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A warning the disruption caused by the covert 19 pandemic could lead to double the number of malaria related deaths in africa this year. And in support the west indies are fighting to avoid defeat in the deciding task match against england stuart broad taking 6 wickets for england as his team took control of the contest. The British Government has reimposed 2 weeks of self quarantine on people returning from spain following new outbreaks of the corona virus that aljazeera is caught here Lopez Holloway on reports. An unexpected change of plans hours before boarding a flight from spain back to the u. K. These tourists have learned theyll have to quarantine for 14 days on arrival the country was taken off britain say travel list on saturday and the measure took effect at midnight we had a wedding to go to help plans to visit friends and family that we havent seen in about a long time and not looking have to cancel all those plans so its quite upsetting the sudden reversal follows a surge of covert 19 infections in spain we cry for straight by to be honest because it fails to actually feel safer in spain would it to the u. K. Before we left the u. K. It wasnt monday cheats ref ice mass in a lot of places. But nearly everybody is reading them so. Many of the new infections in spain are among young people showing mild or no symptoms lockdowns were imposed in some areas and barcelona bars said curfews and many nightclubs closed the Tourism Industry in spain accounts for about 12 percent of the countrys economy and its again her pairing for a downturn more than 20 percent of its foreign visitors last year were british and now france is recommending people avoid traveling there. So far weve had no cancellations but this may create doubts for people over the coming weeks i hope there are fewer cases but a lot of work has to be done. The sudden reimposition of restrictions is a reminder to many that even though some walked down measures here recently relaxed the pandemic appears to be far from over. Here. At Gatwick Airport just south of london for wept many people depart for their spanish holidays in the u. K. This is taken many people by surprise whats the reaction. Well the biggest reaction perhaps visibly has been from the British Government which has been defending its decision after some surprise eased comments and a fair amount of anger and disappointment from travellers the foreign secretary dominic robb has been on the television in the last few hours insisting that his government always plan to react to changing data as it easy out of lockdown he pointed out that the data came out on friday from spain which showed that there were more the 900. 00 cases in 24 hours he said that it was clear that there were outbreaks across mainland spain in his words and so its been necessary to tell people returning from space including from the bali area collins and from the Canary Islands that they have to isolate for 2 weeks will the Spanish Foreign minister i dont check on file is has now said that spain is safe for tourists and the government is trying to persuade the British Government to exempt those islands from the new ruling because the infection rates are much much lower there than they are here in the u. K. Its possible that theyre actually on a par nationally in spain with britain but still its clear that spain does have some problems in fact there are almost 300. 00 small outbreaks the biggest 3 according to the foreign minister in barcelona thought id go further and inlaid she says that theyre all under control and everything is being done to him to minimise the risk but clearly britain feels that it has to take that decision because it wants to avoid itself having to go back into lockdown if theres reinfection here so what happens but in the damed if youve got people who perhaps are even watching this now in their hotel in spain. They put themselves 2 weeks holiday when they get home and suddenly have to stay at home for another 2 weeks how do they square that. Yeah its a horrible situation for many people in fact on. Friday the day before the new quarantine measures were announced people were still being offered online offers of as as little as around 30. 00 for a flight to some destinations in spain so people were making the most of that and also people going to destinations including those islands where they thought that theyd be safe are now being told oh yes youre going to have to isolate for 2 weeks when you come back some people are having a canceling their plane at their trips because they cant take 2 weeks off either their key workers or for other reasons other people are changing their plans theyre being offered refunds but the travel industry here in the u. K. Is far from happy theyre trying to get the islands exempt but theyre also questioning why the decision was made so quickly was such a little. Such little warning so little time in advance the government here says that is the way it has to be done but the Opposition Labor Party calling on the government here to offer people clarity on what support they might get if they do have to self isolate returning from spain this is going to hit the confidence of people in traveling abroad for some time to come britain is not the only country taking measures for people going to spain france is a advising against nonessential travel norway has imposed a 10 Day Korean Team for people returning and of course that might happen to other countries which have their own outbreaks in the weeks and months to come out as there is now they are reporting live there from Gatwick Airport just south of london again many thanks indeed for the pandemic is spreading faster and further took the world 2 weeks to go. From 1000000 to 2000000 infections its taken just 4 days to make the leap from 15 to 16000000 data from the u. S. Based Johns Hopkins University Shows the United States brazil and india leading the surge this graph shows the number of cases at it every day the curve is rising with more than a quarter of a 1000000 new infections each 24 hours almost 650000 people worldwide