Becoming a new sea of tension and the french president is talking about sanctions on turkey. What long term consequences might there be after copa 19 has torn through the body affecting not just the lungs but the kidneys the heart and even the brain jonah home of her mothers hospital in scotland where theyre trying to find out. The current virus crisis is causing even more pain for workers in the worlds biggest economy more than 1400000 people in the u. S. Have claimed the unemployment benefit in just the past week is the 18th week in a row that numbers have topped a 1000000 now economists estimate the 25000000 people and out out of a job the white house says thats fundamental agreement on a new creative a stimulus Package Senate republicans are set to unveil the one trillion dollar aid bill in the coming hours search and infections has seen some businesses and schools closed for a 2nd time now there are almost 4000000. 00 cases in the u. S. The latest 1000000 has been recorded in just 16 days. Well lets go to a White House Correspondent jamie how could he joins me now from d. C. As weve been talking about these fluctuating unemployment figures kimberly we wait for reaction really dont we from the white house. Yeah the u. S. President has added to his schedule which was otherwise pretty empty Coronavirus Task force briefing late in the day around the 21 g. M. T. Hour so well be watching to see what the president says he continues to paint a rosy picture moving forward even in the face of these numbers that are going in the wrong direction in terms of infections things getting worse not better whether its jobless claims whether its infections when it comes to those jobless claims you put out the number there 1400000 its not the high we saw in march in 1 week of 6900000 americans filing for unemployment but certainly the worry is that things are climbing back because of these infections in fact dr Deborah Burkes talking about a number of cities around the United States where things are particularly concerning among them nashville miami even north of washington d. C. And baltimore but theyre also states that had looked pretty good a few weeks ago and now not so much including california and thats why there is this concern that there seems to be another wave going just as the president is continuing to try and push for the reopening of businesses and schools but just the opposite is happening now many local and state officials shutting things down in the face of these new infections around the United States of course it is all about the finances both on the personal level on the logs of the businesses all round the house wanted to send a standard for a stimulus package another said it wants to do something so very confusing for the ordinary american who really just needs help and they need help right now kimberly. Absolutely and youre right you really hit the nail on the head the house of representatives controlled by democrats has one vision for helping americans and republicans in the senate and this white house have a very different vision now we do know that there is that vision that the white house has hammered out with Senate Republicans that this being a veiled in the house rather in the Congress Today we did have an opportunity to hear from the treasury secretary steve minutia and about what this legislation looks like heres what he had to say. Weve been given the states plenty of money this money hasnt been used in by the why if it turns out we need more money than 25000000000 well go back and ask congress for more money the president wants to make sure people in Nursing Homes people going to schools they can get tested and they will but. The problem in all of this is that what republicans are pushing for essentially is to make sure that people get money but that its just enough in other words theyve been getting about 600. 00 a week thats about to expire and the new plan is to give people about 70 percent of what they were previously making to incentivize them to go back to work but if there are no jobs people are a little bit stuck now in the midst of all this now see palosi who has to agree to this package in order for it to become law is saying that this is a nonstarter what theyre looking for is money for state local government so theres a problem here and theres a tired tight timeline this all has to be done by the end of next week thats when Congress Goes on its annual recess for the update things which can be held at the White House Correspondent. Well as more people are added to the jobless tally many who spent months out of work its a waiting for official help us kimberly mentions from new york Gabriel Elizondo reports. Before sunrise hundreds of people line up outside an Unemployment Office in midwest city oklahoma theyve all lost their jobs amid the economic recession caused by coronavirus and are now waiting to get help and be laid unemployment checks Dieter Blakely used to work at a hotel casino in milwaukee wisconsin she was laid off in march and has yet to receive for Unemployment Benefits its been over 3 months with no income and been really stressed lately. Bills are piling up i worried all the time. Sometimes i went it got to be a little bit of a habit too when i woke up in the morning to look at my front door and see if there was an eviction notice on there but Deidre Blakely is just one of more than 50000000. 00 americans whove lost their jobs since a pandemic hit the u. S. In march Congress Passed a pandemic aid package that included an extra 600. 