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To southwest china washing away crops and homes. And the philippines businesses are closing at record rates because of the coronavirus small town. And this book by sounds all my advice for the Champions League final plus a miserable start to the postseason for the l. A. Lakers the n. B. A. Championship favorites go down to portland and their playoff opener. Which are. The European Union has held an emergency virtual me she called the crisis and bella route where there have been more than a week of protests following the disputed election and the e. U. Is considering expanded sanctions following a crackdown on protests which sort least 2 of them killed the e. U. Foreign Affairs Minister just a brow says president Alexander Lukashenko lacks democratic legitimacy before that meeting the woman who challenged in the election urged the e. U. To rejects the result he was declared the winner in a landslide missed the question has lost all the legitimacy in the eyes of the nation and the war on the. Euro. I call and you had to support that. Russia which has in the past back to look at this says it sees no need to help militarily at this time and the foreign minister said that the election wasnt run perfectly well in the ground in belarus there have been sporadic protests on wednesday but in the capital security has been heightened now well speak to nadine barber about what leaders and russia have to say about belarus but 1st lets go to state fasten whos on the ground in minsk so state security is being stepped up whats happening there. Well to give you a sense of the mood here in the minsk at the shrine where one of the protesters was killed by Police Last Week and this has turned into a rallying point for thousands of protesters in the last week well its completely empty now theres also no home king of who are answer anymore of course because that was the opposition sign that has weve been hearing for the whole week at this nothing its complete silence it seems that minsk is holding its breath breath waiting to see whats going to happen next has announced a nod or correct down he has urged and ordered the interior ministry to stop any possible unrest and also has instructed intelligence to find all the organizers of a rally so people are staying inside of course is a huge worry for repression and repercussions happening after his words also interesting lead there was an interview with an employee of a state television here in minsk she said she wasnt allowed into the building because she participated in a strike and she said that instead of her and other employees now russian professionals as she described it are now taking place having their job this also comes when there are reports about a least one russian plane arriving in ming minsk last night and also returning again to moscow which normally is used by the head of the f. S. B. To States Secret Service in moscow its not clear what moscow is doing but there is an increasing feeling here that moscow is getting involved ok so thats the situation in the capital what about the rest of the country. Yeah there are still strikes going on in another part of valor thousands of people apparently are still brave enough to go outside despite also instructions by the government to fire everyone who is on strike so they would lose their salary but despite that fact that people are still trying to keep up the mood and go on with this National Strike in the mean time theres some kind of sort of parallel government in the making so to speak theres a Coalition Council meeting as we speak to talk about a Transitional Government well look at shank is very angry he said these people are basically committing a coup detat and he said he would take all measures possible to stop them so its definitely an increased tension here and been scared and the euphoria of the last week is completely gone ok steadfast and for us there in minsk we are getting some reaction from the kremlin on that unrest in belarus and a barber is live for us in london a team on salacious from the russians. For the russians seem to be pushing back against any. Calls for them to intervene in the situation in minsk and in the of election aftermath the kremlin on wednesday is put out a statement saying that there is no need for russia to help belarus and Sergei Lavrov the foreign minister as you were saying also said theres no need for outside mediation now you heard what line a taken off. The e. U. Foreign policy chief talking about the lack of legitimacy of. A well certainly the russians believe that look at is the legitimate president of belarus even though Sergei Lavrov said that the year actions could have been run in a better way how this follows on tuesday phone calls so the president Vladimir Putin by the likes of anger merkel of germany and france is president mccaw and he has he warned both of them not to interfere in belarus is internal affairs right now e. U. Leaders are meeting virtually theyre expected to come up with a new list of names of individuals who will face economic sanctions individuals in the belarus government who or administration who took who were involved in the the running of the elections and in the response to this the street protests that weve seen but at the same time key figures in the European Union including one top commissioner have stressed that bellerose is not europe it is somewhere between europe and russia and its accepting that it is in the sphere of influence of russia this is why the main thrust of their efforts is to persuade the russian government to get involved in mediating now so get leverage has said he hopes the opposition in belarus can will be able to enter into talks with the government thats not the same as saying that they will do anything to make that happen ok i think that their life in london. Lets go to mali now where military leaders say bell helped the country transition to a new government to prepare for fresh elections you know infant was made to president abraham was forced to step down the west African Regional bloc echo osce has condemned the coup