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A Government Order ethiopias tikrit region goes ahead with Regional Elections despite the Prime Minister calling the vote illegal. And im leon harding with all of the days sports news christian or not all those scores his 100th goal for portugal hes only the 2nd man to reach this century milestone. And overcrowded greek island counties that have become the makeshift home for thousands of migrants is now a smouldering ruin and a desperate effort has begun to work out what to do with those now homeless fire burned for hours through the muddy a camp into wednesday morning a state of emergency has been declared in the island of less boss and greek Prime Minister kitty yeah its a talk this is about to hold an emergency meeting in athens. A lot about unmanly begins our coverage. Thought i was still burning through moria camp at the new day began on the group and in the blood spots. Around the camp thousands of refugees again in 13 phillippi wherever they can. And from the movie nights more than 12000 people fled as planes they can sweep into the largest refugee camp in grief. Many looked own as the homes were destroyed. The possibly can find made more difficult by storm. Here out there. Today but 1st let me. Show you. You know. The camp in those just off the coast of turkey was known for its cramped and unfounded 3 conditions built for about 3000 people it housed 12000. People lived in hut 10 within this is that 5th running. The government says the fires were deliberately lit by some camp residents angry to continue to drop down due to the crude a virus pandemic and many of the asymptomatic people have been put into a quarantine area on the far eastern side of the camp and that area earlier this evening was attacked by individuals who seemingly do not believe that corona is actually in the camp and that it is being seen as a reason to continue a 6 month lockdown in the camp some attacks on some vehicles to move people out of the camp or to move them around in a suit and some of the people that were in this current area were fleeing from that violence and in the process of that several fires are set on the perimeter. Between 20152016 thousands of people made the journey across the mediterranean from turkey to the island of less both then he fled from war post a kishen imposed hooping to find safety in europe. Since the 1st of march. Being quarantined away from camp due to the pandemic but for the people who found refuge in the very little they had is gone and what was already an uncertain future is looking even more bleak. Aljazeera caroline velleman is project coordinator for cover 900 Doctors Without Borders she says the conditions of the camp have been bad for some time. Well it is a capital best of the over 3000 people who are at the moment theres between 12 and 13000 people that were host up there until last night and so overnights fires have been raging in different places in the calm and the earliest reports this morning seem to indicate that the camp is almost completely destroyed theres a few segments of it Still Standing but overall there is very little left and so at least 12 to 13000 people who are. Who have had to evacuate to camp overnight because of the fires. Are currently in the streets with nowhere to go so its obviously a little bit too soon to have really precise and confirmed news about how exactly the fires were started it seems that it is in the possible that it was the residence of the camp who started them. What you need to keep in mind that for the last 5 years there has been a completely inhumane and the plural why gratian policy in place is madea people have been living in completely inhumane circumstances for the last 5 years have absolutely no perspective and this is the whole of stress has been augmented tremendously in the last 6 months with very Strict Movement restrictions related to covert 19 and then of course the stress when last week the 1st case of it was identified in the camp and the camp was put under under mass quarantine so meaning nobody was anymore allowed to leave the camp so i think what were seeing now its unfortunately very sad but also a predictable outcome of these horrendous migration policies that people have been suffering from for the last 5 years so there was a 1st case last week 2000 people were tested then by greek help authorities and which resulted up to yesterday in reportedly in total of 35. 00 cases who had been put in isolation right now and there is nothing of anymore in place for it because consider the account no longer there and we are extremely worried not only 4040. Present children that even money who are currently on the streets but in particular we need to hope and also more than 200 people live in the camp who are at particular risk for covert art or because of their age or because of comorbidities that would mean that if they get infected they will be much more sick than the rest of the population and so as far as we know right now those 200. 00 are mixed in the big group of 13000 who are basically at loss in the streets. Afghanistans Vice President has survived what appears to be being yet another assassination attempt which killed at least 10 other people and one other salah is unharmed and thanked Government Security forces for what he called in their fight against terrorism sort of hideouts reports. A familiar scene in afghanistans capital. Roadside bomb explosion this time told getting the Vice President. The attack happened during the morning rush hour is a roll of solace a convoy was traveling through the town money area of kabul. He survived was appears to be an assassination attempt but several others are dead and at least a dozen injured were rushed to hospital. And explosion happened near the shops selling gas cylinders my push count was on the road i just heard the explosion and rushed to the street leading to my home and then i found myself covered with blood and whatever that i was in the car i lost one of my brothers and the other one is hurt what kind of government is this theres no ambulance and the police havent even arrived yet ive taken a child to this clinic when the blast happened. The Vice President and former intelligence chief is one of the most targeted men in afghanistan back in his office with