have been forcing parliament to delay plans to amend the constitution we can go back to 10 for a scythe is the Southeast Asia expert at the London School of economics we have you back alan scott made a few technical problems beforehand but its good to have you back you were explaining to us why the government had decided to delay a decision on this well the government really doesnt want to change a constitution at this stage the new constitution was passed just 3 years ago 2017 and its designed to make sure that the military have a continued presence in the running of thai politics so the people on the streets are demanding an end to that situation they want to see more democracy and i dont think the ruling party wants to see that change at all so i mean they want to take every step they can to try and water down the demonstrations if i understand it correctly the last revision to the the constitution actually embedded the military further into politics in in thailand what is the likelihood then that these protests are going to do anything to overturn the militarys hold on the country well if they if they do have an impact it will be very gradual and there e incremental it will its creating a strong impression that the young people in thailand today are not happy with the situation about the politics now if i keep on going on it will be reflected in things like going to general Election Results but also just general resentment of the military leaders now is that the military are clever they should listen to those responses and they should try and create some kind of concessions to try and help the younger people approve them better. Are the problems protests against particularly towards simply the fact that the military is embedded in so deeply into the politics or is there something structurally about thailand itself in terms of the economy for example that is affecting ping affecting peoples lives on a daily basis that might provoke some of these protests well there are many reasons for people to be unhappy in thailand i mean certainly since 2014 theres been a military government there was a coup in 2002014 then there was a general election which was won by the Party Represented by the military in 2019. 1 of the demands of the people on the street is that the government takes a more active role in trying to fix the economy the time the time economy is curious because the vast majority of people live in. Bangkok and live and work around banco which is a huge city compared to the rest of the society so that is a sort of structural thing thats also many people who are also saying that its time to look again at the low end of moloch he. Is saying that maybe the power of the monarchy over the constitution needs to be looked at again and that the constitution needs to be a bit more democratic would it be more effective for the protesters if they as you suggest perhaps change their approach and go for a longer term gradual process rather than having these large scale protests on such a regular basis. Well these large scale protests could be part of a longer term strategy i think having it having these large protests at the moment is certainly are you can actually there are things being said that have been said before and the i think its actually making people realize that theres going to be a lot of the political resistance now probably the demonstrations wont last very long but the opposition to the military government will continue well so i think its part of a longer term strategy to emphasize is from the London School of economics and we appreciate your time so thank you very much indeed mozambique is turning to the European Union for help to stop attacks by isolating groups in its Northern Region the president wants the e. U. To train its forces to battle fighters who emerged 3 years ago in capital god or province since then they have stepped up attacks seizing important towns and targeting the military belong. In the face of terrorist attacks the government has responded firmly on the one hand with the support of local people through actions to defend sovereignty and territorial integrity as well as through protection of people and their property on the other hand the government has mobilized humanitarian assistance for the internally displaced people and promoted Socio Economic Development Activities for the communities. The indian army has begun Disciplinary Proceedings against a group of its soldiers the troops admitted they acted with Excessive Force by killing 3 men suspected of being involved with groups in indian administered kashmir the army ordered an inquiry after families accused the soldiers of staging a gun battle to cover up the mans death charles traffic reports. John sits with her family at their home in regime in the himalayan region of indian administered jamu and kashmir son. And his 2 cousins were killed by Indian Army Soldiers on july the 18th. But its been over 2 months that we remain here and there we forgotten to be forgotten to live and forgotten to take care of our cattle i miss him always wherever i go i miss him those who are involved in killing our children and they too have children how can they do this brutal crime they were all innocent and had all the necessary documents with them required for identification this pride that they were killed says the young man who travelled from their homes in germany to shopian in kashmir to look for work this is the building where they were killed the families say the army staged a battle and allow filming of a security operation to cover up the killings an inquiry ordered by the army concluded that soldiers anted with Excessive Force and recommends Disciplinary Proceedings against those involved but Rights Groups say indias Armed Forces Special powers act grants almost total immunity from prosecution