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A fire at the Natanz Nuclear plant libyan ball awfully fast to dismiss as a cease fire announcement by the u. N. Recognize government as a marketing stunt. And fraudsters fugitives and convicted criminals and al jazeera investigation identified some of the foreigners buying a new citizenship in cyprus. Over 100000 protesters have taken to the streets of minsk to demand demand once again of the president Alexander Lukashenko steps down it marks over 2 weeks of antigovernment demonstrations triggered by his declaration of victory in an election the opposition says was rigged the crowd defied warnings of the army being deployed against them and marched towards the president ial residence the vast square outside parliament was turned into a sea of red and white by protesters waving the traditional but a russian flag thats become a symbol of them movement so they gave up against our coverage. United in one pool as they gathered in the streets and in the squares of the belo recent capital minsk since the disputed president ial vote in locust 9th protesters have defied the authorities and have been gathering every day calling for an end to president look ashamed because 26 year old despite the continued threats of a violent crackdown opposition supporters say they wont give up. Ahead of sundays rally the bell or a song rolled into the central city streets a warning to those marching any andress they have monuments and statues would not be tolerated and they not the police would see to that. Arriving back at the president ial palace in minsk the man at the center of this wave of discontent alex on the look. He has the backing of russia whose government has condemned the protest movement on saturday shanker railed against the opposition supporters and accuse nato of deliberately positioning its forces by the countrys western border and ordered the army to defend its territory. Nato forces are approaching we understood this last year when they announced drills but coronaviruses slowed them down a bit now the situation from their point of view has become unstable internally they have switched back to operations theyve deployed all their troops we can see this nato has dismissed as accusations as baseless. It may bring to the way nya thousands joined a human chain spotting 30 kilometers from the Capitol Building to the balance border a show of solidarity not least because it is where opposition to the kind of sky fled to and remains for now shes urged her supporters to keep up the momentum what i know is that the russian people dont want this president and president anymore and its our people and authorities has to go this year this in and listen and has to hear what the russian people want. This is a protest that has taken root across the country may be clinging on to power by any means rejecting any talk of voter fraud in his electoral win but it is unlikely that he will be able to cultivate support for his leadership in a country where many say they have had enough if his leadership. Aljazeera. Will step basson is in minsk and joins us now and step if there were concerns about the protest movement losing any kind of a meant and i suppose people who turned out today were determined to prove that thats not the case absolutely there was this week when the protests were sort of diminishing a bit there were a lot of threats coming from about a possible crackdown or worse repression people were detained to so there was quite some concern that the protest movement could not survive under this pressure but today is the opposite period and the proven that the threats. As been making and also this scare tactics that he has been using for for over 2 decades they simply dont work anymore people are beyond this kind of fear and those sword so determined to get rid of him that they want to risk everything i was really surprised to be honest to see 6 families with small children showing up at the Independence Square while military trucks with soldiers armed soldiers so were standing by but that sort of the mood today and weve also been seeing image images of lucas shane co in a in a bulletproof vest carrying a rifle so i suppose hes trying to project an image of strength and of being in control when hes coming under more and more pressure. Yes the image of for looking up very strong in his bulletproof arrows and with rifle may have the opposite effect here because the stronger he looks maybe the weaker he is there were some bizarre scenes of him Walking Around with his rifle with his son also it was very much in in military outfit next to him and he went outside after the protesters because for the 1st time protesters actually went up to his residence and that must have really scared him so he flew around in the helicopter later to oversee the crowds and then he he came back so people were really thinking you know is he really scared and works or whats actually going on there and why is he showing off for so it could also be a sign of weakness and that his position is actually getting weaker thank you very much with all the latest from the better russian capital minsk step vasant reporting to us there well xandra so stay out of it god freud is a journalist based in the russian capital has been following moscows response to the unrest she says that officials have been encouraging the shanker to negotiate. Mr overall hes saying that the way out is wired in broad genuinely Broad National dialogue that Michael Schenker should talk with the trade unions and that moscow