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Childrens hospital cat after the ports explosion in that. And stranded with nowhere to go al the coronavirus and then make you stop the hundreds of nicaraguans from returning home. Welcome to the program out top story tens of thousands of people have rallied in the battle russian capital minsk for 6 nights of protests over last weeks disputed president ial elections despite a ruthless crackdown in which heavily armed police were deployed against Peaceful Protesters and thousands were arrested president Alexander Lukashenko has refused to open dialogue with the opposition to this atlanta taken off sky she is calling for more protests this weekend set boston has more from minsk. Was. Was slowly but surely thats islam in scottie king over the citys main streets after days of Police Violence as demonstrators were beaten detained and chased away protesters came out in large numbers friday they were joined by workers from a state owned tractor factory throughout the country thousands of workers are on strike to protest against a looker. Didnt even look at this we cant stand the situation anymore people a friend but they will have my vehicle and now factory has many most of. The other was. Where i was they have come out of the factory and are now heading to the city center the protests and not only against the Police Crackdown but also against what they call all richt elections these are very unusual fellows. Arriving at Independence Square the protesters are met by soldiers protecting Government House pension starts to build but suddenly one soldier drops his shield and then this happens the. Peace remember you have a mother to my baby you cannot do this why are you standing him that it was a right it was meanwhile look at shankar is warning of more violence as he accuses foreigners of provoking the protests. Just notice stay clear of the streets now you have to understand that you and your children are being used like. People have already arrived from poland the netherlands ukraine and russia from open russia and the valley and the assault the aggression against our country has already started to appear soon the chillers prochoice detainees who were released talked about torture dance had to be taken to hospital in meet. After their release others were treated by fallen ts who came to Detention Centers to help the woman. Fractures bruises dislocations brain injuries nose fractures abrasions. Hemorrhage to brain and even to eyes is a nightmare fascist dont even do these things. Go more and worse those of mozart. While the government has tried to appease protesters by releasing detainees the wounds on their bodies appear stuff had the opposite effect throughout the evening crowds at the Independence Square started swelling their festive and fiery mood in sharp contrast with the threatening words of local shanker and his armed soldiers standing nearby step class and aljazeera minsk. Meanwhile in the Foreign Ministers of great to start preparing a new round of sanctions against the government of belarus and those behind the violence in the tension of peaceful protest as weve barca has more. Well the meeting of e. U. Foreign ministers happened remotely they all dialed into a central hub in brussels and basically share their ideas on how to pile the pressure on alexander look at shank oh theres no shortage of solidarity for the belorussian people and no shortage of criticism and condemnation for Alexander Lukashenko according to a spokesperson for the german chancellor Angela Merkel was shocked. Seen scenes of violence on the streets of minsk and other cities over the course of the past few days and also as live on the lam the European Commission president said that there had been a brutal violation of human rights that warranted immediate sanctions and sanctions does appear to be the direction of travel the e. U. Foreign ministers together in a unified way are prepared to take that could take the form of d asset freezes or travel bans on senior figures within. Leadership we could well see other forms of peanuts have measures been imposed but lets not forget the e. U. Has already imposed a raft of sanctions on the country already imposed restrictions on certain officials we know the nimble arms embargo has been in place for some time now so the e. U. Is also under pressure to see exactly what it can do to force Alexander Lukashenko into line weve had poland with other Baltic States already come forth and volunteer as mediators in any forthcoming dialogue between look at shanker and the opposition the opposition of welcome that but look at shank oh is far from it he remains defiant so the role now for the e. U. Is to pile on the pressure and to try and open a corridor of communication and our International Affairs expert Dagen Mcdowell explained why the e. U. Sanctions might not work. The e. U. At this point is basically signaling that. Regards this is an extremely important issue but there arent really many concrete levers that they can pull people can are in russia and even those are weaker than one might expect but equally even if you were to see some sort of comprehensive regime of economic sanctions intended to really isolate the hours from the rest of the world so long as russia is not going to engage in the sanctions and is willing to. Support you. In breaking them you know those sanctions are just not going to be effective so really this is not hands of the average people right now. Now the u. S. Department of justice is saying its iranian fuel from 4 tankers headed to venezuela says its the biggest of the such the shia both iran