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Local restrictions imposed across europe as france records the highest number of coronavirus deaths in 4 months the u. K. Also warns of new curbs. Chinese on tech talk and we chat wont be downloadable in the u. S. From sunday though President Trump says hes still open to a deal. And we begin with breaking news from the u. S. For a Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg has died of complications from pancreatic cancer the 87 year old had been a champion of womens rights and the leader of the courts liberal wing her death gives President Trump a chance to dramatically expand the courts conservative majority at a time when america is deeply divided and the president ial vote is just over 6 weeks away and estabrook begins our coverage of Ruth Bader Ginsburgs life and legacy. Physically Ruth Bader Ginsburg was diminutive but she loomed large on the u. S. Supreme court begins for it was a bloody talking liberal who often challenged her conservative colleagues on the bench born to jewish immigrants in Brooklyn New York in 1933 ginsberg was a brilliant student she was one of only 9 women to enroll in Harvard Universitys law school in 1956 later transferring to Columbia University where she graduated at the top of her class but is ginsburg told one Television Interviewer no law firms wanted to hire the married mother i had 3 strikes against me when i was jewish to our little woman but the killer was i was the mother of the 4 you know. But as the 960. 00 s. And seventys launched the Womens Movement ginsberg found a place in academia then as cofounder of a womens rights project for the American Civil Liberties union she wrote the 1st Supreme Court brief on gender discrimination after 12 years as an Appeals Court judge in washington d. C. President bill clinton appointed ginsburg to the u. S. Supreme court in 1993 ginsburg proved to be a consistent liberal voice on the increasingly conservative high court she supported abortion rights and gender equality she also advocated using International Laws to shape u. S. Laws the outspoken ginsburg was known to verbally spar with her conservative colleagues and courted controversy over comments she made about President Donald Trump during the early days of his administration but her candor along with the biography notorious r b g helped make the Supreme Court justice something of a cult figure even spawning parodies of her on late night comedy shows still ginsburg took her role and her legacy on the Court Seriously this. Song as i feel that i can do it. Ginsburg strive to maintain strong liberal voices on the Supreme Court to balance the conservative ones now her own voice has been silenced dian us to brooke aljazeera lets go live to allan fishermen the u. S. State of virginia this doesnt just have implications for the Supreme Court on the legal side does it all and this is that a big political implications as well. Exactly donald trump has talked about how he has changed the face of the judiciary across america because of his judicial points particularly when it comes to the Supreme Court he had 2 picks which is very unusual no he should have 3 but of course youve got to go back just 4 years when there was an issue about replacing someone on the Supreme Court you may remember then that Antonin Scalia died he was a republican. Appointed nominated Merrick Garland to take that position but Mitch Mcconnell who is the leader of the republicans in the senate then and is the leader of the republicans in the senate no said it would be wrong to push ahead with that nomination particularly in an Election Year but recently Mitch Mcconnell was asked what happened something happened to Ruth Bader Ginsburg would you push ahead with the nomination even if it was close to the election and he said yes he would know that opens him up of course to questions of apocrypha c. But really i dont think the republicans are going to care that much when the of the chance to shape the Supreme Court and tilt it to the right not just for one or 2 election cycles but for a generation because they will pick a young jurist to put on the Supreme Court so this is a big question for Mitch Mcconnell its a big question for donald trump and clearly to appeal to his base particularly so close to the election donald trump would be very keen to appoint someone that would sit well with Republican Voters just a few weeks before the election the difficulty me be finding that nominee doing the vetting and then getting them in front of the senate before the election but if the republicans are minded to do this this is something that could push through before november the thought allen for now thanks very much thats alan fischer in virginia lets go to Melanie Sloan shes a former u. S. Federal prosecutor and attorney shes joining us live on skype from washington d. C. Good to have you with us and was talking there about the future implications of this particularly for Mitch Mcconnell and not donald trump there are also implications in the event of course if joe biden gets the presidency because with this slant if i understand it correctly this could effectively overturn almost any decision that a biden and ministration could make. It is impossible to overstate the implications of Ruth Bader Ginsburgs death right now given what happened to the last appointee when and it in Barack Obamas turn america and and how the republicans refused to confirm him saying it was too close that it was a year before the election democrats will not stand still while trump inevitably nominate someone and Mitch Mcconnell says he will try to confirm them i think were talking about the potential for riots in american streets this is its impossible to overstate the how serious rift Bader Ginsburgs death will be and the call to arms this will be on both sides democrats and republicans because the Supreme Court is so important should somebody be confirmed for her seat should mr trump be able to confirm somebody i think and