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Relationship between the 2 neighbors. We are just a football hundreds of migrants stuck on Railway Tracks in bosnia described the abuse by local authorities. Actor Chadwick Boseman known mostly for his role as the worlds 1st africanamerican superhero the black panther has died. To begin with reports that ballard is extending its media crackdown ahead of this weekends planned protests against president alexander the. It comes after a number of them were detained on thursday as they prepared to cover demonstrations in the capital minsk most were later released the president has repeatedly criticised the foreign media both for their coverage of the run up to his disputed reelection this month and the weeks of demonstrations calling for him to step down. But its math isnt for us in the lithuanian capital vilnius but what else do we know. Wearing these are mainly local journalists but a russian journalist working for foreign Media Organizations who have their accreditation revoked warm reliable news independent you independent news source from belarus 90 journalists accreditation revoked 2 of them russians who work for the german Media Organization they are day they have been deported now the record stations been revoked the local ones will not be able to work and they face much stricter more severe repercussions on their part is if they try to insinuate work in foreign journalists who are called without accreditation will have their accreditation to vote tend to generally just be thrown out of the country but if your local then you risk jail and you risk severe questioning and possible the possible violence from the authorities in mint so a very dangerous situation now the journalists working there and a clear indication of the times of the crackdown on the reporting of the anti look of shankar protests and that had to as i have been saying here in vilnius lithuania lithuania and obviously neighbors so what is the lithuanians position. One little way here the foreign minister linus e. C. S. Hes already said in an interview last week that he has warned the e. U. E. U. That its response to whats happening been too slow and there is a risk of stalemate growing now we know the European Union the swiss the u. S. And the United Kingdom have today issued a statement condemning the disproportionate use of force i mean timid ation prosecution based on political grounds needs to stop their official statement the lithuanians foreign minister said is not a good enough just to condemn whats going on there needs to be actions look away and is wiling to impose some sort of sanctions on belarus and the leadership the leadership in belarus he is or it brought to retaliate by stopping using the way he imports for exports and imports. Its the way he makes a lot of money imports of imports and exports that come through there out into balance ok thank you there ben its meth there monitoring the situation from vilnius. Turkey says it stopped an attempt to buy 6 fighter jets from greece from entering sensitive air space the incident happened on thursday then comes the tensions escalating between the 2 countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Cockpit Video released by the Defense Ministry is said to show a turkish f. 16 chasing and knocking its guns onto a greek fighter jet greece says its jets were simply flying back to base incident happened of a part of the mediterranean and both claim as their own its potentially rich in Energy Reserves this month turkey started exploring the area for oil and gas. Well Stephanie Decker is in istanbul and she says the turkish government is willing to do whatever it considers necessary to protect its interests. Theyre taking it extremely seriously we are expecting to hear from president to enjoy hell be attending an Opening Ceremony at a Technology Park in the next couple of hours so he could potentially address the issue there when he makes a speech of course also referring to the interception of Greek Fighter Jets in an area close to where turkey is carrying out break all the songs for Energy Around the cypriot coast it is that complicated you have so many Different Countries involved and interests involved when it comes to this weve also just heard from the french president and corps who again called charkhi actions provocative and throwing his support very much behind the place of the e. U. Saying that turkey is threatening the the Economic Zones exclusive Economic Zones of 2 Member States turkey is a nato ally as is greece at the moment certainly dialogue no nowhere closer and turkey has mentioned that its going to continue military exercises northwest of cyprus until september the 11th so i think certainly that military presence in the eastern med we will continue to see tensions for a while unless there is some dialogue which at the moment doesnt seem to be happening. Has more on the greek side of the dispute from just outside of. The open waters of the Eastern Mediterranean that is an airspace that greek and turkish fighter jets dont usually dont fight over the event itself is a daily occurrence over the aegean last year the Greek Air Force logged more than 4000. 