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a peace agreement with the government. india's economy contracts by almost 24 percent the strict coronavirus shutdowns hit growth. and nearly half a 1000000 people signed up for free coronavirus testing in hong kong it's also stirring up controversy. about heated stem to hold a sports car while limited schools 33 points to lead the los angeles clippers past the baddest mavericks and into the next round of the n.b.a. playoffs. we're going to lebanon where most are far there has been named prime minister designate and tasked with forming a new government ambassador to germany won support from the main political factions including the future movement hezbollah and its allies it has its rules a loss even lets you move to. there is no. promises it's time for us to join hands and restore hope among lebanese leaving these appending high hopes on this and we hope we will be successful we want to restore hope and get back on our feet to work for the benefit of our country i have accepted this task because i'm a we and all the political fictions are we're all the gravity of the situation and in the c.c.c. to immediately implement reforms. let's bring as a whole to who is live for us in beirut saying and tell us a bit more about mostafa what is it about him but unable to garner the necessary support. well it was a surprise announcement last night when it appeared a political deal was reached among the different factions in the oven on divided landscape which led many to believe that outside pressure in particular france who has been really a main power broker in this latest political crisis to try to come up with a deal a consensual candidate a candidate except that by all the different factions it was key that the former prime minister saad know how devious block named him because how the leaves the biggest sunday bloc in parliament he is considered the leader of the senate community and this post is reserved for the sunday community unlike the previous prime minister he was named by the shia alliance so he has little cover from the leadership and it's clear that he has the cover of the international community that is what more and more people have been telling us even some in the opposition believe that you know it was france really that not just suggested but ordered the lebanese politicians it's time to come together we need to move forward so most of the is a man a former diplomat now he was the once an advisor to a former prime minister he's now the man who's going to try to leave this country stay with out of of the deep economic crisis that it's in ok and then going down that road what happens from here on out the process of actually forming a government. he's promising that it's going to be a swift formation and that's the political parties are working together he's also promising that much needed economic reforms will be carried out the needed draft laws will be approved by parliament that they're going to start fighting corruption all the same statements that were made by his previous tests or to have his hand you have also promised reforms but he was faced by a political establishment which was not ready to give up the power and influence they had over state institutions and that's why it's so key because the international community is telling 11 on seeders you're not getting a blank check you're not getting the billions of dollars you need to. we have laws to hold our apologies there that was a know how to live for us in beirut. to other news now in saddam's government has signed a peace deal aimed at ending nearly 20 years of conflict agreement has been reached between rebel groups and the transitional government neighboring south sudan mediated the deal to morgan reports for. nearly a year after the start of talks to dance transitional government and the opposition coalition the sudanese revolutionary front are signing a peace deal the administration made ending conflict across it and its top priority and it's hoped this will help achieve it in the city on the promise of the me we are glad that we managed to achieve a milestone regarding achieving peace in sudan we know there are other factions better yes to sign and we hope there will be another ranch negotiate with these groups peace is the most important thing we have for the decisional period and without it all the talks about democratic concision economic developments is not possible so we see this as the 1st step has advanced incision leading up to this deal agreements have been signed by other groups that make up the sudanese revolutionary front each are presenting a different region in sudan the groups some armed oppose the previous government of ahmed bashir who was overthrown in april last year they say their regions have long been marginalized the new deal will give a role in the transitional government and hand over more power to local governments it also paves the way for the formation of a transitional legislative assembly the deal mediated by south sudan would also restarts the dance of 39 month transitional period imo we affirm the commitment of south sudan and sudan's journey to peace because sudan peace is south sudan's peace there are still 2 more groups that are yet to sign a deal and we will continue on the issue of peace until there is a comprehensive peace in sudan we don't want any more war in dar for negotiations to end the conflict in the western region of darfur has taken the longest the war there began in 2003 and has resulted in the deaths of 3 100000 people and the displacement. of $2000000.00 the forces of the armed groups will be integrated into the sudanese army reparations will be paid to those affected by the conflict and those displaced will be allowed to return home and even if you're not a biomed we've been in these camps since 2004 we want to conflict again so we can go back to our harvest into our own sister home but we've not been properly consulted on the deal that's taking place all represented and so we concerned it may not hold. the deal is not the 1st attempt at peace in sudan's conflict zones but sudan's transitional government and the sudanese revolutionary front say this time there's a political