then 5 new orleans this presidency and the senate is lost by republicans the democrats take it over and then you will see an effort to expand the Supreme Court which will inevitably happen and youll see democrats try to pack the court in the next term so were talking about a massive upheaval in American Life with brute Ruth Bader Ginsburgs death today at the same time of course no matter how prepared both sides of the equation have being for the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg the clock is ticking and were very close are getting closer to the election possible isnt the Time Administration will be able to carry out all the steps that youve described head of that election. Its very difficult hes put forward a list before so we are he has a list of potential nominees so you can put someone forth and then there have to be hearings and a confirmation hearing i dont think all of that can likely happen before an election but it certainly can happen before january so the real question is is there anything the democrats can do to stop it and i think basically no there isnt so it gets mcconnell decides to go i had the only question is whether there are republicans in the senate such as mitt romney who has then somebody who has not gone along with everything that mcconnell wants and will Susan Collins senator from maine whos up in a very tough reelection battle right now will she go along with this so that there are very few republicans swing senators whose vote votes are going to be incredibly important here and find us under correctly though just recently there was a trump pick for the Supreme Court who was put in place and subsequently voted in and in a fashion that surprised many liberals that there was no real gallantry that any Trump Nominee for the the court is necessarily going to follow what his administration might want. Know theres no guarantee that anybody you put in place will will go along with all of the trumpet ministrations policies and yet it is certainly they can know that if they put somebody in for example who replaces reef Bader Ginsburg that their. Right to an abortion in the United States will disappear and there are many many other issues as well that are at that at the top of mind that will be. Changed dramatically Ruth Bader Ginsburg is one of the courts most liberal members and she was very reliable on that and so to be able to replace her with a conservative will change the outcomes of the court and at end if they are able to put it another conservative it gives the republicans the control of the court for a generation thats why i think that if senator if Vice President biden wins and the senate is also taken over by democrats youll see an effort to expand the court it will not be the democrats will not allow the court to remain in this composition Melanie Sloan we appreciate your expertise as always thank you very much indeed for joining us on. The november president ial election in the u. S. Is still more than 6 weeks away but only voting has begun in 4 states people have been casting their ballots and person in minnesota Virginia South dakota and wyoming voting by mail is already underway in some of those States John Hendren is in minneapolis with more on from one of the polling stations. We did talk to a number of people who came out after voting and they said with covert 19 in with concern about mail in ballots they were taking no chances they told us that they wanted to make sure their votes were in and in some cases they wanted to get out and campaign and ensure that their friends were voting as well and because were in minneapolis the most liberal part of this state the voters we talked to were largely joe biden fans its a democratic area and they said they wanted to make sure that all votes were counted early and one of the reasons for that its not just the covert 1000. 00 crisis is that President Trump has been really showing fear that mail in ballots would be problematic polls show that democrats are overrepresented with mail in ballots and so the president has been discouraging them saying that the post office couldnt handle it they might not come in time that that there could be widespread fraud despite the fact that there is no historical evidence to suggest that that is the case in any case and all of the uncertainty in the possibility of crowds during covert 19 have left many of the voters we talked to saying they just want to get this vote over. The Top Administration has announced nearly 13000000000. 00 in aid to puerto rico and to help with repairs following what it can 3 years ago the president s response to that was widely criticized critics say this funding is an election ploy to win over voters in florida a swing state is home to a large number of photo deacons including many who left after the how to can but help Health Agency in the u. S. Has reversed a guideline on covert 1000 testing after widespread criticism since august the centers for Disease Control and prevention has said people didnt need to get tested if they had come into close contact with an infected person but didnt feel sick themselves that prompted objections from scientists who allege that revised rules came from trump appointees. Still ahead on aljazeera guatemalas president test positive for covert 19 what next for his cabinet. Had some very heavy rain across all central and southern i was the chant of the last couple days we are likely to see more as well this long line of cloud this is all tied to a frontal system moving not much rain though across much of japan as we go through saturday in fact just want to see showers working their way through south korea but again a pos not it is mostly clear and dry there is rain showers also clearing away from the northeast of china so how much is beginning to come back up again in harbin and sunny the skies beginning to clear but along the south you can see has some very persistent and at times heavy rain through sunday at that will sort of stay in the forecast and by then