would be ok with whatever he agrees with the opposition at the same time hes suspecting this coronation all council of a position was formed the strange way saying there is a lot of people there theyre actually on good russian he went further saying that. When she came up broad was apparently under some pressure and started again doing political statements supporting and calling for a 4 protests and he also said there is a Certain Program of economics in which these written in belorussian said that what us should go out of your asian consulate should they should go out of the a collective security treaty and of the union state of belarus and instead go towards e. U. And eventually nato he even says that its there that the russian language should be pushed out on the account of the belarusian language calling the kind of artificial language and this kind of rhetorical we heard before and we heard it in the case of ukraine all together with the foreign factor with the foreign interference which is unacceptable as russia is pointing out and saying that it is a part of a position that wants to violence on the streets of means and in belarus and that they are calling for the bloodshed and that it should be up to belorussian people to decide what to do next. Irans Atomic Energy agency is saying that last months fire at the Natanz Nuclear facility was an act of sabotage a spokesman for the agency says security authorities will reveal the reason behind the blast into time watch of the natanz facilities on the ground fire officials said at the time that the damage was significant enough to slow the Nuclear Development in osman comes a day before the head of the uns atomic watchdog arrives in tehran in an attempt to get access to sites believed to be storing undeclared Nuclear Material last it break is interrogative and says that iran has felt suspicions off several incidents. Well this is the 1st time they were officially admitted that this was an act of sabotage when this incident took place in early july we were 1st told that it was an accident if i had taken place then it was revealed that actually there was more damage than previously thought and then we were told that there was considerable damage and it could cause medium term delays for the production of advanced machines by iran so that they would compensate for any delays but creating more capacity now we dont know the exact details of this act of sabotage retold that that will be released by Security Officials at the appropriate time now this incident did take place over a month ago but was preceded by an explosion east of the one near a military base and then there were several incidents fire power plants and also factories which raise suspicions in the country now this isnt the 1st time irans facilities have been targeted in 2010 the stuxnet virus was discovered at the very same Nuclear Facility than the towns Nuclear Facility which is thought to have caused considerable damage to Irans Nuclear program now no one admitted who was behind that but its largely thought that the United States and israel were behind the virus but the specific details of this upper target how it was carried out we still dont know. Spokesman for libyan war 24 have to has dismissed a cease fire announcement by the un recognized government as a marketing stunt. Mari says the truce is actually part of a plan to attack have to fight us in sirte and al jeffrey but he made no mention of a parallel cease fire announced by the eastern based parliament which is like to have to. A gateway to libyas priced oil fields or. We believe the ceasefire is false and meant only as propaganda it is simply to throw dust in the eyes this is the reality on the ground and this is what was confirmed by our air and land recon all the intelligence we gathered proves they intend to attack our forces in sirte and. Well managed china has more now from misrata this isnt the 1st time that have to has refused to sign a cease fire agreement back in january the talks sponsored by ancora and moscow brought the warring sides together the g. N. A. S. Internationally recognized government tripoli signed the ceasefire agreement have left moscow without signing so and this was when have there was on the outskirts of tripoli since then have to his forces have been forced to retreat there now in syria g. N. A. T. Forces are about 7 our position about 70 kilometers west of sirte its been its been quite peaceful for the time being but both sides have sort of been reinforcing their positions in recent weeks now we saw officials from the High State Council yesterday in a press conference say that they will not negotiate with have to they consider him to be a war criminal when he was his failed camp has failed cant military campaign to take control of tripoli has caused thousands of lives thousands were killed hundreds of thousands have been displaced their homes destroyed so they dont see him as a partner in peace now whats significant is that this is the 1st time that i give us the has signed this agreement so whether or not its also gain traction with have for foreign backers welcoming the cease fire agreement. Now southern iraq is facing the prospect of more unrest as after a deadline set by protest as for the resignation of the local governor expired theyve been demanding justice for the killing of prominent activists Prime Minister must have a government has visited bastra and a bit to find a solution and to give a warning to all such a barrio records. A deadline has come and gone but these protesters