his hand bandage he had this message to his attackers but. I want to assure you in a message that im fine and safe but some of my security guards injured and they are in hospital i do not know about the casualties about our people and once again im sorry about this and i want to thank all of those who see in the messages about my health i want to thank all the Security Forces who are fighting against terrorism and acting as a shield to face these terrorists attacks and im proud of them no ones claimed responsibility its all about was quick to denounce the latest attack on saleh has managed to survive a number of assassination attempts over the years they included the storming of his office in kabul last year by 3 gunmen who killed 20 people including salles family member. Hes part of the governments Negotiation Team with the taliban with the latest talks to be held in cotton the wise president with this strong weiss. Also having an influence on the ongoing Peace Process hes certainly going to become much harder in his stance in negotiating with the taliban which is which is expected leave going to have some sort of impact but as far as the start of negotiation is concerned i dont think it will have a heart to process the negotiation process should proceed as the 2 sides agree to move on because right now there is a slight hurdle you know there is a difference of opinion between taliban and the Afghan Government under the leaves of a handful of prisoners. Reportedly within the call and his own home and the blast series called and as investigates claims. That. Transfer one of the worlds most promising coronavirus trip and so on hold because of the unexplained illness of a patient developers has an Oxford University in england started late stage testing last week thousands of patients and breckon brazil south africa and the u. S. Taking part florence these joining us now from oxford loans just give us some of the background as to why this policy is happened. Well yes i mean as you say at 1st blush it suddenly sounds it certainly sounds fairly dramatic and bad news one person having unexplained side effects as part of the trial but if you look at it in a much broader context it does become much less dramatic this drug produced in astra zeneca with the research mostly diversity is not one of half a dozen vaccines around the world thats in what they call phase 3 trials that means theyve gone through phases one and 2 successfully with very strong immune responses from very many people and as you say its now being rolled out to tens of thousands of people with the same source of positive results in some of the worst affected parts of the world and of course some of the people its being tested on are elderly and may already have existing Health Conditions and what the scientists keep saying is that you cant mistake and confuse correlation and causation which is to say if 2 things happen at once the vaccine being given to someone and then getting ill it doesnt mean that the vaccine is the cause of them getting ill now because theyre the testing standards on these vaccines are so rigorous theyve had to for the time being suspend the trial those are the rules but the the balance of probabilities and very very many sense of the experts have said this already this morning is that its probable that this person actually had Something Else wrong with them at the same time and the vaccine may not have been anything to do with it its all and it looks like far from being the end of this potential vaccine which is supposed to be rolled out in a number of Different Countries which is what hundreds of millions of doses of it by january it probably will set it back but wont scupper it completely and the view for certainly from some is that probably in a couple of weeks or 3 weeks the truck that theyre testing procedure will be able to start all over again and learns this is happening at a time as well in the u. K. When it is actually stepping up covert 19 precautions just talk us through what that samba about. And these states really have the potential to be much more. Damaging to the lives of people across the country that theres been a now consistent rise in cases for several days 3000 or so cases new cases a day particularly among young people that are being registered in the government has found it quite difficult to get its messaging right so that demographic who seem not to want to socially distance and the gathering in groups they try to put out messages like dont kill your gran even if youre not going to from it yourself and they going to be talking about the impact on christmas for example but whats going to happen this afternoon is that Boris Johnson is going to give a press conference in which hes going to say that from monday gatherings of more than 6 people are going to be banned and they will be heavily policed and that not only coincides closely with the schools in this country having gone back but the next couple of weeks the universities just like here in oxford are going to start going back as well for freshers week and so thats going to have a very major impacts particularly on that demographic which the government now sees as being crucial d with the onset of also i mean soames are trying to keep people apart from each other and stopping them from gathering in large groups lawrence thanks very much thats lawrence lead talking to us from oxford lets bring in sons in a tsunami yucca hes an associate professor of Infectious Diseases at the Australian National university hes joining us by skype from canberra thank you very much indeed for being with us on all jazeera do you think it would have created more suspicion in the final test results if Something Like this had not happened well thats a very good question rob but i guess it has happened and the researchers have done that already which is to stop the trial and investigate this incident and see if its related to the vaccine or not. Trust is at the heart really of all this Vaccine Research isnt it not just within obviously the companies themselves but the trust of the people around the world who are going to be taking this vaccine how much does a pause like this do you think help to convince people that the eventual vaccine that is produced is going to be viable i have brought that it does well