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Secretary of state might meet his british counterpart and calls for the building of a coalition that understands what he calls the chinese threat. And hallucinations and a feeling of being abducted one mans long battle to overcome with 90. 2 to the program an Intelligence Report has found the British Government actively avoided looking into evidence of russian interference in u. K. Politics it says the government failed to take action even after evidence of merged of moscow trying to influence the 2014 Scottish Independence referendum the authors say its hard to prove the kremlin meddled in the later breaks it referendum but the u. K. Was slow to recognize the threat and the report warns that russias cyber capability poses what it calls an immediate threat to Britains National security now members of the Parliamentary Committee also accuse the government of being complacent about the flow of illegal russian money into the country. What we do know about russian influence in the u. K. Is that it is the new normal successive governments of welcome russian oligarchs and their money with open arms and there is a lot of russians with very close links to. Putin who are now very well integrated into but both u. K. Business political and social scene which we refer to as lending as it london grad yet few if any questions of the National Guard the province of considerable wealth this open door approach has provided an ideal mechanism by which illicit finance could be recycled through the london laundromat. The u. K. Foreign secretary dominic rob says the government categorically rejects any allegations but it underestimated russia. I think if you look. Weve got a long period recognising the enduring significant threat areas by russia to the u. K. Feeding information cyber russia is a top National Security priority we call our russia when its necessary sharing information to the Cyber Attacks on research and development to cities in the u. S. And u. K. And kind of ever coming together of all this and we are not for a 2nd. Complacent about prayer russia pariss when it comes to cyber. Care has more from london. It is really quite damning and very critical over lax and complacent the way that governments excessive governments going going back a few years now have dealt with this issue of russian influence through social means as well as economic means as well and the Cottage Industry of lawyers and Estate Agents and and accountants that welcomed high profile russians into the country and dedicated themselves to their services as was put there as a kind of functioning as a kind of laundromat as well and also theres a very serious question mark being put over certain members of the house of lords the upper house in the palace of westminster in parliament over their ties to russian businesses or the russian Financial Institutions as well the British Government has already said that retrospective assessment of the of the vote is not necessary as there was no attempt of any successful interference well that we cannot know at all considering that there was all the microtargeting and the focus that was put on social media platforms to provide misinformation which is really a stall. Of of what a russian interference has been able to do. Russians severance and elections has been raised again not the white house News Conference a short time ago lets get the details of all correspondent kimberly how it could challenge the White House Press secretary all the impact old lot of the revelations from the u. K. What did she have to say. Yeah i really wanted to find out from the press secretary what is being done because the u. S. President to they tweeted about concerns with regard to mail in boating and the integrity of u. S. Elections potentially that they could be a corrupt that they could be rigged as so the question i had was if there is concern about internal sabotage what is the concern and what are the actions that have been taken recently to mitigate xterm sabotage that specifically for russia and other state actors like china heres what the press secretary had to say you routinely engages with congress on Election Security on part particularly 1st what do you think the Elections Security specific hearings he signed legislation 71000000 dollars and so on and so forth and thats quite a contrast to the obeid in the Obama Biden Administration who when told of meddling in 2016 did nothing and in fact susan rice told the white house cyber team to stand down and quote knock it off when they floated when they floated options to combat russian Cyber Attacks and even obamas cyber chief Michael Daniel has confirmed the stand down order for the more than 3 years im asking whats been done now i hear these fresh concerns what are we going to hear from the president and whats been done out of the listed off 3 or 4 things 3 and im happy to go through more i we can talk about the 71 letter back in legislation on Election Security we can talk about the 15000000 for election reform activities we can talk about legislation making more than 805000000 available to states. So we will get the opportunity to hear from the u. S. President and perhaps he will take the opportunity to answer that question because we have to remember that not only has russia been proven to influence or at least meddle in u. S. Elections but weve seen again china weve also had this report now coming out of the u. K. That there was interference in the Scottish Referendum so these are questions that many reporters have in the United States add to that