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Ball also coming up us frozen Donald Trumps Campaign Account is briefly banned from tweeting or voy a coronavirus polls seem to be misinformation the same poll says been removed by facebook. Under the shadow of the Pandemic Police in argentina are also tackling a rise in crime. And 75 years after hiroshima the threat of covert 1000 forces japan to scale back ceremonies commemorating the victims. Thank you very much for joining us lebanons government has declared it 2 weeks 8 of emergency in beirut a day after a massive explosion devastated large areas of the capital at least 135 people are dead more than 5000 are injured and about 300000 have been left without a home investigations are focusing on negligence with the officials believed to be responsible under house arrest now in a harder has our report from beirut. The people of this disaster stricken city are starting to assess and comprehend the extent of the damage of a blast that was far more destructive than any explosion 11. 1 has ever seen just before sunset on tuesday highly explosive material stored at a warehouse at beirut port cause the blast sending shock waves across a city now in ruins. Almost every building has been damaged many are dead thousands are injured rescue workers work through the night and into the morning as people and bodies were feared trapped underneath the rubble so. My husband is an employee at the Electricity Company he survived but his colleagues didnt the only now moving their bodies from under the rubble this is a country already reeling from a dire economic crisis where 50 percent of the population live below the poverty line the damage spread several kilometers more than 300000 people are now displaced its people are not in a position to cope with this disaster. But the. Material losses are sad but its nothing compared to those who lost their lives this is my taxi its my livelihood and im still paying for it. Everyone has a story of survival or tragedy many are blaming those in power for the catastrophe. This was lebanons hiroshima we trusted them with our money our souls our lives and they betrayed us why are they still in power they should all resign we only have god and i have their day will come. To have lost the will how authorities are appealing for help from the International Community the state is close to bankruptcy. Its like a big earthquake hit lebanon by root this will cost billions of dollars to restore the economy will get even worse because businesses have been hit entirely in order for it to relaunch a nice new investments we will not despair some countries have started to send much needed medical supplies the Health Care System was already close to collapse hospitals have been laying off staff in recent months because of the financial crisis d and i love mr mankell we are an afflicted hospital there is no hospital as you can see hospital is closed and now we wait for our directors in order to receive instructions because we want to start the recovery workers cannot get in the hospital as you can see because its unsafe the ceiling is falling down it is a critical situation. Lebanons leaders are promising an investigation to determine who was responsible for storing Ammonium Nitrate without Safety Measures at the port for years and. We are determined to investigate and reveal what happened as soon as possible and bring those responsible to justice and punish them accordingly we will transparently announce the results of these investigations but those who hold power are being blamed for negligence incompetence and corruption people are in shock but anger is also growing out a Political Class many blame for mismanagement and being responsible for running the economy into the ground months of protests calling for a new leadership have been met by a militarized state and demands by the International Community to fight corruption especially at beirut ports in order to be eligible for Financial Aid have gone unhurt what many call a manmade disaster is the latest crisis to hit a country already on its knees so much has been lost when there was already so little. Beirut a comparison satellite images providing and others talk a perspective of the damage this picture of a sport from planet was taken in may this is how it looks now we can see structures wiped out and the knowledge section of the main dock is gone. Now the focus is also turning to the long term humanitarian impact more than 300000. 00 people have lost their homes and they would govern assess fixing the damage will cost billions of dollars medical stockpiles are depleted and some hospitals are in ruins those that are functioning have launched theyve been overwhelmed and lebanons main grain silo was destroyed at the port leaving less than a months reason. Now help is arriving Turkey Russia iran and the European Union are among those sending aid france says 2 planes are being sent with surprise as well as firefighters and medical staff french fries and iranian mccrone plants to travel to beirut on ferries scene and an iraqi delegation has met the lebanese Prime Minister has promising to send fuel and wheat lebanon imports up to 80 percent of its forms. In other world news tweets are temporarily restricted president Donald Trumps Campaign Team from tweeting on wednesday it was in response to the account sharing video of a fox news interview with trump in which he made false claims about the coronavirus being so the tweets