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Its past time to find a solution to the gulf rift trouble mistress you see this ship resolved to reopen cutters and borders currently blocked with other gulf states. And resisting moves to relocate refugees on the greek island of last boss run out of options after a fire destroyed their camp. And israeli settler has been handed 3 life sentences for the murder of 3 members of a Palestinian Family amir and been through a fire bomb into the home of the shift on the in 2015 killing the couple and their infant son their eldest son who is 4 years old at the time is the only survivor but julio received an additional 20 years for the injury the surviving child has a force that is in lives in israel and explains why it took 5 years to get to this point. Literally there were more than one suspects both mentally ill and a minor a youth who was too young to be named who subsequently took a plea deal and was absolved than of any involvement in the actual attack rather he conspired in a revenge attack after a jewish man was shot and killed in the occupied west bank but they did not she take part in the attack itself he was convicted of build belonging to a Terror Organization then. Defense team argued that his confessions or at least some of them were not worthy of being taken seriously because they resulted from enhanced interrogation what the defense team called torture by the Israeli Security service 2 of those confessions were thrown out in a separate mini trial which accounted for some of the delay but other confessions that took place later were seen to be of been orioles own free will and they did stand up in court they resulted in his conviction in may on 3 counts of murder one count of attempted murder and other counts 2 counts of arson that was greeted by the Israeli Security service as a landmark moment in the fight against what they called jewish terror but others have said that the fact that it took so long itself is something that the israeli Justice System should have a look at and also more importantly the fact that there are so many israeli settler attacks civilians on civilians against Palestinian Civilians which arent taken seriously enough by the israeli judicial system. Well as talk to need abraham shes live in demand in the occupied west bank in need a year at the family home where that attack took place back in 2015 whats their reaction been to the sentence so they feel justice has been served. When we arrived at the scene monday morning. The only survivor of the crime and who is now 10 years old doesnt want to come inside the house he says he doesnt want anything to do with. He didnt live here and he says he doesnt remember the night of the attack but the family is telling us that he was almost 5 at the time and he still more than he wants to remember so when he received the news he was his grandfathers house he refused to go to the court on monday or any of the previous 70 sessions of the court he was surrounded by his grandmother is when he received the news of the sentencing of the set there of course hes been retreating over and over that he didnt want to see the killer of his family and it now these his grand mother is each one of them has lost a child sad to have the couple who were killed as well as their 18 month toddler weve spoken to one of the grandmothers and this was her initial reaction. May god punish him i hope iraq suffer while hes alive because hes done his home an injustice and i hope hes punished on Judgement Day i hope he rots in jail. This is a very high profile case and while indictments against israelis up their attacks are rare these attacks are not rare palestinians have been saying that they are witnessing an increase of attacks by Israeli Settlers against palestinians over the past few years just to give you an idea there has been more than 180 attacks by Israeli Settlers against palestinians in just since the beginning of this year and more than 50 of those attacks have led to palestinian casualties so for palestinians they would tell you that even if justice might be served in a case here or there the general feeling here is that the state of israel helps always turned a blind eye when it comes to settler attacks and the family has told us that theyre still living with this trauma the want to turn this house into a museum to show the world. Misery that his family is living through and many other palestinian families these are abraham there live for us in duma thank you russias president Vladimir Putin has pledged money and voices supports for embattled by the russian president of exxon the. The leaders met for talks in the russian city of sochi its an agreed to give bella reuss of 1500000000. 00 alone and said the crisis should be resolved without foreign interference and since the 1st meeting between the 2 since process began after last months disputed president ial election. Xandra story on average called for a spin following that missing from moscow. We saw repeated Political Support for call from the side of the russian president Vladimir Putin as expected but we also heard that belarus is going to get another a loan of 1500000000. 