Lebanon in the hague will deliver its verdict on august 7th find out what this means for lebanon and for those and i didnt follow all the developments on the. Mistakes of californias progressive stomps on issues from Climate Change to immigration as long come to a potential as liberal opposition depressed phone call from the boxes this picture argue launch come back to reveal about the choices facing americans in the coming president ial election in the 2nd of 2 special reports bobs house has been finding out. As wildfires rage across california late last year scorching more than 100000. 00 acres and driving tens of thousands from their homes u. S. President donald trump lashed out at the states leadership and threatened to cut off federal and youve got fires eating away at california every year because that is just so bad the government is the no its like if he doesnt know what hes doing that governor Gavin Newsome was the 1st in america to issue a stay at home order to combat cope with 19 saving many lives this is a moment we need to make tough decisions this is a moment where we need some Straight Talk and we need to tell people the truth. Theres no love lost between President Trump and California Democrats House Speaker nancy pelosi is from San Francisco and democrats dominate politics in the state in which lean left trump who has no chance of winning there in the 2020 election rails against california to promote his agenda and fire up his base nearly half of all the Homeless People living in the streets in america live in california its a shame its a disgrace to our country there are 1600000 fewer californians to day living in poverty than there were in 2011 but as a state we must do everything we can assure no california is homeless in february noosa made homelessness the state governments top priority in many ways california offers a vision of common action to promote the common good that is the antithesis of traumas project to shrink the administrative state. Because of trends philosophy he is inevitably drawn into conflict with bill for you jerry brown served as the democratic governor of california from 2011 to 2019 and from 1975 to 1903 what do you think of president trunks rhetorical and policy attack. And california i think he just sees it as a way to tee off on liberals on the california. Society it can stand as a metaphor an image for his base voter but no one can deny that california is the 5th largest economy it has tremendous innovation its a Food Producer like no other state so were doing a lot weve achieved a lot and thats why people want to come here california is a leader in terms of Climate Change in terms of building a Green Economy in terms of immigration do you think that the state helping to set the issue or gender for the 2020 little. California city gent what you said is true californias doing all these things as other states but i will say when it comes to the Green Economy and Climate Change california is the front and given a tremendous economic dynamism california does refute trumping claim that reducing Carbon Emissions hurts the economy and continuing investigation of the clash between President Trump and california begins with Climate Change and its implications for the 2020 president ial election if you would support fire earlier this year before the pandemic hit we went to northern los angeles last october the saddle ridge wildfire burned close to 9000. 00 acres here 100000 people had to be evacuated and more than 100. 00 buildings were damaged or destroyed so the fire came right up here from the valley yes its going about 70 miles an hour with the wind so assert the fastest fire ive ever seen here on the vegas and is 91 year old mother lost their home and virtually all their possessions in the fire which was found by strong winds that blow off the mountains in the fall how much time did you have to get out of your home. About 10 minutes i started watering down the side of the house until i got. So smoky i couldnt breathe you know my mom went upstairs to change out of her pajamas and by then the firemen came in grabbed their strew in the car and they told me to get out the President Trump says the cause of these fires is mismanagement of the forests theres no forests around here its all tundra and if theres no rains its going to dry out and youre going to have 4 feet of just crispy dry plants ready to burn and for about 15 years its been getting drier and drier about 50 percent of the area burned in california in the last 30 years has been due to anthropogenic or human caused Climate Change. Crystal called in a former firefighter hes a professor at the university of california merced said specializing in wildfire behavior whats the connection between Climate Change and wildfires here in california the Scientific Evidence is overwhelming it dries the budget taishan out so that its more flammable and then with Climate Change rains are on average getting pushed back by several weeks in some cases so now we see that where winter used to be far too wet for things to burn now we can have long dry periods when the winds are starting to really pick up and it means that fires can burn really intensely what do you think of President Trumps claim that the wildfires are the result of state mismanagement of the forests here in California Well 55 percent of the state of california is federally managed which means that its actually under Trumps Administration to manage those forests not the state of california but beyond that most of the most destructive fires in the last decade theyre not in places that are for us and were seeing the same types of increases in fire intensity in fire size in this extension of fire season. Across the entire globe. Theres a trump blaming california on a lack of preemptive breaking the Climate Science isnt very convincing to President Trump a point underscored by democrats in their 2020 president ial candidate joe biden cant wait to take on what is happening to our climate the way. A lot of its a hoax its a hoax. Trump is also pulling the United States out of the paris climate agreement and which 195. 