When the final stretch of the u. S. Race for the white house is officially underway. The final day of talks among the e. U. Foreign ministers in berlin the pressure is on sanctions are imposed on bellerose over suspected election fallout. And the trail of destruction left behind by Hurrican Laura the task of cleaning up begins. And this for us president all trying to slam the n. B. A. Calling it a Political Organization with bad t. V. Ratings the president s comments following it seems it was quoting a playoff games in protest of Racial Injustice and fish. Where we begin this news hour with the resignation of japans Prime Minister shinzo abby the. 65 year old has long been suffering from an intestinal illness as the countrys wont just serve in leader Priyanka Gupta has more now on his rise to Prime Minister. A chronic illness that cut short his 1st oval office 13 years ago has come back to force shinzo up a japans longest serving Prime Minister to step down just one year before general elections abbies resignation has set off a succession battle in the ranks of the governing liberal Democratic Party at a time when the countrys grappling with the cone of ice pandemic and an economic crisis abi says stepping down is the one thing to do. I need to fight against the disease and be treated i was not really in a perfect state in terms of the Health Condition and still i have to make political decisions but important ones i cannot make any mistake. Oh the foremost of the century should so abi has dominated japans politics he comes from an influential political dynasty his grandfather was Prime Minister and his father foreign minister the conservative politician rose through the ranks of his liberal Democratic Party and became japans youngest Prime Minister since world war 2 in 2006 but that stint ended the full year due to help. 5 years later he returned if his 1st term was mauled by a political inexperience the 2nd had a renewed focus on agenda. I mean is that what became known as dont mix was a series of a vicious reforms aimed at boosting japan struggling economy his vision of a well the stronger japan came with a lifelong ambition to amend the countrys pacifist constitution which bars it from hostile acts except in selfdefense many japanese opposes constitutional changes but he did manage to repeatedly win elections as a result of the stability that he brought the fact that hes won 6 National Elections and basically been unopposed and really has shown no sign of losing his power really up until now and it is a year that japan has been well governed has been predictably and consistently govern for that period and he has managed to translate that into a much more visible role for japan in asia and globally our base trend in security entry ties with the u. S. Making japan one of its closest allies. And despite total disputes he warmed up to regional superpower china and japans wartime legacy led to renewed friction with south korea causing their worst diplomatic and create dispute for decades. The 27 earthquake tsunami and Fukushima Nuclear disaster was a further test of his leadership another came in 2020 when the coronavirus pandemic scuttled his plans to showcase japan on the world stage by hosting the tokyo summer olympics the worlds 3rd largest economy already on the slide since 20 teen slumped to a record low and now with obvious resignation many are concerned about what the future holds for a country long used to stability practical aljazeera. Well ill just say as far as salami is and talk you are inside the Prime Ministers office and he joins us now just how much of a shock is this announcement and has there been any initial reaction from the public. Well i have spoke with several people here on the street after the announcement of his that is going to. Get mixed reactions some people showed gratitude and appreciation to his insurance of his in during all this years and specially after the bundle getting the last few months it was very stressful for everyone and especially for him after all this is and he went on for several reasons one of them is his handling of the procedures against the pandemic and also about issues other people express their relief and if you can hear the music in the background this is some people are. Using that to. Announce their happiness if i may say to that is eventually he has been ruling. He has been in his position now for 8 years hes the longest serving Prime Minister. Some of his policies is that where they were active during his video where very controversial especially. Those on sending this said Defense Forces some people also criticize him for his handling some scandals. Handling that pandemic so youre getting were getting mixed reactions in the street when you mention the pandemic there this is possibly the worst time that a Prime Minister could stand in the middle of this pandemic what sort of impact say this resignation is going to have on japan. When many are introspecting like a big effect on the procedures already the government has been under fire for its reaction to the banda ache and especially. Who is. Heading committee consisting of medical experts and top government officials they are the one who are handling the pandemic but. The way its going the way this has been going it hasnt shown any positive effect on the pandemic now the numbers are increasing again especially in tokyo and decision to allow for a campaign to let people use government subside 3 to travel around the country also draw much criticism so even if even feel leaves is going to leave this legacy we could say to his successor on tuesday a Democratic Party the government the governing party is going to help its going to hold elections and its going to. Present the new Prime Minister and many would like to say that the new person new. Refused to know in a minute or mention his name many expect that hes going to inherit