for security personnel operating in socalled disturbed areas. They believe one of the reasons why the inquiry was ordered into this particular incident is because the 3 victims had family members in the indian army but the inquiry report says they suspected involvement in what it describes as terrorism is still under investigation. I had said earlier as well that justice will be done i think the people here have heard the comforting results and will continue to hear more of the same. Its been a violent 12 months in indian administered kashmir in august last year the Indian Government cancelled a constitutional provision for the past 70 years that guarantee limited autonomy to the region the ruling sparked widespread protests Rights Groups say the indian Army Crackdown has been brutal the organization general Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society says Indian Security forces have killed at least 32 civilians since january. This human rights lawyer says the indian army will never be fully held to account for the killing of the 3 men army is not saying that they are discerning ins and as far as my experience is concerned you know. From last 30 years and these fake and contras have been continuing. And unfortunately it will continue. For good reasons because there is complete impunity due to the army tens of thousands of people mostly civilians have been killed since the uprising began 30 years ago in indian administered kashmir demanding greater selfdetermination there are fears the military crackdown after the government ended the regions old salami is forcing some men to join armed groups sci fi jan says her son and his cousins had no connection or involvement with such groups she wants the indian army to exuma his body from the undisclosed location of his burial so the family can bury him close to their. Chance transferred al jazeera russian authorities have seize the assets of Opposition Leader alexina of our neighbor as part of a lawsuit against him a spokeswoman says Bank Accounts have been frozen and as moscow apartment has taken no one has just been discharged from a bell and hospital where he was being treated for poisoning with the nerve agents novacek the kremlin denies involvement the u. S. The u. K. And canada are planning to impose sanctions and bell russian officials thats after president Alexander Lukashenko was sworn in for a 6th term on whedons saying the opposition says this election was rigged and theres been a violent crackdown on protesters demanding lucker sank his resignation the u. K. Foreign secretary says the sanctions will target those responsible for serious Human Rights Violations because schenker was sworn in and a hastily organized unannounced. Frankly hydrazine or gratian from the people of belarus only serves to reinforce his wholesale lack of legitimacy. I directed the s. C. D. A sanction to to prepare magnitsky sanctions for those responsible for the serious Human Rights Violations. And we are coming coordinating with the United States and canada to prepare appropriateness things as a matter of urgency. Still ahead and al jazeera is only closing comes back into force will be in london to hear a few restrictions will mean last orders for the hospitality industry. Plus theyve weathered the nearly 3000 years of history but not unprecedented rain is threatening some of sudans most iconic structures. And sports return to her no for nandrolone so gets fitted for the new seat ahead of his formula one comeback. Hello there a fairly calm picture across much of the middle east how much is know also assholes as they have been and in fact we have seen improvement with the weather conditions to the east end of the bed and on shore breeze so feeling much better get in jerusalem time which is in the high twentys 28 on friday 29 in beirut not to the north of there they could see some showers into southern as a techie they could be quite heavy at times and if out there the way gradually across towards the caspian sea but of course away from there it is fine and dry we could also in south of a quite a few showers across into Northern Areas of afghanistan and towards pakistan as well also some blowing sand and dust as the temperature has also particularly hot day and a high of 35. 00 celsius but feeling very humid with very light winds now Central Africa plenty of storms and of course this time of year beginning to push further south would say you can see the clouds here into northern and go to that could bring a few more showers and thunderstorms as we go through friday again those coastal showers of course across into as a tanzania and up towards somalia some fairly heavy rain as we go through friday into south africa certainly impacting cape town and then it works its way around to the east coast john is the to the will stay is fine and dry as you can see how much is on the high side against an average of 23. Corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. Against corruption corruption is not something to be told that it. Is not going to african. Country his email lets destroy this wall. In 2020 the free space award encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. Shine a light on your Anti Corruption hero. Nominate now. As astronomy prepares for bushfire scenes the survivors of the last summers catastrophic fires are still struggling whether one east follows one communitys road to recovery now just 0. You want your jazeera reminder of our top stories this hour u. S. Senate republican leader Mitch Mcconnell says there will be an orderly transfer of power after the november election thats up to President Donald Trump refused to say whether he did set the results of the last. Thailands parliament has pushed back a debate on the mending the constitution until november the moves of protesters are calling for reform of the monarchy and an end to military involvement in government. By the groups hamas and fatah say theyve reached a deal to hold the 1st Palestinian Elections in 14 years that he showed within 6 months last parliamentary elections in 26. 