Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240712

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Dead after a night of rage in colombia over the death of a man who was repeatedly tasered by police for breaking coronavirus rules. In spalls a new n. F. L. Season is a browns a kickoff the players also are promising a new era of protest against Racial Injustice is set to start as well. The greek government is Standing Firm in telling migrants left homeless after their camp was gutted by fire but they will not be moved to the mainland on the island of less boss the thousands of Asylum Seekers who feel let down and trapped now face a 2nd night without shelter a fire swept through the maria camp on tuesday night after protests over coronavirus restrictions before more blazes on wednesday so youre going to go reports. The charred remains of the madia refugee camp not a corner untouched by the fire. On the surrounding roads thousands of people full inhabitants of moria crowded with the little they had left vulnerable exhausted stranded on. A humanitarian catastrophe for those already stricken by hardship now theyre even blocking the basics we have i think. They are the family id like not just the number living not of food not albany things go inside the ammonia if you bond water to drink if youre not fun youll stay thirsty. He was they are angry this version of logic or the camp but they are born. 0906 all tents we know we dont have any food on the dance we sleep in the road its very very bad. These are the fires that ripped through the camp morning i was home to more than 12000 people more than 3 times its capacity and it was the tourists for its dilapidated conditions for storage he said the fires had been deliberately started by inhabitants nearby residents angered at the presence of a camp have since attempted to stop tents being put up on the destroyed site. Some of. This disgrace that is more a camp should not be set up again because we need facilities in which these people can live humane but also for the to be security for the surrounding villages germany and france say they will take in unaccompanied minors who were left homeless and signalled it was also up to all the e. U. Nations to take in refugees affected by the fire off name be on the trunk contact off going to germany and france will participate in this i hope several other Member States will do so too migration is not just the problem of the countries where people arrive and its not just germanys problem of. The greek government has said it will take days to find accommodation meanwhile passenger ships have been dispatched to provide shelter all those who have been left stranded face even more suffering sunny guy i go out to 0. Has been inside the camp and says the governments plans to rebuild arent popular with people on most boss its almost as though were on another planet everything has been reduced to its elements this however is where the government insists on rebuilding a new secure. Facility the residents of moria village just a kilometer away from here are absolutely against that as is much of the island very simply do not want to camp here anymore the government says that is the wrong choice that the islanders resistance to such a camp is actually causing part of the problem it has prevented the government from building a better facility for the refugees however are frankly agreed with the islanders they want to leave too this may now be harder than ever for them because were hearing that much of the paper archive of the Asylum Service that used to stand directly behind me here has been burnt and that may mean that a lot of people are stuck here for months longer than they would be because the records determining whether they would be granted asylum allowed to move to mainland greece or whether they would be deported back to turkey are now gone and many of those applications will have to start from scratch. Im going to have i scanned by Matthew Saltmarsh is a spokesman for the Un Refugee Agency thanks very much indeed for being with us so youre part of the response in dealing with this what kind of things are being done to help the people who are left without anything. Well it is really an Emergency Response from the states. Who are. People who as you mention are who are without shelter a priority now is going to return soon partners appearing saying. Government is bringing some ships. Other partners or supreme aids relief. And you can see support theres also focus on the most vulnerable right he said 400. 00 unaccompanied children were initially moved to the mainland and as you report mention news their plan now appears to be. On to a safer accommodation in other countries in europe so its positive to hear that from from European Partners at the moment on the ground it is still an emergency humanitarian response and it is really a focus on trying to get the immediate needs to address i mean it does seem extremely that is it to run 400 unaccompanied line is i mean the fact is that many of them there seems you need extraordinary anyway to. Thats right i mean there is a large number of unaccompanied minors on the great highland several 1000 and of course they are particularly vulnerable there is a scheme existing within europe to try and transfer them to Different Countries in europe some hundreds of children have already moved to Different Countries in europe but hopefully this will galvanize europe into actually acting much more urgently and relocating some of the most Vulnerable Children from greece and what about the the cuban 19 situation of the cases of people who had it and then theyd gone missing it is it you understand that theyve been found again and to and and traced. Well the camp had actually been under quarantine because there were a number of covert cases that had tested positive we understand a number of those who had tested positive have been identified and have been brought back into quarantine and obviously i thought surround a way to give them as much support as possible long term that you think the cow will end up being rebuilt. Its difficult to say i mean we have always advocated for greece to move people from the islands to the mainland and there are facilities and there is for National Support to accommodate refugees and Asylum Seekers on the mainland theres a couple of schemes that have worked reasonably well one is called x. D. R. Where Asylum Seekers can also get vocational support. And other means to help them rebuild their lives the greek government has committed to moving Asylum Seekers from the island some of them over the summer but unfortunately not enough so as you mention in your report which was extremely overcrowded conditions there were color Matthew Saltmarsh thank you very much indeed for joining us appreciate it thank you thank you now firefighters are battling the remnants of a blaze in beirut at the site of last months deadly port explosion the fire started at a warehouse which restoring oil and tires at least 200. 