00 countries pledged to meet emissions reduction goals this agreement is less about the climate and more about other countries gaining a financial advantage over the United States he wants to free up fossil fuel companies he wants to let it rip regardless of the Natural Environment the problem with that is nature strikes back in nature strikes back in the form of fires for droughts in the form of extreme weather events plus diseases and thats happening. In 2018 the California Legislature and brown committed the state to 100 percent 0 carbon electricity an economy wide Carbon Neutrality by 2045 in our state 35 percent of our electricity is renewable and to him erica wind energy is almost equal to cool so the future course is pretty clear in trouble is a gauge in a rear guard action against progress california has also been a leader in selling through efficiency standards for cars and promoting the use of electric vehicles autos are the greatest contributor to Greenhouse Gas emissions in the u. S. We do more than any other state to try to clean up here and the federal government for 50 years has said we give use bestial dispensation under the law under the Clean Air Act we give you a waiver to go beyond what the federal government has done remove the word in 2012 the Obama Administration adopted californias. Goal of achieving 54 miles a gallon by 2025 is the National Standard but the tramp in the station reduced it to only 40 miles per gallon and revoked the way for allowing california to set its own Clean Car Standards no state has the authority to opt out of the nations rules and no state has a right to impose its policies on everybody else in our whole country california joined by 14 other states is challenging the trump administrations rollbacks in court the chinese a movie in eggs or 20 emission cars if trump or to succeed to be able to subsidize the Old Fashioned gasoline car with the lowest possible regulation will wake up the next 5 to 7 years and the American History will be a collapse so we californians are trying to hold them back and to prevent it but trump doesnt understand all that complexity so imposing a rule said you have to have all moved to officious to get your 52 miles to the gallon that is in the ference was a sacred market its its what you would call blasphemy if youre trying to see this in religious terms and thats what it is its almost a religious war. Trumps understanding of freedom and the threats california liberals pose to it resonates not only would supporters across the us but some californians themselves especially in the northern rural part of the state members of the right Wing Tea Party and other conservatives here are trying to break away from california and set up the state of jefferson a new 51st state but now they want to outlaw people throughout they want to outlaw. What youre got right and folks hes right i mean how to another human being take that from you and well talk about that on the other side of the breaks radio host terry repose and why. Carpenter leaders in the effort to establish a new state that is active in 23. 00 counties and has thousands of supporters which kerry has a committee its grassroots and folks get together and they understand that they need to have their voices heard we are sovereign citizens tired of being under california rule state of jefferson leaders are involved in a lawsuit demanding fair representation in the state legislature in Sacramento Office angeles has a lot of them senators and 11 counties in Northern California have won thats not liberty thats not a balance of representation what is it about the policies that have been passed in sacramento that make you want to have your own state. Where do you see the list is where does it start you have a list is way too long youre looking at taxation youre looking at i mean just the restrictions on basic things to take care of yourself and to defend yourself what about the policies that have come out of sacramento in the legislature that have to do with Climate Change the Climate Changes every season. I think we live in a forest season part of the state it changes every season to season as we know its going to be june yep going to rain of december they see no connection between Climate Change and wildfires pointing to regulations that prevent logging as the problem it all comes from restrictions in sacramento i come from a lobbying family and my family logs for generations and so youre out in the woods you take care of the fire strikes you know due to lightning or Something Else happening they can get to it and they know what to do Rural Counties in Northern California like those across the u. S. Voted overwhelmingly for trump in the 2016 election people understand the truth they can spot a liar a mile away thank god we had mr trump run for the presidency and thank god he became the president because hes exposed what weve been talking about for years in california something he brought but it was a thing called the constitution as you have an inalienable right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and you have the right to freedom of religion but were based that right is based upon a power called god god is actually taking us to a place to be the culture war over religious values in America Today plays a Critical Role in the battle between trump and california progressives you raised are stuck together in the made us sit together in the heavenly places in christ jesus eric johnson is the past on the Bethel Church to me an evangelical charismatic congregation in ready earlier this year before the coven 1000 