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Northern california. Thank you very much for joining us india has a past presumed to become the country with the 2nd tightest number of corona virus infections in the world in the past 24 hours the Health Ministry has reported more than 90000 new cases and over a 1000 deaths india has had the Worlds Largest daily number of infections for nearly a month now despite this a government discontinuing with its reopening plans including resuming Metro Rail Services in the capital aljazeera as it is the one of the stations in new delhi. Despite a new recording me make any of the countries. Using it. Is amusing when you. Have all this time in. Number of major cities including here in delhi in fact mumbai if you look at that one. Metro in september by the capital of the worst. Not i shall now this is a relief to many people many millions of people use the metro in the cities its there because it is being done and it pays to manage with limited lines and limited times to point routes and there are a number of restrictions placed including the where i get my social distancing people are only allowed to sit on it to see how the government message for many months now has been indians must learn to live with the climate and i was taking it in the proportion and thats because they say they counted it another nation not down like the one they had the latest g. D. P. Figures shows indias economy shrunk by new 20 percent thats more than any other major economy in the world. Nearly 300. 00 Rohingya Refugees of been rescued from a beach in indonesia after drifting at sea for 6 months they believe its believed rather the group set sail from bangladesh in late march or early april they were bound for malaysia but were pushed back as borders tightened because of the pandemic hundreds of thousands of rohingya have fled myanmar since the military crackdown in 2017 mostar in neighboring bangladesh earlier i spoke to james gomes who is a regional director at the asia center he says the issue around Rohingya Refugees have shifted in recent months. I think 2 interesting developments in this state of crises 1st is the bush base pushback from bangladesh the government has you know publicly stated that its increasing for teak. Ringer refugees in bangladesh. And the government has also stated it is not going to accept investments what the ngo well being if it means extending yes they can cause particular so you dont need that kind of or shit happening the 2nd issue is really is that this is happening in the context of 19 this is pretty unique in this juncture in time because its allowing the immense in thailand malaysia and even indonesian authorities to responsibly push back then and also rage on the concerns of the citizens or anxieties of citizens. Consent so you know youll find that you know even in this latest incident. May pas about one lean coming out of. Fishermen and the local community then at. Least im going into meat into. The names arena has a commenting that countries should not you know act irresponsibly and push back i think they should have protocols in place where they can receive Asylum Seekers all refugees and put into place those protocols of social distancing wearing mask. In 1000 and all that is being that for everyone. South korea is being battered by a 2nd major storm in a week high shane has brought heavy rains and strong winds but was drawn graded to a typhoon from a rise drawn rated rather from a typhoon to a Tropical Storm it sound traveling inland towards north korea. Lashed upin injuring 20 people and forcing more than 1800000 others to leave their homes tens of thousands of people have been left without electricity rob mcbride has more from pong in south korea. I find its still making its way north there across the Korean Peninsula it is still in south korea still making its presence felt but very soon will be passing again have to see this is very much following the same track as another typhoon of a few days ago typhoon my sack passing out to sea but it came ashore in the southeast of the country here with very strong winds also a lawful lot of rain bringing with it we had the in the city opposing here when it did come ashore that this part of the city its out towards the more exposed coastal area where its ported they were recording gusts of up in excess of 150 Kilometers Per Hour of course the strongest winds affected q shoe the japanese main japanese island of the south where we had gusts in excess of 200 Kilometers Per Hour hundreds of thousands of people evacuating seeking shelter and thats where weve seen the most damage but as this typhoon progressed these it goes out to sea late to monday and then monday he think it makes landfall again as my sack did in north korea as they reach north korea they do some of their intensity but north korea raising quite a precarious position it doesnt have the kind of infrastructure that south korea and japan has to deal with these extreme weather events but interestingly the north koreans have taken a pummel proactive approach theyve been suffering from these storms with formal reporting almost in real time on state run television which is quite unusual for north korea and weve also seen kim jong un the leader being outgoing seeing the places that have been impacted i think want to go much to show that he is a leader who cares about his people he knows that the kinds of things that are going through because of course they face all of these problems which are exacerbated by these storms such as the covert the isolation for because of covert 19 and also the ongoing sanctions so. We do know that he north koreans are very concerned