and venezuela are under u. S. Sanctions who have said were for tankers theyre going to use them. And theyre there. Theyre not supposed to be doing that or others are supposed to be doing that and so we did we seize attackers and were moving them and moved to used and lets get more from mike hanna who is in washington what do we know about that the 2nd soundsystem rounding the seizure of this call that. Well what we do know is that the ships were actually stopped a month ago back in july but it took all this time for the Justice Department to get a federal Court Summons to actually be able to take the oil off these 4 tankers it was done says the Justice Department with the help of partners its not very clear who the Justice Department is referring to but the oil has now been moved to houston as we know and as we heard the president say that particular point now Justice Department claims that the tankers were owned or operated by the Iranian Revolutionary guard now the best of the venezuela the Iranian Ambassador to venezuela denies this fact said the tankers had no link to iran and dismisses the u. S. Claims as lies and propaganda this is what he had to say no 0. 0 north and then we know right now theres nothing planned because we havent had a request from our venezuelan friends as they are reactivating their own refineries u. S. Officials are experts in fabricating lies and carrying out shows in the media and i ask you who is the bigger victim of terrorism the u. S. Or iraq. Now there were earlier shipments to venezuela of oil back in may and in june suspected to have originated in iran but the u. S. Did not block those particular shipments to the describe as the surprise of many onlookers the fact that they have now blocked one of the shipments that they have now confiscated certainly does indicate an uptick in terms of u. S. Operations against iran and of course against venezuela. All right thank you very much mike hanna live for us there in washington and just one other perhaps related note to that story that we now know that the u. N. Security council has rejected a resolution to extend the irans. Was part of a u. S. Push to try and push that through the u. N. Security council it was widely expected that it would fail despite the fact that the draft had been watered down by the United States there was opposition to that so well bring you more news on that but of course the concern is that could lead to more tensions between the u. S. And iran particularly if the u. S. Tries to trigger the return of all u. S. Sanctions over thats not clear yet but for now the u. N. Security council has rejected that resolution to extend the iran arms embargo well in all the stories of following palestinians have protested against the u. S. Brokered agreement between israel and the United Arab Emirates hundreds gathered in occupied East Jerusalem at the last after friday prayers palestinian leaders condemned the move describing it as a betrayal demonstrators trampled on pictures of i would have these crown Prince Mohammed bin ziad and the and the rotty flag high forces in west jerusalem and has more on the protests. As an expression. Trying out this deal with israel which obviously is something that goes in contravention of the in the 2 and he had to at least publicly if not in the background policy of having a resolution in the Israeli Palestinian conflict before novelization with the arab states there was this protest at the al aqsa mosque compound there was a smaller protest as well and hebron and the south of the occupied west bank but the real pushback even come from the palestinian leadership itself saying that this is a betrayal this is a stab in the back of palestinians according to some senior officials and they say that the u. A. E. Should not have gone along with this from the u. N. Perspective what theyre saying is that they have acted in a way which has rescued the occupied west bank from the threat of imminent an extension of at least 30 percent of it and that is the that the prize that they have won from israel thats seen very differently of course in ramallah which is where the policy leadership is headquartered they see this israel gaining something very valuable merely for not having done anything not having sacrificed any land not having given any major concessions its will to the palestinians. Still ahead on the program beings president visits a gas rich region where might is going to i still see a strategic town and packing up and shutting up shop in colombia the devastating Economic Impact of one of the worlds longest lock downs. For. More unsettled weather making its way towards southeastern parts of australia weve got an area of low pressure swirling away pushing toward stans mania that will gradually right out into the tasman were going to see that bring some rather wet and windy weather for a time 8 to that east coast of New South Wales and so rather rough day as we go on through saturday but it will correct the east as we go through the day some showers long spells of writing to well a good part of New South Wales still a few showers say you notice into the southeastern corner of queensland you see a shower or 2 that for brisbane behind we have got longer spells of rain pushing towards wy perth will turn increasingly wet as we go on through the weekend and that rain will gradually notice way a little ace woods by sunday bright and fine there for South Australia a few showers down towards the southeast victoria tasmania seeing some rather wet and windy weather for a time but all the time it shouldnt be too bad and they say that temperatures just about creeping up