00 so hamas win an unexpected majority and lead to a conflict with fatah. The u. K. s finance minister has unveiled a new measures to help workers and businesses suffering during the coronavirus pandemic vicious or not gun veiled a 6 Month Program to subsidize the wages of workers who return to their jobs part time the plan also extends loans to companies that buy look down restrictions but say will only support a viable jobs and there are fears unemployment could spike and its previous rescue package expires next month. Has more from london. It is likely to be hugely expensive but its going to be less expensive than whats been in force for the past few months the furlough scheme whereby the government has paid 80 percent of people salaries largely as an incentive for them to stay at home and help control the virus our species hugely expensive but its been a lifeline for thousands of businesses and to millions of workers but what were entering into now is a new phase and its something of an admission from the government that the virus is here to say for the foreseeable admission also that some businesses a simply not going to make it this new graft and package of support are largely aimed at businesses that are saying look you know were hard hit now we expect to bounce back in a few months time thats particularly true of the hospitality sector many restaurants and bars have been really hard hit like the many here in soho in Central London theyre hoping that theyll be an increase in footfall in months and several months time and they just need to weather this difficult winter so what the governments saying is that theyll pay up to 2. 00 thirds of peoples last salaries providing that people continue working for a 3rd of their income so clearly thats less than the amount they were forking out for the 1st low scheme but its still seen as an important financial lifeline for them also very quickly v 80 value added tax war may lower 5 Percent People have more time to pay back down spackle loans and the hope is that many many people will benefit exactly how many though is unclear at this stage. Well part of the u. K. Governments campaign against corona virus is a new track and trace application that its issuing joshua moon is a Research Fellow at the university of sussex and is a Global Health Security Specialist is joining me from brighton in the u. K. Thank you very much indeed for being with us this has been taking a long time to develop a its not been very positive up to this point how confident can people be that its actually going to work. Given that its based on the Apple Google Technology i would say we can be reasonably confident it will while. The question is whether or not it works in the context of the overall u. K. Track and trace system the app itself working one of the issues that people regularly have in across the world is of course personal privacy can you just give us some of the idea why people should not or should be concerned about this. I think thats always going to be a concern with giving new dates for up to. Any kind of app be that a Contact Tracing app or. Even facebook or twitter the difference between giving your data to facebook or twitter versus this current n. H. S. Test and trace that is the data that you give over to the n. H. S. Test and trace that tends to stay on your device and is not share it unless its necessary for Contact Tracing and so youre danger is in essence still yours and you still control what happens with it rather than simply giving it up to a company who may be using it full. Advertisements all even experiments. In other countries around the world when this has been introduced and newstand some of them it has been mandatory to have this carried on your mobile phone if i understand it correctly this system is still voluntary in the United Kingdom. How can you actually encourage people to load this onto the onto their phones when im so theres no real incentive for them to do so other than the possibility the possibility that it might help them. I think in part theres also the advantage of the app is that is that it has. Access to information allows you to lock your symptoms and you can now alter tests through the n. H. S. Test a trace so while there are. Possible downsides in terms of Data Protection tapping the app there are actually up shots in terms of being able to kind of manage your own isolation manage your own care and so i think thats one of the ways in which we can encourage people to download the app the advantage to an app verses all the advantage to nap at all is that it is another piece of the puzzle for stopping the virus its not going to work on its own so even if you dont have everybody having the app just having that additional tool collecting more information allowing us to access more individuals who might be cases or contacts is really going to be key in bringing the numbers of coronavirus cases at least in the down as low as possible as they are has rolled out across the United Kingdom and im not entirely sure whether its a starting in england at the moment or whether it is across the u. K. Perhaps you could tell me but obviously scotland wales Northern Ireland and england all have Different Levels of restrictions when it comes to social interaction and so on do you think that that is going to cause issues when it comes to actually trying to analyze the data that this is going to be producing. So the app as it stands currently is available in england and wales or at least is designed to be used within england and wales so it doesnt necessarily cover scotland and