00 violations what it considers violations of greek airspace that both within the 6 mile airspace and the 10 mile airspace which turkey disputes around its island and sometimes over flights of islands as well the Greek Air Force considers that these incursions are not simply statements of turkish nonacceptance of greek air space in the aegean but also tests of greek readiness and those dogs right there are a daily event in the achaean here we have them happening in the Eastern Mediterranean they may increasingly happen because Greek Military exercises are now going south and east of where they usually take place there include creasing lee involving other countries in the Eastern Mediterranean. There are unconfirmed under pressure all reports that the united arab emirates. Took part in what was billed as a purely Greek Military exercise south of crete and the last 3 days. Therefore i think theres just going to be a lot more military activity in that space. Protest as a gathering and then from march against coronavirus restrictions counterprotests are also planned days on live pictures now from. Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned that the outbreak could get worse in the coming months as summer comes to an end germany has recorded of 8242000 infections the mccain is live for us now in berlin dominic just tell us a little bit more about the people protesting and some specific things theyre protesting. Against. The people who are demonstrating in berlin today are people who are set against the precautions that governments of brought have brought in and put in place in at state level in germany and federally in germany in so far as the coronavirus is concerned they are basically opposed to the idea of having to wear a mask whether that be inside enclosed spaces or in open spaces they also do not like the idea of having to observe social distancing whether that be one and a half meters 2 meters or in any kind of social distancing they oppose this completely in previous demonstrations a considerable proportion of those whove taken to the streets been from either the extreme left of society or the extreme right of society now i have to say that in coming to the studio from which im broadcasting now i had to go through a crowd of people none of whom were Wearing Masks many of whom were carrying flags and symbols from the imperial german past not to the National Socialist past the imperial german past but that is associated with the right wing in society now the interesting thing that people need to remember thats the Brandenburg Gate behind me an icon of germany with many protesters there already very few of them observing social distance or Wearing Masks the police in this city have already twice through the courts tried to prevent this demonstration from happening the largest one isnt due to start for another hour or so but already the police have said that those protesting must wear a mask and now on the torch of feeds the Berlin Police saying they consider that they have no alternative other than to consider shutting down this demonstration almost before its already got underway. The next question dominic what sort of concern are author it is expressing over such a large gathering. The police or thora seas were very clear on friday evening when they sought to reverse the decision to allow this demonstration to happen they said that they believed that many people were coming to berlin from high risk areas areas where the coronavirus is propagating itself far more than in berlin perhaps or in the wider german population and they said that that being the case they fear that so many people coming here potentially unwittingly with the corona virus could only be considered a Public Health threat thats why they believed it was important to stop this from happening its certainly something not just the police or thora these the elected or thora g. s of the city of remember but it is a state in the german constitution but also the federal government angle americal and many other eminent politicians both federally and at state level all say that the danger that people coming to this demonstration pose whether wittingly or unwittingly is so great that it is not fair to the rest of society for them to be allowed to demonstrate and it appears on the twitter feed of the Berlin Police it appears as though that particular factor the threat posed to a Wider Society is influencing them towards calling this demonstration off one last thought remember 4 weeks ago today a similar demonstration was held and that demonstration again on similar grounds was finally closed down several hours after it got under way and it appears as though the Berlin Police are leaning towards doing that again thank you that came live for us and then still to come on aljazeera. Ill tell my father strange. Words of hope from one of dr Martin Luther kings grandchildren as thousands relive the historic march on washington. Hello there plenty of cloud across much of north asia and summer all the heavy rain in there as well plenty this streaming on towards the ca in the last few hours and this is where we can see some very heavy amounts of rain over the next 24 hours meanwhile to the south where watching this now through sunday this is expected become a typhoon this is typhoon winds on sunday sustained about 165 kilometers an hour is going to suddenly northwards producing heavy rains across much of the northern philippines some showers ahead of this system as well across much of the roy but that rain very heavy that will work its way east on monday so clearing conditions behind it all the while may sock on its way further towards the north and again beginning to make more impact