pandemic kid large Church Gatherings were still permitted if you look out 10 or 20 years do you think there might be a state of jefferson. I wouldnt be surprised i hope it doesnt happen but i can see why people up here are very passionate about it theres so many policies that are imposing a very different way of life and not just a different way of life but morals and values that we have here to that are really a big deal so its the social policies that people up here the most. Value system that being redefined in our day being imposed on what people think more traditional values that one that one really painful because his parents are losing the ability to determine their childrens future on that conversation and the big. Idea that being projected on our nation is just insanity to me i mean turn on a movie the amount of sex the amount of endorsement behind sex has no ramifications sizable putting out that very day. What i would do is the. President trumps attacks on hollywood. The movies the Entertainment Industry the technology is shaping the minds of every generation and right now its very targeted children. But people in hollywood are concerned about the messages President Trump is sending to children in West Hollywood the City Council Unanimously passed a resolution calling for the movie star from the hollywood walk of fame they were lindsay for of that introduce the resolution that speaks to the start of the city of West Hollywood have always stood for. What was the argument that the resolution made for why the stars should people. Are asked and otherwise demeaned women throughout his career he has targeted immigrants. He is a bully in chief we do not need National Monuments that glorify the kind of behavior that he exhibited. That hollywood is. Bad for hollywood tell us some of the most important stories on big screens changing culture and changing peoples lives collaboratives of hollywood and use their platforms to advance causes for social justice human rights protecting the environment so people can use hollywood as a target but hollywood has the ability to do a lot of good and create a lot of change so far the Hollywood Chamber of commerce has refused to removed from the start which is repeated an evangelist for tired of resources being spent on the crisis of homelessness has hit our region hard we could be spending those dollars actually caring for people and uplifting people. In fact california voters have approved billions in new taxes in funds to address homelessness the President Trump continues to see the problem is a political opportunity he actually claims that needles in feces from homeless encampments are flowing into the ocean and violation of Environmental Protection agency e. P. A. Regulations which are said to violation to the city of San Francisco unsafe water unsafe conditions environmental e. P. A. Are e. P. A. Which is doing a great job yeah so bizarre so the feces doesnt run into the water for one thing jennifer frieden bach is the executive director of the coalition on homelessness in San Francisco demonising Homeless People who drive conservatives to the polls moves us backwards because the more we demonize Homeless People the harder it is to get public support for investing in Real Solutions other states have more homeless as a percentage of their population but it is less visible because they have more shelters still from 2017 to 2019 homelessness increased by 15 percent in california the thing thats happening is the increase in rents so as folks who are extremely low income that are living on the margins. As we see rents rise we see increases in homelessness conservatives say that california has about homeless problem because of its liberal culture and tolerance for drug use we have enough. Right now were seeing it everywhere in the country right its not just in california so i dont know about the tolerance thing but about a 3rd of the population have Mental Health or Substance Abuse challenges now the question is you know do you have those issues into those cause you to become homeless or were those issues exasperated once youre on the streets and trumps a budget you know he wants to severely cut back on the resources that our local government use to provide grants to help people stay in their homes you know when you put in a lot more effort into it and i think theyll make some progress but weve got a problem here taking into account Mental Illness opioids and all sorts of things so its a breakdown in the modern capitalist system and so far its defied real Effective Solutions homelessness is just a particularly egregious example of a very liberal and very rich state throwing hundreds of millions of dollars at the problem and the problem just gets worse Charles Kessler is the editor of the claremont review of books a leading conservative publication based in california President Trump proposed to the housing budget is this serious about addressing the problem or is he just trying to score political points i think both are true but its part of his general reaction to the failure of blue state policies but homelessness has many different causes its complex so its going to require a lot of effort and also its a structural problem in the economy that has to be solved its not necessarily a reflection its partly that youre right of course it has many causes and so we wont have a single cure but really up until the 1980 s. The state had a very robust middle class and a robust middle class economy. It doesnt really have that so much anymore the democrats here have denied. How to restore the california dream right you build a Green Economy youd invest in the economy of the future to deal with Climate Change trump is in his own way calling attention to the to the failure of the blue state model green energy sounds great but you know how many jobs is that actually going to produce and how reliable synergy going to be we are now the Number One Energy producer in the world and im not going to lose that wealth im not going to lose it on only dreams when windmills which frankly arent working too well because of our environmental strategies california is significantly outperforming the United States of america in g. D. P. Growth over a 5 year period 5. 