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A contentious election thats returned Alexander Lukashenko to power for 6 term and a race against time off the coast of volunteers work to stem the flow of oil spilling from a stricken japanese vessel. And im santa how much now have all the sports. Book the spot in the semifinals of the earth or league it with a victory over by leverkusen. As president michel aoun has accepted the resignation of his Prime Ministers government it follows mounting public anger of last weeks explosion in the capital beirut which left more than 200 people dead thousands more injured and hundreds of thousands Homeless People have been taking to the streets to voice their anger at the ruling elite as Bennett Smith now reports from bay of it. Lebanons government has finally caved in like a shot at buildings along beiruts waterfront it took an explosion of 2700. 00 tons of Ammonium Nitrate to bring down the Prime Minister and cabinet. Today we followed the will of the people to hold accountable those responsible for this disaster that has been in hiding for 7 years and their desire for real change from the corrupt destructive state state of brokerages and theft to a state of war and justice and transparency to a country that respects its people. Theyd only been in power since january sworn in to replace a Previous Administration forced out after lebanons Banking System and currency collapsed. Now they have a new crisis to add to all the others. The Justice Minister was asked if she was running away from her responsibilities was just that you cant let anyone put themselves in opposition no one wants to be in power under such circumstances when facing everything a financial collapse the current virus this National Disaster were facing so police its nothing like running from responsibility. But even the biggest explosion might not be enough to bring significant political change here. The countrys parliament an election system is controlled by a political elite the divided up power and influence after the civil war. And this crisis is not enough unfortunately for them to be convinced because most of them were the actors of the war and they do not think properly peacefully and a civilized way in order to get the people the power they want to keep the power in their hands. Many people in lebanon describe their circumstances as like being held hostage. Here and managed if the government resigned then there is hope to be able to build the country and live our lives like we want to we wanted to become a proper state we do not have a country and were not able to live in one. Of putting up with. What will our National Unity government do after just restriction blood and death we can change your many educated people who are suitable to run a country. That frustration with a government that seems to have left the cleanup operation to its citizens exploded Near Parliament on monday the. Possible names for new Prime Minister include saad hariri he held the post until january but was forced out when the Banking System collapsed its not the sort of break with the past people here are looking for and the cabinet has just resigned was dominated by the iran backed Hezbollah Group and its Allies International donors will expect to see members of the opposition in the new cabinet before they consider releasing billions of dollars in reconstruction aid Bernard Smith aljazeera beirut. Well yes mama money is a professor of Political Science at university of waterloo in canada joins me live via skype and of course when Prime Minister has took office in january the whole point was to have an independent government that would be able to enact serious systemic change is it going 1 to work this time around. Well its going to be very difficult i think you know lebanon is in a very tough spot partly because so much of the political it really leak have really tarnished their images thoroughly because of the corruption that really is endemic in the system i think what the protesters want is more than just a musical chair or a group of the names that people back into positions they really want something very organic i think bottom up and new and perhaps the only solution is to think about an Imminent Group of respected technocrats and professional lives maybe from the Diaspora Community perhaps from the Business Community again one really needs to be imagination imaginative here because the existing names are just not going to be satisfying to the protesters and to those who want to see something absolutely different than the Musical Chairs theyve been getting for years and years i suppose the problem is that even if you have individuals that are themselves intend to satisfy demands for systemic change that are completely independent and not affiliated to to any one sectarian group they would be depending on established parties in order to to try and get things done. Yeah i mean look its there is the real challenge here is what the protesters want and frankly what lebanon is not what the system is going to produce and so there is a bit of a consistency here i see that and thats a real challenge and in many ways it makes levanon and it very difficult spot it and almost very sad to watch because it cannot be continued to be addressed with the existing Political Parties the Political Parties dont act in the National Interest they dont act as brokerage partons meaning that they try to you know represent all lebanese they very much have factions and sectarian interests and theyre all really in it to just line their own pockets hence we have this enormous debt crisis that the leaders have amounted. It you mentioned the debt crisis and of course the economic implosion in lebanon has been stark hasnt been this is a country that has long had an unsustainable economic model it imports more than it exports spends far more than it receives in revenue the state