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A half 1000 dollars if they break home isolationalist. Several people are killed in flooding and landslides in the region surrounding south Koreas Capital plus. My sons death cannot be. On the u. S. Judge making a plea that better prison protection of those after his son was murdered. U. S. President donald trump has publicly rebuked the head of the White House Coronavirus task force hes accused dr debra books of hurting his administration after she said the spread of coded 19 throughout america marks a new phase in the pandemic reynolds reports. Dr Deborah Burke says one of the most prominent experts supposedly advising President Donald Trump over the coronavirus pandemic but trump lashed out at burkes on monday calling her pathetic and suggesting that she was out to do him political damage burke said warned in an interview that the outbreak had entered a new stage and the virus was extraordinarily widespread in the u. S. In a White House Press Conference Trump seemed to backtrack should person have allowed. Respect for so far the virus has infected more than 4000000 700000 people in the u. S. And killed more than 155000 the centers for Disease Control forecasts 20000 additional deaths by late this month trump once again hailed his administrations response the United States has done an amazing job and great job meanwhile teacher protests continue to grow against schools fully reopening next month something trump continues to strongly support and negotiations stalled over extending an economic lifeline to 30000000. 00 unemployed us workers as white house negotiators met with Democratic Leaders on capitol hill the sticking points include the democrats desire to continue Unemployment Benefits of 600. 00 a week republicans say thats too generous and proposed 200. 00 a week instead democrats also want to allocate a trillion dollars to states and cities hit hard by revenue shortfalls resulting from the pandemic trying to dismiss the idea they want to bail out cities and states that have done a bad job over a long period of time nothing to do with coronavirus with china virus or whatever you want to call it they want to bail out cities and states and what bailout money trump has been talking about signing an executive order extending Unemployment Benefits and banning vixens but so far he has not acted robert oulds aljazeera. What with several countries right seem to develop a covert 19 vaccine the World Health Organization is downplaying expectations its head says there may never be a Silver Bullet that eradicates the virus and that testing and containment best defense the u. K. Meanwhile has Just Announced tests that can provide a result within 90 minutes some a gaggle has more from london. The technology is fast moving from next week testing for corona virus in the u. K. Will be easier than ever less invasive with no need for a Health Professional to administer them 5800000 on the spot test will be using d. N. A. Alongside 450000. 00 swap samples and rather than the current 1. 00 to 2. 00 day wait the results are known within an hour and a half we can expand Testing Capacity further and into settings where for instance in schools we have currently we have survey testing so we have some testing that would be able to be expanded but also looking at looking across the community where we want to test people who dont have symptoms to find out where the virus is the testing system itself is complex and reliant on multiple supply chains to source the products but its hoped that it could open up a new phase in testing across the country these tests could signify a Game Changing moment not only will they be able to be carried out by practically anyone but they can also detect seasonal flu meanwhile those behind the testing say that controls are being put in place so they can avoid any false negatives britain had come under severe criticism at the start of the pandemic the government was blamed for being too slow to go into lockdown to lax testing and had failed to get a successful track and trace system up and running and despite promising leads in its bid to find a vaccine recent regional surges in the u. K. And the rest of europe are warning that the pandemic is nowhere near over the reason or Silver Bullet at the moment and then might never be for now stopping out bricks comes down to the basics of possibly coal and this is gone through him. Testing. And treating patients and tracey and quarantining their contacts their message more or less the same as it was at the start of the pandemic the basic prevention measures are as crucial as ever as governments try to stamp out rising infection rates to avoid the full lock downs that have crippled economies around the world so did i ever aljazeera london. In the philippines tough new lockdown rules have been reimposed in the capital manila and surrounding regions some businesses and public transport have been shot and people now need special passes to leave their homes more than 3200 new infections were confirmed across the country on monday. And the australian state of victoria is introducing a 3 and a half 1000. 