but sending a delegation to the capital bamako the Un Security Council is also expected to meet legs up for the reports. Soldiers guard the residents of malis president. In the capital bamako. Prime minister who say say detained here and choose day as rumors of a coup spread president cater appeared on state television announcing his resignation. No blood to be spilled to keep me in power and thats why i would like to thank the 1000000 people for their warmth i am telling you that im resigning from my position as the president and all my other positions and i announced the dissolution of the assembly and the governor. To block ecowas responded forcefully to the coup isolating malise from border closures suspending financial flows and called for sanctions against organizers and their supporters speaking on state television coup leaders say they are acting in the countrys best interest money and money and people of mali we are not holding on to power but we are holding on to the stability of the country which will allow us to organize within an agreed reasonable timeframe general elections to equip mali with strong institutions which are able to better manage our everyday lives and restore confidence between the government and the government. Many millions welcomed the coup crowds frustrated with the president and his government spurred the soldiers on ransacked and burned government offices. We have come out today to call for the total resignation of president cater because we heard there were shots fired by the military and we come up to help our soldiers get rid of the president what are you doing. We are tired the country is paralyzed and i do not want this government had a lot of the soldiers began their mutiny into base on the outskirts of bamako the same base that sword 2012 uprising would open the way to katies presidency heavily armed troops willing to siena schools in a vehicle believed to be carrying the president and. Were very happy because this is a liberation for the people of mali all of these people waiting for this day all of malis people waiting for the president and his men to allow us to breathe. Ok to has faced weeks of opposition protests calling for his departure of the disputed parliamentary elections earlier this year much of the country is already outside the control of the government struggled to contain an armed insurgency thats claimed thousands of lives for al jazeera. Well mali has struggled for stability since its independence from france a 960 when it became a one Party Socialist state and the president said he was ousted a coup within 8 years by a lieutenant musette who himself was pushed from power by the military in 1991 multiparty polls were held a year later making alpha canady mollies 1st democratically elected president the elections in 2002 won by amadou Toumani Toure a by allegations of widespread fraud he was forced out of the coup in 2012 that same year to read rebel seized control of northern mali and declared their own state with other are groups French Military intervention in 2013 helped to recapture major towns but ongoing violence and instability would eventually be a major factor in the coup against the most recent president abraham because well its big now too so j and by mccall he is a member of the Strategic Committee of the Opposition Coalition known as the m 5 r. F. E. Thank you for your time what contact if you had with military leaders about what happens next. Thanks for having me we have a meeting this morning and some of. The military men who send some or some of their member of those who to me thats. Meeting them tomorrow or more we havent. Yet. Decided except and. Then either tomorrow or ok how much did the opposition know about this coup before it happened given any sort of advance warning. No not at all i mean we heard it like everybody else on t. V. And if you station and im not saying that it would be any more or not anywhere close to this to them or to anybody else from the very beginning been very quickly we want the president who is signed his freedom of practically so were not we didnt take part in this and were not involved we learn of it on t. V. Like everybody else do you think that these military leaders will keep their word that they dont want military rule that theyre going to look ahead to elections at this point so i dont think they have a choice you know hes a Popular Movement that started a few months ago and for about 2 months now been out every 2 weeks out some sort of president who is on a new Management Team and so every time i go out there are tens of thousands of people on the streets im not sure limited people who are not on the streets again yesterday in their words that they did invite us to join them join them whether that means you know we have our own ideas about how things should be run so its too early for us to say whether they were expect there was or not but i think of people that were quite just like what the previous regime to make sure that poverty and bad governance would be a good thing the peaceful do you think that this is going to pave the way to address some of the protest is why the demands addressing in security the economy some of those began more systemic issues. Well you have the question the Big Questions are in our movement we got together because we made a decision that bad governance and us taken some some very dangerous steps and as youve said lots about it percent of our land and we only now have 20 Percent Security that where people are not afraid to go in and out so some of the issues that we talk about are also issues that well raise so we are confident that will be working on some of the issues but the main Sticking Point would be the role of the military in this with all of the democratic government and will keep doing so and to discuss with them what roles i would like to play games so when you go into these meetings with military leaders what will you be hoping to get out of it what will the Opposition Coalition be hoping to achieve we we are having our such a new Committee Meeting this afternoon so its too early for me to express myself