all this burden all this controversy regarding the governments the procedures to whats going on and so were looking now for a few days or maybe a few months off them all before we can see who is going to head the country and into which direction ok fadi salami there live for us in tokyo thank you very much indeed lets get more on the the legacy that sheens i believe says country to say gee ro. Hes professor at the school of management at the university of shizuka joins us now on skype good to have you with us on the aljazeera news are we heard there that there has been fairly mixed reactions from the japanese public to shoes or are standing dane what would you say the legacy he leaves behind a is and will it be broadly welcomed by the japanese people. Well his popularity has been waning here just reported because the coronavirus but lets be fair i think he did a wonderful job after the d. P. J which almost into a blink of mess and in that sense his 3 arrows which the 3rd one hasnt really been enacted you know at least his 1st 2 are all work and rejuvenating japanese exporters which i think was a wonderful thing to do many crude his criticism always talks about you know 3rd our own not realizing but the Structure Transformation and that takes a long time so i think you know a validation of mr i would have been a bit too harsh and unfair i think i think he did a pretty good job or else he wouldnt be a premise for a couple of years. There is a lot of focus on his longevity the longest serving Prime Minister but he was a transformative Prime Minister not just in terms of the economy but also in terms of defense in the japanese military. Constitution wise yes thats one of the Harsh Criticism that hes receiving because most japanese want to make sure the sustained the 9th amendment which is basically japan declaring. Not declaring war to anybody but its becoming very tricky now because the japan aggression from china very Strong Political movement as you can see by the chinese. In the past few years especially recently after the current vs book out its very clear that japan cant keep you know its current status in order to protect itself and also the ambiguity of the u. S. Course we have to wait until november but you know in the past 4 years there has been a crumbling of western alliances which japan into a very tricky position as for security reasons or now in terms of of who follows and i base footsteps it is a very difficult brief that they are going to see inherits it do you see as being likely to replace shinzo abyei and are they likely to continue on the same path to continue implementing the foreign polish say the coast situational policies that shinzo ip has made into finding fink cheryl fans of his tenure. Well names like issue of us who used to be his arch rival 8 years ago in secret former secretary general of the and sue kong mr you know he should all these names you know the major names have been revealed but i think it would have to basically alter the strategy that mr abbate because obviously for example our immigration policy is not really good enough to cope with our aging population and you know continuous support of the economy and also a debt problem or we have to really turn around her situation because we are the most indebted nation in almost always nations and even though not you 4 percent of deaths its because you have within we have to at least be shown to be altering the course of this especially after the mounting debt that this you know corner of our system itself of it you know they would not be able i think to sustain the same type of a strategy it would have to alter it to a little more of what i would call a bit of a painful policy which has to be imposed on the japanese public unfortunately ok i think you know great to get your thoughts thank you so much for bringing your analysis tel to syria. Theres lots more still to come on the news hour including. Nato and poland tell russias president Vladimir Putin to stay ice of belarus is political conflict. But mali as i said president no a free man west African Leaders prepared to hold a new round of talks over the countrys future. And the n. H. L. Playoffs are on ice sell the details coming up for you the sports. He is President Donald Trump has formally accepted the republican partys nomination for a 2nd term he says novembers election will be a choice between saving the American Dream or allowing the socialist agenda to destroy its own White House Correspondent Kimberly Hall kets has more. Never in modern history has a sitting President Campaign from the white house a political symbol that supposed to be for all americans i profoundly accept this nomination for president of the United States. Joe but donald trump has again broken with precedent as he accepted the republican partys nomination and attacked his democratic rival joe biden this is the most important election in the history of our country. Spoke for more than an hour painting at apocalyptic picture of a biden presidency he told voters his opponent was campaigning as a democrat but would assure in an ideology much further left than any other liberal candidate your vote will decide whether we protect law abiding americans or whether we give free rein. Too violent and our kids and agitators and criminals who threaten our citizens trump how did what he saw as some of his administration successes in Foreign Policy i could not sit by. As career politicians let other countries take advantage of us on trade borders Foreign Policy and National Defense a domestic policy even as trump is scored low marks from American Voters for his Pandemic Response with more than 180000 americans dead trump argued biden will not make things better instead of following the science joe biden wants to inflict a painful shutdown on the entire country his shutdown would inflict unthinkable and lasting harm on our nations