because the reason we have such a successful Global Immunization Program and weve had it for the last few decades is it because we are so cautious with how we develop and trial our banks teams and this sort of thing happens all the time with exene development but of course were only hearing about it now because right now this is probably one of the most important issues in the world getting the vaccine because it astra zeneca was one of the 9 bio chemical firms that agreed not to seek official clearance for a vaccine until all the phase 3 tests were completed do you think that if that hadnt been agreed with the scientists have felt greater pressure to to push on with the testing look i would hope not i would hope that the scientists whove been working with maxines for a long time recognize the safety and as you say the trust of the Global Community future vaccinations depend on how we trial them so when an event like this happens the sort of sentinel event it is important that it is treated appropriately and as for protocol. Given the fact that there are Many Companies that are seeking the same sort of result the same vaccine and that there is a great deal of money riding on this one would assume having said all of that that were going to see more incidents like this that there are going to be blips in the Testing Process because thats precisely what the Testing Process is theyre for. Look exactly thats why we have faced 3 studies phase one of base 2 studies tested on a small number of Healthy People just tell us if we get an antibody response in the blood for instance but it doesnt tell us in the real world if it actually protects us from the virus and of course when testing large numbers of people is there any ranch side effects so this is all part and parcel of the process and its a robust process that weve used for many decades how concerned are you given the fact that orca around the world there are significant numbers of people who are concerned about taking any sort of injections any sort of vaccines and so on how concerned are you that the messaging isnt going to be Strong Enough and that there will still be people in the world who are not prepared to take a vaccine against covered 19 alternately. Yes well look that is always going to be an issue all we can do from our side of things is to do things properly be as transparent as possible about it and hope that enough people take a backseat that is approved by regulators because its gone through the process and weve got sufficient uptake to prevent covert 19 transmission doctors hands e. S. N. And i we appreciate your time and your expertise thank you for joining us and im just going to thank you thank you ron. 3 more ahead on the news hour including desperate for help in sudan hundreds of thousands are flooded out. Why irans Supreme Leader wants to pull the plug on imports of apple i phone. Continues her march to the u. S. Open finally is going to have all the action from flushing meadows and sports. Another opposition politician in belarus has been detained by a modest man as a crackdown and weeks of mass protests continues maxims natca lawyer was one of the last members of the Opposition Coordination Council it was still active inside bellicose and comes only a day after a fellow politician Maria Calista cove was forcibly taken to the border with ukraine last spoke about the political unrest in belarus on monday. Shows. Such things happen every day according to the ministry of face more than 600 people were detained on sunday dissipating in Peaceful Demonstrations they will be transferred to least the list of Political Prisoners is growing. So your gig is live for us now in london it does seem as though the by the us authorities or at least a group of masked men so we say that thats as much as we know does seem to be increasing some sort of crackdown on the leadership of the opposition. Yes or of thats right they seem to be continuing if not intensifying their crackdown on the opposition and namely focusing it on the Coordination Council which was the council was formed in order to do a diary to have dialogue with the president look at shank in order to try and resolve the matter of the disputed election as peacefully as possible but this has really been a thorn in the side for president look i shant himself or certainly sees it that way as a very serious threat to his power and of course if youre looking at all the demonstrations that have been happening there continuously since the august 9th election that opposition to his rule is not going away and so with that the intensity of the crackdown has also been getting heavier as well just on shoes day night after another rally in minsk there were 45 people who were detained at that rally which was protesting against the treatment of media kolesnik over but also across the country on shoes there at least another 121. 00 people that were also detained so it really is getting quite stringent if you will and really trying to sort of use the full force of his state. Forces to try and quell as much of that dissent as possible because look at shank has said that he is going to go to moscow to meet with putin to discuss this further which is of course another cause of concern for the opposition and as a backdrop to all of this the Opposition Leaders for granted to come skier who has been exiled or so folks old in lithuania is currently in poland just talk us through what shes been saying. Well while poland a member of the European Union has been one of the louder voices to try and state how look a shrink or needs to come to the table to discuss the issue of the election as well. As well as list wanita poland is getting some quite tough on on belarus itself course has to contend with the fact that on the other side of belarus is russia to deal with and poland is extremely wary of that as well but nevertheless to kind of sky i did reiterate her call to protest is that they should continue but that it ought to remain peaceful heres what she had to say a lot of people are still in hospitals lot of people some people who are raped. And it is. It was a great show for all their. People because we really couldnt even expect that such violence could happen in our country in the at the moment. The regime is trying to scare and demoralize demoralize. But