still dont have what they want. They had demanded the resignation of governor over the killing of prominent activist for now they say theyll continue to protest. On saturday Prime Minister must suffer arrived in basra only hours after returning from his trip to washington d. C. He met local politicians with the hopes of calming the anger on the streets but he had a warning for those looking to cause trouble i decided to call it would you believe this is a message to all criminals and killers this is a new government that is working to establish the prerequisites of security it aims to establish security employer gun crime id like to tell everyone who carries a weapon contrary to the governments law they would ski punishment on the killers will be brought to justice very soon id like to tell the criminals who us in 87 has got seen and the young female dr lloyd will be vital for justice john the 33 year old is the young female doctor Prime Minister called to me refer to she was a prominent activist in basra and let several womans marches she was killed on wednesday when gunmen with assault rifles riding a motorcycle opened fire on her car. Days earlier gutman had shot dead activists seen osama their deaths sparked days of protests and unrest fueled by anger protestors set fire to local government buildings in the southern iraqi city demanding those responsible be brought to justice and calling for the resignation of the provincial governor danny the recent rise in targeted killings poses a challenge for the new Prime Minister there have been nearly a dozen attempts on the lives of well known activists this month and 4 have been killed 3 of them in basra the Prime Minister dismissed the local police chief last week after osamas death in response a number of senior tribal leaders issued a statement saying the armed themselves if the government fails to protect the people this is the worst andress the city has seen since last years protests which led to the resignation of Prime Minister the law. Is known as the wealthiest province in iraq its home to most of the countrys oil reserves yet it has some of the worst facilities of public services. Years of mismanagement and corruption have led to protests on a regular basis this mural of seen osama the father of 4 who was killed in basra in august 14th quickly went up in Tahrir Square in the capital shortly after his death and that death is a constant reminder of the risks that activists and protesters face in iraq on a regular basis as the new government tries to bring some stability to an increasingly volatile region. Al jazeera baghdad. Live from london most of us. Think he was doing now. More protests against Police Brutality in the United States after another black man is shot dead. And at least 13 people are killed in a stampede in perus capital off to please write a nightclub for violating coronavirus restrictions. Hello there some nice weather across southern areas of europe very unsettled process central and northern regions but we finally got a bit of a break across the northwest that is until the next system has them but look at this some beautiful sunshine in poland the southeast people enjoying the weather on the water and also similarly across into albania on the coast that is warm very organized beach as you can see that now away from that we have a kohls got the rain in the clouds very unsettled the winds are quite strong as well coming through the channel lower than as a low countries and the rain spreading eastwards all the time but have a down day in berlin with a high of 22 degrees and also a bad day generally across the u. K. But you can see this mass of blue behind me that is on its way on choose a some very heavy amounts of rain and yes again some very strong winds that the u. K. Met office has got warnings in place to choose day and on into wednesday but to the south of there is fine and dry pretty good and warm and then that rain across most central areas that will push east was as we go through choose as a very heavy rain through much of the central and Western Areas of ukraine heavy rain then in london on tuesday with those warnings mostly cloudy a was a the rain moves up to the north and then a few light showers as we head into the next attack which is also a little bit lower than we have seen lady meanwhile paris firing a little bit better if a little bit unsettled. History has called into the great in the final of the 2 sides fight themselves to a standstill while britain and france conspire behind closed doors to produce a secret agreement that will shape the middle east for the century to come world war one through our. Own knowledge is even. Dying for this range of stories from across the globe from the perspective of our networks journalists on aljazeera. Im back to headlines now more than 100000 protests as a march of the capital about a ruse running president Alexander Lukashenko stepped down as the largest gathering the country has seen in recent days despite threats of a government crackdown. Irans Atomic Energy agency says last months fire in a tans Nuclear Facility was an act of sabotage and that the cause of the blast will be revealed in time. And a spokesman for libyan war from a 5 to has dismissed a cease fire announcement by the un recognized government as a marketing stunt. And al jazeera investigation can reveal cyprus has been selling european passports to convicted criminals fugitives and fraudsters a large leak of possible data to our Investigative Unit reveals serious flaws in the island socalled gold and possible scheme which has generated more than a 1000000000. 