Timeless principles of interstate communication enshrined in the un charter and formulated by the Founding Fathers of our universal organization in the clearest and most unambiguous terms these principles include the equality of sovereign states known interference in their Domestic Affairs the rights of peoples to determine their own future not in use of force or the threat of force and political settlement of just buttes looking back at the past decades one can say that despite all difficulties of the cold war period major geopolitical shifts and all the intricacies of todays Global Politics the un has been able to fulfilling its mission of protecting peace. Promoting Sustainable Development of the peoples and continents and providing assistance in mitigating local crises this enormous potential and expertise of the un is relevant and serves as a solid basis for moving ahead after all just like any other International Organization or regional entity the un should not grow stiff but evolve in accordance with the dynamics of the 21st century and consistently adapt to the reality of the modern world that is indeed becoming more complicated multipolar and multidimensional the current changes certainly have an effect on the principal un body the Security Council as well as on the debate concerning the approaches to its reform. Our thinking is that the Security Council should be more inclusive of the interests of all countries as well as the diversity of their positions base its work on the principle of the broadest possible consensus among states and at the same time continue to serve as the cornerstone of Global Governance which cannot be achieved unless the permanent members of the Security Council retain their veto power such a right pertaining to the 5 Nuclear Powers the victors of the 2nd world war remains indicative of the actual military and political balance to this date most importantly it is an essential and unique instrument that helps prevent unilateral actions that may result in a direct military contribution from taishan between major states and provides an opportunity to see compromise or at least avoid solutions that would be completely unacceptable to others and act within the framework of International Law rather than a vague gray area of arbitrariness and illegitimacy as diplomatic practice shows this instrument actually works unlike the infamous prewar league of nations with its endless discussions declarations without mechanisms for real action and with state and peoples in need not having the right to assistance and protection forgetting the lessons of history is shortsighted and extremely irresponsible just like the politicized attempts to arbitrarily interpret the causes course and outcomes of the 2nd world war and twist the decisions of the conferences of the allies and the nuremberg tribunal that are based on speculation instead of facts it is not just vile and offensive to the memories of the victims of the fighters against nazi them it is a direct and devastating blow to the very foundation of the postwar world order which is particularly dangerous in flu of the global stability facing serious challenges the arms control system breaking down regional conflicts continuing unabated and threats posed by terrorism organized crime and Drug Trafficking intensifying. We are also experiencing a whole new challenge of the corona virus pandemic this disease has directly affected millions of people and claimed the most important thing the lives of hundreds of thousands of people quarantines border closures numerous serious troubles to the citizens of almost all states constitute the present day reality here it has been especially difficult for elderly people who do to the necessary restrictions have not been able to hug their loved ones children and grandchildren for weeks or even months experts are yet to fully assess the scale of the social and Economic Outlook caused by the pandemic under all its long term consequences however it is already evident that it will take a really really long time to restore the Global Economy furthermore even the proven to crisis measures will not always work we will need new Innovative Solutions the only way to elaborate such solutions is to Work Together which is the most important task for both the United Nations and g 20 states as well as other leading into state organizations and integration associations that are also going through tough times due to the Pandemic Impact and need fundamentally new horizons and scope for development. This very idea of quality of integrity of growth the integration of integrations is the one behind russias initiative to form a Great Eurasian Partnership involving all asian and European Countries without exception. It is purely pragmatic and increasingly relevant besides i would like to draw attention once again to russias proposal to create socalled green collar riddles. Free from trade wars and sanctions primarily for essential goods food medicine and personal protective equipment needed to fight the pandemic in general freeing the world trade from barriers bans restrictions and illegitimate sanctions would be of great help in revitalizing Global Growth and reducing unemployment according to experts total or partial reduction in global employment in the 2nd quarter of this year is equal to the loss of 400000000. 00 jobs and we have to do our utmost to prevent this unemployment from growing over the long term and ensure that people return to work and can support their families instead of finding themselves imprisoned by poverty with no prospects in life this is indeed a most acute global problem social problem so the politics has a mission now to pave the way to trade joint projects and fair competition rather than tie the hands of business and discourage Business Initiative the pandemic has also pinpointed a series of ethical technological and humanitarian matters for instance advanced Digital Technologies help quickly reorganize education trade and services as well as setting up Distance Learning and online courses for people of different ages Artificial Intelligence has assisted doctors in making more accurate and timely diagnoses and finding the best treatment. However just like any other innovation Digital Technologies tend to spread uncontrollably and just like conventional weapons can fall into the hands of various radicals and extremists not only in the regional conflict zones but also in quite prosperous countries thus in gendering enormous risks in this