00 fine for anyone breaching code 19 isolation orders its one of a number of measures to reduce infection rates Melbourne Australia 2nd largest city is subject to a nightly curfew and nonessential businesses have been ordered to close daily cases reached a high of 700 last week nicola gage has the latest from sydney. This really does show that the state of victoria is ramping up its efforts to make sure that people do it stay inside their horns and a wife from each other because they need to reduce the number of Community Transmissions of these pirates to bring those numbers down and thats just not happening at the moment we have had new figures come out for monday which shows that more than 400 new cases have been recorded die off to die we have a new cases in the triple digits and that is why the premier Daniel Andrews has brought in tighter restrictions and penalties for people doing the wrong thing one of the big problems is that many people who have tested positive to this bar as has no its been oscillating about one 3rd of people who have kopechne on pain it wont harm the premiers says when all 30 feet go to check on them and now they will be facing much higher penalties to make sure they are doing the right thing and also on top of that they will be more than 500. 00 extra strongly in Defense Force personnel on the streets to make sure that people are buying the new restrictions in rural flooding and landslides in south korea have left at least 13 people dead and forced up to 2000 more from their homes much of the damage is in regions surrounding the capital and central parts of the country more rain is forecast bright has more from pa north west of the capital so. The my would we have a brief respite from the rains they have very slightly but they are forecast tuesday afternoon to have more to rancho rains are forecast to be between 50 millimeters to 100. 00 millimeters per hour the interior of the south korea is very hilly very mountainous terrain and since the weekend weve had these torrential rains that have been causing all sorts of problems with flash floods and also slides and mudslides and sadly the victims who have died or people who are still missing have been caught in some of those mudslides its all being fed and made worse by the fact that we have this a typhoon had jupiter working its way through china it is downgraded or going to be downgraded to a Tropical Storm but it is still feeding moisture into this weather system that stubbornly remain straddled across the Korean Peninsula with more rain forecast for basically the rest of this week. The former king of spain juan carlos is reported to have left the country after corruption allegations surfaced against him in a letter published on monday he said hes moving have a c. S. But didnt say where shall the balance reports. Spains former King Juan Carlos no way to be seen as investigations continue into his involvement in a rail contract in saudi arabia and an alleged 100000000. 00 gift from the late saudi King Abdullah spains one house published one carlos his decision to leave the country in it he tells his son King Philippe his departure is necessary due to public repercussions from susan past events in his private life the announcement live spaniard stunned and divided are you happy to see must be the concept of innocence before being held guilty and i only narrow it out of this is that its better that he just goes he hasnt been given a very good image of spain but not by a fair had banished by the fact that we think its terrible because this person has done a lot for spain. With his dark and Bright Moments but he has done more good than harm. One carlos is created with helping spain peacefully restore democracy after the death of dictator Francisco Franco in 1975 but he was tanishq by scandals including electricity ferry trip which involved shooting elephants during springs economic crisis in 20122 years later he abdicated in favor of his son felipe a newly gumby fuel a fuel issue you know him but my only ambition was and always will be to contribute to the welfare progress and liberty of all spanish people i want the best for spain to whom ive dedicated my entire life and who service ive given all my a bit see my hopes and my efforts. That stooping down hasnt stopped corruption allegations from 3 singing the panelists is education also meant he lost immunity from prosecution right given to spains head of state one can see the investigation is can contact him if needed shelob dallas. Pakistans Prime Minister imran khan has told our jazeera his country played an Important Role in diffusing tensions between saudi arabia and iran he said islamabad prevented a military escalation from taking place in the gulf region he also spoke about last years border skirmish with india new delhis decision to revoke indian administered kashmir is autonomy for the Indian Government rather than. Asking us for an explanation or watering proofs trying to prove that pakistan was involved this sent the jets and bombed us were in the air and we had to retaliate one of the indian jets was brought down in pakistan. We returned the pilot because pakistan does not want an escalation and i repeat do Nuclear Armed countries you can order of food and escalation because you do not know once even a small skirmish starts you dont know where it will end up and thats why we tried our best to tell the indians lets resolve this issue on the table we are willing to talk to them but that was only till 5th august last year but its been almost a year since new delhi stripped indian administered kashmir that special status and place the whole region under lockdown as a result a curfew has been imposed in the area to prevent any protests on the 1st anniversary on wednesday officials have also banned Mass Gatherings because of the pandemic. Break here now to see about when we come back back in business Zimbabwe Stock Exchange reopens giving some hope for the economy revive plus. Comes got heiler in caracas thailand where a mass shooting here earlier in the year has raised concerns about this countrys going culture and with growing number of weapons in civilian hands. And are them all hot and