into double figures here we have got hot weather meanwhile for japan some very high temperatures lingering here west of weather spilling out of northern parts of china through the Korean Peninsula still getting up into the mid thirtys the oppressive heat continue into the tokyo more hot weather there also for a saka. All new counting the cost. Of political plans destroyed the. Controversy of a choice to oversee left americans with coverage from the. Pump with no water. That wasnt even good. Counting the cost. We know whats happening in our region we know how to get the playfield that others can off the fires are still going on the way they held the story is what can make a difference. A combined headlines factory workers have gone on strike and tens of thousands have rallied in the heart of batteries as capital minsk in a show of anger over a brutal Police Crackdown thousands have been detained hundreds injured since protests broke out after sundays disputed election and. United states says it sees more than a 1000000 barrels of iranian fuel from 4 tankers headed to venezuela meanwhile the Un Security Council has rejected an american resolution to extend an arms embargo on iran. Palestinians are protesting against the u. S. Brokered agreement between israel and the United Arab Emirates hundreds gathered in occupied East Jerusalem at the describing it as a betrayal. Or irans foreign minister is criticize western countries for demanding political change in lebanon as a condition for providing Financial Aid to the country Mohammad Javad zarif was the latest high. Profile figure to visit by us as attention increasingly turns to recovery and reconstruction in the often off of that devastating course explosion Stephanie Decker reports from beirut. A French Navy Ship with more than 700 soldiers docks in beirut shattered port here to help rebuild a broken city. Here are these we do not know for many days there are humanitarian emergency challenges and there will be future challenges of reconstruction but there are also challenges on the political side a government capable of taking courageous decisions will be necessary and finally there are also economic challenges to get out of this crisis major reforms will be needed. Frances defense minister went on to meet the lebanese leadership the french have taken a leading role here in the off to moderate the catastrophic explosion and here at the same time the u. S. Undersecretary of state for Political Affairs together with the u. S. Ambassador to lebanon here too and clearly a very busy diplomatic day Iranian Foreign minister giving his opinion on who should choose lebanons next government model dont but do not. Believe the government and the people of lebanon should decide that other countries should not use the tragic needed situation of lebanon with those with big condition. But many here dont see their presence that way and i think this for them paul was. You know are taking advantage of this catastrophic event but that but that happened in bed with every tool or 10 days ago in order to leverage their position and lebanon and and and that egypt as well to advance their political interests i think they are too much in for one shot and setting up the political agenda in the country because you know the countrys political faction are interrelated or they have very good at nation support these foreign powers as diplomats negotiate what the next government will look like. The people of beirut are having to come to terms of whats happened to their city whats happened to their homes and for those whove lost everything just having to get through the day its volunteers that are doing most of the work here any official help is notably absent and whatever the next government may look like many people will tell you nothing will change and justice for all of this will never come Stephanie Decker al jazeera beirut. Meanwhile 3 major hospitals and half of the clinics in the lebanese capital is still not functioning hundreds of patients who need a treatment phylliss before the blast caught now get the treatment that they need but its misreports from St George Hospital from new life to near death in the blink of an eye. This is the Maternity Unit of said georges hospital in beirut was the shock wave from the port explosion hit we flew directly in london over here. On the 9th floor omar 7 year old son yuri was having chemotherapy when i woke up when i opened my eyes and he looked at u. T. At 1st i he was screaming his heart out. Had been recording the 1st explosion on his phone i dont. Im here dont be afraid omar says. Get out im scared thats your. Beauty still had his tubes stuck with him in and his entire cycle was still running at that point the very next thing i wanted to do was just put some shoes on because theres debris everywhere theres glass shards everywhere i could feel them in my feet and i was looking at u. D. C. It and he was barefoot as well and was standing on glass there were a dozen children with their families up here at the time of the explosion unfortunately one of the parents died 2 parents in the very critical case of the i. C. U. And all d in this was seen by the patients you can imagine how tough it is for the patients they have cancer they are afraid from the explosion and from the noise and they see their parents or dying or in the very particular case dr newman has 110 child Cancer Patients with his unit damaged hes been driving across lebanon trying to find space in other facilities 3 beirut hospitals are out of action and around another 25. 