00 people died and more than 6000. 00 were injured when a stockpile of then youre not trade exploded in the port last month thursdays fire appears to be incinerated aid destined for those who survived the blast the director general of the International Red cross says the damage remains to be established so what are reports from beirut. Another fire at the port another scare for residents of the lebanese capital port employed ran away in fear it was here a little over a month ago that a massive explosion tore through neighborhoods across beirut killing at least 190 people on the. Memories of then still fresh now those living close by left their homes as the fire spread. There was. A small. Half an hour later the army released this statement it said a warehouse where tires were stored fire. Was likely caused by thick black smoke covered the Army Deployed the few firefighting helicopters it has to help crews put out the flames that raged for hours. These men lost their cool. At the time they were called in to put out the fire. And not told there was nearly 3000 tons of highly explosive. In the warehouse which triggered the devastating explosion. The army said it discovered 4 tons of ammonium nitrate. Near one of the ports says that there was dangerous material still stored despite the. The army said it destroyed the material the state prosecutor has asked all security agencies to investigate the cause of thursdays fire but investigations into last months explosion which was blamed on negligence corruption and mismanagement is still ongoing many lebanese say they have little faith in the authorities we need actually to change the whole system we are having a big problem here we need to change them we need to live what they want they want us to go out this is the last day they can think about it we will not leave we will stay because this is our country and we will not give up many have been calling for a new leadership for months they say they are hostages in a corrupt establishment the city has still not come to terms with the last disaster as the country reels from a Political Economic financial and humanitarian crisis these are dark days for levanon so where else is the big. Record breaking fires are raging along the west coast of north america from mexico to canada at least 8 people including a one year old baby have been killed several states are now battling flames which have consumed entire communities and blanketed cities from San Francisco to seattle in smoke a record 10000 square kilometers of land has been destroyed the state of oregon has suffered badly with 5 settlements in the Cascade Mountain range all but destroyed residents of one Mobile Home Park in the state who had to evacuate have returned to find scenes of complete devastation the place they want to call home is unrecognizable. Right behind my house its more. Along the for one office houses here very all suffered from the wild. Everything is gone try to go as mostly current are we going to get good stuff are still. There we were for a lot behind. The lit up with more than we thought. Our my only marriage to graham my family and my dog. Supplies were otherwise soft. Coming up on this news from london. The floodwaters recede in sudan but growing numbers of people and im getting sick from waterborne diseases. Tensions deepen in the mediterranean e. U. Nations issued turkey with a warning that keeps drilling in waters it claims unilaterally. And a huge wave that helped produce a world record andy is here with that story in support. At least 58 people being killed in attacks in the eastern democratic republic of congo this week officials blame the allied Democratic Forces a ugandan rebel group for the attacks in 2 villages in eastern a tour a province the u. N. Says the group has killed more than a 1000 civilians since the start of last year in what may be war crimes. A leading opposition activist in belarus has accused the authorities of threatening to kill her and is demanding an investigation into their actions earlier kolesnik over is currently in custody after she went missing on monday shes lodged a formal complaint against Security Service offices she say put a bag over her head drove her to the Ukrainian Border and said they would get her out of belarus alive or in fragments. Help to spearhead a protest movement after president Alexander Lukashenko was reelected last month in the election widely considered to have been rigged. Hundreds of antigovernment protesters have been expressing their anger at the belgariad government in front of parliament. For weeks demonstrators have been calling on Prime Minister boyko boris off and the chief prosecutor to resign the government has been accused of corruption maintaining links to the mafia and using prosecutors to target political opponents. The European Commission says its lost trust in the British Government to negotiate a post rex it trade deal and has give it until the end of the month to drop a plan to break International Law but a u. K. Minister involved in trade talks in london said his side will not back down from his supporters johnsons government has tabled a new law dealing with Northern Ireland trade which would break part of the Withdrawal Agreement the deal for britain to leave the e. U. That was signed earlier this year the European Commission says this would be an extremely serious violation of law the u. K. Faces leaving the block with no trade