00 to add up to existing loans and basically to be able to pay up what they are due to russia are already russia being their Biggest Country that gives them the most money by this at this point in their biggest investor its the same time but what we heard from. Is a kind of a strongman stall because he was at the same time kind of downplaying the brought this that are going on for weeks now in about an hour saying that theyre going on during the weekend whilst monday to friday the ballot our sleeves their ordinary life and at the same time he was saying that there is some outside forces wanting to incise violence inside the belarus and that if that happens they will be shown what violence actually is he was also pointing out through the cooperation that through the through the treaties and saying that there are valid as short people joined to the deals because of the same are happening on the borders of belarus well both support from putin but in a very sort of like quiet way he said that russia will obey its obligations that the day that they have but he insisted more on this economical side of the corporation and the grip russia actually has on about us in this respect as well in minsk real position has been keenly wont come of those she told us that fashion reports. The opposition here already has responded and sent a message directly to mr putin the spotlight of the camel scalia who is in exile in lithuania and many believe here has actually been the chosen president in the last election as i actually want president putin not to sign any agreements with look at shanghai she says you shouldnt sign any agreement with an illegitimate president because these agreements will be reviewed by the next government which is according to her the proper government she also said she is sorry that putin is having a dialogue with an actual sas and not with the belorussian people so theres a lot of anxiety of course here in belarus about this meeting how far is look and are going to go in signing any agreements that would affect this so variety of bellows because for many here this has been in turn a problem an internal fight the only objective they have had until now is to get rid of lookers and as illegitimate president as they say so theyre watching it very careful definitely. In washington the 3rd u. S. Consular Strategic Dialogue is now underway the secretary of state might compare you and the qatari deputy Prime Minister and minister of Foreign Affairs mohamed been up to. Of course cheering the high level session the secretary of state says thanks qatar for its efforts to facilitate peace talks for afghanistan she have returned she has more from washington. The opening session of the Strategic Dialogue was an opportunity for mike compare the u. S. Secretary of state to repeat something he said many times over several months that the g. C. C. Is wrong in labeling carter a destabilizing force in the region for culture it was an opportunity to thank the u. S. For its mediation efforts. To keep our focus on this work and to close the door to increased iranian meddling its past time to find a solution to the gulf rift trouble mistress here to see this resolved and to reopen cutters air and land borders currently blocked by other gulf states i would like to thank the u. S. For supporting the kuwaiti mediation to the store located on that this is of the specs for the independence of this its. Policy continues to the present peace stability and prosperity elements thats lets us for months now weve heard that u. S. Efforts to broker some sort of deal to end the blockade has been imminent and july it was reported that something was going to be signed in at the last minute the u. A. E. Backed out and saudi arabia to back out as well once again in the last week weve had a flurry of activity donald trump calling the saudi king followed by a state Department Official saying maybe theyll be a deal within 3 weeks he said he soon sort of backed away from that and said well he with thing more flexibility in the gauche ations and from what we understand the state department certainly is focusing on one main issue thats overflight rights and since the g. C. C. Blockade Qatar Airways have to overfly iran in order to get in and out of qatar this is a problem for the u. S. Because that means millions of dollars now flowing into iran in coffins for the overflight rights this has been the focus off debate here clearly that the focus of the state department has long been to isolate iran this blockade its getting countries closer together with iran so if there is any movement we believe in were told it will be in this issue this is the focus and another opportunity for president from to try and show himself as a a deal maker an International Peace maker intellectual here. In sudan thousands of people who lost everything to the floods or coley for more help and started to arrive over the weekends but its has a. Its been a month at least 100. 00 people were killed and thousands of homes have been submerged the river rules to record levels but. Receding is a growing threats of water borne diseases is going on over in senegal toward the governments response to the floods there a surge in rainfall has caused rivers to overflow destroying and inundating hoops and businesses president launched an emergency aid plan to help those in need but many say its not enough. Here muster outside the capital dhaka. Were inside the home where about 15 people shared this household in the suburbs of the korean kermits are in a week after torrential rains where in a matter of 24 hours 3 months of rain fell and flooded the water still hasnt receded this is their sons bedroom its still flooded the living room. And the sewage in the bathroom here the stench is absolutely unbearable and the water isnt just inside of homes 3 to have turned into rivers neighborhoods into islands this isnt due to an Overflowing River this is sewage water its dirty water and theres a real fear of water borne diseases such as cholera or. Already the Health System is struggling with the corona Virus Outbreak and so set a goal has launched an emergency plan. Same City Different neighborhood the wealthy areas look at it theres no sign of rain waters the drainage pipes have cleared any rains here and so while the government blames Climate Change for the destructions critics of the government say its a lack of funding and investment in Infrastructure Projects that has led to all the destruction in 2012 the government earmarked over 1000000000. 