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Mail in voting for novembers president ial election. The melrose Opposition Leaders says Police Violence against protesters was the governments biggest mistake and tells this channel the president must go plus. Im wayne hay reporting from chiang mai in northern thailand where well tell you why an old protest movement may be about to hit the streets again. India has now confirmed more than 3000000 cases of corona virus after recording more than 70000 new infections in a single day that country is leading the world in the number of new cases covered 19 is spreading through rural areas across the country especially in the north india has the 3rd highest number of infections after the United States and brazil elizabeth urana is in new delhi with more. We are seeing the virus move from the really big policy incentives like mumbai in mumbai is no longer the worst affected spot in maharashtra delhi is no longer you know one of the worst affected cities and we are really seeing it move from places like mumbai delhi chennai to more rural areas and that is the concern as the virus moves from cities that have the best Health Care Infrastructure in the country to parts of the country that have very poor public Health Care Infrastructure now another problem with the numbers is not just that india is the 3rd worst affected country in the world it is that the logical surveys that are being done around the country show that the real number of cases is many times the confirmed number nonetheless the government when ever they talk about the situation in the country they are always positive we heard from the Health Minister on saturday and he spoke about how he actually said india has the best recovery rate in the world that 75 percent of people who had coronavirus in india have recovered and he said that only 1. 8 percent of people whove had coronavirus have actually died from from the virus the rest currently have it but again the government is often quotes these numbers but the problem with them is that the syria logical survey showed a different picture 2 of the results of these surveys who released over the past week and they showed that one of them in the city of poor may thats in maharashtra that more than 50 percent of population of 6000000 people have antibodies so just in one city alone more than 3000000 people the survey would suggest had coronavirus. Is from the sense of social medicine and community health. Never going to burst he says there is now a need for an improved plan to curb the spread of coronavirus. Underside of concern 2 things one that its increasingly spreading to smaller towns and villages. The public and services certainly vico relatively speaking. As well as the fact that though on the aggregate tests have gone up. In terms of tests per 1000000 population india is still a lot behind comparable country in fact its the brics nations all other testing great for the u. S. And u. K. India is certainly putting in a lot of emphasis on testing however whats also true is that the instrument prescription resources need to be augmented a lot more to make Testing Available to instill greater confidence in the public and system so that people who come forward didnt even relatively minor symptoms and get tested and the other thing thats really crucial for containing from here on is the extent to which people. Practices and certainly enhance preventive behavior such as monsters such as distancing as unlock gets into new only are areas in other words as newer newer sectors of the economy open up that the Indian Health authorities central state as well as local part is certainly in harness the Research Going to get started is and greater degrees of very Sensitive Community engagement. South korea has reported its biggest rise in corona virus infections since march with nearly 400 new cases the jump on sunday marks the 3rd day theyve crossed 300 most of the new infections come from the densely populated so area where Health Workers have struggled to trace contacts the government has banned large scale gatherings and shut nightclubs and churches. As an american and caribbean countries have been some of the most badly affected by the Virus Outbreak 17000 new deaths were recorded across the region over the past 7 days but there are signs the spread of the virus could be coming under control the World Health Organization says the daily infection rates in brazil one of the worst affected countries is leveling off. The u. S. House of representatives has now voted to protect the Postal Service and reversed changes that could have delayed the delivery of mail in votes for novembers president ial election its also approve 25000000000. 00 in new funding is particle and. Its americas favorite Government Service my far the u. S. Postal service that is until recently louis to joy a trunk donor and loyalist was put in charge just about 2 months ago and quickly made changes to the financially unstable Service Medal boxes removed high speed sorting machines ripped out procedures changed over time stopped for money and as a result the mail has slowed considerably he blames a lack of staff because of the coronavirus democrats dont believe him just this week i heard from a good stitch with diabetes who feared her family was at risk of losing their insurance after learning her payment had arrived a month late after it was mailed her story is sadly one of many being heard across the nation official post office data. These new documents show that the delays we have all heard about are actually far worse for their part republicans say its not a problem nancy pelosi goes politicly postal and that is the reason we are here today for phony political theater to once again bash president charm just in time for this sunday talk shows and the Republican National convention the bill is passed so now the house has voted to reverse joyce changes and give the post office 25000000000. 