Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20240712

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Effort to develop a vaccine but numbers of infections from the virus continue to run its. Losing their homes and their livelihoods hundreds of thousands in bangladesh wait for much needed assistance amid rising flood gates. And mourning the conscience of Congress Civil rights leader john lewis lies in state of the west and. We begin in malaysia where in just the last hour a court has found former Prime Minister najib razak guilty on all 7 charges and this 1st trial links to the one m. T. B. Scandal on top was facing charges of criminal breach of trust Money Laundering abuse of power hes denied any wrongdoing and to faces several other trials its alleged hundreds of millions of dollars from the state fund made their way into hits accounts fonts louis joins us now live from Kuala Lumpur Florence are guilty across the board was this expected. Well i think the world the judge is basically in reading out his judgment and hes saying that the nut jobs defense lawyers were not able to show reasonable doubt that not just did not know what was happening the judge has rejected defense argument that knowledge of had been duped by finance years and that he thought that the money the 10000000. 00 that appeared in his personal bank account was a donation from saudi arabia now and the charges hes been found guilty of all 7 charges and they carry very heavy penalties they they range from 15 to 20 years in prison he could also be fined 5 times up to the amount that hes received so it could run into tens of millions of dollars and were not sure when sentencing is going to take place the judge could defer that to a later date but well have to wait and see but for now we know that hes guilty of all 7 charges but this as you mentioned is only the 1st of several trials that knowledge it faces in relation to the one m. T. V. Corruption scandal and this trial only concerns the 10 1000000. 00 hes said to have received or hes received the judge that from s. R. C. International a form a Subsidiary Company of one m. T. B. Florence given not jobs continued to political influence what might be the ramifications of these verdicts. Thats right now not just is no longer the leader know if thats the United Malays National organization the dominant party in malaysian politics but he still enjoys very strong support within the party and also outside of that policy and we saw how high ranking officials including the Party President what court to support not chip on tuesday now the current Ruling Coalition also relies very heavily on there to maintain its slim majority in Parliament Im know is the biggest component in the Ruling Coalition so on happiness over this verdict could weaken ties in the Ruling Coalition and some analysts say it may even trigger snap elections but on the other hand now the Prime Minister read in yasin can now point to this verdict and say well that shows that malaysia is governed by rule of law and it shows the independence of all institutions including the judiciary and this is important because in the last couple of months there has been unhappiness by malaysia civil amongst malaysia Civil Society groups and some malaysians over how high profile Corruption Cases have been treated in either dropped or settled one involves not stepson also related to money flowing from one m. T. B. And another involves a political ally off not chip so the Prime Minister could yet gain some political mileage out of this but. Because the correspondent florence lu even live from kuala lumpur. The race to find a vaccine to beat the coronavirus is hes you know up with us President Donald Trump announcing an American Made one is no end to phase 3 Clinical Trials that is the final hurdle before it can be approved its being tested on 30000. 00 volunteers believes it could be ready for widespread use by the end of the year how does your castro reports from maryland. If the u. S. Is to have a viable Coronavirus Vaccine by early next year its volunteers like Melissa Harding who will help make that happen everyone in my family is medical my husband please stop with their so were all on the front line than. Can be easily effected by it so doing our part to eradicate it is very important to me shes now part of the world vaguest covert 900 vaccine study among 30000 participants to test shots created by the u. S. Government and the private company mcgurn or other vaccine candidates will be tested in coming months weve been sitting on the sidelines passively attempting to wear a mask and social distance and not go out when its not necessary this is the 1st step of becoming active against this the covert death toll in the us is greater than 100. 00 in 47000. 00 more than 4200000. 00 americans have been infected that now includes Robert Obrian Trumps National security advisor the white house says obrien has mild symptoms and did not expose the president on july 10th the 2 were together in florida the state thats now the u. S. Epicenter with more than 10000 infections a day. 14 members of the florida marlins have tested positive throwing the u. S. Professional baseball season into disarray. Meanwhile unemployed americans have stopped receiving federal checks of 600. 00 a week a republican plan and congress would resume those checks but slashed the payment by 2. 