is now bankrupt so how do you even begin to tackle that while managing this sort of deep political change. You know and i think that maybe this is where frankly had there been i think the kind of International Pressure on lebanon to really push for if theres going to be proper Debt Forgiveness i think lebanon needs a sovereign debt restructuring the loans cannot be paid back but that can only come frankly with the governments changes and reforms and so i think it needs to be added as a condition quite literally if the International Community is going to forgive lebanon for the billions of dollars that it will never get paid back anyways it wants to see very specific changes including this kind of technocratic government in the interim and then have a broad very much bottom up conversation about restructuring the entire political system that requires constitutional change this is not going to happen overnight and its certainly not going to be easy with the reality that lebanon is facing all that you said an Enormous Economic crisis a very fractured and political system that inherently is divided sadly even though i think theres many who need to find those horizontal linkages to make this country back to the national you know vision so many want to see thank you very much press my money professor of Political Science at university of waterloo in canada thank you thank you meanwhile the United Nations office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs has been meeting to discuss the situation in lebanon u. N. Chief antonio terraces called for a credible investigation into the cause of cheese days lost on sunday while the dozen International Organizations pledged nearly 300000000. 00 in aid it is important that the good people and so spread of the investigation of the serving the cause of the explosion and been given the belief the demanded by the lebanese people is also important that the forms of the lament the source with the rest the needs of the lebanese people for the monger. Now indian authorities of c. 740. 00 tons of Ammonium Nitrate a chemical that was a cause of the deadly blast in beirut it was stored at a freight station in a chennai city in the countrys east since 2015 it was confiscated for alleged violation of import rules media reports at least 181 tons of been moved to hyderabad and the rest is expected to follow soon youre watching news ally from london more still ahead a u. S. Court issues a summons for the Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin selman over allegations he ordered the killing of an intelligence agent. On course for a slowdown with greece turkey pushes ahead with its plans to drill in disputed waters in the Eastern Mediterranean. And englands most prolific test bowler hits back at claims about his future. Police in hong kong of made the highest profile arrests so far under a new National Security law imposed by china prodemocracy media tycoon jimmy lies been detained accused of colluding with Foreign Forces critics say its an attack on press freedom in Hong Kong Sarah Clarke reports. Police made the arrests on monday morning detaining jimmy lie at his home in cali on the founder of the prodemocracy newspaper apple daily is well known for his criticism of Chinas Communist Party hes been arrested on suspicion of foreign collusion under the National Security law imposed by china last month this morning at around 945. 00 together with our colleagues on the criminal Investigation Department and military staff we got a warrant to conduct an operation to search for evidence i wasnt the only arrest on monday 2 of life sons were also arrested more than 200. 00 police raided apple dudleys headquarters detaining Senior Executives including the tabloids chief executive officer detective search computers and interviewed staff many are shocked and horrified including myself and i think this is send out a very very negative message and of course it must have a Chilling Effect on people who want to speak out and particularly on the news media so this is a very very Disturbing Development long the National Security legislation targets acts of subversion terrorism secession and collusion with Foreign Forces the maximum penalty is life in prison critics say the legislation is being used by chinas leaders to silence the opposition and crackdown on democracy in the semi autonomous region the Hong Kong Journalists Association says its a worrying development for Media Freedom it never happened before in hong kong in reason perhaps not the case weve seen there perhaps sent in for it well cities and countries but but we never expect that that would have happened in hong kong. Happen causing direct and indirect threats through press freedom and journalist mondays arrests of the most high profile under the National Security law which was introduced just over a month the guy a number of countries have condemned the legislation including the United States United Kingdom astray and canada but the government here has defended the new law stating its crucial to restore order to a city thats been plagued by months of protests sarah clarke aljazeera hong kong. Now to Belarus Police say a protester has died after a bomb exploded in his hands during a 2nd night of antigovernment rallies thousands of people are demonstrating again in the capital men sc after early Election Results showed a landslide victory for president Alexander Lukashenko with more than 80 percent of the vote look look set to win a 6th term extending his 26 years in power all the main opposition candidate in the country is disputing the Election Results that are taken off sky it says she is gathering proof that the poll was raked. We dont agree with the Election Results we have absolutely opposite information we have official protocols from many poles the sions were a number of votes in my favor are many more times than for other candidates who are gathering proofs of falsifications we have people who are officially ready to foster vacations or pull stations so we are starting to actively work on this and right now im going to the Central Election Commission to see that we dont accept results of the elections or president lukashenko is one that he will crack down on opposition protesters who challenge the official vote results. 