well see this system work its way again towards home but most of the rain should states the east but it does mean its a wet day in tokyo with a high over 25 and then across into south asia had some very heavy rains the last few days across the northeast of india so much so that the streets here under war say yes again assam has seen some pretty heavy downpours over the last few days there is law rain in the full cost but not particularly heavy out there again well see some heavy downpours at times across new poll but really the central areas not the protests maharashtra down across into carola thats where the rains will be particularly heavy 3 saturday but by sunday weve got more rain really beginning to gather so myanmar and eventually bangladesh will say that heavy rain. The biggest land grab in history. As powerful nations and territories down to the 0. Point 21 geologist are seeing. New borders. As the struggle for resources intensifies some of the worlds most powerful scientists speak out. Ocean as monarch on a 0. Dimensional jazeera reminder of our top stories this hour u. S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died of complications from pancreatic cancer the 87 year old has been a champion of womens rights and the leader of the courts liberal wing. November president ial election in the u. S. Is still more than 6 weeks away but early voting has begun in 4 states minnesota Virginia South dakota and wyoming voting by mail is already underway in some other states. The u. S. Centers for Disease Control and prevention has reversed a guideline and called the 1000 testing after criticism from scientists tests are not recommended for anyone whos been in contact with an infected person. Or a surgeon coronavirus cases has forced several governments to reimpose some restrictions infections worldwide have no top 13000000. 00 spain is limiting movement in and around the capital madrid and the british Prime Minister has warned that a 2nd wave is inevitable meanwhile israel has been forced to impose another nation wide lockdown that in baba reports on the situation in europe. Early on in the pandemic spain was hit just about as hard as anywhere in europe now in the capital madrid the Health System is under a new pressure with covered 19 cases rising one in 5 hospital beds in the region is now taken up by someone with corona virus. Were set youre a good with people who need health care and patients that need care were doing the best we can but we need more Health Workers we need more resources. Spains one of many european nations now bringing in localized lockdowns worried about a 2nd wave of covered over winter months for this bus driver bringing his son in for a test its the right approach and i understand that we need to save the economy and move forward the health is the most important thing without health we dont have money in the Czech Republic there were more than 3000 new cases on thursday adjusted for population only spain and france within the European Union have seen a bigger jump in the last 2 weeks now bars are having their Opening Hours reduced and in prague people will have to wear a Face Covering it Outdoor Events with more than 100 attending in the u. K. Covered cases have doubled in a week and Health Officials are worried about rises in infections and hospital admissions among all ages next week people in more regions will be told not to mix with other households just like nearly 2000000 in the north east of england have i think its a fuss because and one hand shes got people going honey do this if the papers here can go into james its a paper that were going to restaurants in popes up to 10 oclock at night but you cant have your own family tree house. I mean i dont understand it wheres the sense in western logic if they hadnt if we hadnt come along to well you know people that have been kicked more nor. We wouldnt be in this position now would be so they dont know along the u. K. Governments considering warnings from its scientific advisors that restrictions may have to be imposed across england next month to drive down transmission we are now seeing a 2nd wave coming in that we saw seen in france you see spain across across europe its being absolutely im afraid inevitable you see it in this country in scotland the 1st ministers calling this the most decisive moment since march we may not be on at 10 airlie or stage or a similar path to that that has been taken in recent weeks by france so our task is to make sure if we can interrupt that and we dont end up were the hour now here in london the mayor city can is warning that the citys about 2 weeks behind those regions of england already under local lockdown hes also hit out at problems experienced by londoners needing a cobbett test citing government incompetence across europe governments are having to act fast winter is approaching and with it predictable pressures on Public Health facilities but persuading the public to abide by new curbs on their freedom could prove a tough challenge the dean barber aljazeera london and as we mentioned israel has imposed a 2nd nationwide shutdown having force and has more from west to receive them. Well the 2nd National Lockdown has come at the beginning of a 3 week period of jewish religious holidays and theres no coincidence in that there was a concern that the usual mixing the traveling around the country household or household families and friends getting together that that could really have exacerbated what is already an extremely worrying situation in terms of numbers for several days this past week those new case numbers per day have exceeded 5000. 