russia has also been found in the last week to be interfering when it comes to Vaccine Research canada the United States as well as the United Kingdom all confirming that so this will be an opportunity for the u. S. President to address Election Integrity also the kremlin to perhaps put it on notice as weve seen from his opponent joe biden who will be facing off in the november election whether or not hes going to put the prevalent on notice with respect to the Vaccine Research or even protecting u. S. Elections as Many Americans would like him to do indeed well see what happens later in the day with you hopefully kimberly thank you kelly how composed washington d. C. Now its being held out as a Pivotal Moment for europe to rescue deal with nearly 860000000000 dollars to help economies ravaged by coronavirus the agreements between the e. U. Leaders was reached i have to days of tough negotiations start some ripples not for most of them in the netherlands. It was a test of an durant for e. U. Leaders in their longest gox summit in decades 4 days of tough negotiations with tempers often freight finally on the 5th a deal 859000000000. 00 in non repayable grants and loans to countries worst affected by the coronavirus can then make cuts. In we we spent 4 long days and nights of negotiation more than 90 hours but it was worth it this agreement is a signal that europe is able to act after all people often accused europe of being too little too late for us here were demonstrating that the opposite is the case dawned in masks it was the leaders 1st face to face meeting since government imposed lockdown restrictions in march lockdowns that also meant the biggest economic downturn since the great depression. German chancellor Angela Merkel was among leaders from france spain and italy who led the way in convincing the block to consider the amount evenly into loans and grants. Weve laid the financial foundations for the e. U. For the next 7 years and at the same time came up with a response to the biggest crisis in the history of the European Union with the recovery fund. The south proclaimed frugal for sweden denmark austria and the netherlands initially stood opposed to the deal. The group led by the dutch Prime Minister mark hurd worried about death but in the end they were also convinced. This is of course difficult in the decisions in very difficult times for all your appearance and martin which ended in success for all 27 Member States is with especially for the people this is a good deal this is a strong view and most importantly this is the right deal for europe writes no its an unprecedented aid package and unprecedented times with so many European Countries suffering from the covert 1000. 00 crisis the European Union did not have much choice but to show solidarity and unity otherwise its relevance would have been seriously questioned now its up to the individual leaders to sell this expensive deal at home while the e. U. Bloc has been faced with rising unemployment as Large Industries including airlines and Car Manufacturers lay off workers inside these walls in brussels many are hailing this as a Historic Deal and a big step forward in suffering the economic blow the liver by the pandemic step aljazeera amsterdam issues surrounding china have topped the agenda during a meeting between the u. S. Secretary of state. And the u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson in london for talks commerce both countries increase pressure on both sharing of allegations of Human Rights Violations and National Security issues has banned arms sales to hong kong and suspended its extradition treaty with the territory while the us has imposed visa restrictions on employees of the chinese tech giant while away. We think that the entire world needs to Work Together to assure that every country including china behaves in the International System in ways that are appropriate consistent with the International Order but you cant go make claims for maritime regions that you have no lawful claim to you cant threaten countries and bully them in the himalayas you cant engage in cover ups and coopt International Institutions like the World Health Organization we hope we can build out a coalition that understands this threat will work collectively to convince the Chinese Communist party its not in their best interest to engage in this kind of behavior who told our joys in london with more on pump a is visit. The 2 men took a markedly different approach dominic robb with his diplomatic hat on talking about their shared security concerns talking about iran and plans for the middle east and might compare as you heard there really playing into china talking about the crackdown on hong kong their treatment of the weaker muslims and their mishandling he called it over the corona Virus Outbreak saying he wants every nation to now Work Together to create a coalition. To push back against the china Chinese Communist party and he used that word communist party about 8 times wanting to build this coalition he also did thank the u. K. Government for their decision to ban the Chinese Telecoms Company huawei from the building out this countrys 5 g. Infrastructure he called that a sovereign decision again using that word sovereign again and again possibly to dispel concerns here that the decision from Boris Johnson came after pressure from the United States earlier pompei or before meeting the Prime Minister and the foreign minister decided to meet 20 parliamentarians who dont hold positions in this government but what they have in common is that they have all in the