00 thirds democrats say they wont agree and a partisan battle is expected how did your castro aljazeera maryland spains Prime Minister is appealing to the u. K. To reverse its decision to quarantine travelers from the country for 2 weeks and frictions are soaring in certain areas Petra Sanchez says the u. K. s move is not justified us alone or is seeing more than a 1000 new cases each day prompting fears it could become a new epicenter for the virus author editor has more. Spains sunny beaches mask a worsening Health Crisis infection rates have soared in recent days with more than a 1000 new cases a day. 80 percent of those cases are here in the regional capital buffalo no its feared the c. T. s now the epicenter of a 2nd wave of corona virus. Based on this being a sharp rise in cases among people who have been gathering in larger numbers the regional leader urged them to stop partying or risk another total lockdown. If we continue with the current pace of social life the only thing that we will accomplish is to worsen the situation we need to responsibly be responsible in our social interactions catalonia already has a strict to mess around in the rest of spain. The tory people have been advised not to leave their homes unless its strictly necessary and gatherings of people are completely bans bars in restrooms normally brimming with life are now struggling to stay afloat. 150 countries have now imposed restrictions on travel to spain on saturday the u. K. Suddenly ordered people coming from the country to quarantine for 2 weeks british tourists make up more than a 20 percent of all foreign visitors talks are on the way to drop restrictions on british travelers from spain. And the Spanish Government is also trying to convince countries other parts of spain are safe to visit. In buffalo knights a race against time to bring the infection rate under control if theres no improvement within 10 days the regional governments warned of aggressive tactics to control the spread of their radar are just barcelona. The World Health Organization is warning that imposing bans on International Travel due to cover 19 is unsustainable and that governments should be doing more to reduce the spread of the virus within their own borders. Has always opposed to travel measures should be used in conjunction with other measures to buy themselves travel travel measures are not effective in dealing with dealing with the movement of disease in the same way that hand washing a lawn mask wearing a lawn or any of the public building 2 inches alone is not effective it is going to be almost impossible for for individual countries to keep their border shut for the forseeable future economies have to open or people have to work trade has to resume a group of Brazilian Health care workers is asking the International Criminal court to investigate president jaya balls that are as government for crimes against humanity a document claiming to represent more than a 1000000 medical staff in brazil has been submitted to the hague based court it accuses the government of being criminally negligent in its management of covert 900 pandemic brazil has the 2nd highest number of virus related deaths in the world around a 3rd of bangladesh is currently affected by flooding thats left 2000000 people needing help many of those displaced and living in temporary shelters while others are being forced to take refuge on highways or the 100 people have died so far have a child 3 reports from and bangladesh gov begun is desperate to save whatever few possessions she is left with before the flooding she used to live with a family of 6 in this modest hut. Now shes not sure where our family and livestock will find shelter. With facing many problems theres no work here the authorities are supposed to distribute relief here but we have yet to receive any were not even sure what to feed our life stuck under these conditions we may have to take shelter by a bridge nearby for now. The nations largest river delta system many rivers which originate in the himalayas flow to india into the bay of bengal making the country highly vulnerable to flooding. Following the recent torrential rain many areas on the outskirts of the dhaka are also under water such as here in cyber but the Flood Forecasting Center says there is no chance of the floodwaters moving farther inland towards dhaka for now unicef say is more than 2000000 people including around a 1000000 children have been impacted and a half a 1000000 families displaced due to floods don joyride lost his home in korea graham not in bangladesh hes now living with his family in a temporary shelter many people came and visited the area even local Government People but so far we have not received any assistance its been almost 2 months since this area flooded Health Officials say it thousands of people in the flood affected areas have fallen victim to water borne diseases the government says its prepared to deal with the situation where the money for them and the Prime Minister has instructed us to take a Long Term Strategy to deal with the flood situation we are prepared and have adequate relief materials cash and food including special provisions for children dry foods and even hot cooked meals we had a Cabinet Meeting and decided where to distribute everything but despite the assurances the government has yet to assess the full impact of the flooding its a challenging time for people like cocaine or whoever made a raging coronavirus pandemic now also face the struggle to rebuild their life. Ill just era suburb bangladesh. Still ahead on aljazeera. How reports of a confrontation have led to tension along the israel lebanon border. And rethinking the urban world the u. N. Says now is the time to improve the planets citizens. Plenty of hot and dry weather throughout much of the middle east one of the shows further to north work in the east was away from the shores of the black sea it also noticed plenty of cloud hit through western saudi and again across into the far west of yemen weve seen rain here now for several days and it could be quite heavy at times that we could well see some flooding some in the city of santa i mean may even see more as it works as well about west coast of saudi quite a bit of cloud around elsewhere but look at these temperatures 51 in baghdad on tuesday 45 in kuwait 40 celsius in doha but of course it is fairly pretty humid again this time of the year but those winds still kicking up that sundin dust of the interior or of iraq and no change those temperatures 51. 