about this bracing for it and we do know that from their reporting that their main city in the east of one sun is once again under water it has been flooded so more damage to come this latest storm approaches north korea. To better rose now as Security Forces have detained more than 600 protesters at a large antigovernment rally in the capital tens of thousands of people rallied across mens calling for president Alexander Lukashenko as resignation protests have continued every day since last months disputed election which the president s opponents say was rigged Bennett Smith reports from neighboring lithuania. I. There is still some safety in numbers for the 10s of thousands of protesters on the streets of minsk the ministry of interior in valorous has warned them that demonstrations are illegal closing off city squares and streets but that hasnt stopped people descending on the capital for a 4th week of protest against the continued leadership of president Alexander Lukashenko he claims he won the oldest 90 election with 80 percent of the vote the opposition say the poll was rigged and they want to read from. Those protesters made their way home on sunday Security Forces seem to take advantage of the thinning crowds pulling out people apparently at random according to witnesses and bundling them into vans that. Other video has emerged on social media of masked men in civilian clothes beating up people on the streets of minsk. In wall now breaking down the door of a cafe where the owner had given shelter to protesters who would imagine the regard people started running in say to the door and then out on 15 to 20 people in black mosque started to smash the glass into some people our human rights experts from the United Nations say theyve received hundreds of torture a shes a torture impeaching her feet. This is older call kovar of the Opposition Coordination Council sentenced to 10 days in jail she appeared in poland on saturday after she says she was forcibly taken to the border in the period. They came to the center where i was isolated they gave me a. Had a mask and took me out of prison they made me lie in the back seat and they drove me weve now as a nation center. At the president ial palace in minsk there was tight security to protect Lucas Shanker from his own people. We wont forgive we wont forget their shouting the videos emerging out of minsk on sunday night suggests that whatever tolerance the government have for the protesters is wearing thin but could increase pressure on western powers to impose sanctions on Alexander Lukashenko and senior members of his administration lithuanias foreign minister says in an interview that the European Unions lack of action over belarus is undermining the credibility of its Foreign Policy Bernard Smith aljazeera vilnius. Veronica callow is a leading belorussian activist who fled to poland after last months election she says the protests will only end when you look at the steps. We working very hard with the International Community we get to meet International Leaders we describe whats going on in those because we want the entire community the World Community to know whats going on the bellows and would like look i should go to leave some of the possible because he was this a good election hes not the gitmo surprises anymore any longer and he is the one who bush if you dont there was people so were working mostly with International Community with the most need or just through the police to let everybody know whats happening those people will know the changes they want to crush and go to uses i said before and those people will never give up the most but dont give up on to question clues because he has been in the power for 26 years and for the last 4 weeks we saw the way he treats people the way he tortured those people the way he beat the mob and we assume the nation those nation we dont want him in there longer so we will never give up until he gives up the power maybe as rival sides have met in morocco to be faster they announced a cease fire fell a geisha some tripolis un recognized government in the eastern based of repotting mentality talk sounds of rabat on sunday a large meeting including countries backing the 2 sides expected on monday in switzerland and morocco is playing an Important Role in the mediation effort says mahmud out then why have reports now from tripoli. Morricone foreign minister spoke and both of the legations also spoke it seems that there is a positive atmosphere apparently bought this is only this seems to be only the beginning of a series of meetings to be house to buy more or call it seems that workers also keen to invite both rival leaders the head of the tripoli high council of the state of the missionary and the speaker of the. Eastern parliament. Later there is no definite time for that to be meeting but as you know that morrocco is also in a way or another tries to make sure and to stress on the fact that the agreement that was sealed in morocco in 2015 known as the libyan political agreement is the main bases for any political settlement to the crises in libya now but this invitation to the rival delegations by america is a whole moral can initiative and its paddling with other International Efforts to sustain or to make sure that the seas fire dick aeration is being implemented on the ground. Still ahead on the program britains Prime Minister talks tough on breaks it saying leaving the e. U. Without a deal would still be a good outcome for the u. K. And an inquiry into the mantra serina bombing is said to begin a survivor seek answers as to whether a put have been prevented or how to live reports. Of. How we got some really heavy rain across