and died after contracting the disease dr punk kolya is a senior clinical lecturer at the university of Exeter Medical school in the u. K. And an expert in Disease Control he says the global surge in cases was entirely predictable. It surprises me that people are surprised and ask questions like where did this come from it is inevitable and obvious if we have a large number of cases and then we move from environment of a lock down to having people go back to work and mingling and socializing one meets the other and people get infected and they make more cases the other thing that makes coronavirus called 1000 disease so difficult to control is because many people are infectious without showing any signs and symptoms of illness and that makes control that much more difficult and thats why we get these sudden surge of cases all over the country and all were all over the world measures such as Infection Control social distancing wearing a mask are important other issues that have already started weve got to stop it so for example cinemas here it is crowded bars night clubs those are places where infection will inevitably transmit and weve got to say no weve got to have restrictions that Outdoor Activities are a lot more safe than indoor activities so what we have to do is accept that it will happen work in partnership determine what is safe and do the safe things and dont do the unsafe things argentinas government deployed thousands of security personnel and marched to and force a nationwide lockdown to contain the coronavirus but reports of abuse and violence on the rise the 0 stories above are reports now from point a status. Cindy i dont says her brother look us west killed by the police on july 9th the day he turned 18 be living on. I working class neighborhood in greater one a situs us was shot when he left his parents home to buy a drink the other one this was 2 blocks away and we were on a motorcycle the police car crashed into them and threw them on the ground he had a bullet in the middle of his chest i dont know why they did it lucas was so happy to be turning 18 he wanted to get a drivers license and help our family. Loved horses and like to compete in races around the province his friend Bryan Bromell was with him that night he says they did not mean to violate the lockdown and never thought things would end up the way they did but get on a limb. Now we cannot trust the police they dont take care of us they kill us we have to take care of each other because we cannot expect anything from them. But many say look us in the only victim of the Security Forces its been 4 months since argentina imposed a law to prevent the spread of colgate 19 but critics say that the government has given too much power to Security Forces on the ground who are in charge of patrolling the streets Security Forces that have been involved in abuses in the past human Rights Groups say that at least 12 people have been either killed or disappeared by argentinas Security Forces 22 year old. Went missing in april he told his mother he was going to see his girlfriend 200 kilometers away in the province of when. He was never seen again Security Forces have been patrolling the area where he went missing for the past few weeks to try to find him the United Nations is demanding a full investigation into what could have been an enforced disappearance human Rights Groups say the incidents in the past months are not isolated. This is nothing new and shows again that there is a structural problem during koren 1000 Security Forces acquired greater protectionism because they are in charge of hosing the lock down reforming the police is a dead since argentina returned to democracy because even though there have been attempts of reform the real problems were never tackled. The 2 Police Officers involved in the killing of god on are under investigation his family is hoping justice will be served. One of. Once seen as a coronavirus Success Story straight at its highest daily death toll since the pandemic began 10 people died in the 24 hours in the southeastern states a victorian the epicenter of a resurging outbreak case numbers that have been growing by several 100 a day for the last 3 weeks started i had largely brought the corona virus under control in april but have seen a 2nd wave over the last month you have to say that these numbers are far too hard was there is some relative and i stress the term relative stability were not saying doubling the doubling again were not dealing with thousands of cases a day which is what the modeling tells us we would have had to deal with if we do not go into the start story start high motos weve got to drop those numbers down. The revenues are from of 0 still to come on the program more tear gas in portland this week 9 begins of an outcry against Police Brutality we have the latest for more of them. Patching up the parthenon the restoration project in greece thats rigged nice calls for the return of disputed asa facts. And support footballers return to action in mexico despite coronavirus fears far here with the rest of the school for the delays. In. The powerful politicians who stood alongside Martin Luther king jr as a pioneer of Americas Civil Rights Movement is just beginning a symbolic final journey 55 years ago john lewis was knocked down and beaten unconscious on a bridge in alabama for demanding black people be given the right to vote his body is about to be taken across that bridge in selma one last time its part of 6 days of ceremonies to remember the old who died after battling pancreatic cancer lewis was one of the socalled big 6 civil rights leaders in the u. S. Led by Luther King Jr he helped to organize the march on washington where king delivered his historic i have a dream speech lewis was elected to the u. S. House of representatives in 186 the democratic congressman so right up until he died 9 days ago in 2011 he received the medal of freedom from president Barack Obama Lewis championed causes such as universal health care of the rights of undocumented immigrants lets go live out of Miami Florida aljazeera is and he gallagher is there for us and he