across the island and also some heavy rains just into northern eastern areas of taiwan but by then we could well have winds sustained at about 185 kilometers an hour a very heavy rain as well across into India Madhya Pradesh has produced some very heavy downpours over the last day or so this is where the warnings will be certainly through sunday across into Western Areas that you can see the rain very extensive down tools good draft and also yes again throughout much of pakistan were looking at some pretty big totals here over the next couple of days some areas of india and pakistan could see about 400 millimeters of rain. From a local celebrity. To extraordinary intrapreneur has many cold islams of money. But when a deadly typhoon hits the field if you. Can a week over from the disaster. Are just serious follows the lives of the remarkable people who grow. Enough and survive in the slums on aljazeera. Or. Youre watching aljazeera reminder of our top stories this hour there are reports that bellows has withdrawn the accreditation of some members working for foreign media that comes after a number of journalists were detained on thursday as they prepared to cover protests in the capital minsk though the interior Ministry Denies this. Turkey says it stopped 6 Greek Fighter Jets from entering airspace thats above an area where one of its ships is exploring for gas greek media reports say the greek planes were harassed if they returned to base in crete. Malis military coup leaders are meeting Civil Society groups and those who lead antigovernment protests against alstad president. On friday the west african bloc eckel asked told the genter they must transfer power to a civilian led government and told of their actions within a year in exchange the 15 member blocks a bell lift sanctions but the opposition says the people of mali should decide who should govern them and when to hold elections amid interest is following the story from the nigerian capital abuja he joins us live from there are so ahmed what are both sides hoping to get out of these discussions were really basically depends on how much each side is willing to sacrifice or relax. Already the term a community of West African States are spelled out its conditions that include the nomination of a president and Prime Minister both of the civilians and completion of this a transition within a 12 month period now. Before any sanctions would be lifted now the authorities in mali the military leadership in mali is holding todays meeting in consultation with what it called various stakeholders in mali to decide on the Transition Program mainly on the Transition Program but also its trying to sort of solidify its bases among the opposition among Civil Society people who are not happy with the presidency of impregnable because kater was deposed this month. So that whenever whatever comes their way whether its the sanctions or any other measure to be taken by external institutions like they can be committed to West African States that they African Union or even the United Nations they will be able to pull together. And stay the course however this is a very difficult situation for the money in government than you might in government simply because money is a land locked country and went backwards blocks every route in and out of money the only option for a cause would be a former member of cosmo tell me at which pulled out of the union and of course algeria we had at which has access to the sea and if these 2 countries sort of go along with the resolutions of course africa union and even the United Nations that moneys in deep trouble so these other things money money and military leaders will be trying to address to try to trying to sort of chart away for what so that they need to agree with Civil Society with money before they take any action but from what it looks like they have to come down and of course agree to such and conditions that by the course ok. What about. Whats the latest with hurdle seen from him. Well a brand will look at kit from day one i think the day after the military cool he made his position clear. He wanted to move away from politics retired to school and that much he said to the delegation of the Economic Community of wharf west african state led by former nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan initially when they arrived in bamako them went to see him or that was a condition before they continued talking with the military they went to see him in the prison and he told them openly and plainly that he doesnt want to go back and hes decision was based on the fact that for months. Has been facing stiff resistance from members of the opposition and even some Civil Society members so he realized that going back to power would be a continuous cycle of protests more violence and more sort of destruction in mali and as a result he felt its time for him to move back and return to school and look after us ok i think that theyre following the situation in mali from a butcher as many as 500 refugees and migrants a stranded on a Railway Track of Bosnia Herzegovina one province decided to ban them and push them into another which has refused to accept that child balance reports. On a road to nowhere hundreds of migrants from bosnia a trapped my place and a changing political times the blare are those. We are not human here we are. They say they are being kicked between police into neighboring bosnian provinces in a sauna