Relations with israel. And flash floods in parts of afghanistan and pakistan kill more than 200. 00 people dozens more are missing. Others there as Investigative Unit has obtained this cyprus papers of confidential documents listing 2 and a half 1000 people who bought citizenship in cyprus some are criminals and some are seeking a safe haven away from their own governments names include 500 from china and 350 from the middle east who paid for the right to live and work and europe the cypriot government has just held a press conference this past hour and has refuted the findings of the investigation calling it propaganda every day these reports a meeting of president s to discuss greater links between cyprus and china. But away from the public glare hundreds of chinese have quietly paid for a personal connection aboard cypriot citizenship a few likely criminals he sanctioned by the us for laundering stolen cryptocurrency others like tanya are politically connected hes boss of a state owned Energy Company the chinese presence is increasingly visible in cyprus 2 and a half 1000000. 00 for citizenship and a passport which can be invested in a luxury home is a modest price for chinas super rich young man and has been to both have cypriot passports through her family Real Estate Company Country Garden shes worth an estimated 27000000000. 00 and is often called asias richest woman. But paying for the passport and moving assets to the island isnt straightforward because china as strong currency controls strictly speaking is all illegal very often they use hong kong as a way for getting their money out of china and there are many kuwaiti ways for doing so and they sometimes also used in macau as another way all getting money out of china another category in the cyprus papers includes those we are not naming for their own safety that applies to a woman whose relative was secretly abducted from hong kong by Chinese Security agents and several names from saudi arabia applications for cypriot passports from the kingdom have increased since the rise of crown Prince Mohammed bin salmond like china he announced a crackdown on corruption which critics say only targets his political enemies one member of the bin laden family holds a cyprus passport their Business Empire has been effectively confiscated by the crown prince another is a relative of one of the hundreds of wealthy saudis detained in 2017 at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in riyadh without charge until they paid for their release theres also a broker of the Saudi Foreign investment deals although still well connected a cypriot passport provides a potential refuge should the political tide. Well ever davies is live for us now in london deborah at this press conference where the government reaction to your investigation i believe has just finished what else did we hear from les. Well the one line that weve heard from him is an allegation by the interior minister i think he said this is not Investigative Journalism this is propaganda well as an investigative journalist i can tell you i prefer facts to conspiracy its and the facts are that our investigation which is taken as months to mind these thousands of documents has confirmed all the criticisms that have come over the last 3 years from the e. U. From anticorruption groups at least schemes they say are a way for criminals and the corrupt to hide where they are it increases the risk of Money Laundering and its a back door to europe because what theyre not doing is by citizenship to become cypriots theyre buying a way into europe and a short time ago i interviewed the Commission Justice commissioner and he confirmed to me that they are now looking at Legal Options a law which would end the socalled golden passport schemes. The process of our uncovering all of this fear i mean this was a vast amount of information with several of your reports this week a vast amount of information. The effort to to get through all of that to to piece that all together. Well weve got a big team and i pay tribute to everyone whos is worked on this for months and months we began this the beginning of the year so you start with 1400. 00 documents each of which could be 2 or 3 pages you end up with 2 in our 1000 names from 74. 00 countries you dont have to check each name who is this person and how many people got the same name and we got the right person who are they whats their background so yes weve only published 60 names out of the 2 and a half 1000 plus another 40 or so anonymous and we could be working on this for years but for now you know we want to get our investigation out there absolutely thanks so much for that update there Deborah Davies in london be assured to turn in for the 1st part of our exclusive report on the cyprus papers after a week of revelations about the serious flaws in the cyprus Investment Scheme for passports well have an exclusive interview with the European Unions commissioner for justice the dia redness who will react to our findings thats thursday from 10 g. M. T. Hair on aljazeera. 