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Congress to help. Welcome to the program from the beaches of spain to the streets of los angeles coronavirus cases are searching on almost every continent faster and further than ever before its taken just 4 days for the global number of cases to jump from 15 to 16000000 over the past week 37 countries reported record spikes in daily infections including the u. S. Where the tally is going up by 60 to 70000 every day california remains the epicenter of its outbreak while florida has overtaken new york with nearly 424000 infections brazil is the 2nd worst hit country after the u. S. And the number of cases across latin america has surpassed 4300000 more than the u. S. And canada combined but those top 3 hotspots the u. S. Brazil india now. Count for half of the worlds infections Prime Minister Narendra Modi warned the indian public to remain vigilant saying the danger of cope with 19 is far from over well in a moment well have the latest from the United States but 1st a listener on petty is in the colombian capital bogota with more on the crisis across latin america according to the paramedic held her again and sation their pandemic across the region is showing no signs of slowing down but experts there are particularly worried the 5 countries brazil and mexico of course but also colombia where we are argentina piru and to a lesser extent also chile where things have eased up a bit of course brazil remains the main hot spot this week theyve been reporting more than 50000 cases for 4 days in a row however the government said that this sundays the number of confirmed cases has gone down to a little over 24000 well see what happens in the coming days but the worry there is that even if they brought under control their main hotspots and the 1st hot spots at the beginning of the outbreak new ones have seen appeared in particular in the south and center west of the country that had feared to much better so a lot of warre there now in countries like colombia where we are in tina the reopening of the economy as a man to a big big increase in cases so we are in a critical phase of the pandemic right now the same as happened in mexico that has seen a resurgence in hospitalizations despite the government thought they had already passed the peak depend a mic a moving focus now to the u. S. In our correspondent castro is in maryland she says the outbreak is getting worse in multiple states across the country. Thats a dire situation across the vast majority of states in fact in 40 states the per capita infection rate has gone up in this past week with 18 states breaking new records as far as the number of infections and the number of deaths florida is now one of the epicenters now surpassing new york in the number of infections reporting 10000 new day daily cases and were looking at texas as well another state that reopened early in this pandemic only for its governor to reverse course when it became apparent that these numbers were going up that happened a few weeks ago and now the question is whether it was too little too late as we see these infections continue to rise in taxes especially in the south south region of that state where resources were already strained to begin with in the Health Care System now hospitals begging for more resources the military stepping in to provide some assistance and bringing refrigerated morgue trucks to store the dead so a very grim situation in texas one of several hot spots now in the United States where europe was once a global epicenter of the virus off to the outbreak in china its not a long road to recovery but parts on the experiencing surges spain is insisting that its still a safe travel destination thats off to the u. K. Reintroduced a 2 week orange in period for those returning from the holiday movie bubble reports of london. Londons Gatwick Airport and plenty of people flying off on holiday but for those traveling to spain its a confusing time face with 2 weeks in quarantine on their return this teacher and her husband decided to cancel their trip to the countries south where we were going there is no outbreak so why dont some want them to like a regional lockdowns like madrid in barcelona like why not you know shut those down and then leave the tourist a bit open and thats a question being asked by some travelers heading to london from madrid i think it so its pretty bad because its just come all of a sudden its not given people much time to prepare. For everyone is now panicking and i also think it ruins cons for everybody since the number of cases here in spain arise and i think its a sensible measure. And i was expecting it to be honest spain recorded more than 100 new covered cases on friday in major cities including barcelona have seen a surge in infections with Health Officials warning a 2nd wave could be imminent the British Government says it had to act quickly to avoid reinfection and a possible lockdown but the message from spain is the country is safer tourists like in any other european country we are seeing outbreaks the outbreaks in spain are perfectly controlled we have 3 that are the most important outbreaks at the moment in barcelona in larry that. All of them are perfectly traced. Europes biggest travel company 2 he has counseled all holidays in mainland spain for 2 weeks but its still flying people to Spains Canary islands in the belly eric islands is question the need for people returning from those destinations to self isolate one aljazeera staff member who just travel to minorca says people there was surprised we were quite distracted when we had the news the numbers here are very low theyve implemented a very Strict Lockdown here and it broke out a very very strict one and people have not been able to leave their houses and theyve done really well it keeping the numbers down here in minorca the real damage is likely to be to peoples confidence in travelling meaning a setback to the Aviation Industry and to spains Tourism Sector