Changing the world living the government has shifted focus from saving lives to saving the economy. Counting the cost on aljazeera. 6 years ago an island secret mass grave for babies was discovered near a home for unmarried pregnant women in an institution run by Roman Catholic nuns to find set off a scandal that has raised deeply disturbing questions about the relationship between the irish state in the Catholic Church and the distressing sight of thousands of children who died in their care in this 2nd part of our investigation correspondent orange lee reveals shocking new evidence about how and where some of those babies were very. 6 years ago it became clear that the bodies of hundreds of babies have been disposed of in an old sewage tank in the grounds of a catholic home for unmarried mothers in choom island. In the 1st part of our investigation we looked at the cruel and abusive treatments by church and states of young women accused of the mortal sin of pregnancy outside marriage. In this 2nd pass we investigate the fate of the babies the women were trashed they were societys thrown away. Why would you trade a child in the back to. Reveal the sheer scale of the scandal how foundations of babies died and why families and survivors feel so betrayed by the authorities breaking torn in the system i guess church and state are going to keep the church from coming else. And we present shocking distressing new evidence about how and where the religious orders disposed of the bodies. They were often in rather grand buildings legacies of the British Colonial aristocracy. But it is difficult to imagine the harshest dollars in life than to be born into one of violence cruelly misnamed mother and baby homes. Because behind the carefully cultivated a major of pious tranquility lets a very different reality as a medical officer dr james dean who visited best grim other and baby home in 1947 laser recalled it was a beautiful institution and seemed to be well run. Spotlessly clean. But when he pulled the pristine bedding back from the babies every baby had some puerile until infection of the skin and all had green diarrhoea carefully covered. Despite the resistance of local Church Leaders talk to dini did get improvements in that home but the problems continued elsewhere those high buildings for the children slept Catherine Colas the local historian who 6 years ago told the world about the babies in the sewage tank in choom grew up in the town i remember. Home day business because. Its been silent and carefully. Just kind of came mr. Toombs mother and baby home was run by the bone sekula sisters someone who knew only too well what went on behind those dog walls was Julia Devaney she lived there from 1926 when she was just 8 until it closed in 1961 and then recorded her experiences. In. The. Home a lot. Of hot. Chocolate. There was no need for the 1st 4 well paid for the last children. Tensioning for head per child per mother back in line to. The young women were expected to stay on for a year or more after the baby was born laboring unpaid for the nuns in penance for their sin. The women were literally slave labor so if youre not paying. Out of the mean time the government or pay for every woman and every child indeed sometimes paying more than they should this confidential memo reveals the best bernanke would sometimes continue to claim government payments from others that actually discharged years before. And thats was in the only money spent a while poor mothers paid penance in unpaid labor rich girls could buy their way out for a 5000. 00 euros in todays money. But even rich girls could not avoid the trauma of having their baby taken from them. The nuns soon saw another potential source of income that. Adoptions. The babies were just in order. Thats all we were to church taught right this is a baby making factory i can make money. Thats where greediness. Theresa collins was born ensure also be run by the sisters of the sacred hearts under its then mother superior sister hildegardes mcnulty. The nun very calming. The way they put it into a sisterhood of authority pushing a donation was met. But the donation was 100 pounds. Or traded human life with trade. And so Shannon Airport is just 60 miles west of Sean Ross Abbey found itself at the center of an International Trade in traffics babies mainly to the families of returning american servicemen. To the church realized that babies are the could be sold to america as carroty quite babies. In order to put the babies up for adoption the nuns would pressurize mothers into signing away their rights and occasionally it seems they also resort seats to forgery. I was talking to one particular mother who put next she signed her name she could do was put down the next and when she went to look at her. For her daughter in the adoption fight the signature was signed her name but no heart. So we know that document but if you wanted to adopt a child there was one criteria you needed to satisfy above all. The Catholic Church was afraid the catholic babies would be adopted by problems that koppels our souls will be lost to the Catholic Church. The true figure of traffics babies may never be known. To this day hundreds of those children may have no idea they are adopt it. Sister hildegarde reportedly later admits hes adoptions became shown role savvis graces source of income. One of those babies was collene anderson although in her case build a god of a possible interest. My birth mom was 14 and she was right so she was sent to Sean Ross Abbey where she had me. Sister hell the car was in charge of all the adoptions. And she sent me to her niece in the states. I didnt realize tell i got older that my adoptive mom was schizo franek and there was a lot of a lot of physical and mental abuse so i ended up in hospital few times for with head injuries. Her just pushed me against the wall or i come to school sometimes bleeding. But i survived the hand i wanted to be the opposite of how my optima was i never married never had kids i was always afraid that i would be like her. Those kids who escaped adoption faced an equally bleak future some were forced to douse often ins would be use of situations many others was sent to Industrial Schools notoriously brutal places