00 the reason this is in such a political importance is because of the upcoming election because of the pandemic for the 1st time more than 3 quarters of americans will be allowed to vote by mail but the post office is warning the vast majority of states that they cannot guarantee that those ballots will be delivered in time to be counted the republican leader of the senate says he is unlikely to take up the bill the house leader thinks that will change theyll be hearing from their constituents because this hits home not receiving your mail on a timely fashion hits home not receiving your prescription is actually for our veterans hits home in a way that is harmful to our country as well there is more on the line than missed mail this could call into question whether they can deliver a free and Fair Election political gain aljazeera washington. Thousands of people in berlin reuss are expected to take part in more protests calling for the president Alexander Lukashenko to step down dozens of media websites reporting on the mass rallies have been blocked the Journalist Association says more than 50 been shot including a polish bank channel and a Radio Station funded by the us despite a violent crackdown demonstrators have been coming out every day since the disputed president ial election on the night. Yes meanwhile the belorussian Opposition Leader spent llama to come off sky and says the people of our country will never forgive the police for their harsh treatment of protesters human Rights Groups of compiled 500. 00 cases of torture earlier my colleague. Spoke to took on a sky news in exile in neighboring a few ania she began by asking her if she plans to return to belarus. You know im going back to belarus i want to go back to bonnaroo say and do my country and i will go there out when i feel safe do you fear for your husband back in belarus. For sure i do here. My husband and the same is i im wondering about all the bill russian people who are in the air struggling for their rights. That violence that our thirties showed the russian people i consider to be their greatest mistake and i cool for. Authorities not to repeat this mistake because there are people the real narrow in there but forget and forgive they still are president bill russian people changed and they will know there are and accept old authorities and they will never. They will never accept an old president anymore and soon the only time he real have to separate and. Its better for everybody its better for country if it had been in their shortest time. More antigovernment protests are expected in thailand after weeks of student led rallies calling for elections and a new constitution and despite a state of emergency in place to control the spread of coronavirus and a recent crackdown on government critics wayne hay explains calling for political change is coming at a cost for many protest leaders in thailand here in the Northern City of lumpur 2. 00 students were among the latest to be ordered to report to Police Charges against them for their part in organizing a peaceful rally. But i feel like thailand is becoming a country that takes away peoples rights its honestly shocking whats concerning about this situation is the fact that a country that claims to be democratic is trying to stop students expressing their opinions. This student led Antigovernment Movement has spread to many parts of the country including the north and northeast traditional strongholds of a group known as the red shirts that staged large rallies in the capital bangkok in 2010 that ended in a violent military crackdown that been largely quiet in recent years but as the momentum of the current protests grows red shirt leaders in the north of fixing their loudspeakers and entering the fray power with the direction students are going these protests have more power than before because everyone is coming together it isnt just red shirts or adults or people who follow politics. The protesters want a different more Democratic Political system from the one that allowed the army general who led a coup in 2014 to stay on as Prime Minister after last years election but they also want to change an Economic System that has helped to make thailand one of the most unequal countries in the world which is being highlighted and made worse by the coronavirus pandemic the city of chiang mai in the north relies heavily on International Tourism and is being hit harder than most. The protest movement is already showing signs of spreading way beyond just students and the city probably encapsulates the threat that poses to the government most people here have never supported this government and now many are hurting economically. Despite all the arrests and charges against protest leaders they say they wont be deterred and will continue fighting for a better future. And i just had a hung fear can only be used once or twice theres been many cases where they tried to report the protestors but at the end of the day after everyone is over that fear it becomes a catalyst to come out more and go against the