00 to 1. 00 the number of Clean Energy Jobs in the state of california versus fossil fuel jobs so President Trump is just simply dead wrong daniel cayman is at the forefront of the effort to build a Green Economy in california his latest project is a neighborhood microgrid the idea of the eco block is that were going to take 40 homes that will all have solar on the rooftop and theyre wired together to store the power into one Central Storage facility that is used to power each home and also to Power Electric vehicles charging stations so when the suns not shining how are these houses going to get there and thats the beauty of the block here they not only have rooftop solar but theyve invested in a Community Storage resource and theyre going to store their power there for hours to days and then bring it out as they need it so do envision many eco blocks in the cities of the future thats exactly what were looking at and over the next 6 months we hope to do the actual installation of all the hardware you see here came in founded the renewable inappropriate energy lab at the university of california berkeley and share the nobel prize in 2700 far as california along the path of building a Green Economy in your view of california is a very. Very far along and whats most exciting is that california has made the Climate Transition also a Just Transition where were investing in Energy Efficiency and solar for low income neighborhoods across the state california today generates around 10000000000 dollars a year in revenue from the cap and trade market which it reinvest in communities in research and in companies that are involved in the transition and cross to night states right now 35 to 40 percent of all D Investments in green tech flow through California Democratic president ial candidate joe biden is following californias leak and promises to transition america to a Green Economy by 2050 the United States will be 100 Percent Energy economy. The 2020 election the United States is absolutely critical and its critical because we know in the climate side that we have very few years left to get on innovative green energy. Do you think its critical that donald trump win the next election absolutely i think it will go i think its going to get very close in california just percentage will be higher the last time. Mr trump isnt one plane to the government and then were at the other end is fighting from that side were fighting from this side sometimes in order to unite you have to divide. And this is true all great president s i mean look at f. D. R. In order to unify the country behind the new deal he had to demonize the republicans so you believe that accusing the democrats of being traitors of being socialist is actually a strategy to unite america yes i mean to the attempt even as f. D. R. Tried to do to cast your opponents into the political darkness outer darkness but in order to define a new middle of the road for american politics Going Forward because of his ideas is a very danger. Has personality and i always say hes leading a Demolition Derby to the detriment of america by including himself what do you think the stakes are in the 2020 president ial election well that i think the big stake is Climate Change and also social turmoil. Democratic way of governing is on how great the songs and thats because the problems of their own press in america has reflected that general turmoil. But we have the means to overcome it what do you thinks going to bring america together and youve got to find a way to see the Common Threats certainly have a coronavirus is a Common Threat Climate Change the Common Threat the spread of Nuclear Technology conference right so we need a philosophy its totally against the show listed nationalistic who are the best perspective on the world we are interdependent with our neighbors and our fellow americans there with the rest of the people on the plane. Yacht. Below the levees broke all the while should we fight with terrorists in 2017 people in power investigated why Trinidad And Tobago became a ripe recruiting grounds for ice and. Therefore feel or so this is the norm for most in 2020 we return to uncover the fate of those who left their homelands to join conflicts in iraq and syria. Caribbean to california on just. A 150000000. 00 trees disappear every year into the clothing that we all wear from uk cycling to save the forests the famous yellow dress made from blue jeans. To conserving the worlds dwindling wetlands 3 of the aids worlds global bird migration of life intersect right where we are the basic discover the treasure try it is one of the most special love lands on the planet after ice ecosystems elaborate on aljazeera history has called it the great war in the 1st episode conscription draws hundreds of thousands of our troop troops into or both sides of the conflict their story is rarely told but had a huge impact on the course of the war world war through our robot bodies own knowledge is evil. If you want to help save the world. Sneeze into your own. Should person have a lot of respect for. The u. S. President talks up his working relationship with the leader of the Coronavirus Task force after accusing dr deborah books of hurting his that ministration. Reason all seemed better at the moment and that it might never be. The world as one not to put too much faith in a vaccine the World Health Organization says the pandemic could go on for a long

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