00 for the government in the 1st of our exclusive reports on the cyprus pipe as is deborah davies. To become a citizen of the mediterranean island nation of cyprus costs more than 2. 00 and a half 1000000. 00 among those whove paid that russian businessman alley bag love hes already served a prison sentence for extortion and the Chinese Investment tycoon junko chan who had been jailed for fraud the cyprus papers a large data leak obtained by aljazeera revealed it to an all 1000 people from 74 countries who bought a cypriot ball sport cyprus says it checks applicants have a clean criminal record but we found multiple cases of applicants who wanted by police at the time there was sold cypriot citizenship. Was already wanted in ukraine for large scale theft of public funds in june prosecutors displayed the 6000000. 00 they said was offered in bribes to end years of investigation into his Energy Company poor his mum. Denies any involvement his cypriot passport allows him to live out of ukraine and he didnt return for questioning. Vietnamese businessmen family not blue wont be using his cypriot passport any time soon he was already facing trial for bribery when he bought it see her. We found 30 people linked to criminal activity who fought socalled golden passports allowing them in their wealth to move freely around the e. U. The passport scheme of cyprus is a risk to security in europe these passports are for high value in particular for people from countries which have a record of economic and political criminality passports and citizenship should not be for sale they are not a commodity the cypriot interior minister told us no citizenship was granted in violation of regulations and the independent committee now studies and evaluates previous applications. And a new law can strip citizenship from suspected criminals that shooting clude father and son malek sabet and Mehdi Ebrahimi they wanted in iran for Money Laundering and fraud and facing similar charges in canada but many deny all charges. The cyprus papers suggest theyre among dozens who may have used their golden passports to evade Justice Deborah davis aljazeera london. Well have more findings for you from the cyprus paper as its going to be revealed throughout the week here and also on aljazeera dot com you can get more information about it there in part 2 of the investigation will be looking at how cyprus sold paul sports to politicians in simi officials who were deemed high risk by the e. U. For Money Laundering and corruption whats on monday from 10. 00 g. M. T. Here on aljazeera or now somali talks of resume between coup leaders and west african mediators delegation from the Economic Community of West African States the eco ass led by nigerias former president Goodluck Jonathan is pushing for a return to civilian rule soldiers seized power on tuesday and say a transition will happen though they havent specified when. Now protests have broken out in the usa of louisiana off to police shot and killed a black man on friday and they say traffic pattern was wielding a knife in the city of la fiat or above money or points. Im not here to get everybody motivated to come out of it to suffer on the streets of my fiat because you know the killing of the black by us. On sunday more than 150 people block traffic on the infantrymen highway. The site of where hoffa dozen police had surrounded and then shot 31 year old trafford padron on friday the incident was captured on video by a bystander who got on my knees oh wow im a going to. Go shoot i know youve got to wait weve got to we know youve got a. Good omen greg. Think when you have me when i. Was. Taken to hospital where he was pronounced dead the Louisiana State police say he was walking towards a stool with a knife they shot stun guns at him but say they were ineffective but activists who see it as another form of Police Violence against black people i think one of the things that when i got here to date to this site disgusted me with the fact that the store is still open a man died on the doorsteps of it but circle k. Continues to want a business and allow people to come out here and purchase like Nothing Happened is a likable black man worth less than that of anyone else the American Civil Liberties union of louisiana is demanding a feller investigation triffitt pellerin should be alive today instead a family is mourning in a community is grieving. None of the communities is safe when the police can murder people with impunity all when routine encounters escalate into deadly shooting sprees. One of the protesters were to shoot if you go on. A reference. By police and the so to say that killing spot close to Defund Police department and galvanized the black lives protests across the us which is still continuing in some states palins mother has spoken out about her son saying he was an intelligent man who suffered from social anxiety one civil rights attorney said instead of giving him a helping hand they gave him bullets. People a cooling for the office has to be dismissed this latest shooting spurred the heightened there on the police. Chest to protect. The district. The governor says lee has ordered all migrants and refugees to leave the italian island by monday because of coronavirus fears the order also bans migrants from arriving on sicily but interim industry officials have dismissed the ruling is invalid saying its a matter for the Central Government dozens of migrants in sicily have tested positive in recent weeks