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Will it be a waste of space wales keeps building offices but covert 19 is prompting a push to get more people working from home permanently. Hello china has begun military drills close to taiwan the visit off another top u. S. Official further phrase relations between the superpowers its accusing the u. S. On taiwans ruling party of colluding to stir up trouble and says the exercises are to protect what it sees as its territorial sovereignty there taking place near the Taiwan Strait that lies between china and the islands all taiwanese media are reporting that taiwanese fighter jets were scrambled multiple times on friday morning thats after chinese aircraft were set to have approached taiwans airspace and the u. S. Undersecretary for Economic Affairs Keith Crocker is the most Senior State Department official to land in taiwan in decades and the 2nd visit by a u. S. Official in 2 months be chinese governments condemned the trips and says diplomatic relations between taiwan and the u. S. Will lead to a dead end road mcbride is following the story for us from seoul and certainly very tense times around thats why were in the Taiwan Straits what we know about whats happening and what more is china saying about all of this right. Thats right a lot of military activity in and around the Taiwan Strait really ratcheting up the tension levels in this part of the world the Defense Ministry of china has held a press briefing confirming these exercises are underway calling them reasonable and necessary now were not exactly sure just how many units are involved how big an exercise this is but it is likely that ad craft are involved because of course we have media reports reaching us from taiwan that on a number of occasions on friday taiwanese interceptor aircraft of course supplied by the United States have been scrambled seemingly those chinese aircraft have come very close to the island of taiwan itself as it has done in the past this is a way of china showing its displeasure now this comes as this visit is underway by this undersecretary of state from the u. S. State department he is the most senior official to be visiting for quite a few decades now his visit by keith krach is there to coincide with the Memorial Service to lead on quasar for the president of taiwan but during this visit we know that he has been meeting friday with government officials and will also be meeting of course with sighing way and she is the current president of taiwan now no reference has been made specifically to this visit but it does seem. Not coincidental that this exercise is taking place right now during his visit but certainly the chinese are irked by an increasing number of exchanges diplomatically between the United States and taiwan this is what the Spokes Person from the chinese Defense Ministry had to say about that. Me recently the United States and the Democratic Progressive Party authorities have stepped up their collusion and frequently stir up trouble whether its using taiwan to contain china or rely on foreign powers to threaten others it is Wishful Thinking and is destined to be a dead end. Please with fire will get burnt the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army has firm will full confidence in sufficient ability to thwart all external interference and separatist acts of Taiwan Independence and resolutely defend National Sovereignty and territorial integrity so rob what are we to read into the visit by the senior u. S. State Department Official on is there a message that the u. S. Is sending or it does come as we know that relations have soured dramatically between the United States and china and obviously the issue of taiwan is hugely sensitive to china china regards it as merely a renegade island it hates the idea of taiwan acting almost as a nation in itself or anybody else recognizing it as such and it certainly that is not lost on the United States and it does seem to be part of an increasing using taiwan in its in its rigged negotiations and its relationship with Mainland China we had a very visit last month by alex he is the u. S. Health secretary ostensibly to talk about the coronavirus but we know of course that it was again more to sort of go to china and it does seem as though there is this policy at the moment by the u. S. Administration and the state Department Almost to rally countries that have a grievance with china to. Push back against china and there are enough countries and enough grievances you have the its actions in shin jango have its treatment of hong kong the early response to the coronavirus and of course the ongoing territorial disputes with india with the with countries around the South China Sea so it does seem to be a policy of increasing pressure on china but china increasingly not willing to be bullied and pushing back very robustly as weve seen evidence by these exercises this friday right robin wright thank you for that update from seoul. More than a dozen prodemocracy activists are back in court in hong kong to face charges for their role in last years protests among them is the publisher and businessman jimmy lie there facing charges of inciting organizing or participating in an authorized demonstrations outside the court one of the movements leading figures said that for nearly a year now protesting has been banned in this city. I want to tell you that we. Can right im going to basically the primary vote all right. Politically right International Coming out. And this is what happening along. A surge in daily coronavirus cases in several countries has driven the global number of infections to more than 30000000 india is one of the hot spots with more than 96000 new code with 900 cases confirmed in its latest daily report in europe the Czech Republic has seen more than 3000. 