Assistance also a former trump advisor steve bannon pleads not guilty to defrauding supporters of a campaign to help build the wall along the mexico border. And malis military promises a quick transition of power the United Nations condemns tuesdays. So the United States is demanding u. N. Sanctions be reimposed on iran saying teheran has violated the 2015 nuclear deal the request to the Security Council begins a 30 day process that could cause a socalled snap back of sanctions u. S. Secretary of state might pompei as the sanctions would stop iran from enriching uranium or to purchase weaponry. Our message is very very simple the United States will never allow the Worlds Largest state sponsor of terrorism to freely buy and sell planes tanks missiles and other kinds of conventional weapons the u. N. Sanctions will continue the arms embargo. Im pleased to say to that these restored sanctions will also reimpose accountability for other forms of iranian line activity that the authors of the nuclear deal foolishly downplayed iran will again be prohibited from Ballistic Missile testing iran will be back under sanctions for Ongoing Nuclear activities such as the enrichment of Nuclear Material that could be applied to a Nuclear Weapons program the deficit the u. S. Withdrew from the nuclear deal 2 years ago and irans Ambassador Says because of that the u. S. Has no legal right to reimpose sanctions according to conclusive legal facts the u. S. Is not a participant and has no right to call this not and isnt on its arbitrary interpretation of resolution 2231 not change. The last of the film conviction that the letter sent by the u. S. Today to the Security Council president all references very in is not envoy and has nor do you understand. Chris and so that means that the u. N. For us and kristen what will happen now the u. S. Is making a lot of noise about this pushing for sanctions but if the iranians point out they are arguably the ones who violated the deal by leaving it. Yes essentially we have a stalemate in the u. N. Security Council Secretary of state mike. Made the case that its an enormous mistake not to reimpose an arms embargo on iran he says claims that every country hes spoken to agrees with them on that fact with the possible exception of iran and he rejected the argument that because they withdrew from the deal that they dont have standing or right to react to trigger the socalled snap back provision that would do that that would reinstate these sanctions but he is and the United States is very isolated in the Security Council not just by the russians and the chinese the russians perhaps have most vigorously made the argument in support of irans case that the United States does not have standing with the agreement and cannot make this decision but also the traditional allies of the United States in the council the europeans germany france the United Kingdom they didnt speak publicly but they issued a statement saying that that they cant support the United States unilateral move because they want to support the International Nuclear deal that they put forward and that everyone has agreed to so off camera speaking to other diplomats here at the United Nations were being told that really no one has any intention of following the u. S. Is commands on this matter that there are no plans to implement the snapback as far as other countries are concerned whether or not they actually would sell weapons to iran is a whole other matter the United States has threatened sanctions against any country that tries to do these deals with the ron certainly i dont think the europeans are about to enlist in arms trade with the iranians that said they are not going to follow along with the u. S. Demands here as far as theyre concerned nothing will change the j. C. P. O. A. s still in fact. Christian so let me with that update from the u. N. Thank you kristen as christine mentioned it is germany the u. K. And france who have rejected the u. S. Move theyve said they remain committed to the nuclear deal in a statement 3 countries will in themselves the 3 said they will continue to preserve the processes and institutions which constitute the foundation of multilateralism we remain guided by the objective of holding the authority and integrity of the u. N. Security council we call on all members to refrain from any action that would only deepen divisions or that would have serious adverse consequences on its work core emails with us now in washington chairman of the American Defense council an expert on middle eastern Foreign Policy korea as i read that statement all i think is that the u. S. Is going to get no cooperation from those other countries is what is the point of it pushing quite so hard for something which it seems legally and diplomatically its not going to get anywhere with. Well thank you so much for having me today while i understand that many will view this as u. S. Defeat and or an iranian victory the reality is that this is really a defeat for the u. N. Security council i mean their primary job was to uphold security peace and prosperity within the world we know that iran is the largest state sponsor of terror we know that on numerous occasions between 2016 and year 2019 that there has been seizures by the u. S. And allied forces of weaponry and Ballistic Missile parts that are intended for the who these 2 little eyes from yemen to attack our allies that the saudi aramco attacked the International Airport that was attacked and bear in mind that former general secretary of the u. N. Bombing ki moon and even the terrorists has acknowledged the fact that these could be potential violations so i think that the u. S. As a 2015 j. C. Theo way or u. N. Security council 2031 signatory still has the snap back measure