cant on announced last week would ban migrants in tring in movement the rulings in a galaxy has been questioned migrants were pushed back to the province of Republika Srpska which refused to accept them these were away tracks so the only place they find and stay. There is 17 you know that it is very hard. They rely on aid agencies to bring food water and medical aid to the tracks. No food no water nothing. And he migrants seem to mind is increasing in bosnia people in one town sit up roadblocks this summer to stop migrants who still see increased after a Regional Health minister announced migrants have tested positive for private 19 infected were taken to a local hospital and 2 escaped during further anger from residents. It is certain we have hundreds in fact thousands of migrants in camps where migrants dont follow any norms any regulations and none of our guidance they are simply people who dont respect anything the uns Refugee Agency says as of last month there were 9000. 00 refugees in bosnia accounting for 60 percent of refugees in the western balkans the vast majority are from pakistan and afghanistan 600. 00 arriving in bosnia each week up from 50 in may. Even migrant camps are full. They keep coming every day it would be ok if they were inside camps but they keep coming from everywhere coordinating their movements by phone. Then they tried to walk to the croatian border just 3 kilometers that way but get turned back to us. Became a bottleneck for thousands of europe migrants and 2017 as other migration routes closed up resulting in a 34 would increase of arrivals these migrants are finding themselves on the wrong side of the tracks. 0 the interior minister of libyas un recognized government has been suspended after a shooting at a demonstration this week. Is facing an investigation after a man in military uniforms opened fire dozens were wounded and at least 6 people were abducted had labeled the gunmen outlawed infiltrations later admitted a militia allied allied brother with his government had fired the shots the protests were against Poor Public Services and Living Conditions. Tens of thousands of people have rallied in washington d. C. Against racism and Police Brutality that happened on the 57th anniversary of Martin Luther king jr as i have a dream speech u. S. Has been gripped by nationwide anti racism protests since the Police Killing of george floyd an unarmed black man and may heidegger castro reports. 57 years ago the Great American civil rights leader dr Martin Luther king jr gave his famous i have a dream speech at the 1963 march on washington are what was kings speech was a clarion call for racial equality today one of his sons told a crowd of some 50000 marchers that his fathers vision of an equal Society Still looms unfulfilled we still struggle for justice demilitarizing the police dismantling bass incarceration and declaring an determinately as we can that black labs narrow. Fridays march was announced at the funeral of george floyd who was killed by a white Police Officer who knelt on his neck. Floyds death sparked months of protests across america if we got a march every day if we got a vote every day we will get you know neither of our. Tens of thousands of people are participating in this peaceful march temperature checks and masks those are all precautions the protesters say a pandemic could not keep them home because with or without black americans are being gunned down by Police Officers earlier this week in another flashpoint the shooting of jacob blake in wisconsin an officer shot him 7 times in the back paralyzing him in front of his children. Executed cameras and junk that black and brown people suffer. The marchers say President Trump doesnt care about black americans and some members of congress have floated proposals for change but little action has been taken hold only the efforts dont go unheard hopefully we can really makes a legislative change hopefully we can make some political change and hopefully we can really move forward from this moment just as hope was in the air in 1983 its here now it was in the voice of Martin Luther kings granddaughter. Fathers dream and after this march there will be more protests to come the protestors say if their voices arent heard here they will be during the president ial election in november. Castro 0 washington. They are johnson is the president and c. E. O. Of the end. He says fridays speech is resonated with people across the u. S. It was a call to action the reality that our constitution guarantees that everyone was created equal within a dollar certain that in a little right when it came to africanamericans we could not take that commitment to the bank of justice and so we are seeing that same reality today 65 years ago we had a young man was lynched and money mississippi many people who gathered in 1983 recognize the beautiful murder of emmett till it was one of the sparks that started the Civil Rights Movement as we know it and here we are 65 years later still calling on the same level of equity to ensure equal protection under the law is afforded to all citizens citizens so particularly africanamericans in this moment for africanamericans we understand and weve seen this before in our history and thats why you see so many people taken to the streets and protesting in louisville kentucky now it condones the west consonant in d. C. Today because we recognize that this moment we must fight with all we have to ensure