regard matters related to Cyber Security and the use of advanced Digital Technology also deserve most serious deliberation within the un it is important to hear and appreciate the concerns of people over the protection of their rights such as the right to privacy property and security in the new era we must learn to use new technologies for the benefit of humankind to seek for a right balance between encouraging the development of Artificial Intelligence and justifiable restrictions to limit it and Work Together towards a consensus in the field of regulation that would avert potential threats in terms of both military and technological security as well as traditions law and the morals of human communication i would like to point out that joining the pandemic doctors volunteers and citizens of various countries have been showing us examples of mutual assistance and support and such solidarity defies borders many countries have also been helping each other selflessly and open heartedly however there have been cases showing the deficit of humanity and if you will kindness in the relations at the official into state level we believe that the uns pristine beach could strengthen and enhanced the role of the humanitarian or human component in multilateral and bilateral relations namely in people to people and youth exchanges cultural ties social and Educational Programs as well as corporation in Sports Science technology and vironment and health protection. As to Health Care Just like any economy we now need to remove as many as possible of the obstacles to partner relations our country has been actively contributing to global and regional counter covert 1000 efforts providing assistance to most affected states both bilaterally and within multilateral formats in so doing we 1st of all take into account the central coordinating role of the World Health Organization which is part of the u. N. System we believe it is essential to qualitatively strengthen the w h os capability this work has already begun and russia is genuinely motivated to engage in it and building on the scientific industrial and Clinical Experience of its doctors russia has promptly developed a range of Testing Systems and medicines to detect and treat the corona virus as well as registering the worlds 1st vaccine sputnik v i would like to reiterate that we are completely open to partner relations and willing to cooperate in this context we are proposing to hold an online high level conference shortly for countries interested in cooperation in the development of anti coronavirus maxines we are ready to share our experience and continue cooperating with all states and International Entities including in supplying the russian vaccine which has proved reliable safe and effective to other countries russia is sure that all capacities of the global pharmaceutical industry need to be employed so as to provide free access to vaccination for the population of all states in the foreseeable future. A dangerous virus kind of effect anyone the coronavirus has struck the stuff of the United Nations its headquarters and regional structures just like everyone else russia is ready to provide the un with all the necessary qualified assistance in particular we are offering to provide other axing free of charge for the voluntary vaccination of the stuff of the un and its offices we have received requests from our un colleagues in this respect and we will d respond to these there are other critical items on the uns agenda the issues of both Environmental Protection and Climate Change should remain the focus of joint efforts the specialized multilateral un conventions treaties and protocols have proved fully relevant. We are calling on all states to comply with them in good faith particularly in working to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement dear colleagues i would like to underline again that russia will make every effort to contribute to peaceful political and diplomatic resolution of regional crises and conflicts as well as to ensuring strategic stability for all the disputes and differences at times misunderstanding and even distrust on the part of some colleagues we will consistently advance constructive uniting initiatives 1st of all in arms control and strengthening the treaty regimes existing in this area these include the prohibition of Chemical Biological and toxic weapons. The issue of primary importance that should under must be promptly dealt with is of course the extension of the russia u. S. Strategic arms reduction treaty which will expire shortly and in fed in february 2021 we are engaged in negotiations with our u. S. Partners on the matter we also expect that mutual restraint would be exercised with regard to deploying new Missile Systems i would like to add that as early as last year and i emphasize this russia declared a moratorium on deploying ground launched medium and long range missiles in europe and other regions as long as the United States of america also refrain from such actions unfortunately we have not received any reaction to our proposal from either our u. S. Partners or their allies i believe that such restrict bickel steps on specific issues would provide a sound basis for launching a serious profound dialogue on the entire range of factors affecting strategic stability. It would aim at achieving a comprehensive arrangements shaping a Solid Foundation for the International Security architecture that would build on Prior Experience in this field and in line with both the existing and future political military and technological reality in particular russia is promoting an initiative to sign a binding agreement between all the leading space powers that would provide for the prohibit of the placement of weapons in after space or the threat or use of force against outer space object. We are well aware of the fact that Security Issues as well as other problems discussed by this jubilee u. N. General Assembly Call for consolidated efforts on the basis of values that unite us our shared memory of the lessons of history and the spirit of alliance which guided the un to Hitler Coalition participants who found it possible to rise above differences and ideological preferences for the sake of victory and peace for all nations on the earth in the current challenging environment it is important for all countries to show political will wisdom and foresight the permanent members of the un Security Council those powers that for 75 years now have been bearing particular