2 people have been killed and another injured during protests in the u. S. City of ken osha demonstrators defied a curfew for a 3rd night demanding justice for jacob blake a black man shot in the back i couldnt. Tear gas was fired to keep demonstrators from entering the courthouse building several buildings were set on fire a state of emergency is now in place but extra National Guard troops to hurt the process are continuing to spark a call for unity and calm from jacob likes maava john hendren reports now from. Smolders a city corrections building burnt to the ground one of 3 dozen buildings left in ruins in a single night firefighters and residents sweep up the wreckage. I am with a lot lot of matter moving on you know what ive been protesting that im not with this is nothing anybody. Philip mary arrived to find the windows of his 92 year old office smashed but it was largely spared his neighbor wasnt so lucky. Senseless it is. Dandelion is someones property the mother of jacob blake the black man whose shooting by police set off the demonstrations says he would not approve if. You knew what was going on as far as goals the violence and the destruction. He would be very on. Blakes family spoke of the latest incident of alleged Police Brutality captured in this viral video of an officer shooting in the back his 3 sons watching from inside the car. 7 pints. Servant. Lucky didnt matter. But my son matters blakes attorney say he underwent surgery on tuesday and remains paralyzed from the waist down im not sad im not sorry im angry and im tired. I havent cried one time i stopped crying years ago i am numb i have been watching Police Murder people that look like me for years as her family struggles with what happened so does a better city police were protecting government buildings the looters came here to be Uptown Neighborhood and they fire bombed and looted each of the stores for a couple of blocks until they got here to kingdom word ministries thats where david my gomery is pastor actually we had somebody actually take a. Big large rock and throw it to the window and we started yelling hey this is a church and marriage several people say hey you dont touch a church you know. A pastor it looks like your building is going to be the only thing to say you know its just a miracle from god one building salvaged amid dozens of burnt out holes and more broken hearts john hendren aljazeera konoha wisconsin. Jacob blake survived his encounter with police that so many other black people did not despite all of the protests and coals for nationwide Police Reform in june brooks was killed in the parking lot of a Fast Food Restaurant in atlanta the officer who shot him has been charged with murder all 4 officers involved in George Floyds death and may have been fired and charged the 3 officer shot and killed Brianna Taylor in her own home in march have not faced criminal charges. Which got loose lucas is a professor of United States politics for the university of birmingham he says police is slow to respond to calls for change. Even as were trying to get to grips with what happened with george floyd 3 months ago and amidst these important issues being raised by the antiracism marches the black lives matter marches there will be other incidents other encounters now it appears that in the latest in the case of jacob lloyd can connection wisconsin you have an unarmed black man shot 7 times that Close Friends by officers simply hours after trying to mediate a domestic dispute he was getting back into his car with his 3 young sons inside that will have to be investigated but while thats being investigated people will be angry people will be frustrated and even though it should be emphasized the leaders of the black lies not a marxist but denouncing violence you will have some that will take it out on the community but we need to also add Something Else to watch out for and that is that there are those who are right wing protesters right wing militia who will try to strike violence as well and in the incidents which is marked last nights protest which is the killing of 2 people unwilling to you both heard the suspicion and i must emphasize suspicion not proof is that numbers of the militia fired into one of these marches which just skillets the violence further Everyone Needs to take a step back thats what jacob white family said yesterday but the issue the fundamental issue which is violence against unarmed people especially africanamericans that cannot be dismissed lightly. The u. S. Secretary of state has begun high level talks in the United Arab Emirates a pub visit follows trips to israel sudan and barring the u. A. E. And israel established diplomatic ties under a u. S. Brokered deal earlier this month peo didnt say what he would discuss and wednesdays closed door meetings abraham is an associate professor of conflict resolution at the Doha Institute he says despite a push by the Trump Administration to recognize israel other countries in the region are unlikely to follow the unas example any time soon. There are countries like bahrain and it is possible its not. I mean practically also in bahrain and that has been normalization going on for a long time United Arab Emirates has already come through for him but beyond that i think. That its quite difficult with all my and also morrocco is being mentioned. Its very unlikely to see a breakthrough happening on that on that level but but any sufficiently that its gotten its policies but in policy mostly with us with saudi arabia saudi of yeah i dont think its going to happen anytime soon but oman again also does not would not accept to be. Would be for doing the United Arab Emirates that is already the i but maybe we in you know mamma the United Arab Emirates that