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A wreck or contraction. And zimbabwes military and police in force a ban on antigovernment protests opposition figures say dozens have been detained. And army wellings with the sports news as yet another Major League Baseball team is hit by coronavirus. People returns with social justice hala on its agenda to hear from the born giants i see this hour. The corona virus has already had a profound impact on the Global Economy changing the way we live work and travel now the World Health Organization says this will reverberate for generations at a meeting of the w h os Emergency Committee the director general Ted Ross Gabrielle sauce said the pandemic was a once in a Century Health crisis effects of which will be felt for decades to come it was more optimistic news though from americas top Infectious Disease expert dr anthony found she believes a vaccine could be available within months were also starting to learn more about the impact of covert 19 on the economy the pandemic has plunged the eurozone economy into a historic recession the sharpest drop in 25 years of rec. Course elsewhere about 4000000 people in the north of england are returning to corona virus restrictions because of a surge in infections there but we begin in the United States where the countrys leading Infectious Disease expert is as we were saying dr anthony found she was questioned by congress on the coronavirus and demick this is what he had to say about the progress made in the race to find a vaccine the response that was induced was really quite favorable and as ive said often and are repeated for the record now theres never a guarantee that youre going to get a safe and effective vaccine but from everything weve seen now in the animal data as well as the early human data we feel cautiously optimistic that we will have a vaccine by the end of this year and as we go into 2021 or found she also testified on the u. S. Response to the pandemic mike hanna is in washington d. C. With more on that. There were confirmation on some very important factors one is that there is a lag interest in this was confirmed by the assistant secretary of Health Services that test results are taking between 3 to 5 days on average to come back and sometimes as many as 15 Health Experts have been adamant that in order to come to grips with this pandemic of the United States more than 2000000. 00 tests per day need to be conducted at the moment that figure is way below 1000000 so certainly theres a shortfall in the testing and in the results of the testing despite the repeated comments from the white house to this particular fact another point of major difference was the president trying treated in will try and during the hearing objecting to a graph that shows the massive rise in infection in the u. S. As opposed to europe saying that this is because the u. S. Is conducting more testing than anywhere else in the world dr anthony bocce very clearly did not support this he stated just that at the inception of the pandemic the United States shutdown by some 50 percent europe shut down by some 95 percent he continued that when some of the states began to open they dropped the mitigating measures too quickly and this accounts for the massive spike that youre seeing so certainly there was some clarity in terms of the mistakes the many mistakes the administration has made but the ultimate intent of the briefing to get some kind of clear National Program in place well it appears that were very far from that at this stage well in all the developments in the United States a 600. 00 a week unemployment benefit is coming to an end from saturday millions of people will no longer have access to a federal relief fund and politicians say they are nowhere near a deal to replace it our White House Correspondent kelly hellcat has the latest on that. The major obstacles are really a couple of things number one is the amount that should be given to americans who are out of work and struggling as a result of coke at 19 the democrats believe that it should continue to be 600. 00 a week republicans say it should be 200. 00 a week and till september and then it should be 70 percent of your previous wages they say this is just a really high price tag cant keep going as we have been for the last few months now the other big Sticking Point is over Liability Protection republicans are insisting that there should be protection for hospitals for governments for businesses you name it anything that kind of facilitates the public they cant be blamed if someone says i got covert 19 well in your facility democrats say thats not going to work that they dont want that Liability Protection in place instead what they want to see is something for state and local governments giving them more resources so the really arguing about Different Things very far apart in terms of the amounts and as you mentioned the checks that are currently in place running out and there is no sort of measure to move forward now republicans have said look this is put in place some sort of short term stopgap legislation democrats are saying were not going to do that in fact we gave you legislation 2 months ago you stalled so look at it the 2 sides really very far apart but at least theyre still talking and this is significant because they were supposed to go on vacation as of today now we understand that vacation is on hold until they work this out. Well the full impact of months of covert 19 lockdowns and limitations on trade in euro zone countries is becoming clara figures just released show the eurozone has shrunk by more than 12 percent over the past 3 months thats the biggest drop on record for the block of 1900 s. Spain is the hardest hit to its economy shrinking by 18 and a half percent italy and portugal have also seen big downturns european leaders are trying to counter the effects with massive stimulus packages the national and. That includes an 850000000000. 