will to make it last people morgan has their own hearts on. solar on baldo is a sudanese affairs analyst and former director of the sudan democracy 1st group you joins us live from west orange new jersey by skype thank you for your time mr bell though how hopeful are you about this agreement that it will indeed bring peace and allow the country to move forward. to the very significant step in achieving a comprehensive peace but it will not be you know. until the 1st. signatory at this time. to join their demands are you committed i believe they should be addressed seriously should . be. the agreement as it stands now covers a lot of things security land ownership transitional justice power sharing what do you think will be the biggest challenges in implementing this moving forward. that riemann implementation would require a lot of resources that sudan doesn't have because of a chronic a worsening economy cut across is threatening the stability in the country becoming classes of limited by increasing tensions between the military component of the sunni and lit cabinet which are trying to place all a source of the country under the sovereign oversight of the minister of finance a little establishment with its considerable economy cloud it is denying that access and rejecting acceptance of oversight of the government or that their resources and therefore sudan has yet to address a lot of issues in order to be able to implement these really meant and to him the trust of the international community so that there will be influx of her sources to enable that imitation for i'm going to quote use of that leading to sudan is a fairly isolated internationally on the sanctions from the u.s. to think this might pave the way for that to change. well the economic sanctions and be lifted if x. is doing to 70 what is happening you know not malays asian business who none of the rest of the international community the continue doing nation of sudan or the status quo sort of terrorism which is totally unjustified now that the sudanese. toppled the regime responsible for ending that label sudan stands ready to join the international community wants the united states of america. to the lifting of the name of the country from their. midst so this is this is a major requirement and i believe it's about time it happens or that the peace that sort of thrones aspire for could really be implemented. thank you time your analysis of the ramble though they're a sudanese affairs analyst live from west orange new jersey thank you. white house advisor john has arrived in the united arab emirates from israel the 1st commercial flight between the 2 nations is joined by an israeli delegation the visit follows a u.s. brokered deal between israel and the u.a.e. to normalize relations and said to be formalized palestinians have denounced the deal saying it betrays their rights to spoke shortly after arriving in abu dhabi he says the flight was also important for another reason. also historic was the kingdom of saudi arabia granting permission for this israeli commercial flight to use its airspace this is the 1st time that this is ever happened i would like to think the kingdom of saudi arabia for making that possible. bashar is al jazeera senior political analyst joining us live now from london by scott marr one could say on the tomic this peace was forged by leaders and desired by the people but when you wrote about this deal you said this is less a peace agreement and more an alliance can you talk to me about that. well certainly the reports from of israel is that most people are not exactly in the c.s. that was sort of kind of behind them wherever is happening with the embers and the people and the emirates have to be happy you know that's what i remember of you should have and don't few weeks ago a minister for happiness which now has gone under the ministry of community development so the iraqis don't have the choice of israelis they have to be happy because the rulers told them you must be happy and hence they are going out with class but yes as you said there's not much to celebrate aside from the fact that this is not in fact a peace deal but an alliance on the lines that's been. behind the scenes what happened to some 15 years so while the flight took 3 hours in fact dropped out of the way or the roads from that he'd probably has to get 15 years starting with the sick of negotiations in washington right after the gulf war started and they continued after the arab spring the arab upheavals in 2000 down and through the iranian peter deal that both you that you know he and his. woes are was so if your if your course and can use since then and throughout those 15 years they have slowly but surely worked out an alliance of sort that they've just announced and that alliance basically assists all a number of countries in the region are working together even if and especially if they don't like the united states' position on whatever the next day lives whether it's one with iran to hear some items this is of course being presented as a win now by donald trump ahead of the election what is aboud davina's calculation here considering joe biden ahead in many parts. you know this is a very important question because for many of us who look at it at the beginning we say that while in rushing to make a deal what is by that is elected because by then as we all 'd know is still committed there i need their appeal i will not look kindly at some sort of an ally and someone i'm not just clients in up with i'll be into the against the wishes of the administration washington or becoming an essential but clearly i would not be the sees it differently is rushing to make it the with that because things the israelis have a lot of clout in washington and they think the united is but they've been invited if why then is elected president and insists on returning to the new iranian player b. are they more of these anti israelis at this point and by having suffered through the obama administration the years when obama supported in the at the beginning anyway democracy in the arab world one of our supported a nuclear deal with iran but also what these americans clients in cairo. and riyadh have so opposed it so much