00 a week for anyone left unemployed by the pen demick the problem the money still hasnt reached many who need it so why are so Many Americans still waiting for their unemployment money i posed that question to Jesse Rothstein the former chief economist at the u. S. Department of labor he said the federal government and state governments are facing an tidal wave of Unprecedented Demand and that the systems set up in the 1970 s. To distribute unemployment money simply have not been updated and cant keep up when you triple or quadruple the volume of claims that come in the system the Computer Systems cant keep up. And to the extent that people need to be involved we dont have enough people. And so the whole the whole mechanism of the system is set up for a time thats very different from now and that leads to difficulties in getting out in times like this and with the pandemic still spreading across america and more states closing down again after reopening its feared the unemployment lines could grow along with the frustrations of those still waiting for help he rose and oh aljazeera new york the u. S. Judge has ordered president donald transform a lawyer be released from prison calling his detention retaliation for a tell all book hes about to publish Michael Cohen was originally sent home in may because of the coronavirus pandemic but he returned to prison earlier this month for failing to agree not to release the book cohen admitted financial crimes in 2018 linked to payoffs to women who claimed that theyd had sex with trump. 5 west african heads of state are meeting in mali to try to resolve a deepening political crisis that discussing ways to return stability to the country which has compromised the security of the region theyve been protests for 6 weeks in mali now with tens of thousands of people demanding president abraham get a step down activists accuse carrot of corruption mishandling the economy and failing to improve security nicholas hand counts more from dakar in neighboring senegal. We havent seen such a high level delegation coming out to west african country since. They refused to concede defeat during the president ial election of 2016 and gambia so that shows the seriousness of this delegation now as they gathered at the hotel in bamako to hold discussions with president. There were a group of supporters of. There were outside the hotel and they were drowned out by a crowd of protesters many of them women chanting mali needs peace setting the tone of this mediation efforts because in the last year and since has come to power theres been an uptick of violence especially in 2 to 2020 this year where armed groups such as. The mean and al qaeda affiliate and these state in the greater sahara have really launched several attacks away from the north in the center towards the borders of brick enough ah so really affecting the region as a whole so peace in mali will be one of the issues discussed during this mediation effort and on the table is the discussion as per the recommendation of the government of National Unity and the future of the prime minister. French president Manuel Mccall turkey against maneuvers in the Eastern Mediterranean awards the e. U. To consider sanctions it came as president Nicos Anastasiades in paris turkey has sent ships into the waters of the Energy Mission the conflict in libya has proved to be another source of tension between the 2 countries turkey banks recognize government of National Accord in tripoli france has been accused of providing military support to warlord khalifa haftar. And if he. Doesnt let me donny he in this part of the mediterranean which is vital for all of our countrys energy and Security Issues are seen chill today and their stake in the power struggles of turkey and russia in particular which are increasingly asserting themselves and against which the European Union still carries 2 little white feel it would be a serious mistake to leave our security in the mediterranean in the hands of other players this is not an option for europe and it will not be something france will let happen through no sic possible from the french capital. The french president was meeting his counterpart from the republic of cyprus at the lease and he made some statements before the 2 leaders went in for their discussions now he said that he believed that the e. U. Needed to respond more strongly to what he called provocations in the Eastern Mediterranean and he was talking about turkeys continue drilling for oil and gas off the coast of cyprus the republic of cyprus is part of the e. U. The north of cyprus the breakaway north is pro turkey now the e. U. Says this oil and gas drilling is illegal it has called on turkey in the past to stop and there are e. U. Sanctions on ankara for this france would like to see more sanctions imposed and tensions flared even further just on wednesday when turkish warships actually accompanied a turkish submarine being used for this oil and Gas Exploration in the area again violating what michael said was violation i should say of maritime law well still ahead here on aljazeera we go under the radar searching for socalled dark fishing fleets how the sustainability of seafood stocks is under threat in the far east. Celebrates its 1st English Premier League title in 30 years while trying to state television has taken the game those stories after the break. Halloa sees no rains and he says youre taking on a really picturesque form at the moment there are proper depressions forming in the flows so youve got a low sitting in the yellow sea was fronts wrapped around it we stretch across japan and stretch back towards char eventually india as well all part of the system is just rapidly developing into loads rather than just lumps of rain that means windy and wet weather thats on its way through the Korean Peninsula to waltz eventually q should holzschuh the chinese and the next versions taking its time is slowly coming in so has got there for 2 days of rain windy at 1st didnt quite