childrens families and citizens of all backgrounds as he spoke with more than a 1000 guests most of them not wearing a mask sat shoulder to shoulder ignoring the white houses own social distancing guidelines earlier in the day democratic Vice President ial nominee Camila Harris hit back charging trump didnt do enough in the early days of the pandemic to protect americans all we needed was a competent president one who was willing to listen willing to lead take responsibility have a plan do their job. Paris also accused trump of stoking racial divisions absent from trumps speech was any mention of jacob blake the man shot in the back last weekend of wisconsin by a white Police Officer even though the incident has caused nights of protests and the shutdown of the countrys biggest sports leagues and in true trump fashion his speech and the convention ended literally with a bang. But in an attempt to drown out the festivities protesters marched through the streets around the white house demanding justice and vowing to do all they could to prevent trumps reelection but donald trump is undeterred by the push back in an effort to build momentum following his acceptance speech he is immediately hitting the campaign trail friday hell travel to the u. S. State of New Hampshire to hold his 1st political rally since the Republican National convention can really help at aljazeera the White House Well ask more on this now were joined by joseph euro hes an associate professor of Political Science at texas a and m. University and joining us by skype from doha goods have you with donald trump of the republicans went into this convention with some pretty troubling pool numbers they had a lot riding on it did trump to enough in the speech to win back the republicans on the women who deserted the party. Historically the major parties conventions are when ordinary americans start to tune into the election i know it seems like that campaign has been going on forever for those of us who pay close attention to politics but ordinary folks tend to dial into the election at the end of the summer and into the fall and so this is the 1st time that many of the people paid attention to the president s reelection message and you know i think the polls are going to get much much closer heading into election day because the president is doing the things he needs to do to signal to wavering Republican Voters that you know the issues they care about are the things that use going to continue to try to govern on him and his 2nd term if he gets one its things like the economy or its the voiding the policies of the Democratic Party characterizes socialism crime law and order or traditional republican menu or a litany of policy positions that animate its core supporters and anyone who has been watching the speeches in the run up to this will be a no a day that was towards the core support says but are there still any undecideds forces left. Who are unclear about what you choose about this because he same thing. Yeah i think there are people who have you know in some sense not made up their mind only in that they havent really thought about the election yet i think there are most of the people who will eventually have the ballot in the election are people with a strong predisposition toward one party or the other and the dominant trend in american elections and Public Opinion over the last 40 years or so has been theres this pattern of partisan polarization where the the 2 parties are getting more separate ideologically and more a margin of internally and so there are people who lean republican and lean democrat who who have probably not really thought about the election yet but will ultimately make up their mind in line with their previous positions that we had towards the election so i think there are people who are nominally undecided but if we were to identify them one by one we could have a pretty good idea right now who they would eventually vote for and i think the election in 2020 will be very close in the same way that the election why they are in 26 and probably with democrats having an engine in the National Popular vote but a very close contest in critical say that by the Electoral College ok a close election indeed joseph here we are unfortunately out of time i think today its also thank you very much indeed and travis. Now the german chancellor Angela Merkel has demanded that beller is a sovereign c. Be respected and is urging dialogue is the best way forward she made the comment says a you Foreign Ministers who talks in berlin focusing on ties with russia and the meeting comes at a delicate time in europes relations with moscow as the e. U. Prepares sanctions against russias ally roosts ministers will also be addressing the blocks response to the corona virus pandemic lets get more from dominic came his life was in berlin. Dominic angle americal so holding a Media Conference was smaller shed been saying. Yes this is an annual summer News Conference that angular americal gives to the worlds media last about an hour and a half and in it she is posed questions from pretty much everybody whos in the building about pretty much everything every aspect of german policy be that domestic or european or more globally and so shes been speaking about several different issues specifically about the Eastern Mediterranean situation the tension brewing up between greece and turkey and cyprus shes being quite unequivocal saying that in her opinion the e. U. Must support greece and saying. Excuse me and saying also that deescalation dialogue that is the way forward remember that her government and indeed her foreign minister colleague heiko must has been indulging in a bit of shuttle diplomacy in the course of the last week with him traveling to both capitals to both ankara and athens trying to to urge that mantra that ministerial mantra deescalate dialogue dont hold the live fire