00 Health Facilities are not functional according to the World Health Organization theres also been a surge in corona virus and thats a particular risk for child Cancer Patients with compromised immune at. Lebanons hospitals were in a crisis before the explosion and economic collapse and a shortage of dollars has left them without cash to buy foreign medicines and pay stuff and to this day its been very difficult we try to hold it together in front of our kids but i mean even they come and speak to us about its everywhere everybodys. Its on t. V. Its everywhere so as much as we can try to shield them from this horrible nightmare that we still get our own time we we are very very. I mean its very painful. Yuri has been found a place in a different hospital to continue his chemotherapy hes getting close to the end of his treatment is prognosis is very good the cuts on his head from the explosion will soon hell Bernard Smith aljazeera beirut now the son of angolas for president josiah to order to santos has been sentenced to 5 years in prison has a filomena does santos has been found guilty of embezzlement of fraud hed been put in charge of the countrys 5000000000. 00 wealth fund jaring his fathers rule verdict was linked to a 500000000. 00 transfer that have been sent to overseas account in 2017 mozambiques president has visited the Northern Province of colorado god days after fighters linked i still seized a key port town there for the new sea vowed to create jobs in an effort to prevent young people from joining them beaks army is still trying to regain control of the port town of the prayer in the gas rich area which has been seized by armed groups 3 times already this year army tasso is following the story for us from neighboring zimbabwe she says that region leaders are under increasing pressure to be something to help mozambique. Inmate meet. To discuss the crisis and. There was no concrete one region can do to assist mozambique he does not meet again on monday and save this time then the increasing pressure to actually do some one of the expectations that one would be a. Sin from our leadership. I live or Fact Finding Mission that will be approved same tool to mozambique and this is a mix of intelligence military intelligence political economy and. Humanitarian experts trying to establish the extent and the gravity of the situation in. Another muslim because mozambiques president felipe a new visited the area affected by the violence and he promised to do more to assist people there this speculation some other countries in Southern Africa could send in troops to assist mozambiques army its happened before in the democratic republic of congo in the city and in mozambique back when a number of fighters were causing problems there most of these governments this fight is the theory a tit i saw all responsible for the violence the area in northern rich in natural gas and some projects are worth more than 60000000000. 00 is a concern for the fighting could spill over into other countries in the region similar to whats been seen currently on the continent in the region and the horn of africa now iraq has recorded 4000 new corona virus infections its highest single day increase nearly 17 deaths have also been reported a sharp rise in cases is overwhelming hospitals are already stretched by decades of conflict and sanctions a curfew has been extended in a number of cities to contain the virus which has killed more than 5 and a half hours and people. 170 s. Try that in panama pleading with authorities to go with coronavirus cases increasing across Central America or does remain closed manual reports. Stranded with no way of knowing when theyll get home some 200 nicaraguan citizens are growing desperate for panamanian immigration officials to grant them passage into coast rica and from there continue their journey back to nicaragua or get me tell you that things are getting worse here every day and were not going to solve anything by being here dying and if we do not die of coronavirus we die of hunger so we need to get out of here and they cant stand in our way at least in our country we can be with our family by. Crossing the panama coaster reka border wont be easy the worsening corona Virus Outbreak in Central America means border closures are still being enforced Panamanian Health officials have said the only way out is coordinating through the nicaraguan embassy. We explain to them in particular about the migration that is how did not just in panama but in the whole world along borders and that they have to understand that we know they have a certainty that panama is a code is country and they have been treated like human beings and by. The way complicating things further is nicaraguas policy of blocking cross border entry without proof of a negative code 900. 00 test result last month more than 500. 00 nicaraguan nationals were stuck on the coast rican border for more than 2 weeks until aid groups arrived to provide testing kits. Nicaragua has one of the regions lowest death tolls with the countrys president Daniel Ortega who rarely makes public appearances faces many criticisms over a lack of transparency in his governments containment policy why no medical professionals in the country say the government is hiding the truth scope of the Health Crisis and retaliating against any voices of dissent. That book they never gave the real bear on this and then did the ceased doctors are forbidden the. Human rights observers say nicaraguas government has downplayed a worsening Health Crisis nationwide and also failed to provide assistance to its citizens stranded beyond the countrys borders. Below al jazeera. Has registered the worst Economic Contraction in its