understand sundays a nice looking day for you temps doesnt change very much youll notice so say the next lump are developing in sichuan but its a very loopy system so a good part of the yangtze has got about 3 dried days coming up south of this is boston a bottom edge the council for significant frequent share as it seems to be sudden born year probably sulawesi sounds that probably a dry picture if you north of that particular wet picture in sapa in the middle of the philippines and more recently and i think again in vietnam laos and cambodia it looks wet. For. A Global Pandemic mass protests demanding change economic recession and geopolitical tensions not to mention the small matter of a looming election join me Steve Clemons in conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u. S. Politics and society on aljazeera. Reason to stand the differences and similarities of cultures across the one im certain im glad to have you take it well bring you the news and current of fast that matter to you. Of the bank youre watching officer of the cell rama reminder of our top stories new figures show 1400000 people claimed Unemployment Benefits in the past week in the u. S. Its the 18th week in a row for the number has topped a 1000000 Senate Republicans are set to unveil a one trillion dollar coronavirus stimulus package later on thursday. And 5 west African Leaders are meeting in malis capital to try to resolve a deepening political crisis balis seen protests for 6 weeks with tens of thousands of people demanding president bring in the book of jeta step down. Frances president wants e. U. Sanctions on the nations that violate greek and supreme power time space it follows turkeys move to send ships into the waters on an Energy Source in mission. Afghanistans ministry of defense has confirmed carrying out a strike that killed at least 45. 00 people a district governor in the Western Province of herat says at least 8 civilians what bugs the dead the government says taliban fighters were targeted and civilians words in the area victoria fontana is a professor of peace studies at the American University in afghanistan she says the attack will impact future peace talks the trust that has been built between the different parties to the comp is clearly broken there has been no we ducked in violence in the past few weeks quite the contrary and so after this air strike which was only supposed to be targeting taliban prisoners who had been released by the government obviously after the strike this is waiting for the damage the potential relationship that could have been established between the Afghan Government and the taliban so it is not looking good for the future of the n. E. P. Stops in afghanistan. In the 93 year old german has been convicted of helping to murder more than 5000 people as a nazi concentration camp. Was a guard stude hall joining world war 2 campaigners say his 2 suspended sentence is too lenient w. K. Has more than. The offenses that this individual has been found guilty of occurred in 1944 when he was a 17 year old who was part of an s s unit in short of a concentration camp which then was in nazi germany now is in modern day poland the court that tried this individual was a youth court because the the age of the defendant when he committed the offenses was such that he couldnt be prosecuted in an adult court thats why the sentence passed on him is a suspended sentence a 2 year suspended sentence one of the interesting aspects of this case is as has been said that this is perhaps if not the last one of the very last opportunities that modern germany will have to prosecute those who it believes were guilty of crimes against humanity of war crimes during the nazi german era but it also is an opportunity to reflect upon the fact that many tens of thousands of people who had a much more intimate connection with the machinery of mass murder during that time were never prosecuted this specific individual was interviewed by west German Police extensively at the beginning of the 19 eighties and so the or florida keys were fully aware of what he had done and what he had not done during his time at that camp and they did not prosecute him then it was only in the course of the last 4 or 5 years and a decision was taken to proceed against this individual. More than 15000000 people have been infected with corona virus worldwide boast of recovered but doctors are still trying to work errol to the extent of long term damage and the 3rd part of our series we look at the research into what effects patients can expect journal reports from East Kilbride in the west of scotland. Well thats how it looks and thats the normal exit but then when you came with the disease that was tank its now thought that covert 19 is far more than just a response to treat disease and that is the picture of a very unwell individual. Infection and trauma can extend well beyond the lungs to other organs like the heart the kidneys even the brain psychosis stroke and Chronic Fatigue are all possible side effects with u. K. Hospital research being run by the universities of leicester and dum de still at the earliest stages thankfully a lot of patients have recovered and have got all that we hope these patients will recover fully think of thats an old self but we are fearful that they may not and they may have long term effects on their physical abilities or in their mental abilities i think its too early to say its not just a disease if its a long its a disease that affects the whole body nason and sponsor the whole body we know it can affect every organ watching happen in the air i think is a little different present for those worst affected the road back to full health can be a long one at the hughes vive the month in an induced coma and 17 