weve seeing this movement is being led by united not a bit but its so probably the most the maximum would you would that you probably buy it but beyond that i think im a thinking mans about still ahead here on aljazeera. However i knew one thing for sure that this monster who committed my father. And the other beautiful souls that day not just isnt a valid. Face to face with a killer emotional state house has gone down to news in a mosque sauce to have. This president has led bold initiatives in nearly every corner of the world. And the u. S. Secretary on state breaks a tradition to speak in support of president trons reelection while abroad on business. Hello typhoon buffys been battering j. S you overnight and its moving Straight North through the yellow sea so you can see the east with strong southerly winds will carry on battering that side of the Korean Peninsula it looks as though most to china will escape our from banda shells being thrown off that landfall which is somewhere in the borderline between north korea and china will be nasty is it still going to be a typhoon at times or wind damage is likely and flooding of course is going to be wind damage on the western side of south korea as well and then if you follow this line down this is very active all the way dances some parts of western japan will carry on being wet and the fringes of charter including hong kong will get some pretty big thunderstorms from that low buffy eventually will be disintegrating particular raid obviously with it leaving briefly quiet weather behind that most achiles enjoying now fairly sunny weather except that eastern fringe monsoon rain in India Bangladesh and pakistan is showing itself fairly obviously has been flooding in northern afghanistan is going to be flooding i think throughout pakistan where you see that forecast rain and the circulation in west bengal and bangladesh that will produce the same wind damage maybe more likely flooding. From fossil fuels to modern day renewables as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such demands as a Global Power Development of Investment Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against these demands we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and environmentally sound Energy Solutions for future generations no breastpin pioneering future energy. Youre watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour at least 2 people have been killed another injured during protests in the u. S. City of can no ship crowds defied a curfew for a 3rd night a demanding justice for and on the back man jacob blake who shot 7 times by the legs in the back hes been paralyzed from the waist down. There is a very good if unit has obtained the cyprus papers confidential documents listing thousands of people aboard citizenship in cyprus salma criminals and some are seeking a safe haven away from their own governments unable to commute hundreds from china and the middle east. U. S. Secretary of state might form peo has arrived in the United Arab Emirates for high level talks follows trips to israel sudan and the u. A. E. And israel established diplomatic ties under a u. S. Brokered deal earlier this month. I. Guess President Donald Trump 1st lady melodiya secretary of state michael payor with speakers on day 2 of the Republican National convention breaking with decades of precedent the 1st lady spoke from the white house rose garden recorded his address while on a Diplomatic Mission and White House Correspondent can really help it has more. Explore together. America it was a night billed as a tribute to the Great American story and the people empowered to succeed by President Trumps policies many of those stories appeared to be produced by the former reality t. V. Star himself breaking with precedent that president ial candidates lay low until the final night at the Convention Trump appeared the re times granted jon im not sure you know theres a party he issued a president ial pardon restoring the rights of a bank robber who has made it his mission to improve the lives of convicts and repeat after me in another made for t. V. Moment trauma corporative as citizenship ceremony into the program to reach out to voters of color touting his push for Legal Immigration breaking with tradition secretary of state mike pompei appeared from west jerusalem while on official government business despite telling his own diplomatic corps weeks earlier that overt partisan politics violated u. S. Law he told voters only President Trump will keep american freedoms intact because President Trump has put his america 1st vision into action it may not have made him popular in every foreign capital but its worked. The 2nd night of the Republican National convention remained a Family Affair as it had the night earlier 2 more of trumps children spoke his son eric and daughter tiffany railed against the Media Coverage of their father people must recognize that our thoughts are pinions and even the choice of who we are building for may and are being manipulated and visibly coerced by the media and tech giants. But it was 1st lady molony a trump who delivered tuesday evenings marcie address making an appeal to women voters to support her husband she outlined the challenges he needs to overcome for racial unrest to tens of thousands of americans dead from cope with 19 i know many people anxious and sound feel helpless i want you to