eat relies only on force we rely on our solidarity and vision of new build a ruse. Now with the kind of sky a meeting with the polish foreign minister theyre going to be discussing how they move forward through this crisis and that involves engaging with Civil Society and and trying to use those organizations to try and push forward a solution there but as i mentioned before that poland really has its eye firmly on russia and is very wary of any potential incursions that russia may make into belarus during this extremely tense time. And so youre going to go bringing us up to date with the situation in bella reuss live from london so you thank you very much indeed. U. N. Human rights chief Michelle Bachelet is urging moscow to cooperate with an independent investigation into the poisoning of a russian Opposition Leader and actually in a van these now out of a medically induced coma and responding to doctors in a hospital in Berlin Germany experts of found he was poisoned with a nerve agent not a shock though russia disputes that in a statement daschle said moscow has been able to act with near total impunity in light of the assertion by german specialists that they have quote unequivocal proof that he was poisoned with an overtrick nerd nerve agent high commissioner is also urging the government of the Russian Federation to carry out or fully cooperate with a thorough transparent independent and impartial investigation of the number of cases of poisoning or other forms of targeted assassination of current or former russian citizens either within russia itself or on for soil over the past 2 decades is profoundly disturbing severe flooding in sudan has killed at least 110 people with the knowledge river reaching unprecedented high levels hundreds of thousands of people have been forced from their homes and are now desperate for help morgan reports from the capital khartoum. This is how i never had a man arrives to the doorstep of her home these days she comes to see if the water which flooded nearly 2 weeks ago has receded the yard which was once dry and where she used to spend most of her evenings is still covered with water from the river which is now steady after rising to levels not seen in more than a century thats why down in the senate in a way that we were surprised this year when the ny waters entered our neighborhood and we didnt know what to do there are no sandbags there is no one to come and help us with whats happening with decided to act on our own lives and bring found but we found the water coming in from all directions as much of a heads neighborhood in the southern part of sudans capital khartoum is now flooded some homes have collapsed as a result of the force of the water as the river which was once nearly 3 kilometers away became one with the area the levels of the nile started rising 3 weeks ago causing destruction as it flooded its banks and flowed into villages and towns more than 100 people have died in the past month as a result and more than 100000 homes have been damaged or destroyed more than half a 1000000 people have been displaced most left their homes with the help of their neighbors who also lost their homes there by. The people here are struggling despite all the difficulties were helping each other out because we cant abandon each other we grew up together so we cant just turn our backs on each other and we have to make sure that everyone here gets out so i flee because were part of one neighborhood one neighborhood in the midst of dozens that have seen the same devastation those affected by the flood walls of the response so far like the building of this makeshift barrier using sandbags has been their own volunteers have also formed groups there is this helping with food and collecting donations and all have criticized the government thing considering floods from the mile happen every year its response has been far from enough sudans government declared a 3 month state of emergency days ago and now its the country is now a Natural Disaster zone it says that while. Plans were put in place to respond to this years floods the levels exceeded expectations. Are using sandbags to block the areas that are being swamped however we cannot use them along the whole river over the past few days water levels reach records high even bridges were flooded residents in affected areas have been evacuated and warnings were sent to those exposed after the destruction and loss of lives their knowledge slowly starting to recede but hundreds of thousands of people are now desperate for shelter and aid they see they hope the government will soon get them out of this crisis he will mark an aljazeera hot zone for the weather and here is rob mccallum you know he was talking about flooding in sudan youre talking about fires in california you were explaining to me just yesterday that this is all connected because of Climate Change it isnt strong these extremes are going to happen anyway but if you add more you get floods in sudan for example you had more heat take away the rain then you get drought and these fires unprecedented fires in california were not going to heat wave conditions the heat has dropped away because the conditions that produced the tin the well theyre going to weigh in the fires are raging all the way from washington down towards some california is now a high wind warning for all those states in the pacific seaboard in a hot war heat wave but course is burning and this is an unprecedented situation as you already know unfortunately making it worse is whats happening a little bit further inland over the rockies temperatures dropped hugely we had winds of Hurricane Force from wyoming down towards colorado followed immediately by the snow which you see us in National Forests was worth watching his bison after all the forecast is probably best showing by just showing you denver that was about 33 degrees on monday so we dropped down to warm in the front went through the crowd came in and were going to slowly warm up as that snow stops so its a dramatic change but the added wind of course is what makes things worse further west so theres still more snow to come the state about 15 centimeters. Sort of flatland in colorado the branches of b. I think up to a meter more snow and then rain to the south that is like