that they decided to work with or sometimes behind america's back together in order to make sure that the next time washington whether it's by they don't trump or whoever decides to war against their own natural interests that they would work together to boost whatever that initiative is how listin ians have rejected this alliance calling it a betrayal how do the palestinians lost a maverick against israel with this deal. absolutely and that's why you know it's built while it's factual to say that the palestinians think it's a betrayal we could say factually it is a traitor in the sense that despite the p r stunts and the b.s. that come from would that be about trying to help the palestinians not an exception it's sort of an open scandal everyone knows that behind the scenes up with that with that and they have been coordinating have been shooting indulgences have been working out and i asked and the last thing on their mind is the palestinians and we also saw that from that the new house response to the porch of the home of doubly having no mention was at all if anything it is not that you know the last several weeks have been getting the israeli peace camp or so let's call them the moderates or the centrist of israel that they were wrong all along that israel does not have to concede anything to the perps or to the palestinians in order for israel the wrong wise relations with countries and i would not be proven to be a whole correct he will do right in the sense that it has entered into a relationship by then an alliance with israel. while not even paying any attention to that but i see this show why britain away from the arab consensus that said look we went about my lies relations with israel but only after israel withdraws from palestinian arab lands and recognizes the palestinian rights to be free people in their own homeland thank you for that marwan bashar their own desires senior political analyst. i did my head on the news all including. it's you who created the heat in the division. us president donald trump is accused of inflaming racial tensions after shooting important for his supporters 4th with rival demonstrations. and tennis gets ready for its pandemic grand slam but one player has already tested positive for corona virus details the peter principle of . india's economy has contracted for the 1st time in 40 years as a result of the coronavirus pandemic its g.d.p. shrank by 23.9 percent between april and june india dealt with an unprecedented nationwide shutdown from march the country reported more than 78 belles a new cases on sunday its biggest single day jump let's go live now to elizabeth brandon who's in new delhi elizabeth so the worst quarterly contraction in the country's history i'm reading was this explained to. him so we weren't expecting the numbers to be good but as you said the june quarter g.d.p. is being reported as the worst in india's history india's chief financial advisor to the government said that that's because of the shock felt globally because of covert 19 and also because of india's lockdown india's lot john was one of the strictest in the world when it was imposed in late march its or the closure of most of the manufacturing of service sectors that had a huge impact on india's hundreds of millions of daily wage earners 90 percent of the population in fact people who have to work every single day to survive more than 120000000 indians who lost their jobs it just in the month of april and most of them were daily wage earners the unemployment figures have improved somewhat as the restrictions have been eased but what's happening with the. easing of the strictures is that daily wage earners some of them have been able to find work but salaried employees new to lose their jobs nearly 20000000 art have lost their jobs since late march will be really interesting to see what the government does because they imposed not imposed announced rather a multi-billion dollar economic package soon after the lockdown was announced but they admit that they are in a real really bad financial situation in fact they're in a battle with states at the moment because they haven't been able to pay states the g.s.t. which they owe them this thing that they're just not able to able to financially ok and elizabeth. are these figures then the reason that india is continuing to ease coronavirus restrictions well that is certainly what the government has been saying for many months now it's been adamant that there's no question of another lock down because of the economic impact some of those figures which we are seeing today in this part the fact that india has been recording more daily cases than any other country in the world for more than 2 weeks now the government is continuing to ease restrictions in fact a few days ago to announce that metro rail services will be allowed for next week there are fewer and fewer restrictions very few restrictions now on interstate travel so despite the fact that around a 1000 people are dying every day from the coronavirus the economic cost of any high end of the lockdown on lockdown a restriction staying in place that's too high a cost for the government ok thank you for that elizabeth brannon live for us in new delhi now let's bring in john smith on he is a visiting senior fellow with the i.c.'s yusof ishak institute in singapore thank you for your time were you surprised by these numbers. i think a the quarterly number of about 23.9 percent was at the higher end of expectations the range was between 16 to 25 so in that sense again you know most people on average were surprised by the depth of the contraction but as your correspondent just said you know this was very strange and law over a prolonged period of time and in that context you know economic activity grinding almost to a halt for so long was likely to produce a devastating impact on output and growth and that's basically what we've seen so i guess it's on the high end of expectations. you know the the last time was so why stringent that it shouldn't really surprise i guess what is it about the indian economy that's made it particularly vulnerable to the effects of these knock downs. well you know all of countries suffer you know tremendously