run by religious orders. Die out just out of it is that. Yeah even a few Morris Oconnell was incarcerated in an Industrial School in truly along with his step brother kevin nobody really saw a mix with before. The dogs taught to go to take the doctor and he would 3 or 4 of them scrub big my brother he was red draw we was we would be. There was one day i was a priest came to visit. But he sexually molested me when i was about 7 years of age. Most kids stayed as Industrial School until the age of 16 when they were kicked out brutalized and ill equipped the independent living. Girls were particularly vulnerable a lot of these young gardeners are taking advantage. Of a sudden they found out or pregnant they barely got a whiff of a little Sister School a bucket of water a baby help them cut tribes for 2 of article and laundry us published. In magdalene laundries run by nuns socalled fall in women were subjected to abusive regimes of forced labor often for years. Thats why they were a mind of their son that was a nice cover up that repent while they were getting the free labor of. The few people did escape from this Conveyor Belt of abuse but it wasnt easy. In 19097 months pregnant Catherine Bryan ran away from best for a mother and baby whom she saved to some educated herself go to University Degree and became a rights activist. Taking god my children had nothing to do with the sister we call it is. Now thought it was because the charges are odd to watch. But the most shocking consequence of that church and state system was the face of those who didnt escape it or survive its. Between 4 and 6000 babies died in islands mother and baby homes from diseases that reads like a litany of neglect. Malnutrition why does a baby where people are being paid money to die of malnutrition. And on to do the babies were dying of mortality rates of 20 to 40 percent a year year after year i did it nothing about oceans. In 2015 the government set up a commission of investigation into the whole mother and baby home scandal. For the relatives the idea that the remains of thousands of children are scattered around oil and shouldnt really be a matter for a Civil Commission of inquiry its all it should be something for these people the police. Is always a commission theres always a report what theres always a forum but when. The commission which has produced several interim reports was supposed to submit its final report and recommendations in 2018 the families and survivors are still waiting. I do not want any more excuses i do not want any more white washing. Above all they want to know where these babies are so they can be identified grieved over and finally and respectfully laid to rest. When i started here in the mid eightys Michael Donovan was working as a gardener in the Sean Ross Abbey mother and baby home when he was asked by the nuns to help lines. An overgrown area of scrub going to just start the way fryers off the top of the here and. The fact that fall down this way at it turned over to stop and i just noticed the office was tossed off. That area where michael found the bones is now a carefully tended child Burial Ground known as an angels plots. But that plant is not all it seems. 9 years ago the nuns admitted that the 269 babies had died in Charlotte Russe a number that could plausibly be buried in these plots. But it is now clear that over a 1000 babies died here. So where all of. This photograph was taken in 1974 not long after the nuns close to home but there is no obvious sign of the angels plus which the nuns now claim was a consecrated graveyard where they buried babies in individual coffins however weve established that the area above this hedge which takes up the top 3rd of the nuns claimed angels plots actually contains the pits used by the nuns for the mass burial of unbaptized babies and still belongs. Tony mcguire is an archaeologist an anthropologist who specializes in the location the next invasion of unmarked graves. Just a ticket. So with that area unavailable for the families and burials it is even clearer the remaining area cannot speak of the true extent of the graveyards. The most probable scenario is that in reality its a. Extends either her faintly visible pathway here on the 974 picture or right up to the Walled Garden here. And that is a cause of deep concern because of Something Else we have discovered. This plan produced by a Tipperary Town council was submitted so the commission a copy has found its way to us. It describes a sewage pipe installed in the late ninetys which runs from an inspection hatch here directly beside the current angels plots to an inspection hatch here and beyond. But as weve established that plan is wrong in several important respects. The inspection hatches are actually here and here and between them in the projects apparently agreed between the nuns and the council a sewage system has been constructed in land which may well contain child burials. Our investigation suggests that the system includes a settlement tank. An overflow pipe here and a sewage outlet pipe cutting through the probable Burial Grounds and then teeing into another tank constructed within the current angels plots. Disturbingly around the same time the sewage system was installed yet small damage was done to the potential Burial Grounds when they were planted with fast growing conifers. They have not. Over the area where the pipe. The roots of this leak damaged the pipes. It fuck a sink any barrier that may be included in not around as well. You know early 2019 the commission ordered the Ground Penetrating radar survey of the plots followed by test excavations that still not said what they found but we can reveal the survey confirmed the existence of a tank within the angels panels. Are we. To allow this level of just the question. Maybe died. Do we really we just sucks this little. That we are not even going to. Like Sean Ross Abbey best spring mother and baby home in cork was run by the sisters of the sacred hearts of jesus and mary whose convent still overlooks the home. The home closed in the late ninetys but that can also raise its awful paused. As they scan Financial Health Service Briefing notes from 1934 to 19531 quarter of all babies died in their 1st 12 months of