central parts of europe at the moment on this band of cloud from the western side of russia right down to the out so you can see this very active a weather front here weve got some very warm air still in place to the southeast of the fresh air coming in across the northwest blustery show was rolling through here so the cooler attends the on the cut the warmer air forces the air to rise cools condenses forms cloud and the big downpours that we will see across eastern and central parts of the next couple days actually still seeing some rather lively showers just around the valley areas in that western side of the mediterranean temperatures just knocking up a little across the northwest over the next couple days london and paris at 2223 degrees warmer still as we go on into choose day but the show was never really too far away well you fine and dry by this stage into central areas but still some rather wet weather over towards the western side of the med and you may see a little bit of wet weather into the far north of algeria maybe into tunisia seasonal showers continue to rumble away across Central Africa still a little further north of l. A. Should be just nice yourself showed itll circulation here and that may well develop into a hurricane over the next couple of days certainly want to watch if you are on the other side of the atlantic. From lagos to jerusalem to buy am on the go Business Plans to lose money form malice to man his true man background. 3 short films that show how people take a stand against evictions in a struggling communities the 1st time they arrested i was 11 years old a. J. Selects on aljazeera. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera with me fully back to a reminder of our top stories india has surpassed brazil to become the country with the 2nd highest number of corona virus infections in the world in the past 24 hours it has recorded more than 19000 new cases in over 1000 deaths nearly 300 Rohingya Refugees have been rescued from a beach in indonesia to drifting at sea for 6 months they were bound for malaysia but with push back are supporters tightened because of the pandemic and south korea is being battered by a 2nd major storm in a week Tropical Storm hi shannon has brought heavy rains and strong winds its now traveling towards north korea its forced more than 1800000 people to leave their homes and. Now an inquiry into the 27000. 00 bombing in the british city of manchester will begin in the coming hours after months of delays because of the pandemic 22. 00 people were killed when an attacker detonated his explosives at a concert by singer Ariana Grande day the inquiry will examine possible security failings in the lead up to the attack family members of victims and survivors were also make statements last month the bombers brother was jailed for life for his role in planning the attack lets speak to paul brennan who is outside the court in manchester for us so paul theres already been a number of reports of inquiries into the bombing whats the purpose of this inquiry. Yes youre right there have been a number of inquiries into the circumstances all the Manchester Arena bomb attack this particular inquiry follows on from is essentially an inquest and on that basis it concentrates more on to the circumstances of the deaths of those 22 victims for that reason we have a lot of relatives attending those here. The Magistrates Court which is the venue for the inquiry and a Conference Center a couple of 100 metres away where theres a video link to the courts but the main questions that the inquiry is going to answer will overlap with some of those early inquiries it will look at the Emergency Response you might see Services Response on that night it will also look at whether the Security Services could have done more on Security Services have come in for criticism as to whether or not they should have acted upon the intelligence they already had on the bomb none of beatty he had returned from libya for example just 4 days before the bomb attack he was flagged as us subject of interest but the diary entry for actually reassessing that status and deciding whether to act on it wasnt direst until after the bomb had gone off after hed blown up his device killed himself and those other 22 people. The. Transparency of this hearing that is in question as i say its an inquest essentially looking to the circumstances of the deaths but because an inquest has to be held in open court that would mean that the m i 5 and Security Services couldnt give evidence so the inquiry chairman suggests saunders has changed it into a new independent Public Inquiry meaning that Security Services can give evidence in closed session with the relatives not there and so the relatives who are hoping francis are a little worried that not all the answers they want will be forthcoming so what will be the process today. Yes well that its its the opening essentially what im its already and it started in the last few minutes started at 9 am local a. J. Weve had poll greeny do you see who is the inquiry barrister he 1st of all very poignantly read out the names of the 22 victims 10 of them were with teenagers or even younger the youngest of them was just 8 years old then there was a minutes silence as a mark of respect for those people who were killed on sold as is giving his Opening Statements of brief statements as to the scope of the inquiry and then pull greeny returns to the stand to give his his Opening Statements to run through this summary of the evidence on the type of evidence that will be put forward in the next coming months the inquiry is going to last until spring of 2021 polgreen is opening staying the last 3 