00 Benjamin Netanyahu the Prime Minister on thursday night said that the Health System had raised a red flag and that is why the government had to act in this way but even then even on the eve of these restrictions they were still changing some of them it was going to be just 500 meters that people were allowed from their front door. Unless for some particular exempted reason that was changed to one kilometer on the eve of the restrictions coming in and that kind of thing has been a problem throughout israels handling of the pandemic many people have complained of contradictory or confusing instructions and regulations coming from the government and there are concerns that people simply wont observe the rules this time around to the same extent that they may have done in march in april during the 1st National Lockdown there are 7000. 00 police and soldiers that have been mobilized to try to enforce these regulations but tomorrow as president has tested positive for covered 1964 year old out of hundreds yachting is now urging his entire cabinet to get tested is the 4th latin america needed to contract the coronavirus mile of apollo is in mexico city with the latest. Guatemalas president they did confirm over a radio announcement on friday that he is indeed he did indeed test positive for 19 the president added that hes instructed his entire cabinet and staff to be tested ordering his staff and cabinet to work from home now we should note that this announcement by the president of guatemala for testing positive for coping 1000 coincides with the government reopening its economy reopening borders with restrictions reopening airports with restrictions so this news of the president testing positive for coping 1000 as you can imagine has invited criticisms of the guatemalan governments handling of the ongoing outbreak of coronavirus in the country all run through the latest numbers as of friday evening from guatemala as ministry of health 84344 confirmed cases 3076 confirmed deaths compared to other countries in the region with larger populations countries like mexico countries like brazil that lead the region in terms of contagion and lead the region in terms of deaths it doesnt seem. Like such a massive outbreak but guatemala does have the highest death toll in Central America from covert 1000 it is considered one of the worst outbreaks in the region so it has invited criticism but regarding the news of the president testing positive for coke at 1000. 00 he isnt the 1st world leader from the region to test positive he now joins the ranks of the not too of brazil and one would lead to event is a ponderous who have also tested positive for coping 1000. 00 since the start of the outbreak in the region perus president has defended himself against allegations of corruption as members of congress decide whether to impeach him but in this cop a total of just notice his conscience is clear and that the country shouldnt be distracted from its real challenges he denies interfering in investigations to government contracts awarded to a musician was a close friend of his. 2 Police Officers accused of killing a 46 year old man have been arrested in colombia theyre facing charges of aggravated homicide and torture the death of 5 year old on earth it sparked violent protests in bogota after the video showed police pinning him to the ground and shocking him with a stun gun police say the law student had violated coronavirus restrictions 13 people were killed and hundreds were injured in several days of protests. The indian army has concluded its soldiers wrongly killed 3 men during a gun battle in indian administered kashmir 2 months ago initially the army described the men as pakistani terrorists but their families said they were laborers and filed a complaint indian soldiers in the region have sweeping powers to search seize and even shoot suspects that concluded the soldiers exceeded their legal powers people in the us wont be able to download the social media apps to talk and we chat from sunday night President Donald Trump is banning them over National Security concerns talks Parent Company by dance is trying to finalize a deal to sell its american operations our White House Correspondent Kimberly Hauck it reports from washington. For a stirrer rebuke from the u. S. President were not going to do anything to jeopardize security. The white house alleges the popular chinese based apps to talk and we chat are stealing american users private information and handing it to the government in beijing on friday the u. S. Commerce department announced we chat will be banned in the u. S. Starting sunday well new restrictions on tick tock will also go into place a full ban on ticktock could come into effect in november after weeks of bidding tech giant oracle submitted a proposal to run the apps in the United States but before was approved the u. S. Government moved ahead with the ban we have some options if we can keep people happy but have the security that we need we have to have the total security for. Us social media apps like facebook and instagram are banned in china but ticktock Officials Say this decision could affect the entire industry there vallon to fight the new restrictions in the courts vanessa pompous tick tocks general manager in the us is inviting facebook and instagram to publicly join our challenge and support our litigation this is a moment to put aside our competition and focus on Core Principles like freedom of expression and due process of law we chat has more than 1200000000. 