drills of your navy that sort of thing thats very much what shes been saying insofar as that particular issue is concerned about the east the mediterranean and but lets turn to the bella race because marco has also mentioned the tensions that weve been outlining what shes been saying. Yes she has been talking at some length about the situation in belarus but also the the way that the neighboring countries behave towards b r us specifically that means russia she has been speaking about the need for russia not to send its forces its Police Forces or any other kind of forces into b. N. Or us that the election in belarus should be restaged that she she has been calling for for all sides to be cautious but clearly also making very clear the opinion both of herself and all of other leaders remember that she spoke more than a week ago she and president conference telephone Valdivia Putin to say look please exercise restraint that is the touch and you can say that you could take from what shes been saying in the course of the last half an hour or so exercise caution exercise restraint she doesnt want to see she hopes that Russian Forces dont go in to be other us and shes urging a transition to take place in belarus that the the government of mr president live. Should consider its position and that transition is the way forward ok dominic kane and by then thank you. Well those discussions surrounding belarus and nato and polands Prime Minister also cohen russia not to meddle in the crisis this comes after president Vladimir Putin sent his clearest signal yet that hes prepared to send in Russian Forces against opposition protesters charlotte ballasts has this reports president persian says russia has actively prepared to intervene in belarus. Shanker asked me to create a reserve police force for him so i did we agreed that it would not be used unless the situation gets out of control it wont be used until the moment when extremists i would like to highlight that word using political slogans cross the line until they start to loot set cars houses and banks on fire and try to take over Administration Buildings and so on. Questions comments follow mass protests and bella ruse this was thursday in minsk they began nearly 3 weeks ago when president lukashenko declared overwhelming victory in a makeshift this was. His opponents so it was room to ensure 26 year rule would continue he denies allegations of a literal food and says the crisis is born of foreign meddling these people say they have legitimate grievances many involved police behavior. With the muslim we came here to demonstrate that we are against locking people down in a churchs right police to jester day against the violence towards people of peaceful rallies we are here for the law to finally be practiced in our country not what our valley and Law Enforcement make up in their heads on thursday Police Detained dozens of journalists in minsk and confiscated the documents the interior Ministry Said it was to check their credit haitian most have now been released thousands of protesters have been arrested including prominent activists opposition leaders spent learned to see her sky has played too little. Opposition Council Member maria collison a close vote was questioned on thursday night i think the loss of 1st lady of the system because all the russians have been oppressed in the past 26 years and especially during the last 3 months i was treated very sad. That the reuss is not just facing and you know political struggle it isnt the last of geopolitical tensions as advancer between russia and nato members. I think the. Behavior actually signals his weakness because if you remember ahead of the election he was warning about russias intervention to destabilize the situation and now he seems to have switched. The target and he is warning about the west western intervention. Turning to russia to create a reserve police force has increased the stakes for protesters and is not being received well by nato poland shiela ballasts aljazeera. Lets get the situation or lets get the latest rather on the situation across live so european Broadcast Center so youre going to go live for us in london sonia that we are hearing of concerns being raised about potential russian involvements of course but journalists in belarus of also been sent in the alarm about mass arrests what more are you hearing. Well yes and this is of course the latest in the line of detentions that weve that weve heard about of those some 260 people who were detained on thursday night you had a crowd of a few 100 who were amassing in minsk in the capital there now among those were a group of 50 journalists who did have their documents confiscated as well as their telephones and of course as mentioned in the report the interior ministry did say that it was a stance of be to check their accreditation to see if they were able to work but it is really just sort of part of a whole tactic that seems to be continuing since the disputed election on august 9th where you have a series of mass detentions and there are reports of beatings of mistreatments and then subsequent releases from there so it really adds up to more like a tactic of intimidation not just upon the protesters as well but on press freedom in itself within belorussia now this whole situation here is really suppressing the European Union to try and do something of course they have stated before that the president ial elections that took place early in the month were neither free nor fair but there still is not really a unified tactic as to how exactly to deal with it yes there has been this idea floated this sort of political commitment to try and see if they can issue a sanctions list now at the moment theyve collated a series of 20 names on that which they say were linked to Election Fraud and of the intimidation in the violence that has been taking place there but there