dry weather throughout much of the middle east fairly dusty as well the winds have picked up again of the last couple of days and still plenty of cloud across the far west of saudi and down across into Western Areas of yemen weve had for the of course in sana in the last few days you could see some more this rain is very persistent at times is also very heavy youll also see the blowing sand and dust the winds quite strong coming from the north coming through the interior of iraq so temperatures once again on the high side 49 celsius in kuwait 46 in doha and cheese day and again quite hazy conditions without sundin just being picked up in the draw the strong winds the winds are stronger on wednesday be feeling a bit humid as well thats how much a coming down and to 44 and still staying in the mid to high fortys across much of iraq and down across into q. E. Then down into Southern Africa has seen an increase in the rains across Central Regions of the last few days and certainly through tuesday some heavy downpours late in the day to northern sections of the democratic republic of congo and all the while showers continuing read on the east coast as a tanzania and across into kenya up to will somalia and it is staying cool and showery across much of south africa as well this time much as important as the really have come down and its going to stay gritty quite unsettled for the next few days how much is at best in the low teens celsius. They came from the countryside to cairo and became part of ive been a life. They say this job is different from be in the dorman aljazeera world meets the man has been keeping a close eye on residential life in the big cities for decades but who may now be passing into history. Will see for movies that he wasnt dormant but hes now managed by a Security Company the doman of egypt on aljazeera. Welcome back a quick recap of the top stories here this hour u. S. President donald trump was publicly rebuked the leader of the White House Coronavirus task force that used to get the books of hurting his administration after she said the rockets were to cope with 19 of us represented a new phase and im going to. Be straight in state of victoria is introducing a 3 and a half 1000 dollars fine for people who breach code 19 isolation daily cases reached a high of 700 last week. And flooding and landslides in south korea have left at least 12 people dead and forced up to 2000 more homes much of the damage is in the region surrounding seoul and central parts of the country more rain is being for cost. Hundreds of prisoners are on the run after gunmen the fully acted with i still early a storm of prison in the afghan city of jalalabad under schapelle reports. Afghan Security Forces spent much of monday waiting for the right opportunity to assault eisel gunmen who had taken over the prison in jalalabad and important needed attack it was taken over on sunday and hundreds of myself fighters set free. In the battle to retake the facility more than 30 were killed including prisoners and Prison Guards soldiers and civilians one of the 10 attackers died their bodies were laid out for the media by the provincial police i saw remains dangerous in these parts and most of its captured fighters in the east of afghanistan or in this facility territorially it is in retreat it was never up to it never held. Huge tracks of land but it did hold significant districts in the east of the country and a combined fight between Afghan Government forces including civilian. Forces raced from the civilians in the local area u. S. Air strikes us on the ground and the taliban basically cleared it out of much of eastern afghanistan and elsewhere it only ever held pockets bodies of 2 taliban prisoners were also found apparently killed by i so fighters. These scenes are in stark contrast to the rest of the country as a rare truce was observed between the taliban and Afghan Government for the ied holiday heaven expect to return to talks by the 2 sides enter chapelle aljazeera. After a break for the muslim festival of need protesters in mali have once again been out calling on the president to resign the countrys been paralyzed by demonstrations for weeks regional mediators and threatened sanctions if their recommendations are implemented by the end of the week because reports. An employed angry jealous says his circumstances have got really bad to worse in the 7 years since president a decade to power accompanied by other protesters he forces the mayor of cook in 5 to shut down the neighborhood town hall back on the streets they disrupt traffic only caters resignation could bring this Civil Disobedience Movement to it at this hour with the struggle continues we want the regime to present longer credible respect of the law was probably an entourage and not for the people of mali. Well the testers took a 10 day break for the most infested easy to the west african body echo was attempted to mediate and lead to the political crisis but few of its recommendations have come into effect so far no independent investigations was launched into the death of protesters after Security Forces used live rounds on demonstrations in early july while president named 6 new ministers theres still no National Unity government judges of the Constitutional Court and 31 really party m. P. Recently elected in contested parliamentary elections refused to resign among them from the region of coro cinnabar. It is not a role to ask elected m. P. s to resign there are other solutions to the crisis there is no roadmap set out to follow if we were to resign. Leaders of the protest movement known as the m 5 say the west african mediation effort is failing to address their demands including the resignation of president personally they say we can only change a president through elections but what about the people what about their desire for Good Governance to fight against corruption and social justice their recommendations are just about protecting the president not the people meanwhile on sunday and alqaeda affiliate ambushed and killed several 1000000 soldiers and in another incident a graphic video released by eiseley philly 8 its leader is seen beheading a local elected official while attacks by armed groups are multiplying in the north pressure against the president in bamako is mounting it was hawking al jazeera. The latest round of talks over ethiopia as contentious new hydroelectric dam ended without a breakthrough Ethiopian Government says the 5000000000. 