30 p. To around 25. 00 Police Officers have been injured they have their legs in hand they were deliberately hit so they replied why are you crying no the response will be adequate we will not allow you to tear the country apart or. Better russian journalist and political commentator he joins me live via skype from kiev what you hearing from your colleagues and friends in various contacts in belarus are police continuing to attack protesters tonight. So there is no much information coming from mens can the original because there is internet shut down and only several messenger are available we know more or less whats happening in minsk there are 610 hotspots where clashes between police older and protesters are happening the police and soldiers are use and rubber bullets attacking with the buttons of their old protestors independently of their email or mail elderly or kids there are many reports that underage guys and girls are arrested does well and harshly beaten the k g b spetznaz of a group which is like the lead to department of k. G. B. They did attack of the group of journalists today and one of them the newest is a wonder to his insurer choosing the hospital right now and we dont know yet what sort of condition unfortunately i must say that that the situation is escalating costly and its very important of course for the west community to give a clear signal to question that function stargate that sanctions will call or if the oil spill what it is that i mean is that likely to work because the country is is already so isolated from the rest of the world. Well our country. Because of the question of primarily who used to build dictatorship or in isolation who said that communism and soviet union is our greatest austin has stopped all the process of integration of brothers to europe here began relational ization the 19th it is true but there are some language and the recent education. Is now of the moment when people decided to tell him that its no good and i suppose that is that is do you think that the gap gives the International Community much much less leverage in getting him to be more restrained right now exactly and you know the diplomatic presence of western countries and others are so limited so they can do march in belarus and or there are the u. S. Ambassador who have invested there for 12 years almost so basically the information from brother is doesnt come outside and now perhaps the 1st time in but there is more than history when the world is watching brothers unfortunately its watching this the drastic dramatic scenes or people shoot shot by by police from the army and i must say that thats unique situation for below us and we are observing they feel this is a historical moment i was going to say i was just going to ask you because these are not just protests that were seeing in the capital minsk you speaking about protests taking place in dozens of cities just yesterday when are you getting exit poll results how in a view have you ever seen anything like this in belarus before. I i never saw anything like there is some more than that i couldnt imagine anything like this because brothers sons are super peaceful people they hate called that they hate scandals they dont like worse they are always disciplined we even called the russians as like Eastern European germans you know they do everything they do everything according to the rules and whats happening right now thats Popular Uprising people are and not where the lies with the propaganda of the regime and they dont associate themselves with the soviet leader who question case representative of the soviet past and people want iraq they d want modern civilization they want to open borders so i would say this is not just their allusion against the question of the female revolution because there was the leadership is for male its a liberal revolution and its also a Media Digital revolution because all the protestant and revolt so we have sort of right now it is made on all social media primarily or actually are charkha thank you very much for speaking to us appreciate it thank you so much now a u. S. Court has issued a summons against the Saudi Crown Prince in relation to former intelligence agents jobbery jobbery filed a lawsuit accusing Mohammed Bin Salman of sending a hit squad to kill him 2 years ago hes now in canada where police and private security guards are reported to be giving him increased protection some avenger of aid has more the Saudi Crown Prince is again implicated in allegations of a hit squad sent to murder a dissident former saudi intelligence agencies are the job is accusing mohamed bin salon of trying to have him killed in canada 2 years ago government and private security has been stepped up in toronto real job rees reported to be in hiding he was advisor to the previous crown prince and the saudi government has attempted to have him extradited several times a driver is launching a lawsuit in the u. S. Which says an elite team called the tiger scored tried to enter canada in october 28th in canada reportedly denied entry to bin salmonds person mercenaries. A u. S. Court has issued a summons to the sound the oil to acknowledge the Legal Proceedings against him the summons delivers the complaint to the various defendants that obligates them under our federal rules to answer within 20 days so it means that now the case is gearing up 20 days is not a long time. But i think having myself litigated many cases under the torture victims protection act that it signals that m. B. A. s