government. Apart from arresting and charging leaders the government and police havent tried to stop the protests yet but as the Movement Grows and becomes more diverse intensifying the pressure on the government that approach may change soon wayne hay Al Jazeera Chiang Mai thailand still to come here on this program im malcolm webb in a tea plantation in kenyas highlands more than 60 years ago british colonialists forced the local people off this land to make space for it to be speaking to the few that still survive about their fight for justice. And also heard what can a german pop concert plus some science tell us about how to get lying back on track with coronavirus. Hello theres a big gap opening up between shower bells at the moment it may not be thats apparent from the satellite picture except have a look at thailand and cambodia example very few showers you saw in the satellite picture and very few in the forecast and certainly the south china seas full of rain theres a gap and then another obvious band through sumatra borneo and out towards west papua where it is frequently sherry and sundries on its way south towards java but i dont think this is really going to get very much wet weather there the focus that you can see is a largely dry world winter has shown itself so im sure youre aware in australia that there are from the antarctic its not unprecedented pretty rest no up in the table lands New South Wales more into other places as well much enjoy to have to sign that the storm that brought it is on its way across the tasman to wards new zealand is left cold because it is 30 degrees in melbourne still quite a lot of cloud of New South Wales and victoria and a. C. T the cage no showers but nothing like we did have further west person joining sunny weather at about 20 degrees and nothing much improves except slowly further east in australia and in new zealand where you catch the brunt of it. Rewind returns with a new series and brand new updates on the best of down to serious documentaries resting at. Each other just learning to rewind continues with saving sweater seeing the light 10 years later the plot of you average person for a community in south africa is no better this is a great motivator for us to keep giving back to these communities on aljazeera. Order to form. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera coming to you live from doha your top stories india has now confirmed more than 3000000 cases of corona virus after recording more than 70000 new infections in one single day the country is also leading the world in numbers of new cases. The u. S. House of representatives has approved 25000000000. 00 in funding for the Postal Service the bill cancels out cost cutting the threat to slow down the delivery of mail in ballots ahead of the elections in early november. More antigovernment protests are expected in thailand day after weeks of student rallies calling for elections and a new constitution and thats despite a state of emergency in place to control the spread of coronavirus and a crackdown on government critics. German doctors are running tests on the russian Opposition Leader alexina need for suspected poisoning he was flown to berlin in a coma on saturday from a facility in the siberian city of russian doctors initially considered too ill to fly out of the country but they change their minds late on friday dominic kane is in berlin hes been monitoring these conditions. Mr novelli is going through the process of having a thorough going diagnostic series of tests performed on him by the doctors and nurses in the shouty hospital behind me here in central l. A. And no Statement Given from the hospital so far as to what the have found all we know is that on saturday they said that they would be performing this battery of tests and until they were in a position to inform his family of what their conclusions were they would be making no statement we know that they do not anticipate any News Conference taking place on sunday one Development Report today is that mr van these wife is with him she has gone into the hospital and is therefore with him and is able to ask the doctors what their findings have been and that sort of thing but nothing has been made public remember she is the one who alleges that those russian doctors who 1st treated mr navarre need didnt lay the release of mr vanney for long enough in her words for whatever was in his system to degrade making it harder for it to be detected clearly if there is something in his system which has made him so poorly and it will be the staff here in the hospital who will discover it so as i say you really are never naive thats his wife yulia. Ledges that the delay was to allow what was in his system to become degraded hard to find the problem for all of us here is that we know its unlikely there be any kind of statement from any party in this affair today. Protests a broken out in the u. S. City of la fired after the police shot and killed a black man on friday. Police say Trafford Pellerin was carrying a knife and ive been trying to enter a Convenience Store video appears to show pellerin walking away from officers who then shot the 31 year old after a stun gun failed to work the death prompting a crowd of demonstrators to gather outside the store where he was shot his family believes hed been having a Mental Health crisis. Us city of Portland Oregon on the west coast saw violent confrontations between opposing camps on saturday around a being held by right wing groups quickly through counter demonstrations by left wing presenter protesters wearing helmets and makeshift shields brawls for hours has been more than 80 Straight Days of protests important following the Police Killing of george floyd. A community of more than 100000. 