00 to tackle these recurrent floods indycar but people now are wondering what has happened to the money floodings are not just happening here in senegal its affecting countries across west africa with intensifying rains in new sharon in brick enough aso people are being evacuated from their homes and with months to go before the end of the rainy season many here fear the worst is yet to come. Still to come on aljazeera we take a look at the man slated to become japans next Prime Minister. Say historic peace deal but how does the agreements between israel and the uni compare to previous u. S. Brokered acts. Hello there more horse and dry weather across much of the middle east although we have seen some cloud in the last few hours across these areas of turkey it had a few showers again in the forecast and strong winds at times as well as we go through to say those showers should clear away from the warming up again 31. 00 degrees celsius that extending their way across towards the caspian sea to the south of there weve got more of that cloud developing again into central and Western Areas assadi and the charles if you will showers across into yemen but those showers dipping a bit further south as we go through wednesday we might even just see want to 2 showers into Northern Areas of iraq as a warm day and to run with a high of 30 celsius also further inland 45 in baghdad and 37 in doha a feeling really quite here with the winds are very light for the next few days Central Africa more rain on wall thunderstorms but also more activity into these coastal areas like all the way across into a somalia a kenya down tools tanzania and also well see a few more showers into east africa in just pushing into the south of mozambique now through choose to draw into south africa but by wednesday the rain is back in the 4 calls as sunny pushing it towards cape town say a ton which is not fine too bad in history just a one day affair of rain showers thats a wednesday that it plays an important both got fine for the next few days. Frank assessments what are you seeing back in yemen. Told. Lisa why did we see if this was an informed opinion is ethiopia on the verge of breakdown many parts of the order me a region are actually under a de facto state of emergency and critical debate have to use a proxy because look the reason being enters the bill if you do indepth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on aljazeera. To. My. Guess is aljazeera quit right of the headlines for you know and israeli settler has been handed 3 life sentences for the murder of 3 members of a Palestinian Family in 2015 a meter on been through a fire bombed the home of the dogshit family in occupied west bank. Russias president has pledged 1500000000. 00 to bellow roosts during a meeting with the countrys embattled leader xander look at sharon has been facing weeks of mass protests following a disputed president ial votes. And your sexual States Mike Pompei own has called for a quick solution to the gulf crisis and the lifting of the book aid on cutter made those comments ahead of the 3rd u. S. Cuts or should egypt dialogue in washington d. C. A few 100 migrants in greece been settled into a new facilities after their camp burnt down last week but many are unhappy and are demanding to be allowed to leave the islands of less force and call in an european nations to take them in or to be allowed on to the greek mainland thousands of refugees to be sleeping out in the open and on the streets such a fire swept through the maria camp Stephanie Decker is on the island of less boss sends us this update. Its been almost a week now since morea camp completely burned to the ground and thousands of people remain asleep sheltering on the side of the road here in the middle of the island also taking shelter in all of groves its quite extraordinary actually to see the lack of a cohesive aid effort of any of the organizations here trying to help people put a roof over their heads handing out food or water now the greek authorities have said that everyone here is going to be moved to a permanent count that has been built some tents are up a little further down here but only a few 100 have been moved so far you can see that they are continuing to expand that just down there closer to the sea also very much open to the elements you can see some of the refugees also walking along many people have tried to take shelter among the trees its a very difficult situation certainly the islanders have had enough they want these people to go they say its affected their livelihoods the economy tourism here and the refugees want to go but the message here certainly from the authorities is that none of these people are going to be going getting off this island at all Filippo Grandi is the United Nations high commissioner for refugees and he says the situation in greece has been unsustainable for years