00 daily infections thats a record but elsewhere new zealand has reported no new cases for the 1st time in more than a month while the British Government has admitted Testing Capacity there is on satisfactory reports from london. Newcastle northeast england a major city and now parts of a huge region on the new covered restrictions from friday more than 1500000 residents cant socialize with people outside their household or social bubble and bars and restaurants have to close by 10 in the evening the u. K. Government says it agreed to measures with local councils following a sharp rise in infections i think you should follow the rules to make a go we cant. Think people not really follow their instructions the shit. Am i happy about it you know do whatever we need to do. Here to stop the virus i dont think the household things are the fact theres an ak and go with. Other people on from the house on but i cant so sure as bands such as me make sense nationally in the u. K. Infection rates are going in the wrong direction daily new cases number in the thousands with experts saying the truth could be in the 10s of thousands and after Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted Testing Capacity isnt good enough the Health Secretary not for the 1st time appeared to blame the public when he appeared before parliament the challenge is that demand has gone up faster and they can say on the other side no its not what they call defy the facts and the most important thing for everybody across the country to hear from all of their elected representatives if they are interested in helping this country get through this pandemic is that if you have symptoms test if you dont have sanctions please do not come forward to get a test unless youre specifically britains far from the only european nation worried about rising infections and deaths thats prompted the World Health Organization to issue a new warning to governments not to reduce quarantine periods from its recommended 14 days in the spring and early summer we were able to see the impact of strict lookdown measures. Efforts over a 2nd phase as a day off. In june patients hit an all time low the september cage numbers however should serve as a wake up call for all of us old all these numbers reflect more comprehensive testing it also shows alarming rates of transmission across the region in italy the Alitalia Airline is now trying to domestic coronavirus free flights per day passengers are offered a covered 19 test at the airport before flying the results come within a half an hour only those tested negative can fly here in the u. K. The pressing need is for the general public to be able to access covered 19 tests quickly and for all fortys to improve the Contact Tracing system with winter approaching the challenges for the politicians and for Health Professionals are enormous nadeem barbara aljazeera and. Julie fessor is an associate Research Professor of microbiology and immunology at Georgetown Medical university she explained some of the factors behind the surge. Were definitely seeing clear increases in cases at a rate that does is even exceeding what many countries saw earlier in the summer in june and july so its difficult to say that this is a 2nd wave many countries are still in what looks like the 1st wave other the pandemic is global the drivers of new cases in different communities may be very different and reflect the nature of the communities and the kind of meeting and mingling of people that is happening in those communities in many places after some are locked out measures in which people. Restricted their travel restricted interacting with others socially the lockdown measures were able to slow the spread of the virus and dramatically in some cases slow the speed at which new cases appeared but as communities began to slow those rates and lift the measures and become more permissive in terms of being able to get out of the house being able to dine at restaurants being able to mix socially as well as going back to work and back to school were seeing people mix in in new ways now were seeing exposures surge again as people who have been as communities that have been quite strict just a few weeks ago began to relax some of those measures and the results in many places as a resurgence of cases more than 5000 refugees have settled into a new camp on the greek island of lesbos some hundreds more are continuing to move in there among the 12000 who are left without shelter when the overcrowded morea can burn down 10 days ago many have been reluctant to move into the new site fearing that theyll be stuck there residents are being tested for corona virus on entry several dozen have tested positive and theyre being isolated Stephanie Decker reports from lesbos. They came with a clear message just after 1st light an unexpected wake up call for the thousands of refugees and migrants whove been sleeping on the streets here going to become the ok you know no pension imagine quite good out. You know half of. Them. But really. They cant. Many been reluctant to go to the new tent camp just down the road afraid of the conditions many saying they believe once they enter they wont be able to leave a group of people wearing hazmat suits against the coronavirus of now joined the riot police i think the message here at the moment certainly is one of peaceful of course a very clear message from the authorities at the time is up to the refugees and migrants spending here that they need to move to the county and if they dont do that willingly that force will be used these Police