on it because we havent talked about the different talking points we will be having with them but one things for sure what he wants Good Governance what we want is the fight against corruption what we want in the end the and what we want is to make sure that the resources of this country dont have a lot of resources but that. Might be used i reviewed it were t. And they mean a better life product citizen but that would be fighting to the end and i think they know about ok thank you for your time so its ok their member of the Strategic Committee of the Opposition Coalition regular. But more ahead on the news all including. The man to take on trumps joe biden is formally confirmed as the democratic candidate in the race for the white house. And we wont be seeing one of cyclings most illustrious styles at the most prestigious race of the year details coming up in sports. In nigeria the obdurate book has launched an attack on kuko a town thats in borno state there are reports of kidnapping looting and also and lets talk now to aljazeera and interests who is following the story from the capital well what can you tell us. Well what. Locals or another witnesses are talking about now is that broke out on fighters in at least 20 because raided the town remember. Where such bible koran most of its residents fled to the capital and other safer towers to live for years and until recently they have been in refugee camps or internally displaced persons camp and these were the i. D. P. s who returned home recently just a few weeks ago the attack happened Late Afternoon and they were like you said reports of shootings many people have been injured and many also have been killed but we dont have exactly the number of casualties locals are also talking about a many people missing at least more than a dozen women and goals were setup been taken away by the fighters but this is not confirmed yet with no state official statement from the army or the local civilian authorities in that region would recently weve seen how book has been operating in not only in nigeria but also across the border incoming rule and in charge and the basic thing to note in these attacks is the looting of food stuff probably theyre trying to stock up on depleted food stuff that they have and also such in raids on military positions to capture some arms and ammunition to prosecute there to continue to prosecute their fight. About interest there live for us thank you. The u. N. Says its ability to tackle the worlds worst humanitarian crisis in yemen has been badly hit by a lack of funding it says the shortfall has forced it to close or cut back hoff of its major aid programs they include efforts to prevent large scale famine and fight a cholera epidemic and aid conference in june raised just half of the 2400000000. 00 needed to cover operations until the end of the year. The Bloomberg News agency is reporting that a twitter breach 5 years ago is connected to the arrests of numerous saudi nationals who were critical of the government through twitter employees allegedly hacked thousands of accounts while acting as spies for saudi arabia the information was then reportedly used to harass or arrest critical voices the Arabic Network for human rights information says the timing of the twitter breach and the arrests indicate they are links libyas warlord holi for half hour has lifted a blockade on Oil Production that will allow the un recognized government to resume exports for the 1st time in several months from tripoli like trainer explains. On tuesday night the head of the Petroleum Facility guards under house arrest forces said that they will reopen the oil the oil closures will have to forces have been carried out since january according to the National Oil Corporation here in libya that has resulted in a financial loss of over 8000000000. 00 to the government now oil is the is the primary source of income to the government here thats how they pay the salaries for Government Employees and thats how they subsidize goods so its really important to the libyan economy also the oil closures that have have caused a lot of a lack of electricity or a lack of supply to the power stations of the national or Corporation Says that the power because our result of the lack of gas and diesel go. Feeding the power stations so so whether or not this is a permanent reopening of the oil is yet to be seen house or forces have in the past opened the oil but then again soon after close they put in conditions such as that the the revenue coming into libya will will go into a foreign account that that will that will be divided into both governments but whether or not this is a permanent reopening of oil is yet to be seen. And judge in lebanon has awarded several arrests over the explosion in beirut the blast killed more than 200. 00 people left of the city in ruins 30 of this month 25 people in total of facing challenges but many are calling for more accountability and one of a. Inconsolable the families of firefighters killed in the beirut port explosion say their goodbyes. They were among the 1st responders as the disaster unfolded 2 weeks on there are still more questions than answers on what caused the blast that destroyed lives in many areas of the lebanese capital which i dont most when they arrived they saw the whole of the smoke and they thought they needed more help from the Fire Department they called the operation room again and told them we need backup. Before the biggest blast firefighters were pictured trying to enter a burning warehouse. They werent warned about the thousands of tons of Ammonium Nitrate. Initial investigations so just Maintenance Work could have triggered several explosions before the massive one. Its emerged that everyone at the highest levels of government including the president were aware that the chemicals were stored in the warehouse for years without proper safety precautions journalists such as the who have been physically attacked over the years for investigating corruption at beirut port have documents that show years of in action and negligence failed to dispose of the explosive chemicals my experience while you. Say their cause they didnt see any danger and they only. Want 1500000. 