democracy work for all and turn out the vote in the member because our lives depend on. American actor Chadwick Boseman has died at the age of 43 best known for his lead role in the blockbuster film black panther he lost a 4 year long battle with colon cancer and her chappelle has what you do in one of these pictures procure head Chadwick Boseman brought the stories of real life black heroes to a new generation through movies black and white baseball among them Jackie Robinson james brown and Thurgood Marshall roles that would inspire black youths to strive for greatness by remembering their past youll hear his portrayal of baseball legend robinson in the film 42 caught the attention of hollywood which watched him out shine established actor Harrison Ford a private person with a quiet demeanor bozeman spoke about the challenges he experienced the connected into the characters he portrayed especially racism and discrimination. And he turned down roles playing black characters he believed lacked complexity or spirituality intellect or romance and where without hope the questions that are areas that the producers are already perhaps paved the way for less stereotypical were true for the black actor who stepped into the role after life and there was one role in his career that he said he was on are to bring to life to challah the king of wauconda in black panther. It was the 1st major superhero movie featuring a predominantly black cast and shattered expectations in hollywood earning more than 1300000000. 00 at the box office 3 Academy Awards and many other accolades. I think the important thing for tonight wait especially with really you know the childhoods like was that you know the history of well in america is is you know and theres really no way around that so many of us are not connected with our families or from this role really made him feel like he was able to connect wait his own country what kind it is obviously a fictional country in the continent of africa but it made him. It reminded him that we were you know this is in queens and that is something that is. Right about that moment and i collaborate with right well cowrote and directed. It in the bozeman spammy say he filmed black panther and other movies while undergoing surgery and chemotherapy for colon cancer his fans were unaware many say bozeman changed their lives we knew that we had Something Special there we wanted to give the world that we could be for human beings in the roles that we were playing that we create we could create a world that exemplified a world that we wanted to see those men died at his home in los angeles with his family by his side he was 43 years old. This is al jazeera and these other top stories better or worse is extending its media crackdown ahead of this weekends planned protests against president president Alexander Lukashenko some journalists working for foreign media have had their accreditation withdrawn the president has repeatedly criticised foreign media for their coverage of the run up to his disputed reelection this month and the weeks of demonstrations calling for him to step down but its meth is following developments from the lithuanian capital the us. Were hearing these are mainly local journalists but a russian journalist working for foreign Media Organizations who have their accreditation revoked warm reliable news independent yet independent news source from belarus so 19 journalists accreditation is revoked 2 of them are russians who work for the german Media Organization they are d. They been deported now the records ations been revoked the local ones will not be able to work and they face much stricter more severe repercussions from the authorities if they try to work here turkey says it stopped 6 Greek Fighter Jets from entering sensitive airspace and spot an area where one of its ships is exploring for gas there have been tensions between the 2 countries of the Energy Resources in the Eastern Mediterranean media reports from greece say its planes were harassed by turkish fight since they returned to base on the island of crete protesters are gathering in berlin for a march against coronavirus restrictions counter protests are also planned chancellor Angela Merkel has warned that the our break could get worse in the coming months as summer comes to an end germany has recorded over 242000 infections. The end terry a minister of libyas un recognized government has been suspended after a shooting at a demonstration this week. Is facing an investigation after a man in military uniforms opened fire dozens were wounded and at least 6 people were abducted the protests were against Poor Public Services and Living Conditions tens of thousands of people have rallied in washington d. C. To demand criminal Justice Reform and racial equality was held on the 57th anniversary of Martin Luther king jr as i have a dream speech the us has been gripped by racial protests and on wrist since africanamerican george floyd was killed by police in may. Well as the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera off the inside story and well have more news at the top of the. Cold golden passports documents obtained inside of prose by which people from a number of countries the full sun is to access the e. U. One avoids corruption and rock downs at home or elsewhere but is that legal and whats come the e. U. Do just stop with this is inside story

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