past pushed back against china and voiced their concerns and he really sees them as allies and i think he was meeting with them to hear what what else they would like to do to express their displeasure with beijing and that ranges from banning to talk to barring china from investing in Nuclear Power stations here. Well still ahead here on aljazeera Rights Groups demanded summation battery problem pakistani journalist goes missing. Im going hey reporting from thailand which used to be the largest exporter of rice in the world well tell you why the numbers are continuing to fall. Hello there mostly horse and drive course throughout much of the middle east we have had wanted to showers in the last few days across areas of yemen also these coastal areas of oman we could see a few more of those as well in the next few days but to the north is the unclear and dry and it has been warm so you can see why people are cooling down in this fountain in it to be seen now and the actual fat all some showers on the way across into georgia as they go through wednesday heavy downpours as well particularly towards azerbaijan maybe going to 2 showers on the way to to run as well but a warm day a high there of 38 degrees celsius and you can see the blowing sand and dust through iraq and further south across into saudi temperatures of course here typically in the mid to high fortys celsius but the winds a sunny kicking up a son just for the next couple of days and as i say be prepared wanted to showers in and around santa and also across towards a solid then down into Southern Africa plenty of rain through those central tropical regions but were also watching this this massive cloud here its a possible Tropical Cyclone developing in the next couple of days it doesnt make a great deal of headway tools madagascar but even so through these eastern areas and of course the usual say across seas and central tropical regions them by thursday the rain becoming a little bit closer to nor the madagascar but staying fine and dry across south africa very nice in cape town. Frank assessments tourism but the income stream is dead in the water whats been the result in poaching quite significantly informed opinions there has been a very aggressive political rhetoric that has become very normal and it really is citing indepth analysis of the days global headlines its time for new policy to stay on the street not only seem to grady but he read to me this the ability of we all continues inside story on aljazeera. For the market watching i was there with me so whole rahman a reminder of our top stories and Intelligence Reporters found the British Government actively avoided looking into russian interference in the u. K. Politics of the government failed to take action even after evidence emerged of moscow trying to influence the 2014 Scottish Independence referendum. The nations of agreed a multibillion dollar coronavirus recovery package after a fortnight of talks and intense negotiations the majority of the deal is being offered as grounds to hardest hit Member States and china has topped the agenda during a meeting between the u. S. Secretary of state and the u. K. Prime minister in london the talks come as both countries increase pressure on beijing over allegations of Human Rights Violations and National Security issues. Iraqs Prime Minister is in iran where hes met with the president Hassan Rouhani and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei its. First foreign trip since taking office in may the leaders discussed several issues including boosting trade and supporting each other in the fight against terrorism and carter means visit was meant to come after a trip to saudi arabia been cancelled as saudi king of the lizzies is in hospital. To our brothers in iraq and i see our people hold positive sentiments to yours and the iraqi people always ask prior to exceptional bilateral cooperation based on Mutual Respect and without any intervention in Domestic Affairs we fought against isis and other terrorist groups and iran was the 1st to stand by our side and this cannot be forgotten was a bus driver has more from tehran. We have to remember that the new Prime Minister took over the role in iraq just around 2 months ago when he began by cracking down on pro iranian militias and if that was the stick on this 1st diplomatic visit his 1st time out of the countrys Prime Ministers 1st time visiting iran as Prime Minister he brought a carrot in a speech made in front of his his delegation as well as some of the most important leaders some of the most powerful people in iran the Prime Minister of iraq really gave a speech that was a kind of a love letter to iran he emphasized the importance of irans relationship with iraq he emphasized the Important Role that iran plays as a regional actor in terms of stabilizing the region in terms of bringing peace and stability and prosperity to the region and ill read to you some of what he said he said iraq attaches importance to defending iran and will not allow any threat to be imposed against iran from iraqi soil certainly a significant thing to say is especially as iran is continuing to investigate a series of explosions and industrial accidents that people say are of a mysterious nature that have happened throughout the country in recent weeks. Another attempt being made to break the deadlock over africas largest hydroelectric dam and leaders from ethiopia sudan and egypt started a Virtual Summit now the last round of talks on the ground renee sunstar mended a week ago with very little progress the sticking points include how