rain in texas and then we probably transfer to the northeast so the next few days potential flooding. And still ahead on aljazeera virtual diplomacy the assy and Foreign Ministers meeting gets under way with trade and military talks on the agenda. Of the state is in the u. S. City of rochester stepped down amid protests over the death of a black man and the wrong proves once again why hes known as king james breaking another n. B. A. Record all with layoffs in sport. Which. If you are looking at this from the outside you would really wonder what was going on but what is this race is it a religion that they have an indepth exploration of global capitalism and our obsession with economic drugs this is still the center of capitalism there is no limits i view myself as a capital artist we are trying to bake the world smaller and smaller we dont want to be set realistic in the world we would rather have a fantasy growing pains on al jazeera. Global pandemic. Family comes 1st. For every American Healthcare has never been more important. Because the new disease does not favor republicans over democrats bridge over poor or black over white. America decides how to care for a nation. Extensive coverage of the us elections. On aljazeera. It watching our desire to remind of our top stories this hour the state of emergency is. Detailed in the greek island of less ball so after a far left 4000. 00 migrants without shelter reports say some of the places that the more a refugee camp was started deliberately to protest newly imposed coronavirus restrictions. Afghanistans Vice President has survived what appears to have been an assassination attempt at least 10 people were killed when the littlest salads convoy was bombed in campbell. One of the worlds most advanced Coronavirus Vaccine trials has been put on hold after a participant fell ill as anika the Company Behind the vaccine says a patient has a potentially unexplained illness which will need further investigation. Voters in ethiopias northern t. V. Region are defying a federal Government Order to cast their ballots in a local election theyre choosing members of the 190 seat Regional Parliament even though the government declared wednesdays vote illegal the poll is part of the general election which was suspended due to coronavirus Prime Minister ill be on that ruled out military intervention or to agree Officials Say any interference but amount to a declaration of war is following the election from nairobi in neighboring kenya. Well the to grant Peoples Liberation front the t. P. L. F. The party that dominates the state council theyre in to graze widely expected to stay in power and to win this election they have overwhelming support throughout the region but the most significant thing about this poll today is the very fact that its going ahead now this follows a decision by the central federal government in the capital at a set of a back in march to postpone the elections elections which you across all of ethiopia last month they said they needed to be postponed because of the pandemic and in june they said no elections will be able to take place until Health Officials have said that the pandemic is on the control elections they said should take place 9 to 12 months after that now this was seen by the t p l f and its supporters as illegal unconstitutional and as an attempt by president i mean i made to extend his rule illegitimately so they said theyre going ahead with their poll anyway now the Central Government says this poll is illegal it wont recognise it theyve tried to ban journalists from travelling from the capital the Federal Capital addis ababa to make a lake to cover these poles but none the head its nonetheless its going ahead with i. B. M. It has said hell rule out blocking it using the military hes also ruled out the potentially controversial decision of cutting off funds to the to grey in regional state. Well lets take a closer look at whats at stake in this election the regions ruling party that seaway Peoples Liberation front has dominated National Politics until 2 years ago when Prime Minister ahmed took over at c. P. L. If its against abbotts push for National Unity which they say undermines the autonomy granted to ethnically defined territories election raises concerns that they teach p. L. F. Could be laying the groundwork to create a breakaway state with its own parliament and Government Security forces armed with rocket launchers marched in major cities in syria last month intensifying fears of confrontation and. Is head of series Regional Branch of the Prosperity Partys joining us live from a suburb i thank you very much indeed for giving us your time so what is the prosperities part of parties view on these elections. Well it is made clear that our time. Is to get its election and. Constitution not end in a garden and this is not also part of the interest of the people of today so as we know. General election was post 4 and. 1000 pandemic and did you know we had the 2nd most populous nation in africa and if the. Epidemic in africa more. It can be a very dangerous situation so the government boards of government in the party decided to postpone. The Global Crisis and there are also some other related crisis that is the. Deserts one of them situation and flooding situation out wed so that for the government to endorse the house this is a house of people to sort of present our tip and our decided to post according to the election. In the in the near future so therefore this is a situation and when we look at our ways or tippit if need to go to an election because it is going not to compete in the general election we Prosperity Party it needs. Provincial election where it can win maybe a 100 per cent as it happened in the previous in the last election so its totally unconstitutional. And agonists interests of the people have to die nevertheless people are going to be taking part in this vote the Prime Minister as i understand it has said that the election will be regarded as essentially nolen void but the people will have made their feelings known during this election where does that leave politics in ethiopia as a whole. Well people may turn out maybe few people may turn out to cast their ballots but because the people is under out of repression because the people cannot bear its