now arrive at this space age twitter says the poles violated its rules on covert 90 misinformation and the owner must remove it before they can agree they can tweet again the campaign appears to have complied hours earlier facebook removes the same video from President Trumps main page mike hanna has more from washington. Well President Trump stated in that interview phone interview with Fox Television that children are almost immune from coburg 19 or virtually immune he said as well at a different stage now this is clearly payton falls the centers for Disease Research research the c. D. C. Says that quarter of a 1000000 children have contracted to corona virus and at least 6 have actually died of acute inflammatory situation stemming directly from coburg so this is clearly incorrect but what has got to be looked at as well as the context that President Trump has used this phrase virtually immune he has done it before in public on a number of occasions and the context is his absolute insistence that schools must open in the u. S. In their entirety he does not want Virtual Education he wants all the classes to open at the beginning of the new school year because he argues the economy cannot provide and this children are back in school freeing their parents to go to work so this is the context of these repeated false woods being made by President Trump with regard to children and covert 900. Rob pegoraro is a freelance text writer he says its notable that facebook finally took the step of removing trumps video and he believes the pandemic is playing a pawn in changing the companys approach. We have 257000 americans dead from this disease thats part of it and i think also this book this story glee over the last few years weve seen the do not want to upset to new people around the president to the extent where a very pro trumpet inaccurate news source like right art does not get banned does not get what gets a privilege spot in the this that missed out on their mobile app. And they have gotten a lot of criticism including from what if this were complete. Because tried not to go spence to the president and his support it is a business ties or is dont want to be in a place. I would assume that having a say with conspiracy theories would not make it. I dont think this is going to draw to draw too many way from facebook the complaints people have about it i was just reading both your video stream are so special the number one complaint described as not is facebook i mean to conservatives are not just is definitely true that some of the same people in that House Committee hearing who cusack her and the other executives of being biased against republican voices will have another talking point even though actual evidence of that bias i havent seen it trump seems to have done very well using facebook as a megaphone is certainly has an immensely large audience. And u. S. President donald trump has again claimed that main postal voting in november as election is open to widespread fraud as a statement his repeated over the last few months as his Approval Rating slide over his handling of the Coronavirus Crisis shabba town t. V. Whats. For months President Trump has alleged a mail in voting is open to fraud so it came as a surprise on tuesday when the president tweeted this in florida are encourage all to request a ballot and vote by mail the same day his administration filed suit against the state of nevada for its clients to send mail and ballots to voters due to the pandemic the white house insists theres no contradiction in florida voters must request a mail in ballot whereas in nevada all active registered voters will be sent one automatically anyway the president says floridas Republican Leadership just runs things better florida is a very well run state low taxes low everything theyve done a great job really a great job and the 2 governors between the both of them theyve really got a great system of absentee ballots and even they even in the case of mail in ballots what is true is that florida is key to dont trump chances of reelection its also true that although a higher turnout often favors democrats there is more and more evidence that the president s attacks on the integrity of ballots are backfiring Florida Republicans usually dont win 8 mail in voting however as of july the democrats have an almost 600000 advantage in mail in ballot applications across the Country Republican Party officials fear increasing suspicion among its base about absentee ballots may be disastrous particularly among elderly voters who may be reluctant to go to a polling station during a pandemic and those in rural areas many of whom have long voted by mail anyway multiple studies carried out by organizations across political ideologies have found barely any instances of fraud in voting by mail because of the multiple safeguards in place theres very little evidence to suggest that this strategy of mailing ballots to registered and active posters is going to. Any sort of voter fraud. Voter fraud that is associated with mail in elections is now in a school and it is about what you would expect in any kind of election postal does have its problems for example this week in new york partly as a result of 10 times the normal number of mail in ballots the outcome of 2 primary elections was only decided 6 weeks after polling day and looking ahead to the general election in november its widely expected that unprecedented mail in voting will mean the result may