00 recovery fund. Bruna straight to is the chief economist at lakefield Partners Joins us now via skype from jericho and of course the interesting thing when you look at these figures is the divergence in the impact of the virus in juice lockdowns on the economy you have a country like spain doing a lot worse than say germany what does this suggest about the the shape of the pace of economic recovery in the or isnt. Well good evening i think what it does say 1st of all is the medical impact it has broken 3 clearly the countries that went into the toughest lockdown are also seeing the biggest negative impact on their economy and germany had a very good strategy in containing the virus as much as possible and its been hope is the real sort of the big tears and the images from madrid and on top of that the way that the economy is composed is clearly different spain generates about 16 percent of their g. D. P. Out of tourism which equates to about 160000000000. 00 was germany is much less Effective Immediately it will have secondary effect in the car industry in the airlines in the airbus for example but its only in a secondary effect so that is clearly why that the numbers are down which i suppose it is going to have businesses being restored and people going back to work but the in the that the demand aspect of the story is more interesting isnt it because you still have a great deal of uncertainty of a Household Spending that still might be. People might be reluctant to actually go out and do the things that theyve done before so the difficult part is gauging how behaviors might change. I think that to me to recall me is clearly something which will impact us for a very long time this is also the 1st time ever i think that consumers were not allowed to consume any more hence creating a huge impact on the demand cycle i think that is is very new and that will remain it will you know completely change the way that we go to work the way we travel and all that so it will have a very long Lasting Impact and also have a very long lasting shadow on the economy because of that i think this is very unique to this crisis apart from the medical point of view the Consumer Confidence will be dictated by the year pollution of the pandemic and that is clearly how the economy will then be impacted how the unemployment will be impacted and so on and so forth when unlike the banking crisis in 2 180009. 00 whats been noticeably absent here now is any sort of coordinated response for the Global Economy a year looking at all the possible effects from this for example and intensified pushback or assistance to globalization international coordination. Most likely i think what everyone saw was the weakness of their supply chains if you look at the mask and how slow that supply came came about i think we will look again into what is true digicam what is not knowing that the supply chain how it initially started is a very vulnerable thing and i think that is something that governments will look at again and perhaps have much more production of vulnerable strategic assets closer at home clearly i think you cannot today just turn around to global cycles which are out there but it will definitely be looked at again well just on a on a country level but also on a micro level on a Company Level thank you bruno the straight to chief economist at lake phil part of securing us thank you. It the news hour live from london much more still ahead and 8 amnesty libyan teenagers recruited by forces loyal to wall of cliff after are released from jail also. Im Katherine Sawyer of the messiah marking resolve and salvage canyon where hundreds of thousands of world the kids are making the annual migration of the no tourists to see them ill be calling you why. And later in sport will have formula one action as teams practice for the british grand prix. Hong kongs leader is invoked emergency laws to perspire in septembers legislative election for a year kerry lam cited the rise in coronavirus cases as the reason it outspent was made just a day after the territory disqualified 12 prodemocracy candidates from the poll to vehicle pollen reports. The Legislative Council election has been held every 4 years since hong kongs handover from british to chinese rule in 1997 this is the 1st time voting has been postponed to such an extent. The decision to postpone the trainee trente alleged election has nothing to do with politics has nothing to do with the likely outcome of this round of elections it is purely on the basis of protecting the health and safety of the hong kong people lamb said the delay was necessary because of the rising numbers of Coronavirus Infections but her use of Emergency Powers raises legal and administrative issues delay would mean that Chinas Parliament would have to step in to approve any issues that could contravene hong kongs basic law its many constitution. We are inviting beijing to interfere. Because we are unable to resolve the problem that the government has created foreign governments including the u. S. And the u. K. One that postponing the election further threatens hong kongs autonomy chinas leaders repeated their warning for the International Community to stay out of chinese affairs. What i want to tell you is that the election of the Legislative Council the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is a local election in china and its purely chinas internal affairs. Its a consistent message particularly after chinas government imposed the National Security law in hong kong on july 1st. Secession subversion terrorism and collusion with foreign elements are punishable with up to life in prison critics say the laws to konya vague and open to interpretation and on thursday it was on this basis 12 Democratic Candidates were disqualified one of hong kongs best known democracy activists joshua long was among those deemed in eligible for not supporting the last implementation they can stand for. My qualification to come in and the Democracy Movement in hong kong and thats the reason they can kill us all even they try to prosecute us to run for office and silence our voice we wish our past last hour of voice being heard around the world the prodemocracy camp says the latest moves by hong kongs government are