under paragraph 11 but based on the fact that these violations a place prior to 2018 the korean left the deal this is the thing how can the United States dumonds. Changes or the snap back as they call it on a deal which its no longer a possible. Well the reality is that the events that took place bear in mind that the reason the United States hadnt you know decided to leave the j. C. P. O. A in 2018 is because they feel very strongly that theres been violations committed by iran and the parameters for and if the you know its very much like the i. N. F. Treaty if the you know other party was not going to hear to the program then what was the point remaining him play. Do you think that these other countries the likes of germany france and the u. K. Of one eye on november and are actually thinking well we need to actually see what happens in u. S. Politics given that joe biden has talked about rejoining the disappear way yes of course anytime you have a major election in the United States or otherwise i think that always plays a factor into it but i think that again they should keep the are on the ball which is we know that through iranian proxy militias whether that be its have hezbollah in iraq whether it be has blown levanon the who these young men or even some of the malign activities that were seeing within their own regime that you know these pose a grave threat to the middle east and to the region and so i think that the u. N. Security council again has an obligation to do the right thing to help with peace and prosperity cornells from the American Defense council thank you for joining us do appreciate it thank you so much for having me. On to other news protests are being held in russia accusing the government of poisoning Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny is in a coma after falling ill on a flight to moscow or a challenge as i reports. The groans of a man in obvious pain medics come down the aisle to help according to the person who films this footage on a flight from siberia to moscow its russian Opposition Leader alexina valmy later hes seen on a stretcher being put in an ambulance seemingly unconscious now in a coma in the city of doctors say theyre working to save his life is just really as michaels naturally poisoning is considered as one of the possible reasons of the deterioration of the condition but besides that there could be a number of acute states that lead to the same clinical science we are working on everything eliminate confirm and work unfortunately i cannot tell you more. Never alys colleagues are already convinced his illness doesnt have any natural cause. Your puppy. Dogs are speaking on a valleys live you tube channel his spokeswoman. Said doctors who told her they were confident hed been poisoned to start with and now too scared to say this she thinks whatever it was was in his tea and she also said claims made on social media that he was Drinking Alcohol the night before and this reacted with medication false. After initially being denied access no valleys wife was eventually let in to see him but his personal doctor wasnt. There because its annoying that im not i cant see him id like to check up on him and i dont know and i asked if an ophthalmologist checked him and his retina there is a response from the people hes retina is alive. Charismatic sometimes abrasive and absolutely fearless alexina valmy is the most Prominent Russian opposition figure. My exposing the corruption of russias governing elite hes built a huge following of mainly young people drawn to protest by his investigative you tube videos valleys followers are shown a willingness to defy police battens and prison time the valley himself has spent repeated spells behind bars a fraud case started in 2014 landed him a suspended sentence a jail term for his brother and a ban from the valley himself to challenge putin in 28 teams president ial election. He has persisted despite the state pressure and despite the obvious risks of criticizing readymade putins rule. Another opposition figure Boris Nemtsov was shot dead near the kremlin in 2015 more have left the country the kremlin spokesman has wish no valmy a speedy recovery and says any poisoning would need to be confirmed by Laboratory Tests rory chalons down to 0. Grab a break on aljazeera and then the end of the show bobs the start of one of the most crucial u. S. Election races in recent history the latest from the Democratic National convention and opening criminal investigations in bellary some positions figures face yet another crackdown. How i once again welcome to look at the international forecast i wish i could say weve got some rain in the forecast for western parts of the u. S. Down towards california im afraid no such luck the wetter weather will be further north around the Pacific Northwest just pushing into that western side of canada and weve seen some terroristic downpours on the other side of the country down into the southeast just rather deep south there just pushing over towards the mid Atlantic States north of that is bits and pieces really fine and dry in new york on friday at 29 celsius and north of the border again well see some showers maybe just pushing out of ontario towards quebec wanted to share was just around the canadian prairies or latching a little bit further a switch as we go on through saturday some lively showers just rolling down across the ohio valley just around the appalachians instead it says sunshine and showers down towards the southeast but no sign of the hate breaking no sign of any significant no useful rifle making its way towards the southwest phoenix still getting up into the fortys and stays dry across northern parts of mexico we have got hurricane genevieve making its way away from Baja