that accounts for 12 percent of the national economy. Here in britain the Opposition Labor Party is calling for clarity on what support people going into quarantine will get but what many people are asking themselves is whether this kind of risk will be part of foreign travel for the foreseeable future. Aljazeera in southern england china will be officially shutting down the u. S. Consulate in chengdu as tension rises between the 2 superpowers the closures and retaliation after america shut down chinas consulate in Houston Texas the u. S. Is accusing china of industrial espionage has been highly critical of its policies in hong kong and treatment of its we go Muslim Minority has also been made to disputes of the trade and the coronavirus pandemic will katrina you joins us live now from chengdu so the u. S. Has been forced by beijing to china to close its consulate in chengdu tell us whats been happening there behind you. Thats why its away here in chengdu went down to the streets leading to the u. S. Country about 300 meters in that direction were going to have floating around the deadline the when the concert was supposed to have been vacated has just tossed and down the street you can see a crowd clearly coming toward us and what appears to be a van still unclear. Now up until this morning the media and the public were allowed to be right up in front of the u. S. Consulate but about 630. 00 this morning about 2 and off hours ago the police came they completely swept theyre going to clear the area and they barricaded discreet as well so way here and 6 30 am also is about the time that the u. S. Flag was seen being lowered from the flag post at the consulate now most of the stop working that would have bake a did actually over the weekend many was seen coming in and out the removal vans coming in and out of the compound as well now at this stage weve been told by china the reason the u. S. Consulate here is being targeted is because some of the stuff were working there apparently were engaged in activities inconsistent they say with that capacity is also quite a significant operation or it had been to get significant operation to work closely with u. S. Businesses based in the nearby chongqing and also because its located of its location here in southwest china it acted as quite a significant listening post for events taking place in tibet and sion junks that was also possibly part of the reason now beijing of course says that this is a reciprocal move in response to the forced closure of the chinese consulate in texas they were furious about that they said it was an unjust of light moves they deny any charges of spying or intellectual property theft and they say that washington really false its hand and really d weve seen now this u. S. Consulate having to close today and katrina whats been the reaction locally in china to this growing diplomatic spots i mean what are ordinary people making the wall. Well i can tell you here with the rounded by crowds of people here and really the opinions of locals in china runs the gamut we have a lot of people who have really taken to heart. His message hes a top diplomat here in china and he says that deteriorating ties are soley the responsibility of the u. S. And consequently hes seen a lot of hateful kind of angry messages on chinese social media people being really quite hostile saying that yes these these consulate officials they should leave as quickly as possible people. Joking that this building should be turned into a restaurant or a public toilets the wife of the quentin the general in time do sue each one has also received quite a bit of criticism she made a post on chinese social media wave all about his sadness of having to leave town due off leave a living yes to so many years and she received criticism because she compared her experience so she made reference to the experience of the jews leaving nazi germany and a lot of people came down in saying that she was possibly a spy and making these kind of hateful accusations not the same time there are a lot of people that we have spoken to people here in town do and people online who at the same time are yeah the direction theyre expressing their dismay that regret and the sadness of this happening is that its a shame that it has had to come to this and overall there is an awareness now this is Sichuan Province 12 years ago exactly there was a massive earthquake tens of thousands of people died people here today seem to be aware that this time theyre witnessing a geo political and quake taking place here until june or a katrina you there live for us in the chinese city of chengdu katrina thank you. Restoration is underway in greece on one of the worlds most famous and monuments the parthenon in athens has withstood the test of time that 2 and a half 1000 years and repairs are finally being made the damage done by a 19th century british aristocrat and other top priority is the return of artifacts the greek government says he stole johnson operates as the story. This mobile block is being cut out to make history it will eventually form part of the parthenon where new model is being precisely chiseled to be married to surviving fragments the reconstructed blocks will be hoisted back into the structure much of the damage to this 2500 year old temple was caused relatively recently just over 200 years ago the 7th removed dozens of sculpted panels to get to them he hosted masonry off the roof and dashed it to the ground yet nobody says not to remove something you have to dismantle whatevers on top of it its not like pulling a book off the shelf temple construction was like lego they were built from the bottom up this is why theyve lasted each piece is fitted exactly to the pieces around it and that makes them earthquake resistant the sculptures formed part of the structure this quake Proof Technology has lasted world the ancient greeks connected each block of marble to its neighbor with iron clamps over which molten lead was poured insulated and prevent rust and for 25. 