00 project will boost its economy but egypt downstream on the river nile are worried about reduced Water Supplies more talks a plan for thursday one of the big sticking points is how much water ethiopia would release if theres a long drought. Trading has resumed on zimbabwes stock market after it was halted in june to help stabilize the nations currency but people are facing their worst financial crisis in more than a decade and tensions are rising. From harare. After weeks of uncertainty and inconvenience for investors trading on Zimbabwe Stock Exchange resumes Stock Brokers say the 1st day back went relatively while most people were just watching to see what was going to happen so thats why he said it was a good day there wasnt panic selling other people were thinking sprint cup and the government suspended trading at the end of june to try and stabilize the zimbabwe dollar government leaders suspected some individuals and companies were moving money out of the country causing shortages in foreign currency and fueling the black market 3 Companies Including old mutual which is listed on the london Stock Exchange arent allowed to trade until they meet certain requirements when Robert Mugabe was removed from power in a coup 3 years ago president promised reforms for critics say hes failing to turn around the economy and on human rights arrests and abuses are on the increase last friday streets in the capital harare with largely deserted and businesses shut as Security Forces stop protests against a poor economy and corruption from going ahead human rights lawyers say dozens of people were arrested somewhere abducted and disappeared for a couple of hours some for more than 2 days in them there were little sarin to the police one of them who was disappeared for more time was actually just dumped somewhere close to his home and when he was. Released or when he reappeared he were severely tortured. Yes and Opposition Leader jacob got it with me and a freelance journalist hopeless in going to remain in detention a key said easing social media to incite antigovernment protests as well the salaries continue to be eroded by rising inflation now an 800 percent opposition groups are threatening more demonstrations as a country shows no obvious sign of recovery how do we toss an aljazeera. Or us judge whose son was killed by a gunman is calling for Better Privacy laws for those who serve on the bench investigators believe esther solace and her family were targeted because of her position she have a chance in reports last month amount dressed as a career pulled up judge esther Services House in new jersey silas was tidying up with her son following his 20th birthday celebrations the day before then and i went downstairs to the basement and we were chatting as we always do and daniel said mom lets keep talking i love talking to you. And it was that exact moment that the doorbell rang and going and looked at me and said chris that and before i could say a word he sprinted up stairs within seconds. I heard the sound of bullets and someone scream no i later learned. That. This monster who had a fed ex package in his hand opened fire a daniel being daniel protected his father and it took this years 1st put. So regularly to the test the gunman then shot judge silass husband multiple times hes recovering in hospital however the target is believed to have been judged us the alleged gunman 72 year old attorney roy den hollander described himself as an empty feminist last summer here appeared before judge silas who he later described as a quote lazy and incompetent latina judge appointed by obama and quote hollander was found dead in his car in new york the day after he killed silas a son Authorities Say he shot himself in addition hollander had a list of what i thought to be other potential targets including several female judges john seiler says shes speaking up to protect other judges and their families we know that our job requires us to make tough calls. And some sometimes those calls can lead people angry and upset and fortunately for my family the threat was real and the free flow of information from the internet allowed this sick and deprived human being to find all our personal information and target us my sons that cannot be and. However this is a time when all of our personal information has been commodified as never before and josiah says she accepts change will be complicated but she ends the dialogue should begin shared hansie out 0 new york. Hurricane is a has made landfall in the u. S. State of North Carolina after gaining strength again its expected to bring dangerous winds and devastating floods its already cause Power Outages for thousands of people in north and South Carolina they say traveled north from florida where it would heavy rain and flooding on the weekend. U. S. Investigators say a raging wildfire in Southern California was largely sparked by the exhaust of a diesel truck nearly 8000. 