A letter to president Vladimir Putin asking him to approve the transfer of her sick husband to germany. And find out why parts of San Francisco and neighboring areas have the worst air quality in the world at the moment. But he is internationally recognized government in tripoli has announced a cease fire as its rival parliament in the east also called for a halt to the fighting the potential breakthrough came as they were gehring up for a battle of a search the city controlled by will or is the gateway for libyas oil exports both administrations want hostiles blockade to end and for production to restart their also proposals to demilitarize sirte and the key air by air base rather and for further to the south and the tripoli government also wants a hold of the actions as soon as march of next year the u. N. Special representative for libya welcomes the move she issued a statement saying it demonstrates the courage which libya is an urgent need of in these trying times ok mahmud the go ahead joins us now from tripoli her moods whats behind this surprise cease fire and else mint and is it likely to hold. Will whether or not it will hold that remains to be seen especially in the past we expedited civil attempts to put a ceasefire in place but failed now a government of National Accord in tripoli has declared the cease fire the difference between this Statement Issued by the approach have to the parliament and the issued this Statement Issued by the International Community to government is that this statement by the government declares a ceasefire but the statement by the tuber of bass to parliament is a call for a ceasefire again the speaker of the to bring to parliament is requesting all military units to halt military operations across the country but phase that as the Prime Minister here in tripoli has declared their hold of military operations but now the city operation room thats under the government of National Court has announced that its being its abiding by the statement by saraj but providing that the other side including the mercenaries was drawn from said it and ill judge for areas otherwise they say that they have to defend and stay in those areas now the good news not only for both the rival factions in those statements but also for the whole country is there. These targets it is your link the Oil Production on oil exporting but their top of the government says that the oil exports will be resumed providing that all oil revenue is being put in a separate account to be frozen until a political settlement based on bertillon or recommendations and the cato initiative being reached it on the other hand the government here in tripoli says that their National Oil Corporation should be the institution entitled to run the oil exporting Oil Production and oil. Revenues National Oil Corporation here in tripoli has just issued a statement were coming to the statements by both rival factions and also reiterating that all the Oil Facilities must be demilitarized and all most areas should leave the area to a sick dog on t. V. Security and safety of its workers thanks for that mahmoud of our head in tripoli. Libya has been divided by rival powers since the overthrow of longtime leader Moammar Gadhafi 9 years ago the un recognized government controls the areas in blue its seat of power is in the capital tripoli the warlord holy for half the hour who forms the self declared Libyan National army controls these areas in red and his administration is based in the eastern city of to brook of the us forces had been trying to capture tripoli from jna forces for more than a year but had not succeeded and turkey has announced that its discovered a huge natural gas reserve in the black sea president richard typo no one says history has been made. I really am delighted to bring this good news to you 2 he has successfully found the largest gas field in the black sea this is the biggest exploration and the biggest discovery in 2 keys history. Lets talk now to sam costello who is in istanbul said and what more can you tell us about this discovery and what it might mean for turkey. Well it is of course big news for turkey another very big news for the energy giant economists but especially for a country like turkey which is totally dependent on Energy Imports and which course around a more than 40 1000000000. 00 a year is of course a good news they are much the size of resource announced by president our don is thought to be relatively a small small piece of size but as don stated it can be a good news for some other resources that turkish drill ship can reach out to so within that time if they reach about 2 or 3 more fields like this some enter just experts that i have spoken to tell me that turkey can at least provide its own energy. Energy needed that it imports which is around 40000000000 cubic. Meters every year it is a high amount it is that it is going to be a good use but of course this is something. That needs physical it is studies then the real ship should take more and if the if the gas found can be commercially extract that this will be a good use of course they will do the studies that spurred the Energy Minister stated but this is due a political win for turkey as well because for instance almost 8 per cent of its natural gas imports is from russia turkey this is why for the regional issues when it comes to negotiate with russia it ties turkeys sense but on the other hand the opposition criticizes the government that it is this is this good. State that is just part of a p. R. Campaign to save the government which has been criticized by its supporters for bad Economic Management thinking that the turkish there has been on the decline for the last 2 years i think that said