took us through whats going to happen today. Well john lewiss body has been sitting in repose at the Troy University in alabama close to where he was born it was then taken to the him me church in selma alabama and this giant of the Civil Rights Era will now make his final journey across the Edmund Pettus bridge in selma alabama of course that was the scene of bloody sunday in 1965 when john lewis went with other protesters and marches demanding Voting Rights and civil rights for africanamericans they were planning on marching all the way to montgomery the state capital of alabama when they reached the crest of that bridge and 965 they were met by Alabama State troopers and those pictures really change the civil rights history of this country john lewis himself was badly beaten one of several times he was beaten over the course of his work in civil rights and in fact got a fractured skull at one point when the pictures of that day went across the entire nation it changed the mood of this country it brought the Voting Rights act into sharp focus and john lewis never really stopped battling from that point onwards he was also the leader of the nonviolent Student Committee he was one of the freedom riders who fought against the separation segregation of africanamericans and he fought his entire life for civil rights he never stopped fighting this was a man who never rose his voice if you listen to him speak about these issues he didnt ever get angry he just never stopped fighting so his legacy is one that is extremely important in the history of this country when it comes to civil rights and upon his death he will be the last person alive or last person to speak that day in washington d. C. When dr Martin Luther king jr made his now extremely famous i have a dream speech and what of his legacy given all thats currently going on in the u. S. He was an extremely important figure to all generations right up to the point of his death 9 days ago when you think about whats happened in this country over the past few months particularly the death of george floyd and john lewis was always front and center and encouraging young people to vote in encouraging young people to hold nonviolent protests he was someone who was extremely hurt by the death of george floyd but i think encouraged by the amount of protests he saw going across the country comparing it to his own work in that crucial era in the mid sixtys so i think his his legacy will continue he was often called the conscience of the u. S. Congress someone who occasionally fell out with President Donald Trump remember he didnt attend the inauguration but he never stopped protesting in never stop making his voice heard remember after the shooting at the polls nightclub in orlando and john lewis was one of Many Congress people and politicians who did a sit in in washington d. C. So one sees body crosses the Edmund Pettus bridge a bridge incidentally named after a confederacy general and a leader of the ku klux klan his body will then go to montgomery lay in repose there before it heads up to washington d. C. Next week where the public the American Public who love this man daily can pay their own respects. And he gallagher reporting live from miami and the many things the u. S. Special envoy on iran says the blockade of trust has gone on for too long brian hooks says the gulf dispute is damaging shared regional interests of stability prosperity and security saudi arabia the United Arab Emirates bahrain and egypt cut ties with 3 years ago cartels leaders deny their allegations of supporting armed groups and refuse to accept infringements on the countrys sovereignty. The World Health Organization is warning that malaria related deaths in africa could be more than doubled this year with almost 770000 because of disruption caused by the corona virus pandemic the Health Emergency the shutdown many large scale treatment and prevention programs. Reports now from nairobi. Hospital in kisumu city. Medical workers are treating children sick with malaria. For. Bringing hospital was not an easy decision. There was one. Now i have exposed to a. Disease. Causing. These things but i have to bring i hear that when i say there isnt my side because im going to the number of people who might be infected and end up infecting so they feel their medical workers say many people suffering from malaria are staying away from health facilities. During this. Pandemic period most of the way from coming to the hospital putting into the fear their. Victims are getting affected you know. 19. Days in the heart to whats called kenyas malaria belt well outbreaks of the disease are. Stagnant toward like this one it was the perfect breeding ground. For. So. I dont think. Its. Like. According to the world to help the 1000 pundit make use of disrupting routine Health Services that are likely to increase outbreaks and deaths from treatable diseases such as malaria. The crisis affected the veil ability of mosquito nets used to prevent the disease malaria is one of the leading causes of death globally on the 2nd biggest killer enough rekha which accounts for 93 percent of malaria related deaths in the world. In the coming decades much will depend on whether. Or utah. The next few months will prove to cause governments on the International Community to try to pull a delicate balancing act to keep both. Under control. And speaks a doctor who has in brazzaville in the republic of congo hastie a team leader of the tropical and Vector Borne Diseases Program and the World Health Organization Regional Office for africa good to have you with us dr how many execs deaths are we talking about here that could be caused across the continent. Malaria deaths because of the fact that peoples attention is being diverted by the pandemic. Yes we dont want people to be saved from the and they end up dying from i live here that was a business of im not taking that but one of the youve talked about and if it was to live your players now will end up losing more than 750 dozen people to my liver this year but it doesnt fully sense that a lot was given to country as countries uptick in action to