Northern Ireland although it can. There is going to be some confusion given that most of the restrictions in scotland wales Northern Ireland are much more strict than those in england what you will likely find is that there is simply Less Movement of individuals with the app within those territories particularly scotland where the mixing between households is is now banned and so really what youre going to see is mostly people staying within their within their borders rather than there being transfer across the really interesting to get your thoughts on this joshua moon we appreciate it very much thank you thank you as are others imposing even stricter coronavirus lockdown measures art of a surge in infections promise of a minister yahoo says the restrictions are necessary to keep the country from being pushed to what he calls the edge of the abyss a force that reports. Israel was already one week into its 2nd coded 1000 locked down now with new cases nearing 7000 a day and the Health System issuing warnings of overstretch daily life in the economy to be restricted yet further. In the past 2 days we heard from the experts that if we dont take immediate and difficult steps we will reach the edge of the a bit in order to save the lives of Israeli Citizens we are required to impose full lockdown for 2 weeks. That means all nonessential businesses will close at an estimated cost of 10000000000. 00 with around a 5th of the workforce unemployed the measure was opposed by the finance minister unnecessarily damaging and its a hard sell to a public already doubting and in many cases defying the current rules i think the government. Is using and deploying actions that theres no medical agreement that are necessary i think that the government is completely dysfunctional i mean nothing nothing that is related to the country to the citizens and its. A priority. The restrictions will stop the weekly demonstrations in west jerusalem political protesters will be able to gather only in groups of 20 no more than a kilometer from their homes prayers will be subject to the same rules with the exception of the jewish holy day of young people next week when synagogues will reopen with restrictions. Thats led to fears of further spread within ultraorthodox jewish towns and neighborhoods already hotspots of transmission netanyahu has been accused of failing to impose early targeted measures on such places because of the influence of the ultraorthodox Political Parties and so with the competing factional demands confused messaging coming from the government theres been an erosion in a crucial commodity public trust a poll this week but support for Benjamin Netanyahu is handling of the crisis. At just 27 percent palestinian areas have also seen high infection rates and sporadic government enforcement especially in the patchwork of jurisdictions that make up occupied East Jerusalem the man in charge of tackling the pandemic went himself on thursday to the refugee camp within jerusalem but beyond the separation wall to find business is open and people mixing. When you look at the streets here you see people without vests with them its not the picture in a neighborhood such a high rate of people dying of course at 19. The. Israelis have been watching the numbers grow with deepening alarm for weeks now they wait to find out whether this hastily arranged much argued over extra lockdown who work when so much has failed. West jerusalem hong kong prodemocracy activists joshua wong has been released from custody after his latest arrest is being charged with Unlawful Assembly over the protests last year little pinon has called his detention troubling and said it undermines trust in china the 23 year old is vying to continue to push back against beijings crackdown on dissent. I need to face already. Last i left. But no matter what happens i will still continue. To lead the world you know get. Even cross. Our commitment to fight for freedom. And journalists in hong kong are protesting against you police rules that restrict Media Coverage of demonstrations its in response to a Police Letter saying they will recognize only those journalists who are registered with the government as well as those from quote internationally recognized and reputable outlets several professional bodies and Journalism Schools have denounced the new rules they say it should not be up to the police all the government to decide whos a legitimate reporter. A south korean official who went missing from a fishing patrol boat on monday is said to have been shot dead and then burned by north korea thats according to the south Korean Military it says the man was possibly trying to defect when he was spotted by north korean troops cypruss audit office says thousands of passports may have been issued without proper approval Authorities Say people may have exploited an investment for citizenship scheme to obtain passports it comes after all diseases Investigative Unit published this cyprus papers a collection of leaked documents that showed the country sold passports to criminals fugitives and people considered to be at high risk of corruption french investigators are looking into banking giant b. N. P. Partly over allegations of complicity in crimes against humanity genocide and torture in sudan thats according to the paris based International Federation for human rights the rights group had filed a complaint against the bank for allegedly facilitating crimes committed in Sudans Darfur region between 20022008 its the 2nd time b. N. P. Is investigated but its alleged role in a foreign conflict the other being for suspected complicity in the 994 genocide in rwanda. Ancient pyramids in northeastern sudan have been damaged by unprecedented flooding authorities in brush wadia are trying to protect the relics but residents there say the water has