days thank you very much for that whole brennan lie for us saying manchester. And saying in the u. K. Prime minister voice johnson has made october 15th the deadline to strike a trade deal with the European Union he warned if theres no agreement by then britain will move on its chief negotiator david frost earlier warned that the u. K. Isnt afraid to walk away if brussels doesnt compromise on some issues frost and a a negotiator Michaud Bonney are due to hold an 8th round of talks on tuesday. As story changes underway in montenegro after pro said b n n pro russian audis declared victory in part of entry elections last week but supporters of the current nato friendly government are worried about the change in power as a pow reports. After 30 years of being ruled by a single party montenegrins are at a crossroads for the 1st time since a multiparty system was introduced in 1900 the Democratic Party of socialists wont be forming the next government and many are worried that lots of us so long to get out today i came to the capital of montenegro with my friends and my family to support our state to help many people remember what their ancestors did and what they died for and that is for justice and the freedom of montenegro for. Supporters of president milosevic on a bitch and the d. P. s rally by the thousands on sunday they were alarmed by what they saw after the august 30th elections serbian symbols and the 3 finger salute that accompanied the opposition coalitions declaration of victory. I am a citizen of the of the day we share about it for the scared i think people have gathered here to support peace harmony tolerance rather than sube nationalist interests we all live in harmony as brothers we dont need divisions in montenegro and because of this i support my lord but i am against any other flag being waved in our country be it by union bosnian serb Union Turkish german any other except for the montenegran flag. D. P. s is pro western and pro nato and saddled with corruption charges and accusations of becoming increasingly authoritarian the pro serb pro russian parties that ran under the banner of the future months negro are likely to change course away from the west and towards moscow and Belgrade Bureau in the premiers 3 of the djukanovic accuse serbias president alexander future and the Serbian Orthodox Church of interfering in the election and in attempt to revive greater serbian nationalism. The real follow up from the election is yet to be seen at the minorities that depend on montenegro stability and ethnic harmony want to make sure theyll be protected by any change in power and from any repeat of the past and should help the disease. A group of women has occupied government offices in mexico city to demand action against violence and locate missing people the group took over the National Human Rights Commission on thursday and has continued its protests over the weekend many are family members of people have gone missing they are believed to be victims of drug cartels murders of women are up by more than 5 percent this year compared to 2019 and more than 73000. 00 people have been reported missing. The protesters have gathered near a melting glacier in sirte cement to push for action on Climate Change the demonstration comes a day before the sweet spot and begins debating new legislation on reducing c o 2 emissions and 2nd only to holland we know that in the past 30 to 40 years more than 500. 00 glaciers have disappeared or are disappearing so its an alarming figure we know that it will have consequences on the alpine environment and later in the regions around its one of the largest sources of fresh water and it also maintains the climate as it is now. In sudan unprecedented floods are affecting more villages and neighborhoods as a blue nile reaches its highest level in more than a 100 years Scientists Say dams that have been built over the past few decades are partly to blame here but morgan has a report from khartoum flood water has covered the streets in sudans capital what 2 homes were abandoned as water from the nile filled them making them uninhabitable its the result of a rise in the rivers level the highest in more than 100 years lucky and have you gotten. The amounts of water was unimaginable was a home no expect to reach my house reached the house before me with my house on the homes off to me around my house will no homes are destroyed by the floods. Sure the people have taken their properties and left their homes we have houses that have been partially destroyed and houses that have completely collapsed. In other parts of how to land that was once dry is now part of the river which is rising for the 3rd week its called floods that has killed at least 100. 00 people over the past month more than 100000 homes have been partially or completely destroyed a 3 month state of emergency has been announced by the government and the country is now a Natural Disaster zone where people once walked both have become the main form of transport people mostly use them to get to dry land this isnt the 1st time the nile has flooded its banks but those affected say its the worst theyve ever seen sudans government says at least have a 1000000 people have been forced out of their homes as a result of the mild unprecedented rise in levels experts say a large part of that is because of Climate Change last year the International Committee for the red cross has listed sudan as one of 10 countries to suffer the consequences of Climate Change climate experts say the increase in rainfall on the few can highlands is caused by Climate Change thats led to more water flowing down the blue nile which contributes to 80 percent of the miles