will now vigorously lobby President Trump and secretary of state like pump a 0 issue whats called a letter of suggestion of immunity the alleged tiger squad attempt is reminiscent of what happened to some of the journalist emotional also in 2018 International Investigators including the cia concluded been solomon was involved in the murder of the Washington Post columnist in istanbul gabi says the murder attempt on him was within 2 weeks of which obvious killing and he has implicated the same saudis named in the Turkish Operation so i wouldnt have thought he was but its very famous person will be close to him because of genoa those model a scottish cycle who is used to be theyd all over his personal courts and the few others who are who probably have the same names and because of. And to all of the persons on our residents will be United States and that will be. Dangerous for him the u. S. President has stood by his middle eastern ally despite the cias conclusions 4 senators have written to the state department about the persecution of a job recently members in saudi arabia the department responded by calling the job a valued partner to the u. S. Government and requests have been made to the saudi government about the whereabouts of all jobbies son and daughter the saudi government hasnt issued a response this isnt say it is becoming difficult for trump to can. When you differently the next in line saudi king you can see that come a lay said. Bad behavior thats a fake now lets take it from the american side like you can see the cysts and more than that political more than america against the soldier would see it so that congress is more. Active when it comes to issues with insights on the right job he says into port addicted sound of corruption is being politically motivated prosecutors suspect the saudis will ignore the summons but Court Cases Involving yet more murder allegations dont bode well for the successor to the saudi throne on the discovery of their. Well the globe and mail is reported that Canadian Security Services have been informed of a new attempted attack on the sign morning we can speak to the papers onto a bureau chief robert 5 tell us about this new information thats come to light. Well there recently can a security became aware of what they regard as another serious attempt to kill mr el job re the increased security around the law is trauma will hold here he is located both with the r. C. M. P. And under heavily armed r. C. M. P. Officers as well as private Security Firm that mistral job reus has hired you must recall that in may of this year according to the Court Filings mr all job great the saudi prince with a crown prince was overheard talking with the monsters geddy thought it was having a fatwa issued against them to permit his assassination and this happened in saudi arabia and shortly there after going through the Court Filings there was an effort made to. Kill him again and so this seems to be if these a security sources of mine are correct latest attempt to get out to go after and kill mr l. Gentry i think theyre going to be its going to be i think theyre probably going to have to walk away from this now because of all the publicity in the United States as well as of obesity and canada it would be a really believing and when it seems as though this. Recent attack. Occurred off the north sea it was filed and often that has already been some quite a bit of publicity around its already come to peoples attention. No thats not correct there it happened before the lawsuit d was filed the lawsuit was only filed last thursday so it happened before or there and i threw the maid. In saudi arabia where the crown prince was overheard talking to his advisors about eliminating mr all genera so you you recently received this information from your sources in Canadian Security Services is that correct. I am my own sources your counter yes and im just wondering that obviously you cant disclose your sources but in conversations that youve been having with those contacts. Of do they have any direct communication with saddle jobbery. Oh yes. Subtle drug raid is it constant communications with the can you spirit Intelligence Service as well as the r. C. M. P. As well as the cia the cia has been up to canada quite a number of times to interview mr al jobbery and in fact his case has also been made at the highest levels of the Us Government not in the white house but i know for a fact that secretary of state say Michael Tom Teo has taken up his case astra has talked to the saudis about releasing mistral job raised 2 children who are held hostage in saudi arabia and have asked them to stop trying to kill this this man hes a highly valuable Intelligence Officer who has been very helpful to the United States and other western allies for example he has helped stop the terrorist attack against jewish synagogues in chicago is also being very helpful to u. S. Intelligence and letting them know what russia was doing in syria. All right well thank you for sharing more information with us about your report also a bureau chief robert 5 from the globe and mail thank you now at least 19 people have been killed after an armed group attacked several villages in the democratic republic of congo the army which has been sent to the troubled North Eastern province of teary in response fighters from the political and religious sect known as conoco slashed people with machetes chairing the raids on sunday attacks by various groups has forced more than 400000 people to flee the region since monch. French president emanuel macron is denouncing what he calls a cowardly attack which killed 8 people in southern asia 7 french ad workers in a local guide were tearing a west African Wildlife reserve near the town of curry when gunmen on motorcycles opened fire troops backed by the French Military is searching for the kill as an antiterrorism prosecutors in