voice and its. Deep interest. May happen but this is a very dangerous situation just to be if he is putting it into a Society Admission because this. Totally ignorant and result is not in voigt so attention. To it but surely. Cannot windies game and this is basically happening in order to avoid to the attention of the people because it cannot answer the true questions of the people the people has lots of questions related with the station we scored option with true implementation of federalism and there are lots of questions so because the stupid if cannot answer all these demands of the people he is just being a fit i genda and trying to. See if he. He can participate in. Political life will be interesting to get your thoughts on this nibiru we appreciate your time sir thank you very much indeed astra zeneca is one of 9 Drug Companies pledging not to rush approval for vaccines until they were proved to be safe a joint statement for chief executives comes as donald trump continues to suggest that a vaccine could be available as early as november just before election day our White House Correspondent kelly harkat explains how the development of a vaccine is being politicized. This is unprecedented according to some drug Industry Experts what i can tell you is that the u. S. President has certainly been touting that the vaccine may be released by the end of the year then as recently as yesterday on the steps behind me at a press conference he said even by the end of october of course the timing rather interesting given that election day is november 3rd and that seemed to cause some alarm among the c. E. O. s of these major Drug Companies because quite unexpectedly and again without precedent they released this letter stating that they are only going to release a vaccine when it is safe to do so and they wont sort of rush for any arbitrary timeline put forward by a politician now in the case of donald trump he certainly is pushing to get this is quickly as possible looking for a success given the fact that he is lagging in the polls but he is not the only one politicizing it in fact his rival joe biden is hammering hard on Donald Trumps sort of claims that hes handled the coronavirus very well in fact the focus of a new ad being put out by the Biden Campaign is that hes framing the contrast between himself and donald trump darkness versus a fresh start as he calls it. Us and Foreign Ministers in Southeast Asia holding their delayed summit in vietnam online the coronavirus pandemic and the territorial feud in the South China Sea other major talking points for the 10 Nation Organization scott had reports from bank of. The n u r c and meetings are viewed as an opportunity for the host country this year vietnam to showcase its culture progress and position but not only have 2020 meetings and summits switched to virtual gatherings their traditions and the usual focus on the big regional issues this year are taking a backseat because of covert 19 but even more than the pandemic itself its the dire economic downturn the region is preparing for i think that this is foremost in the minds of Foreign Ministers and i think theyll be looking for creative and practical ways of trying to. Quickly recover in 2021 they may also be talking about opportunities for allowing tourism or travel bubbles or other things like this have been discussed primarily bilaterally between governments in the past while the 10 countries of austria look to Work Together to help restart their economies superpowers china and the United States continue to ratchet up their rhetoric and posture in the region tension between china and the u. S. In the South China Sea has surged both in moving military assets into the areas of disputed territory but also diplomatic action sanctions and threats with the need for both nations to be involved in the region for economic and security reasons they look to avoid flash points countries in this region they look at hong kong right and they see a very sort of concerning trend where if you play into one of the you know superpower arguments if you become sort of an object of superpower competition it tends to go very badly for you and i think countries in the region are are watching that example very carefully so while the foreign min. Look to make progress and working better as a region along with powerful outsiders theyll be focused on plotting a path for their collective 650000000 people who face years of post pandemic economic recovery its got harder Aljazeera Bank of. Britain says new charges by iran against a woman with joe nationality are indefensible and unacceptable and as an inside out iraq cliff was told she faces a new trial on sunday for an unspecified indictment as she nears the end of a 5 year sentence she was arrested in 2016 while visiting her parents and denied plotting to overthrow irans clerical establishment. Apple i phones are popular worldwide and iran is no exception but as of any and suffer from u. S. Sanctions the government could pull the plug on imports reports from tehran. Its a global recognized brand the i phone is seen as a luxury item here in iran but the political and spiritual leader of the country seems to have taken issue with the company voted go to be here excessive imports a dangerous sometimes import is a luxury product meaning there is no need for it of heard about half a 1000000000. 00 was spent to import one type of american cell phone last year of course the private sector does it but the government must prevent it the average wage in iran is around 300. 00 a month the cost of an i phone is out of reach for most iranians this iphone cost around 1000 dollars in the u. S. But here in iran youre likely to pay at least 40 percent more for it sanctions the cost of importing phones and the weekly rate in currency are all factors in the high prices if people coming into the country bring in a phone they still have to pay for the registration again increasing costs but thats not putting everyone off for 4 months i have a pro max i chose it because its high quality and you can use it for years unfortunately we have lots of fluctuation in the dollar rate so if you want to buy a knife and the seller should make phone calls and check the price and then sell it to you its very expensive now apple makes up 5 percent of the phone market some think its loss wont have a great impact for the whole scenario banning i phones will make no change in iran since american sanctions tighten 2 years ago apple restricted access to some of its products here many i phone applications dont work its difficult to get an apple id or buy software were in the middle of an economic battle with the United States based on an official report last year 700 to 800000000. 