when you turn off the engine but i guess in the case of india you know you have a huge informal sector. and one in which you know as the a correspondent mentioned people live on a day to day basis you know they have to scavenge they have to beg so conditions of very difficult for the vast majority of the population in fact long downs i think in countries like india bound to fail you know people who don't have running water at home many of them don't have homes the ones who don't have running water will be forced to break. a few you know head out and look for water and food to survive so long. don't work in curtailing the spread of the virus yet they import huge costs on the economy so i think in the case of india you have the worst of both worlds where you know you have the pain from the lot of economic theory and as we're seeing now with record numbers of infections davey yesterday and today you know they know it's not working in terms of being the community spread of the virus the you know so i think the way forward is to try and move to a smaller target measures rather than general lockdowns that has to be the way forward but you have been there ok thanks for that chance man on there with the i.c.'s yourself institute in singapore. thank you. a man who hid and protected hundreds of people during the 9941 genocide has been arrested on terror charges paul rusesabagina was detained brought he's been living in exile is accused of forming and leading what we're wanted or thora he's called terrorist movements misses a big a no one multiple human rights awards for saving lives during the genocide an estimated 800000 rwandans were killed in just 100 days his role was celebrated in the 2004 film hotel rwanda for what it's called 5 to marc webb who's in nairobi melcombe tell us more about the accusations against the who says about ghana. hollywood does he said betrayed him as a hero but ruined his investigation bureau has said today that he's been arrested and he's been charged with funding terrorist groups and organizing attacks within miranda from abroad no it's made these kinds of allegations against him for many years back in there during the genocide in 1904 when he was widely reported to have protected hundreds of ethnic in an international hotel where he was the manager at the time 12 years after that he published a book criticizing the government of president paul kagame me in rwanda saying that it favored a small ethnic tutsi elite and was marginalizing the hutu majority the kinds of ethnic divisions and marginalization that with the events in the previous decades to the genocide he said these kind of things were still going on and that led to a public feud between him and president paul kagame and he also accused run this government of denying and covering up the massacres of ethnic hutus that took place at the same time he said that no one's been held to account for these events now it's certainly not uncommon for all these kinds of views are very rarely tolerated or are really tolerated in the rich people who are critical of the government's narrative. mostly do it from the safety of other continent now the recent example was in february this year when the popular singer because the term he go was found dead in a jail cell police said he committed suicide but rights groups say that report he was strangled in the hasn't been any credible investigation into his death now his lyrics of some of his songs were also alluding to similar sort of criticisms of the popular story of the government's narrative of those events of 1904 and of the genocide now waiting to find out from. research for beginners lawyers or activists comment on this arrest is we also don't know where exactly it happened although the robot in the investigation bureau described it as the outcome of an international operation as far as we knew recess a beginner was living either in texas or in belgium so it's not clear quite how he ended up in rwanda and arrested as has been reported by the on the north or it is ok thank you for that malcolm webb covering developments from nairobi. 2 opposition leaders in ivory coast are attempting to join the presidential race on tuesday despite being barred from running both living in exile and had their candidacies rejected from the electoral commission president alassane ouattara is running for a 3rd term but critics say that's against the constitution several people have been killed in recent weeks during protests against the president amid interest has a subject from a boojum. the fact that the deadline for the submission of these papers candidacy papers is about 2 and that's the reason why they support is wanted to make sure that the election commission put them on the ballot so if the election commission refuses to put them to put their names on the ballot a lot of people feel that big could be some kind of porters across ivory coast especially from their supporters and that leaves the fuel to 2 key gladiators in ivorian politics or president. and others and what their aims of so their supporters are eager to see that whatever it takes their names are on the ballot but from the looks of things that could be a very difficult proposition already security forces are prepared right now that the pictures we see out of ivory coast police have been deployed around the election commission rent violence spreading inside the headquarters of the elections remember the elections i just 31 days away. or rather. 