deal if nothing is agreed before the end of this year. A group of e. U. Nations says its ready to impose sanctions on turkey over its drilling ambitions in the mediterranean at a summit of 7 nations bordering the sea hosted by the french president Emmanuel Mccall he said that there was willingness to reengage with turkey but he said the group which includes greece and cyprus was not naive about president add to ones plans tensions have been building since the discovery of substantial reserves of oil and gas in the Eastern Mediterranean to hes been accused of attempting to exploit parts of the sea not under its control this map shows the exclusive Economic Zone as belonging to greece and cyprus as defined by a u. N. Treaty it gives greece more than 70 percent of the aegean sea and turkey less than 9 percent but turkey has never signed up to this treaty and instead draws the map like this claiming swathes of greek waters on its own includes this area where turkey has begun looking for oil with a minute military escort for its Training Vessel leading to fears of a military confrontation with greece the french president says its deliberate provocation little did. We have defined as we had done in the summer with the german chancellor a common agenda to have european sovereignty respected as well as International Law and favor deescalation and i could 1st say durbar ambiguity we have expressed a message of support for greece and cyprus a message of solidarity of support in face of the unilateral provocations of illegal drilling in moves there for to european sovereignty. Humans are having a devastating effect on Global Wildlife with many species now in freefall research from the World Wildlife fund suggests monitored populations of wildlife have plummeted by an average of more than 2 thirds over the past half century the number of species has shrunk by 94 percent in latin america and the caribbean the worst hit region in the world freshwater species have suffered the worst decline with 84 percent disappearing conservationists a human actions are to blame including Climate Change and the destruction of wild areas they say immediate changes to daily life such as meat free diets and needed to stop the declines continuing or Sharon George is a senior lecturer in environment and sustainability at Kiel University she joins me now from newcastle on the line thanks very much for being with us or one of one of the areas that was mentioned there was it was latin america in the caribbean and that huge figure of 94 percent decline in in species what why is that area particularly hard hit and therefore since different depending the way you are around the world and what the ecosystem lukes parkway you are so the ecosystem to be hit from all directions from Climate Change from acidification of the oceans from pollution and from loss of habitats our drive for consumerism is just eating away at those habitats so depending on how vulnerable those ecosystems are depending where they are around the planet theyre going to hit more or less and unfortunately some of these ecosystems and they are places have very delicate balances and were interfering with that and what we see that these crashes and population and what about things like the factors behind freshwater species declining so heavily whats going on there. Well theres theres several things going on let me rift with complaint with population levels and overfishing in some areas and weve got our part weve got pollution going on so our empath found there are things that we do and mining where we have run off and pollution going into what that has an impact were seeing heavy metal pollution going into autumn that has an impact on so were impacting the the ability of freshwater species to breed and for also taking those species out for our own fishing and things as well so that the these species that have to contend with the impacts of the things that were doing plus the fact that we are directly only for over stretching those resources dense about the wildfires that were seeing in the u. S. In a moment particularly severe and i know that wildfires have been around but how much has Climate Change been a factor in the severity of them this time around yeah this is been a huge factor i mean Climate Change weve known that Climate Change has been an issue in Climate Change is happening now so we see what were saying are much more severe droughts were seeing watch more severe heat waves and those and coupled with that was seen stronger winds and storm the storm surges and sort of you watch more intense events going on and much more frequently and these are driving much more frequent phys wildfires are a natural phenomena and they happen anyway but what we see now the intensity and the the north and the frequency is something weve never seen before and so this is it and all the factors where were putting pressure on the planet and seeing these impacts right now Sharon George thank you very much indeed for your thoughts thank you well for more on the wildfires in the states lets join journalist a soldier almost he joins us from molina in oregon and tell us what you witnessed there. So were about 45 minutes outside of Portland Oregon the next town over its called mulatto oregon it is now a level 3 meaning evacuate now we just came from there and we saw a water truck filling up with water we saw firefighters packing up water and gatorade and now this is the airport really no its being used as a staging ground where firefighters from a low are going to come here because the law is now being evacuated the entire city and that people that brutally funded the instruction to me yeah absolutely they have when we went to malawi it was mostly a ghost town some people returned to deliver a water one couple i spoke to said they wanted to care for their animals their livestock but they said if the fire got worse they would leave and as we saw now with alerts on on the on everyones phone its getting worse and weve seen at the scale of this talk us through that the kind of efforts that they firefighters are having to deploy against these extraordinary fires yet you know the governor has already said this is the largest fire in organs history and we may see