Officers were dressed in protective clothing due to the coronavirus as they motion for people to wake up and make their way to the camp many started to move telling us they had no choice he said go go go go go go go it was so of the way problems no not even here one here 6 rows i leave you. But no i go to the go and i dont know how many long time youre leaving one years 2 years 3 years i keep to the co thats. Most here just want to leave the island some people go to inside and there they said for ascalon to me and that is a very bad. Note you know electric no other for a drinking and for our. Outside the new camp the immediate result of this operation waiting under the scorching midday sun to be registered and tested for the coronavirus. The greek government is making it clear this is the only option for the refugees where they can be provided for and where their paperwork will be resumed. Today we are doing the obvious thing as a democratic and Civilized Society migrants are being moved from the streets to the new camp from being abandoned to being cared for from hygiene it dangerous to control and protection of Public Health from no water to order. Its been 9 days since moria camp europes largest refugee camp burnt to the ground since then most of its 12000 people have been sleeping on the roadsides or wherever they can find shelter most have been waiting for more than a year for an answer to their asylum requests now many tell us it feels like theyre somehow starting all over Stephanie Decker al jazeera says was island greece. Still ahead on aljazeera and more u. S. States begin mopping up as Tropical Storm sally leaves a trail of destruction. And well look at the land screamo communities are going to in indonesia to keep cross rooms open. Because some foreign and sunny weather across parts of Central Europe but there are some longer live these storms in place for some we got not a little system over towards the Baltic States this area of very strong winds brought down some trees and power lines in finland thats making its way further east was some west or whether theyre just coming into the western side of russia meanwhile of the western side of space 3 portugal last alarie of low pressure here again bringing some wet weather in over the next couple days on top of the low on this one here by grace this is become known as a Medicare Medicaid storm janis bring you some violent winds into grace over the next 24 to 48 hours and some torrential rain we could see as much as maybe 2300. 00 millimeters of right possibly even more over the next few days and some very strong winds winds gust of this as of 80 to 100 Kilometers Per Hour so thats fridays pitch as some very heavy rain that will be life threatening floods in the picture there that wet weather stays in place not just a little further east with heads towards crete as we go on through saturday elsewhere largely dried to central parts of europe the shabbas spreading their way across spain by states into france from all the parts of africa a few showers there into Northern Areas of morocco and wet for much of west africa. Frank assessments seeing that. Theres. Why did we see if this was an informed opinion is ethiopia on the verge of a breakdown many calls on the auto media region are actually under a de facto state of emergency and critical debate have to use a proxy because of the recent big interest the bill if you do indepth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on aljazeera. Muted. To. Be a. The reason the top stories on all just 0 taiwanese fighter jets have reportedly scrambled multiple times on friday morning after a chinese aircraft was said to have approached taiwans or space china has begun military drills close to taiwan to protect what it sees as its territorial sovereignty a surgeon daily curd a virus cases in several countries has driven the global number of infections to more than 30000000 in india is one of the hot spots with more than 96000 new cope with 1000 cases confirmed in its latest daily reports. More than 5000 refugees are settling in to a new camp on the greek islands less posts and hundreds more are continuing to wait to move in as you can see from these live pictures there are among the 12000 who are left homeless when the overcrowded morea can burn down last week. Heavy rain and further flooding is forecast and parts of sudan in the coming week it will worsen the situation for residents in the capital khartoum but a 3rd of sudans flood victims live in sonora states and water levels in the blue nile river of fall and after submerging thousands of homes but there is the threat of water borne diseases as families take shelter in schools mohamad addo is joining us in the town of sin job thats in sanaa the state itself so thousands of people displaced by the floods whats the situation like been for them. Quite desperate have been living in very squalid conditions in these schools some government buildings that they sought shelter in these called justin in their rooms every classroom in these Primary School holds up to 10 families and you can imagine theres no electricity and people here say they long for the day they will be able to go back to their homes but is lost who still have homes to speak off because the floods also completely destroyed villages so for those who dont have somewhere to go to this might be the conditions that will have changed you all for some time and the numbers keep on increasing the number of comes around single keep on increasing not just in numbers but also in sizes are small people heeding the government warnings of more floods along the blue nile have been making their way to these comes but the main concern right now is for