2 months away so this is a very tense moment for most people in ivory coast especially supporters of bill position. well time now for the weather and the monsoon rains are retreating erratic yes we like to say they sweep it and they sweep the game is it's never that simple obviously at the moment you can see this big gap over india where there's no cloud was quite a mess of it in the west and over pakistan however within the monsoon air you do get an awful lot of rain which builds up into the rivers of course so imagine pradesh for example you're still getting plenty of flooding this is just one example of it but this is a meeting of 2 fairly small routes and they're easily overflowed in nagpur you've got the same thing maharashtra been very badly hit too it's all series yes some of his want to but not much in the next 24 hours you can see there are a few showers around that pool the majority the rain is pakistan even afghanistan but still in the northeast of india and in bangladesh and he is when you get the advance of the retreat of the monsoon trough either here or in east asia you tend to spin out some sort of storm we've got a typhoon a nother typhoon could be up for the east china sea at the moment this is basic is about a category 3 hurricane if it would be named as such so it is a massive storm just think of the scale of the map and you see the eye of it as well so it's a well formed thing is starting to throw its influence into the smaller arms of japan the real q.j. with big waves and some rain but luckily just last one is staying over the water for a while but not for ever and given its strengths it's a pretty nasty prospect to get there the wednesday when to thursday as it approaches south korea it might just catch the edge of japan but this is the place to watch so we're focusing on those details i think in the next day or to thank you for that rob. still to come here on al-jazeera. we speak to us trillions who are still reeling from what's now known as the black summer. and a thrilling finish to gold spam w championship peace want to hear the details and support. the big. frank assessment what are you seeing in yemen. there's a new poll released what it means to look at this it's an informed opinion which is ethiopia on the verge of breakdown in many parts of the old immediate region are actually under a de facto state of emergency and critical debate of the use of proxy because look at everything because the bolivian people in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines inside story on al-jazeera rewind returns with a new series and brand new updates on the best about to see this documentary by will compare the pool of onion in the onion the sweetness bar the hugs and the feel the confinement the goal to remind continues with cambodia is also in business. this is actually totally crazy scene it just allowed us to pick up full kids from this internet they now con out and we could just drive off with them. on al-jazeera . you're watching are just there are a mind of our top stories this hour evans president bashar al now has named ambassador moustapha as the country's new prime minister designate a deep secured supporter of a majority of m.p.'s the previous government quit on august the 10th after a huge explosion at beirut's port. sudan's transitional government has signed a peace deal with a coalition of rebel groups to end nearly 2 decades of conflict in south sudan has been mediating talks since november aimed at stopping violence in many parts of sudan including the darfur region. india's economy is contracted for the 1st time in 40 years as a result of the coronavirus pandemic its g.d.p. shrank nearly 24 percent in its 1st quarter after a nationwide lock down the country from puerto its biggest single day jump and cases on sunday. are the mayor of portland has accused president donald trump of creating a culture of fear hate and division in the u.s. a supporter of a far right group was killed in the city on saturday night it happened when backers of the president forthwith counter-demonstrators mike hanna reports there are. anti racism protests continue in a number of cities across the united states the new wave of demonstrations sparked by the police shooting last week of jacob lake in commercial wisconsin a 29 year old african american remains paralyzed in hospital. on saturday night dozens of president trump supporters confronted protesters in portland oregon. one person was shot and killed in circumstances still to be established. this afternoon my heart is heavy the city's mayor insists that president trump must bear responsibility friends it's you who have created the hate in the division president trump you bring no peace you bring no respect to our democracy you mr president need to do your job as the leader of this nation president trump spent part of the day playing golf but only after sending dozens of tweets rushing out to the ports in may trump described his supporters who converged on the city to hold counted demonstrations as great patriots urging others to follow their lead his chief of staff denies the president is inciting violence we've had over 200 and our kiss and they're not peaceful protesters these are people that every single night conduct violent acts and and it is in democrat cities you know you want to talk about donald trump's. america most of donald trump's america is peaceful it is a a democrat led city important that we're talking about this morning people are getting injured a 17 year old self described supporter of president trump has been charged with killing 2 people in cannot show in the days of to the jacob blake shooting the president is still to condemn the killings and insists he will visit cannot show on tuesday despite the mayor there asking him not to i think that when you look at the conditions that are going on in the community this can be used trying to you know we're trying to move together and i think that this morning time it's it's not the best idea following days of protests and cannot against police brutality a small group gathered to express their support for police an indication of the ongoing divisions within this country which critics contend president trump is intent on exploiting amid his campaign for reelection. mike hanna. washington wanted a girl's ruling party has now royally won the parliamentary election its worst result since the country won independence from serbia 14 years ago the pro western party of president. djukanovic secured 35 percent of votes the process of an opposition party trailed behind with 32 percent meaning it could form a government if it can reach consensus with montenegro's other 2 opposition parties for more let's cross now to ivan petrovitch in progress each or the capital of montenegro so the d.p.'s had its worst results since independence why. well came the day after the elections montenegro is in some kind of state of this believe whether it is positive or negative for the 