are differences between european members for example lithuania says that there needs to be more names on the list itself its its come up with a list of 118 names that say that needs to be on there and also crew. They say look i shank and needs to be on that list as well this differs from what another member luxembourg is saying is saying they have to take it to this to be in consideration have to be delicate about this and that what is most important is for there to be a maintaining a dialogue with the with a better response didnt look at to try and resolve this as peacefully as possible because of course the grandstanding that is taking place in the brinkmanship is ultimately that is happening between russia and the European Union belarus is right in the middle of that it stands as a bowl between the 2 so this could actually escalate further and could have impact for either of the 2 countries. Go you go there live for us thank you. Well its going to check on the weather now ever since fox is here and ever since were going to be talking about storms again but youre starting us off and australasia yeah thats right in fact were talking Hurricane Force winds which swept across the southeastern corner of australia yesterday damaging winds power lines down around 30000 customers lost power across victoria doesnt look too bad when you take a look at the satellite picture got this little calmer of cloud thats always indicative of some rather nasty weather that swept its way through out into the tasman still got some quite tightly packed i suppose down here and that means the very strong winds is this cold front just running up towards brisbane there as you can see thats the one which caused the very nasty weather through the course of. Tasmania seeing winds gusting as high as 135 Kilometers Per Hour in victoria those winds touched 158 Kilometers Per Hour so little one that we have seen many trees down the Power Outages has caused quite a bit of damage there you can see these are big old trees that are being brought down by those violent winds we are going to see things quieted down as we go on through the next couple days as a storm just fizzled out into the open waters 900 s. In melbourne 23 in adelaide wet and windy weather will sweep through as we go on in sundays the blustery showers just racing across the region ever seen some wind damage further north as well this is north korea this is pyongyang earlier on in the week babie made its way through causing some damage we are seeing some wet weather coming through as we go on through the next couple of days i mean got another developing system just to the south hala thank you very much everts and theres lots more still to come on aljazeera including. Racial unrest makes for an easy nights in the city of kenosha but the days remain filled with unity. And in sports a messy situation as barcelona fans protest the potential exit. If their argentinean star all the details coming up. After years of overgrazing the damage caused to the precious grasslands of chile is being reversed with one of the worlds biggest ever conservation projects. Theyre pretty emblematic of the patagonians out if theyre plentiful and theyre calm like this one is then you know that the system is coming back and that they feel no threats towards and thats why youre on your rewilding patagonia on aljazeera. The victim. Being his pasta as an instrument of pinochets brutal dictatorship and a father tries to forget. But his sons quest for answers reveals there are often 2 sides to even the daucus of stories witness the color of the chameleon on mountains there. All. The all. This is aljazeera could come out of the headlines this hour japans Prime Minister shinzo abbe has resigned because of ill health the 65 year old has long suffered an intestinal illness is japans longest serving leader. U. S. President donald trump has formally accepted the republican partys nomination for a 2nd term he says novembers election will be a choice between saving the American Dream or allowing a socialist agenda to destroy it. And germanys chancellor has demanded that bella resists sovereignty be respected as the new foreign minister his way of possible sanctions over a crackdown on protesters and america is pushing for dialogue as the best way forward. For the west african bloc ecowas says holding a new round of talks on mali after a coup leaders freed ousted president ibrahim cater from the tension but he resigned after soldiers seized him from his residence last week following months of protests echo us urge the immediate return of civilian rule but coup leaders want the next election to be held in 3 years time Armitage Research has been monitoring the situation from a bridge in nigeria and he joins us now just where are we when it comes to this transition of power what more details. Well the like the military rulers in mali wanted a 3 year transition which a corps and its delegation that met with the leaders felt was too long the course delegation led by former nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan thought its better to have a Transitional Government led by a civilian or retired military officer and that should be. Not longer than 12 months a minimum of 6 months and months and im of 12 months thats the proposal Goodluck Jonathan has table before of the heads of state and government who are meeting today. Video teleconferencing so we are not sure whether or not this will be in goes or they will take the hardest 10 demanding. A quicker resolution of the crisis there however because position has been deflated right from the start when the Goodluck Jonathan delegation met with former president you brought him booker kaita in detention the day they arrived by michael then what will cater to all of them that he wasnt interested in going back to power so that position sort of weaken the earliest terms of their course that it