muslim. Nations. Weve been saying for a long time for years that the situation in the greek islands and not just on less force by the way but other islands as well needs to be relieved that it is unsustainable and recent months the population on less force went from about 20212000 people saw efforts have been mean theyve been slow in part because of truly greece has not enjoyed enormous cooperation from other european nations this famous Relocation Program that was supposed to relieve the burden on greece and other front line countries in europe by distributing. Asylum seekers across the continent has not been very successful in recent events prove that it is important to go back to those fundamental solutions now the other thing is that after the fire i think about 400 and accompanied miners where relocated to the mainland saw it is not entirely correct to say that nobody is being relocated in actually we are hoping that that as a priority and accompanied miners also on other islands can be relocated there the more stick spalls and the most at risk for the rest i have to say that the government has been very fast in building this new temporary or medium Term Accommodation and it is important that it is used so that people that are homeless can find at least temporarily some some shelter and i do hope sincerely there those stanchions between the Host Communities the refugees the authorities can be appeased because it is only if the situation comes down Debt Solutions can be pursued. After 6 months of corona virus related closures schools in italy have reopened one of 5 and a half 1000000 students headed back into the concert on hearing to social distancing who but some regions in the country scythe the reopening of schools over concerns they couldnt meet the new Health Requirements italy was one of the 1st countries in europe to be hits on the covert 1000. 00 pandemic its. The Cape Parliament is debating a bill thats provoked strong criticism from the European Union but Prime Minister Boris Johnson insists that his proposed internal market bill will protects the economic integrity of the. They are threatening to carve tariff boards carried borders across our own country and to divide our own land and to change the basic facts about economic job growth the of the United Kingdom and egregiously to ride roughshod over their own commitment and article 4 of the protocol whereby and i quote Northern Ireland is part of the customs territory of the United Kingdom this is because we cannot have a situation where the very bond reason of our country could be dictated by a foreign power or international organization. However this bill has infuriated politicians from all sides paul brennan explains why. The government insists that what the agreement would mean would be a customs. Border in the irish sea dividing the Northern Island from mainland u. K. And they say that the ministers need a unilateral power to be able to wave away paperwork and tariffs that might result as a result of a no deal brecks it but the e. U. Says thats simply not good enough theyre already resolution measures within the existing deal and its not good enough for Boris Johnson to to do this why is he doing it many people dont know i mean ive been casting around experts m. P. s theyre not sure whether this is just a bargaining chip whether hes genuinely and i kissed him just seeking to throw everything into disarray in the hope that it might suit his purpose and to come to his advantage but it is a deeply risky strategy. Japans governing party has elected its new leaders he succeeds shinzo yes he does who is a longtime ally of the going Prime Minister liberal Democratic Party leadership paves the way for suger to replace sabayon in the parliamentary votes this week and so happy to pounce longest serving Prime Minister and resigned last month for health reasons. Did not look well noticed as we faced the nationwide crisis of the krona virus hope araik we cannot have a political gap we need to overcome this challenge in order for every Single Person in japan to have a safe and stable life i need to proceed with what Prime Minister abbott has been working on and move it forward i believe this is my mission. The signing ceremony of the much touted peace agreements between israel and the you he will take place at the white house on tuesday that hell 60 creates huge diplomatic and economic links between the countries but as mike hanna reports this is a very difference agreements from those reached israel and its neighbors in the past. This is just the beginning a lot of things are happening and they happening very quickly people want to be involved in the announcement of the agreement came from President Trump in the white house surrounded by members of his administration including his adviser and son in law jared who played a major role in negotiating the agreement within days know was among those who boarded the person flight by israels National Airline between tel of the and the capital of the United Arab Emirates while this is a historic flight we hope that this will start even more historic journey for the middle east and beyond. Much of the media reacted with hyperbole this is very valuable this is when this could be seen as a major Foreign Policy win for the president definitely it is it does seem to be clear that its going to be something the president wants to use as part of his reelection but amidst all the hype some observers point out that the u. A. E. Is not a neighbor to israel and has never been at war with that