about 18 villages that are totally submerged and marooned cut off from the rest of the state where people are still living and aid agencies are really struggling to get them aid our people satisfied with the governments response. While the people will outrightly tell you that they do not expect much from the government because of not only the Economic Situation the country is in but also the economic sanctions which is making it quite difficult for sudan to provide relief to the people and also fairly in the gaps where Food Shortages can sun now the onus is on you and agencies like the World Food Program unicef the International Federation of the red crescent and cross societies as well as the aid agencies who have been at the forefront since these floods begun and they. So you. Did it live because they say the food they had been kept tolls before the flood has begun and the floods all run out and now they need more supplies and they are appealing to them as nations all right mohamed though thank you very much for that update from. The Tropical Storm which left widespread flooding across the u. S. Gulf coast is now speeding towards the atlantic but not before delivering a final blow to some Eastern States while sally is now moving faster its unleashing more rain in virginia and the carolinas theres even the threat of tornadoes further south rescuers are using boats to reach people cut off by floodwaters in alabama and florida gray has been surveying the damage in pensacola florida. A full day after the storm has moved through and were getting a better idea of the devastation i want to give you a look at what sally did here in pensacola these 2 huge boats pushed up on to the ground here along with other debris from the water you see the chaser boat there in a piece of the dock that was picked up and pulled ashore when you get back to the water though this is amazing devastation you see all the boats that are crammed together the piers that have been splintered and thrown on top of each other understand that before the storm this little inlet this little area was empty there were no boats here there were no piers here all pushed from hundreds of yards away into this area again just a testimony to how strong this storm was when it made landfall Current Situation on the ground youve got more than a half a 1000000 people without power and thats going to take some time to come back flooding the water still rising in some areas and rescues still going on right now a full 24 hours or more after the storm moved through the system is going to continue with slow march to the east coast and as it goes still dumping water well see flash flooding associated with this for the next couple of days. Protesters have been on the street to tell a van against a 2nd coronavirus lockdown in israel starting on friday businesses are being forced to shut over the jewish new year because of a rise in cases many shop owners say they wont survive this time around after being forced to close in march israel is among one of 50 countries to implement a nationwide lockdown for a 2nd time and this lockdown is expected to last 3 weeks in indonesia millions of childrens education has been disrupted and people in remote communities dont have Internet Access so teachers are going the extra mile to support their students but is just a report some even those close to the capital are struggling. To. Get into the team it seems nothing can get between these teachers and their students from monday to friday they travel to meet them. And although this school is closed because of covert 900 precautions class is still in session. We cannot do Online Learning because theres no Internet Access and people dont have Computers Laptops or mobile devices the teachers go from village to village using makeshift outdoor classrooms with covert 900 Safety Measures in mind they say they are trying their best and limited resources. We are thankful that even though the road to a village is bad and its very far away the teach is still willing to come and teach us schools in this Community Like many across indonesia have been shot since march the teachers took it upon themselves to start visiting the villages of the students knowing that without Internet Access and often no electricity Online Learning was never a viable option for most children he. The pandemic has disrupted the education of millions of indonesian children and its not just remote provinces experiencing difficulties with Distance Learning but cities close to the capital as well. Entire on the western border with jakarta schools are closed and these children have no Internet Access at home. The local government has set up an internet hotspot in this classroom the children to do their homework. That we will. We started Online Learning in march i really miss my school and i would like to go back the Education Ministry says it sees the need to change the system. Before and we already have a plan that we did like 3 years olds. Meaning that. The teachers without those resources its a challenging time because the think teachers are working twice as hard we are being overworked. Some schools have reopened but for many teachers theres no sign when the challenge of teaching without a classroom. Just in washington aljazeera tuggeranong indonesia. The Coronavirus Crisis is causing a major rethink about working in offices the shift to home working has benefits such as reducing traffic and less Office Stress improves Mental Health some governments such as in wales are proposing radical ideas to make the switch permanent reports in the capital cardiff. What to do with all this offices all over the world mostly deserted for months and cardiff is no exception