motivated by chinas concerns that democrats would have gained a majority in the Legislative Council the Legislative Council election is the only way people in Hong Kong Kevin influence who will run their city Legislative Councillors are partially responsible for choosing the chief executive and monitoring their performance in recent years chinas leaders have been accused of interfering in this process and with the disqualifications and the delay in elections there are concerns whether another basic right is being stripped away the bigger pollen are just there hong kong. A prominent author and an opposition spokesman are among dozens arrested in zimbabwe as police try to stop antigovernment protests the government banned the protests which president amas in the one god was says constitutes an insurrection by the opposition or burden reports. Protests being planned across the border but these scenes were not what opposition groups had hoped for in the capital how are you doing it looks shots and abandoned streets after the government declared the protests illegal a few people tried to defy the power to quickly stopped by police and soldiers we have been in the past 2 days. Of the police being deployed into neighborhoods and even today. Every deployment of police. Using virtually clear message that the government has been passing out in the past week their. Intended purpose because a lot of people there had to stay home and no one dared to go out. Opposition Party Transform Zimbabwe called for the protests and were backed by many other groups which plane president and the synagogue where profane economy and corruption he warned the Security Forces would be on high alert to appropriately respond the ruling zanu p. F. Also tried to expel the u. S. Ambassador and accusing him of funding protest organizers. Took control from president Robert Mugabe in the 2017 to promising to kickstart a failing economy but the opposition says hes done this and to fix it and accuse him of using similar tactics to mugabe to qualification including arresting and the ducting opponents. Internationally acclaimed zimbabwean all surf city down room made her stand there was quickly pulled into place. Well now in all the stories were following at least 4 people have been killed in an attack in northeastern nigeria official suspects and use rockets to fire explosives into the city of my degree they say the fighters are trying to disrupt festivities marking the muslim holiday. Several 1000000 people live in my degree a city previously targeted by boko haram now young teenagers were among the hundreds of fighters detained during the battle for control of libyas capital 41 of them have been released by forces loyal to the un recognized government in tripoli as part of an amnesty for the muslim holiday eat ramadan had reports now from the western coastal city of zawiya. Celebrating the release of her son mohammed to from prison you know his city was to tripoli she came from the libyan coastal city of so brought her to meet him. He had been detained along with other younger fighters recruited by the warlords have to. Get out the ending up with his father and i never wanted him to join the forces but he did it behind our backs we will never allow that to happen again mohammed was among nearly 200 pro have to fight from so broad sort of man cities they were captured by Government Forces in western tripoli in april last year. Some of them were only 17 years old. Says he had just finished high school and received a month and a half of military training in surprise. Before he was sent to the frontline. Had agreement that i just need to live as a civilian and move on with my life i dont want to be part of any conflict i learned the lesson the hard way. The holiday of aid is an occasion for forgiveness in muslim countries government officials here say they release the fighters because they are prisoners are victims themselves. We have taken the initiative to let them reunite with their families on this holy occasion we hope we can exchange the rest of the prisoners with their fighters who are kicked and have to as prisons the release of the prisoners was achieved through reconciliation between cities in western libya. Other approach after inmates from other parts of libya along with foreign mercenaries will a clear remain here in detention until the conflict is resolved nearly 350. 00 inmates including foreign nationals are kept here in this maximum security prison they were part of the field the military campaign to take control of tripoli some of these teens say they were deceived into joining the conflict others say financial incentives drove them to risk their lives. As oh yeah the Afghan Government has freed more taliban prisoners their release coincides with a 3 day cease fire during the holiday both sides of signal that peace talks could start when it ends talks originally scheduled for february were delayed because of disagreement about prisoner swaps. Well as coronavirus deaths in brazil approach 100008 coalition of Health Professionals is taking the countrys president to court the group of more than a 1000000 medical workers wants the International Criminal court to challenge jabal scenario with crimes against humanity and genocide want to chaotic you has this report. These nurses may not have been able to prevent covert 19 from claiming so many lives in brazil but theyre stopping the traffic in Rio De Janeiro to let people know why theyre losing the fight and even some of their own 500 Frontline Health workers have died and 170000 have been infected and they blame the government. Thats why he joined a coalition of trade unions representing 1000000 Health Care Professionals to take president also natl to the International Criminal court they accuse him of genocide and crimes against humanity for downplaying the virus and ignoring their rights to basic Safety Measures you know their Health Care Workers have to find their own means to get tested thats absurd if we dont know where sick will be spreading the disease to all those who are treating including prisoners Indigenous People brazil is facing the Largest Health care crisis in its history unemployment is soaring and the president is that odds with the Supreme Court and Congress Despite that a recent poll suggests that if elections were held today also not a would defeat all potential opponents. One reason is the governments emergency aid during the pandemic although with a temporary measure it has reduced it through poverty with what was level 40 years political scientist total says the 120. 