00 in baghdad but the rain still continuing out across into the fall southwest of saudis or as i say we could see some localized flooding then down into Southern Africa plenty of activity through the central areas and a lot of cloud has been streaming across much of madagascar over the last couple of days and as you can see here plenty of heavy rain to the north and the east we could also pick up one or 2 shows just sliding on these coastal areas of south africa over the next couple of days and all the while the showers running up the coast all the way really from mozambique towards somalia more or less the same as we head off into wednesday what we will see though is more heavy rain through central and eastern as madagascar but a dry day in portal is a. On the culture of the cost this week rich countries a corner of the market for covert 19th drug scenes but what does that mean for the worlds paul well look at the coronavirus treatments also offer low income they sions and check out the real price of developing. Charging the cost although it has era context these are the 3 storytelling around the biggest issues weve done but had to do you should do it again. You want to aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour of course in malaysia has found former Prime Minister najib razak guilty on all 7 charges his 1st trial linked to the one n. D. P. Scandal in total its alleged hundreds of millions of dollars from state farm made their way into his accounts. Us President Donald Trump says an American Made corona virus vaccine has now entered face 3 Clinical Trials thats the final hurdle before it can be trucked believes it could be ready for once great use by the end of the year. Spains Prime Minister is appealing to the u. K. To reverse its decision to quarantine travelers from the country for 2 weeks infections are soaring in parts of spain us alone are seeing more than a 1000 new cases every day. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned hezbollah its playing with fire the Israeli Army Says it confronted an infiltration attempt lords by the Lebanese Armed group in the border region of sheba farms hezbollah denies it engaged in any confrontation the United Nations urging both sides to show restraint. Smoke plumes over southern lebanon after what the Israeli Military referred to as a security incident it said a cell of hezbollah fighters trying to infiltrate israeli controlled territory Israeli Soldiers tracked them and repelled them with machine gun tank and artillery fire in tel aviv where theyd rushed for security assessments israels julian Prime Minister and defense minister put on a rare show of unity government. A sale of hezbollah terrorists crossed into israel in an attempt to harm Israeli Soldiers i. D. F. Soldiers and officers acted professionally and accurately and prevented a severe incident that could have cost human lives. Israels Prime Minister made an explicit reference to the war of 2006 in warning hezbollahs leader Hassan Nasrallah that israels armed forces stood ready to respond further because bullets additional darts hizbollah mr understand it is playing with fire it made a big mistake when it assessed israels its own nation to defend itself and lebanon paid a price but any attack against us will be met with great force not to repeat this mistake and we do not live a normal. Israel has been on heightened alert cincinnati strike last week in syria attributed to israel killed a hezbollah fighter there has been has vowed to avenge any such deaths in southern lebanon the aftermath of the israeli artillery barrage hezbollah denied having carried out any operation saying israelis fired into lebanon out of confusion and panic and if statement was read out on the hezbollah affiliated elman our t. V. Then. It was all one sided and it was by an enemy that is afraid terrified and worried our response to the martyrdom of our brother kamil most and who died in the Zionist Attack in the damascus airport region is definitely coming and theres a sign of subi whiting for the punishment of their crimes last year a similar set of circumstances led to a hezbollah attack on an Israeli Military post and a limited israeli response it was over within hours both sides seemingly keen to avoid an escalation that motivation has only intensified since with a surging pandemic in israel and an economic crisis in lebanon but for now at least hezbollah is saying that this round isnt over are a force that aljazeera wester islam to military bases housing u. S. Their Coalition Forces have been hit by rockets in iraq on monday night the camp north of baghdad was hit by 3 strikes and these fighter camp was also rocked by explosions ok then reporters no one has any group claimed responsibility for the attacks. There be more demonstrations in iraq following the funerals of 2 protesters who were killed during fighting with police on sunday Security Forces fired tear gas and live ammunition to disperse crowds of the capital baghdad sundays deaths of the 1st since the new Prime Minister will stuff them it took office in may he says his government should not be held responsible for mistakes made by previously does. The lads will solve its not just ask a 2 month old government to pay the corruption and looting the left by the Previous Administration than it was a huge protest yesterday are legitimate rights Security Forces dont have the permission to far a single bullet out of the protest is the problem we have opened an investigation into the circumstances of what happened in Tahrir Square i requested that all function be made available within 72 hours. Mollys president has appointed a 6 person cabinet to form a unity government he was responding to an appeal from west African Leaders who also called for new elections following disputed votes in march and april Political Tension has been rising in mali in recent weeks with protesters demanding the resignation of president abraham