00 was spent on i phone imports but the share is only 4 to 5 percent of the market its not logical economic. Under the current circumstances were giving our money to the American Workforce talks of banning imports of the i phone have already driven up prices and criticisms from some here the Supreme Leader is russian language account statement on objections to luxury american cell phones from an i phone turtle is also blocked in iran but political officials routinely used a platform to get their message across its led some to accuse the political establishment of double standards for now iranians can still buy i phones but in the future they may have to turn to other brands for a touch of that sherry i said big aljazeera the iran its believed 3 iranian tankers could be trying to deliver petrol to venezuela after turning their tracking devices off for more than a week washingtons been trying to block to hunt shipments to venezuela but this would mark the 3rd time this year that fuel has been sent venezuela has the Worlds Largest oil reserves but it cant refine enough crude to meet its domestic needs thats leading to long lines at petrol stations. The police chief of a u. S. City and several of his staff have resigned during the continuing outrage of the death of a black man police video of daniel prudes suffocation provoked a week of protests in rochester in new york state some viewers may find the pictures disturbing in this report from mike hanna on the. Protests underway for the 7th consecutive day in new york states 3rd largest city they began last wednesday following the release of the body cam footage of daniel prudes arrest by police. Police say prude told them he had corona virus and started spitting at that stage they put what is called a bag over his head who died a week later and the medical examiner ruled his death a homicide. Now amidst the ongoing protests the Rochester Police chief has resigned claiming in a written statement that there had been what he called a mischaracterization and politicize ation of his actions following down or prudes death and the early retirement confirmed by the citys mayor while the timing in tenor of these resignations is difficult we have faced tough times before i choose to believe that we will get through this i will be meeting with city council to chart a path forward i can assure this community i am committed to instituting the reforms necessary in our Police Department and know that there are many questions but this just occurred and honestly i do not have the answers today this is just the latest wave of protests following Police Action against African American individuals they were nationwide demonstrations following the killing of george floyd in may this year the 46 year old died after a white Police Officer knelt on his neck for more than 7 minutes. Then a fresh round of protests following the shooting of jacob break in commercial wisconsin on the 23rd of last month the 29 year old African American was shot in the back several times during a wrist in full view of his children sitting in his car blake is paralyzed from the waist down. The u. S. Attorney general recently denied there was systematic racism within the police making the claim that in his words it is very rare for an unarmed African American to be shot by a white Police Officer the millions that throughout much of this year have protested the Police Killings of African Americans would disagree pointing at the death of daniel pearl in rochester as yet another tragic confirmation of independence statistics that black americans are as much as 10 times more likely to be shot by police d than white ones mike hanna aljazeera washington. They also comes to set a new diversity standard for their best picture award starting in 2024 films must meet at least 2 or 4 new categories in order to be nominated its meant to promote representation on screen among the crew in the studio and in the field of interned ships in recent years theres been criticism over the lack of diversity among nominees. Sports next on aljazeera has got the latest ice hockey actually as teams battle to reach the stanley cup. Youre. Support his layoff thank you rob well port a superstar christian or an all those now also jury and the 35 year old just scored his 100 International Goal it was a trademark free kick for portugal and a 2 nil win over sweden he scored the other goal as well this milestone comes 16 years after his 1st goal against greece at euro 222004 around the alley day is the other man to have scored a century he scored he reached 109 elsewhere world champions france beat croatia 42 and a repeat of the 2018 World Cup Final frances goals coming from and one griezmann di open macondo Olivier Giroud and own goal on a disease. We were way more consistent in the 2nd half we played better weve got a bit more confident attacking more we managed to score 4 goals and we could have scored even more with a system of plays far from perfect but we need to go through difficulties i made many changes it is not an excuse it just allows other players to be in the action more than they would usually be. 28000 u. S. Open champion naomi osaka is through to this years semi finals and possibly just one win away from a deja vu meeting with Serena Williams in the final a sock a breezed into the final 4 after defeating Shelby Rogers in straight sets at flushing meadows peter 7 reports from japan. Naomi osaka is a woman on a mission since the western and southern open she has decided to protest racial and social injustice shes also in hot pursuit of a 3rd grand slam singles title and on tuesday american Shelby Rogers was dispatched in one hour and 20 minutes 63 and 64 after the match osaka used her mosque to pay tribute to george floyd who was killed by a policeman all of the matches are really tough the scoreline might not suggest it but ive had a really a couple really hard matches i think that. Made me really grateful to be in this decision right now. Osaka will face another american in the semifinals jennifer brady. Brady is challenging the call. Came semi brady. The 28th seed was a straight sets win against you put in savor of kazakhstan 63 and 62. In the mains draw alexander then it will be the 1st german in a u. S. Open single semifinal since boris becker in 1995. Found himself 6142 down inside the 1st half an hour but food back to take the win in 4 saves 16767663. 