any future disputes will be resolved and how ethiopia will respond to droughts in the region sudan in egypt say the dam will affect their Water Supplies and they want to operate until a binding agreement is reached. Germanys foreign minister has called on turkey to stop drilling in the Eastern Mediterranean if it hopes for any progress in talks with the e. U. Heiko mass also says egypts decision to send troops abroad for potential military intervention in libya could escalate the conflict egyptian president a bill for the sisi has previously pledged support for forces loyal to the ward cleaver hafter lots of tripolis government and its turkish allies attacked the city of sirte the area is controlled by half to us forces and as a gateway to libyas Oil Rich Region mali is opposition has called for a pause in protests ahead of the upcoming festival they have been demanding the president yet are steps down International Mediators heading or are heading back to bamako later this week to try to find a solution the opposition has already rejected a proposal from regional bloc echo us calling for a unity government nicholas haq has more from dhaka in neighboring senegal. Coming back to this 10 day hiatus of the protest movement well that coincides with the end of the Monitoring Mission set out by the echo was to ensure that the government takes the steps that the west african body has recommended including the appointment of new constitutional judges so that there could be a corum of 5 judges that could rule over the contested parliamentary election result 31. 00 seats that went to the ruling party and there are being contested by the by the protesters and by the Opposition Movement yesterday president. Wanted to meet with the union of judges but the universe judges refused to meet with the president saying their demands by the president are on unconstitutional so clearly siding with the protest movement so as you mentioned 4 heads of states are coming to go on thursday to try to break the deadlock thats currently taking place in the us in this political crisis including present my case of senegal the president of ghana ivory coast and as well of their hoping that they can bring both parties to the table to form some sort of dialogue to bring an end to this deadlock. Problem in pakistani journalist critical of the countrys military has gone missing in the Capital Islamabad Police a month john who was last seen outside a school in the capital on choose the morning footage from surveillance cameras show him and dragging a driver out of his car and into another vehicle Rights Groups are demanding more information on his whereabouts call her house more from islamabad. We remember. Being angry. And recently one of. The 2 move. Working. Again. On going by however had wife. Went missing. And. After that headed back again that. I recorded to be secured. From the police. Taking him away however the government had not yet commented on a nation on the other hand. Coming out against the government. Against the freedom of the press the opposition. Are getting together to try to move against the government after the holidays. About. 229 people have died in iran from covert 19 in a single day its been the hardest hit country in the middle east but started relaxing its lockdown in april an official whos part of. Full says hospitals are facing acute shortages of medical staff and. Its a potential current Virus Vaccine Development of chinese and brazilian scientists has been flown from beijing to say use 3 trials 100 volunteer doctors and medics will be the 1st to receive the drug. Well until a vaccine has been developed doctors are testing existing drugs to see what works now jonah hole was given access to scottish hospitals taking part in a huge experiment that could save thousands of lives in the 1st of a 3 part series he traveled to East Kilbride to hear one mans story of survival. A simple household ritual tea with his daughters that eddie hughes will never take for granted. 7 points and long packed and that i was packing in her shoes with 200. 00 necessary into liters Larry Ellisons shot machines whether it was to what it was functioning she was machines it would be silly for 1st person to keep me alive aged 56 eddie contracted coded 19 after 2 previous bouts of sepsis had weakened his immune system and flashbacks to call it. Flashbacks you dont north of you are not very computer. The various the lariam who said janick. Feeling of being abducted trapped daughter stacey fills in some of the blanks Software Title were told what dont overbuy ever know him keep your feelings on him and we may have to thank you both when pearson but it will come up to see could by only one person would be allowed in but in the next year you can do with 14 caesar salad a little bit like its starting to need lasik surgeons only have one point in 100 percent oxygen requirement which means basically the machines do nothing for them and then the next day or members of these we lose people who 1st mastered lives. And then were not really used to you high dependency you. Thought was probably water if it had been an i. C. U. Because i was a weak. You could move troops everywhere. Could control no strength at all you know a lot of how to call my own was probably new on trucks and stuff a lot of stuff really very ugly to. Shoot the nazis could we see the back of it. At the hospital in scotland where eddie was treated i spoke to Critical Care nurse Laura Ferguson he was quite slow to wake up but when he did he was very pleasant and in many of the players to look after him and i very