because they accuse him of corruption mismanaging the economy failing to contain armed groups. Sudan has replace the military governors of its 18 states with civilians including women for the 1st time as aljazeera is have a mortgage of course from cuts comes at a time where civilians are losing their knives and parts of the country due to growing violence. Taking Office Nearly a year after the signing of a power sharing agreement that stipulated their appointment and after months of protests so dance Transitional Governments who are in a team used to 1000000000 governors they were placed governors appointed by former president obama will be xi before he was removed from office in april last year the appointees include 2 female governors the 1st woman to hold the post office in sudans history for you know how. We are set on implementing the vision and the slogan of the revolution which is freedom peace and justice we are aware that there are challenges together with the people of our states will tackle them we are all part of the revolution and are here to serve its goals the appointments come as the country faces several challenges violence in the rest of Western Region of darfur has led to the deaths of more than 100. 00 people in the past 10 days including 60 people who were killed by an identified attackers in west bar 4 on saturday and sunday there are sit ins in various parts of the region demanding better security and issues that will pose a challenge to the governors of the 5 to 4 states that make up the region therefore also has more than 1500000 people displaced due to the war which started in 2003 and has yet to and. Weve been in camps for years and despite the new Transitional Government we have not seen change when i try to go out of the displacement camps back to my farm there are always armed men preventing we dont have access to our lands anymore because of the insecurity. In the east of the country there have been ethnic clashes resulting in loss of life so full truth facts have been find over the past years but the people in there are marginalized and want a proper representation a slowing economy with an inflation rate of nearly 140 percent has hit some states harder than others while superior fuel shortages protests in many areas appointed governors is one of the main steps of sudans democratic transition and one of the main demands of protesters the appointment of a new government but in the 18th a rejection to the governors appointed in their region often citing gender or ethnicity some analysts blame it on a lack of transparency in the selection process. That the governors were paid to based on their political affiliations which gives the impression that the positions are merit based so people who now see this wonder why its based on Political Parties and tribes or a certain clan because it appears as though its a cake and Everyone Wants a piece of it the other thing is that some have little experience in civil posts so getting their states to believe in them may be difficult many challenges lie ahead for sudans new governors but for now they represent the completion of one of the requirements of the transition and the hopes of many for a stable country morgan aljazeera. Ukraine says pro russian separatists have broken a ceasefire just hours after it came into effect ukrainian soldiers say their positions came under attack but that they did not return Fire Fighting was supposed to stop in the regions a cease fire deal was backed by ukrainian president. Vladimir putin 13000 people have been killed in fighting in Eastern Ukraine since 24. Hugh zealand has become the latest nation to suspend its extradition treaty with hong kong the movers in response to the National Security law beijing is imposing on the territory Canada Australia and the u. K. Have also suspended their treaties and you there just targets crimes that it considers subversive. The coronavirus pandemic has exposed deep inequalities in towns and cities around the world how people live in them and what services they have access to un report argues that now is the time to reset how we live in urban areas and move toward a Sustainable Future report says there are 90 percent of cases have been in cities making them the epicenter of the pandemic some urban economies are serving their residents better than others a quarter of the worlds urban population for example live in slums many lack access to Running Water and the basic sanitation needed to effectively stop transmission of the virus on less than half of the worlds population have access to open public spaces near their homes u. N. Secretary general Antonio Gates had a says the pandemic has given governments a chance to reshape urban areas the regular the option of telecommuting illustrates social status controls for seemingly overnight to confront urgent sets we must act with the super urgency and resolve to transform cities and address the climate and pollution crisis now is the time to rethink and reshape the little worlds now is the moment with their backs to the reality of these and future pandemics and now is our chance to recover better by building more resilient inclusive and sustainable cities David Sanderson is an expert on urban development with the university of New South Wales he says its the people and poor communities who need the most help. The report says it well the u. N. Says it well the code it is unfair its those are the poorest in society there might be a bus load about you not it may be the one it will in particular the 1000000000 People Living in low income settlements or slums of Southeast Asia south and Southeast Asia and africa or latin america places where People Struggle where theres density where theres lack of access the issue is access to health care all jobs or things like that so the real challenge is to take that seriously though is that will happen the problem is the previous socalled natural crises of thats a little change around