yet as elsewhere people have been prepared to work just as hard from the comfort of their own homes fill john dean is a partner in a law firm which put most of his 150 staff on home working in march has been a revelation to him and his alter the way he sees his business in the future everyone in who occupies an office is looking right now at not not at their Office Requirements and how much space do we need and more importantly what quality of spaced we need and i think a lot of us believe theres going to be a flight to quality where people are maybe taking less space but better space all sorts of Business Leaders have been saying theyre now thinking about spending less on office rents and more on their employees but as more profound thinking going on as well making a virtue out of the crisis is clearly the best thing that could happen after coronavirus clearly working from home all the time is fantastic news for people who have a lot of lands and terrible news if youre in a tiny apartments but certainly reorganizing the way that people use city senses is suddenly being seen as a massive opportunity. Just around the corner from the empty offices are all the signs of whats happened to high streets across the u. K. In recent years something needs to happen urgently to rescue small independent businesses wellss 1st minister had the idea to keep a full 3rd of the workforce on retainer ssion that home permanently apart on the grounds that it spreads the money around cities far more successfully than making most people come into the center every single day even in wales we have people spending up to a whole working day you can write it up over the whole week just in the car going to and from where they live and where they work and if we can make some inroads into that then its much more than economics it is about the environment it is about quality of life it is about making places where people live more important to them economically socially and environmentally this argument also suggests that big Infrastructure Projects so beloved of the government in london like this new rail line into cardiff may become a bit redundancy full they do is move more and more people into city senses when they might be better off staying working and spending money in the area they live in you know what you really want the different sorts of people coming live together move on the eve both cities in the u. K. Havent as not allowed that to happen so now yes what were seeing is really called into question by that model of a agglomeration of of crowding together people in large quite boring service jobs is actually giving us the benefits we need if its not getting the benefits we need while we stand all the costs no doubt temples to Corporate Culture like london will resist this sort of thinking and in cardiff to the offices are still going up but isnt clear is if anyone is going to want to move into them Lawrence Leigh aljazeera in cardiff. Hello again the headlines on aljazeera time anees fighter jets have scrambled multiple times on friday morning thats after chinese aircraft are said to have approached taiwans airspace china has begun military drills close to taiwan to protect what it sees as its territorial sovereignty pride is following the story from seoul. A lot of military activity in and around the Taiwan Strait really ratcheting up the tension levels in this part of the world the Defense Ministry of china has held a press briefing confirming these exercises are underway calling them reasonable and necessary now were not exactly sure just how many units are involved how big an exercise this is but it is likely that aircraft are involved because of course we have media reports reaching us from taiwan that on a number of occasions on friday taiwanese interceptor aircraft of course supplied by the United States have been scrambled more than a dozen prodemocracy activists are back in court in hong kong to face charges for their role in last years protests among them is the publisher and businessman jimmy lie there facing charges of inciting organizing or participating in an authorized demonstrations a surgeon daily coronavirus cases in several countries has driven the global number of infections to more than 30000000 india is one of the hot spots with more than 96000 new covered 1000 cases confirmed in its latest daily reports. More than 5000 refugees are settled into a new camp on the placebos and hundreds more are continuing to move in there among the top 1000 left homeless from the overcrowded more you can bring down last week. The Tropical Storm which left widespread flooding across the u. S. Gulf coast is speeding towards the atlantic but not before delivering a final blow to some Eastern States further south rescuers are using boats to reach people cut off by the floodwaters in alabama and in parts of florida those are the headlines on aljazeera inside story is coming up next thanks for watching. We know whats happening in our region we know how to get the plate is that others cannot i was just thrown. Back to put it on purpose fire and im going to give you. The way that you can count death story isnt what can make a difference. Is south africa doing enough to fight xenophobia Human Rights Watch accuses police and vigilante groups of routinely targeting foreigners so whats needed to ensure equality for all in the socalled rainbow nation this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im in wrong cone routine lethal violence against foreigners an indifference from the police Human Rights Watch says migrants in south africa facing increasing numbers of attacks a year after the launch of a national plan

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