00 these are appointed by a mafia has elected to be a Democratic Force the state is weak and its institutions are controlled by Political Parties who have been in power for decades the case is now in the hands of the judiciary to determine where the Ammonium Nitrate came from who shipped it and who was responsible for handling and securing it police have sealed off the area around warehouse 12 investigators are at the site of the blast which has come to symbolize the decades of corruption and mismanagement plaguing the countrys institutions the caretaker Prime Minister has. Who resigned under public pressure following the explosion didnt mince his words when he said corruption is bigger than the state french an f. B. I. Agents are helping forensic teams but the lebanese government is refusing an International Investigation many lebanese have little faith in a judiciary that is appointed by politicians in your investigative judge was. It was a search or worse 1st choice exclude the ones you hired. Just because they are. Stopped. Because they are going to burn them thats done little to calm public anger many fear those responsible will get away with the crime lebanons leaders who 1st promised a swift and transparent investigation are now saying its complex and may take time. Beirut. Shooting protesters in thailand a coin for the Prime Minister to standout demonstrations have taken place nearly every day for the past month along with the departure of Prime Minister pray off channel chair a former military leader they also want a new constitution scott explains why the latest rally is happening at the ministry of education. I School Students out here for the ministry of education in central bangkok post testing now this is part of the bigger protest movement thats been led by students right across the highway im calling for reform in the government calling for a new constitution to be rapid now its been peaceful for the most part over these last several weeks and it has been there as well cool what their purpose here is what you call for the resignation of the minister of education that is because over the last several days the students on High School Campuses are saying teachers and administrators are preventing them from protesting the one thing that they be prevented from doing some of said specifically is that 3 finger salute that has become no part of it as the family for this protest movement they are saying the teachers have stopped them from doing so they planned this protest against that move on some campuses across probably whats interesting is that the minister of education on the eve of this protest was said that they should be allowed to go back to the media. They should be allowed to express their freedom of expression but some of the students here are skeptical that i am. I dont think weve won yet because this is between the ministry and the students this does not include the rest of thailand the hostel at last by young men if they dont accept our demands we may come out again to show what we really need and to show we mean business. Were there to the protest the minister of education came out and sat with the protesters over all the protest movement is not happy with the way the government has been reacting in fact today wednesday during this protest the Police Department issued 3 arrest warrants for some of the protest leaders of the previous weeks. Now obviously if thats the case and there hasnt been any Movement Toward those demands of this protest movement were going to see most protests like this for people coming out to the streets right across thailand. Now to the stuff on the line from the e. U. Who is talking with believe regarding the situation in bella reuss lets listen in. Targeted sanctions on specific persons with out hurting the people of blood was. The commission stands ready to support and the list of people submitted to sanctions should be adopted as soon as possible. And thirdly we stand ready to engage in all possible ways to accompany peaceful democratic transition of power imbalance we support the opening of dialogue between authorities and the opposition. And there was strong support for role of the oas c e. The o. E. C. D. Might be seeking ways to facilitate dialogue in belarus belarus is member of the always see its not so much on mediation but on opening Communication Channels with in balance. Finally demonstrations in belarus im not against any neighboring country or entity the demonstrations in belarus are for the rights of the people of belarus. This is about the belarusian people and their legitimate right to determine the future path of their country. The European Union stands at the side of the bell ocean people violence has to stop only an inclusive dialogue will find solutions the future of belarus must be decided by the by the russian people in belarus it must grow from within thank you. Thank you madam president for your message and well turn to the q. And a session now we have a lot of people tuning in please let me state on the forehand could you please state clearly whom you want to address your question to said that it makes it easier to switch from one side to the other well start with john charmless from reuters john you have the floor. Can you hear is john yes yes can you hear me yes please. And this is a question for the president here and so any anything that our supply of we need is a meeting i didnt think all of the police suit from down protests. And it signals an escalation of the situation that if you take into account during your conversations what is your response to the latest developments. Messages that were clear stop the violence and we dont accept the impunity we dont tolerate the impunity and its why we took decisive very important decision its our intention to decide sentient started to dissensions you know go to target individuals authorities involved in the process of violence or in fact if you question of the elections and return to new or in the next hour or 2 or the next days to follow