the biggest loss of life in organs history from a fire its about 150000 acres that are burning right now and because of the when patterns its unclear how contain the fire will be last night they had it down about 50 percent certain fires but as we see today malawis being evacuated yesterday it was still at a level to just kind of get ready so you know theyre trying but more and more cities are now being getting getting told to get ready to go it does about the full cost is understand the winds have not been making things worse whats the forecast looking out the next few days yet you know it should be clearing up by the end of the week but for right now as you can tell with the air all around here the fires getting worse and certain areas and you know the law is just a town over is is completely empty and theyve got some most of the the bases i think of any of the races around them to control whats whats the status of them. Yeah you know last night they said about they had about 50 percent of it contained but today with the weather patterns you know thats changing the numbers are being updated you know not as fast as you know we would like but from what we understand now this fire is becoming worse than we initially thought is about 500000 acres the numbers yesterday now theyre estimating that to be 950000 acres so its getting worse so joe must thank you very much indeed for that live update there from oregon thank you 8 people have been killed and at least 150 injured in protest against the death of a man in Police Custody in Colombia Riot Police for 2 demonstrators who set fire to Police Stations in the capital bogota and has been driven by video showing 43 year old noir javier or done years in with peaceably shot by offices with a taser stun gun that he died later in Police Custody police said hed broken coronavirus social distancing rules. Book about how not to amble about him is a lot like what happened last night in bogota is not only regrettable it is possibly the worst thing that has ever happened in all city i dasnt is the indiscriminate use of farms cannot be considered police abuse this is a direct attack on armed citizens civilians the vast majority of them young people. Lets go live to the other side of the amputee in bogota so tell us more about the victim and what happened to him. Yes the 43 year old 5 year old at the news was out drinking with some friends in front of his house essentially when you were. Reached by the police and its unclear what happened then if these people responded to the police who were essentially accusing them of violating coronavirus restrictions what we do know is that at some point 2 officer pin them to the ground in star using a taser on him repeatedly for more than 2 minutes by then he was already in a pretty bad day he was then moved to a local Police Station and its unclear what happened there but family members believe that he was the victim there are further abuse and tale the police. Brought him to a local clinic where he essentially die this video was widely circulated there and it was what sparked the end the night of fury that as we know now has seen at least 8 people dead in another 66 people injured by fire allegedly by the police this is what the mayor of bogota believes in some of the worst violence ever seen in doing protests and demonstrations and what is likely to happen in the coming hours. Well different organizations in Civil Society groups have called for. A number of demonstrations starring in the next few hours 15 of them according to the latest count some of them will be in front of what remains of these neighborhood Police Stations that were burned down last night to doing the riots there ones will walk through important sectors of this city now there has been a call for d. S. Protest to be a peaceful we havent heard from the police or the president of colombia but of course there is a lot of tension in the air here about what will happen this city this not to impose a curfew has invited cities and to leave work and try to be home by 7 pm local fearing that even if the demonstrations in the will be peaceful there will be major disruptions of traffic and Public Transportation but of course here the entire city is waiting to see if there will be a repeat of the kind of violence we saw last night and if this will indeed continue and will spark a new wave of protest against not only Police Brutality but also the killing of social and human rights leaders economic my lais that the has been growing in the country that was present before the coronavirus been there meek and it has now been made worse by the in them and its on the n. P. T. Thank you very much indeed. No its more still to come this hour including working for an education some of the poorest children in the philippines are forced to earn money so they can land. Grant protest in egypt of the controversial demolition of thousands of homes. And its got one here from a japanese footballer making a big move for gender equality. Hello knowing youre looking suitably like september a bit more like october to be honest wind and rain is a frequent visitor but its not entirely there all the time and for example much of english looking far in denmark is ok and mainland europe apart for a few showers are on the outs dominate the circulations to the slow thunderstorms in the western med affecting sardinia and heading towards sicily and east in italy the forecast for london is not a bad one really temp is about where it should be this time the year so the sunny or partly sunny the hot bits of europe particularly southeast corner extends into cyprus and here we are still above average by 6 degrees or so as i said most of the european plain is fine the heat in the southeast or the southwest those showers will spread i think through tunisia towards the foot of italy as well as to around the alps otherwise just enjoy a sunshine i think the exception probably scotland and also norway and a good part of sweden as well theyre not hot right hand corner which takes us into the levant has been like this for a while now are tensions extreme as they were certainly much of turkeys qudama is 14 aleppo the forecast is still such as 3 in jerusalem for the next 2 days