of course the old line for us in istanbul. The wife of russian opposition politician alexina valmy has appealed to president vet of air pollution to allow him to be taken to germany for treatment he went into a coma on thursday with suspected poisoning a police deliberate tree says it found traces of an Industrial Chemical in his body but russian doctors say theres no indication he was poisoned or its helens reports. Whats going on inside this regional russian hospital is only slightly clearer than whats going on inside the body of its most famous patient with a plane waiting in to take an unconscious alexina valmy to germany doctors are saying hes too sick to move though german doctors have now been in to see him his condition remains unstable the question of his transfer i think is premature we have to achieve the complete stabilisation of this patient that is certainly a change from yesterday when the hospital doctors said the valley was in a stable condition but the opposition leaders wife and colleagues suspect or thora hes a stalling to hide signs of poisoning fish tank and use the stuff we certainly believe that it was made to make sure that a chemical substance which is in a lexus body dissolved thats why hes not handed over hes not in good shape and we certainly cannot trust this hospital and we demand him to be handed over to us so that we can be able to treat him in independent hospital which doctors we trust. This is the airport cafe in tomsk when a valley supporters suspect something was put in a cup of tea he drank before boarding the plane from moscow late on thursday it had been cordoned off but poisoning is currently being played down by medics in charge of the hospital and they say hes suffering a metabolic disorder from low blood sugar levels just yet this miracle of. The tests weve done have not indicated poisons in blood or urine therefore poisoning as a diagnosis remains on the back burner we dont believe that the patient suffered from poisoning in Moscow St Petersburg and other cities in a valley supporters have been gathering and getting detained putin stop poisoning people says this placard never tell me live says another like the opposition leaders closest aides theyre convinced this was an attempt on around is life and of lie to me putin is to play for italians aljazeera. Well i can just tell you on the virtue god is a moscow based journalist she says developed his family were unable to see the German Medical Team we could see in a vial is their spirit wife off to the german doctors left the hospital she tried to talk with them but she says shes been pushed off and not allowed to get information about the condition of her husband supposedly the doctors from germany werent sure were shown in the documentation medical document files they have in this hospital as well as the results but the family often violent and hes pollux and friends were not able to even talk to them at this point that makes them think more even more dead that the whole thing about the decision of whether he can be transported or not is more political than medical and thats why youre going to by law was appealing to the president of russia Vladimir Putin to allow him to be transported out of the country. The bellows an opposition candidate is calling for more mass protests to keep up the pressure on president alexander the. Said lama take on the sky is leading the calls for the president s resignation theres been demonstrations for 12 Straight Days including some of the biggest antigovernment rallies in minsk since the fall of the soviet union the kind of sky fed to lithuania after the election which she says was rigged against her. Because she would know people in belarus today are being beaten just for expressing their opinion people in bella reuss are being thrown in prison for taking part in peaceful protests my husband is in prison and bella reuss just for daring to dream about a country for life. Our common goal is simple we dont want to live with fear and lies anymore we want what everyone in the world is entitle to the right to live the right to be safe in the street the right not to be imprisoned without a fair trial and the right to fair free and Transparent Elections steadfast and was following that press conference from the capital minsk she was asked if she is going to run for the presidency again if there would be new Fair Elections but she was very invasive about this question she said its a bit early days and it is indeed early days because the situation here in minsk and in belarus has significantly significantly changed in the last couple of days its very clear that president. Tightening his grip on power hes still very much in control of the Security Forces protest have still been going on but they are smaller than they were before there is this Opposition Council which also has been installed by sky and thats why im here at this theater because one of the leaders of this. Council is now in hiding because hes fearing for his life members of the council have also been faced with charges criminal charges for an appeal to overthrow the government several members of this council have been questioned this morning there was fear that they would be detained but they have just gone out of this Investigative Committee but there is also of course a lot of fear that this Police Crackdown that we saw just 2 weeks ago is going to happen again. Finlands foreign minister pika of the stone told us about some of the diplomatic efforts European Countries are making to support people. Of course we have many courses one is that the violence has been used against the peaceful demonstrators and also that there are Political Prisoners in the country including some of course