paris of opened an investigation into the attack still ahead for you on the program identifying systemic racism in u. S. Policing the black lives Matter Movement zooms in on facial Recognition Software. Neglected because of the war in yemen the famous ancient homes of some of those old city a damaged by weeks of flooding. And in support professional surface return to the waves for the 1st time since the corona are struck down after details a bit later. However it still haunts him most if youre far above where the average would take the temperatures but its not as hot as it was is an increasing amount of clouds there longer a capping area of High Pressure now theres a leakage of humidity certain might feel hot of the places and the research is thunderstorms around not where they were down in the Southeast Europe virtually anywhere but they could be prompted by the arabs in the Higher Ground in spain and mrs lee but those blues represent are the showers also on the storms and this slow moving just to make the summer feel like summer there are there is Something Interesting happening just north of space was the sun storms continue elsewhere this is a proper little spinning unusual for the middle of summer in the us the bay of biscay towards the breast but instead so all of western france will suddenly have windy and wet for that not cold windy and wet and a bit of a shock to the system are suspect. Jumping sas and this is the time of year to watch these clumps of thunderstorms are said before for sudden chad and suddenly they are there and theyre moving slowly westwards catching the capitals in places they would eventually believe the constant on off into the atlantic they go to be replaced in about a days time by another lot. And the disease accounts for 50 percent of only deaths of children and. Likely to receive a child didnt. Leave to. Die. 6. Was. The. About the news hour a top story lebanons president has accepted the resignation of his Prime Ministers government follows mounting public anger and days of protest over the chemical explosion which left more than 200. 00 people dead thousands more injured and the hundreds of thousands homeless in our other Top Stories Police in hong kong have made their highest profile arrests so far under a new National Security law imposed by china prodemocracy media tycoon jim eli is been detained accused of colluding with Foreign Forces several others have also been arrested. And the opposition about our roof has rejected official Election Results saying president Alexander Lukashenko is landslide victory was rigged protesters have taken to the streets for a 2nd night demanding a change of power. Volunteers and nourishes of racing against time to empty a stranded japanese ship of 2000 tonnes of oil the Prime Minister is saying the leak has stopped for now but with cracks faucet on the vessels hull he expects the ship to fall apart more than a 1000 tons of fuel has already leaked from the ballcarrier polluting coral reefs protected lagoons on the shoreline Catherine Sawyer reports. Conservationists in more issues are calling it an ecological disaster the wost in the countrys history from above the scale of the spillage is obvious. The akasha ran onto our roof a couple of kilometers offshore from the town of maple 2 weeks ago but its only in recent days that it started seeping oil into the shallow waters of the indian ocean are under 1000 tons of fuel has so far spilled the japanese caria had around 4000 tonnes on board the ships operators have apologized and vowed to help clean up the mess. Some mauritians are blaming the government for its slow response to what it calls and environmentalists state of emergency government was acting on the advice of the company on their experts without taking the best interest of the people and the best interests of of what should be done to protect our country our. Potential it was a potential. And. Thousands of volunteers have come to help all booms made from sugar cane leaves are being billed to stop further spoiling of the beaches. Are the volunteers and government workers are pumping the remaining fuel off the stricken ship to prevent further pollution. In the air no muss mauritians are coming and most to help us make the albums this booms are taken by a volunteer boat the boat men of market book have voluntarily put their boats at our disposal to go and place this all booms at sea thanks to various the booms are managing to retain the oil spilled from waukesha. Mayberg has a marine park with coral reefs mangrove forests and other endangered species as well as several tourist beaches the area safety now depends on the many helpers working to make sure that the oil doesnt spread father cathryn soy origins era or in yemen months of heavy rain and flash floods have significantly damaged the ancient wall settee of the capital sun are the rooms of hundreds of buildings in the u. S. Go World Heritage site of collapsed priyanka go up there are ports dark clouds over yemens old city of sanaa where ancient homes lined ruins parts of unesco World Heritage site has been damaged by months of heavy rain and floods the roofs of more than 100 homes have partially collapsed yemenis such as mohammad ali say they have nowhere to go there im rather much. Where i want to we call all the organizations to save us may god save us from this hell we call on everyone to save us 6 women and 6 children live in the south we dont have anywhere to go. Son are famous for its unique burnt brick towers and you metric pattons is one of the worlds oldest continuously inhabited cities many buildings were already in disrepair after years of war poverty and neglect the wait weather means minis in the port city of who they are fighting for survival rising floodwaters washed away their makeshift shelters mohamed amadou irish is one of the many who had so little have now lost everything. I get as near as the