clearly remember taking pictures to send to his family and he has a big snail and thumbs up but his family and to us thats my lasting memory of him. Approvals as every finally left intensive care after weeks on ventilation in an induced coma a long road to full recovery lies ahead but says hell make every day count i got to do with what. Sports people do from Something Else happens. To understand which of the important new life. You just learned who has joined a whole aljazeera East Kilbride scotland. To help for the next part in our coded 900 series as we go beyond eddie he was survival to look at the experimental drug that he believes saved his life. Tyler and has been relatively successful at handling the pandemic but its economy is struggling and its expected to be the most affected in asia and thats largely because of its reliance on tourism and exports the Agriculture Sector mainly rice is facing a particularly tough time as where he explains from bangkok. Farming has never been an easy way to make a living but in thailand these are particularly tough times this year growers of rice and other crops have been hit hard on multiple fronts all beyond their control but. Theres not enough water to grow rice probably the rainy season arrived late this year and the water in the canal is true salty the farmer be in trouble if theres not enough rain soon because the drought was really bad this year. Thailand is the worlds 2nd largest exporter of rice but is likely to drop down the list this year the coronavirus pandemic slow demand the thai rice as other produces such as vietnam stockpiled their own product to protect domestic food stocks in case of a shortage now there are freeing up supply flooding the International Market which is pushing prices down but not the thai exporters who cant compete on price even though thailands rice farmers have had a difficult year with drought which affected production warehouses and mills like this are expected the fill up in the months ahead as exports continue to decline theyll have the product to sell but the strong thai currency makes it the most expensive rice in Southeast Asia exports may fall by 30 percent this year and Industry Leaders worry about the long term future of the sick. We are less competitive now you know why because our labor costs is increasing our land prices increasing and our farmers. You know its more than 55 years old most of them are next generation they dont want to go into farming so any more growers whove been working the fields their whole lives are also concerned they say a government subsidy in the form of a price guarantee wont be enough but walking away from farming isnt an option for the. Continue to grow rice i dont know what else i can do im getting old and i cant work in the factory and know that im not going to make. A lot of money but i have to carry on with around a 3rd of thailand 70000000 people working in agriculture thats a sentiment that will be echoed around the country wayne hay al jazeera bangkok. Your job as a road we sell rama reminder of our top stories an Intelligence Report has found the British Government actively avoided looking into russian to ferentz a new k politics it says the government failed to take action even after evidence of merged of moscow trying to influence the 2014 Scottish Independence referendum but the u. K. Foreign secretary dominic rob says the government rejects allegations that underestimated russia. I think if you look. Weve got a long period recognizing the enduring significant threat posed by russia to u. K. Looting in relation to cyber russia as a top National Security priority we call out russia when its necessary sharing information to the Cyber Attacks on research and development to cities in the u. S. U. K. And canada ever done that going to go and we are not for a 2nd. Complacent about russia when it comes to cyber. The nations of agree to a multibillion dollar krone virus recovery package after a 4th night of talks and intense negotiations the majority of the deal is being offered as grounds to hardest hit Member States. Issues surrounding china have topped the agenda during a meeting between u. S. Secretary of state and the u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson in london the talks comers both countries increase pressure on beijing allegations of Human Rights Violations and National Security issues. Germanys foreign minister has called on turkey to stop drilling in the Eastern Mediterranean if it hopes for any progress in talks with the e. U. Heiko mass also says egypts decision to send troops abroad for potential military intervention in libya could escalate the conflict and other terms being made to break the deadlock over africas largest hydroelectric dam leaders from ethiopia sudan and egypt have started a Virtual Summit sudan and egypt say the dam will affect their Water Supplies and dont want it operating until a binding agreement is reached those are the headlines and back to the aljazeera news are in half an hour next on aljazeera its inside story to stay with us. How close are we to a career that 19 Vaccine Research teams in the u. K. Have released promising results from the trials but once a back seat is developed how do we make sure that everyone gets it this is inside story. Hello there and welcome to the program. The race for a coven 1000 vaccine is gathering pace scientists around the world are competing to develop a safe and effective treatment that may help and the pandemic is of research is being completed in just a few months

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