destroyed existing barriers and swept away dozens of homes as it is muhammad out of travel to the region to find out for. These are the ruins of the royal city in but you know were the post once the city of the powerful kingdom of kush that dates back to the 8th century b. C. There are remnants of temples palaces cemeteries and other places of interest that testified to the wealth and power of the question at state a major power in the North East Africa region for more than 1000 years but now these ruins which have weathered thousands of years under threat through 2 weeks ago also residents of nearby villages join hundreds of students from the term university to protect the ruins ha tim had that was one of them. A cent of the honestly weve never seen anything like the floods last year they broke old differences and destroyed many homes including mine we were really worried they will sweep away the ruins that kings bought the house one of a few buildings Still Standing at the site was nearly flooded before the students and locals intervened its. This is our here it is a mess of history right here that belongs to us and it should be protected properly no river floods every year and theres no guarantee if they wont damage the sign a few 100 meters from the ruins of the royal city saddams murder we pyramids where kings and queens were interred told slender and graceful this moment is bear witness to the last thing splendor was the kingdom that once rival the ferals of egypt through the years the pyramids have been blown but of all their wealth and left to the elements as conventions began here only in the mid 19th century a few of the smaller pyramid self since been restored looking new in comparison to their more botany is the bottom up there i never meant that these morning ones are not just well sudan its something to enter that black race should be part of it just have been to have a rich history of white and. Weak so flooding in sudan has killed nearly 100 on thought to people and made thousands homeless saddams prized the pyramids safe for now but for how long more floods have been predicted with help that of informal justice was done by the highlands of neighboring ethiopia archaeologists say and the destruction to the pyramids as well as the thought was also but not really that the us drew all over the ruins of this ancient city would be a huge loss how about the world visitor but you know were so done. U. K. Publisher and long time editor of the sunday times herald evans has died he was 92 and his career spanned more than 70 years making him one of the most influential figures in british media he was known for advocating for causes often overlooked he led an investigation that exposed the harmful effects of the drugs the little mite in the late 1950 s. Donald trumps niece has filed a lawsuit against him claiming the us president has deprived her from her inheritance marriage and says shes owed tens of millions of dollars from uncle and his siblings 2 months ago she published a tell all memoir critical of the president too much and never enough my family created the worlds most dangerous man a white house unsuccessfully try to block the book still ahead on aljazeera its not every day you see Something Like this from a World Champion that is going to explain in sport. Corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. Because of should grow up sharon is not something to be told that it. Is a. Country his email lets destroy this wall. In 2020 the free space over encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. Shine a light on your Anti Corruption here and. Nominate now an image can change the way we see the world it could spark mass action or serve the interests of the powerful it can obscure the truth forge narratives and rewrite them to listening post gives you the fruit picture on a. Whole. An exam for this part is peter rob thank you very much one of the worlds biggest football stars let any bring him of it just tested positive for corona virus the 38 year old swedish striker scored 2 goals for ac milan in their opening game of the italian season only of this week he has no symptoms but has been placed in quarantine at home and will miss the Europa League match later on thursday luis suarez has said goodbye to barcelona in an emotional farewell News Conference the euro cohen is joining Atletico Madrid after spending 6 years at vassar to join the spanish giants shortly after being banned for 4 months for biting an opponent of the 2014 fever will go up and he struggle to hold back the tears when saying goodbye on thursday. This is very difficult for me have nothing prepared i only want to thank the club for everything that they put their trust in me back in 2014 when they signed me they knew that i arrived here under certain conditions because of a mistake i made and i will always be grateful for that. The head of the International Olympic committee Thomas Barker remains confident the delayed tokyo games can take place next year despite the pandemic games organizers and the japanese government are meeting this week to discuss possible protocols for the games next july which remain in delta but speaking via video link from the i. O. C. Headquarters in switzerland some of the buses hes been encouraged by the resumption of sport around the world a number of big sporting events have been successfully organized recently including. There are made to sit in the different ship in east leaks over the weekend. And there are also very complex events like the Tour De France and the end of us which are showed to our century old to the world that we can organize save Sports Events even with i would. Make seen the n. B. A. Playoffs saw a heroic performance from a player with a very apt name the miami heat rookie tyler hero scored 37 points as they beat the Boston