flood came up with and while we were sleeping in our homes suddenly we felt a strong flood we only took our children with us and the ones who stayed at home a swift away by the flood lifts nothing behind the war between the who these and saudi Government Forces is into its 6th year the fighting has caused the worlds worst humanitarian crisis 24000000 yemenis need aid water fuel and medicine shortages are widespread the u. N. Says yemenis are again on the brink of a major food crisis then there is a threat of the current virus which Health Workers suspect is spreading undetected with more really likely soon more of diseases such as cholera dainty on military or are feared plunker could go out to sea or turkey says its resumed Energy Exploration work in the Eastern Mediterranean sea accusing greece of not keeping its promises regarding disputed gas reserves in the region turkish Navy Announced a Research Vessel vessel is conducting seismic surveys in a disputed area between cyprus and greece for the next 2 weeks greece has called the exploration illegal and a threat to peace last month german chancellor Angela Merkel held talks with the countrys leaders to try to resolve the issue the 2 sides were reportedly on the verge of issuing a joint statement but then on thursday greece signed a maritime border agreement with egypt designating an exclusive Economic Zone between the 2 nations in the east mediterranean diplomats in greece say the agreement not a fison accord reached last year between turkey and the internationally recognized government of libya. Karna scapula didas is a Maritime Security analyst and Academy Associate at Chatham House he joins me via skype from xandra paly in greece so. How serious is the could the situation become do you see that being perhaps some sort of military escalation in the Eastern Mediterranean. We have a promotion go over of the last few hours a very high density or maybe vessels in the region we have seen photographs for at least for all that there is maybe were 5 crickets are escort the there is or its a vessel and the information we have access to that gave the green memo vessels are also you be area so it is a very bens might tonight hopefully we wont hear of any issues by the inability something the International Community should keep an eye on just give us a little more background to this dispute because we explained it there but you have obviously a number of Different Countries involved you have this agreement for an exclusive Economic Zone between egypt and greece that is struck in response to a deal that turkey made with the internationally recognized government of libya in tripoli now just just explain how how we got to this point. So they should be in the region started several years back because that is government does not recognize the right of the us the lorries are symbolic so which is a simple acts of violence very close to the south coast of turkey there is not talk of malaise of the island has a right to a continental so and to economic exclusive zone greece according to the Un Commission of the law of the sea said that those islands do hear of the drive and that is supported by several other governments so its all about defining the borders of the continental soaps and the economic exclusion zones of all the governors in their regions the specific complex the island complex is the one that is causing all these years at this moment and so turkey was fear eous when greece in egypt signed this accordion now this is why theres been you speaking about diplomatic efforts by the germans they have intervened but basically theyve not been able to resolve these tensions and i know i dont this might not be your specific area of expertise bought how could it impact on the conflict in libya then. Well we if it can have an escalation scenario what were seeing right now from doug is why hes not only International Relations gunboat diplomacy showed to ease using. Those and Research Vessels in the region in order to drive the further boost it seemed tourists in the region if theres a very world type to the situation in libya because we know that egypt is supporting of a counterpart of sorrows and it is a situation that has several meanings and we have to be very cautious in the d steps that theyre using do it because it has to be resolved in the diplomatic way out there to meet jewish back the International Law in order not to goes any further and not to have any unwanted oxidants to the region because being next maybe yours or myself i can tell you the so maybe maybe vessels insides a small Geographic Area could be very dangerous all right thank you very much connoisseur disapprove thoughts on the story now mollys Constitutional Court has sworn in 9 new judges and a bid to calm political tensions in the country the judges 6 men and 3 women took office in a ceremony attended by embattled president and bramble because over the past few months hes faced a series of protests from opposition supporters have demanded his resignation heads of government from the Economic Community of West African States held mediation talks in july and suggested the appointment of new Constitutional Court judges among other measures as well nicholas hot joins us now from dakar in senegal so will the appointment of these new judges satisfy protesters. Well thats what the chief negotiator Goodluck Jonathan the former nigerian president whos in bamako wants and wishes he was there during the swearing in ceremony of these constitutional judges so was president. Absent of course was the m 5 the the opposition protest movement they were not involved in the point of the judges nor has there been a National Unity government as recommended by the west african body nor has the 31 members of parliament in that contested election resign in fact one of them who is the president of the National Assembly was the person that appointed these