the leaders of. Passes that we now see that people are. Afraid of the ordination columns of. Of course we are afraid that more free press on wall street and its more violence might might follow and of course we have been appealing there is going to the leadership of belarus to release Political Prisoners are not to use by all of us against them or specters rent last november means greet the current minister on clean day and had even a meeting with president lukashenko and of course. This didnt happen now i had called to. The foreign minister of letters and of course at that violence should not be used and that they knew preamp a leg sometimes it would also ask the Security Organization of europe so always to participate as observers of the election and also allow their representatives to come to the country unfortunately this is not yet the case but i think its very important that the court continuously are in contact with the leadership of belarus. And at peel to them to move on or create a preamp erikssons. Still ahead on aljazeera. A victory celebration mali off the president steps down the question is was it a coup or voluntary. That the Postal Service is fully capable committed to delivering the nations election many securely in. The u. S. Postal master promises there will be no tampering with Mail Delivery Services until after the november elections. Hello the house the more very heavy rain across will central and Northern Areas of china plenty of cloud again in the last year as generally clear across the Central Regions and of course very warm still in shanghai tonnages have been in the mid thirtys for a days now about 12 days now to the south of there watching this as a possible a Tropical Storm that could be developing even if it doesnt which is very heavy rain across much of taiwan will see more rain in the forecast across the Korean Peninsula and against and scattered showers and thunderstorms across much of japan they become quite widespread on sunday and thats when the rain again becomes quite heavy out across the west the heavy rain on this way towards beijing 27. 00 on sunday the High Temperature and still warm and sunny in shanghai with a high of 34. 00 that we had across into south asian of course here the rains have been particularly strong and very widespread as well in fact northern pakistan has seen some polls leaving scenes like this in the streets of karachi you can see just how deep the water is in many places there is some more rain in the forecast not as heavy as it has things that you know the pakistan we will they see some very heavy rain work its way again across the southern pakistan but really its going to be magic out towards ra just on and on across into drought and then through sunday the rain again very heavy through much of bangladesh and out across the west of myanmar. Jump into the stream and julian on Global Community this generation will have to create its own democracy with social media on hand will online be part of the debate any could come in steal you when no topic is off the table its taking on all the systemic problems that people of color have suffered not only now but for decades we are going to transform lives the way to see which way to get business if were going to adapt to climate breakdown this stream on out is the. Youre watching are just there on her mind of our top stories this hour the view is war and sides have called for a cease fire the move by the u. N. Recognize government to tripoli and the to brooke parliament allied with. Is aimed at ending foreign interference. Turkish president read to type one has announced that major natural gas reserves have been felled off the coast of the black sea he says the 5 is the largest in the countrys history. The wife of russian opposition politician or they say the valley has appealed president Vladimir Putin to allow him to be taken to germany for Treatment Police say they found traces of an Industrial Chemical on his body the russian doctors say theres no indication that he was poisoned. The leaders of malis military coup a denying they forcefully removed the president from power saying he resigned voluntarily. Kater announced his resignation on tuesday after soldiers detained him he hasnt been seen since the military says hes being held at an Army Barracks for his own protection of a diet he was visited by an official from the u. N. Mission in mali. And if. Hes doing very well as are all the others they arent under arrest there detained the cuban safety for their own security youll agree with me that after this kind of situation theres some insecurity for example after he left his home some people attacked his house after hed left some people have even come to us on their own initiative for their own safety. And can keep an eye on things well its bringing up interests who is monitoring the story from a brooch or op ed how is that going down in mali the idea that this wasnt a coup and the president chose to step down. Well basically i spoke to an academic a short while ago before coming on. And the question we are asked was whether or not it brought him but what. Would have voluntarily resigned from office if the military had dont intervene he believed that despite the protests but what can or will still hold on to power until such a time that when he feels it was no longer tenable for him to stay so the question of whether or not its a cool most of the International Community believe that its a cool because the soldiers took over all government institutions in lock down the airports on land borders into mali and then held leaders like the president and Prime Minister as well as members of the cabinet and other senior government officials. In their custody that well