Celtics to move just one game away from the n. B. A. Finals david stokes reports. For celtics try to even things up as he try to take a commanding lead things will finally pull us in the Eastern Conference Finals miami have a chance to go 31 up and that big names began to fire up and made up by proxy i dont know beautiful from drunken but the night belonged to the youngest player out on court here in ny state to get rid of tell everyone how much this 20 year old here are doing it again for the heat the aptly named rookie tyler hero hit a career high 37 points for miami thats the most by any ricky player in the history of the n. B. A. Conference finals here all fires away cut in time here were drawn so now theyre trying its also the 2nd most points by a past 20 years old or younger in play off history behind only Magic Johnson who hit 42 back in 1989 to lead the 6 for my heroes performance helped the heat secure victory by 3 points and puts them in a commanding position over the celtics problem. My teammates trust me. It has got all good so like that they really shine a light on me and i think it makes all the smile i was so happy for me because he knows what hes capable it just plays with so much confidence and thats. The miami heat take a commanding 31 lead in the Eastern Conference Finals a rookie performance to remember means the heat and not just one game away from the finals as they aim to win their 1st championship since 2013 theyll have a chance to close out the series in game 5 which is coming up on friday david stokes aljazeera. The defense of paris and her man president. Has been heard in court for the 1st time in his corruption trial in switzerland hes been accused of buying a velour for former fifa secretarygeneral Jerome Valcke in exchange for providing cheap world cup media rights for be in sports of which he is chairman is defense team claim he never owned the villa and say the argument is flawed because be in both the right for 480000000. 00 far higher than fee for the target price more. Were scum still representing he said the only charge against mr arkell a fee is incitement of volcker to not report matters not a single element of incitement has been proven the complete acquittal of mr arkell a feat has been demanded today and emphatically so we are confident the swill be the case and that justice will be served former australia cricket batsman dean jones has died in mumbai of a heart attack jones represented his country in 59 tests and 1641 day internationals he also helped a stranger win the 1907 world cup in india jones was seen as a pioneer for his ability to score runs at a faster rate than what was the norm in his era and was most recently known for hes met a commentry its been 14 years since Fernando Alonso won the formula one chairmanship of the rainbow but now hes getting ready to drive for the team once again the 39 year old has been back at the raina factory in england for a seat fitting that after signing up for a 3rd stint with the team way won both these titles alonso has been out of a foreign since leaving mclaren in 2018. Very emotional days because i remember a lot of things here factory changed a little bit but it remains more or less the same a lot of people that they knew from their previous years. Here emotional days like a 1st day of school you know with a lot of hope some of the new things to learn but very productive that i think the focus from now until next year is to follow that everything what the team needs from from my side i guess going to be a couple of simulator days here at the factory. Next year and also help in some way we can is this year you know i guess i will come to a couple of races has to follow the team on the track side to understand the philosophy working on that weekend and even World Champions make mistakes as was the case on the opening day of the u. C. I. Road will championships in italy on thursday this is american chloe di good shes widely seen as the favorite to retain a title in the womens individual time trial but things went badly wrong as you can see there im happy to report shes ok and already recovery. Most sports news again later. Looks or to thank you very much indeed longtail is going to be here in a couple of minutes with more on all these stories are not madison avenue. Corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. Against russia the corruption is not something to be told that it. Is not going to african. No country his email and lets destroy this wall. In 2020 the 5th face over encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. Shine a light on your Anti Corruption here and. Nominate now. Global community we are our biggest opposition elbow thats how the whole crazy stuff that looks like be part of the debate you can jump into the conversation right away when no topic is off the table youre not afraid of anyone taking power we just call it what. Use is 3 targeting richer and the poor getting poorer its not kill destroy the system its just a look at the system and a modern world this street on out is there. Russia now seems to be going after the main Economic Resource which is a close order we bring you the stories in development is the rapidly changing the world living president s america 1st policy triggers a trade war that morphed into a technological war counting the cost on aljazeera. Senior republicans distance themselves from president after he refuses to commit to a peaceful transfer of power after the election. 10 of his aljazeera live from london also coming up. Calls for calm after anger across the u. S. Over a decision not to charge the Police Officers who shot dead Briana Taylor. Branch in the u. K. Both announced record high numbers of new coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours

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