the world most cities have been engines of growth for centuries so cities are where wealth gets created the issue is tapping into that but if you order for me what. You need to do you need to work today to tonight im seeing this gap happening between people who can work from home and many people are quite liking that but 1st people are more vulnerable the issue is you cant do that you have to go to work you have to be on public transport you have to be in a dense market so less than Civil Societies take that seriously if you like and actually institute reforms that make a difference for those most vulnerable in society tragically the prognosis is the next issue will be the same thing. Civil rights pioneer john lewis has been given one of the highest honors for Public Service and georgia congressman is the 1st black lawmaker to lie in state at the Capitol Rotunda in washington d. C. Its part of 6 days of our morals to remember lewis who died on july 17th. After a battle with pancreatic cancer on special reports. A final journey through washington passed the landmarks of his life the body of congressman john lewis slowly made its way to capitol hill where it will no lie in state it stopped at the Martin Luther king memorial he stood with the preacher during the march on washington in 1963 a key moment of the Civil Rights Movement it drove past the africanamerican museum a building he helped bring into being and it paused that black lives matter plaza a short distance from the white house on the place of the congressman from georgia his final public appearance then on to capitol hill and the real owner of lying in state in the rotunda under the dome of the u. S. Capitol we have bid farewell to some of the greatest americans in our history is stating that john lewis joins this page pantheon of patriots rest john lewis was the youngest of the big 6 as they were no one civil rights leaders who changed the face of america who shaped the arc of history it would have been hard to conceive back then at a young child turning his family. Would age 23 be leading the movement to redeem American Society that hed be addressing the hundreds of thousands of civil rights marchers on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial there was a reminder to all of the power of john lewis his words of his ideas and ideals that made him the conscience of the house we all must learn to live together. As brothers and sisters. We all know how. It doesnt matter. Whether we are black or white. But you know if. The color was straight ok we dont want people where one. This is john lewis is off the street with letters of appreciation on the door as the coffin arrived here on capitol hill the house of representatives passed the resolution to really of Voting Rights bill in his honor i know the senate will be under pressure to follow up the warm words about the congressman with firm action thousands are expected to file past the coffin in the coming hours to see a final farewell to a life well lived. That took a stand and made a difference alan fischer. Capitol hill. Im convinced with the headlines on aljazeera a course in malaysia has found former Prime Minister najib razak guilty on all 7 charges his 1st trial links to the one m. V. P. Scandal in total its alleged hundreds of millions of dollars from the state fund made their way into accounts has denied any wrongdoing Florence Louis has been following the trial the judge has rejected not jobs defense argument that had been duped by finance years and that he thought that the money the 10000000. 00 that appeared in his personal bank account was a donation from saudi arabia now and the charges that hes been found guilty of all 7 charges and they carry very heavy penalties. They range from 15 to 20 years in prison he could also be fined 5 times up to the amount that he received so it could run into tens of millions of dollars. President donald trump says a u. S. Made corona virus vaccine has now entered the final trials before it could be approved trump says it could be ready for widespread use by the end of the year spains Prime Minister is appealing to the u. K. To reverse its decision to quarantine travelers from the country for 2 weeks infections are soaring in parts of spain more than a 1000 new cases a day of being recorded in barcelona a group of Brazilian Health care workers is asking the International Criminal court to investigate president jaya balsa dollars government for crimes against humanity a document claiming to represent more than a 1000000 medical workers in brazil has been submitted to the hague based court it accuses the government of being criminally negligent in its management of the pandemic. Israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says hezbollah is playing with fire is accuse the Lebanese Group of infiltrating the border as blood denies the claims United Nations is urging restraint from both sides. More demonstrations have been held in iraq following the funerals of protesters fighting with police late on sunday Security Forces fired tear gas live ammunition to disperse crowds in the capital baghdad the death of the 1st since. Their way took office as Prime Minister in may. Well those are the headlines dont go away though the news continues here on aljazeera after counting the cost. Territorial social and ethnic divisions. France has seen some of the biggest recent protests over black lives matter. Aljazeera world to some of its least privileged communities. Where treatment by the police is still a contentious issue. Paris a divided city on aljazeera. Hello im Adrian Finighan this is counting the cost on aljazeera a look at the world of business and economics this week as rich nations cornered the market for covert 19 vaccines and treatments what does that mean for the worlds poor we find out about the real cost of developing drugs. Im joined now in scotlands east kilbride

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