constitutional judges in who is it well known other than a relative to the president its the father in law of the son of president adding fuel to the fire for the critics of the government who seek using his seat in power to gain person to gain personally from his position well this is happening in bamako miriam theres been attacks multiplication of attacks in the north in the center of the country on the weekend weve seen attacks in the region of coro and in a few weeks ago we saw the beheading of a local official in local official by. State in the greater sahara and so. During this period of time the United Nations has come out with a report again accusing the money and forces of more extrajudicial killings towards the malian population that its meant to protect more so then the armed forces and the armed groups that are involved so many people are waiting for what is going to happen tuesday tens of thousands of people are expected on the streets of public go to protest again asking for the resignation of president mubarak a top area thank you nicholas time and. More than 97000 children in the United States tested positive for kovan 1000 in the last 2 weeks of july according to a report published by the American Academy of pediatrics and Childrens Hospital Association Data showed that child cases of corona virus over that period increased by 40 percent it comes jaring back to School Season as Health Officials try to understand the effects of the virus on the younger population at least 86. 00 children have died since may according to that report meanwhile the u. S. City of chicago is ordering people coming from corona virus hotspots to quarantine for 14 days unlike many other parts of the country it succeeded in frightening the than getting the outbreak under some control john hendren has mall. Im standing in illinois and those boats behind me are in wisconsin normally thats a frontier people dont pay a lot of attention to unless youre talking about football rivalries but wisconsin has a relatively high rate of coronavirus cases in illinois has a relatively low rate so now wisconsin is one of the more than 20 states from which one must quarantine if you go to chicago so if you cross that border and you come back down the coast about an hour to chicago you have to spend 14 days in quarantine and for many people on both sides of this front here thats a nuisance. Its a good idea it can help. Bring the number of cases down. If youve been kind of quarantined with family i dont think you should be you know have to quarantine yourself for 14 days just doesnt make a lot of sense as the 3rd largest city in the u. S. Chicago attracts a lot of business and tourism travelers and it is in forcing its quarantine unlike new york city which actually has some quarantine checks at the city limits chicagos using social media so if you come on the citys radar either through Contact Tracing say or perhaps by testing positive the city will look through your social media and if theres a recent picture say from disney world in florida you will be fined in the fine start at one to 500. 00 a day and its 7000. 00. More than 2 months since the killing of george lloyd at the hands of police in the United States protests continue demonstrate is a raising awareness not just of specific incidents is of violence but of systematic racism within the police they say one of the most obvious examples is the widespread use of facial recognition systems. Explains why. When black lives matter activists take to the streets theyre clear theyre not protesting against a few bad apples in Police Departments but a system of policing that wittingly or unwittingly targets people of color and they say needs to be completely overhauled the widespread use of facial Recognition Software by Police Forces apparently unconcerned by the technologies in accuracy is a clear example of this Robert Williams was interrogated having been arrested and taken into custody by Detroit Police the day before and it soon became clear he had been mis identified a look i said not us not me he tells another payroll we see i guess this nigerian. I pick that paper up and hold it and they said this is not me and i hope you i dont think all black people look alike and then he says the computer says you study after study including a federal government report last year has shown facial Recognition Software mis identifies black native american and asian faces 10. 00 to 100. 00 times more often than white faces in understanding this technology is. Worse i didnt find people are still using it. He gets it wrong 96 percent and theres also the fact they were using this technology for over a year and a half of. Its implementation because the officers who interrogated williams mentioned a computer how to identify him we know in accurate facial Recognition Software and callous police work what to blame for his arrest but there are no nationwide records about how often people are wrongly arrested as a result of Recognition Software even though according to the American Civil Liberties union the software has been used hundreds of thousands of times by the f. B. I. For example we do know from the detroit Police Forces records that this software proven to be unreliable in identifying africanamericans is overwhelmingly used on africanamericans facial Recognition Software has been used 70 times as of june 22nd by the department in 68 of those cases the photo was of a black person taken from social media or security cameras and joy. You in new know why daddy got arrested. Because. They have my girls out there and seen that you know their 1st interaction with the police and for that to be what it was and then to their dad like im always going to wonder now how much did this affect the Civil Liberties groups are calling for by the federal and local level of the use of such software in a cedar tree is over 8 percent lack in it recently emerged