of water thats where experts who say development along the nile is adding to the effects of Climate Change well now that our well listen to the rains usually come at a certain time and people have been counting on that and they move to areas where the nile board is the banks but this year weve seen an increase in the amount of rainfall because of Climate Change and so the nile has flooded more than before in addition a lot of trees are being cut down to make place for residential areas near the nile affecting the valleys where the water would flow through sudans government says the levels will continue to rise over the coming days people say they hope the water doesnt take long to recede so they can go back to their homes and start the process of rebuilding people morgan on dome. A fire thats been burning for 3 days on a supertanker near sri lanka has been extinguished by the head of the Sri Lanka Navy warns another blaze could be ignited by the heat from the ships i am paid and you diamond was carrying about 2000000 barrels of crude oil although nobody has been reported a team of experts from britain and the netherlands has arrived in sri lanka to try and solve a step s. All that has been a dramatic rescue in the u. S. State of california after a fast moving wildfire trapped hundreds of people at a popular campsite the California National guard was forced to step in the region is also experiencing a record heat wave thats healing the finest rob reynolds way for some. They barely made it out alive a gallop ing wildfire trapped more than 200 people at a remote campground in the rugged Central California mountains when fire blocked the only road out the California National guard mounted an emergency nighttime rescue mission sending in helicopters to airlift the campers to safety this picture shows dozens of evacuees crowded into a National Guard chinook helicopter that fire grew so quickly so fast the trapped people mammoth pools reservoir up in the mountains the creek fire broke out on friday evening and quickly exploded in size by sunday it had burned more than 18000 hectors tinder dry forest and underbrush fed the flames several small communities in the area were evacuated as hundreds of firefighters battled the blaze Authorities Say 63. 00 people were hurt fleeing the flames 17 were admitted to local hospitals and injuries including both broken bones lacerations scrapes bruises those going to things another blaze called eldorado fire is threatening homes near San Bernardino east of los angeles. As it broke out on saturday and grew rapidly burning more than 1200 hectares and forcing some residents to evacuate the multiple fires are burning as a record smashing heat wave scorches california and other western states a Community Near los angeles reported a blistering 49. 4 degrees celsius robert oulds aljazeera los angeles. No again im fully back to go with the headlines on aljazeera india has to pass brazil to become the country with the 2nd highest number of corona virus infections in the world in the past 24 hours it has reported more than 90000 new cases and over 1000 deaths this comes as Metro Rail Service is a resuming in the capital new delhi and as with random has more Metro Rail Service sloshing around the country for the 1st time in more than 5 months later on this week was will be open in delhi will be open to a number of other stay on clearing one line for the nightlife. And like i had nothing i think of themselves that indian the message has been for months now that indians must live a round of piracy but taking the course and the Health Ministry keeps pointing to what it says is one of the lowest paid talent he basically told us that 2 percent of indians they say were going to fire us have died and the government also said that the country cannot afford another 6 rate nationwide lockdown. Nearly 300 running of refugees have been rescued from a beach in indonesia after drifting at sea for 6 months they were bound for malaysia but were pushed back as borders tightens because of the pandemic. But a russian protest leader Maria Kali Neshoba has been detained in central main square courting to opposition activists this comes after Security Forces in bello rules detained dozens of protesters that a large on Thai Government rally in the capital on sunday tens of thousands of people rallied across minsk calling for president Alexander Lukashenko is resignation libyan delegations from tripoli as u. N. Recognize government and the eastern based Group Parliament have held talks in morocco 2 weeks after they announce a cease fire a larger meeting including countries backing the 2 sides expected on monday in switzerland south korea is being batted by is 2nd major storm in a week Tropical Storm high ssion has brought heavy rains and strong winds its now traveling inland towards north korea its forced more than 1800000. 00 people to leave their homes. Those are the headlines as always much more news on our website at aljazeera dot com and ill have more world news for you coming up after a. J. Selects this. Im counting the cost as oil prices slumping economy strength and austerity kicks in is this the end of the middle east oil rush south africas unemployment hit a record high before the pandemic plus this fight to save the economy. Counting the cost on aljazeera. So try and sell side no no no i dont really identify because its really really confusing. And i go again from im trying to identify my house. Im trying to identify my house my family. To go to visit strange and there is my own my own story and history my background. How good the movement going to live in the oil

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