00 people in kenya is seeking compensation from the British Government for forced displacement from their homes and farmland it happened under colonial rule in the 1st half of the 20th century to make way for plantations most of them have lived in poverty ever since while multinational t. Companies profit from their land welcome web went to the show in western kenya where he heard their stories. When elizabeth poor away recalled what happened nearly 70 years ago the memories were clear and painful she was a young woman at the time. British colonialists forced her and her family from their farm land here in creature county in kenya. And setting our houses on fire was painful there was a lot of hunger i remember my child almost drowned in the river. Ever since she lived on this small piece of land much larger more fertile land that was once home could be seen on a distant hilltop we went to have a look elizabeth says her husband planted this tree a few years before the eviction demick at their land and try and stop the colonialists from taking it it didnt work a plantation manages a house was built where she says one 3rd and the rest of their land became part of the tea plantation that today Multinational Companies millions of dollars every year. The Tea Plantations cover about 100000 hectares which were grabbed throughout the 1st half of the 20th century hundreds of thousands of people will fall and live victims from here some say they were maimed tortured and raped. Today the land belongs to 5 International Companies the largest are unilever and finleys who export the tea to europe neither responded to our request for comment lawyers have submitted a complaint to the British Government on behalf of the surviving displaced people theyve also submitted it to a un special rapporteur the British Government has said its too long ago. William kip langat says its not he was a teenager when he was a victim with his parents his father was one of few people here who could read and write at the time and he kept records of everything he was in prison for resisting william says he was tortured very bad to a few so much pain when i speak about these he was trying to forget it all i dont think will ever heal until a day even the day of the day he wasnt supposed to day then its because of what he suffered the anger and so much war to. Malcolm webb aljazeera creature county kenya. Sciences and germany have held concerts to study the risk of virus transmission during large events the mass experiment with nearly 2000 people in leipsic comes at a time the country has banned all such gatherings until at least the end of october we call some as more. Pop concerts in the name of signs that only Young Healthy one tears are allowed in to get swapped for contract trays a clip mint and protective masks this and instead of the usual sound checks ahead of the gig flossing disinfectants filled the concert hall. To Mental Health 3 performances in just one day as part of the study the 1st simulated the very beginning of the pandemic with no social distancing the larger distances between the volunteers for the 2nd show and hygiene measures and by the 3rd a gap of 1. 5 metres was strictly enforced and. I would say that we are now laying the foundations as to what hygiene car service could and should look like the future of order to reduce precisely these moments of risk. The experiment called restart 19 is studying the movement of the food and the flight of the tiny airborne particles that can carry the virus. The background is something called the philadelphia bond rally of 1800. 00 to us was a big festival that happened during the spanish. 1980 and which was followed 3 days later by an enormous flu outbreak in the city of philadelphia educating the covert 19 its become apparent that connection is simple and weve had many examples of large events that occurred during the course of the pandemic and its been quite difficult in new york dont single large events to. Any difference in the harassments of the spread of virus and. Results are expected in 4. 00 to 6. 00 weeks experts say we need those sort of studies to have governments decide how to react we have to coexist with this virus until a vaccine is developed and we need more Evidence Base and data to then drive the decisions that are made by governments so while there are opportunities for super spreaders to occur at Mass Gatherings what we need to start to investigate is what type of interactions are most effective in these scenarios but cases rising again in germany this experiment is the only show in town but organizers hope their research could help find a way to bring the audiences back when we consume. The chinese and social media tick tock says it plans to file a lawsuit against the u. S. Government on monday the white house has labeled the op a National Security threat and wants it banned just over a week ago President Trump signed an executive order requiring byt duns the Parent Company to sell the app within 90 days but dunn says the administration is trying to insert itself into negotiations between private businesses high temperatures and lightning strikes are continuing to fan hundreds of wildfires across california at least 6 people have been killed and nearly 700 buildings have