basically very soon the course delegation will be on its way to mali and one of the things expected is that the demand for the release of a broad bulwark of kheta and members of his cabinet whether or not the military will accept that and also real easy by book of kheta remains to be see him and the question is if bramble because kids are easily east will he still be in mali the tsunami is being played with right now is that probably the course delegation may take it. Into exile but that is not what was discussed by the echoes thats not what of course is trying to confirm but that is some of the things that people in mali believe may happen early on of course not malley with a rough tough sanctions and these sanctions of course include the continuous closure of land and. Transactions with money as well as financial inflows from Member States into the country what we know right now is that the minute. As tried to gain Popular Support within the iranian nation its of and already members of the m 5 movement the largest opposition that has been pushing brubaker to to resign from office has endorsed him formally including of course the popular the power broker. Who works up to it or met with be called bloaters and also announce that hes withdrawn from politics thank you for that update ahmed idris across the story from a buddha the u. S. Postmaster general says mail in ballots will be delivered securely and on time for novembers election those to joy is testifying before a Senate Committee of accusations hes trying to sabotage the Postal Service ahead of the vote to joy an ally of President Donald Trump had ordered a financial cut backs but has now suspended all changes following a public outcry about the potential impact on mail in ballots trump has suggested that mail in voting would be susceptible to fraud as we head into the election season i want to assure this committee and the American Public that the Postal Service is fully capable and committed to delivering the nations election manal securely and on time this sacred duty is my number one priority between now and election day how does your castro joins us now live from capitol hill. So how is joy defending himself. Well hes calling these insinuations that he is sabotaging the u. S. Postal service leading up to the elections he says that insinuation is outrageous he also told senators today that he has had no discussion with President Trump or the Trump Campaign regarding these changes that hes implemented to the u. S. Postal service hes been u. S. Postmaster general for 67 days and he says many of these changes predated his arrival and that theyre about cutting costs in this by now actually endangered agency these changes included. Limiting overtime pay for workers as well as getting rid of some mail sorting machines today before the senate panel he reaffirmed that he will postpone further changes until after the election though he said that the changes already made which includes the decommissioning of more than 600. 00 of these mail sorting machines that have led to delays he said that will not be reversed but he did valid that every ballot would be delivered in time to be counted for this president ial election that is a dramatic reversal from the warning that the Postal Service delivered to states a month ago saying essentially that millions of votes cast by mail may be in jeopardy of not being counted in time a president as you said has been very against mail and voting and despite voting by mail himself he has claimed without evidence that mail and voting can lead to massive voter fraud. And we have said that detroit is an ally of President Donald Trump what more do we know about his background. Well we know he was a trump mega donor more than 1000000. 00 in Campaign Contributions to the president and that to joy prior to being. To do trying to prior to being appointed as postmaster general he was an executive at a lot just to explore arm that now contracts with the Postal Service so now an internal watchdog with the post service is investigating whether there is a conflict of interest and also investigating whether any of these changes imposed by joy will complicate the elections going further we also know that just hours ago 6 states cloud a lawsuit against a joint against the Postal Service claiming that these changes are harming the states ability to hold free and Fair Elections tomorrow we expect the full house to come back into session to discuss a bill that would bar detroit from making any of these changes ok thanks for that update hide your custard there live from capitol hill lebanon is opposing the 2 weve locked down to contain a surge in corona virus infections the ministry of health is warning that hospitals are running out of space 6 major hospitals and 20 clinics would damage down to the beirut port explosion 2 weeks ago the country recorded 605 new cases and 4 deaths on the day so hot it has more from beirut. A partial lockdown has been imposed authorities are hoping that they can flatten the curve there has been a dramatic rise in the number of corona virus cases a few weeks ago the daily average was between 10 to 20 and now the numbers are in the hundreds and for a country which health the Health Care System is already collapsing authorities fear that there is a need really to try to contain the spread in order to prevent and a total collapse hospitals. Have been really suffering as a result of the port explosion just 2 weeks ago it really put a lot of pressure on the system because hundreds of people remain in intensive care units of people who were wounded in that blast so even in wards dedicated to cover the patients covered 900 patients they are already full now what happened what what brought about this rise well the airport was open to chalabi and many travelers who arrived in the country when they were infected and you have a population really which was were not being responsible they were not Wearing Masks they were not present respect the social distancing they were going to beaches there were wedding parties now. Gatherings have been banned but the situation but the authorities are also making sure that the repair and relief work that that has followed the beirut blast will not be disrupted and thats why if this is just a partial lockdown so the hope is in the next 2 weeks the number of coronavirus cases will be reduced because up to 400 doctors and nurses have been infected and like we mentioned hospitals damaged and destroyed in the paper port explosion. 