00 monthly handouts are benefiting half of brazils population and are helping also now to win the support of the poor if only for a while and thats Something Interesting because they were not part. Of. The president s much more a middle class politician than somebody that speaks to the poor but even so because. Of the basic emergency. Room its very high for the country so the governments not going to be able to keep it for a long time perhaps until the end of the year but not for 2021 for Health Care Workers like libya sitting back and watching the tide turn against nadal is not enough they insist on taking him to the International Criminal court even though the admit the chances of his prosecution remain low monica and not give just sirrah Rio De Janeiro. When our International Aid organizations say more and more lebanese families are losing their income and sinking into poverty save the children says half a 1000000 kids are hungry and thats just in beirut the government is showing no sign of fighting corruption to get a much needed learn from the International Monetary fund say in a hotel reports from the lebanese capital. In this middle class neighborhood in the heart of the lebanese capital stories of poverty are everywhere households have been pushed into desperation im a liberal him like so many other families is a victim of the rapidly imploding economy she says it has been hard on her 11 year old son hamza whos had to adapt to a new lifestyle. With them up on the land where borrowing money to feed her children for 5 months short on house rent my husband isnt working my family will die from hunger if the situation continues. Children are already hungry more than half a 1000000 of them in the greater beirut area according to the charity save the children poverty is a real thing some children currently now go to bed hungry the negative coping mechanisms for the time being are able to kind of fill some of these gaps but on the long run if theres no macro level and sustainable solution they will be done. Already half the country lives in poverty here in the Northern City of tripoli families struggle with soaring food prices due to the local currency losing 80 percent of its value. Children are being deprived from buying what they want people are under so much oppression of. Decades of corruption and mismanagement are blamed for running the economy into the ground and political leaders dont seem to have a solution. Nongovernmental organizations say 80000 people have lost their jobs in recent my. Bringing the total number of unemployed to 430000. 00 or 32 percent of the workforce many a war and up to 1000000. 00 out of the 5000000. 00 lebanese population could be jobless by the end of the year. The World Food Program says 2 thirds of households in lebanon have lost their income and some have started to sell whatever they can to survive about. To buy food and water the commode commit a year many people are in debt and depend on charity but those who were able to help now need help themselves yes there are no lives being lost as typical Natural Disaster or a typical war but lebanese people that live in lebanon or a few. Of those they all are falling off the cliff so you have wives at risk aid agencies are already calling it a humanitarian crisis as lives continue to be destroyed by lebanons financial meltdown. So much more still to tell you about this hour millions of muslim sat upright the start of the holiday many though under the strict restrictions as a result of coronavirus and then in school with me wellings more problems from Major League Baseball as another team is hit by the virus. Plenty of nice warm summer sunshine really throughout much of europe yes the same base misa cloud we have seen the funnel sold but really it is about the heat 1st of all look at this in the southwest of france so much is in the high 30 celsius but of course it does mean its. Very hot when youre out and about the people doing what they can to cool down all the seas in the water and also in many cases having a nice cool drink or a nice ice cream that into Northern Spain time which is actually even higher in the low fortys celsius and its just a similar scene as you can see using the water to keep cool now we are girls going to still see some very well weather across much of the southwest again through the central areas you can see if we go through south and other bits and pieces of clouds and showers and also the weather across the u. K. Northern france east how much is coming right the way down because we have goals at the admitting in from the northwest and that will bring like you want to show the sunny an increase in the amount of cloud on sunday across the u. K. Just scattered showers throughout and quite a line of really very heavy rain work its way through germany and as you can see sitting here across Northern Areas of italy but to the east of there it is still fine and dry with those temperatures on the high side you can see where the war man is in place you can see how it is cooling down across the northwest as well but even so in london 10 inches around the average and cool still very warm in the south of spain. Yes. And the disease counts 50 percent of the deaths of children and. All. But. Likely to receive any childhood education. Do you. Believe to see you leave that to. Cease to. Welcome back look at the headlines while the Health Organization has warned the effects of the crown a virus pandemic will be felt for decades meanwhile the top u. S. Believes a vaccine could be available within months. Coronavirus pandemic has punched the eurozone into a historic recession g. D. P. Has fallen by over 