not be decided on the merits unless theres a landslide both parties could patiently wait for the final declaration of the winner once the votes are counted but in a year is tumultuous as 20 twentieths there is a suspicion that any uncertainty could lead to the integrity of the entire election process being questioned well before President Trump has already indicated he will sue in court if he feels there are any irregularities some wonder if hes already laying the groundwork for potential litigation by making the case now that mail in voting is floored. Me because absentee. For whatever reason it. Is not young life and he. And tweets like this suggest the president is in no mood to concede share returned see aljazeera the counting of votes is underway in sri lanka after wednesdays bottom entry election turnout was down the election had to be delayed twice because of a coronavirus pandemic president got a bio rajapaksa bodies helping to get a 2 thirds majority so that he can change the constitution. Still ahead on aljazeera colombias former president gets more bad news just a day after he was placed under house arrest over an investigation into witness tampering and dress for success the fashion designers looking to diversity to the rock. Hello once again we still have some very heavy showers just around the western side of yemen lots of clouds still showing up here but elsewhere across the middle east this business as usual in dusty weather that dust and sand certainly a possibility with a keen wind blowing as we go through thursday and on into friday 48 celsius in kuwait 46 in baghdad in the civil temperature here in doha we want to show is just around the southern end of the red sea then into western yemen just into the far south west of saudi arabia and those showers there into eritrea stretch across a good part of the make in the way across south sudan southern parts of sudan also saved some lives showers some pretty wet weather too just making its way across chad and heading over towards nigeria big downpours coming in here then the likelihood of some localized flooding further flash flooding a possibility into south sudan as we go on through the next couple of days as showers really never too far away know the president got a group of Congress Also seeing some heavy showers but to the south of that it is generally dry until you get into the southern cape of south africa still a fair bit of cloud rolling through here some rather cold air in the forecast 14 celsius and wet weather there for Port Elizabeth and turning cooler for johannesburg by friday. Kidnappings and murders in crimea says russias forced an accession of the black sea financial. I dont understand why the ski. School of crimea into tongs have been arrested tortured and killed. Most believe by Russian Security forces. Crimea russias dark secret on aljazeera. The arab. Muslim backed this is aljazeera im fully back to do a reminder of our top stories levanon scabbing it has declared a 2 week state of emergency in beirut following chooses devastating explosion at least 135 people are dead more than 5000 injured and about 300000 have been left without homes authorities are blaming vast stores of highly explosive Ammonium Nitrate which they say were kept at the border in unsafe conditions for years several officials are now under house arrest in connection with the blasts. And twitter temporarily restricted president Donald Trumps Campaign Team account on wednesday it was in response to the account sharing video of trump making false claims about coronavirus hours earlier facebook removed the same video from the president s main page. Former colombian president has tested positive for coverage 19 just a day after the countrys Supreme Court ordered him to be put under house arrest has been detained or allegations of witness tampering and fraud which he denies. Reports from bogota. Was the 2nd day of startling news for former president. Just as he prepares to begin home detention and me the witness tampering investigation he announced he tested positive for covert 19 but for many colombians hes undeserving of any sympathy. Like Jacqueline Christie you know who considers him responsible for the death of his brother jaime a decade ago or doris day who lost her son the same way there are 2 of thousands of men that were abducted and murdered by soldiers during his administration then declared rebel combatants to boost war statistics and justify us a scandal known as false positives they havent presented this year the courts decision gave us great joy we know its not about the false positives yet but we think its a great step forward we thought it was out of reach i think it will open the way to the continuation of other investigations into all the other things we know hes implicated in the been a towering figure in colombian politics for the last 2 decades and has been investigated for ties to drug traffickers paramilitary groups and illegal spying dozens of his government appointed close allies and even family members have been found guilty of a number of crimes and feel himself has always managed to avoid prosecution. Millions of colombians support him and believe he is the victim of a conspiracy of the left in response to the Supreme Court decision his party is calling for a Constitutional Assembly to change the countrys justice system. Let the courts this is an is totally arbitrary and a step in the face to the immense majority of colombians who believe you rob is