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After the black Health Care Worker was killed in a home by police. West African Leaders appear to agree those behind a coup in mali can take up to 18 months for the transition to civilian control. Im talking about robbing the bank towns where the government that is successful to defrost. Despite the coronavirus. The United Arab Emirates and buckland have officially signed a deal in washington to normalize ties with israel its been described as a betrayal by the palestinians but President Donald Trump says it represents the dawn of a new middle east and hes predicting more countries will follow the move the moment was marked with an elaborate ceremony at the white house. Together these agreements will serve as the foundation for a comprehensive peace across the entire region something which nobody thought was possible certainly not in this day and age maybe in many decades from now but one founded on shared interest Mutual Respect and friendship 2 are honored guest from israel the United Arab Emirates and bahrain congratulations on this Outstanding Achievement congratulations. Israels Prime Minister thank the signatories saying the deal could provide the momentum needed to end the conflict. I thank you both for your wise leadership and for working with the United States and israel to expand the circle of peace im grateful im grateful to can come owed a book reign in to you foreign minister ability to for joining us joining us in bringing hope to the children of abraham well earlier my White House Correspondent Kelly Holcomb spoke to president tom said advise it on israel jason green blatt he could decide the palestinian leadership is a matter of fact i would love for the palestinians to come join but their leadership has 2 problems the 1st problem is there are 2 leaderships there are the terrorist thugs in iran funded in gaza who cause so much suffering to 2000000 palestinians and tremendous danger to israel unless and until they change their ways theres little hope of a Peace Agreement with all of the palestinians separately have the leadership in ramallah who time and time again refused to engage refused to engage directly with israel their method is to go to the United Nations the European Union the road to peace is not through the United Nations and having protests against the dealing gaza and the occupied west Bank Senior Palestinian figures have called it a black day for their cause it is about him has more from a demonstration in ramallah. Betrayal is the word many palestinians are using to describe arab normalization deals with israel they say according to a recent poll published on tuesday that these deals are present the bill year of the Palestinian People and show that the palestinian leadership has lost its arab allies. Many years later that the timing of this going to be worse the u. S. Is trying to push florida its peace plan this in the plan it was pulled to be rejected by the palestinian leadership palestinian state doesnt meet any of their aspirations for a future palestinian. Palestine is the palestinians its our land it doesnt matter if arabs all the rest of the world normalize its relations it will remain palestinian. The way it was a secret marriage before and now its become illegal the bahraini people and all people with dignity are rejecting normalization even if regimes normalize their top leader is the nominee and thats boring as hell to get a president with the old leaders i think its a really good thing for all the. Internal unit according to polls and now i do not mean that they were coming to the. Mall in the shadow is all just a senior political analyst explains whats behind the timing of these deals. Are you add up are you part of. A hold of a reality that reconsideration of rec so youve got to hear it next. To be patient are you out of. A good number to go. And thats why were here for you this way the missing elephant. The 1st missing elephant in the room is saudia reid because the you know we certainly now we know the trade would not be present in Washington Signing a peace deal socalled with israel without greenlights without the complicity or the not to go to saudi so we know that the saudis are on board and thats a very important thing that means they could not come to cells because they have all of these issues internally add in the muslim world so they send a partition is there Something Like neighbors they you he ended up having to sign the deal the question is why would saudi arabia want a deal to happen now with its neighbors where those are and that takes us to the real issues in the region which is so given to bend israel trying to stand up to them for on the other main english not ours and iran moments after the deal was signed 2 rockets were fired from gaza into israel how the force that has more from west to was the. It has been confirmed now by the Israeli Air Force that at around the same time as we were hearing live from the amorality foreign minister in washington d. C. These 2 longer range than what weve seen in recent months rockets were fired from gaza north along the coast one was intercepted one fell in the israeli town of ashdod and the israeli authorities are saying that 2 people were lightly injured by shattered glass these incidents are always on a knife edge depending on the extent of injury but eventually death involved in terms of how much it could lead to an escalation i think it is pretty clear that we will see israeli airstrikes going in on sites in gaza later on this evening and potentially into the early hours of tomorrow morning its not entirely unexpected the palestinian factions inside gaza have spoken of betrayal by the u. A. E. And behind and as i say not entirely unexpected that an incident like this should take place the u. S. City of louisville will pay brianna taylors family 12000000. 