12 percent. Well coronavirus restrictions have been reimposed in parts of Northern England after a rise in infections pubs restaurants cafes and gyms remain open but people are being told not to socialise with other households john howell reports on this now from oldham and matches the. Localized restrictions affecting millions of people in Northern England who have come to the worst time in the market was the population that came into effect on the. Other one of islams holiest dates that i had for all night oh it is a lockdown kind of comfort calc overpraise you know what is was going on with the another log that really confused people that its a good faith leaders say the Community Feels that down having done Everything Possible to mitigate the spread of the virus there is a kind of confusion. And i want to say hate but i would say that the people who are shocked with that kind of immediate action thats taken place the Prime Minister has warned of the need to act fast in the face of rising infection rates a possible 2nd wave he said it was time to put the brakes on a return to normality our assessment is that we should now squeeze that brake pedal squeeze that brake pedal in order to keep the virus under control i know that the steps that were taking will be a real blow to many people everyone obviously whose wedding plans have been disrupted or who cannot mouse celebrate ied in the way that they would wish and im really really sorry about that but we simply cannot take the risk the deputy leader of all the council one of the areas affected says the measures are necessary even if their introduction was and the model messages from National Government are just not helpful at all the create a Lawful Society and in the way that theyve been delivered what he has done is create division in our communities and that is something. Thats a deal you dont appreciate the opposition says its a new low in Government Communications during this crisis though theres no denying that infection rates are on the rise but among the questions the Muslim Community here has is why private households are a problem while drinking in pubs and bars is not i think if it was in the pope it be fine i think thats really the message that sends i think if it was on the seaside it would be fine and i think what we need to really do is address the question why is everyone feeling angry and its not some people in the community its everyone everyone feels that its been targeted at them this was the scene during fridays heat wave on the english south coast some call it prejudice others pass it off as incompetence but it does seem that in parts of the country code 19 and the governments handling of the crisis is opening up a Bitter Community divides Joho Al Jazeera Oldham in the north of england. Nearly 155 fighters are trying to extinguish fires in western russia as high temperatures continue to wreak havoc in the country a fire and then again common nature reserve in the year old region has spread across 120 acres Emergency Personnel say the hilly terrain is making it difficult to put the fire out and then 10 kilometers a fire control lines have been enforced to try to help the spread of the blaze record temperatures have been noted in russia this year. Well nasa satellite imagery is revealed to ice caps in the arctic which have melted because of Global Warming now these 2 images which are shown side by side here were taken in 2015 and then in 2020 and they detail how the ice caps have completely disappeared they used to be on the hasan plateau of canadas ellesmere island the ice caps that remain in the area are melting less quickly but experts still think they all doomed because of the Climate Crisis on past 5 years have been the hottest on record. Well alina is a distinguished policy fellow at the Grantham Research institute of Climate Change and environment joins us from london via skype so you know every so often we have a conversation about exaggerated weather patterns and extreme weather what a we learning old what more is revealed by that sort of satellite imagery about the effect on Climate Change on our weather. I think the science it is very clear that Climate Change is real it is happening its not something that is going to come in the future but were missing it and i think the satellite images confirm that i think doing the cause of it down and the crisis over the past few months we have seen the little bit of progress. In terms of global emissions rise which was not by choice but to the log down and sick land in the woods it however as it was that the building and the economy and take measures to prevent the recession somehow by medical workers or pure lation we really need to see how we can rebuild from korg but also step up efforts so that as Climate Change. Oh the jew think that that is likely to happen because obviously there is a great deal of attention on kovan 1000 governments all around the world really struggling to stay ahead of the crisis and now now that lockdown restrictions are starting to ease the focus is really on restoring economies to that form of health and is Climate Change just i mean you can sign that this is just fallen off the agenda. I think very on the stand that when the show its around the governments concern and were concerned that the means of health. Measures to protect the lives of the population and so all of the out the policy concerns took the best backseat however as we start looking to rebuild the economy. We will have to invest significant amounts of money so i think if we look at the data by International Labor organisation by 1600000000 jobs globally in the Informal Sector our current lead that he is which is about half of the Global Workforce and so the governments are committing not significant comforted packages International Institutions the latest estimates show that Multilateral Development banks might commit up to 250000000000. 