California heavy showers there continuing into southern areas of mexico around the yucatan peninsula as much of Central America and for the caribbean its sunshine and shallowness. When a Mining Company struck gold the local community was promised a glittering future. But their dreams quickly tarnished. Their farmland decimated and their pride assaulted the mind soon closed now the Impoverished Community are left searching for answers no gold for cal saka witness on aljazeera. The top stories this hour on aljazeera u. S. Secretary state might pompei or has submitted formal demands to the u. N. Security council for sanctions to be reimposed on iran he says terran has violated the 2015 nuclear deal britain france and germany there rejected the u. S. Moves saying they remain committed to the deal the us secretary started to use them in siding with the ayatollahs and protests are being held in russia over the suspected poisoning of Opposition Leader alexei in the valley is said to be in a coma in a siberian hospital germany and france have offered to provide medical care. U. S. Democrats are getting ready for the final and most significant day of the partys National Convention president ial nominee joe biden will outline his policies and Campaign Agenda during his virtual address wednesday of course okama harris accept the Party Nomination for Vice President the 1st woman of color to be the v. P. Candidate of a major party also former president barack obama broke president ial tradition by filling his Convention Speech with a scathing breakdown of Donald Trumps performance in office his alan fischer in wilmington delaware where that speech will be given today. Alan you know today we will be mostly talking about joe biden it is his big day but i almost feel like president obamas big speech yesterday had the potential to overshadow it. And certainly the thing that most people been talking about on the american t. V. Networks is certainly dominated the front page of many newspapers it was just sort of startling so unusual that a former president would attack a sitting president in such terms. 16 barack obama addressed the Democratic National convention and said look we have democracy but youve got to want it youve got to care about this and what he was saying in 2020 is we are losing this and you have got to be very careful where you cast your vote but you have got to get out and vote so it just for a different backdrop weve been at the white house for the last 3 nights were actually here in wilmington delaware thats the chief center where joe biden will deliver his speech of course we should have been in milwaukee where the d. N. C. Was due to take place but of course because of covert everything was moved virtually but still theyre going to have a few people here at the chase center well minton being the place where joe biden has essentially called home throughout his entire political career although he will tell you quite often and probably in this speech that he is indeed a son of pennsylvania and not only are there people here to support joe biden and there is a stadium not far from here that has been converted essentially into a drive in Movie Theater where people can come in their cars and watch the speech on the big screen but weve also got a handful of donald Trump Supporters we to my left here who are criticizing joe biden and weaving flags and suggesting that theres going to be 4 more years just as a matter of interest of the supporters that are standing over to my left very few of them are Wearing Masks to say broadly theyre just go back to the idea of the Virtual Convention its its kind of worked as and it i mean these events are usually very big and lots of cheering and the whole and all that but its felt will focus this time. But its going to be perhaps a template for the future maybe not completely maybe not always virtually but weve normally have 4 day conventions used to be 5 the came down to 4 perhaps this will no be 2 maybe 3 and paris and i think the rule call vote which we talked about at length on on tuesday night is certainly going to be a standard feature in the future where they went round every single state with a lovely backdrop or an interesting character to cast the delegates votes and it has been more focus so often we see these conventions run past their floated time normally theyre meant to finish i live in a clock and people say why 11 oclock well here in the u. S. 11 oclock on the east coast tends to be when local news kicks in thats when a lot of local t. V. Stations make their money so that is why 11 a court tends to be the cutoff the run over here but not as massively as they have in the past and also they can edit the speeches down into keep keep people tight what we expect in from joe biden well the topic for this evening is American Progress hes going to talk about how he can shape the country and we got a taste from donald trump just in the last couple of hours with a Campaign Speech in pennsylvania where he was saying look if the democrats win this election theres going to be a lot of cancel culture theyre going to take away this were going to take away that youre going to lose their sure going to lose that it really is a distorted picture that hes been painting certainly something he did in his own Convention Speech 4 years ago when he accepted the nomination joe biden will present a different vision it will be a vision where he believes that america can get better that they will improve things and that the progress that he will make if he as president certainly what donald trump is painting is certainly a long way if you want to talk in this Convention Speech is a long way from Ronald Reagans shining city on the hill which inspired so many and provoked a huge turnout alan