00 in compensation for her death during a police raid on her apartment the 26 year old black woman was shot several times by police when they forced their way into her apartment in a mistaken drugs raid the citys also promised to reform its Police Department including the way its warrants are approved her name has been at the forefront of black lives matter protests in the u. S. Tell us family is also demanding the officers involved to face criminal charges. As significant as today its only the beginning of get for justice for brianna we must not lose focus on what the real drab. And with that b. S. Say it is time to move forward with the criminal charges because she deserves that smart. So please continue to say her name. Briana taylor. Mike hanna is live for us in washington d. C. This is much more than just the money that is being paid to the families and im like indeed yes it is a reform to a degree of the Police Department as well being announced alongside that huge settlement a record settlement for kentucky and what the police are doing or what the mayor is pledging to do is among other steps to offer subsidized housing to Police Officers in low income areas so they can establish their homes their become a greater part of the Community Also a tad has been in recent months theres been a complete end to no knock warrants now these are werent certain normally used in drug related arrests where the police simply storm down or beat down the door of a house or an apartment in order that whoevers inside cannot get rid of any illegal material but this has not been put to an end the no knock warrants have also been stopped in a number of other cities but certainly overall it is a more significant move than weve seen in a lot of other cities where African Americans have been shot by Police Although it has taken some 6 months for the settlement to be reached. Mike thanks very much indeed thats my kind of bring us up to date from washington d. C. West african mediators appear to have agreed to give mollys military coup leaders 18 months to hand over power to civilian government while his military met west african heads of state as the deadline imposed by the block to nominate a civilian president came to an end and it was hard reports. God as the president greeting mileys new strongman colonel a see me going in addressing these coup leader as mr president no firm hand shakes but a warm welcome great as on his 1st foreign visit meeting west african heads of states where they impose sanctions on the country after you ousted president brian booker kater from power 3 weeks ago in a bloodless coup. To do you do when the military in mali is to put in place and come. On to the. Sentence its on the summit of. This. Not must not be done. To silence is a line to mali to the. Brute to the mountain. West African Leaders condemned the coup shutting its borders and stopping Financial Transactions with a landlocked country following the meeting they greed to an 18 month transition to full civilian rule and the lifting of sanctions if a whole Transition Team is put together in matters of days not months. On stage this weekend the military didnt have presented their roadmap in charge or where the military remains largely in power to Civil Society actors politicians and religious leaders the gender took the applause as a sign of their support however the influential and 5 Opposition Movement disavowed malis military leadership in their methods. We denounced intimidation and methods dating from another time as well as the bug grabbing by the military leadership that goes against the a spear ation filching. In july the un condemned these militaries extrajudicial killings of civilians they are meant to protect they along 4000 french and european troops are fighting armed groups in northern and central mali called in the fighting are over 6000000 money in spacing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis Counterterrorism Measures make it difficult for humanitarian organizations to to have a engagement with local populations and whoever is there to represent them this has become the challenge for mileys new leadership attempting to embody the aspirations of the mali and people and gain legitimacy both at home and abroad Nicholas Hawke aljazeera. Still had an aljazeera why thousands of refugees in lesbo also wary about entering the new shelter built for them after the last one was burnt to the ground. Plus well have more on the fires burning in the wetlands of brazil threatening one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet. But. How on places say we have seen a little more cloud a little more a rain just nudging towards the. Pacific northwest so a challenge system whats the weather some cold weather increasing humidity up towards oregon and also into what Washington State size of some improvement in the other wildfire conditions at least for the far northwest of the u. S. Not really seeing anything useful making its way anywhere near california having said that there really wet weather of course is a little further south and east down into the deep south we have Hurrican Sally staggering away making its way across mississippi as we go on through what way to stay into thursday and gravity easing over towards South Carolina and it will bring flooding looking at some Copious Amounts of rain for us the position of the storm at the moment and it is only moving very slowly its staggering along at around 4 kilometers an hour thats not even walking pace it really is a stumble and you can see how does this little zigzag so moving very slowly throwing huge amounts of rain for potential for historic rainfall across the deep south of the u. S. Maybe 20300 millimeters or more of rainfall coming in here as we go through the next few days for Central America the wetter weather is into Central America and showers there for the greater antilles. 