as rather telling strong potentially damaging wind than for the gene. For. His. Amounts of money in a. Home to extraordinary funding. Dealing with Health Issues the long ones in some of the toughest Living Conditions people who. Are just too honest in life to the remarkable people who work. And cry in the slums on aljazeera. The worlds biggest economy was put on hold. Deregulating industries of old delivered new growth for a president who promised greatness again. But the drama virus pandemic has seen resurgence replaced with a recession as the world eagerly watches on to see how either president ial candidate might revive the flagship u. S. Economy. Details coverage of the u. S. Elections on aljazeera. And one of the top stories here narges era theyre desperate seems a luxury colony of lesbos daughter a 2nd fire destroyed the remaining tents in europes biggest refugee camp thousands are now stranded without shelter or access to sanitation. Far as a raging on the west coast of north america from mexico to canada at least 8 people including a one year old baby been killed at a record 10000 square kilometers of land has been destroyed. 7 people have been killed and at least 150 injured in protests against the death of a man in Police Custody in colombia angers being driven by a video try. A man killed by a police taser gun drinking in the street. On the way to direct talks between afghanistans government and the taliban are due to start this saturday the diplomatic talks will be held in qatar and there are major milestone which could bring the country a step closer to peace after decades of war between science agreed to go ahead with the peace talks are to resolving a dispute over releasing prisoners your secretary of state might pompei or will travel to doha to attend the talks. The tech giant microsoft says russian chinese and it rainy and hackers all trying to spy on people linked to donald trump and joe biden says the same russian state linked Hacking Group that attempted to influence the 2016 election is launching new attacks it claims the fancy bear outfit has been trying to break into the email accounts of consultants working for both republicans and democrats u. S. President is heading to michigan for a rally despite concerns that his events are getting larger and flouting coronavirus guidelines before he left donald trump again defended his initial response to the pandemic which follows revelations in a book by the veteran Journalist Bob Woodward that he knowingly downplayed the severity of covert 19 hes reiterated that he didnt want to cause panic i dont want to jump up and down and start screaming death death because thats not what its about we have to lead a country were leading a great country and were doing a great job and the people that have done such a good job should be given the kind of credit they deserve we possibly have done the best when you said look you know what were doing with vaccines and therapeutics and ventilators mike hanna joins us live from washington and so mike president toms having to defend himself again. Yes indeed President Trump appears to be defending themselves and much of the time and certainly the reporter asked bob woodward in his for creating a major issue in terms of the things involved there but president continuing to insist that he wanted to be americas cheerleader that he was not in any way wanting to panic however political opposition in particular president ial candidate joe biden are insistent that the president is guilty of lying to the American People regardless of his attempts at defense and he also talked about iraq and afghanistan 200. 00. Indeed yes what weve seen a troop. Breakdown in iraq also the number of troops being reduced in afghanistan now President Trump denies that this is anything to do with his Political Campaign although reducing troop presence in Foreign Countries is part of his particular platform and it must be noted to that the secretary of defense mark s. Were said that the number of troops in afghanistan would be reduced to below 2005005 the election so the secretary of defense using the date of the election november the 3rd as a marker in terms of when these troop reductions are going to be completed so troop reductions in afghanistan going ahead troop reductions in iraq going ahead president and his allies continue to insist this is nothing to do with politics its a deep desire on the part of the president to end these ongoing wars as he puts it secretary of state. As you mentioned on his way to doha qatar to monitor those peace talks between the Afghanistan Government and the taliban it must be noted too that its a long way from being completed despite President Trumps apparent optimism still great divisions between the Afghan Government and the taliban but the secretary of state there to lend an american presence and also to demonstrate perhaps to the American Voter the President Trumps interest in reducing troop levels outside the United States my can i thank you very much indeed. The waters are beginning to recede after sudans worst flooding in a century and the tide of illness is now starting to rise with half a 1000000 people displaced and if is contagious diseases could begin to spread rapidly to morgan reports from the capital khartoum. Barely able to stand 13 year old Mohamed Salah seeks treatment at this Health Center in the south of the capital how to medics say hes suffering from a parasitic infection usually caused by lack of access to clean Drinking Water his mother tries to comfort him through his pain which she herself is barely able to hide her own discomfort. Often is other weve been living on the streets for more than one week a home is completely flooded and we didnt receive tents this fathers also sick hes mentally unstable and i can give him his medication if he had a tent id be able to take care of him there the clinic treating mohammad was set up nearly 2 weeks ago to help patients affected by recent flooding in many villages and towns in hard so many have fever dariya and stomach infections thinking that they will last longer i can read my my daughter has been suffering from diarrhea for the past 3 days i myself am also sick and it feels like im coming