life. Over 900 babies died here but only 64 graves are recorded and families a desperate to know where the rest are buried. But on field to point to the area that we called the angel of the Little Family starkiller area bring a woman along here there are no. There are no your baby for them. And so this tiny plots became the focus for the grief of survivors and relatives. Basically what they call the angel father the area that they face that 500 babies are just just enough yeah. We know theyre not final yet. The numbers now suggest they cant remember where they buried them. A claim described by the commission as very difficult to understand. I dont believe for one second they dont know where the Burial Grounds are and i dont believe for one second that they dont how far apart of everything that happened in both cases. The commission acknowledged that although children could be buried in the grounds they could refute all the available maps all available aerial images and have conducted site surveys they could find new physical or documentary evidence of possible unrecorded burial arrangements. But the commission missed a vital piece of evidence. They smile. It is a hands annotated plan prepared by an official consul during the site visit in 1949 that morning them to a group found in the archives of the Irish Ordnance survey. And it specifically describes an area along the side of a wooded path leading from the main house towards the fully as a childrens Burial Ground. But could unmarked graves still be physical decades after they would dug a grave never settle. You listen to ground it never fills back in exactly the way it was. So when you get what. I saw my eyes. Create an. Educational defenders you can see the impressions in the ground i play in a. The grave is really gentle farmable. We are in the relevant variable or thundering on how to look around. And i often on the basis for a. Thing that we dont deal with hurdle. We sent the drone up to get a better view. We could see a couple of old fetched beds. But Something Else as well. Smaller rectangular patches. We took our images to tony. They all regular rose. By. Name with much to find for an individual. Given the gene have a potential for burial here there are definite areas and just significantly of interest. To even know prominent features like. If it was just. In that small area alone we can discern perhaps a couple of dozen potential graves. So this whole area is vitally important to the families and to the commission. But its also of course a potential crime scene. Which makes what we see next all the more disturbing. Someone hes digging up the area and walking towards the suspected graves. 15 feet i was earning because no one should be taking around here but otoh i like our holiday. As to what happened in the playoff contender. Are you worried about i think if there is no suggestion the workman has any idea of the significance of the sites but he agrees to stop walk and we inform the sense of managements of the areas importance just fine on the old area and the question the commission told us it was well aware of all the matters we mention and added this as it was conducting a statutory investigation it does not comment on the evidence available to it. But this story. Is very far from over. Foundations of survivors and bereaved families are still waiting for the truth still waiting to find their dead and still waiting for someone to be called to account. The church and the irish states have a lot of questions to answer. You cant be a Healthy Society if youre not willing to look out what you did to thousands and thousands of your own citizens. Is a lot of guilt on my end and i guess i think its just a little child inside. The adult knows that you know it wasnt my fault but the little child that either never grew up or never healed doesnt know that. The charge and fear did not bank and any of us. And speaking about it a bank under shame but weve not me shamed about. We also the religious orders weve named in this film for response to the issues weve raised they declined to be interviewed the sisters of the sacred hearts said they were cooperating fully with the commission of investigation in a statement they added we provided the service for these women we did not create the society which contributed to such exclusion and pain the sisters of bonsa cool so that only that they continued to cooperate with the commission and could not comment ahead of its final report we also asked to pereira recounted council for a response to the issues weve raised in relation to the angels plot and Sean Ross Abbey it told us that the planets and submitted to the commission was only an indicative drawing and was not strong to scale the council did not address all questions about the location of the burial plot but did say their investigation determined no environmental issues. What is the price of luxury. An Undercover Team travels deep into the illegal cocoa plantations of the ivory coast Simple Solutions are very hard to find for something as complicated as the child labor chocolates hearts of darkness and count as unpaid child labor as working in a 100000000000 dollar industry over a hot of the countrys cocoa produces live below the poverty line coming soon. Jump into the stream and julian on Global Community this generation will have to create its own democracy social media on and on line be part of the debate let me put some you keep coming steve when no topic is off the table is taking on all the systemic islands that people of color have suffered not only now but for decades we are going to need to transform lives the way he treats human equating business if were going to adapt to climate breakout this street on out is the in. The u. S. Government tries to stop a major city and forcing facemasks of the harbor of corona virus infections continues to rise. Hello im adrian for the good this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up stretched to breaking point brazils covert cases top 2000000 and hospitals war look theyre running out of beds. Rushing back taxes are accused of trying to steal research on a Coronavirus Vaccine the kremlin denies it. And fighting flares up along as

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