honest and demonstrates the columbias justice is politic ised and not impartial. But political analyst arlene ticknor says the fact that the court went on to detain this spite incredible pressure against it is unusual beauty of a case is unprecedented in terms of the level of the politician involved and so i believe that if indeed convicted this will set a tremendous precedent in terms of future investigations of high level politicians in colombia. Jacqueline in dorrys say theyre not interested in retribution theyre just hope that after more than a decade the decision to put their house arrest could become a turning point in the search for justice and truth at least in the room. 4 months of corn teen then take a quarantine right in an economic crisis have left many in argentina feeling insecure the situation has been worsened by a rise in crime to report on how the government is sucking the situation. Security personnel on the ground in winter sightings their target is a Drug Trafficking ring involved in armed robberies. The operation is money toward by the provinces security minister said. He sell a tent in cornell in the army a surgeon and a lawyer he says the only way of stopping when a site is going out of control is to be on the ground every day. We accompanied him on one of more than 40 Security Operations that take place every day in this province of 12000000 people. Who want to save the province of buenos aires is going through a pandemic is the region as a virus but we already had other intimate problems like in security its getting deeper and we need to approach it with all sorts of policies and. The rate is not an easy one members of the group try to escape and shots are fired as great. Barrier when high poverty rates and working security has been on the right and major challenge for the government is keeping the situation in this country under control. The police searched the homes of the suspects for drugs and guns children are terrified. Poverty has been on the rise in recent years but says the pandemic began the situation has deteriorated even further the government has increased cash and food handouts but it seems much more needs to be done. Better he says the situation can be compared to the 2001 crisis when argentina defaulted on its sovereign debt. Even though looting and riots are under control for now inequality. Been on the rice. In a crime were seeing now is younger people involved in criminal activities people with no criminal background its more disorganized the crisis that is coming its worse than 2001 because its deeper and sharper but were trying to control it. For people are detained on drugs confiscated but with more secure repression and on the ground human rights activists say abuse has increased. Were seeing cases of abuse all around the country with Different Levels of violence abuse from the police and provincial and federal forces this is not new but it reaffirms that these are not isolated cases and there is a structural problem. Argentina struggling to contain the spread of covert 19 and hes coping with an economic crisis the challenge is to prevent the situation from spiraling out of control once again. That is how will win of societies. Cases of the virus is surging across latin america that includes peru where there are also growing concerns about the disappearance of women and girls a peruvian womens rights official says more than 900. 00 were reported missing between the start of the lockdown in mid march through until the end of june. Australias Prime Minister Scott Morrison says unemployment could reach 10 percent as a country deals with the economic fallout of the pandemic the 2nd biggest city of melbourne is in a 6 week knock down after a spike in cases military personnel have been deployed to help enforce isolation orders a state of victoria which includes melbourne reported 471 new infections in the past 24 hours scotland has imposed a knock down on its 3rd biggest city aberdeen 1st minister Nicola Sturgeon has ordered all hospitality venues to close and visitors to stay away a bar. In the city center is sought to be linked to a new class so a 54 corona virus cases the Scottish Government says extreme caution is necessary in the city of 2 100000. The United Nations says more than 50000 people have been affected by flooding in sudan thousands of homes are damaged and the interior minister says at least 5 people are dead a dam in Blue Nile State births last week because of tarantula down orders and more bad weather is on the way survivors of the worlds 1st atomic attack have been marking 75 years since a bomb was dropped on hiroshima in japan it was a scaled back ceremony because of covert 19 about 140000 people were killed after u. S. Forces dropped the bomb in the final stages of world war 2 jacobs works with the Hiroshima Peace Institute he says the threat from Nuclear Weapons is still high. Well theres several overall legacies obviously interpersonal the the legacy is harm that was done to people loss of family members destruction of families loss of wealth so here in hiroshima the legacy is personal and some of the commemoration is very much about people and ancestors but for us as a society the legacy is that we moved forward from here roshumba into a world full of Nuclear Weapons in which we all faced risk from nuclear war so as you know there is a treaty on the prohibition of Nuclear Weapons that is moving through the United Nations mechanisms and this is to address the fact that 75 years later we all still face risk and threat from these weapons so thats one of the primary legacies for those of us who dont have a familial connection or a Community Connection to these attacks it is easy to forget that and actually there have been over 2000 Nuclear Weapons tested since 1905 we think of the cold war as a period of time in which Nuclear Weapons were not used but statistically a Nuclear Weapon was being detonated every 8. 