history caused by the longest coronavirus restrictions anywhere in the world on employment has more than doubled since last year and economists say the pandemic has devastated thousands of businesses across the country erasing gains made over the past 2 decades alessandra reports now from bogota. Its the end of the line for the poise hair salon until recently a successful endeavor of hairdressers and grace in his partner but almost 5 months of coronavirus restrictions and a lack of promise government assistance left them with no other option but to close its doors. We were doing very well i sold a car and a motorcycle to further invest in the shop we built it with much effort savings and especially love its very sad to see your dreams come to an end like many other countries the pandemic a stake in a heavy toll in colombia but its hitting particularly hard in a country that has seen a steady Economic Growth for 2 decades and where more than 5000000 people had risen from poverty to enter into the middle class we are facing the most. Strongest recession that we have in the history of. Data and we are getting basically an economy. And. Its. Toll on employed in terms of firms that are just closing down. This is something that has never happened in the country before. Many shops that have reopened are struggling to get back into gear and normal times this more would be teeming with people that this time but as you can see theres barely anybody here and more than 10 percent of its shop have already closed for good others are striving to keep the doors open like even a spinner raised in a low income family through hard work he was able to open a successful restaurant in an up and coming neighborhood. With the pandemic he has reduced his staff from 16 to 4 people and theres been operating at a loss hoping things will turn around soon but hes pessimistic. I fear the country will go back to the eightys and were seeing it already with the streets emptied out and colonized by the pool as its showing us how fragile a new middle class really is this pandemic arrived and its destroying it a lot of people are falling through the cracks is it the government has announced a series of measures to deal with the crisis pumping billions into the countrys central bank and promising debt relief and economic assistance but for many it has already been too little too late to keep the lights on i was in the room. Just a quick look at the headlines now factory workers have gone on strike tens of thousands of people have rallied in the heart of batteries as capital minsk today in a show of anger over a brutal crackdown in the country around 7000 people were detained and hundreds injured since protests initially broke out after sundays disputed election at least 2000 people have now been released speaking in a video message from that the way new opposition candidates for atlanta taken off sky or called for more peaceful protests and an end to a Police Alliance and. We need to stop the violence on the streets of by the russian cities i call on the government to stop this and to come to the negotiation table i ask all town mayors to act as organizers of peaceful mass invest in each town on the 15th and 16th of august this is the use of the personal bit of what people must be told that they have the only chance to save the enterprise that feeds them only saving their factory will feed their families they can take to the streets there are thousands of them walking but there is no money or they will be paid for just 2. 00 days. The Un Security Council has rejected an american resolution to extend an arms embargo on iran which is set to expire in october this after the us said it sees more than a 1000000 barrels of iranian fuel from 4 tankers headed to venezuela President Donald Trump says the fuel is being taken to houston a major oil shipping americas impose sanctions on both venezuela and iran to deprive them of revenue from oil exports irans foreign minister is criticize western countries for demanding political change in lebanon as a condition for Financial Assistance homage odds are if is visiting beirut following last weeks deadly explosion iran banks the powerful has bhalla group which was part of the Coalition Government thats now resigned. Palestinians have protested against the u. S. Brokered agreement between israel and the United Arab Emirates hundreds gathered in occupied East Jerusalem at the al aqsa mosque after friday prayers demonstrators trampled on pictures of i would crown Prince Mohammed bin ziad and the emirates the flag 2. Counting the cost is coming up next looking at the powerful banks and politicians who destroyed lebanons economy and of course there is much more about lebanon and the aftermath of that devastating post explosion on our website including the latest protest by palestinians as well in East Jerusalem. A Global Pandemic mass protests demanding change economic recession and geopolitical tensions not to mention the small matter of a looming election join me Steve Clemons in conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u. S. Politics and society on aljazeera. Hello im daryn jordan this is counting the cost on aljazeera your look at the world of business and economics this week corrupt and bankrupt powerful banking and political clowns have destroyed lebanons economy while people cant get access to their Bank Accounts billions have been moved out of the country President Trump wants to install his own man at the bank that will oversee latin americas recovery from the pandemic but some nations are opposed to the moon

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