00 to help countries come out of the crisis so its also very important that opportunity because we can come out of the crisis investing into Brown Industries or we can come out of the crisis to malaysia to put in the economy and then a very good examples of how the latter can be so youll saying that the kind of a crisis could actually produce an opportunity to. Sort of reshape the way our economies what i want to ask you about the developing well because speaking earlier on the program about the impact of the crying of virus on the eurozone economy but of course poor a countries are really ill equipped to deal with an Economic Contraction from the crying a virus and of course theyre on able to deal with the effects of Climate Change i mean what needs to be done to help them. Well i think i will give you an example of how weak at how developing countries war and to cutting from core that and also the us and climate sense one of the very important issues for many developing countries as access to energy where a large share of population in countries like india but also many countries in africa dont have access to energy yet so want to mess with bits and ask them coal fired power stations for example and the other choice is to stimulate their own you know bill and its and and that is very good date so which shows that actually investment in that in your bill and of have Great Potential for creating jobs and but a comedy from court it will be about creating jobs so i can give you the data from the international that in your bill and it is a agency had quoted to nobble diaby and what they estimate is that the additional investment and that ignoble and we could create jobs what to 2000000. 00 jobs in the new plan that just sector by 2050 which would be 4 times more than the jobs in the new bill and thats what we got into the house that is also Great Potential to create jobs and the deficiencies sector. And then this president laid to to technologists which improve consumption of energy for example efficient appliances insulation for houses and so on so that a very good gains and using a recovery package to promote Development New job creation with all sort of the action of Greenhouse Gas emissions Going Forward ok well thank you for joining us and im shedding some light on these 2 i suppose converging issues in some ways alina. Thank you. Well parts of florida are under a hurricane watch as storm moves up the caribbean heading for the east coast of the u. S. The hurrican is currently lashing the southeastern part of the bahamas as well as the turks and Caicos Islands its already left hundreds of thousands of people in puerto rico without power beaches marinas parks and golf courses will be closed in miami dade country county from friday night. Fishing rights is a major Sticking Point in bricks it a go shea sions british fisherman want full access to the e. U. Market but in return e. U. Boats want to continue to fish and u. K. Water has negotiated say thats impossible now french fishermen are threatening to stop british fishermen from getting their catches into the shops in the 2nd part of our series natasha reports from normandy in northern france. Heading into the English Channel off the coast of normandy the picturesque cobber of poor all receding into the distance the cloud has worked as a fisherman for 30 years hes passionate about his job but scared for his future because of braggs it he worries that if britain and the e. U. Fail to reach a deal by the end of the year french fishermen like him could be barred from fishing in waters off the u. K. Coast. Were scared because u. K. Waters represent 40 to 60 percent of our revenue so for us it would be catastrophic its unimaginable for decades french fishermen have fished legally in waters off britain where fish are abundant british fishermen have the same rights off the french coast where they mainly gather shellfish drums father was a fisherman his brother runs a Seafood Restaurant fishing links generations being denied access to u. K. Waters would be particularly devastating to the fisherman from the normandy coast because so many of the boats like this one off family owned and run Small Businesses and that is why so many of the fishermen here say that they wont give up their livelihoods without a fight to claim record with the need to british export some 70 percent of their fish to the e. U. If we get to december 31st and they throws out of their waters then we will block our ports stop the ferries no british boats reach french soil the french and british fishermen have clashed before in 2018 around over scollop sphere laid up a sea his fishing representative says that the u. K. s reliance on the e. U. Is an export market and is a valuable bargaining card in breaks in negotiations but hes not necessarily a winning hand. With the e. U. Market needs fish imports or france imports 80 percent of the seafood it consumes so we need u. K. Fish so although we can pressure the british and threaten tariffs on board. Intros is not a long Term Solution because proficient they need to fish. Ties between britain and france run deep on this coast where the d. Day landings took place in the 2nd world war the 2 countries were united against enemy powers few here want the fishing dispute to sour relations with an historic partner but unless britain and france can break the stalemate in the brigs it fishing dispute and reach a compromise that works for both sides frances fisherman say theyll be forced to use whatever tactics they can to battle for their survival Natasha Butler aljazeera put on best normandy. Millions of muslims fall wide to celebrating the start of the a. D. L. As our holiday it marks the ending of one of the 5 pillars of islam the hajj pilgrimage in mecca but events in saudi arabia and elsewhere are much different this year because of 19. Reports of. Muslims on every continent scout afraid of how prayer is between major differences facing one direction mecca they pray a new unity but stand separated by coronavirus forced by a pandemic through social distance even in worship something no muslim ever thought theyd have to do. Standing shoulder to shoulder is integrity to islamic prayer is an important show of equality regardless of age race to even say shoe status but thats no longer possible with coronavirus