brought biblical capability stored to the presidency ok thats an address bring us the very latest there live from a budget thank you for that lets get more analysis on this we can join fatima shes a political analyst shes in bamako in mali good to have you with us on the news with been hearing about this standoff with unesco us and the military in mali what would you say needs to happen next. So what what i think this to happen next i think is very very important for equality. Its very important for the echo us to discuss. The administration and so that they can find a better transition for the better of the country and i think thats the echo less need to im hoping that the todays meeting that vehicle us will take a decision to cancel the some of the economy because sometimes against money because the country right now is going through a lot in some of the security issue and in time of our economic a crisis and we can see that the countries that affect the already by the clean cut function and i dont think having taken the sunshine in the best way and if that approach to help them out in population i so i think that may portend for the ickle and administrative whats the interest of the 1000000 people 1st which is to cancel the some chicken noodle sections and come out. And National Ways of fall and National Command of government transition how the battle in mali and for relations will look quite but ecowas seem to be the only ones who are moving here and if the Council Sanctions that coups appear that the the military are being rewarded for deposing a democratically elected president why should they do that why should they reward the military for what is in effect a military coup. I dont think so so now that my analyzes that its already done so its already done and the cool that is the last one i would love to read to the president or the president. Thats because. It was the one of the president s to come back and when they came back they know the president and the president agree that he doesnt even want to come up to power and that he resigned refuse or no. He wanted to design it and he was i respect what he had to say he was detained by the military yet he would be told that it had to be with you had a chance to change his mind but he said that no he doesnt want to go back to our that i dont think shell be late on that the debate now is to be focused on how to transition better because right now the country is in at risk there is a rebel groups. In the center. So they take that as an opportunity to take over the whole campaign with the country that there is so i dont think the debate should be should we i mean. You want to punish the people who are the president believes that yes to that but i think. What they havent done. It because actually if they get the chance not to be against this he absolutely will want to just quickly what are the money and people want not worth putting the civil why not have an election right now sort of waiting for 3 years. So actually there have been a. Minute sir that ive been going around my look around me young people in a lot of people know what they want they want to be should they want to meet friends and if its on the show that is headed by the military and so on the china kids its 2 years of maximum times each and thats that and thats and thats how. They got mentioned composer technocrats and. Teach and some c. D. s so that they can better organized in and so into 2 years because i think they need to you have we have had bad to hand over the country and who now focusing more and i think thats and i dont think having the best solution that the consolation on the country needs a leader who is ready very strong in 10 months old who has a very strong or knowledge on some of military security and intends not having any political interest so that you can better really perhaps mr big fancy knife it will do for ok. Well have to leave it there but psyche so much for bringing us your analysis that from bomb a goal in mali. Now thousands of protesters are expected to turn ice on friday for a socalled march on washington to protest against the treatments of black people by the police it follows days of often violent rallies in the city over in wisconsin states after police shots on black man jacob blake thursday nights was quiet as john hendren reports. Kenosha is still hunkered down boarded up and reeling from days of flaming buildings and anger in the streets. Hundreds of police in riot gear patrolling military vehicles as protesters defy nightly curfews but there are signs of progress many buildings remain shuttered but residents here are beautifying what they can often with a message i am just a small bit of trying to help and make our city just a little bit less of a. Boarded up war zone its just and it feels good makes me feel good to do it. Since hundreds of police and federal troops descended on recent days thursday arrived with little overnight Damage Police apparently controlling the streets fully for the 1st time since the protests began. That pause in violence follows a bloody tuesday as an militia member fired on protesters killing 2 and wounding one then walking past police without incident. On wednesday police did charge 17 year old kyle britton house shown earlier that day explaining why he came armed with murder. Is there somebody hurt running into harms way thats why. The civil rights leader Jesse Jackson called for charges to be filed against the officers involved in blake shooting. The. Movie moved quickly. Remove the Justice Works for the people people tend to view the protests. Just through a political lens and what you see depends on where you stand and for couple of hairs the black and indian democratic Vice President ial candidate what happened here reveals a nation with a lot of work to do on criminal justice she lists a litany of names of africanamericans who died at the hands of