00 centuries these clumps absorb the strains when blocks of marble moved against each other during earthquakes and theyve kept this temple from collapsing but earthquakes have done far less damage than people even those who unlike meant well the clumps used in a 19th Century Restoration rusted expanded and split the surrounding marble and venetian Francesco Morosini who meant to liberate africans from the ottomans 350 years. As ago did the most damage of all causing an explosion that ripped the parthenon open visitors are divided over how much of the original parthenon should be restored like it was thats better understand i think its better when you have your imagination i would love to see exactly how it was i think it would be amazing i love to see exactly how it was and maybe we have a 2nd chance at taking care of it and showing future generations what was there this restoration wont go as far as reconstruction its a mystery heal the damage and morosini caused greeks hope that part of that healing will eventually be the return of the sculptures that once the dorms there most sacred of monuments jumps are open aljazeera athens. Time for a short break on aljazeera when we come back the man with a car drove through a crowd in colorado well have the latest on to run some protests gripping the United States more and. Hello weve got plenty of heavy rain into central parts of china he acts again and that wet weather still policy alex across the East China Sea here we go with our my your front but you somewhat weather into parts of japan the west the weather will be around that western side of q shoe pushing towards western japan south korea also seeing some very heavy downpours could well see some flooding here as we go through monday and on into choose day that west the weather will run up that western side of japan sheltered by the mountains tokyo not faring too badly just getting up to around 28 celsius Southern China jenny fine in troy here and hell be 33. 00 once again there in hong kong want to rush the showers meanwhile lift intensified somewhat across a good part of Southeast Asia the philippines seeing some lively showers right across india china thailand sings and heavy rain of course whats the weather there through malaysia the driest weather as one would expect into indonesia and the not too much dry weather in the forecast across south asia more heavy downpours particularly to the northeast of india into bangladesh up towards bhutan towards nepal and then of course more very heavy rain right up the Western Ghats pushing up towards the fos out of pakistan with more showers to come this week. For. The latest news information government says its working with local authorities and Community Volunteers to meet the needs of the remaining a refugee with detailed coverage looked on measures of the president many countries how good to job losses for migrants and consequently every duck should do remittances from around the world it isnt the 1st time that the network was forced off the air in 1972 it was also shot down. Welcome back a quick recap our top stories here this hour coronavirus case the cross a lot of america asked 4300000 which is more than the u. S. And canada combined has been a surge of infections in brazil Mexico Colombia and argentina and experts say the actual tally is much higher than the official numbers. Florida has overtaken new york was the 2nd worst state by corona virus in the u. S. More than 12000 cases were reported in the past day taking the states total to more than 423000. And china has officially shut down the u. S. Consulate in chengdu the closure was retaliation after america shut down chinas consulate and Houston Texas. South korea is marking the anniversary of the armistice that ended the korean war nearly 70 years ago more than 3000000 people were killed in the conflict which never saw the participants sign a formal peace treaty the u. N. Is set to hold its own ceremony at the Demilitarized Zone in a few hours time commemorations are also expected in north korea right mcbride joins us live now from the south korean capital seoul rob so the armistice has been marked on both sides of the border north and south tell us whats been happening. Thats right here in seoul the commemoration it was an hour long event quite moving at times has just come to an end a series of songs reading speeches also video messages from World Leaders of course 22. 00 nations came to the defense of south korea led by the United States under the united nations. It was hoped that a number of those veterans would have made the journey here to south korea thats not possible of course because of the coronavirus but we have had a number of south korean veterans here obviously all taking very extra precautions and socially distancing because they are very Vulnerable Group a lot of these guys are well into their eightys and ninetys now but this was the commemoration of the end of the war which famously of course is only ever been stopped because of this armistice and it was hoped especially with all of the summit diplomacy of recent years that we may well have seen by this very important anniversary year an actual Peace Agreement being in place well that we know now is not the case and if anything relations have soured but this event obviously comes in the 70th anniversary of the start of the korean war now its a very important event here was the number of events commemorated that last month interestingly in north korea and that is to some what some extent glossed over because of course the north invaded the south although their history books give a very different story but it is this event the end of the war which is very much more commemorated in the north because this is billed as the fatherland overcoming the invaders from outside and rob just briefly away from the armistice commemorations that what more details are emerging about north koreas 1st official case of covert 19 and pyongyang shutting down