closely the situation we dont accept the violence and effects that we took this decision to have this meeting to do we so very strange and united to message it sends to the authorities in belarus a very clear message from the European Union thank you next question for Catalina Mehta basal katina. Thank you very much. Im here in the could you raised and you a bit yes thats yes ill try your. Question goes to 2 which one of you wants and youre actually you can say you have repeated both of you have said that you want to work on sanctions and those responsible and i was wondering whether you have talked about whether. You did on this list and also im interested on the chime frame hellerstein you think you will be able to talk about the content of the list and 23 and 2 agree on this thank you very much. For your process at the european level we had to do the political discussion and we sent a vote clear signal about a decision to implement sentients but of course it will be the responsibility at the reputed levels of the different committees involved in the process to formally thread the decision and i repeat we will shortly impose sanctions against a substantial number of individuals responsible for their lives and their krishna but with a look into well be there to be rooted in the framework of this process. And president maybe you would like to. Yes thank you it is exactly as the president of the council said the commission stands ready to support because it is a very detailed process with a lot of scrutiny. But the minister for Foreign Affairs now the European Council are very clear and we will work hard till be ready as soon as possible with a list of specific persons targeted for sanctions another question. For jennifer ranking the Guardian Jennifer are you there. Yes im there near me yes if you switch on your camera makes it nicer for us. Ok just bear with me i cannot stand they really cant thank you very much this is a question to the president moved out of sight of the thank you mayor and president mr use but you president putin yesterday can you say whether you see the russian government as an ally or a destabilizing force in resolving the situation in batterers and what is it exactly that you would like the russian government to be doing thank you. Lou we sent a very clear a very clear message sure we think that the future of belarus has to be decided by the people in belarus not in brest some snot in that must go and we think there is a National Crisis and we would like to entrench all the positive efforts you know the 2 major a National Interest is delegate possible and we head to their chairs and we sprint put into to distress the situation in the better risks and i think its important from both sides in the most row in brussels the 3 that yacc to invest that we need to support all of the positive effects in other to find a peaceful solution you know to to guarantee a democratic process in the various and i repeat that for us for the European Union its very clear that the people in but at least if the from them into the right to elect freely their leadership. Next question is for you to cut jobs joke i hope i pronounce your name correctly because can you hear us. Ok there we have been listening to shelby share president of the European Council and serve on the lion of president of the European Commission talking about bella roups questions were asked about president look at his directive to put down protests in minsk to which we had the response that the e. U. Does not accept the impunity of those using violence and by the use of the announce theyre going to impose targeted sanctions on individuals behind the violence behind any repression or the force of occasion of Election Results but interestingly who exactly is on that list is still to be decided apparently the responsibility of various different committees. There is going to be cash mobilized to support the people of delhi reuss and also finally asked about moscows role in all of this we heard michelle there saying that its important for moscow and brussels to support efforts for mediation to find a peaceful solution lets go back to dean barber who is monitoring this from london nadeem whats your takeaway from whats been said so far. Well kim from what ive been able to hear and i havent heard all of this press conference its clear that the message is very much that the e. U. Is not only rejecting the outcome or the way the election in belarus was was done but also very concerned about the response of the Security Forces on the streets of cities in belarus to demonstrations following the election as you have on the line theyre saying that the e. U. Will sanction those responsible for what she called state violence following the disputed election shes also announced new European Union money heading to better us now most of that is for what she called the coronavirus Emergency Support for the Health Systems but she also said that there would be 2000000 euros of help for victims of what she called state violence in those demonstrations notably also 1000000 euros euro. Fund for Civil Society groups and independent media in belarus now these are small amounts of houses but the the the message is clear the European Union is trying to act tough as you say they havent said who is going to be on that list of individuals to be sanctioned but they do what individuals to be punished for what they see as their role in a fraudulent election and what they see as their role in suppressing democratic and peaceful protests but they also want russia to be involved in what happens next politically in belarus on tuesday president putin had phone calls with im going to merkel the german chancellor and. The french president in which putin warned them not to interfere in the message now on wednesday through the Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov is that there is no need for outside dialogue what youve just. Heard from from the e. U. Representatives there that they still hope there will be some kind of dialogue involving outside players so this is really the bustle ground whether in fact russia will