been burned the fires were sparked by a Lightning Storm that burned more than 400000 hectares of brush and forest land mexicos quintana roo states was spared from Tropical Storm marco as it changed its path on saturday the storm is now heading to the u. S. Southern coast and is expected to reach louisiana as a hurry come. And the central and southern regions of brazil are expecting the coldest or experiencing rather their coldest august in decades a cold front has hit the area and may lead to snow fall a rare occurrence for the country for the 1st time in 60 years recorded temperatures below 10 degrees celsius on saturday morning the coastal areas of rainstorms for several days with huge waves crashing along the Southern Coast of rio de janeiro. Is already japans longest serving Prime Minister has become the leader with the most consecutive days in office mr abbott came to power in 2012 promising to revitalize the economy and change his countrys pacifist constitution but as rob mcbride explains he may not have achieved everything he promised. When he became Prime Minister in 2012 shinzo of a was no stranger to the office hed already held the post for a year in 2006 during japans socalled revolving door premiership period when factionalism within the ruling party led to a rapid turnover in leaders by 2012 that period was over offering the chance to rule uninterrupted ive been amazed that i will increase jobs and incomes and revitalize the countryside he promised aiming to transform japans stagnating economy with his own brand of banal mix 80 years on the results are still disappointingly mixed and he cannot say the economy has to. Be on a good situation so i think the abingdon me. Its not something thats cool but it was a success at some point a staunch conservative he also set about moving away from japans traditional pacifist role and become more assertive with his asian neighbors but it was the unseen enemy of code 19 the critics say saw him lacking in assertiveness contrast is with you know president moon in south korea and sighing when in taiwan both of them have emerged of the pandemic with greater political power and stature abyei has been basically missing in action 2020 was meant to be the high point of his premiership hosting the Tokyo Olympics which he successfully won for japan and aiming to achieve 40000000 visitors even staging the games next year before he leaves office now looks in doubt even if he holds them its not clear that thats going to actually give him much of a bout so i think we have seen peak abbay in now they is. Really diminished leader and much weaker it is legacy looks to be in tatters they can blame a degree of bad fortune for a tanishq legacy but when he leaves office the fact that he served longer than any other Prime Minister might be the one achievement hes most remembered for Robert Bright aljazeera. Youre watching aljazeera these are the top stories india has now confirmed more than 3000000 cases of coronavirus after recording over 70000 new infections in one single day the country is leading the world in the number of new cases covert 19 is spreading through ruled rural areas across the country especially in the north india has the 3rd highest number of infections ofter the United States and brazil aljazeera as correspondent elizabeth purana has more now from new delhi. The sewer logical survey shows a different picture 2 of the results of these surveys were released over the past week and they show that one of them in the city of poole may thats in maharashtra that more than 50 percent of population of 6000000 people have antibodies just in one city alone more than 3000000 people the survey would suggest have had coronavirus here in delhi the results of the survey last week show that the number is nearly 30 percent of people of the 20000000 population in delhi have had the coronavirus. The u. S. House of representatives has approved 25000000000. 00 in funding for the Postal Service now the bill blocks cost cutting that threaten to slow the delivery of mail in ballots ahead of the elections in november. Thousands of people in belarus are expected to take part in more protests in the coming hours calling for president lukashenko to step down dozens of media websites reporting on the mass rallies have been blocked despite a violent crackdown demonstrators have been coming out every day since the disputed president ial election pardon me on august the 9th. More antigovernment protests are expected in thailand after weeks of student rallies calling for elections and a new constitution now thats despite a state of emergency in place to control the spread of coronavirus. Doctors in germany are running tests on the russian Opposition Leader alexina for suspected poisoning he was flown to berlin in an induced coma on saturday from a facility in the same period city of russian doctors initially considered novelli too sick to be flown out of the country but they changed their position late on friday his wife is now with him those are your headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after rewind the news hour and 30 minutes. We understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world. So no matter where you. Are bringing you the news and Current Affairs that matter to. Aljazeera. Hello and welcome again to rewind im elizabeth purana here on b y individual on a decade of Award Winning documentaries and finding out how the story has moved on sentence today

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