days on ventilation machines kept him alive as his body ceased to function Getting Better still it is quite a while. Just to keep what you have to just go for a medical point of view as well because its difficult to speak to dr what knowledge you today and not a discussion of the doctor related to it which is we really gauge to really you know this is we dont know theres still a great deal that is not known about coping 19 exactly how it spreads whether its airborne or not and quite why some people are worse affected than others and for those who are most severely affected the question of long term consequences for which the medical fraternity has very few answers occupational therapist Elaine Tracey looks for signs among other things of Cognitive Impairment before patients could be sent home to fend for themselves can they remember how to complete basic tasks like make a cup of tea do you mean in the sense of brain them. About whether that is their parent thing or where that its a tangent we dont know my gut feeling is that im hoping its just because of the i. C. U. Im hoping that its not anything to do with actual call that its more the i. C. U. And bin and to beat it thats actually causing the problems so it was things thats questions heavy questions for those whove lived through the worst to cope with 19 and who now face its uncertain consequences dont hold aljazeera scotland the scientists in south africa say a large jump in the number of people dying from Natural Causes is undoubtedly related to the pandemic independent Committee Found that there were about 17 or more natural deaths and predicted and that includes people who didnt get tested for covert 19 or who were unable to seek treatment because of south africas overwhelmed hospitals. Well brazil has reported a 2nd daily increase in quote of iras cases of nearly 68000 is the worlds 2nd worst affected country after the us with more than 2000000 infections the pandemic has spread from big cities to remote rural areas present sonora has tested positive for the virus for a 3rd time. Cuba has sent thousands of doctors and nurses abroad to help combat covert 19 of the island is succeeding at keeping numbers down at home few of the 100 deaths and just over 2400 cases have been reported so far augusta reports from the capital have either. Every morning optometry student as the done there or walks through soviet style apartment blocks knocking on doors. And grandparent i got that i wasnt going to go into. At 1st its annoying waking up early every day going up and down stairs but we have to do it to do this voluntarily. One of the assigned it to you at school and you do it. Cuba is 28000 medical students have been told they must knock on doors every day if they want to graduate but the country also has the highest doctor to patient ratio in the world and across the island Family Doctors nurses and students are working to track down the virus Health Expert khana gori is preparing to reopen the cafe she founded said the islands preventative approach has been a success. Humor is doing it door to door every single place whether its a home a state enterprise a ministry everyone is getting checked down so its very block by block and its organized and it allows the Health System to take kind of a snapshot of whats happening and their holes of course you know maybe your active screener sick one day or something but in my personal experience every single day i think. You know for months that weve had active screening there have been a few days where they havent come by wearing face masks in public is not a tree those that dont wear them can be fined and those suspected of carrying the virus according to and after returning from the u. S. In march journalist Monica Rivera was put in an Isolation Center for 2 weeks and i was a comment on our. It was like a boarding school they tested asked to see whether we had the wireless we had a temperature is checked 3 times a day and a must change daily to. Note that in. The ministry of health detected no domestic transmission of corona virus over the weekend but during the week 16 people have already tested positive students like us there are likely to get a break and its time soon at augusta aljazeera. Water called dark fishing fleets Scientists Say chinese north korean trolls are threatening fish stocks by scooping up hundreds of millions of dollars worth of seafood the academic journal advanced sciences used a Satellite Technology to identify streets of hundreds of chinese trawlers and thousands of smaller north korean vessels they dont broadcast their positions in a room visible through Monitoring Systems scientists found dark practices widespread in the contested waters between japan and russia on the Korean Peninsula where theres little incentive to sharing. Later because of territorial disputes the illegal activity threatens the sustainability of fish stocks in the region where some catches have declined 82 percent in 20 years julian park is a senior Data Scientist at the global fishing watch the author of the report he says it reveals the largest known case of Illegal Fishing. The study eliminates extensive Illegal Fishing in those kind of waters by more than 900 vessels in 2017 and more than 700 in 2010 likely in violation of u. N. Sanctions and their catch is estimated to be more than one 168000 tons of squid was over 440000000. 00 between 27018. 