2 people have died in the u. S. State of california as they tried to fight wildfires thousands of people forced from their homes doesnt francisco or battles reports from the census. The massive wildfires engulfing Northern California have claimed their 1st lives authorities said a helicopter pilot flying water drops died when his aircraft went down a utility worker helping firefighters in another area was also killed Officials Say the toll may rise there are people that are unaccounted for that we are looking to try to determine where they are the fires have burned more than 1400 square kilometers hundreds of homes and other buildings have burned and Authorities Say as many as 25000 structures are at risk tens of thousands of people have been evacuated and some entire towns have emptied out a combination of extremely High Temperatures months without rain and gusty winds is pushing firefighters to their limits which reportedly pictures at 1st i see on the side of a child but. Basically thrown 10 miles out front of his cousins 5 years fire crews attack the blaze from the air trying to save homes in Southern California fires burned east of los angeles the areas unique joshua trees blazing in the desert when and where theres fire theres smoke visible from outer space pollution monitors say the San Francisco bay area now has the worst air quality on earth and people are being urged to stay inside if they can. The Weather Forecast offers no relief in sight with more hot dry windy days to come rob reynolds aljazeera los angeles. Greenlands ice sheet the largest in the world melted at a record level last year according to the grace Satellite Mission an estimated 1000000. 00 tons of ice melted into the sea every single minutes in 2019 greenland melting ice sheet contributes around 20 percent to the worlds rising sea levels. Result is there and these are the top stories libyas warring sides of called for a cease fire the move by the un recognized government in tripoli and the to brooke parliament allied with warlord holy for half the hour is aimed at ending foreign interference the way ahead has more from tripoli both the statements from both bodies from the International Recognized here in tripoli and from the proof after parliament in the eastern city of tobruk they have a common consensus to hold the military operation but the government here tripoli says that parliamentary and president ial elections should be held by march next year in fact there are on the other hand have to Parliament Says that this city of sirte should be the headquarters word of the new to be the form of or to be a form of Presidency Council should be located turkish president fred one has announced that major natural gas reserves have been found off the coast of the black sea he says the 5 is the largest in the countrys history. The wife of russian opposition politician alexina volley has appealed to president Vladimir Putin to allow him to be taken germany for Treatment Police say they found traces of and dust real chemical on his body however russian doctors say theres no indication he was poisoned. The better rusian opposition candidate is calling for more mass protests to keep up the pressure on president Alexander Lukashenko svetlana to come of this guy is leading the call for the president s resignation of the demonstrations for 12 Straight Days. The leaders of malis military coup denying they forcefully remove the president from power saying he resigned voluntarily it would have to announce his resignation on tuesday after soldiers detained to hasnt been seen since the military says hes being held at an Army Barracks for his own protection. The u. S. Postmaster general says mail in ballots will be delivered securely and on time for novembers election to joy is testifying before a Senate Committee of accusations that hes trying to sabotage the Postal Service head of the vote. It was a headline thing is continues here on l. Sarah right off to the stream which is coming up next. I am Steve Clements and i have a question to ask these days its hard to filter out the newly sinking track of whats really important to keep the bottom line tackles the big issues this is shaping the United States its people its economy and the way it deals with the rest of the well and the bottom line only to see around. Say theyre welcome to this dream home edition im josh rushing and were live from my home today were talking about the race for a vaccine for coping 1000 in the novel coronavirus. Person to bring out that this is going to live on you tube and so what you do if youre watching on you tube is join us in that you tube chat over there give me some questions to ask questions for our panelists today well get you in caged in the discussion now were talking about cove it covered in 1900 were looking at so far more than 13000000 cases worldwide and this is this is astounding more than 5

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