down with an infection my voice is now weak its all from the floods im living in the camps. Floods hit sudan after the river which flows through the country rose to levels not seen in more than a century the surge in water was caused by heavy rains on the if european high lands upstream more than 100 people were killed and Dozens Injured and at least half a 1000000 people were displaced as homes were damaged or destroyed by the waters the government declared a 3 month state of emergency last week and while the rivers water has started to recede this week the number of those falling ill is increasing so that was facing a Health Crisis even before the flood emergency pharmacies have been reporting shortages of medicines and many hospitals like adequate equipment since the floods began 3 weeks ago the number of cases of water borne diseases in areas affected has increased many families say theyre struggling to cope with illnesses after having lost so much already. Aid organizations see the Health Consequences of the floods will be much worse in the coming days and that action needs to be taken now. The biggest protest is the waters it was a disaster when it flooded and will be a disaster when it recedes if not dealt with properly and if there are no strategies to fight contagious diseases who have a bigger catastrophe than what we see there will be stagnant yours which will result in more malaria cases move more diarrhea cases and more cases. Of sudan was already struggling to handle the coronavirus pandemic when the floods hit those in areas affected theyre hoping proper measures will be taken to reduce the health risks now that the floodwaters are receding so that no more lives are lost people morgan on their own how to. At least 65 people have been killed by floods in their order 300000 have been affected after a rainy season lasting 3 months cause rivers to burst their banks several parts of the capitalist still under water and more than 26000 houses have been destroyed. Less than half over 2000000000 dollar target to Fund Coronavirus vaccines for developing countries has been met the Global Initiative was set up by the World Health Organization to ensure poorer nations dont get left behind in the race to buy doses around 80 countries have committed to join the initiative for the European Union pledging 400000000. 00 United States is a notable absence and only 700000000. 00 has been raised so far. India has recorded another record spike of 95000 coronavirus cases its nearing almost 4 and a half 1000000 confirmed cases now the 2nd most in the world behind the United States and as india is home to one point 3000000000. 00 people the confirmed cases represent less than one and a half percent of the population. Coronavirus death toll in india is now more than 75000. 00 new delhi mumbai and chennai a worst hit cities in the country. Provinces reported a wreck or daily higher of new cases 98431000 infections reported on thursday the government says its considering local lockdowns to stop the spread of the virus while keeping Economic Activities going. Schools in the philippines are struggling to provide children with education amid the global coronavirus pandemic those from poor backgrounds are being disproportionately affected as demeter linda graham reports from manila. 14 year old marketeer is loves art specially drawing happy faces but the last few months were spent not inside the classroom but in the fields of bangor province in the central philippines. He is farming every day just so he can save a 150. 00 to buy a cell for the needs for the newly implemented rule of Distance Learning them but they have no money. And they further research will there the idea is indigenous tribe is considered one of the earliest inhabitants in the philippines but for decades their population has dwindled and now live in scattered mountainous parts of the luzon region and the walk is a village of about 900. 00 people and just like most indigenous communities across the country they have suffered dispossession and this placement for decades but the coronavirus pandemic adds another layer of difficulty for the item families here. The Philippine Government has implemented a Distance Learning program for all schools to help stop the spread of coronavirus education Officials Say it is unlikely that schools will reopen until a vaccine is available which means filipino children will have to study from home with electricity a laptop and Internet Connection thats a major problem in a country where more than half of all families live below the poverty line and where millions of already lost their jobs because of the month long point to lock down. Its an even bigger dilemma for indigenous tribes like the ideas long suffering from discrimination and abject poverty many live without electricity or Running Water to have a laptop and a working Internet Connection every day a tome is almost unimaginable for them in a healing potion and i mean you see it in the eunice people are far from the cities they dont have grown the way it was here so why should this just learning be entirely implemented here through history books here tell us that the ideas or the country scarier the culture and identity but for the parents here they say all they care about is the legacy of education they want to leave behind for their children. Dog and al jazeera manila anger is growing in egypt over the demolition of thousands of homes which were build illegally the new Government Campaign has spawned rare protests in several cities and braun reports. Thousands of egyptians are being offered what they say is an impossible choice watch their home being destroyed or paisa keep it at a price many cant afford the government says the buildings are illegal constructed without permits on state or farmland or buildings that were meant to be 2 or 3 stories which kept on going up and up one to get the market and this is we have enough technical and Engineering Equipment to go to every place and demolish all these violating buildings. Egypts illegal housing problem is caused by its booming population now about 100000000 and rising as well as a lack of Affordable Homes and decades of government corruption. President Abdel Fattah