know youre not alone. My Husbands Administration will not stop fighting until there is an effective treatment or vaccine available to everyone indeed the 1st lady was one of the few speakers at the Republican National convention to acknowledge the personal devastation and heartbreak that americans have faced during the pandemic its a pandemic many blame President Trump for not doing more to stop its a narrative he may not be able to overcome with just 10 weeks until the election kimberly help at al jazeera the white house the European Unions defense minister is amazing and better than enough planting to discuss the focusing on whats known as the e. U. Strategic compass a framework for responding to threats and challenges as a block of protest by the roofs and the recent tensions between turkey and greece of a Gas Exploration reluctantly be high on the agenda when it came has the latest from berlin. The strategic compass is clearly pointing to the south east of europe right now because that is where you have tension building up between the turkish government and the greek government certainly that is the feeling here in berlin the interesting point to make here is of course the e. U. Does not have on its in its in its own way a military role the military role in europe the guarantee of security in europe has traditionally come from nato now thats important the nato secretary general u. N. Back is here in berlin this week here today and he will be here for the next couple of days because tomorrow and the day after there will be the e. U. Foreign ministers will be meeting in then but the nato angle is important because remember that greece and turkey are both natan and this of course turkey is not in the room although theyre not at this meeting the comments being made the view coming from the government of president richard type earlier one is definitely going to be that because he has been speaking about what he considers to be the turkish Government Support right to its its own rights over the territories of the black sea the mediterranean sea. And all everything that flows from that and thats important because the greeks and the turkish government disagree about the petrochemical finds that have been made in the Eastern Mediterranean around cyprus we know right now the french the italians the greeks and the cypriots have a military exercise underway in the Eastern Mediterranean so lots of tension right now between these 2 nato countries but only one of them has representation at this meeting thats taking place in berlin and its taking place here of course because the German Government currently holds the 6 month rotating presidency of the european union. Lebanon Supreme Defense Council has denounced what it calls an israeli assault on the border israeli commandos said warplanes fired at several hezbollah observation posts apparently in response to shots fired from southern lebanon earlier has very residents were ordered to stay home because of a Security Threat israelis are on alert after hezbollah denied a cross border infiltration attempt last month the gunman in new zealands worst mass shooting has faced survivors and relatives on the 3rd day of his sentencing hearing brenton tyrant killed 51 muslim worshippers in christchurch last year exactly to be given a life sentence in jail without parole when he reports for a 3rd straight day Brinton Terence was brought into the high court in christchurch handcuffed and shackled he again set largely emotionless as he listened to and faced family members of people he killed or injured and those who survived his attack. Are to be totally thought the riemann. As i feel the government in fighting. I still in their position. Do the police came in. From. I saw a bit more digits of them whats terence was charged with killing 51. 00 people at 2 mosques in christchurch on the 15th of march last year attempting to murder 40 more and to engaging in an act of terrorism he pleaded guilty to all charges. I am uncertain there will be enough justice for what has happened at the hands of terrorist. You. However i know one thing for sure that this monster and my father and the other beautiful souls that day much is how it. On the opening day of the sentencing the court heard how terence methodically researched the mosques and planned the attacks for when theyd be busy before entering his 1st target the elmore mosque he uploaded a manifesto online detailing his obsession with White Supremacy terrine declined to address the court but many of those who were affected by his attack chose to speak directly to him i dont know how this Justice System would deal with you but i have peace knowing here are you get what you deserve by. Might not the beer or the god was. Was up when the sentences handed down Brenton Terence is likely to become the 1st person the new zealand to be sentenced to life with no chance of parole wayne hay aljazeera. Tough and bob he has forced the cancellation of hundreds of flights in south korea strong winds of battering the Southern Island of jeju and the typhoon is expected to make landfall in north korea on thursday has from abroad from seoul. Typhoon babie is the 8th typhoon of this season to come out of the western pacific and it is shaping up to be one of the strongest ever to hit the Korean Peninsula with wind speeds of over 160 Kilometers Per Hour also expecting to dump hundreds of millimeters of rain it