1st time in its modern history in this country is faced with a possible change in power for decades it was ruled by the same party the d.p.'s of current president kind of which disparity led the country to independence through nato membership and now it's leaning towards european union membership but now this ruling party could easily be replaced with to be an opposition blocs. would love to have and to see more closer ties of montenegro with neighboring serbia as well as with russia however. to be a blocs don't have enough friends in montenegro in parliament to create their own government so they will need help from their partner and that partner is process. called up which stands for progress from of the country for that reason. to expect any kind of dramatic change in the course that this country is heading the problem is that these 3 blocks have some rare things in common except those that wish to change the government so their relations now are going to be best today started on official negotiations on terms on how to create a new government and they claimed last night from all 3 sides that the new government should be a government of experts the new government will face a tough economic situation worsened by these coronavirus pandemic and the worst tourism season that montenegro have seen so far they will also have to work with the current president and that's miller's you kind of which we certainly are not happy that his own party has laws these elections but he said last night that he will recognize the result and that he is going to fall. all of this result in the wish of the people in this country. it's a tough situation the analysts are very. very cautious about the situation and they say that it's for sure that this country is going to face a more divisions and more uncertain political situation. right now where it will very divided country and it's going to be like that for the next couple next couple of years but the it's a totally new political situation and climate in the country and. it's uncertain the. within the country how it's going to lead this country in the next 4 years thank you for that ivan perkovic. russia says it considers the situation in bellows to be under control and won't be sending in any forces that's despite protests entering their 4th week after countries now also impose travel sanctions against president alexander lukashenko and other belarusian officials he's accused of rigging the elections earlier this month to continue his 26 years of authoritarian rule tens of thousands marched through the capital on sunday demanding he resign. hong kong's government says half a 1000000 people have signed up for its free coronavirus testing program due to launch on tuesday but a pro-democracy union of health care workers has called for a boycott because of the program's connections to mainland china so comparables from hong kong. in a city still struggling with a 3rd wave of corona virus infection the government says mass testing is the best way to put hong kong on a course for recovery. the universal community testing program is running from september 1st the government is heavily promoting the campaign which has been funded by mainland china central government at a cost of $20000000.00 the offer was presented as a favor to the city government has released this video thanking mine and authorities for their help so odd choice let me reiterate that this is a 100 percent voluntary universal testing program the aim is to ensure those who want to get tested can get tested more than 140 centers have now been set up with voluntary testing to start on tuesday the hong kong government says it's responsible for sample collection but a team of 60 medical staff from china will lead the screening and 3 mine led by skipper trees will process the results china's involvement is being viewed with skepticism by some who fear the genetic data could be used for other purposes we do not know how they will be stored how long they are going to retain or if they are collecting the data for testing so what they use it for comparison for that this takes we we don't know despite a recent outbreak hong kong has seen a downward trend a few of the 100 cases for more than 20 dives the government says this screening program imes to address a recent spike in community transmissions and also did people peace of mind opposition groups and some in the medical community so mass testing. it is not the most cost effective solution i don't go against testing but i really think that testing should be targeted testing should be targeted to those who have symptoms testing should be targeted to doe's with close contact with the convent cases hong kong has reported more than 4 and a half 1000 coronavirus cases so far this mess testing program may identify more infections but at the moment authorities are leading the campaign it will also be a barometer of anti mainland sentiment in his former british territory sarah clarke al-jazeera hong kong. china has warned a prominent czech politician he'll pay a heavy price for visiting taiwan czech republic senate speak amy last visceral arrived in taiwan on sunday with a large delegation he said his trip would promote business links and that the czech republic would not bowed to beijing's objections china considers taiwan a breakaway province and eligible for state to state relations. rising water levels along kenya's great rift valley have forced thousands from their homes there are also fears of a looming ecological disaster 2 lakes are growing closer together and could contaminate each other threatening wildlife and livelihoods have been so explains. this is lake but korea in kenya's rift valley an alkaline lake which is home to some of the largest colonies of flamingoes in the world and this eases and hot springs but something has been changing in the last few years the water level has been rising causing the lake to expand about 8 kilometers since 2013 it has covered most of the keys as submerged territory that once had homes hospitals and roads james kim a game warden shows us how far the lake has calm and tells us how worried he is. used to be the formula. for the. the lake gets most of its water from a river whose main