3 sets to one. I mean look obviously i didnt play well. About it was down 6142 after about 28 minutes so. Its not a secret i didnt play my best but i found a way of found a way to win thats a concern and i feel like thats the most important variable face problem in the final 4. You know what. Was the spaniard spend more than 4 hours on court in a 5 say against canadas denis shop overload. Eventually winning 367676 love 6 and 63 to reach the u. S. Open single semifinals for the 2nd time he did same it aljazeera. After the u. S. Open finishes players will start prepping for the french open in 2 weeks world number 2 after on the doll will be aiming for a record extending 13th title at Roland Garros the spaniards preparing come back to the sport starting with the italian open in rome he hasnt played a match in 7 months. The miami heat sealed their 4th went against the Milwaukee Bucks and punch their ticket to the eastern conference final the heat were on fire jimmy butler raked in a double double with 70. Points and 10 rebounds 5 of his teammates also had double doubles final score here 1394. 0 but a win is going to tell you how we can get it we talk about want to be an awesome but i think its one so many. So many. Plot everybody is really ready for Le Bron James scored 36 points in rashaun john rando it sparked a 4th quarter rally for the l. A. Lakers against the Houston Rockets they won this game 112102 taking a 21. 00 lead in their western conference playoff series with dunks like this by the end of the night Le Bron James broke an n. B. A. Record with the most playoff wins topping the charts at 162 its noted. At the top most wins for an individual. You know is very humble and this of that i never dreamed of but it never came into the league or as the kids and i want to be number one employer whence. You know what we said i want to be a part of when he called her and be a winning player and do whatever it takes to win and this is the result of it but it doesnt happen. You know much he made over the years more culture says over the years. You know everyone from top to bottom in ice hockey the vegas cold nights one game 2 against the dallas stars to level the western conference final goaltender robin lehner made 24 saves to keep the dallas stars scoreless the entire game it was 4th shut out in 5 starts of his career final score this time 30 game 3 is on thursday. Some lucky fans will be allowed to attend the 1st 2 n. F. L. Games and ohio this month the state governor said 3000. 00 supporters will be able to watch the Cleveland Browns and the sense now the bengals in person each of their season opening home games there will still be social distancing and everyone is required to wear face masks. Former n. F. L. Quarterback collin capper nick will be featured in a video game version of the sport for the 1st time in 4 years e. A. Sports announcer theyve included him in madden 21. 00 in the game hes program to be a free agent and raise his fist in the air after scoring every touchdown kopper nick has not played in the n. F. L. Since 2016 after he began kneeling during the National Anthem to protest against racism the Boston Red Sox slow down the phillies winning streak in philadelphia on tuesday the phillies had won 7 of their last 9 before this loss at the bottom of the 7th inning phillies. Flies out to do a lead in right field to end the game final score red sox 5 to. Caster semenya has lost her latest appeal against the world athletics rules which limit naturally high testosterone levels and female athletes her case against the court of arbitration for sport was dismissed by Switzerland Supreme Court it means she cannot defend her 800 meter a one pick title in tokyo next year unless she agrees to limit her testosterone with a medication for surgery which she has repeatedly said she will not do. Well thats it for me in sports and back over to rob thanks very much indeed for the body vote is going to be here in a couple of minutes with more on all these stories i wrote about this and thanks very much for being with the back. Investigative journalism i got my i day look this is why are they on from the press but down area about their lives the local expats and discussion should reparations be paid to called if you feel you can vote on people losing their support the freedom that you people looking to leave giving voice to the voiceless and like youre going to do why dont every time you would programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on the aljazeera. Johnnies of danger. And hope im working tools to move to get to drug. Allergies or wild follows for refugees facing the challenge of building a life in europe while staying close to their roots i still have this more open book or so im very proud of what i got entirely cause im not going to insure a place of refuge growth and im still on aljazeera. Play an Important Role protecting it would be. In response to Global Warming germany is gradually shutting down its coal industry but is it happening fast enough we dont have any time to waste anymore we cant wait there were taken there action to call for the immediate phase out of college for me as Climate Change activists challenge communities reliant on the industry for jobs people in power asks who will win the cold war on aljazeera. The and. The new desperation for thousands of migrants now left homeless after a fire as weve seen with the biggest scam in greece. Play watching aljazeera live from doha with me for the battle also ahead afghanistans Vice President survives another assassination attempt but a bomb attack on his convoy in kabul kills at least 10 a Top Pharmaceutical Company says its suspending trials for its coverage 1000. 00 after an unexplained delmas

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