fischer my partner in politics all this week at the d. N. C. Well be talking to you later on again thanks. Im very pleased to welcome representative stay c plaskett to aljazeera now democratic congresswoman representing the u. S. Virgin islands shes in washington d. C. Represented thank you for your time but look what does joe biden need to do tonight does he need to alan was just saying there about this presenting a new vision for the United States but every speech weve heard so far the d. N. C. Has included and attacked and in president obamas case a big attack on donald trump how much attacking does joe biden need to do. Well thank you for having me 1st of all and i think what you have not seen a sin attack on President Trump but really just truth telling about what has happened to america within the last 40 years of this administration i think what was so startling about president obamas speech was how frank it was you know him to be someone who really tries to look on the Positive Side to speak optimistically and i think he was giving americans a warning about what would happen in a 2nd term trump menstruation i think that the Democratic Convention has really built over the last 3 days and now its been now in the 4th day in the culmination of what we have coming tonight americas prominence where joe biden is the epitome of everything that is spoken up someone who has seen hardship someone who helped us get through a recession president obama put him in charge of the reinvestment and recovery act and in the Great Recession he supported him during the bowl during h one n one of the of the virus and so youre going to see how we have a problem if you can be embodiment of someone such as joe biden who is an eminently qualified experienced can get it and what are the possibilities that we can achieve but i think something that sorry the president if i can just interrupt is something you know the way you describe joe biden his level of experience and what hes bringing to this point its also worth pointing out that hes been trying to get to this point for 22 years thats how long its been the 1st run for president its actually a its actually of a big deal for him. It is it is a big deal to him and its a big deal to us and in those 22 years as well as other parts of his life even ringback though he was not the we meet he did not give up on america he did not pick up his ball and go home the way we know that donald trump would do he continued to be a Public Servant and to take the roles that were there available to him to serve america and i think thats something that youre going to see tonight americas promise there is someone with character and decency empathy in compassion who was willing to serve and bring us through these times and i also think its important to note that kumble harris will also be speaking right now in many ways embodies the best of america in written that she is the embodiment of that in mind in the belief that america is the expense of american its them is that america unlike other places in the world when immigrants come here when individuals become part of the American Fabric they are in fact american and that were always recreating and melding and developing innovations by because new influences of immigrants and i just think that donald trump thats not what just a quick word if you wouldnt mind then you might have heard me ask alan about this as well you know how do you think this whole Virtual Convention has gone is that something which can be carried forward. Well like you were talking about the roll call they got to keep the roll call where it is going around the country i think that was just built every american would cry to see the diversity of the school in the range of this country just the sheer geography of it is just magnificent and so being able to see people in their home in their own styles is so much better than sitting in a cafe and they have been able to keep it tight but i really do miss being with one another in the Convention Center not feeling that energy and so i hope we can meld them both together but the American People can be right there in their home representative Stacy Plaskett from the u. S. Virgin islands really appreciate your time thank you thank you thank you so much. Now former senior white house strategist steve bannon has pleaded not guilty to charges of fundraising fraud and Money Laundering it relates to an Online Campaign that raise 25000000. 00 supposedly to go towards Donald Trumps Us Mexico Border wall the department of justice says bannon received more than a 1000000. 00 of money raised through a Nonprofit Organization much of it used to cover personal expenses band and was 1. 00 of president obamas most influential advisors during the 2016 Election Campaign on it with more now from outside the court in new york. Through his lawyer he did plead as you mentioned not guilty to both of the charges the entire hearing lasted less than 15 minutes it was pretty quick bannon didnt say much at all other than a couple words to respond to the judge when she asked him a few questions but other than that it was pretty quick he will now according to the judges ruling will now once hes released from here awaiting trial he will not be able to travel internationally and will only be able to trade move between virginia connecticut washington d. C. And new york the 4 states where he has Business Centers bannan is basically accused up with 3 other people of setting up this nonprofit and asking for money from people to hate. He said would go completely to build donald trump a border wall on the southern border but according to the indictment they received more than 25000000. 00 in contributions but the indictment says that steve bannon siphoned off about 1000000. 