restrictions in place the everyday i have oh you dont need this years eve is totally different from any other year were following social distancing rules and we cant even agree people closely we even have to bring our own prayer mats and less people are attending this year the and for the 1st time in modern history fewer than 10000 pilgrims are in saudi arabia a far cry from last years nearly 2 and a half 1000000 more parts of the world but the emergency hasnt stopped the elation the few taking part. A lot here has an enormous interest and today is a glorious day its eed were sad our families arent with us and we miss celebrating with them but we thank god for being able to attend the harvest this year. In other countries such as constable crowds of worship or spilling out of mosques are a thing of the past gatherings have been banned for 10 days after a record 16 deaths on thursday not everyone agrees there is the follow up down to person here told not to georgism and ive prayed here for 50 years i dont understand why they stopped this during our festivities the mosque should stay open. Rules on reopening are constantly changing britains Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a delay to the planned easing of restrictions on august 1st i know the steps that were taking will be a real blow to many people everyone obviously whose wedding plans have been disrupted or who cannot now celebrate aid in the way that they would wish and im really really sorry about that but we simply cannot take the risk. 2 while the mood is subdued worldwide some good news day for hundreds of turks able to attend a praise that had just severe for the 1st time in 86 years. Yes it is controversial converted from the museum back into a mosque just a week. Ago and despite the low key festivities this year these children have still been enjoying some wine traditions if only briefly. Aljazeera. I want of the natural wonders of the world i started in africa the annual migration of hundreds of thousands of will the beast but this year futurists are seeing that journey from kenya tanzania airness Katherine Sawyer ports from a mass sylar a game reserve and demick so already cost kenya 800000000. 00 in lost terrorism revenue. Travelling from the serengeti in tanzania the heart of gold coast crosses a sandy we bought into the messiah Mara Game Reserve in kenya and the next month nearly a 1000000 of this mamata will be here this is one of nascars wonders of the world and on the back at least of many lovers whats missing tourists because of covered 19 the must sign mara one of the top tourist destinations of the wilds is empty this. Milton alesi lama has been in the Tourism Industry for 3 decades he says has never seen anything like this of north walk for the last 4 months this is my 1st job here it was last year i mean for sure theres no way you are going to. I mean not even i mean this in general i was already booked for July August September at this time of the high Season Hotels and lodges at the mara would normally be booked to capacity going through this is a train but of more than 200 hotels only a few are open its a very big loss to us now because of the staff of lost their jobs at home and we have no idea when people will come back again to work the world beasts come to kenya for pasture and to meet by october theyll be returning to tanzania this is part of the heart of world the best we saw crossing into kenya from tanzania and weve been told many others are on their way and people who know the masai mara well have also told us there right now would be among hundreds of other tourists eagerly waiting to witness the spectacular migration being here about ourselves is quite surreal government Officials Say the country has lost about 800000000. 00 in revenue and most of the 2000000. 00 employees in tourism have lost their jobs so there is now a big push to encourage kenyans and foreigners here to visit parks like the mara and coastal beaches we must prepare with. Government must develop some. Protocols with some of our traditional markets just to assure them of the safety of those closed. Assure them that as we know they are tested before they come and when they come here as government we must have all these people. Kenya is preparing to reopen its space for International Travel as many communities are hoping this will mean more tourists but they also know with the threat of coronavirus it could take many months or even he is for tourism here to fully recover catherine soy aljazeera masai mara south and kenya. So let. Players make an impact off and on the court as n. B. A. Basketball as it did. More oil. Or oil. Please hand and basketballs back possible for us thank you marion yes n. B. A. Season finally resumes which is good news for fans of the sport but while corona virus poses a threat to this resumption there is another serious issue the sport is addressing social justice players now together during the National Anthem in both of thursdays opening games at disney world in florida the ante braces in protest marked the start of the 1st stage for 114 days after coronavirus holes had prior knowledge athletes have increasingly used their platform to advance social justice issues as Andy Gallacher reports from miami. This is what basketball fans across the world have been waiting for. After the pandemic forced a 20 week break the seasons resumed but off Court Players like Le Bron James and getting increasingly political are you willing to scream for these names out here. If you will and the pain and shame. As the finish line which is out here through his Media Company uninterrupted Le Bron James is using his influence to amplify the voices of africanamericans another organization he recently started with other athletes is tackling Voting Rights Voter Suppression and encouraging a new generation to get involved i will not stop until i see real change for us as black america for africanamericans for people of color. And i also believe i can do both to arkansas can bring happiness to a lot of homes with the way up to the game and the way the lakers going to win a game and i will continue to push the envelope i can see you to keep my foot on the gas or create real change for us as people of color. Those calls for a change of grown louder since the death of george floyd in police custody. And the nationwide protests that follow. In june Michael Jordan whos typically shied away from politics committed 100000000. 