967 and the 6 day war was at its height a u. S. Spy ship the u. S. S. Liberty monitored the conflict from International Waters suddenly she was attacked by the warplanes of americas closest region and israel over 200. 00 were killed and wounded the front part of the ship was just red with blood what happened that day has long been a subject of cover up and mystery mouth the truth can be revealed the day Israel Attacked america a Major Investigation on aljazeera. Oh. You want to go to syria remind of our top stories this hour the United Arab Emirates and bukharin have officially signed a deal to normalize ties with israel its been described as a betrayal by the palestinians but donald trump says it represents the dawn of a new middle east and predicts more countries will follow suit. The u. S. City of louisville will pay briana taylors family 12000000. 00 for her death during a police raid on our apartment in march the 26 year old black woman was shot several times by police when they forced their way into an apartment in a botched drug raid. West african mediators appear to have agreed to give mollys military coup leaders 18 months to hand over power to a civilian government is military honda met west african heads of state says the deadline imposed by the block to nominate a civilian president came to an end. 6 people have been arrested over the fire that destroyed the europes largest refugee camp as left 12000 myrons on the greek island of lesbos without shelter for nearly a week a new facility has been opened and while hundreds of people have moved in thousands of wary Stephanie Decker reports on the move once again its still a slow flow but some people are now willing to making their way into this new camp and their lives packed into bags their futures still uncertain. The authorities it circulated flyers on monday telling people that this new camp was their only option for their safety in needs could be provided for and most importantly only the people registered here will have their silent papers restarted but the majority of the 12000. 00 or so refugees in migrants so far reaching as to cobb. Over there would tell number 2 i was already in prison because moria is a prison so i come here i see people and entering. Into the. The president of the European Council visit to the island and toward the new camp up to meeting the greek Prime Minister in athens we managed to ask him a question it took a fire to burn down the entire camp for this dialogue to get back in International Agenda what message do you give to the refugees whove lost all hope whove been forgotten technically that europe will this time not only europe other countries as well will take the responsibility to help these people to process their paperwork foster we need to take more european responsibilities and thats why the commission with concrete proposals in principle next week in any case by the end of the month and the responsibility of the Member States of. The governments to start agreeing. You know to you know to find solutions the greek Army Continues to clear this land in iraq tends to make way for the thousands of refugees that need to be shelter the challenge now to make people of their own accord the greek minister of migration has already made it clear that if they dont come of their own will that the police will have to get involved the new camp is necessary because moria refugee camp europes largest was burned to the ground a week ago on tuesday the news that those apparently responsible for setting the fires have been caught 6 young men from afghanistan according to the greek authorities for the few who have made it into the new camp the proximity to the water seems a welcome relief. Tens waiting to be filled with men women children young and old their long and tiring journey their hope for a better life still on hold Stephanie Decker aljazeera lesbos island. Wildfires in the west coast of the u. S. Are becoming increasingly politicized with the president dismissing Climate Change on some visited california for briefings on the growing disaster insisting scientists are wrong and that Global Warming will reverse by itself democratic rival joe biden is accused of ignoring the effects of Climate Change on the wildfires which you killed at least 35 people and destroyed thousands of homes or rob reynolds is joining us live from the city of esta keda in oregon which is being threatened by wildfires rob just bring us up to date about the latest where you are and the surrounding area as well. Well in this immediate area rob the firefighters think they are turning the tide they theres still a lot of fire burning but the weather has improved its become a little less dry its more humid its become cooler and part of that is due to this horrible shroud of smoke that is over shadowing us and people are breathing in that brings its own difficulties with it of course but you know we hear so many numbers of factors burned and