Police People are rightfully angry and exhausted and after the murders of brianna and george and and so many others its no wonder people are taking to the streets and i support them but for President Donald Trump who declined to say jacob blakes name the protests show the need for more police power we called up the National Guard we sent it out and they did. We had virtually no incident. With hundreds of armor clad police filling the streets the nights micro quieter. But the Movement Marches on john hendren aljazeera can no show wisconsin. The u. S. State of louisiana faces a long and costly cleanup process after hurricane laura battered the region at least 6 people have been killed and hundreds of fires is left without power its one of the biggest storms ever to hit the states and it also caused damaging damages in neighboring texas a roadside bomb has hit a minibus in southern afghanistan killing 13 people it happens in the border district of spin boldak income the whole province theres been no claim of responsibility. So the arabia says it has intercepted a missile coming from yemen local media is reporting yemens who see rebels fart a Ballistic Missile at a civilian area in the run province has suffered hundreds of drona missile attacks since the society Led Coalition began fighting rebels 2050. In lebanon at least 2 people have been killed and many others wounded in fighting between supporters of sunni and shia parties. Gunfire was exchanged and some high season cars set on fire and how the scythe over the capital on its reportedly erupted over disputes involving a flag linked see the assurer religious ritual Lebanese Army has been deployed the United Nations is warning thats the real number of coronavirus cases in syria far exceeds official figures when the 2 and a half hours and infections have been confirmed thats un humanitarian chief say many are reluctant to seek treatment and cases have not spin properly traced they say the situation is particularly bad in camps for the displaced in the north of the country reports of Health Care Facilities filling up rising numbers of death notices. All seem to indicate that actual cases exceed a vision. What efficiently goes to show is the Community Transmission is widespread over 2140. 00 cases. The Syrian Ministry of majority cannot be traced to a no note schools writing patient numbers are adding pressure to the fragile system. Go with 19 restrictions in colombias capital bogus are being lifted is part of the governments effort to reactivate struggling economy the city is home to more than a 3rd of columbias half a 1000000 virus cases nearly all structures will be lifted nationwide from september of the 1 of latin americas longest lockdowns prevention protocols on the vents and large crowd server will continue during september while the governments evaluates the spreads of the virus. The wearing of masks is no mandatory across paris after a surgeon you coronavirus cases in the french capital estimated rate of infection in the country has quadrupled over the past month face coverings are already compulsory outdoors everywhere in some other cities france has recorded nearly 300000 cases of the virus and least 30000 deaths in total south korea has recorded its highest daily coronavirus spike since march 441 infections were confirmed on thursday most of the new cases were in the capital so the countrys parliament has been shut down more than a dozen politicians are in quarantine after a journalist who covered a ruling Party Meeting tested positive. In the 4000 jobs have been the largest broadcaster in the philippines the a. B. S. C. B. S. Television network was taken off air in may the Philippines Congress has refused to renew its operating license Rights Groups say its part of a broader crackdown on dissent in a country already considered one of the most dangerous places in the world for journalists use in Stock Exchange systems have crashed for a 4th day after repeated Cyber Attacks the finance minister says the Communications Security bureau has been ordered to look into the breach the government says its treating the situation very seriously. So its common all desirable have the sports you can find out what the u. S. President thinks of this weeks n. B. A. Walkouts will be here in just a moment here. Or. Go or when. Its time for the sport thank you very much the u. S. President donald trump past criticize the n. B. A. Following teams that staging a wall calls over Racial Injustice the president says the league has become like a Political Organization teams boycotted the games on wednesday and said. Then awake all that Police Shooting of wisconsin resident jacob blake the less the players have agreed to compete the pale sleek Officials Say theyve hoped for games will resume on friday or saturday. I dont know much about the n. B. A. Protest i know their ratings have been very bad because i think people are a little tired of the n. B. A. Frankly but i dont know too much about the protests but i know their ratings have been very bad and thats to thats unfortunate they become like a Political Organization and thats not a good thing i dont think thats a good thing for sports or for the country or join us now a former new york citys brandon scoobie robinson Senior Writer at heavy dot com brandon 1st of all it was a very bold move from the players but very short lived how surprising is it that they will resume the playoffs. It i think there were a lot of heated discussions that were taking place for mary lee because we caught many people by surprise when theyre walking but decided not to play their game 5 a playoff game against the randall magic there were plenty means that at that cited that they were mourning to get out from playing but the bucs kind of think their own shame and it seem to be a lot of us discussions about how we make things happen in unison so of course the bugs of the