ensure that military Services Continue so we have been down over fully deployed big shown will not come to pass you say that theyve taken action so what sort of action was the World Health Organization urging them to take for instance countries up to london to implemented my liver prevention not give it its latest if we didnt it is. For instance then countries plan for them have to continue to do that dumped into the situation but were happy to report that country is continuing with distribution of insecticide treated lands also the country that plans to undertake the says no more live in more prevention treatment of people who additionally not seek better could we see bring medical assistance they have also continued in those countries killing the south region of africa that has continued because of that did you know countries so we salute country leadership in africa for any shutting down my you have prevented from some it is a continuum of cause it is behind. Us as the miller said is maybe a compromise yes is happening better to limited extent or not have the level of those predicted and we encourage countries you know looking up and shut in their routines such as continuing countries when shooting my lady or services when you when you talk about routine Services Including bleriot services what about vaccination programs they like it to be disrupted exactly that sort of mean thats i think limited services that soon programs must continue on says due to medicine he says for 4 months for simplicitys for pneumonia as for the children and for those who must continue and anything that he doubts that are said should be looked into with time and dealt with including absence of their work outs good p. B. S. T. V. Show the idea of save and if you save to be able to manage to seek children sick we men and seek everybody we see who comes of it of facility so saying that the worst Case Scenario that we talked about here the more than half a 1000000 excess deaths has been avoided or should have been avoided but nonetheless that there will be excess deaths from malaria this year because of the pandemic. Well that that is the prediction but but the essence of really digging up and i think in the world and i love being country is whats to prevent it and we believe that countries have taken the one thing countries have adapted approaches you know that dish of my competition on what unsettles that is officially preventative visions and continuing so at the end of the year hopefully were not see that pretty sure im going to really get to talk to so many thanks indeed talk to a protocol of that speaking from brazzaville in the democratic republic of congo thank you very much. Life threatening flash flood warnings are being issued in texas after hurricane hanna hit the u. S. State the governor has declared a disaster all across southern texas and says that the surge in corona virus infections there will complicate the Emergency Response and its now been downgraded to a Tropical Storm as it heads towards northern mexico. Were going to weather update next you know 0 then life on libyas front lines we need a 1st responder to see his colleagues become targets. And in sports entre 4 month break Le Bron James hits former head of the response of the n. B. A. Season. How low the weather remains on the usually stormy across western parts of yemen southwestern areas of saudi arabia lots of thunder heads still showing up here we will see more showers as we go through the next couple of days elsewhere where hot and dry as usual sums it up 51. 00 celsius extreme heat here in baghdad further south though hardly getting up to around 44. 00 celsius for monday killing off 70 goes down humidity goes up 38 celsius the top temperature here on tuesday still hot enough 100 in found i dont see that 51 celsius there in baghdad more showers there you can see just around the southern end of the red sea i shall is affecting eritrea stepping off the theo p. And highland you will eastley waves driving the way towards that west africa big downpours there into western parts of cameroon southern areas of nigeria the usual on the seasonal showers but the west the weather over towards sierra leone towards getting pushing up towards the gambia over the next day or so and if anything they said was a little more intense still as we go on through choose day sell. So the tropical shower as well as you dry across a good part of Southern Africa got a developing system making its way towards madagascar and turning very wet here this week. For. What is the price of luxury. An Undercover Team travels deep into the illegal cocoa plantations of the ivory coast Simple Solutions are very hard to find for something as complicated as the child with them chocolates hearts of darkness and count as unpatrolled labor is working in a 100000000000 dollar industry well over a huff of the countrys cocoa produces live below the poverty line. On aljazeera. Not in america is a region of wonder and joy of tragedy and violence but it doesnt matter where you are youll have to be able to relate to the human condition. On the scene trying to break away. Ive been covering all of latin america for most of my career but no country is alike and its my job to read light on how and why. Hello again this is Al Jazeera Adrian from getting hit in doha with the news out on headlines the u. K. Has imposed a 2 week quarantine on travelers returning from spain change began at midnight on sunday leaving many tourists scrambling to get home. The World Health Organization is warning that by larry a related deaths in africa could more than double this here almost 770000 because of disruption caused by the corona virus pandemic. In the body of u. S. Civil rights pioneer john lewis is about to be taken across the Edmund Pettus bridge in selma alabama one final time these are live pictures lewis was knocked down and beaten unconscious in 1965 demanding black people be given the right to vote lets bring in Lester Spence in baltimore is a professor of Political Science Africana Studies at Johns Hopkins University Good to have you with us again lester realist lewis is going to be carried across this bridge in which he nearly died at the hands of state troopers while leading a peaceful march its a bridge that begun be renamed after him how much has his country your country changed since that bloody sunday. So one it is funny because we can talk about change and so since bloody sunday africanamericans are now really africanamericans in a civic sense in a social sense and to a certain extent in an economic sense and then also with after blood bloody sunday we also had immigration laws opened up so americas far more diverse with significant immigration from south america from africa from asia as a direct result of that at the same time. So john lewis actually spoke at the 960. 