00 of that for his own personal expenses. The general Prosecutors Office in better russas opened a criminal case into a council made up of opposition figures protesters say theyll continue to defy warnings though by alexander president Alexander Lukashenko of a renewed crackdown has ordered Security Forces to clear the streets after nearly 2 weeks of demonstrations over this months disputed election. Meanwhile france and germany say theyre determined to keep supporting the protesters and emanuel has been hosting his official residence in the south of france on wednesday the e. U. Said it rejected the elections that the president. Ordered the opening of borders with neighboring countries the west African Regional bloc 15 members will keep their borders closed the president and senior government leaders were arrested and forced to resign on tuesday now the army is promising a democratic transition the support from. Last new military leaders released these opposition demonstrators after the spent 2 weeks prison. We were arrested by the former government because justice and Good Governance for. Good Education Health rested just because of. The military leaders behind these disco in bali to gain trust and legitimacy. Met with members of the opposition assuring them that the military intervention will be brief and that elections will follow but without setting deadlines. We have no political ambition we are soldiers we have other progressives other missions to deal with our objective is through the various meetings we had with the various social and political groups to hand over rapidly the powers to a civilian transition for the continuity of the state and we are all aware today of the political and security situation in mali is going through. A position seem impressed at least. And preacher. Announced hes withdrawing from politics after the beating. Jim is a member of the. Opposition Coalition Led demonstrations that eventually resulted in which forced the resignation of president. Do you call us and i think the hardest part starts now its a question of bringing everyone together there are no winners and losers were all moderns even those who with if they dont have blood on their hands if theyre not involved in embezzlement of public funds we must all come together military and civilian to defend the republic and impose democracy and Good Governance. But the reaction from the rest of the world was talked of can the beijing the United Nations the African Union and the west African Regional bloc of course have all condemned the military cool course has imposed economic and other restrictions including and one book cutting financial and economic ties and membership of the party. On thursday france and i was its keeping its forces in mali to help bring peace to the region but without a civilian government and the continued threat of course these are challenging times for many in money by degrees. On aljazeera these are the headlines u. S. Secretary of state might pay or has submitted formal demands to the u. N. Security council for sanctions to be reimposed on iran britain france and germany have rejected the u. S. Move though saying they remain committed to the nuclear deal our message is very very simple United States will never allow the Worlds Largest state sponsor of terrorism to freely buy and sell planes tanks missiles and other kinds of conventional weapons the u. N. Sanctions will continue the arms embargo. Police say too that these restored sanctions will also reimpose accountability for other forms of iranian line activity that the authors of the nuclear deal. Downplayed. Iran will again be prohibited from Ballistic Missile testing. Iran will be back under sanctions for Ongoing Nuclear activities such as the enrichment of Nuclear Material that could be applied to a Nuclear Weapons program for the headlines protests are being held in russia over the suspected poisoning of Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny he is said to be in a coma in a siberian hospital germany and france have offered to provide medical care former senior white house strategist Steve Bannons pleaded not guilty to charges of fundraising fraud and Money Laundering it relates to an Online Campaign that raised 25000000. 00 supposedly to go towards the Us Mexico Border Wall Department of justice has been received more than a 1000000. 00 of money raised through a Nonprofit Organization these democrats are getting ready for the final and most significant day of their partys National Convention president ial nominee joe biden a lot like his policies and Campaign Agenda during the virtual address wednesday saw except the Party Nomination for Vice President in a speech from barack obama as well the general Prosecutors Office in bellary says opened a criminal case into a council made up of opposition figures protesters say theyll continue to defy warnings from president Alexander Lukashenko of a renewed crackdown in france and germany leaders say they are determined to keep supporting protesters in belarus on wednesday the e. U. Said it rejected the elections that kept president lukashenko in power you are up to date with the headlines on aljazeera rewinds next. In this edition of talk to aljazeera well take you on a journey with us to qatar as diverse wildlife well be joined by a marine by mentioning that and also he conservationist will be discussing the impact the potential Uncontrolled Development could have on these diverse wildlife species living here. Hello and welcome again to everyone im come all santamaria here on rewind were revisiting some of the best and most influential programs from more than a decade of documentaries in the aljazeera archive as well as by

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