00 active users but less than 2 percent are from the United States. The biggest impact could be on u. S. Companies like walmart starbucks nike and amazon they all use we chat ecommerce platform in china to conduct business this weeks move is part of a bigger fight the Trump Administration continues to wage with beijing recent weeks the u. S. Has taken multiple actions including rejecting chinese sovereignty over disputed parts of the South China Sea black. Listing chinas largest tech company wild way and cancelling the visas of thousands of chinese grad students and researchers in the United States one analyst argues the move by the Trump Administration could have unintended consequences one of the principles there in the cold war is we tried to get as much information in to communist countries as we could we dropped leaflets we asked the radio and now were cutting off one of the made mechanisms we have for telling people about democracy in the rest of the world this latest fight with china is a risky one for trump with just weeks until the u. S. Election 20 percent of tik tok users will vote for the 1st time in november and trumps move is likely to be unpopular kimberlee how to get aljazeera washington. Britain france and germany say un sanctions relief for iran will continue beyond september the 20th thats when the u. S. Wants all measures to be reimposed last month washington triggered a 30 day process at the u. N. Security council which could lead to a return of un sanctions on iran by saturday but america quits the Iran Nuclear Deal and 2018 and a majority of Council Members say that makes washingtons move void in a letter to the 15 member body britain france and germany warned any action taken would not have a legal effect next week marks 5 years since United Nations Member States committed to a set of targets meant to make life better for people around the world the plan is to achieve the Sustainable Development goals also known as the s. T. G. s in another 10 years by 2030 but very little is going according to plan and thats largely due to coronavirus our diplomatic editor james baines explains. At a special while still socially distance meeting at the un strong words aimed at Global Leaders from one of the worlds youngest yet best known campaigners i believe is their policy of the United Nations and agreed to Sustainable Development goals if was are present the future of millions of people of those who want to go just full of women who fight harder. And of young people who fight again in the seat that i saw you have not kept up if your lot so id like to know what are you carrying to do but what will our use of soy spoke in support of the Sustainable Development goals when they were launched 5 years ago an ambitious plan to improve life around the world with to people out of poverty battling illness and disease and fighting the Climate Crisis but the goals werent on track before the outbreak of the pandemic and the u. N. Deputy secretary general told be coded 19 has made things even harder because make the projections of the millions that are going to be pushed back into poverty it has pushed back access to Health Services because in weak Health Systems that the focus has been on how to deal with covert it has also taken kids under school and weve not been able to get them back on the lines the head of a group thats been doing research into the progress of the goals d tells me theyre not just behind schedule but decades behind well the good news is that the world is making some progress than is moving forward but the bad news is its nowhere near fast enough based on our projections on social Progress Index were not going to hit the s. T. G. Targets until 2080 to 52 years to like. So whats needed to get these goals back on track most experts say greater Cooperation Among World Leaders but that has been severely lacking during the period of the pandemic james. At the United Nations. This is all just here these are the top stories Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg has died of complications from pancreatic cancer the 87 year old had been a champion over womens rights and the leader of the courts liberal wing her death gives president but chance to dramatically expand the courts conservative majority at a time when america is deeply divided and the president ial vote is just over 6 weeks away early voting has begun in 4 states minnesota virginia and wyoming voting by mail is already underway in some other states both joe biden and donald trump have been campaigning today in minnesota the u. S. Centers for Disease Control and prevention has reversed a guideline and covert 19 testing after criticism from scientists tests are not recommended for anyone whos been in contact with an infected person an official has more. Theres no direct evidence that the white house itself was involved what is clear is that there are political appointees in places like the c. D. C. Who dont want to be seen to be getting ahead of the president they dont want to be seen to be contradicting him they want to do the best they can to try and ensure that he has a political victory come november so they are putting pressure on the scientists and in many cases the scientists are pushing back but with changing this advice its a very real victory for the scientists at the c. D. C. In this case. Spains capital madrid is going back into lockdown after rising coronavirus cases in the u. K. The Prime Minister says a 2nd wave is inevitable and that another locked and might be necessary. Israel has imposed a nationwide lockdown for the 2nd time its kind of the height of the jewish Holiday Season in a blow to already struggling Business Owners israel currently has one of the highest infection rates in the world quite a modest president has tested positive for covert 1964 year old at 100. 00 he is now urging his entire cabinet to get tested the culture minister has also contracted the coronavirus is the 4th latin american leader to have tested positive for the virus perus president has defended himself against allegations of corruption as members of congress decide whether to impeach him lots of discarded denies interfering in an investigation into government contracts awarded to a musician whos a friend of his those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after inside story. Is india launching a crackdown of government critics police prosecute opposition activists and muslims in connection with rights triggered by the controversial citizenship law well the detained received justice this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program imran khan it was some of the worst violence for years in india riots in new delhi triggered by the newly introduced citizenship law in february killed at least 53 people the legislation fast tracked national

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