step in and lead all alexander nuker circuit to try to reach out to the opposition or not thanks for that nadine barber there live from london just to recap what weve heard. After after a Virtual Meeting of a youth leaders we heard from Charles Michel from the European Council a sort of on the lion of the European Commission saying that theyre going to impose targeted sanctions on individuals. In belarus and also mobilize cash to support the people of belarus but really saying that what is happening in belarus must be solved in. Ok. Lets go back now to one of our other top stories the situation in mali the president has been ousted in a coup the now the military has taken over for the time being for the country is considered strategically important to ensure stability for the entire saheli region but the country has been in turmoil partly stemming from another coup back and 2012 following that armed groups took control of large parts of the country and forcing a strict religious code they were driven out by French Forces have continued to attack civilians in rural areas in mali and in neighboring became a fast so the share more than 10000 people have died in the violence and more than a 1000000 have fled their homes forces from france and west africa have suffered heavy losses well for more on this were joined now by of a where. He is a geo political and security analyst at the think tank africa and joins us now from a butcher thank you for your time how do you see or for see this all playing out. Yes thanks for having me i think is the concert for miley and interest of recovery john will have to really do some you know serious love because now weve seen that you know the. Device that the president it gave interviews in if they will go ahead of little feet a promise to set up a civilian Transitional Government and i think if you to do that need the Popular Support and join now you just really just might lose it what do you make of eco oss response. Well i would say a cause is partly responsible. In a sense and im im not trying to push the blame but im saying that because of course as an organization did not respond in a very credible manner it sent an envoy who doesnt is not familiar we know we do see the situation in mali hes not an expert in or on on mali or of concrete and hes and then because if im a present of menger which is good it will just start giving some credibility what it takes in a someone who really understand the force tradition in a people of my they are so far out on the leadership of you know to to really get that lead that support or so that legitimacy so his even if not thousands of men do that was it just wasnt enough also i think i would say of course in this approach did not really invest enough been in there in there look recess to see how on what the 5 and i repeat of quality really really wants yes it did lip service but it didnt really do enough by insisting that the government of get us to spin off and i think thats what they did last you know the people who have money so we you have internally to miss it because all the while the support that were study so just left cut the company headed towards michael you could see people on the streets in your chair and them on so it tells you that the way the people are in support and they are behind in the decoders what you consider the community is against you know in the plotting because you know of course particularly in these bylaws does not prove source practices but it forgets that democracy has to reflect the will of the people and the people of mali up fed up with the government so it is by insisting that in a precinct it ari mention of this i think a question of the book my what is at stake care for the region why is stability in mali so important for the entire region. Yeah i mean it was never going to join you know the suffering issue in the issue of terrorism but if you really trace it back about 2011 after you know the little you got the book you know you could see that there was not pouring of fighters bottle hiding fight us formally into in deciding to intimately because my left at that time also experienced the insurgency its wired rebellion in the not so a lot of nuclear book you know in my brain and also i says in with a couple of minutes to really beautiful city because the use mali assisted in syria to learn to attack on the basis of an upsurge from 20 level from 22 when the when they moved onto to attack in libya state and it was a civil war because it would lead to civil war from the moment mali became almost like it did in point for the proliferation of not just errors in Drug Trafficking Human Trafficking across new digital with africa over 172000000 people yeah and i think thats why of course is really really concerned because theres this fear that if we have a repeat of 2022 where there was a coup and then it detergent to civil war then we might see similar events where he is followed by a lot of derision into civil war and in an absurd you know in a terrorist activity because mali makes for a very good student there for all of you with that regard. And you get a lot of destabilisation hold accountable cannot. Name even us west sinegal thanks so much for your analysis there other glass. From africa have political thank you so much. How is israel and the United Arab Emirates push forward with normalizing their relations this grown confusion over one key element of the deal and thats whether the u. A. E. Will be able to now gain access to u. S. Military hardware specifically f. 35. 