963 i think march on washington and his original speech had to or he was supposed to speak but they end up not allowing him to speak because his original speech was going to go at the 963. 00 Civil Rights Act for not including enough protections against Police Brutality and not doing enough to protect the right to vote so at the same time that we can say that the nation is d d far more is far different is far better we can also say that there is a lot more work that we have to do in his last days he watched the aftermath of George Floyds death and in his last interview he talked about how that had made him cry but that he hoped that the country was headed towards greater change because of George Floyds death and the protests that followed it. Is the country heading towards greater change do you think is the u. S. On the right path. Oh. The u. S. Is heading towards change great change but it can either go one of 2 directions right so as we speak it really looks as if the trump tennessee is is looking to steal the election. And then use heavy had it handed tactics and cities across the country. Using Police Violence to do so on the other hand it can create a significant opening up where we not just open up the state for our political participation increase political participation engagement but also open up the state economically because we have this really really really wide gap between the haves and have nots that we havent really wrestle with directly since the sixtys so which direction we take is going to be the result of concerted intense Political Action 20 extend well will mr lewiss legacy move of events not just now but in the is to come but particularly now as we head towards novembers election. Well i think if we really take his work at the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee seriously like so i while he was chairman they instituted at significant policies to engage some other folks who couldnt who didnt have the right to vote to vote he had implemented under his chairmanship they implement a freedom schools to actually you know broadly engage people in political organizing if we take that legacy seriously and work to kind of implement it in a new political context then i think his legacy wont be just something we read about in the history books it will be think it will be a legacy that we can point to and say that its a lie and the specific actions in these specific institutions and this specific political project designed really to take our country back how do you think mr lewis would few whats currently going on in portland and oregon with federal agents being deployed against mostly peaceful protesters. I think hed look at it simultaneously ask kind of a deja vu moment given what he fought and given that speech that he originally was going to deliver at the march on washington i think he would be also be hopeful though at the for example the wave of of portland moms who organize to protect protesters portland dads with with with leaf blowers right to protect people from tear gas you know of these are populations of people these are populations that just several years ago nobody would have predictive would actually come forth and act as they have i think that i think that he would view them. As positive signs. Let me just remind viewers anyone is just tuned in less to some live pictures 2nd from from selma with waiting for the cortege. Carrying john lewis is a body across. The Edmund Pettus pettus bridge in selma i will bring you that live when it happens. On aljazeera. Of course this is the 2nd day of 6 days of commemorating mr lewis is life yesterday what we all thoughts. On yesterdays celebration his hometown troy with his family remembering him by sharing very personal tributes. So his family knew him is robert right so so by the way comparison my middle name is kenyatta the only people who call me kenyatta are the people i grew up with right after terry but i also am Lester Spence so john lewis is this larger than life figure but john lewis was also John Robert Lewis was also robert louis who was just kind of a regular person who when the moment car for it kind of stood up and change the world right so so so excited extend it what his family is wrestling with are those 2 figures at the same time theres robert louis who they knew you know who would hang out with him for christmas and holidays etc etc and then theres john lewis how do you actually take those people put the kind of put them together wrestle with them and thats so thats what were all wrestling with right because this is a moment where individuals literally have the opportunity to change the world where the weather talking about something as simple as staying at home and not wearing a mask and not spreading the virus or not potentially spreading a virus whether were talking about attending a protest in baltimore or in portland its like all of us have that opportunity to be larger than life at the same time were just regular folks so i think thats what were all going to be wrestling with thats what his familys deum one unless or as they as that the cortege crosses the bridge now. In selma explain the significance of the of this moment for us so when he says when and when he pleads that march. Over what about what 5050 plus years ago when he leads that march he has no idea whether he theyre going to win that struggle no idea whether hes going to actually live to see the next