responsibility for International Peace and security the preservation of the foundations of International Law should take the lead here fully realizing this responsibility russia has suggested convening a g. 5 summit it would aim at reaffirming the key principles of behavior in International Affairs elaborating ways to effectively address todays most burning issues it is encouraging that our partners have supported the initiative we expect to hold such a summit in person as soon as a pretty near logical situation would make it possible. I would like to reiterate that in an interim lated interdependent world amid the whirlpool of International Development we need to Work Together drawing on the principles and norms of the international of International Law enshrined in the un charter this is the only way for us to carry out the paramount mission of our organization and provide a decent life for present and future generations i wish all the peoples of our planet peace and well being. Thank you. Ok that is a rush is the president Vladimir Putin speaking there to the 75th General Assembly of the United Nations which is underway in new york in the middle of a pandemic and most of the leaders are speaking virtually a pre recorded addresses that are being played out there in new york next we are going to be carrying from the king a bolo of jordan any minute now just to recap what we heard from that in a post in there he talked about the u. N. Ably fulfilling its mission of protecting peace and promoting Sustainable Development he talked about the u. N. Security council being a unique instrument to avoid uni lateral actions that could spark war. It was a wide ranging speech lets go back and listen in now to the net exists during this extraordinary times in our history and in the history of the United Nations we find ourselves meeting virtually for the 1st time in the u. N. 75 years as our world continues to grapple with covert 19 and its far reaching implications and as our people look towards us to navigate these Uncharted Waters with bold statesmanship it is incredible how a virus that infected a Single Person in one corner of the globe has grown and expanded to hit the very foundations of our International System our Global Economy all of humanity it will be equally incredible if the lesson of just how interconnected we really are is lost on us we come up with this virus by turning in which it does not stop at borders nor should corporations. We can only overcome code 19 and what comes beyond it through a renewed integration of our world a re globalization that makes the wellbeing of all our peoples the ultimate goal a real globalization that capitalizes on each countrys potential its strengths and resources with regional safety nets keeping the flow of vital supplies open a real globalization that better equips us for a postcode 1000 world my friends among the multiple challenges that our world will have to face is hunger at a substantially larger scale than previous decades indeed it has already begun to creep up on us we see threats to Food Security in lebanon we see hunger threatening probable refugee communities in our region we see it threatening communities living in poverty across the middle east Africa Latin America and elsewhere preparing for this is a key priority for georgia and we also stand ready to do what we can for our region and our friends by channeling our capabilities to operate as a regional hub for Food Security and it is out of our belief in the importance of maintaining Food Security for generations to come but we also are strongly committed to safeguarding that main source of humanity substance our environment recognizing that protecting our National Environment would ultimately protect all existence jordan drafted a charter to be submitted to the u. N. G. A. That grants selected ecosystems and all species of flora and fauna the legal right to exist and thus ensuring humanity itself continues to exist. This initiative would be in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development goals which contribute to safeguarding our environment for the prosperity of our world my friends the coburg 1000. 00 crisis has brought a mirror to our world and shown us the cracks in our global system in so doing it has offered us what could be a historic moment to rethink the role of the United Nations and other multilateral organizations to become more impactful in dealing with challenges old and new be they pandemics or raging conflicts as long as injustice and lack of peace persist anywhere in the world the you add must not rest we must not rest the palestinian israeli conflict is the one conflict that started with the uns formation and that continues to fester to this very day the only way towards an end to this conflict the central conflict in my region is through this 2 state solution in accordance with International Law and un resolutions the only way towards just a lasting peace must lead to an independent sovereign and viable palestinian state on the june 4th 1967 lines with East Jerusalem as its capital living side by side with israel in mutual peace and security and we cannot resolve this conflict without working to preserve jerusalem for all humanity as a unifying city of peace as hashemite could custodian i am bound by a special duty to safeguard jerusalems islamic and christian holy sites. But the responsibility for the holy city falls on us all my friends jordan joined the United Nations a decade after its founding ever since we have embraced our role as an active member state working towards global peace and Sustainable Development in the 75th anniversary of this important body we remain deeply committed to its promise in building a more prosperous inclusive and Peaceful World and we see in these extraordinary times an opportunity to help fulfill that promise that is use this opportunity to be bolder in our ambitions bolder in our actions and bolder in believing in our ability to succeed thank you. Ok that was King Abdullah there talking about the global challenges that jordan sees as the most pressing talking about the coronavirus pandemic of course Global Hunger the environment King Abdullah saying that the coronavirus pandemic brought a mirror to our world and shown us the cracks and our system id like to go now live to our diplomatic editor james bases that the United Nations james will also talk about pollution speech but i just want to come back to King Abdullah 1st he said the palestinian israeli conflict