structures destroyed sometimes its its important to put a human face on this disaster and im very grateful to introduce tammy can dig. Tammy you live near the town of best acadia here and you you know unfortunately youve lost your home correct take a close just ahead of what what happened from the time you were told to evacuate and i have a number supporting facility and we were told we need to evacuate so i had several animals that needed to be in the plea did so and then the after we got the situated we. Rented a hotel room to stay and so. Now people in some part. In the country particularly california where i live there are there always used to the idea that a fire could come pretty much at any time because it happens just about every year organs a little different right right were definitely not used to these fires that weve just been very scary pretty unnervingly not sure what to do or how to react or what to take there if were going to come back and its something that were not used to were you able to visit your property what did you find its its a total loss theres nothing left i do still have my barn and and my arena but as far as my home is concerned theres nothing nothing left at all to complete but complete ruined yes with an animal say the animals are all safe i made sure down to the last duck and her 30 eggs that she was laying on they all they were all safe so i dont want to ask you you know what what youre going to do you know for the future but you have a short term plan and what you have to do in order to keep going sure were going to find were hoping to get a place to stay on the property and we need to get our electric hooked back up and our wire and water going so that we can have those facilities for animals most important to me right now and and then were going to go from there and hopefully rebuild as soon as we can you believe you can rebuild your home yeah i we had plans in in the past that was our goal my husband and i before he passed and thats what we wanted to do so im hoping that were going to be able to still do that to me thank you very much for sharing your story with us there must have been an extremely distressing moment when you when you saw your your home where you lived for so many years yeah it was really scary i mean to hear how some stranger call you on the phone and tell you that your house is burning its a total loss is its not something you want to wake up to. Thanks very much youre welcome push it well. A very very very sad situation. For so many people here in oregon at least 10 people have lost their lives there are about 50 people on accounted for in the state and the governor of the state kate brown tweeted earlier today that this week long seeds of wildfires has driven the people of oregon to their breaking point rob thanks very much indeed does not brunells bringing us up to date from oregon. Brazils ponton all region is burning at a record pace that have been more than 10000. 00 fighters across the Worlds Largest wetland since the start of this month a lot of budding manoli has more brazils puns in the wetlands is a magnet for diabetics wildlife the moments of the animals habitats have been reduced to childish ashes and smoke many on the able to escape fines if you burning for months having found floating on the quiet river. Thousands of animals have perished in a region that was considered a century for endangered wildlife and dont help much if you want to and want to be honestly one of the main difficulties here in ponds and all is to be able to get to the fire so even if i had resources we wouldnt be able to go directly to the flames. The pond is the bones largest wetland its net wants a rigorous want and moshes stretches across brazil power and bolivia this year more than 23000 square kilometers of land maybe in brazil has been in the gulf in 5 fantasizes and local volunteers are battling the flames day and night but strong winds are making the jump difficult a lack of rain and drought is also adding to the problem when doing much the what can and dry but is a large it up i got that build were putting it out trying to put it out but unfortunately were not succeeding its windy very dry and humidity is low its hard to talk to 55 isnt everyone was unanimous in saying that its the worst fire that ever faced in their lives. Brazils president jaya both in a row is facing criticism by environmental groups of what many call his weak Environmental Policies Human Rights Watch says files dont come naturally in the amazon but have been deliberately set to clear lines for agriculture it says both in our hasnt done enough to tackle the crisis under International Pressure the president has banned all agricultural burning and said the army to tackle thousands the fires some rains brought temporary relief last week but with heavy rain not expected until november many feel the 5 will keep buying more about a man the aljazeera. Powerful but slow moving storm is closing in on the u. S. Gulf coast on a concern and weakened to a category one but its likely to gain strength before making landfall early on wednesday its expected to bring heavy rains and strong winds to some areas with forecasters warning of flooding on an unprecedented scale alabama and mississippi have declared states of emergency and some residents have been ordered to evacuate the coronavirus pandemic is pushed back Global Development by 25 years thats according to the bill and Melinda Gates foundation its one of the worlds Biggest Health funders reports warning that extreme poverty has increased by 7 percent while the number of children receiving routine vaccines has fallen to levels last seen in the 1990 s. The foundation says the pandemic has reinforced inequalities on women minorities and the poor. The World Trade Organization has ruled that u. S. Tariffs on chinese goods are illegal china filed a complaint after the u. S. Imposed a series of tariffs on chinese goods totaling 400000000000. 