day no idea he had no idea that within 5 years all a sudden you know wed have something called hip hop that are created by caribbean emigrants that are able to emigrate because of the immigration policy change because of his actions he had no idea that youd have. Literally hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of black elected officials. Put elected in office in the south and in the north no idea for example that atlanta would actually have a black woman mayor and 2020 at the same time no at that moment it wasnt clear that increase that any quality what raised til it to the point that it outstrip the Great Depression right so there are all these different ways that that moment you know we can look at that moment and put ourselves in the eyes of somebody looking for it to cross that bridge not knowing what was coming having no idea and deciding to do it anyway and then at the same time with hindsight think about all the complicated and wonderful legacies that came out of that moment and to what extent did very well. To what extent did that one moment set the course for the rest of john lewiss life. So yes so he he wanted this i think he said he wanted to be somebody it wasnt clear to him what he runs for for he ends up becoming you into becoming chairman as do not violate coordinating committee changing that he ends up running for office and 87. 00 actually against one of his friends against julian bond at the same at the moment theyre really Close Friends they run against each other he wins he hes Congress Person for the next 33 years right he dies while in office theres no there is there is nothing in his his trajectory was not a magic noble well for the Civil Rights Movement it was not imagine a bill that the 5th district in georgia will be represented by not just a black man what a black man would had his head beat in by police who wanted to defend White Supremacy and jim crow there was there was nothing that would have predicted he changed he didnt just change his own future he didnt just write his own future he changed it for everybody im not here speaking to you im not a professor at hopkins without. Of course he was the last of his generation as well the the process of john lewis is. A moment history and history really doesnt it. Yeah it does he was so he was the last person alive to speak at dawn to speak at the martin march on washington there are few people alive who can still remember an iraq thing with them interacting with people like Martin Luther king or malcolm x. But were really witnessing the passing of a generation right and its weird because its happening at a moment when we have more protests and more protests protest activity than any moment since then right i mean that if you look at the protests around George Floyds death globally that arguably more protest happened. Around George Floyds death than any other of that in the history of modern of the modern world right so the question is how do we take that legacy and actually make it live right because its not about its not about being able to just read a history book about john lewis or to read the comic book he was actually a big comic book fan to read john lewis comic book or to see the netflix dot documentary its about how do we take what happened then and make it live and and make it real now that struggle to make not just black people citizens because we cant we narrow when we talk about was Civil Rights Movement we narrow it will we say that it was about making black people citizens right we narrow it its about increasing citizenship to encompass all broad swath of people how do we do that now what does that look like now when the struggles are different even as they contain kind of similar dynamics like Police Violence that thats really the thats the question were going to be that we should be struck him and he think that you know as we said he was the last generation and his passing marks the passing of that generation do you think thats why. So much of emotion if you like. Why were seeing so many people who want to come and mock the life of john lewis now after his passing. So its not going to be possible to do this but i remember when rosa parks passed away and they kept her in state one of i think she was the 1st just regular citizen to be kept a state in d. C. And me my kids my then wife and my then mother in law we waited in line we musta waited in line maybe 1213 hours and there were thousands upon thousands of us waiting in line and we ended up not even making a you know my kids were just just just bay held out as long as they could but we did that not just to pay homage and im getting emotional even thinking about it not just the pay homage to the world we living came because of them. Like John John Lewis was a here he was a kid. My oldest my daughter is 25 years oh i think john lewis was younger than her when he was taking on these actions what does that type of legacy mean today how do we kind of how do we build on that you know how do we but. Wow i mean its one person you know youre taught this is a as a kid you know one person can change can change the world and john lewis was a kind of a guy you know im a big time comic book Science Fiction or. One person can change the world you know but but it requires not just an individual commitment but acquires a broad commitment thats why i keep coming back to the student nonviolent court met not not by the court maybe committee i could also add n s e l c the southern christian Leadership Conference i can even look at in Something Like really modern concert and i. C. P. There are these as the 2 shows that we basically created in order to make america live up to its highest ideals when we think about the passing of of john of a figure like john lewis what were thinking about is those high ideals that america is supposed to live up to and then in this case its the struggle that we have to wait against a tennessee thats really designed to make america live up to her lower values those values that it that its expressed time and time and time again over the last 401 years the horse drawn carriage carrying the conscripts of john