00 aircraft israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement saying he opposes the sale of the warplanes to the u. A. E. But reports in an israeli newspaper suggest the deal includes language that would allow advanced weapons sales to the gulf nation. Hundreds of palestinians in the gaza strip have protested against the decision by the u. A. E. And israel to establish full diplomatic relations the 2 nations agreed to normalize ties under a u. S. Brokered deal demonstrators how placards labeling it as a betrayal of the group hamas which controls gaza accuses the u. A. E. Of stabbing palestinians in the back. Joe biden is now the official democratic nominee to take on donald trump and novembers president ial election he was picked on the 2nd night of the Partys National convention which for the 1st time was mostly virtual because of coronavirus from washington his alan fischer. This was the moment joe biden officially became the democratic partys nominee for the president of the United States thank you very very much from the bottom our heart thank you all raise the world in me and my family and ill see you on thursday thank you thank you thank you rhode island the ocean state in a traditional convention the roll call is an important piece and doing it virtually this time they made it slick and polished its job so this was a night to show the past and the future there were contributions from former president jimmy carter former president ial nominee john kerry and congresswoman alexandra a keshia cortez an influential figure on the progressive wing of the party and considered a rising star there was also an appearance from bill clinton the former president whos lit up conventions in the past given just 5 minutes this time but still getting his message across that a term like this the oval office should be a command center instead its a storm center is only chaos its 20 years since bill clinton was president on wednesday hell celebrate his 74th birthday and hell still be 3 years younger than the current democratic president ial nominee. Former secretary of state colin powell was just one of a number of republicans who also spoke giving his endorsement to joe biden the values i learned growing up in the south bronx and serving in uniform with the same values that joe bidens parents instilled in him in scranton pennsylvania i support joe biden for the presidency of the United States because those values still define him i have always loved the sound keynote on tuesday was the nominees wife jill biden who lined what she thought her husband would deliver for america leadership to really of matter what our nation will be thats joe. He and common law will work as hard a you do every day to make this nation better wednesday will see Vice President ial pick kaamelott haris deliver her speech that role is normally to attack the opposition to hit them and hit them hard and this time will be no different alan fischer aljazeera washington. Were turning out to the crown of our stand there make him the philippines has the highest number of infections in Southeast Asia a Strict Lockdown in the capital manila is easing and many are hoping that will help spark an economic recovery. Its. Joe we did joyce is checking whether his cash registers still work yeah you know he own scatty eighteens in one of the most popular districts in manila but the Restaurant Bar has been empty for almost 4 months because of the corona virus pandemic. Virus. Before this virus back has been here for 6 years so its very hard to tell them that. Shutting down if nothing happens until december its a familiar scene all across the philippines businesses are closing at a pace and seen in recent years the Philippine Government imposed one of the worlds strongest strictest lockdowns which lasted from march to june more than 50000000 filipinos were forced to stay at home in the entire region of luzon but the soaring number of corona virus infections last month forced the government to announce another lock down 2 weeks ago we want to ensure this is. Over. The Philippine Government admits it is forced to open the economy despite. The growing number of corona virus infections that is because the country is now in one of its worst periods of recession in recent decades millions of villepin those have lost their jobs and more communities are expected to sink deeper in poverty in the coming months but there is evidence the impact may be worse than the government says pollsters social weather station reports close to half of the 27. 00 workforce have lost their jobs largely because of economic ripple effects and the closure of businesses the government says it sees the economy rebounding in 20212022 people will. Look at our situation here for hours just to go to work here under the sun and then we go to work only to end up getting beat the. Over the outlook is bleak government restrictions start easing again on wednesday in selected businesses are being allowed to open for 2. Joey is preparing to reopen the restaurant he hopes that better days are here again to mellon duggan manila. South koreas reporting nearly 300. 00 new cases of grown virus the highest in 5 months many recent cases and links to a church group in seoul the Church Pastor tested positive after attending an antique up and running at the weekend 6000 Police Officers who were on duty are being tested the restrictions have been imposed in the capital and surrounding areas. So it got here on aljazeera and sports nippon james added a business week not his but like is open to playoff campaigns to n. B. A. Action coming up in just a few things such. As. Business leaders is to buy no bra spa. Business leaders want to buy no bra spa. The a in the air. Some of the sport has found thank you very much i can while i have reached the Champions League final for the 1st time in their history p. S. G. Beating that of germany 3 nil and the semifinal the match was played behind closed doors in portugal marquee new us headed home the opener for the french champions with an get him idea added a 2nd just before half time kwan better not scored the number 3 on the one other french team have ever won this title that was must say back in 1903 or p. S. G. Fans that could have witnessed that moment of history in this one many did to gather to watch the match in paris the team has already won a domestic trouble of trophies this season. Well the favorites to join p. S. G. In sundays final are but i am you know leon the 2nd semifinal late on wednesday and are looking to become european champions for a 6th time for leon its a chance to make the final and all french affair and while theyre huge underdogs havent finished the short in that French League