Elsisi says the illegal construction could destroy the state arguing that more than a 3rd of buildings break the law he says 700000 violations have been registered and is threatening to send in the army to make sure the unwanted buildings are torn down. That sparked rare protests in several cities such as alexandria a crowd saying to the president a message we dont want you the numbers may be small but the significance isnt egypt banned gatherings like this and 2013 dozens of people were reportedly arrested in similar rallies in july the military dominates the Decision Making process so the syrians are. Heavy handed and very regressive and the people that are suffering the consequences are the weakest people in. Society. So. Basically fighting back is rather limited homes have long been forcibly demolished in egypt this family spoke to aljazeera in 2009 was doing how their home could be illegal when they had paid power and water bills to the state for years and this is the military bulldozing homes in northern. Sinai and 2015. Rights groups say much of the destruction was unlawful and that the look of the country should have dealt with these violations a long time ago when they took place throwing around 3000000 people in the streets is unacceptable. Process does accuse the government of squandering public funds on expensive new cities and projects while millions live in poverty that total could soon increase with many uncertain how much longer theyll have a roof over their heads and brian al jazeera. For a week now relatives of missing children and survivors of gender violence have occupied the offices of Mexicos National Human Rights Commission activists say they wont move until the authorities make progress including bringing perpetrators to justice when a rapper reports from mexico city. Protestors outside the offices of Mexicos National Human Rights Commission. They are survivors of gender violence and family members of missing persons who with support from feminist activist groups have moved into the building and taken over. They are protesting against the government which they say has turned a blind eye to soaring rates of gender violence and other human rights abuses in the country. Mexico has close to 600. 00 reported femicide so far this year more than 75000. 00 missing persons and the murder rate higher than at any other time in the countrys history. West that their last meeting this action is different to others weve seen in the past but i think its a response from the thousands of victims waiting for an investigation from authorities in 2 cases of disappearances famous sites in stores and many other human rights cases that remain. Law that. Mexicos president under this Manuel Lopez Obrador is often criticized for downplaying the issue of gender violence in particular. During a press conference this week he scolded the activists for auk you behind the building in Mexico Citys Historic Center and vandalizing portraits of mexican heroes housed in the offices but his job is big. Money just as i respect all demonstrations but i do not agree with violence or vandalism and i do not agree with where they have done to the painting of. A protester 80 come out of the news says her 7 year old daughter is a survivor of sexual assault. That the gun the point is that weve been talking about what the president said in that video my daughter has asked me how is it possible the president can be outraged over a painting but not outraged when a girl is a rate. She tells us she and other women here are tired of demanding action from the poor to use on matters of gender violence. The protesters say they have no intention of relinquishing control of the building adding that they intend to raise funds to transport abuse survivors to the building and transform it into a shelter Mexicos National Human Rights Commission have expressed their concern over the safety of sensitive case files housed inside the government offices but have not commented on any potential plan to forcibly remove protesters from the building. The leadership of the National Human Rights Commission has frequently been the target of criticism by relatives of missing children and Domestic Violence survivors who say the commission is more focused on slashing budgets than pursuing investigations money runs out below al jazeera mexico city. Diana rigg who found fame as the karate kicking secret agent emma peel in the cult sixtys t. V. Show the avengers has died at the age of 82 the british actress was also well known for her recent role in game of thrones and as the only woman ever to marry james bond in on her majestys secret service a daughter said she died peacefully at home after being diagnosed with cancer earlier this year. So i had this news. Crickets world champions are getting ready to take on that old us rivals and is here with that story insult. You. Or. Me with your sport. Thanks so much laurel the new n. F. L. Season is about to kick off a new era of play a protest against a Racial Injustice law its a start as well super bowl champions the Kansas City Chiefs its taking on the east and texans in game one and in june the n. F. L. Commissioner Roger Goodell apologized for not listening to players this season enzymes will buy the words end racism and players be allowed to wear helmets take us featuring the names of victims of Police Brutality this thing isnt going away this isnt just a one time thing but when we do know that were also the next on the street well you know this is not a place really feel that really in some way really understand whats going on here very knowledgeable and they want to see really as we understand its a process not quite over night. Well Colin Kaepernick was the n. F. L. Player who gained global attention when he 1st took a knee in the league 4 years ago happening now during the pregame National Anthems of protest against Racial Injustice he left the n. F. L. At the end of the season hasnt played since 2018 seamen has ruled that players could no longer nail during the policy was subsequently put on hold after next it legal action against the n. F. L. Claiming he hadnt been signed by and youd seen judys political beliefs like losing case was settled out of court last