lewis is on the move and about to cross the bridge in selma alabama. Professor where we still got to go you know i just wonder about 20 stand the ways of Martin Luther kings legacy. Lay upon john lewiss shoulders shoulder as well. So so as we have so being known as the conscience of the congress that actually has its that hat that actually has has a certain type of a cause and a certain type of responsibility right so i give you kind of a couple of complicated ways that think about that so when obama ran for president. John lewis actually supported Hillary Clinton he supported Hillary Clinton up to the georgia primary and when he saw the members of his district vote. For obama he was like you know what i have to change my support because i dont want to be on the wrong side of history you can see Martin Luther king jrs legacy weighing on him there but at the same time its complicated because when Bernie Sanders for instance. And in 2016 and one of the things he ran on was the idea of making Public College education free job losses response to that was you know was nothing in life is for free people should have to work for what he had john lewis attended Fisk University Fisk University at the time john lewis attended in 1963 there to wish him was i think 545 dollars no 640 5. 00 Something Like that that translates into todays 1. 00 and 5500. 00 a year to wish it sell is 21000. 00. So at the end that Martin Luther king jr is live he wasnt just arguing for d our for racial equality he was arguing against capitalism so when we see john lewis not stand up for Something Like free College Education which would have but which would disproportionately benefit people in his district and all the black people in cities like alabama i mean is that he like atlanta oh we see this complicated dynamic where the legacy looms large and it shapes his actions in one way or shape his actions that one way but the legacy doesnt didnt quite shape his actions in another way professor im aware that ive kept you talking for such a long time and to apologize were told that the. The cost gets that the horse drawn carriage is about 2 minutes away from the bridge now. So id appreciate it if you if you wouldnt mind just staying with us until we actually see. The coffin go across the bridge but i just want to add you as you met him and you met john lewis. No i did not the closest to a figure like that that i met i met you leon i met john conyers a long term detroit legislator but i didnt have the honor of meeting john. And i was listening listing human its been its absolutely inspiring listening to what you are saying that its sort of. I mean suppose there are many people listening to you today who themselves will be in the same position that they regret that they theyve never met someone as great. John lewis and. This occasion today as you say its this is such a symbolic moment isnt it in in the not i mean the life and legacy of such a great man. Yeah yeah. It really is and you know im now middle age you know ive got probably less had a me than i do behind me and this is one of those moments where people of my generation so we are were called the civil rights that actually the black the black folk you know everybody else called generation x. Like the black folk were like to the post of rights generation right so this is the moment where we have to where we can actually look back to integrating institutions like hopkins on the one hand or any grading. You know and or getting elected to office being the 1st black folk elected office or hired at various firms or whatever and in the United States context but at the same time we can actually look to whats happening in the streets of portland and baltimore and say like damn weve got so much more to do we some population of us not me but some population of us thought that that struggle was like over right but its not its and its sobering to look at him having died it made the world is different but to say what to see how theyre all these elements that are we hearing their heads again its sobering to see that and then to say ok this is the fight im going to be fighting for the rest of my life my kids my youngest kids downstairs hes 15 were going to be fighting this struggle for the rest of his life thats that sobering. But you know this is what it is this is this is. The this is what this is what it lets you know i mean do you think that i mean i mean that. When you talk about a 15 year old are facing a lifetime a struggle thats thats thats pretty bleak isnt it. Oh well its not its not so so people ask me all the time about hope and im not the hope im not really a hopeful guy at the same time im not pessimistic im not but im realistic right i realistically understand that weve got in the short term a problem a problem of Police Brutality that wont go away without aggressive state action in the short term we have a pandemic that is bit has been deeply politicizing United States along race and class lines and the long term weve got Climate Change which is also going to have an effect on the world but its going to have disproportionately affect on. Black and brown folk in the United States racially and then poor folk in general those all involve long term and short term political struggles and theyre not going to be easy ones people are just going to be theyre not going to be hope and change into doing the right thing youre not going to be able to use rational argument to do the right thing and is it and its not clear were going to win and so yeah its a realistic attempt i understand that things change and develop but i think its a realistic is a realistic assessment thinking about john we were talking about. Peaceful protest and getting into the good trouble. What do you think hed be saying to demonstrators in portland today what do you think keep the same deal 15 year old son. Tell him to stop yelling at people he plays in the blue he plays again. Ive got one of those ive got one of those 2. Ruinous and you can like hear him screaming thomas there is not a good look but i think what he be telling him. I think youd be telling him about the importance of the