source of forests in the central highlands environmental climate change deforestation and unusually heavy rains have made things worse this is one of the rivers that feed and our game warden says the big problem is right here because if the water from the lake which is rising gets to this point then it cool drew us the cause of the river mix up with swamps downstream which connect with burying a freshwater lake they facts to the ecosystem will be disastrous lake very good 13 kilometers to the north has freshwater the 2 lakes were 20 kilometers apart not too long ago lake baringo is rising at about 2 and a half centimeters a day its water has increased by up to 12 meters in the last 7 years where we are running past and a bird has to be drawn around dr lizabeth my horse has lived here for 40 years she and her husband run a program tree habitate. are a gland she says even water from the 2 lakes makes their contaminate each other and affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of people deforestation really has to be looked at so that the flash flooding is stopped and catchment areas are preserved. another thing very important is that this lake fluctuates it goes down it comes up so who knows given climate change how it looks. seeing lin the point is one of thousands here who are in trouble now they buy ringo has reached his doorstep you know the water was far when i was coming here my previous house is now submerged now i'm trying to figure out where to move next only god can help us. he doesn't know it yet but evil it contaminates baringo all the water life including the fish she depends on for food and money will die the suggestions by some scientists and government workers to build a barrier between the 2 people who've been watching the lakes well for years say enough of talk a solution needs to be found quickly catherine soy al-jazeera lead but gloria kenya . so ahead on al-jazeera in sports the new york islanders take a step closer to the eastern conference finals because it will be half of the action for scottish. business leaders is to buy no prospal. business leaders want to buy no bras paul. the oh. it was truly is bush commission has warned the government to be prepared for more frequent and intense natural disasters in the coming is released its 1st report on some a bush fires that burned through millions of hectares of land likely gauger visited the community of a near the capital canberra to see how recovery efforts are going. it's now known as a strike is black thelma month of writing bushfires devastated the country southeast claiming dozens of lives and destroying everything in its path scientists believe nearly $3000000000.00 animals were killed or displaced the heartbreak and the devastation that it brought with us is nearly indescribable. there was so many of the businesses that were lost there's so many that beautiful homes were lost here as well 8 months on al-jazeera has returned to some communities with fire caused widespread destruction in broward least sue and mark perry haven't rebuilt their home yet but most of the debris has been removed they had stayed to defend it but the inferno was too strong it virtually exploded once it hit. a massive trying coming towards us after months of repairs they're hoping to reopen a guest villas next month which were badly damaged and the return of some bird species is bringing new hope with financial support i ding the return of wildlife. and some of the. possums and. them to be in this council area alone nearly 500 homes were destroyed and about 80 percent of this land but it's quite incredible they'd see just how quickly the landscape is recovering but the trauma that people went through is still very real some who lost everything a still living in tower vans and tents and businesses are operating out of temporary buildings findings from a royal commission into the fires have been delayed due to covert 19 is an interim report says better coordination is needed between different levels of government and work on updating bushfire warning systems should be prioritized. eagan he lost his home wants action on climate change to be included in the final report you know . we need to reduce emissions quickly and fast we do have the technology. political will to to get behind it the commission's report also want to strike fear is likely to experience more frequent and intense natural disasters in the years ahead nicola gage al-jazeera brawly. well time now for sports has peter kim thank you very much tennis is 1st grand slam of the coronavirus pandemic gets underway later without fans in new york but the u.s. open organizers have already had a brush with the virus in the build up to the tournament a player reported to be. tested positive inside the bubble a frenchman competed at the western and southern open on site last week the 17 seed has pulled out of the u.s. open in the u.s. to gain his contact tracing to see if anyone else needs to isolate several top players like bell and ashley barty decided not to play the tournament in new york because of health concerns but the players who all of say they feel safe. i think there's no safer place in the world right now your. local or self some are somewhere in a cave or something or alone in the middle of the sea otherwise it's if you're really in a bubble well still something can happen as you could see it was been a lot but it's we hope nobody else is infected. the other big conversation happening among players right now is that of racial injustice in the u.s. last week's tournament was suspended for a day after naomi osaka withdrew from her semifinal in the wake of the jacob blake shooting another powerful voice for african-american players in the women's 2 is golf despite being just 16 years old she spoke passionately at a protest in june for me it's very important. i mean is me being a black woman myself i think it's important that they use my voice is speak out and i am surprised that i guess how my voice was over the break i mean i just was doing when i was taught to do when i was younger to speak out when i see things not something that's not right and deafening with surprise about how many people that my message reach. both golf and those