00 and this reveals the largest known case of Illegal Fishing in the history perpetrated by muscles from one nation operating in another nations waters and we used 4 different Satellite Technology is to eliminate the activity of these dark slits and each of these Satellite Technology is provides only a partial picture but if you combine them all together it gives you the whole picture and it is the 1st time we combine all of these different Satellite Technology is to publicly exposed to t. V. Off. Using this Machine Learning techniques and big Data Analysis and how we how are we sure these are vessels always names from china because some of them some of these vessels cation really tracking devices. Satellite right tracking devices and there during their fishing trips to north korea we could track them track their movements from ports in china back to court in china and their movements on this tracking device indicate that they also fish in China National waters where no other nations are allowed to fish and fish and only we crosschecked this number of detected vessels on the water observation by south korean authorities when these vessels originated from china crossing into north korean waters through south korean waters. The English Premier League appears to be getting dragged into the growing diplomatic dispute between china and britain chinas state broadcaster c. C. T. V. Chose not to show wednesdays game between liverpool and chelsea and we understand it has removed all but one of the final round of matches for Churchill China is the premier leagues 2nd most valuable overseas media rights market after Subsaharan Africa so im in charge which is the professional of your asian sport a b and one Business School he says the premier league is becoming a political pawn. What we seem to be witnessing and have witnessed over the last 456 weeks is certain governments being prepared to weaponize almost their involvement with the premier league so weve obviously seen what appears to be an emerging story around china in the Chinese Government and in the broadcast of premier league games but then what weve also seen over recent weeks is is the World Trade Organization making as an assessment of piracy case in which an Organization Called be at kew has been involved. We know that the Saudi Arabians and the Saudi Arabian government has responded to that assessment by the World Trade Organization in a particular way. What now seems to be happening is is is that the premier league the Saudi Arabian governments. Be in sports and possibly the catherine governments who are in something of an on something of a little bit of a collision course here and so what we find is is is that at the heart of this is the premier league presumably supported by the British Government but the 2 of them together are having to fight 2 fairly big fires right now coming out of saudi arabia and coming out of china. Georgy officer with the whole rubble here in doha room. And of our top news stories new figures show 1400000 people claimed Unemployment Benefits in the u. S. In the past week its the 18th week in a row that the number has topped a 1000000 so that republicans are set to unveil a one trillion dollar coronavirus stimulus package later on thursday a White House Correspondent kimberly healthcare has more what republicans are pushing for essentially is to make sure that people get money but that its just enough in other words theyve been getting about 600. 00 a week thats about to expire and the new plan is to give people about 70 percent of what they were previously making to incentivize them to go back to work but if there are no jobs people are a little bit stuck now in the midst of all this nancy pelosi who asked to agree to this package in order for it to become law is saying that this is a nonstarter what theyre looking for is money for state local governments so theres a problem here and theres a tight tight timeline here is judge has ordered president Donald Trumps former lawyer to be released from prison calling his detention a retaliation for a tell all book is about to publish Michael Cohen was originally sent home in may because of the krona virus pandemic but he returned to prison earlier this month for failing to agree not to release the book 5 west African Leaders are meeting in belize capital to try to resolve a deepening political crisis mali seen protests for 6 weeks with tens of thousands of people demanding president brought him to because he had to step down. Frances president wants e. U. Sanctions on nations that violate greek and supreme maritime space it follows turkeys move to send ships into the waters or Energy Sourcing mission of consuls ministry of defense has confirmed carrying out an airstrike that killed at least 45. 00 people a district governor in the Western Province of herat says at least 8 civilians were bugs that the government says taliban fighters were targeted and civilians werent in the area. A 93 year old german man has been convicted of helping to murder more than 5000 people in a nazi concentration camp photo day was a guard at stuart hall for joining world war 2 campaigners say his 2 year suspended sentence is too lenient those were the headlines quickly full of those stories on our website to tell jews that dot com more news in half an hour with me but next its the bottom line to stay with us. Hi im Steve Clemons i have a question what will it take to get the United States back on line and back to normal lets get to the bottom line. American just like everyone else around the world are wondering about the months ahead should we let our kids go back to school face to face what are the risks how many more will lose their jobs or worse their lives will the stock market crash or most folks going to go back to their offices or their businesses or their colleges in other words well life go back to normal any time soon and what will the quote unquote new normal even be meanwhile american states have been left to their own devices to deal with this virus in the absence of any coherent National Policy or guidance some states

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