year now n. B. C. Reports jay gray is in kansas city for the Season Opener where teams are also facing up to the challenge posed by coronavirus this game gets underway after no preseason and when some thought we may have no real season as well youve got to cope with 19 crisis that continues in this country youve also got a growing push for social justice and change within the u. S. Both of those framing the start of this season as work over 19 of your fans in the stands tonight there would have been 76000 or more tonight about 7000 and they will be spread apart socially distance those fans will be required to wear masks as well but youll see on the field is the same game but these players come into the season eager to also use their spotlight a National Platform to push for change weve heard a lot of players talking about what they want to do well see some of that on helmet stickers some names of some victims will be prominently displayed as well and there will be messages painted on the field when they take the field tonight should be a great game a lot of people here anxious to see football return and i mean i sat here and serene a williams could be about to set up a repeat of that 28. 00 seen us open final both in semifinal action in the next few hours for the sockets taking on Jennifer Brady a player making her 1st ever appearance in the last 4 of a grand slam. I dont feel like a fever it weirdly enough because theres no fans i dont feel anything i just feel it go you know going into a match with a really talented player which is kind of on my previous matches Serena Williams will play former world number one victoria as a ranking she beat in the 2012 and 2013 years inspired also last time at williams taking to 3 sets for the 3rd straight match this time in a quarter final win over thats an apparent kovar. Its not how you start as you finish right so im not really i definitely agree i feel like i mean i dont even know some some of these matches you know youre playing serena so its like close your eyes and hit as hard as you can and it doesnt matter what japans the world cup winning football you can i guess are so is set to become the 1st female professional to play for a mens team in japan the 33 year old assign a loan deal with an amateur club that plays 5 to below the elite generally i guess also normally plays for the Chicago Red Stars womens team and were sent to the u. S. For the start of their season next year so no more a lot of look up with a latino but it was very inspiring to hear the messages about gender inequality that meghan rypien i was trying to deliver during the world cup so ive been thinking about how i can do the same the follow different but i want to get the message out to the girls who are playing football that women can join a mens team and challenge themselves. Cricket world champions england getting ready to take on australia in a 3 match series england caps an hour with Morgan Jason Roy fit for fridays opener in manchester the teams of just played it see 20 series but for some of the Australian Team this will be their 1st International Cricket since march. I think down there what if you havent played cricket for 6 days a month youre going to come out and you can have to find your feet again a little bit you know the key is to make sure that transition is as quick as possible you know england have played games theyve been playing domestic cricket here. Playing test cricket one day and t 20 cricket they are ready to go really important for us to make sure. You know were ready to go come for our. Brazilian. Has broken her own world record. On this 22 meter wave in portugal earlier on this year and its now be confirmed this is the biggest wave ever ridden by a woman every year a broken leg and almost drowned when attempting to do something similar at the same sport in 20. Ok there is a sport looking for now lets get back to lauren in london. Thanks for much andy and now they were warned about it but many people in germany may still have been alarmed by the sound. The country has carried out its 1st nationwide alert system test in 30 years but in many cases there was just silence in a number of cities some of what had been an 86000 Strong Network of sirens are being removed at the end of the cold war the National Authorities didnt know mobile phone alerts also arrived late or not at all. Thats it for me dont tell if hes out of the back in a member of another full round of the days news thanks very much for watching. The zipper will during and disjointed days especially for the young my life change because i cant go will say we have to be careful to not get sick at all said University Study found the one in 5 children and now afraid to leave their homes the sense of disorientation and confusion i think would be very understandable natural order reaction a lot of children in the past few weeks secure Mental Health units have been forced to discharge large numbers of patients there are children suffering from psychosis who believe the virus is a conspiracy others with eating disorders or histories of self harm we feel that were going to have a time bomb this is building up to nation Mental Health jenny the worlds attention is on controlling the virus for the recount list hidden victims even when the pandemic passes there will be many in desperate need of help. Russia now seems to be going off to the main Economic Resource which is of course oil we bring you the stories in development is that a rapidly changing the world we live in a president s promise america 1st policy of trigger to try war that morphed into a technological war counting the cost on aljazeera an image can change the way we see the world it can spark mass action or serve the interests of the powerful it can obscure truth forged narratives and rewrite them to the listening post gives you the fruit picture on the jersey of a. Bird. Oh. Desperate scenes on the greek island of lesbos softer a 2nd Fire Destroys the remaining tents and europes biggest refugee camp leaving fountains without shelter. Or in taters is our jazeera live from london also coming up dozens of wildfires burn through forests and towns along the u. S

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