6 days during the cold war millions of people were exposed to fall out and its pertinent that you mention the court case with the black rain survivors those are people who are outside of the city so they werent affected by the blast or the heat of the radiation but they were affected by the radioactive fallout. And the wave of renewed protests against racism and Police Brutality in the u. S. This year has force in Thai Industries to reflect on how they treat and portray my noise this is especially the case for fashion houses which are under more pressure than ever to embrace greater diversity crossing jordan reports. The reality is sometimes that. Garson couture is a fashion house based in new york and miami the word of 2 college classmates who want to offer men more than the usual black tuxedoes their Business Plan dont wait for the end history to welcome them with open arms you know we want to be going to step in and were going to also weve got to make sure we do it. Well and pure accidents. Gospel couture is responding to a very real problem in fashion its lack of diversity beyond the runway black models designers and business professionals have long complained theyre under represented in the Business Survey say they make up less than 10 percent of the workforce. It doesnt matter what they sign and you know madam a. I dont know that. It was a precedent that those. Bridges littles people this isnt the 1st time brands have been accused of being myopic companies such as prada and gucci faced backlash for selling clothes with offensive imagery in 2019 the calcium of fashion designers of america unveiled an initiative to address the industrys problems with hiring and promoting black designers see f. T. s schools improved mentoring business Networking Education and leadership training. Some brands like dior have embraced diversity but others have yet to move beyond a social media. Now they. And in the wake of the killing of george ford and of global protests against racism industry veteran say the time is now for action everyone is bad. In that the only looking at yourself and your peers who look like you are in value in your midst and. Deliberate sanchez is optimistic but hes not waiting around who want to make sure that the same goals are applied every quarter we want to make sure that this isnt getting still and these actions so schooling are available to us pushing fashion to make good on its promises to change with the times roslyn jordan aljazeera. Hello again im fully back to bill with the headlines on aljazeera lebanons cabinet has declared a 2 week state of emergency in the capital beirut following tuesdays devastating explosion and hes a 135 people are dead more than 5000 injured and i bought 300000 have been left without homes authorities have blamed vast stores of highly explosive Ammonium Nitrate which they say were kept at the 49 safe conditions for years several officials and now under house arrest in connection with that blast twitter temporarily restricted president Donald Trumps Campaign Team account on wednesday it was in response to the account sharing video of trump making false claims about the coronavirus hours earlier facebook remove the same video from the president s main page mike hanna has more from washington. Well President Trump stated in that interview phone interview with Fox Television that children are almost in new from. 1000 all virtually immune he said as well at a different stage now this is clearly an peyton to the polls the centers for. Disease Research Research the c. D. C. Says that some quarter of a 1000000 children have contracted to corona virus and at least 6 have actually died of an acute inflammatory situation stemming directly from coburg so this is clearly incorrect the counting of votes is underway in sri lanka after wednesdays parliamentary election turnout was down the election had to be delayed twice because of the pandemic present go to by a rajapakse has parties hoping to get a 2 thirds majority so that they can change the constitution they coronavirus pandemics is killing one person in the world every 15 seconds thats according to a tally by which is news agency the number of recorded global deaths has surpassed 700000 latin america remains the epicenter with brazil and mexico driving the surge in new cases and fatalities and this accelerating in peru where concern is also growing about the disappearance of women and girls a peruvian womens rights official says more than 900 where reported missing between the start of the lockdown in mid march until the end of june you have to say with the headlines coming up next on aljazeera witness. The iraqis grow out of the water we met with her in 2017 people in power are investigating why trinidad and tobago became a ripe recruiting grounds for isis. People feel as though there is no hope. In 2020 we return to uncover the fate of those who left their homeland to join conflicts in iraq and syria. Caribbean to caliph it gives you no

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