started with the uns formation and continues to fester to this day talking about jordans special role custodianship there what did you make of jordans King Abdullah as addressed. Well i think that was the most important part of the speech notable there was no mention of peace deals with the u. S. A year in israel of the u. S. Im sorry. My microphone has become disconnected kim you hear me a little better now so sorry about that no mention of those peace deals that weve seen recently between us. In jordan very much. Coming up with this longstanding position on palestine that it needs to be a 2 state solution it needs to be a sovereign palestine it needs to be based on 167 borders with jerusalem as its capital that is not what the trumpet ministration has been pursuing theyve been pursuing a sort of inside out solution trying to do deals with other arab states and hope they can persuade the palestinians down the law in jordan is very much settling on what is if you look at the u. N. Security Council Resolutions you look at what the u. N. Itself says the International Way forward which is to negotiations between the israelis and the palestinian. To a 2 state solution no mention though i think of any of the trump initiatives thats interesting. James coming back to russias president Vladimir Putin another wide ranging speech he did say the issue of primary importance the extension of the u. S. Russia new strategic arms reduction treaty which expires in february of next year. Yes and i think hes making the point that whoever is in the white house Going Forward from the election in november and then when a new president or the existing president takes office for another term the old duration in january this is something that really needs to be looked at very very closely the Nuclear Architecture the Nuclear Deals between the nations something that is very high on the list of those at the u. N. Deal with arms control much of the rest of the russian president s speech was about 19 because clearly that is the issue that overshadows everything here its interesting that that a bit putin is not someone who comes to new york every year in fact when you speak to Russian Diplomats they tell you hes settled now on a formula which is addressing the u. N. General Assembly Every 5 years and his foreign minister Sergei Lavrov does the years in between and a lot of the speech was dedicated to covert 19 a lot of mention of that russian vaccine that they say is safe and works and the rest of the world seems a little bit skeptical all of hes even offering the u. N. Here at u. N. Headquarters to vaccinate personnel of the u. N. The with this russian vaccine making about offer to the u. N. And the other thing on covert 19 which is rickys reiterating which weve heard throughout this from the russians at every General Assembly and Security Council meeting is the whole idea of lifting sanctions because of covert. 19 sanctions relief they say is absolutely vital at this time clearly russia does not believe that many of the sanctions put in place by some of the western countries should be in place whether it be covert 19 or not sanctions on countries like iran and syria ok thank you for that that sound diplomatic editor change spays so lets go now to sing a political analyst Marwan Bashar who is standing by for us in paris and what did you make of russias president that a persons address i am still. Sounded by the reversal of d rules so the russian president what the chinese president speak about multilateralism president putin specially for size the constructive role of the United Nations while you have 2 very hyper nationalist nations russia and china extending trade more rapidly so governments nations. While the American Press the president of the United States the country that basically founded. And that weve been leading the. Globalized order well at least half a century has been taken a hyper nationalist was issued that reversal of roles rick we american president and the chinese and the russian persons. Its just fascinating now weve seen it coming over the last few years but the way it has accumulated this nets hyper national its really turned the part of the american president and who will bust you and friends need to market that time is on the russian stock because we have a a u. S. Election not far away at all now how much should we take Donald Trumps speech in light of that timing i would say 99 percent. d on the one hand because as you said we are getting also that there might be elections i know that because we know you know how president from acts we know it for the last 40 years hes been building up towards the next elections and everything but 1 honestly when he says there were equals about things is just to accumulate and insurance is coming elections just to remind our viewers around the world i was there with james standing some 3 years ago when president graham 1st welcome to the United Nations and i remember much if you do how i am. Looking at the assembly. Work laughing when president from 1st. Achievements and his brilliance and so forth and so here we have it again but its not election years and the main message was im fine china because someone has a Quick Response it would be in his eyes for the Current White House to date we know now officially that some 200000 americans are so high because of the court of ours so of course the easiest thing for the market person to do is to flee china hold it and not only just court with the chinese buyers but who are homeless cods of a musicians against china and its who are Pro Organization clients and some so forth which review examples much more of a kind of a Campaign Speech venice beach that is meant to assure me its not so if youre going to be a lot at night it was all sort of all. Ok thank you so much for that ma and i do remember that speech very well trump was forced to laugh it off im south. Yeah i cant get that out of the memory thank you that my one will come back to you a little later in the program joining us now from washington d. C. Is richard puns he is the director of just security 2020 with the Stimson Center think tang. I want to pick up something that meaghan said and put it to you model of us talking about this astounding reversal of roles that we see now the u. S. Really very nationalist and we have china and russia talking about multilateralism holding this up about their commitment to the u. N. And to you the uns role whats your take

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