political struggle he be telling him that one person can make a difference he be telling him that even as we see elements that are that are the same even as you can probably take snapshots of whats gone on in baltimore whats going on in portland and then just put them next to snapshots of the sixtys in the deep south that development actually occurs that its possible to actually make things better and then he tell him that that the state is important that that that voting is important he be telling him what he wouldnt just tell him that voting is the only thing because its not he but he would tell him that its important for us to take politics seriously and then finally i think he would tell him to think about ethics and morals and engaging in Political Action so as i said earlier for borrowing from the christian line in the christian bible we fight against powers and principalities right now doesnt not in the big tools as much we fight against powers and principalities ok well. Lets quit with thats gone quick quick quick but im really sorry to interrupt you that moment but they were here we go the strong carriage with the cost going to john lewis is poorest. At the at the apex of the Edmund Pettus bridge. Such a symbolic moment the passing of a civil rights icon to what extent though lesser is this also perhaps a moment of hope a moment of inspiration. Well i dont i think the fact that we see global protest is should it is a good thing i think that we see im from detroit and detroit has a long history of northern racism and segregation there are suburbs in detroit who have george floyd protest i never would have imagined having protests protests that were actually led. By white suburban detroit is the same population that would have you know 3040 years ago quote Ronald Reagan and all those things are are things that people who believe in hope should take hope from it we should take hope from the fact that a number of people are willing to do so are protesting in masks but during the greatest pandemic that weve seen in a 100 years we should take hope from that we should take hope from i think that the election the Upcoming Elections going to be more complicated i think that the trunk tennessee is actively working to steal the election i think we should take hope from the fact that the Public Opinion polls look at trump being beat like he stole something i think we should take hope from all of that. And just very very very quick to be quite a few more days of commemorations. Culminating of course and his being laid to rest to what extent though is is this the Pivotal Moment and this week the you know he said that the coffin pausing at the apex of the bridge but the to what extent is this in the commemoration this is this that the high point. Itll itll be interesting to see what happens when he comes back to d. C. So i say now this is a hard point but again even though is that pandemic i remember waiting in that line i did see rosa parks and it was one of the most even though i did make it to see here it was one of the most powerful moments of my life so itll be interesting to see what happens when when basically he when he comes. Comes home to d. C. So to speak professor i really really appreciate you being with us many thanks indeed for being with us thats professor thanks for class a spouse this is a Political Science of afrikaner studies at Johns Hopkins university that who has been helping. Mark this moment the body of the u. S. Civil rights pioneer john lewis being taken across the Edmund Pettus bridge in selma alabama one final time it is the place where lewis was knocked down and beaten unconscious in 1965 for demanding black people because the right to vote. And bring in here is andy gallagher. Whos live for us in miami. And he is as we were saying this a Pivotal Moment in this week of commemorations for the life of john lewis what us what are we expected what is due to happen we had that personal celebration yesterday this this today what happens with the rest of the week. Well from here the body of john lewis will be taken to montgomery the State Capitol of alabama where a sermon will be given by his Close Friends and family and then john lewis his body will lay in repose in washington d. C. Where members of the public can pay their respects but i think this is the Pivotal Moment as he was saying and all of this john lewis his body passing over the Edmund Pettus bridge where 55 years ago he was marching with other civil rights protesters trying to get to alabama to fight for the right kind of merican to vote he was met instead by billy clubs and police dogs and Alabama State troopers and spilled blood for this cause not for the 1st time in his career as a civil rights icon in fact at one point his skull was shattered by the police and in fact Alabama State troopers are a school ting his body across the Edmund Pettus bridge today and there are of course flowers strewn across the bridge i actually walked across that bridge several years ago with a civil rights protester who was with john lewis on that day and told me 1st time and what it was like its hard to underestimate just how much of an impact that day had bloody sunday is of course of what it came to be known at the time there werent many broadcasters in this country but a. B. C. News at the time broke away from the nuremberg trials and broadcast all of this to the nation and it really changed the mood of the entire nation it really solidified an intensified that fight for the right for africanamericans to get the vote a fight which john lewis incidentally never stopped battling against alabama where ive been many many times bill has Voter Suppression as does many states in the south and john no self said look freedom isnt free its something that we have to fight for but this is as much a celebration as it is a sad day for those that knew john lewis because hes one of those people that just has an appeal to all generations in this country whether they are young or old and he didnt just fight for africanamerican rights he fought for native americans he folk

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