the vast majority of israelis new infections have been among people returning from holiday well at least 13 people have died in a stampede in peru after police raided a disco that was holding an Illegal Party more than 120 people tried to flee the club in the capital lima after officers arrived the party violated restrictions imposed to cover the spread of the corona virus peru has latin americas 2nd highest infection rate with more than 580000 cases so far and nearly 27 and a half 1000 people have died. I would do if it was a little upwards of the crowd of people wanted to get out when they saw we were coming in the hustle of a run going out immediately the door closed and we rolled tripped told people to go back so they could get out and risky those at the bottom no one listened. The Police Arrived they spoke to the owner the officers entered with their cameras to film they used tear gas and closed the door and thats how the madness started because you cant breathe with tear gas the wife of russias Opposition Leader and a top aide have visited him in a hospital in berlin where hes being treated for suspected poisoning alexina valmy is in is still in a coma his condition has been described as stable by his Spokes Person hes undergoing extensive tests after falling ill on a flight from siberia to moscow on thursday dominic kane is in berlin and says there are still no answers about what made him on while. Mr novelli is going through the process of having a thorough going diagnostic series of tests performed on him by the doctors and nurses in the shouty hospital behind me here in central l. A. And no Statement Given from the hospital so far as to watch the have found all we know is that on saturday they said that they would be performing this battery of tests and until they were in a position to inform his family of what their conclusions were they would be making no statement one development to report today is that mr van these wife is with him that she has gone into the hospital and is therefore with him and is able to ask the doctors what their findings have been and that sort of thing but nothing has been made public remember she is the one who alleges that those russian doctors who 1st treated mr know of our need didnt lay the release of mr and of irony for long enough in her words for whatever was in his system to degrade making it harder for it to be detected clearly if there is something in his system which has made him so poorly and it will be the staff here in the show hospital who will discover it so as i say you really are never naive thats his wife yulia. Ledge is that the delay was to allow what was in his system to become degraded hard to find the problem for all of us here is that we know its unlikely there be any kind of statement from any party in this affair today. Quick look at headlines more than 100000 protesters of march through the capital of that a roost demanding once again the president Alexander Lukashenko stepped down the largest gathering the countrys seen in recent days despite threats of a government crackdown demonstrators say look because electoral victory earlier this month was fraudulent and of protest it now for 15 Straight Days meanwhile the president himself was seen carrying a rifle and wearing a bulletproof vest off his helicopter landed at president ial palace while protesters were outside because shank has ruled better for more than 26 years step fast and has more it was quite some concern that the protest movement could not survive under this pressure but today in the opposite period. Its proven that the threat. Has been making and also this scared but tactics that he has been using for for over 2 decades that they simply dont work anymore people are beyond this kind of fear and they saw so determined to get rid of him that they want to risk everything i was really surprised to be honest to see families with small children showing up at the Independence Square while military trucks with soldiers armed soldiers so were standing by but that sort of throws summed up the mood today irans Atomic Energy organization is saying last months fire at the Natanz Nuclear facility was an act of sabotage that the cause of the blast will be revealed in time fire officials said the damage was significant enough to slow the Nuclear Development the announcement comes a day before the head of the uns atomic watchdog arrives in tehran in an attempt to get access to sites believed to be storing undeclared Nuclear Material. A spokesman for libyan 105 to has dismissed a cease fire announcement by the un recognized government as a marketing stunt mr mari says the truce is actually part of a ploy to attack how this fight is in such an algebra he made no mention of a parallel ceasefire that was announced by the eastern based parliament which is allied to have to. Talk to al jazeera is next with a journey into cattle unexplored wildlife ill be back with more news after that in about 30 minutes time and then of course as always our web site as well aljazeera dot com. Cats are. One of the richest nations per capita in the world. Its experienced a Rapid Development since all in natural gas were discovered here in the early 1000. 00 hundreds. Megaprojects keep changing the gulf nations landscape. But they could turn the coastline and its desert are also the source of a different kind of natural wealth. And if left unprotected qatars native species and those who use the tiny gulf nation as a stopping point as part of their law

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