is affected already the southern south korean island of jeju and also the countrys south coast as it moves gradually northwards through the yellow sea that separates the Korean Peninsula from the coast of china it will be passing closest to the most densely populated part of south korea thats the seoul metropolitan area during the nighttime hours of wednesday through into thursday and then thursday morning it will be making its landfall in north korea itself now it will have lost some of its intensity but this will still be a very big typhoon barreling into north korea the north Korean Leader kim jong un has already held a meeting this week of his politburo to discuss measures to mitigate the impact of this the country has been put on full alert but this is a north korea is already facing of course merely at problems from the continuing sanctions from the effects of isolating itself because of fears of the coronavirus from the outside world its also had of course the impact of a weeks of heavy rains that have gone on longer than usual the summer rains that have been really impacting its crops that have been flooding its waterways and drenching the ground causing landslips and then on top of all of that of course they now have to deal with the impact of this typhoon. Flash floods in parts of afghanistan and all across pakistan have killed more than 200 people of the past few days dozens of missing and hundreds of force trauma homes troops have been sent to flooded neighborhoods in pakistan cracka got the reports. Like that one a lot of afghans in power one province rescue their loved ones any way they can. Green in flash floods so the impoverished ruled Northern Region the dozens killed a mostly women and children. Others remain missing feared trapped under the rubble of their destroyed homes local leaders say the scale of the disaster is overwhelming and they need help doing to move forward on the real meaning there was barbed wire on the roof of my neighbors house i cut that and wanted to take my family to the rooftops from flood water was coming towards us just to save their lives suddenly the flood water flushed out everything and my family 7 members of my family are missing. All over me bring pakistan its a similar seed of devastation after days of torrential rain in the largest city karachi polluted water from clogged priests not streets spilling into homes. I was promised iran conses troops are being sent to help pump water from flooded neighborhoods of the bombing the other day i want to jump you can see there is chaos people are annoyed no vehicles can pass through the streets as all the roads are inundated we appeal to the government they must do something to clean the storm water drains. But the Monsoon Floods in both afghanistan and pakistan are common at this time of the year and so is a threat to life and property with outdated drainage systems and poorly constructed homes adding to the danger. Aljazeera. This is all just there and these the top stories are just there as a vestige of unit has obtained the cyprus papers acacia confidential documents the sting thousands of people who bought citizenship in cyprus salma criminals are seeking a safe haven away from their own governments and names of good hundreds from china and the middle east cyprus is interior minister has hit back at the investigation firmly denying the findings and calling it propaganda. That are going on wouldnt produce the media or the interior ministry has investigated all the information aljazeera has given to the public and all the names brought up by the investigation have been looked into when they applied for the visas there were 100 percent entitled to it was no criminal record in their home countries and with there were living we investigated and there were no complaints against them from any other sources or interpol this is deliberate distortion and deception of the elements biol dizzier. At least 2 people have been killed and another injured string a 3rd night of protest in the us city of can osha this video circulating on social media apparently shows the shooter and people running on the streets as gunshots were heard police say they responded to reports of shots fired at multiple people but have not yet revealed details of either the victims or the attacker. Demonstrators have been demanding justice for jacob blake a black man shot in the back by Police Tear Gas was fired to keep demonstrators from entering a courthouse building several buildings were set on fire the state of emergency is now in place with extra National Guard troops deployed u. S. Secretary of state my pompei o has arrived in the United Arab Emirates for high level talks follows trips to israel sudan a bahrain the u. A. E. And israel established diplomatic ties under a u. S. Brokered deal earlier this month. Was the headlines to stay with us here on aljazeera up next inside story. Well polio be eradicated worldwide the World Health Organization declares a major victory against the virus in africa but its still crippling children in afghanistan and pakistan all the lessons to be learned in the battle to control the coronavirus pandemic this isnt. Hello welcome to the program on the wrong how do you know used to paralyze and disfigured tens of thousands of children every year and some didnt survive the major strides have been made in iraq

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