Hometown Team where the jacob lake shooting took place and the guys that sat and thats what they wanted to do but i think cooler heads prevail in that situation bron james of the lakers and chorale winner of the world sense of the clippers were both very upset about just how things were handled was there a plan and so here we are today on the playoffs will resume likely saturdays. I think the thing that really stands out in this situation there is a conversation thats of place. With the m. V. P. A president just as well as chris hall who was the president Players Association a long walk out or an article doll and basically they wanted to get the best situation possible that everybody could be happy and theres been a lot of conversation between owner and slayers and more and you know here we are today. And what do you make of president strums latest criticism of the n. B. A. I was really surprised kate did President Trump and source u. S. Sports in general they dont hand in and they their life or d water but i think that the president was sexually with a little d off with his notion that the ratings are bad mph ratings as they go have been pretty solid many people are tuning in to watch you know the lakers so watch the clippers even last year the warriors as well and you know be bits around rodgers go toe to toe so i think his numbers were a little off but maybe you know something i dont know me. Well considering how vocal maker superstar Le Bron James has been do you think he has a few temple attacks. Will he definitely has the ear of both in young and older players in the n b a be honest with you only if you want to talk about the plum of c i think one of the all 4 home of city streets all with the eye and be creative president as one who kindly lol says roll on one x. Many you know during the different meetings that were going on and chris all legitimately got every teammate of the Oklahoma City family his teammates to bowl and thats one of the feeds that youll be hearing of the next couple of days buzzword for the registration and you know really come together as this election comes along so i think mcbride and james is that im the leader of one thats really d has that the voice said carol because if he in the lakers didnt play. This is be a moot point so my best i think he needs a good leader but chris paul to me is an impressive Brandon School they have other sensing a right to have the dot com thank you very much for them. Well the n. H. L. Postseason will resume on saturday with all of thursday in 5 days games for spawn to ask team stand in solidarity with other leads protesting against Racial Injustice in the United States the playoffs were halted after the hockey diverse allies that a formally requested the league to suspend all action all 3 n. H. L. Games had gone ahead on wednesday despite matches being put on hold in all the u. S. Sports heats there were however displays of unity on the ice its great that the n. B. A. Did this and then theyll be in the derby and you know you know they have a lot of black players in those leagues but for. All these athletes and here to take a stand and say you know what we see the problem too and we stand behind you you know i go to war with these guys and i hate their guts on the ice but i couldnt be more proud of these guys its you know the statement they gave me today is something thats going to last you know these 2 days isnt going to is going to fix anything but. The conversation and the statement thats been made is very powerful especially coming from from this late. Barcelona fans continued to protest outside the clubs offices with his future at the club is in doubt. Of his wish to leave on tuesday following trophyless season that ended with a 82 defeat against by munich in the Champions League has seen a group of angry supporters breaking into the new camp to protest against Club President just said bartle but then when i bought it hes not happy when i bought this i have 2 theories the 1st one is that misuse playing his cards hes using the last bullet the team has to put pressure to force president bok to moods resignation then we have the 2nd period. And wants to leave the club and theres no way back that would be the more pessimistic want iraq to go for the optimistic and. And thats all useful for me will have more for you later on including the n. B. A. Playoffs but for now i hand you back to hello thank you very much indeed some about wraps up this piece are to keep it here on aljazeera though campanella with you on the other side of this break like next. The latest news as it breaks the protests are not only against a Police Crackdown but also against what they call our great election detailed coverage. More than 300000 people have lost their jobs because of the. Deal is journalism from around the world following reports that officials were aware of the presence of a highly explosive material there are plans for my. Demonstration. Hi im Steve Clements what i have a question about these days its hard to filter out the noise and keep track of whats really important to the bottom line tackles the big issues this is shaping the United States its people its economy and the way it deals with the rest of the world the bottom line only on aljazeera. Dreams johns and entertainment a way for people to rise above the violence around so its my role to give these girls a different idea that they can leave the wards of this community 3 short films show how performance creates a home and family and gives hope and opportunity. A. J. Selects on aljazeera. Aljazeera where every. Audience look at it back to the night i made a judgment i should not continue my job as Prime Minister or the end of an era and by resigns because of health problems. This is own desire live from doha also coming up this is the most important election in the history

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