00 since 2018 President Donald Trump defended the juice hes saying unfair chinese subsidies and intellectual property theft hurt u. S. Interests washington can appeal against the decision. President emanuel macron as heading to the alps on wednesday a cyclist taking part in the Tour De France climb the regions mountains as Coronavirus Infection rates keep rising its being seen as an attempt to reassure the public the famous cyclist was perspiring from july and its taking place under a strict sanitary protocol that ash a bottle reports. To defrost teams arrived in the small eastern french town of lateral due power having been given the all clear after the round of coronavirus tests it was a tense wait last week several cases were detected and 2 positive tests in any one team would have led to its disqualification after a Training Session race leader primos rutledge said the results were a relief. If this. Really happened we have. More recall racing here the kind of a pandemic is forced to talk organizers to impose new rules on the race teams are regularly tested and kept apart cities and towns on the 3 week route have had to adapt we had planned an open fan zone for the public to see the start of the race but the Health Crisis meant we had to reduce the number of people on the site then last week the region was declared a coded red zone so we had to change again and cancel some of ends in town a few kilometers away fans gathered but far fewer than in previous years its different this year you cant get near dividers at the start or the finish also its september not july so there are fewer fans schools are back its definitely not the atmosphere of previous years cove it is a shame but we wanted to come here as we are fans of the toll across the country covert infections are rising last week there were more than 10000 new cases in one day new restrictions have been imposed in some cities including mass a where doctors say intensive care units are needed. Full staging the Tour De France during a pandemic is certainly controversial some say it is unnecessary and irresponsible but the french government fears that traditional events like this one all the people and the larger crowds must continue as normally as possible that will be the french president emanuel macros message when he visits the race wednesday if all 22 teams reach the finish line in paris sunday without a last Minute Health scare will be widely regarded as a success even though the precariousness of this years race has served to highlight the gravity of frances Health Crisis. Aljazeera allowed the last frogs. This is all to say that these are the top stories the United Arab Emirates and bahrain have officially signed a deal in washington to normalize ties with israel its been described as a betrayal by the palestinians but President Donald Trump says it represents the dawn of a new middle east and hes predicting both countries will follow the mood the moment was marked with an elaborate ceremony at the white house. Together these agreements will serve as the foundation for a comprehensive peace across the entire region something which nobody thought was possible certainly not in this day and age maybe in many decades from now but one founded on shared interest Mutual Respect and friendship to our honored guest from israel the United Arab Emirates and bahrain congratulations on this Outstanding Achievement congratulations. The u. S. City of louisville will pay briana taylors family 12000000. 00 for her death during a police raid on or a pop and the 26 year old black woman was shot several times by police when they forced their way into an apartment in a botched drug raid by sapphic and mediators appear to have agreed to give mollys military coup leaders 18 months to hand over power to the civilian government monies military met west African Leaders and states as the deadline imposed by the block to nominate a civilian president came to an end. Wildfires in the west coast of the us are becoming increasingly politicized with the president dismissing Climate Change has insisted that scientists are wrong and the Global Warming will reverse by itself democrat rival joe biden has accused trump of ignoring the effect of Climate Change on the wildfires a powerful but slow moving storms closing in on the u. S. Gulf coast out of consolingly weakened to a category one but its likely to gain strength before making landfall early on wednesday those are the headlines coming up next on aljazeera its one o one east goodbye. Hi im Steve Clemons i have a question to ask these days its hard to filter out the newly sinking track of whats really important to the bottom line tackles the big issues this is shaping the United States its people its economy and the way it deals with the rest of the world the bottom line only on aljazeera. One of us trial is beloved must see feel. Theyre under threat from one of the most painful diseases in the Natural World theyll be on the critically endangered list for the 20 is no doubt in my mind. One on one east makes no bones about warrior who is unique sanctuary could hold the key to this survival

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