the city of a song. Absolutely this is curiouser and curiouser maybe the Beautification Ministry has given a News Conference where they said they cant comment on it but theyre looking into the. Possible case it does seem as though there could well have been a defector from the south going back to the north its not its not uncommon to have happened whether that person has coronavirus or not people here are very skeptical it could be the North Koreans possibly using this is an excuse for why they might have had other cases that we dont know about or they might be just about to admit in north korea and looking possibly for somebody else to blame or at a robot drive there live for us in seoul rob thank you. Protests in the u. S. City of portland against racism and Police Brutality are into our 9th week there was more chaos in the streets on saturday night and well into sunday morning the protesters threw fireworks towards the citys courthouse while federal agents used tear gas to try and break up the crowds and 2 people are being treated in a hospital in colorado after they were accidentally shot during a protest they were hit by a fellow protester who had taken aim at a blue jeep that was driving at speed towards the crowds hundreds of protesters were marching down a highway in a vehicle drove towards them. Officials in the u. S. State of texas a heavy rain from hurricane hanna could lead to life threatening flash flooding in the south the storm made landfall on saturday but has since been downgraded to a tropical system as it weakens over land Texas Governor greg abbott has issued a disaster declaration for 32 counties he says coronavirus restrictions could complicate the work of emergency services. And residents of the u. S. Pacific islands of hawaii are bracing themselves to hurrican douglas which is expected to make landfall in the coming hours meteorologists say the oregon is weakening but many shopkeepers and homeowners are taking no chances authorities are providing extra spaces in shelters to maintain social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic well direct hurricane hits on hawaii extremely red the mayor of honolulu is urging people to take the storm seriously were going to be seen shifting going on youre going to be seeing strong winds and storm surge im partially island where roads are very close to the water and where homes are very close to the water it could be a life threatening event we dont want to see anyone get hurt or worse and thats why its just so important to plan for the very worst and hope for the best and i hope tomorrow we come out in the sun is out and everything is fine but we dont want to have a tragedy in our heads so nows the time hunker down and be ready to evacuate germany has rejected President Trump proposal to allow russia back into the g. 7 foreign minister hike a mosque told a german newspaper that russia will remain outside the club of wealthy nations until it makes meaningful progress in solving the conflict in Ukraine Russia was suspended from the g 82014 after it illegally annexed ukraines crimea peninsula. Theaters are empty countless concerts and festivals all canceled the coronavirus pandemic has been devastating to artists and performers some governments have stepped in to support them but american performers are pressing congress to give them a helping hand to deborah zonda reports now from new york. For better or worse the u. S. Is slowly reopening its economy restaurants parks and even pools have been opening their doors but for some industries there is still no light at the end of the tunnel the health risks of the coated 1000 virus keeping the curtain firmly closed on theaters cinemas and music venues which means no work for millions in the arts and Entertainment Industry people like carson l. Rod and actor whos been relying on the extra federal unemployment payments to make ends meet when Something Like this happens and everything shuts down and theres nothing to hustle for and theres nothing even look for it takes a situation thats already purse areas and it makes it. I dont i dont know any other way to describe it but just terrifying im charging you guys today to become our heroes thats where the be an arts Hero Campaign comes in a grassroots lobbying effort for arts and entertainment workers its members are imploring u. S. Senators not just to extend the extra unemployment payments before they are set to expire on july 31st but also to come up with a stimulus package to save struggling institutions across the country its not only the biggest theaters like here on broadway that have remained closed but also the smaller independent theaters as well as music venues everyone from actors to actresses to the millions of people behind the scenes many facing financial ruin be an arts Hero Campaign organizers point to the 50000000000. 00 bailout given to the u. S. Airline companies. Far more than the 75000000. 00 so far given to arts and entertainment thats despite arts and entertainment they say being worth more to the u. S. Economy we are instrumental and a cornerstone to the United States organizers say they dont want preferential treatment from the government just proportional to help prevent a tragic ending for millions in the industry gabriel sandow aljazeera new york. Now he marched alongside Martin Luther king jr in a campaign for social justice right up until his death almost 2 weeks ago now a vigil in the life and legacy of john lewis has been held in Montgomery Alabama is bodies lying in state at the Capitol Building where the public can pay their respects Martin Luther king jr daughter bernice was among those to speak at the vigil the citys the final leg of the selma to montgomery Voting Rights trail and as his casket retraced that journey well earlier it was driven across the Edmund Pettus bridge in selma on the way to the morial service it was 55 years since louis that hundreds of black demonstrators across the same bridge i was beaten unconscious state police