00 to fight systemic racism over a 10 year period several National Basketball Association Teams are now offering their renas as polling stations as cities struggle to find places large enough to keep social distancing rules in place in florida where eggs felons have been prevented from voting until their legal fees are paid athletes and their organizations are helping pay off their debt so they can register to vote for the barrier that will come together and bring out. There for more than a vote. There are. Political activism from athletes has a long history in the u. S. But todays stars may have more reach and influence than ever before sure as adults we might thats not enough for me if youre some 11 year old kid id hope and use your favorite players on stage saying you know this isnt cool thats all of you are Going Forward beyond just whether or not some Police Officer knows that he should not be i dont know its a living situation on the street with the president ial election fast approaching theres a lot at stake here for africanamerican voters many of been calling for change for generations but powerful sports stars have the reach influence and cash to make those changes happen collectively the voices of those calling for things like the right to vote and now a little louder and gallacher aljazeera Miami Florida now to more concerning news from Major League Baseball yet another game has been postponed because of positive covert 19 tests this time its multiple cases at the center is cardinals the cardinals are in milwaukee supply the brewers for fridays game is off and the same is isolating at their hotel this could also jeopardize games for the Minnesota Twins who played the cardinals on thursday the m l b maybe regretting not to play inside a bubble however Baseball Writer called grace and told us that the sport isnt really suited to it. Like the n. B. A. We just have guys plan a core their game as half hour later you can bring them another team out onto the court fuel maintenance the care required for the dirt the turbo takes a very very long time it takes hours really to get the playing surface the way it needs to be for a Major League Baseball game to take place so its very very difficult to host more than 2 or 3 games a day on a Major League Field and theres not really any singular cities or g. R. Geographical locations where there would be enough fields to have 15 games a day being played simultaneously again in arizona and florida the host areas for the spring training sites every year possibly could have been solutions that those 2 places have enough fields the stage that many games however close those 2 states are covert 1000 hotspots in the United States theres also a lot of weather related issues again to the n. B. A. That itself play indoors dont have to worry about weather so we feel maybe its weather and just the lack of available major League Quality sillies in a given city makes it very very difficult for Major League Baseball to have any type of bubble scenario the u. K. Government has brought fans attending special Sports Events groups were set to watch horseracing cricket and snow but because of a rise in the National Infection right or pilot schemes have been delayed until at least august 5th a this does not affect the formula one british going pretty which is taking place with no funds still one driver has tested positive so jaipur as hes been replaced at the ricing point tamed by nico holcomb bug for the next 2 vises who bug 7th quickest in practice and it was prezs to mice are racing point launch to who is actually false this red bull was on excel them with 2nd quickest despite putting his call into one room one of his laps Lewis Hamilton on the right was picked as he items for a 3rd straight victory this weekend. Finally from a cameroon football captain steven toltz how has died at the age of 57. 00 to defend in the middle here that cameroon to the quarterfinals of the 1990 wild caught the 1st off i can tell you to reach the last 8 what are humans well i mazing feat for them thank you very much leigh. Well that wraps up the news hour but i will be back in just a couple of minutes with a folder lesson for you the top stories coming up very shortly i will say that. The health of humanity is at stake a Global Pandemic requires a global response. W. H. O. Is the guardian of Global Health delivering lifesaving tool School Supplies and training to help the worlds most found mobile people uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and of that scene working with scientists and Health Workers to learn all we can about the virus keeping you up to date with whats happening on the ground in the ward and in the lab advocating for everyone to have access to essential Health Services now more than ever the world needs w. H. O. Making a healthy a world for you. For everyone. As a weapon of war leaves the very deepest scar. Scars so raw that the victims men and women can barely talk about it. They are the only witnesses who can help bring about justice aljazeera follows human rights campaigners in libya investigating since the 2011 revolution. Unspeakable crime on aljazeera. Holding the powerful to account as we examine the u. S. Its role in the world on aljazeera. Than. As the World Health Organization warns the effects of the corona virus could be around for decades some hope from americas leading experts we feel cautiously optimistic that we will have a vaccine by the end of this year and as we go into 2021. You know i mariam was in london youre watching aljazeera also coming up a spread of cova 1000 has weighed heavily on the eurozone economy causing a wreck or contraction zimbabwes military and police in force a ban on adding

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