their own merits and his relations were you know there was never going to between them but. The signing of the israeli egyptian peace treaty following the camp david accords put an end to a state of war brokered by jimmy carter the deal between Menachem Begin and and while sadat was based on egypt recognizing the state of israel and israel withdrawing from the occupied sinai peninsula. In 1904 king hussein of jordan signed a peace treaty with israel which guaranteed jordan the restoration not but occupied land as well as an equitable share of water from the jordan river both treaties involve the return of the land occupied during war and both were intended as part of a Broader Initiative that would culminate in the creation of a palestinian state alongside that of israel. And ensure a lasting peace in the region the arab position had long been based on a saudi plan in 2002 endorsed again by the arab league in 2017 which offered recognition of israel if it would do from occupied land including East Jerusalem but last week the arab league declined to pass a palestinian resolution condemning what the trumpet ministration calls the abraham plan. Of Palestinian Foreign minister labeling this as a betrayal of the Palestinian People how do. We find ourselves in a position where we have to defend ourselves and our cause the situation turned upside down in a way where we become the troublemakers and the ones to blame because we are just in front of the earthquake as we stood against the u. S. Administration when the 2 car rides to renewed found President Trump announced on friday that bahrain would also be a signatory to the deal which confirmed the belief of many that from seeking a middle east peace the abraham plan was forging an alliance against a common enemy of gulf states and israel iran the Israeli Occupation of palestinian territory is unaffected and threatened the building of illegal settlements continuing unabated. But in President Trump is the abraham plan is a Foreign Policy triumph that will be displayed in the weeks leading to the november election. Washington. Beijing based bite stance has abandoned the sale of its ticktock in the United States to pursue a partnership with u. S. Firm oracle. Had been under pressure to sell after President Donald Trump threatened to bar the app on security grounds microsoft earlier announced by dance had refused its offer. Strong winds are complicating efforts to battle catastrophic wildfires across the American West coast at least 33 people have died and thousands of homes and businesses have burned and you know the 100 fires are currently burning across 3 states President Donald Trump is set to visit the affected areas in california this monday. There are strong numbers of fans of potential sign of life high in the atmosphere over nearest neighbor and planet venus telescopes in hawaii and chile spotted the chemical signature of force feeding in thick clouds above the planet before seen as a noxious gas that on earth is only associated with life study authors and experts say its not definitive proof of life on other planets but they cant find another explanation chemical or chill logical that doesnt involve something being alive. This is al jazeera these are the headlines and israeli settler has been handed 3 life sentences for the murder of 3 members of the Palestinian Family in 2015. Through far bowmans the whole of the family in occupied west bank killing the couple and their infant son their eldest son whos 4 years old at the time is the only survivor. May god punish him i hope iraq in jail suffer while hes alive as hes done as harmony in justice and i hope hes punished on judgment day i hope he rots in jail russias president has pledged one point 5000000000. 00 to belarus during a meeting with the countrys embattled leader is also reiterated supports for our xander look at shameka whos been facing weeks of mass protests following a disputed president ial vote u. S. Secretary of states might calm peo has called for a quick solution to the gulf crisis and the lifting of the blockade on carter he made those comments ahead of the 3rd u. S. Carter Strategic Dialogue in washington d. C. In sudan thousands of people who lost everything to the floods are appealing for more help aid started to arrive over the weekend but it hasnt been enough at least 100 people were killed and thousands of homes have been submerged the now river moves to record levels. A few 100 migrants in greece serve been resettled in sydney facilities after their camp burnt down this week but many are unhappy and demanding to be allowed to leave the island of laos boss appealing to european nations to take them in or at least to be allowed to create mainland. Japans governing party has elected its new leader to succeed actually so abby youre see here this is a longtime ally of the outgoing Prime Minister the liberal Democratic Party leadership vote paves the way for super to replace abby as Prime Minister in a parliamentary vote this week has her up to date stay with us on aljazeera inside story is up next. Russian Opposition Leader i like saying that while they may be sidelined blasts the fact that poisoning but his allies have made reggae an election they were local polls won easily by the ruling policy all signs of discontent giving it reason to worry this is inside story. Hello welcome to the show im sam. Now it was an election the ruling party so as a test of its standing with the people and it appears at least

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