00 residents were evacuated since the fire started out on friday firefighters are still struggling to contain the blaze no casualties have been reported since thailand has a fervent gun culture thats been compared to that of the United States but the mass shooting deaths of 29 people earlier this year prompted new questions about the need for reform scott hide the reports now from corrupt. It was thailands worst mass shooting after killing his Commanding Officer an active duty soldier went on a shooting spree in the northeastern city of caracas in early february it took police over 16 hours to bring the rampage to an end before the soldier was shot and killed in the Shopping Mall 29 people were dead dozens wounded. Was riding his motorcycle near the mall when he saw someone injured in bleeding. And once i saw him i just wanted to help him i didnt even think past shooting going on about deacon was then shot several times and spent 3 months in intensive care he never like guns before and now has a message for gun Enthusiasts Community in the days when mistakes happen it can change someones life they should not thanks its cold. But gee about the cons of view of guns is uncommon in thailand according to the Small Arms Survey thailand tops the list for gun ownership in all of asia 15 out of every 100 people here own a firearm thats more than 10000000 weapons but about 4000000 of them are unregistered while the deadly shooting here in karate is viewed by some criminologist as a copycat to previous Mass Shootings it has elevated concern over the gun culture here in thailand where it just in guns is it fueled by the perception of control power and status. Some see thailands gun culture tied to popular hobbies and trends and missionary influenced by u. S. Troops stationed here during the vietnam war but political instability is also a factor. Of politics play a big part of gun culture in thailand the political situation here is not stable and people have been living under different regimes so people trying to preserve their power to do that they feel they need firearms especially timely. With tie us some good is the editor of a gun magazine and a gun range owner he doesnt think theres a correlation between the number of weapons and the amount of gun crime but is worried about illegal weapons in untrained hands. Its about the state of our society the state of our economy or influences from social media that people see mass shooting in america and copy the behavior. Many thais feel that if weapons remain as easy to get as they are now there could very well be more vigils held for those killed by guns scotter al jazeera karate thailand. Time for a quick check of the headlines here on aljazeera u. S. President donald trump has publicly rebuked the leader of the White House Coronavirus task force it used dr deborah books of hurting his administration after she said the rapid spread of covered 9000 in the us represented a new phase in the pandemic dr brooks made the remarks of the Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she lost confidence in her trump tweeted that dr butts had taken the bait still the i think were doing very well i told dr brooks i think were doing very well she was in my office a little while ago should person have a lot of respect for i think nancy pelosi is treated her very badly very very badly very nasty and im just referring to the fact that i thought that really they should say the job weve done whether its on ventilators or testing weve tested now over 60000000 people no other countries even close to that weve tested 60000000 people with great in many cases about 50 percent now rapid fire burning 5 to 15 to 20 minute tests where you get the result almost immediately nobody has anything like that nobody and i think were just doing very well. Head of the World Health Organization has said there may never be a Silver Bullet to end the pandemic and the test again containment are the best defense in the philippines tough new lockdown rules have been reimposed in the capital manila and surrounding regions some businesses and public transport have been shut and people need special passes to leave their homes the philippines is the 2nd worst affected nation in Southeast Asia after in the leisure the australian state of victoria is introducing a 3 and a half 1000 dollars fine for anyone breaching code 19 isolation orders its one of a number of measures to reduce infection rates daily cases reached a high of 700 last week flooding and landslides in south korea have left at least 12 people dead and forced up to 2000 from their homes much of the damage is in regions surrounding seoul and central parts of the Country Homes have been destroyed roads closed and Train Service is suspended more rain is forecast those were the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after counting the cost statement thats the watching. 15 years ago an explosion ripped through lebanons capital killing Prime Minister and 21 others. The special tribunal for lebanon and the hate will deliver its verdict on find out what this means for lebanon and for those indicted. Hello im sam is a than this is counting the cost on aljazeera a weekly look at the world of business and economics this week the wealth of banks Prime Ministers and parish vicars built on the backs of slaves how much does britain oh and reparations millions pulled out of poverty jurong the commodity boom the pandemic could wipe out latin americas social and economic gains. Plus why a card and billions the german tag

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