from bankruptcy theres no justifiable reason that you should still be investing in this sort of. Technology when you get that money. Back in peoples lives and there is the polices use of technology that has been proven to misidentify black people is just another example of why so many have mobilized not to reform the police but to restructure policing entirely even when there are multiple empirical studies proving race discrimination in the software that is routinely used some Police Departments still reluctant to change. Aljazeera. Still ahead on the news our goal c. E. O. s major title when it makes his 1st mistake at just the right time. For. All. Time to head to santa and offals for. Thank you very much mary and well into milan became the 1st team to book the spot in this seasons European League semifinals by live a coup is in 21 to get there no matches have replaced 2 legs time because of the disruption caused by covert 19 all of the fixtures are being played in germany behind closed doors. Majesty united had a tougher time advancing guess copenhagen bruno for now and is sent them through with an extra time penalty to seal a one nail when french world cup but when plays much with is expected to leave eventis in the coming days to join David Beckhams m. L. S. Side into miami the 33 year old midfielder had a successful 3 year stint internet where he won the syria title 3 times along with the one copa italia much we previously teamed with David Becker Millen the 2 played for. England fast bowler James Anderson has denied rumors that hes about to retire from a test cricket the 38 year old is his countrys all time leading a wicket take a test with 590. 00 scalps but theres been speculation about his future whats been an underpass some of for him he took just one wickets in englands win over pakistan in the 1st test and has just 6 dismissals in his last 3 games and the long form. I want to keep problems on the ground. I think if people in the way i think this way then. The opportunity to me its already taken out my hand selected. You know from the ox im still hungry playing a game and i just want you know. That i think its restrictions made this week has been the stuff the one bad game so what was that about meits. Something thats really exciting. Well golf looks to have a new superstar in the making in only his 2nd appearance at a major championship called murray has won the u. S. P. G. A. Championship it was the 1st major to have been played since coronavirus touchdown in the sport for almost 3 months and their wishes and has. Was calling more a car was 1st mistake came long after his final shot of the plate the 23 year old american only turned pro last year but he already has his hands on his 1st major trophy for the u. S. P. G. A. Championship. Its amazing its been a life ball obviously as a little kid kind of watching everyone grow up all these professionals and this is what ive always wanted to do. Or cause achievement all the greater for the quality of his rivals in San Francisco former world number one Dustin Johnson running close. To paul casey 2 decades more cars senior emerged as his biggest threat casey posted around of 66. 00. But it still wasnt enough mark karr was born after tiger woods became a professional. Hes leading a wave of new talent intent on upsetting the old order. Los angeles born to a japanese father and chinese mother mark karr has the game and now the profile to become a global star. His final round of 64 saw him finish on 13 under par and take the title by 2 strokes. You know i feel very comfortable in this spot and when i woke up today i was like you know this is meant to be this is this is where i feel very comfortable this is where i want to be. And im not scared from and i think if i was scared from it the last year was a little bit a little different but you want to be in this position i mean the glorious shots collins hit coming down in the holes at 16 to make eagle i mean you just have to tip your cap. When he pops up on to or. Not that long ago i mean we. Those guys who were paying attention like myself knew that this was Something Special and hes proved it today a College Student 15 months ago or kawa already looks to be a class of part. Of the richardson aljazeera. 11 time wallace surfing champion kelly slater says hes frustrated that his sport has effectively being shut down by a coronavirus say that has just hosted a Charity Event at a manmade this in a kind of funny the venue is more than 100 kilometers away from the ocean you also was forced to cancel the championship its hope but sessional surfing events were always taught in the. And thats a funny back to my name in london thank you santa. The news ill see you in a couple of minutes ill have a full press and the story. Rewind returns with a new series. Of brand dates on the past about a series of documentaries think. Its just reality rewind continues with the last try secret army of the cia 675. 00 believe in the same way that the ancestors did living in the forest in the jungle and seems like theyre abandoned by everybody on aljazeera the slums of manila home to an Extraordinary Community on the front line remy a selftaught midwife. Delivering new life into some of the toughest Living Conditions in the world. In a unique 6 part series aljazeera follows the lives of the remarkable people who work and thrive in the slot on aljazeera. Aljazeera where every. Lebanons Prime Minister and government resigned over the beirut ports explosion but public fury is growing with a political system thats failed the country. Fellow i Maryam Namazie watching aljazeera life from london also coming up on the program serious concerns of press freedom in hong kong after media tycoon jimmy lie is arrested under a controversial security law. The opposition protesters back on the streets of baton rouge following a

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