violently broke up the march for joining me now is christopher w. Wilson from the National Museum of American History and kristof as an expert in africanAmerican History on the Civil Rights Movement he joins us from tacoma park in maryland christina great to have you on the program lets talk 1st about john lewis his final journey today his casket being taken over the Edmund Pettus bridge in selma alabama where he was almost killed by state troopers back in 1965 as you watch that moment today christopher what were your feelings and what it means to you. Well john lewis leaves such a such an amazing legacy weve had him many times here at the Smithsonian Institution to look back on his history and the history of the movement i think that the most important thing to me in his legacy and looking at that moment today is that he was leading that march in 1065 but he would have always thought about it as not just him and but all of the people who were working in places like selma on a local level for the National Organizations like Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee that he led and helped found at the beginning. Were important but really it was the local people whose voice he was amplifying and i think that that is still the important to remember today and im christian as you say you met on a work with john lewis many times over the last 16 years briefly what kind of person was 80 and what kind of impact did he have on you personally well mr lewis came out of the Student Movement in nashville tennessee along with some of the other really important leaders the Civil Rights Movement diane nash. The way on the same day as john lewis last week and others and. And he really embodied the violent philosophy of Martin Luther king not just taking nonviolence and gandhi in its way as a tactic in into its heart but really understanding it really living it as as as a lifes journey so he was really the embodiment of ok both that are of of peaceful protest but also of as he would have said good trouble and christopher in his last interview before he died john lewis talked about the killing of george floyd by white policemen and how it made him cry he also said he hoped that america was headed perhaps towards greater change this racial reckoning thats coming is sweeping america but im the President Trump though do you think things are really likely to change well you know we i dont think weve seen this level of activism in the country for a long time and so i think that there is Something Different john lewis was in his last days was able to stand out in the streets and in washington and join the protesters one of the things that we have to remember about mr lewis and other activists particularly out of that nashville tradition is though we think about the the the personal journey that they would go through and making personal decisions like not to give up their seat on a bus or Something Like that doing that sort of thing also they were really and on in really changing the nation and being really active and so i think that that what were seeing today typifies what john lewis was all about chris wilson great to have you with us najera thanks very much indeed suffield time. Time for a quick check of the headlines here on aljazeera florida has overtaken new york as a 2nd worst hit state by corona virus in the u. S. More than 12000 new cases were reported in the past day taking the states total to more than 423000. 00. Coronavirus cases across latin america have passed 4300000. 00 which is more than the u. S. And canada combined has been a surge of infections brazil mexico peru colombian argentina and experts say the actual tally is much higher than the official figures Alexandra Petit is monitoring the situation from colombias capital bogota brazil obviously is the big its fought they have reported now more than 50000. 00 cases for 4 consecutive days and whats happening there similar to what were seeing in the United States that theyve been able to somewhat bring under control the original hotspots in the north and northeast of the country but new hotspots have come up since in the south and central west of brazil its a very big country very difficult to control plus we know all the political issues going on with the president there minimizing the effects of the virus china is in the process of officially shutting down the u. S. Consulate in chengdu the closure is in retaliation after america shut down chinas consulate in Houston Texas the u. S. Is accusing beijing of industrial espionage and has been highly critical of its policies in hong kong and treatment of its Muslim Minority has also been major disputes of the trade and the coronavirus pandemic. South korea is marking the anniversary of the armistice that ended the korean war nearly 70 years ago more than 3000000 people were killed in the conflict which never saw the participants sign a formal peace treaty the u. N. Is set to hold its own ceremony at the Demilitarized Zone in a few hours time. U. S. Civil rights pioneer john lewis is being honored with his body lying in state at the alabama Capitol Building in montgomery he passed away almost 2 weeks ago well those were the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera to talk to us here at least and to sell that statement thats a lot. Of the cost this week rich countries are cornering the market for covert 19. 00 drug scenes but what does that mean for the worlds paul well look at the coronavirus treatments offer low income nations and check out the real price of developing. Charging the cost on aljazeera will. See. You receive also known as is one of brazils most popular politicians he was sworn in as president in 2003 and remain in office for 8 years. The former Labor Union Leader is known to have lifted millions of people out of poverty a champion of the poor in one of the most unequal countries in the world. Was imprisoned in 2018 accused of corruption and money dont

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