soccer play on the opening day in new york as does women's top seed catalina pliska and 2016 champion angelica will number one of the truck which provides the highlight in the main straw on day one. so it's been confirmed that the italian football league season will start on september 19th and veteran forwards let anybody know of it has extended his contract with ac milan for another year according to reports the swede returned for a 2nd stint at the telling club in january on a 6 month contract and they finished 6th in city after a 13 match unbeaten streak in all competitions it was enough to secure them a you wrote police swat on monday abraham of it apparently agreed to stay as the 7 time european champions look for their 1st major trophy since 2011. over a lot still another prolific scorer chito emo belay has extended his contract until 2025 had been due to expire in 2023 immobile a scored 36 goals and said they are the season matching italian league record. and the former head of european football michel platini has been questioned by swiss prosecutors over a $2000000.00 payment he received from world governing body fee for payment in 2011 led to his removal as you have a president that any is officially a suspect in a 5 year long investigation into criminal mismanagement misappropriation and forgery sepp blatter the former head of fee for who authorized the payment is due to be questioned on tuesday both platt any and blatter deny wrongdoing. los angeles clippers star forward to co our limited has ladies' team to the n.b.a. western conference semifinals with a 33 point performance against the dallas mavericks before the action. players or black lions method t. shirts and took a needle in the national anthem to protest racial injustice then there was the story of the show for the clippers who would win game 611-1972 take the series 42 they will face either the denver nuggets all the utah jazz next. and it was a night to remember for denver's jamal mary the nuggets point god scoring 50 points to help the team beat the jazz 119107 that ties up the series or 33 of the denver found themselves $31.00 down game 7 is set for tuesday. over in the eastern conference the semifinals have already started on sunday the boston celtics took the honors in game one against the defending n.b.a. champions that surrounds a raptors 112942 the celtics in the n.h.l. playoffs the new york islanders are one win away from a place in the eastern conference finals they are 31 up in their series against the philadelphia flyers thanks to a 32 win in game 4 on saturday in toronto brock nelson and john gabriel pleasure among the goal scorers as the team's head to game 5 on tuesday. is also a 31 series advantage for the dallas stars in a western conference playoff against the colorado avalanche dallas beating colorado in edmonton on sunday in game 4 the stars raced into a 3 nothing lead in the 1st period and never looked back final score 5 full to depths. in the 2018 run of that vegas golden knights they're also 31 up in their playoff series vegas defeated vancouver canucks 53 in game 4 max pacioretty screwing 2 of the 5 goals for the golden knights who were the number one seed in the west. gold b.m.w. chairman about a thrilling finish on sunday well the one dressed in johnson nailed an incredible $43.00 foot 30 perch on the final hole to force a play off against spain's john rom. i but if your bet was good have a look at this one from a rom on the very next all the 1st extra hole big body or 2 putts were ability to just stay in the player but he made the hole from 66 feet away. i also missed these birdie chance handing world number 2 around the victory on takes home a 2300000 dollar winner's check but johnson stays just ahead of him in the world rankings. if you can tell me when i make a 66 footer to win a tournament i'll take it any day and i think we all want the flash if finish maybe not the stress that comes with it but i you know i set myself to enjoy even the uncomfortable moments that we had out there today and man it was 5 it was fun. well . you know i'm a really nice to get in the playoffs and. the knowledge of pot in the playoffs but i thought i made i want to come over to hell but you know it happened he made him a really good one. ok we'll leave it there for now more sports sees me again a little bit later thank you for that. i'll be back with more of the day's news. september on out to see if the trial of those accused of helping in the 2015 charlie hebdo newspaper attacks thinkings impacts as the world plans to move 2 was green and it's a new documentary examines the fresh environmental challenges this will pose following the postponement of parliamentary elections due to coronavirus iranians return to the voting believes one on one east investigates in-depth stories from across the pacific as u.s. president donald trump's executive order banning check china's most popular app comes into effect across america will this put further strain on u.s. china relations september on al-jazeera. more than 7 decades ago a country was split into. 2 names and now trying. to be my page all it took was a pan a map and a collapsing empire when the british had to draw a line they pulled his servant who had never been to india before al-jazeera examines the violent birth of india and pakistan and asks what the future holds for these nuclear neighbors partition borders of blood. we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take a al-jazeera bringing you the news and current affairs that matter to leave the. counter 0. i am sequencers i would question got these days it's hard to filter out the noise and keep track of what's really important in the bottom line tackles the big issues that are shaping the united states its people its economy and the way it deals with the rest of the world the bottom line only on al-jazeera. ozment us if. we are adamant that we will bring this country back onto its feet despite the committees we face facing up to an economic crisis and a devastating day reported splosion levanon appoints a new prime minister designate last forming a new government. and the rebel this is our very large dog.

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