season and 7th bob harris of the societe press tells us that by and should not underestimate them. When youve knocked out the italian champions events us the primary champs from last season managed to city you have that hope that it is possible to knock out even a team has just crushed barcelona 8 but what we saw in that devastating performance from the provider in giants the other night was the attacking might they have and particularly love and dusky who are school for 8 consecutive Champions League games he really is such a lethal force this season in front of go the 4 goals and he is going to be hard to stop leon to have this dynamic and young midfield and is a homegrown midfield as well youve got hackery at 20 and 22 and i think this is very important for liam tonight in terms of progressing because keeping the squad together is going to be even more difficult when so much of europe has seen the impact that this squad can make barcelona have confirmed the appointment of club legend Ronald Koeman as the new head coach dutchman will cases take it its now following barcelona seriously ating an 82 defeat to buy munich in the Champions League calling joins bluster after a stint as the man adult the netherlands who he guided to the 21000 u. S. The Nations League final he won 4 League Titles and the european cup with as a player. The l. A. Lakers have made a losing start to their playoffs a campaign they went down to the portland trailblazers on a night that saw in the bron james make history. As do you things in school compare to seeing Le Bron James in full flight during the playoffs whats even more a basketballs biggest name putting in a history making performance and coming out on the losing side comes to the despite becoming the 1st player in the playoffs to back more than 20 points 15 rebounds and fiftys assists respectively it was not enough to stop the lakers going down to the portland trailblazers in game one move his 1st point to us Damian Lillard didnt make history like yours and lost his opponent but he did out scoring with 34 points. This taking it by 7100 to 903 running roughshod with no frustration you know because the game is the game and we were my shit when we. Had to janis into campolo and the Milwaukee Bucks were also in for a shock as they opened against orlando. While the Greek International did produce some trademark moves on route to 31 point spanish for his efforts was simply not enough when nicola boost of it scoring 35 to help orlando down the eastern conference of Number One Team 1222110 here they bet on the best part of. So even if they play a better game we can still win the game so one superstar that didnt have a disappointing evening was james hardie. Specially racked up 37 points to help the Houston Rockets win the opener against Oklahoma City 12321 away from st benjamin. With the favorites for the finals looking shaky. This might just be the year that harden claims that china can chip greens we have thats always alluded him so its a hell malik aljazeera. Ah there was one more game on tuesday the miami heat kick started their postseason with a when they beat the Indiana Pacers by 12 points 4 time Tour De France champion chris froome has been left out of the 8 man squad for the upcoming 2020 edition of the race froome who will move to israel startup nation and next year will target the while to i spy on you a bit on the return to Competitive Racing in february after who referred to crash last year which left him with multiple injuries 2018 winner Granger Thomas also misses out. In the n. H. L. Playoffs to vegas the Golden Knights stage a great comeback to eliminate the Chicago Blackhawks and round the one that ixtoc scored the tie breaking goal going into the 3rd period and the knights rallied the from an early to goal deficit to be chicago 43. 00 in game 5 the Golden Knights who are the top the seeds in the western conference became the 1st team to advance to the conference semifinals and are so small for me to find out whos going to. Start with us ill be back in just about it with marketers nudes. Frank assessments seeing that in yemen. Theres. The issue of like the green suv its an informed opinion which is ethiopia on the verge of a breakdown many halts or beyond will mean a region are actually under a de facto state of emergency and critical debate after the use of proxy people who have to resign because the delivery people indepth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on aljazeera. These men are survivors of covert 1946 year old is a limousine driver is the only one here who needed to go to hospital when he became ill in early march with the. Order of the balance board in november so deep it is a 34 year old driver for guitar a family and he tested positive my body is good it will always more overall your Ability Health Officials Say the rate of new infections has slowed the goal here is to conduct a broad serving to better understand transmission and asymptomatic cases which in turn could help policy decisions in the future so it would be easy for us to inform the a Decision Making on what to do next the goal now is to increase testing and contact tracing. The government provides free testing and medical treatment for those who need it while campaigns to raise awareness continue. Meet maria driven by poverty into prostitution and drugs as an early age now as a mother shes turning her life around with the help of a theatre troupe a group of columbia women fighting the challenges they face through that. Powell jersey was compelling series which showcases flesh from i can tell and probably around the globe if you find a lot in america presents acting lessons on aljazeera. We will sanction all those responsible for violence pression and falsification of the results of the election. Tough talk from the e. U. Clear message to those in power for free and Fair Elections and balance. The camperdown this is obvious there are live from doha will so coming up a nation in crisis mavic 3 did so also it is the military takes control. More heavy rain brings severe flood

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